TOC& BRANDS. While jon keep your subscription paid op yea can keep your brand in freeot charge. A.Hyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses Qii on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. under tU on right ear. and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row ooanty. Bsird, D. W.aud eon. Horse onunrn u a on the ie n "" ; tu"i ",t crop on nni er, uiiuaiuiwH ....j in Morrow Ouunty, Wten, A. A.. Heppner, Or. Horsey mnninf A A on shoulder; Oattle. same on riant hip. Koun, J. B., Goosstwrrj, Ot.Honm brandae T8on the rtaht.hnn.d' k a.. AlDine. Or. Horses branded 7 E on either ehoulder. Banitein Mor- TOBanni"ter, J. W.. Hardman. Or.-Cattle brand ed Hon left hip and thih: split m each ear. Hrnner Peter, Hoosftborry Orewn Horses braXl PB onloftiho.Uder. Cattle same on riBro"man, Jerry, 1ma. Or.-HorBe, branded 7 on riS? shoulder; oattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop -nd riht ear upper slope Barton, Wm.. Hppner, Or.,-Horo. J B on rieht thigh; oattle same on r.ght hip; split in eaBrrn, J. C. Heppner. Or.-Horsee, circle CwUh do'ttnoei teron loft hip; cattle, . Brown! W. J., Lena. Orenon. Horses W. bar oveir it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hiBoyer. W. Q., Heppner. Or.-Horses box hX right 'hip oattle, same, with split in each ear; P R nn left Born, f. U., nepp. , . - on lXridWoropon left ear and two splits and middle piece out out on right ear; on horses same brand onhe loft thigh; Kange in Fox valley. nTwarren. Wagner, Or.-Horse, brand. dO on right stifle; cattle (three bars) on right ribsVcrop and split in each ear. Kange in ttrunt and Morrow oonntios. Cain E.?(;aleb.Or.-Y I) on horses on left s ifle D wHh quarter circle over it. on left shoulder and on Teft stifle on all colts under 5 years; on "eft shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All rTJnChMnBrVin.on or Lena. Or Horses H C on r&ht shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Hange Morrow and Omatllla oonntios. Corrigali. M M, Oalloway, Or-CaUle crop out of f aohar and nnderhit. wattle in forah-ad; horselharf circle C on left .tine, ltenge Mor- nfl II mat ilia oonnties. Curt T. H.. John Day. Or.-Double cross on each hip on oattle, swallow fork and undm bi fnright ear, split in left ear. Range in Gran conn?y On slieop. inverted A and spear f point SVuopefhiHnkr JS?td nunderrbhalf "roS in left ear. Au rang. in Orant oountv. Hn. on,,,, Hghtshonl rtVf'at"le.sameonrighthip; ear mark square left tin. Or.-Oattle, C with Bin center; horsesJliB on left hip. Hordes brandVclrole with jbar beneath, ou left shonlXn cattle same brand on both hips, mark "I !hrpinP T, Herd,n. 'or",-Hor-e. branded . and cut oil end of brand on right shouldor, UongTase. W. M .Oallowav. Or.-Cattle, R D on rigl.t stdn, .w.low-fork in each ear; horse., 11 D ""vil'Slr. Douglas, branded KLY onft'shoihder0. oattle same on leftlnp. hoi. in right ear. GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewinfr Machine do not be deeeived by alluring advertisement and be led to think you can get the best made, finest liuishcd and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a refutation byhonestandsq uare dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that iB noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that la easiest to manage ana is Light Running There Is none In the world that struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, benuty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other nap it ; New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WilSTE FOR CIRCULARS. THE EEW HOME SSWIKG MACH1SS CO. tAJI KttAUCWO, ( 'Al ATLANTA, 0. rem h r. by P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon, E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE "J? ruruu .r.nkt.psli! T ..iVi, 'fiflJSf?1'T Emery (:.'H.,ITardman. Or.