LOSS OF VQICE After Acute Bronchitis CUBED BY USH7Q Cherry Pectoral AYER'S A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tlie first bottle gave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, lias relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot ties more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawley, D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. 13npt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AT THE WOHLD'S FAIR. AYER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILUS. SON MON Tie 27 TnfsATI nTT W 20 2 22 3 WfO 7STrJs Take Notice. L The turn of fire cr-tita per line will be Shamed (nr "curds n( tlwiiks." "roaollitlmn of rnstiw 1," Hat ol wol'llt prciwnts and donors, nd obituary notiroa, (nthvr than thM the adit tr shall hlmsulf itiv a a ma'tj'r of news,) end anttroant special mpotliiK (r whatever pnrpo,. 2. Nntlciof churrh end aoclet end all other intertalttmenU from which revenue la to he de rived. ah:i be I'hurKnd (nr st the rate o( live enu e tine. Tliio rule will lie strietlj adher ed tn In every Instance. Advertlatiii mt. n-aaonaMe and made known iptn application. Here and There. Frank Hale ia over from Ritter. T. J. Curie is up from lone today. Mrs. Bradley is again reported to be quite ill. Thomas Morgan was in from Eijjht Mile laet Saturday. A. 0. Pettye, of Iooe, looked in on tbe fepublioBu doiojislast Saturday. Emery H. Averill representing a Portland flrm is in tbe oity today. 0. N. Peok was ooe of tbe Lexington representatives in Heppner Saturday. La Umnde Marble Works, La Grande Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Mat Halverson, one of Ioue's mer chants, was np from that place Sun day. Martiu Anderson beads the list as the first citizen of this comity to pay Lis taxes. Phill Beppoer arrived from Arlington last Sundav morning to assist in oatuiuir ior nenry during lis uiuees. N. R. MoVay, one of Gooseberry's staunch republicans, represented Drv Fury at the meeting last Saturday. Best accommodation and courteous treatmentat the Imperial Hotel, Seventh aDd Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. The meeting at the opera bouse will continue through the week The pub- ho id cordiitlly invited to attend these oervioes. J. S. Biotbby, E D. Palmer and W. t. McAhster of the Lexington oouotry, ete up miogling witu tbe boys last SHturclny. Benjamin Matt-ann mude final proof on bis riouiestenl yesterday before Clerk Morrow with 0. 8 and Juhn T. Kirk us witnesses. Condon Ul ba: Tom Rhea of Uepp' ner was in this seotioa lust week buying cuttle. Dnl lv-ed at .irlington Booum pained bim to Condon. E. 0. : T. E. Fell, who has been ailing for the past two weeks, is able to be around again. He waa dnty at tbe soonring mill office Saturday. Do not wear impermeable and tight Qttiug lists that constrict tbe blood vessels of the scalp. Use Hill's Hair Reoewer occasionally and you wilt not be bald. Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo desires the services of an attorney in Washington, D. O , will find it to bis advantage to call on or address this pa per, 5tf Governor Ren returned last Sunday morning from Portland where be has b"en oonfined in the hospital for a few week past. Gov. returns completely recovered. A. R. Grant, representing th O. W. R. company, of Portland, oume ub on this momma's train. Rod it uow a benedict, having been oaptared op at Boise last (Jbnstmas. W. b Uonnor, tbe member or tne re publican committee from lone, arrived Saturday too late for tbe meeting. How ever, it did not dampen the ardor of bis reput lioanism. Tbe Mother Hubbard ball given at tbe opera boose last Friday evening waa certainly one ot Heppner' most enjoy able social events. At least all present bave so styled it. Those desiring bargains ahonM take advantage ot the wholesale slaughter priori made no