-Horse. branded n Smuill with tail on loft shoulder; cat- HreTnrighTl.lP. """riTo'n viomnnn L. A.. Heppner, Or. Bttle, liF on right hlprnorses F with bar under on nght shoulder. ti. Or -Horses. F on riuht shoui-le ( oattleK on right hip or thigh, "tfanfry. K mer. Eoho.Or.-Hor- brsnda,! H B with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Hangs in Morrow and Umatillaeounties Hmrt i B . Ridge. Or.-Oattle. round-top A -iVh nnarter circle under It on the right hip. Tn Morrow and U matilla W,nnH co,,nrXitr,ev;x4, on right h pand .n left side, swa low fork in right ear iml slit in left. Uange in Hay.tack dl.triot. Morrow wmnty. 11 .A I I. fllowar. Or. Horses (cross ;. i. k .p .luim it) on right shouldnr; cattle same ri'oftrid.: IUngi.. Morrow and Umat.ll. oountie. o-4vt.fle K H on right hip; hors same on right shoulder. Haime '"HnghMal'' Heppner. gr.-llnn shaded heart" n the lnf.h.illr. Un.e Morrow (,o. HuTisaker, H A. Wagner. Or, Horses, tt on left .h....lder:na.tle. on Ufl ;hlP. Iltimplirays, m uaru.u... - lef Hank i.-l.t V.l- f)r rtornA Hon j.,ns, II irrr. lira d J on FOB THE HOBL I'D A tots i 7 -Horsis, hors Caltle, the Mill ill'. I i im. iindcrlnt iii lft tr. Kange lu Morrow county. Junkin.rt. l. llnppner.Or lion J on left Hang fliWMila. .it. J ,hns .11, K,.ll. nr.THor-e.. rlr-leT on left still..; calile, s..i on right hip, under half oron in ri-'' ' olit n lert ear H-..n.M.k, H..PP"'T, or. -Horse, hrani KNY on le'tli'M cult lesn-ne and crop oil left Kirk J.T.. Hei.tner. Or.-llonies tin nn left M-.-mt Or.-I I, on 0,71". right and lift - r"lJ,,w '.'"J''! mr and .hkW oii In rUht i-r. bra . n U't .h-.-.l-l"'. lU'if In ;-;;' 1, Hlei-h-n, o..'r.-H l-on left hip rs-ni. rrop and split .-J rig', ear. Ilonw. Jam. brand l.-ft sh.M,l,lr. Hang. iaM bran I" I llf-rin l-J I. eonnwt-1 on loft . Ii . il W. ( i-U.sam...iilftl.i.. IUne. l-i '"uh-y. J. W lli..r tlr.-Horaea br.ndl I, ati.l 4 l-'tt Kl. -il'l r; r-H 'n im l't hip, , "" ' r-gM U.rd tl.rge. H.ppner. tlr.-llonw. bm-i led doolils II roi.nwi H.iiti.n ellel s II ... I.I. -...MllilrtT. sl"rl. M Il,.,.-r. Or. -Cattle brands rind, on right hip; b.iris same on right .title. Usn in M..rmw e..imly. Minor,, iieppner nr. I e.we, si u " . . . .'. 1...- M ..n Uf. atioilldMf. rig-." l-'li M..' ... II - -- JI I......... M. N.. Ili.i.ii. Or. Horses, n I . f i ... M.iui on loft hio, ifcr.lon. or.-llorM. 1J on right t:. .... 11... ..-I.I mil " LLi ...i ILxli Or.-Hiwww A N eon. B--l on Ml ah mld-wi "at He am on Urth hl lltl4 I'atrrV. 11IIIBI4IH. ' .7." ... J W . n.mglaa Or.; horsseO o left rM I.. . .." r'gllt hip. . -r-m. III..., K.-M Mil r.-ll.r-, im.r lar rtrU .1.1-1.1 n U't .h-Mlder en-l l 01 l1 hip, f.iil f wk io Uft .r. HM cr-.pp. L iM on i.n ,in-..i r .i-.. IVbur UImi, llar-l a.Or,-H .f..H.mlt. . .... ..... - V (. K n,...rill Ml l.'..ll'l I .lll e m. .hi rig.t Ml. l;,,r.,,Jl"'"1;' H. M.Ml "ml 11 iwliU. . ' 1-it hi .. . Ik 1 h..w dU'n.Mid V JL- ,l,',i.W r,lll J M J e.Ml-i- I -Ml IS. .mi.... u...t .love la left situ I" 11-1,1. r.. wH 4n.-i"-U ' "W Ml IH ...h tlr.a lll"rt, Oi.-Mow. h"" lt M ,. ,t,hi I ."I III. Ml hm r, 1 .M Mi .- UwUi. ... IU. . M."aMlt'"';",", IL-oM o lW ,..0-.. O. -H U, M ' II ' h -' U. rin-l. b....; kUU m.m ugl.l h-P "mm. Triu.rr.HU. Or-HH l..l...Uri.h"miU. lUug. la .. lir...l an.i -i'".'" ... ,, H. J. W . H-11. ',-" h4k.l.ta. I !. II llhl "'I. Nlr.UI.1 W. K ll.pi-i" ' sKll J hm? M. -m-7-...t. i - Uft kim .-allow hak IB fighl i. n.U.litt U Ul. , SHI K.r Hd-1, I nr-r.ttun -j.. w... N ... Ilitil ....l. I hrf. H .... . II-.. i. H-.ii. H"- .lu. nr. u- II f. n,,,-,! !-.. -.. I.. M Wl .W. J... ..I.HI.-n. H.l I..T-. JM.H.M1 M..U e"" ' " '" ..Ml H - w -w t i,li- t . 11. IW , mtm SI . Mil.. r..iUW.' J I. ' "''' t'l M A J aii-, t -IWII r k.. . ...ii-.. r.. .. w. r.M.rl II , ll'W . II Ufl .l,.l !-. U. M l-l - . 11 ll .. IK. - I . Ui I,. . I -'' Mi Mt af 7,:; ..i a . A l.MUAll'-ll rf -r .Ui.iH.-llo--"eUri l.i.-H W.Mfi-- l.-- -ieJl ,A - I- h . .. Ml kl L"!rr. . ii 1 1. I. M h ... m lM ,h.H,..-iwi. -.1 I tt. II... -. II lw rUw FANK LESLIE'S OPULAR MONTHLY Contains each Month 1 Original Water Color 1 : ... ....... izx rmvn 01 kcuiiiii '.j.... . inn N.w and HlghcUSS IllustrS- flons; roore Literary Matter and tlone man any uuicr i.... ... 23 cts. 1 ti Veer. Irani Leslie's Pleasant Boors FOa COYS AND GIRLS 1 1 T1-I..M vhnlfHioniM. Jnrenlla Monthly, 1 ' . Iv li;iiirati.l. The best writers for young '.ilui' ntrllintetolt. 10 cts. ; l S year, ! 6tiAI.tSUB3CEirri0JI3I0 THE GAZETTE, HEPPNER, QV ii.nii l.KHi.ia's PnruLAtl MoNTiti.r and thi (iuictlo, both lor 011a year lor I .IM, Frank l.rsMB's Puhasaiit Hours roa BoY ANl UIKI.S Bll.l HIU wa.-"u. one yenr f ilm. Urdof-bieiilytlia Best Club Otters - J- In rrnnlr U't'' I'uhllMy nn, H.T. ftr Snolhwlmlrii trrmtum i., r. wm. GIVES TUB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry- PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Learn Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fnll details oall on 0. B. & N. Agt nt at Heppner, cr address W. H. HTJRLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obegon. QUIOIE TI3VT33 X Son Fronolsoo And all point In Calif ornla, tU the Mt, Bhast ronte of the Southern Pacific Co. rhe irreat highway thronah California to all points Hast ana soata. urana tsoenio nome 01 tne raoino ixmsi. raiiman dqui HleeDera, Deoond-olaM bleepers philosophy t on c:ioiccr.c. A Ma Known by iiiu Cigars and the Wmj lie Smoke. Xheui. As a test of character tobacco is use ful. A man may be known by the eipars he keeps as well as by the way he smokes them. No man of rofined taste will smoke a bad cipar. The philosophic smoker takes his comfort in a leisurely way, amid proper surround ings, and is able to shut himself out from the world and all its petty annoy ances as he follows the curling wreath into the dreamland of reverie. The man who allows his cigar to go out a great many times and relights it in successive spasms of fidgetiness may iisimllv be set down as an incoherent character, quite prone to get off his trolley, so to speak, and certainly lack ing in tenacitv of purpose. T3 man who fumbles his cigar a good deal and manages to get the wrapper unraveled and the fire all on one side may be dis missed