tbe MoFarlnnd stock wbicb E R. Bishop ii now olos ng out regardless of cost Echo stage leave Flpppner Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Echo Tnrarlavs. Torsdnys nn1 tialnrdnya fare 82 each way. Oflioe, Wells k Warren, lit ppner. Ed. Drink el I, Prop. Tbe Parish Reoord ia on our table again after an absence of some months. Tbis is a neat little publication edited by Rev. W. E. Potwnie. of tbe Churoh of tbe R-dnemer, at Pendleton, and ap pears on the first ot each month. It oontaios much of interest to tbe mem bers of the Episoopal church iu that oity. Tbe Knights of Pythias turned ont in a body at the Grace M. E. ohuioh, Ban day night the 16th to attend the services conducted by Rev. Dr. Rasmus. The Uniform Rank werein command f Cant. Coffee, and wore their dress uuiforms. theoentrHl part of tbe churoh was oc cupied entirely by Knights J. V. Orawford arrived from Waits- burg, Wash., on Saturday moruing, and is assisting Elder Jenkins in tbe revial meetings now being oondaoted onder tbe auspices ot tbe Christian ohnrob at the opera house. He has o barge of tbe singing whiob he is conducting in a verv satisfactory mauuer. The entering wedge of a fatal com plaint is often a slight cold, wbioh a dose or two of Aver's Cherry Pectoral might bave cured at the oommenoeraent. Therefore, it is advisable to have this prompt and sure remedy always at hand to meet au emergency. A lady teaoher in the public sohool at Antelope, in tryinar to explain tbe word "slowlv," illustrated it by walking across tbe floor. When ebe asked tbe class to tell bow she walked, she nearly fainted when a boy at the foot of the oUss shouted : "Bow legged.ma'am." The report oomes from the state Den- itentiary that Buuoo Kelly is in a dying condiciou, be having suffered from sev eral severe hemorrhages of tbe longs of lute. Thus nature is meeting ont juetine to one of the toughest obaraoters tbat ever walked Oregon soil. That the blood should perform its vital functions, it is nbaolntely necessary that it not only be pore but rich in life. giving elements. These results are best effecte.. by the use of that well known standard bluod purifier, Ayer's Sarsa parilla. Mrs. Cox, tbe lady evangelist who is now assisting in the revival servioea at tbe M. E. oharob, delivered a very in teresting lecture on temperance at the M. E. oburoh last Sunday afternoon. It is spokeu very highly of by all present. Othello, ShaketDear'smnaterDieoe. will he presented at the opera boose on tbe evening of Marob 2nd. Stanley Gordon. Georgia's famnna tragedian, and founder of "The King Riohard Tragedy Co." will appear in tbe roll of Othello. 2t. On next Saturday evening at 7 o'olook tbe lone republican oluh will meet for re-orgaoizatlon. A Dumber from Hep pner will go down at tbat time. Every republican in tbat locality should make an effort to be pre eot. K. 0 Wills received word resterdaV of the death of bis friend, Harry O. Fish, of Nevada, whom be soen( a few days with in Portland last month, where Mr. Jbisb was very low with oonsnmp tioo. rime TABLE. tare fnr Hrilmn. Monument, lone Cretk, Inhn Hay and Oiifon 01'. Iwvee lullnwe ; Kvrry day at a a. m , eo-!t HiiikUt. Arrlveevorydya M.. etrrpt Monday. The rhmiiMit. qiiirkt end boat line to Of from Uie InUirlor r..nn"y. WAI.T THOMPSON, I'top. Cunaor k Hnx-k, Ar,'.ti'. Qambrinus Beer, 'MwrwHALf PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquors ana Smekable Cigars. Call en Ted. Ho. e o'ln men ol Morrow, whUtle tip a li e the r i t I'm Irre to state, will stay lirelv tun for the "fendldate." till n II I Tom IH him "11 hi aiir blade, llh "rry S IJnao.l Hy " . . . . . . . 'Tla wt to tlil. "f that uld drltik. Iit olln mn are dry. 8I4 only at the Belvedere salooo. Arthur Minor, Wilton Borok, Newt Jones mid Ike Ennu went op tit Dilcb creek U't Saturday afleronon for a lxr hunt. They returned the following evening with a largo fund ot txpeiienoe but do bear. Walt. Thompson runs stags between tleupner and Monument, arriving fvery day except Monday atnj leaving every lay except Sunday. Shortest and obesp- et ronle to tbe Intt-rtor. Oneer Brock, agents. O. 0. Vhitromle. roulloti In laatlaioeof the (Ins-He as bing reetd 'or robbing the D. H. mail do in Klamalb county, bad bia bearing a (trants Par, lie rvra aa alitl am tbe eae was distniesed. I C Large. V. H. Cbnnr, O. T Doiiglaa and W II. Pereone ineinln,rs of the republican central e mmitire of Ihla county ere Dot lo aiteDdanoe at the Saturday's tnret'Bg Hut I bey are mil repnhlirtct J iet tbe seme. IV. J. M. Wilaon, tit D iogtaa Wyom ing, tbe genial abeepmao wbi spent laet aeasnn with na, arrived laat hater day to l"k after sheep for Ibis eeaeoq a drive. Ha will probably take back two nr threw bants ft yearlmr Sfid lee year-I U Ifcxt I tbe same jully roovrr eatiobiet M of yore. Charley Jones, l ie w.ll knnwn "ulil limr" in lb lone.. rial line, bee again Jnrated la Heppner, bavlrg pITbel (Ireee Metbewa' simp. Minor budding opposite Ibe rity b..tl Charley will appreciate a call ben lo town. T conr. Having nrderr! a large lot of aooldlng from tbe Kmi lo rle eerly la lt spring and lo make rmm tr my new molding. I will f.ir tbe Beit elt'y day make lr amee out ol my pteerot stock al roel Mar. 17. J. L. Yitota. I Am Glad To tell what Hood's Sarsaparilla ha don tor me. I had tbe grip and its ill effect settled all over me. I bad cramps in my legs and frequently I had te get up at night and walk to relax the mus cles. I also had stomach troub les. I then took Hood's Sarsapa rilla. On bottle cured thecramp, and another has "Sj helped my stom- fc -rt II ,cn irouDii greatly. I have taken 8 bottles and use Hood's Pills which are the best I ever took." H. A. Helvin, Sisters, Oregon. Bocd's Sarsaparilla Is the Only Trwo BIcod Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Hood's Pills S;JSSfctotata' SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COCNTY of Morrow, State of Oregon. K. F. Hugbee, Plaintiff,. T. Henry Kelly. Defendant) To Henry Kelly. Defendant In the t ame of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled tilt on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, to-wit: Tbe 2d Day of March. 1896. And if yon fail o to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: Judgment and decree agilust you for the sum of $525.00, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent perannum fiom the 12th day of Mav, lhi)2; for the sum of $21.78, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 20th day of December, isilft, and $(K)00 attorneys fee, and the costs ot tht suit And that the mort gKe dencribfd iii pl.ii itirr ci.-npliiint be fore closed and the rmmii-K tm r?i'i, di'corlbed to wit: the Si!', oi NVv4 jj'i id NK'i of Sec. 22, and WV4 of t-cc. S3, 1 p. 2 8, o( R 27 E, W. M., in Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy suid Judgment. ThlB summons is published by order of Steph n A. Lowell. Judge of the Circuit Court oi the State o Oregon for Morrow County, made on the 8th day of January, 18U6. J. N. BROWN, 404-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THERE'S Been a C i SUMMONS. FITZISMMONS WINS. He Came Out Victor in the First Round Maher no Match. Lanqtbv, Feb. 21. The bl &ght is over. Principals entered the ring at 4:49 p. w. After preliminaries, shook bauds and prooeeded. Fitz forced the fiirhting and what tbero was of it, was fast and furious. Mither appeared entirely nn able to cope with te lankey Australian, and in one minute after shaking bands be lay motionless from a heavy right haorlei on the jaw. By rounds Fitz led and reached Mabe'rbody; Maher returned on tbe neck; Bob feinted and led bis left direot into Maher's wind, tben followed with a vicious righthaud swing on the jaw. It was all over and Qeo. Siler handed Fitz the purto oontainins $10,000. Tbe Einetosoope did not work beoause ot dark weather. 