as a nervous person, with a pro clivitv for uncomfortableness, says the Baltimore Sun. Men who chew their leavmer their teeth prints on them, and do this for along time before lighting them, are quite likely to be stern, determined men, full of grit and resolution. Gen. Grant used to handle a cigar in that way, and Bismarck is said to do likewise As an index of generosity or mean ness of soul, the cigar is quite trust worthv. The erenerous man, if he smokes at all, is sure to indulge himself find his friends, when tney call on him with a (rood ciear. The man who, wun o hiirwlnnt, means to smoke the best, de liberately buys the worst cigars, and pretends to enjoy them, is capable of almost any conceivable meanness. Per contra, the man who can una stnace and refreshment from a cigar of good ciualitv. or a pipe filled with choice to bacco, and who is always rwifly to open hi heart, wide and let his tongue wrtg when ho fctkes his friend into the U.s;.:Uiiili.-. " - -wtual smoke talk, is pretty sure to be one knui ItiKt.incts and impulses are in the main honest, genial and right. WILD GOOSE AND GOSLINGS, The Mother Bird Carries Her Young In Her lint. T had to make a trip from our claim on the Columbia to Spokane falls. It was much nearer to go through the mountains on a cayuse than around by Davenport on the stage, says a writer in Forest and Stream. 1 started quite early one morning and was along up the Spokane river when, as I came over a small rocky point, I noticed a very large bird soar down from a tree and carry somt-thing in its mouth. At first I thought it was an eagle, but as soon as I climbed a little higher I could see It was an old gray goose, and that it had deposited its burden in the water, Mr. A. H. Cranshy, of So 158 Kerr SU, Memphis, Jenu, writes that his wile had can cer wnica had eaten two larire boles in her breast, and tfhich the best physician cf the Bnironnding conntrr treated, and pronounced in curable, tier grauumuuier aud aunt had died of and when told this, the most i eminent sp'-ciai' York, unuer I rnent she was place d, de clared her case was hopeless. iTu,t.mPnt having failed, she was given tip to die I S. 8. was recomrnended, and astonishing as it may seem, a few bottles cured lier sound and well. A..- ,...iti9 on this dis ease will be sent Iree to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Cs ( HIOAaO. iwafe k SI. Paul Rli ra A , i MINN ESOTAsO v l t v As 1 s That the RAMBLER i Is one of the very best wheels ever rondo in sn indisputable fact. It stands in the m v ith n hioh cmrifl mar-hinps and if vou buy one you will make no mistake. Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you wnntto be happy, lor should your wheel be, S punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as It is equipped with the world ( ai! renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-piaieu nieni hum. 8 Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at 100 each. P Tandems for two men or man and woman, 150 each. jl THE RAMBLERi8thefaBtest. lightest and strongest wheel In the market. P For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it Is constructed on strict mechan ic leal and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals H Kor men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 Inch wheels, at 65, $55, $45 respect- a clincher tires