1 THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE ot Oregon, for the County ot Morrow. Delia E. Weldon, 1 Plaintiff, vs. . Frank L. Weldon, Defendant, j To Frank L. Weldon, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed againt you in the above enlit'ed suit on or before the first dav of the next regular term of the above entitled court towtt: Monday, March 2d, 1806; and if you fail to answer or otherwise plead for want thereof the plaintlft will apply to the above entitled court for a decree dissolving the marriage bonds now e istlr.g between ou and herself, and also for a decree awarding 'the care and custody of the six minor children towit: Delia Edith Weldon, Lilly Louise Weldon, Leland Stanford Weldon, Frank Leonard Weldon, George Irving Weldon and Pearl Weldon, the fniitB of said marriage to plaintiff. This summons is published by order of Hon Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the sixth judicial district, dated January 6th, 1MH. ELLIS & LYONS, 404-17 Attorneys for plaintiff. SUMMONS. For Dyspepsia and Liver complaint yon have a printed enarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizes Tt never fails to oure. For sale by Wells & Warren. ED. R. I BISHOP Arcund Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at I I W D 1W t m REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, Bhoes, overshoes, ete., Rre being sold below wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware. Glassware, hats. caps, blankets and iu fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. Wkt Do ioo can get IB ill. 1 a ' ft CylllS is a shcepliLTt! cr who has been out four months, hut 1 loooks like a new now for he has 1 dressed up at a o inanO O O een lloKM.R & RiII.a's. I Horner & Rhea, firt Ntil B 6. lit Andy Tillard ha received word from Fossil tbat bis little bod, Rhea ia sennas Iv ill with fever at tbe borne of Mr. Ham Donaldson where Mr. Tillard and child bave been visiting (or a short time. J. H. Lawrey, proeontinir attorney ot this diatriot, arrived from Pendleton Ibis morning to look after bia labor here rel ative to ciroutt court wbioh oooveoea next Monday. Rloentn & Wills and E. It. Bishop at tbe McFarland stand bad tbetr store decorated with tbe American flag last H.tnrday in honor of Washington's birthday. J. E. Lathrnp. city editor of the Pendleton Etst OrfBoiiiau. came over from that city laat Friday night for a bru t visit wath friends in tbe city. O. B. Ilatt, the toiidorlal artist, can be fonnd at his parlors, Matlock oorD.ir, where he will dispense at popular price. haves, shampoo, haircuts, etc, Miss Anna Drown ha returned to Ueppuer, having rraivned her poaition at the I'endletou Academy on sooount of ill braltb. R-na. Ih ItttU daughter of Mr. and Mrn. Mam Meailows, i eeriottaly ill with pneumonia, but I reported a improving lowly. A meeting; of lh Islington repnbli- Pati club will l held kl that place orxt Friday st 2 J) p. m. Ever) body in. WMm1. Ueory Heppner La tieen very sick 'nr om da witb au Mok ol pnenmonla, but at Una writing i improving shubtl. Hhtnff Honaer of DisatilU oonnty earn over In.m IVmdletoo on lat night traip. II xpol ti reliifu tuotghl. A pet tqqirrrl lo tb front window at Guiaer k tirook' drug store, atlrack lb ) t'f the stnall boy. I'bill C .Im'a britfht littl d ig, llatton, died eu-f lay uiooli lo (be regr! of all tb bo). Washington' bir'hday w appro prlataly ubtwrtml by oor anhiail Ut Friday.-' K. II. Claik wa ovrr lrr.ni IVndlr..o last haluiday. II r'tnriu4 In Ilia en- log. K. J Hloram ratorned this morning lr 'in l.i-f viait I j 0'-io' tnlrp-ili. Jerry U'nanaa a.".J Mrlotti wr in fri'tn Ln )ttriday. J. V. Kir wm op from lor. yaator- . . ReaalU Tall tk wtuff. A val ro of dlraol. oelmpaaebabt t-ti' ry prntr Iwti-nd y iliilily rf d"iM llil ll'iol's Haraaparill ally iim rrfrrtlf au-l prtsanlly ! dia n4 t Id. hqra tlxl. It rP'i'J i rtira I aat) tld aad ttmu ti bat i,(i lq aeMntilibt j alter all ilvr pfHfati.ti bad fallad. II l' l'..l. en all lu III. I.illiooa n , j l" t g ait aiek b U "l j (1 IaivM.--A fpriativa of : It 's par Ia4 lb plraaor nf a rid iHt T. J. Mall la.1 rt Uy oiag bl.iti li rtvk Uta t f Al a, a ! a l lte 4 a tfi.n.i a aiitoW t4 ! '. and br i I VI . " a lb- )tar 4d, ' f.'t) p-l ) Uan It ba a4 j w.ll M.l'lrfd. at. 4 U all a-'dataly I Hal bn f dfi. I f -1 at tbarat f l4 iby v tb l'f i.o lb al alllM Ibey i fl rJ'e if l'4 .. A a Old Hon Be vised. Backward, lam baokward, oh time in thy flight; feed me on grnel again jast for to night. I am so weary of sole leather stake, petrified doughnuts, and voloaoized cake; o)ster tbat alept in the watery bath, butter aa strong as Goliath of Oath; weary of paying for what I don't eat, chewing u rubber and calling it meat. Bm kward turn back ward, for weary I ami (live me a whack at grandmother's jun; let roe drink milk that bus never been fkirumed; let me put butter whoe hair has been trimmed; let me onco morn bave and old-iasbtoned pie, then I'll be ready to curl up and die. . TN THE CIRBUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY ot Morrow, state ol Oregon, uenry nneeier, Plaintiff, VI. William Bremer, , wife of said William Bremer, and rraiiK naerman. as Receiver of the ixm bard Investment Com pany, a corporation, Defendants To William Bremer. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the com plaint tiled agalnat you in the above entitled nit on or haforethe first day of the next regular teruiofaald court, to-wit: The 2d day of March, 18()B. And If yon fall to to answer, for want thereof the plaintlrl will apply to the court lor the re lief demanded In said complaint, to-wit: For Judgment and decree aealnut William Bremer for the mm of l.r0.oo, with interest on AID 00 thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per an num from the first day of June, Willi; with Inter est on flti thereof at the rato of a per cent per annum from the first day of December, 1MM; with Interest on !.") thereof at the rate of a per cent iwrainuun irom ine nrsmay oi June, ihm; witn interest on ir thereof at the rate of 8 per cum pr annum ir'ni uie nrsi nay oi iiecemner, mn, ann ior a inrtner mm to oe determined by the court at an attorney's fee, and for costs of this suit. Also for a decree foreclosing the mnrt"Bre described In plaintiff's complaint, as to all the defendants herein named and the sale of said mortgaged premises to satisfy said judgment anil decree, interest and costs 'his summons is nublished hv order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, dated January om, m:m. O. H. ELI.1H and J. N. BROWN, 401-17. Attorneyt for I'lalutift". C 1 , .1 ,1 oome peopie wani tne eartn ; you goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAN STOBE, With very little money. He keeps a full line ot general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. Piles! Plleat Itching Flies. bvmptoina Moisture; intense ttobing ana stinging; most at night; wore by scratching, if allowed to continue tumor form. bicb often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very r-ore. Mwatnis UlirrwsNTstopa the itching and bleed ing, henia ulceration, and in moat oases remove the tumors, At drnggiat. or by ruHil. forSOoent. Dr.Hwsynw Hon, riiiiadeipiita. Gilliam & Bisbee SUMMONS. Hobert Mays, Jr.. son of Robert Mat. sr., of The Ialle, well known all oer the stale, aid Mis May Hommnrill, diiugiiter ol jobn rVimmerville, of Port land, were married Wednesday at I he borne of the In i Jet father near Portland Helh W. Oeer. ol Pendleton, wa on of Ibeaaher. Mr sod