and are fully warranted, j P Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call m I) on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- tonaud Idaho. frd T MERRLLCYCLE COMPANY, 1 H Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's '.'Rambler Bicycles." Main 1 M Store, 327 Washington tt., Portland, Or. .... m OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co , Heppner, Oregon, m Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail way and note its connections with nil transcon tinental lines and St. Paul and ( maha, and remember that its trains are lighted with elec trlclty and heated by steam. Its equipment Is superb. Elegant Bullet, Library, Smoking and Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, and its dining cars are the best In the world. )ther lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other oilers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon llckct agents In every railroad office will give you further information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Orbgok. Attached to express trains, attordini inperior I .... V ,.i.i f,l Kmall ones woouiuodationa for seoond-olasa pamengers. 1 For mUe, tioketa, sleeping oar reservations, swimming arouuu itn. null nnon or addreaa K. ICOEHLKK. Manager. K. P. ROQKR3. Asst. ton. F. V. AEt. Portland, Oregon 8,irst. jd$tf(iYEfoK Lightest, Simplest, ltiIll)JE,u,c5t itrongest, p!TTfTal Workln" send 1 v4f.''f Mo,t T,, XBTfaCjRy Accurate, Receiver. sSjjJi Compact, AND STKAM GASOLINE . . A ny or kind imm.., for nur CataloijHf canvasskhs wantkd. AV M oonUimnrf ill.mlrntion, .no 11! HI JU ill JU JIUU J1M1L11I1ILR nrlnM nf irv kiml iif rnaine from on w .... nn la T hoiM. power, l lt.ill.irn pripii. or Lint iVo. S'J, (.r yariht eiiiiiee, boil ere anil roaohlnery. hither nt free. I stopped, trot olT from my cayuse hnd the uerformauee. I had waited but a few momenta when one 01 the freese rose out of the water ani Hew sti-niirht to a eottonwood tree, angmed m a limb near a biir nest, tlu-n took n law steps toward the nest, an t roaen- li jf over into tne nesi won a .viirf u:m linir out and sailed down to livr com iimhins. When she let tlie yod.iffsiei ioiie'.i the water it cut nil kinds ol u tiers. She airain returned to the nest and jut another, which was the lust. After .vatehiinr them for mute uwinie i .iiiiunti-d my eavuseatul rode on. Whi n I came into plain view of tlie famlly i n old ones Ihiltered away and the yoiim; iters ilisnmieared. There were sevei i it tit lines, us near as 1 could count. I have watched the wood duck carry he Vomitf from a tree, but this was tin- onl v lime 1 ever saw a troose nialte tin transfer. WEATHER AND HEALTH. Weakly I'rrson. Mint Harritllle to I II- ointir ( h.n.'. You know the weather ffecti your health, but have you ever witislled your- M-lf us to how it iIim h it? Ily olM-rv- Inir the barometer fur a few timiiths -P I I .. 1...- ....... ....11. ..., , ill. Oh ... A... I llllll (-lllllIHTlllif I." It. it-i-.,.i, .. .v.. t: THENEWyORKIUSICLECHOC0.3 Tmt H,,"v',p tl,nl ""'y Moat Modern and progressive Far rai.logua or liifuriiisllun write to Tim marlin nun ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. JSclentifio American Agency 0 How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exerciseneed it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. . CAVEATS. TRADE MARK. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. eto.l For Information on l fn-e llamltiuok writ, to MtINN CO., Hkoadwav. Nr.w Yohk. Chlrst hiiri'su for .wiiriiiK mu nU In AiiltIos. Kvitt p.-'tt'i.t tkn out lr u N Lronu'lit b..f..n tho imlillo lif ui.i mm given Iree ol cUuro la tne jcicntific tncj:icnu I.nrftt clrr-ilntloti of nnT (w tontlflc prr In the ..., ,1. HpUiiMiillv CluntrtttT'l. N' tiitt llltf lit man hM In) without It, Wecklv, :l.0O v iir; .m mortin. AIilrH. HUTSN cu,;;bl lru4vlwu, iSuur lurk Cityf King- of Bicycles. LIOHT. STRONO. SPEEDY, IIANDSOnE. FINEST MATERIAL. t "TT "STTi Q i ",,h "' iov',y Mu,ic ,or f 1 111.. V.n,iwiii,v,fl lrir, I W (u ,,,, Shw U,C j v latr.t, brlchlrtt, Mv rllr.t and mont popular Si'iiHliim., Ivrfh viksI an4 tn.tiumvntal roit.-n up In tli. ami rlrrint junoai. to- ilujine (our larg. .it. Puiualls. CAHVI MVITA, Ih, gf,l,k Dancer, 3 2 rAClHlHIW. tftimt Planlit, UIHNll 8UIUHAH CUTIIHQ. TZ W.P.'JiMHO 197 Canal Street, . CHICAGO A. P. T. L. -Tt id w 4 v. I aula I mm - ' .v ... I. r II I , .. US .. I. at.l.l I. f.aMaa . - . k4 ul Ufl a.K 4 I-" . QifltJUutrmUi.titttl 4 MI'AMMIMII'M f 4 M 4 nrnirTin nnnnrn 2 ..hi nil.. u ributito..; m a ...... ... . . . & 4 n.7..T i. 'ii.ii iM..-. a-.-.. Hall I'la. ar. l la.rl. I.l.ii. i'l.T.r 2 J . Hi-1 . 1., alH lw miiI to an, 9 e3 ..1.1m. itiata In.1.4 ( 111 rani, lo iv m 2 fh.'S'. H tii.iHt rl. a.l mminlMt, an.l b wKi air.i.a.1 li at. .. iipf i.hl, sii.1 srr an ... JI y S ai.mat.lf .( .ml JUlnilM 1.1. re " ThAmeicn Protectiv Tf iff Leagut it t national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry " at explained by its constitu tion, as follows : Ta. ab'.M af SKI. Imm ke W .ll Imim. am r a. U.i. .-.U duataty m in a ai ..a. wtrl mr4tm aain.1 w ............ There a'e bo personal or private profits in connection with the orgsmza tion and it is sustained by memberships, Contributions and the distribution ol its publications. I it., aii.lpiic .ll putta'iie .if rloli, r...iu. uin of num., A.Q.SPALDINQ 4 BROS.. .Vw imt t kum J-.U.Ill-l l O 41 nST: C . le aBaJw rtv4-t HwtMM" an4 (Xfteiaj Umwwk eiCONOl We e4 mttmm tvWwe. fcatk. iwl aa lam, ta ewr mm. Thi NO: We s hff. f n,.iW f aa. 4 tk ,s ... Ci.. aai ai ke M.ia4 to kWH, WDJ aa.. Iluotuatc in harmony. Tln n. wiy tin' I'ittjiliiirtrh 'nuiiMn-i!-(;n"t le. just a little jiliiln lliinkinir will iimli" it vh ur. When tlie imroini-ti r U low tho Htm.- ihen U lllil anl the air .rcnirc nn the tuMly In consiiliTrttily Ii-wiiimI, VMii'O thin pn.iiri' i n-itintriil In' bliMMl t. forot'il to tlii'siirfuot Bint ilU- tt'tuU the vi'wIh. Wvnk r ili.-u-tl part rr cunffi'stril. wn.itivo m-rvi" Kiihinlttiil to uniikoul pri'hMirc amir. rnx of (ullurw. a rt of fctury i.t! intf. iM-rvnili-e thtf vhoh IhhIv. Tin IiIlmI iIim-h not flow frn-ly i.n n -i-oiiitl of l.aut of nrrvo totn, tin l.rui:i lu'.ium-. kIiikUIi an.l im tilal si u'.hi.'m I i ini- tmiri'il. The oaroinrtcr U not rvii slhlf for all this, hut It i-xi'!:iitii hotv it nil hu'H ii. Il. iiltliy, vlifuroiiii tiii arc not r fi-oli'il by th chniii.'inir iT.-'irr pii.I iiiol.ture of Un Btiioi'hiT 1 .V- tli.e nhoarf iIIm-bmi! or hnvi m-iiK t Th-v Imvf niifHi'ii'itt vlUil riMTjf.v ! rv ftiftt till' ta-lt'lrtti'V to Ci.lllfl-.tloll of til .iimli MiniiI vtiuH'U anil of the inu.nii. iiu iiil.rsiir. to throw olT inori moi.iiirr than thi atiii.nhi-n will 1-t1. It I for thi. n-..ii that i n an.l yomiif In I hralth il not onfTi-r to any nlciil from alin..lti-rli.' liaiufi'. I'nrM r 11.. Mu.n.rt. MU harl lu.i'tu. a l'roi.- ional rn jrinr ami ilr.ttitrht.'ii i:i -if c i,na .i. h. h. th.' lia;v l! to .l.t I hi i u of th Miwiurl in Ii4. a l.u.l In tin- tiianii j r.;' I .iirimU ..( It an.l I lark, at U'4t rr the I rairtloti of th rlvi-r, A fp't l'l t (iruiU of I lil map are hi rial r,rmljtl..n rrtTVl injlVTA IVVTVTAOC Th phrtttnriii'wBnrlf.r..iiar uiiuiAnniiuMiuuuiw. intriNit ami i MKI rounTH: sw put -..u.. ib. a. aamai. an., af w.a " lay lmll aaM W.Wu . Wili.w UwvvlMfvf. US Waat 1 M IVM "r. TM. $1800.00 tie.aa mi, mtrntS ftmm ipit la eaf ea. 4a m t nam tt M .I.U few nr.llMila, CM 0 aln. ml Hm kwmkrf)iW,MWH. Allhal M to mii.l afa I Ttearralleala.erikaMtwMara)i is kwwa te w.l par. .a.. Taay r..if e.s.oi la Met slo.f mhM M H eire4. .'. f keee saiaseafaa lae Wal.lai M Href RlpawTabulcs a.i.rar.4 uk aa. a.iMl, Iml Pvsn nu ctvi t.raMT.wai fft.a, a Wa Vt r .. IfftM Ol WCAI CO, 1 1 tftmm IT 'S THE Hm r.THMt IMEVTTONS TtUT I HI D I OKiTNLS, 9mt M "rat l.. m Imi f4 W a? ! p 4 M-4 At4 M pm a tge f Misff f Uea IT IJ NOT 50 II.VR3 AS IT SIXMS. p,fel a. 1 t" ! . J a. VI ...a l. I t a) lWi ?.. l.lia a to Mm w - m, wf l.a , wt.i , .wml, .4 ,4 to .4 aw. V. . I . ' ti. A.iaw....aa, a . S . . ,MM I ' . t - I W a at a. tm S.M lip... a a.a pi .l.wM. a4 . . tU, m .4 i .. W to. t 'J haM ... ! mi I a. aVa. ... m StoX at. .. K m. a, 4 . .a. MMa n$Mito pwfcity aisf I ml no amnll r " hii' hi. Ina.mni'h a. It ln.-!r U . I1 t nltnl htatra anr'rjf of t'.J aii.l th rouniy arry of Apt it. lt. an.l ll.u rtliit'iU ll. tli..trr. n at I.n IntrrtaU of a; .t..i'o.i. ir (..ri 6. )! Tti aiH.-aof ll.u mi.'U! r.rrr III allu.UI ! ar a'.ii t l.i t.- I l lr. t"ie toho.lMm'.l ailrmpt to f !). t.tnalif In th Ira. h of l-i .i. m l t iata In ihrir afiit ..r !! '! ... Wirtil.l l.e ffiirfi(! r t' r.iw.i-rl U ..roi-ii. Into a imtri. h .mrr " T; t of tha rlrr th w h.-'f I tUia tMiti. 'ilr i oil ha l-'ti t eira'i;Htn Into-lf. an4 Ut l.a. I t?i ,-ainrr of tl.a iis'.ua allh.ri pent vf atraka. ... VIMOlNIAt awtlLINU TOAO. scieriFic WORKMANSHIP. iiiii.i ii.' ... ' i ..' ci ;i s i. ii" mi i, .i iry lutiil ui..l .''.h,'.!i Cnr'ili,i:i. W '.i in il.i natiin.t t '. i .' the ". : :1 ta I" I, u'.i i.i1. tin- n',:.' hi H liirif.. I..i'! .".. ;, l.ut l.)..Un I iiii.iv luo' n iis:i tii i'i i: .i i , ;i : ,. i. r i i frojf or ii t iii.l. !l i-- .ii- ml .ix in .Ou'H . " . . . . . ,. . j i u li'li',' Ii pii'I ini'. nn' cur. ms lu'-iiity oi lii'iiiL.- ,il! to m.vll to I'm' si:'.. of n :ih foi'.'.:ii1. in vhii'!i s!ti'" l.i-. Iri's. lull an 1 li. ii to h.'.ir.-.-! v i ,i..K'. lm- tali. in no .'ii . . to !' l!i ' f ii.'f t.l ! i." ill :itlsiii)f tin' .' i ll; ion :i' nr.-, Ik in- hull' air iiiilil 1 1 1 . v fc.i.'li ii'' i I l hiir.tinif. Tin; In 1 1 1 . of . it tin- mill. .', mi-l fi-uiiili s nn- li ;i- ly jvn-c W l'ill' ll'.il 11 TO lO" 'l. 'I Wil.l Nj.illt H wl'i.'h Ifiv,. liml ..i.i;..ii of iliflr i.ii- aii.inv tin' :'i Mtiiii.c of a ivt-il-n ; "tii'il 'jiino i.ti" l.;iir. 1'irs'ins who timliT- uliii-.ii t In- "k a i-II t.Ki I." ami know v!i:it tin iiTi :. 