Mr. May will live a,"pi'rt, Wawv oonnty, where Mr. ..ls I. et gaged lo'gcly in tb cattle buaiueis. A Utile daughter ot Fred Wehber. Holland, Mea had a very bad Oold and oough wbioh be bad rot been abl Incur milh anything. I gave bin a bottle of Chamberlain' Cough Kmedy, say W, P. llold-1, mon haut and post insaler at West llrirnnl'l, and tb neit Urn I saw him b said It worked Ilk a (harm. Tni remedy I intended e. peeially fir aoot throat and lung liaeaae aiinh a eolda, cronp and whooping enngb, acd It I famoo for it fnrea. There 1 no danger Id giving it to Children for It root am nothing irjnrlnna. tor sale by 11.1 II Oohn, draggiat. Tin Woulbm Mituk-T. . Fall, djso r .f ll,a I'endlatoo wnnlco mill, lo foriri II Kt Oregonlan Ibal a marhitl tat rom that frnm CblnagO) to e np th marbl nery bow al lb Bills. Tb lunms will not t ready until some tim la May, no ar Oouol of lb factory bar (l ay war older balng Uhlud witb order. Ou ibi aeooaet tbr will not t tnueb work do al th mill thi Jir, a lh aaaaoo will b Iki far l- vua, bfr tiling an b got la idior lo brgia work. I ipid. bowavat, Ibal ai light gmd will U mala doting tb torn mr an 1 shough of lb heavier )0lilis to sopply lb bl raarket with wialaf good. IN TngCIRCt'ITCOC KT FORTHE COUNTY of Morrow, Hutu of Oregon. jonn r. urosoy, l'lalntirr, va. Alenanderuraham, (iraham, wllx of aatd Alvxander lira ha in, The National Hank of Heppner, a eorMira tlou.aud Frank llager nian, as Kccctver of the IMiihanl Invest ment Company, a cor Duration, livfeiiilaiitt. To Alesamler (iraham. Defendant. In the name of the Hlnte of ()n-gnii, you are hereby required bi appear and answer theciTtn. plaint filed SKl"t ynii In the live entitled cause, on or lielore the ftrat day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, tu-wit: Moaday, th Xd day ol Marrk. INUA. And If you fall an In anawer, for wanttheic.il the plalntirf will apply to the court (nr the relief demanded In said complaint, to wit: A Judgment and itwmi against you for the sum of lull Kl with Interest there ill al the rate of eliht percent per annum from the tlr.l ilnj oi Juir, nwi, ana lor a reommslile sum to be le temilnrd by the court as an attorney's fee, and lor posts of this suit. Also lor a decree foreclosing a mortgage made ht you nn the lollowln deacrllied prtonlwa. eiuiaieo in Morrow eooniy, iiregon. lo wit TheKi of mvtlou K, Towiishln I Nnrlh, of Kan a 'it F.at Wlllamelta Meridian, and re corded in in rernrtlsol morlrai.l olaa deouiily In Hook "('." aea .'fji, avj, ivo ami :! : as to all lh defendants herein named, and for the nl nl said preinlw' lo aatlaty aald Jiidcinent and aivrea, iniereai rfisi aii'1 anornet s l. i ma summons is puiiiisimi liv urner ol Stephen A. Lowell, Judy of Hi Circuit Court nl th aial of llreaoa lor Morrow County, mail on lh Sth day of Janoarr, I"". i. N. rlUllMN and O O. Pl.l.la. n IT Attorney for l'lalntirr. J , W. Karo, lb eily painter, I pra ardlodi all kind ft palnliag and tr habeir g and will ! dnnaa rlraa- ie aiid laka ap aad ptil down ttrfii, Om na Main tr!, opprafit Cnj lHtl. rr 122 fiO I Will ll flrwt r!aa. ib r.. b'h arm iiaiir martiln taaran. t4 lr Id a.r a. for furtl padien lr 1 CMt or 1 ra, N. A lart), lilia, trregua. Wt-if. Notice of Dissolution. VOTICK Id HRRKRV fllVKX TlUT TH R IV ro artiierahlp heretofore eitallni lt twean Oai-ar Minor, Arthur Minor and rrauk Hocera. under th firm nam of Minor A to.. doloaa feneral merrhandla Imaloea In lh loan of eppner. ha llila day lieen dlasnlved ur mulMal mita-nt, rrahk Hoaera hanln dl fjiiaed of hi Inter! In thetiosloeaauitli other memliera of lh Sm whi will continue In boslaeaa at tlian lorailon, rtillerl all deliUi and Mill all arouulol lh said Arm tm nH MIMiH AMTHI'K Ml suH, KKASK HiMiflta Dai4 l lUppner, Or , Jan. a. " 17. Notice of Assignment. Votu k M HSMrMn.ivrt tiutoK'i t fell and I'. rll. t-ortner