1 lf lit iii rn.i-il In1 is, rul i' h A. W. PATTEliSOX. Aaent for Morrow County, Ilcvimer, Oregon Four Models-885 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOB CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Mnln Office; Lake and Halsted SU., CHICAGO. lL!. UKANCHliHi Nrw York, Saa f rsndsoo, 5alt Lake City, Ueaver, Memphle. DtUolt, f jorc.o. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, rOHTLAND, 0REO0N. h on l.i l.i'll v tin- 4 qhm Ii.iim fa a,r-.f', h toto-. Stalk. TS .f.ii-f nf Ihm cn.i. Ilf-1 .a ail the -f .atl ka'-uial iUUwy il.l.l t , s,,.. !,ir tu b f i4 aUmr th Alan' of j hi h i ini Mi l ruli 1!. il hi" ioivIN u; t:i. il In' is if. 1, !ii..- !. ,ii..;iii r . uri n: . .;:. iu...iu rn-iitnri' i, t'ni. ti.'jf u i Ii.- i' k.-i)'. on IihcU hr U loiiiLlo lo i-Vjirl the air o n. to rcl i'-!- Ii.-' u MALAGASY COOKERY. Urral ( are Takrn In I'rrparlaf th ln.- i. Twt'l. CookliKr Ix lnir an art. pvi-ry race haa a ktyl of luowii. The Malatra.y, like) iUv iri'Ull, Lnowa how to pr jarr his it i' of rUv, aaya th Ioiulon Ti'liyraph. I lie not l.iiliil to a nia.h a In r.ii !un.l. or ut ur .iittt.a-a ar aoim-tiiiii . ixilju'il, l.ut, rovrrril mHIi a rtrofM r .mli. ii .j.'y of nator. U van-fully tn-atiil uiitil thi' Ifraiii. irr awoilrn lit to hurt an l yi-l r. in.iin full, lnla t, to. ft anl raih. r m.viiy. Th manlm l an ea.U-r to prrar. II U M.'i.rtkiir to-rtr.l l.iilol, aa yam ami am-, ! .itatM-.. an.l a.'ain a. a aort of p.i',.1 p.rrl.l'. Naiivp inri. thi-y un- ilcmlaii'l hot to uiak. an.l tlie la i'o lit; loit l a, a!j" yon lia to ...k to th hrrwinit f that from atart to fliil.h If yon ilr.irv ilrinkahl nip. 1'ouliry an.l (ram arr ratrn frrh. an l Ih ri.ik. hav a il-rr an J wiihal co ntily trt.'k of ilipptnif th ilrail anl maia in IxiUinif water, which rntlilr. th. no to pin- k llii'in rj.ily an.l ijuiikly. Th pntwratlofl IniMlnir coim-a lalrr. 'V ' l fo s W of earirty at a M !i, .i , 1. . l.ut. ail th aam. yoe) Hi.u hratu fl 'nr hrra.l, ami cott.llmi'Ma hn rljrl with no, fow la. mani-wi an.l rr. Th Map) furl la l.iiii. li ,ra. kl.i. h tohrn ilrtol liiim. fo-r.-i'. , an.l toitira into a flow lot, n - t! t ir (.f a ili-at of lo-at. All tln i-4,i..' I. .1 .n on rartlirn hr.Hl,., at, I l!.- roa'lia. "'Vi'ini ai.4 Ihi. .i if i irn (. Hi. ptkM t. llaf ..IwHI.r fm. th. il -t 1k a. a-r ... II. at .f a li.rl ... Br. I'll ill i.tua of Ilr!-!rr-r1 tv , I a". . h si" f in. 1 -m i 'ti I I 'r. !. . f f!.nir at ! .. ' 'tt al e ' , with lull, 't 4 . . i f) .ia ',.,u'.., -r , ilma t f.-t r I ',,..1 .. arret f,.t in I,, i - ,i, h , . , f,,. i .if. '. . ji-w at i:.. I n . r. . . nt : r f. ...r latot. t..H. 7!. fr.t 1 U'r f-.'t f 'un t . Iar. i.ili.i'.i.l.,,Hiin f. lq , n,a.. I l i. M . ! fr.t in f.;.l an 1 (ff.. aar..n.i In llrcl IK.1 toool. IA m ..!. r.fih. in ij'tr. OUR STOCK aOF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great finpncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tin: Patterson Publishing Co. PRENTISS -:W1TIJ t.nltat t r... W4 laMH (HaaMkV. 6lS I1 f trtrf. N. V .. m'liiMHit .flul III. U t tiit4 U t' a,.,i-ff t 1 I oil "tl rr k, tl til I l f "t In h -sf k. ka-m 1 la rrei, k.r . t . t' I In I,. a I Vnuro HOUND to Tnko Lcnvcs No ConslSpntton.M .nr ("n". . a .ll aa k'l It I'l himm, . k l.t. ar, (. mv. 'Km. la... Tt.. . - 1. f.kir rl I M H. l. f , .11 ,.t... fcM , . ' S3e.aU t t. s I Ul M I a W It I 'ICa I Co 1J fi.lo.aia r-t M riak. lW. ' , , j'- . f'', It . a. . I 'n ial P.tS. V Matt", D. C. r lat f-. N -t't I m4 aM m'" I