doing bnH at Mei.pner, Orefoti, under Iha flrm namenf fell lln , ha niad an aitnmnt lor lite bclieAl nl their flel lora All Mttie Mi( elalma lnf aald Srm nl gall Hn ar neredy required lo t.rewml II. am in lh anlrloed aaslanea, t id Hnt haitonal ha'ik il Heppner. to Morrow i oontr (if alililu ttire monlo Iron to dl heee.4 li4, Januarf V. "- 0. COXarR. Alan. I. n RaoW. Alloraey lot Aal(aa. a. APaiMSfMaTdk Kllllt t. IK TBI rm-WTY mi sT or TH"'f erf Morrnw, (! of I , In Hie Mal fcotir IU rilksl M.M Its I TkeW ks I !aarBer Main wUr t,m tb tteppoer ,lbt A Wtf mi.ant ar r -aU let Mil .arat.y e.jHoa.l ll,. 11 'leg tolher I war spring rarry wir ! their poi, a4r j aa!ly nf ltag ll.ir 'r rat r.(T IUK II a I. mar k Wait Co. TV lr nf It, ll of Ikoas Hntilon, derae. Bui .4 Inniaa Renlilaoq deaaaM '. I hmtwhf flteti l.y h Ml1ele-I aytmliil ItttU.f ll, eta ot Thoioa Heotln. da eed, i lh r eM Cot of, ail CMit K-l' H.l'.l aln4 ll aatd 4erard I thll.lt Ihem auk lh he , , y owhera allhlnall M'iiiII.i fl. r Id SrH p il.ll. allon ol ll. tu n lh aaid admlnl l !.. al kl rel'lem aa Mhea rreek. lo aald rouMf, of Ut R r i. kl a'l.J ton, M'rfrva ioui.i HRV rlftrRil HliiWfilif of h Ml I at 1km IkMiiil Iwiad M.r'". ff , iaa IT, !". It. I rrek. lo aald ronHlf , 19 U ,.f al kl 4)f la iHi( If. . We are not umall men, K8. We are email men, Xe. we are it tin Largest Hants in ir.e worm l a a But when the people of all the surrounding coutitiy are In need o! a a Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails. Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Uaas and Water Pipe, Pipe Uttlugs, Btovci ' Ranajes, Wagons, Hacks, BugKln, Wagon Material, Ilardwooil, Axo, Ilanuncri, Saws, Bledges, Wedges, Otitis, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran ltcware, Plows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers. Tuba. Wash Boillers and Boards, rJheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goodu and Get Trices. We have Good Goods at Faib Prices, and Cheap lolui GwhIs at Chep John Prices. GILXjIA-M & 13T.S13.ISJS, M4IN STIIEHT, - HKITNKU. OltKGON T. R. HOWARD DKAIS IN Grockrifs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Suiti.iks, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will make it aa object for you to trndo with liiin m Lin iric(g &ro rilit, and all grxMla that lie iihiidlua are ot the very beat. Stork on Main Strkkt, Next Door to City Drug Store, I-Ieppnor, Oregon, Rurrn to C. i. Van iJuyn. Rrl d-H.r Iu Cliy HoUl. Has everything in the lino of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, ond also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete, Notions a Specialty. TFIT atTT DCS cto IjOWS, AttorneyM fit Inw, All bnalnaM alUmlaJ to It. a pMrnid anJ aatlafacUirr orrivr. in I NATIONAL I i I ASK HUILMNd. i OHEOON Notice of Intmtion. at TMi tti i r. fir'Km 1 ar t.i lv r.i .itit a alvl a.n4i M r W a1 1 tbat a ''!) I lot.M na'1 'a , aa4 I r ll tinul tin f t-ia. K1t9 laall (' t'lli I l"4 a ' a-i a, n b l-a, .! Ihat la t .. aaiat a M , it. ii iii dii . it , ('! Ir all M I w liia aa I ! 'ii i. r- f at Vi IM try I twl (Xba, i i(Mt lira tja'haaa la aoai aola tnpMt i4 .il aaa'k-t tlKf ia kf a th aopfiy ? Ij, ptk. nailaa !, . ( aa4 lJ, atiwh Ha n Inf ih ! atarkrl .rr . (lit bins a rail. I a ft orrn I t It l .rf. tb llMla am ai 111 . l atlt a-l t-4 la -.f1 M k aM ii aait y-fJ aill to t., lai'r t'i..tt i I.. .4 w',. i m.ii,.at ll'S i a. ' ,.. Ma i .i"t ai i.r-i.. r a in "I r tv . i i, a a fy iM 1 1 1 ' li i la . r II -a.. H . ' l. f M, In a.na ' Iu Kr.411.umt Nailawa t. a4 l MHa ajl al1 Md. al. l "-a. !. (wlta taa T Ta:i im a f, II. . I'f.ar .a m in Nad of a Saddle 5 At.it i a .i . Un if W"," .:' "-,f I . 'i ,-H ll,, ,. a.,.. ...., t, 4 ll! I a. irt la I lh h a' I al l a-lt .a.'lM .,. .. .... tm. . ..... I. a.. "a " I a , t I '- - ' . " T mm I a a. 11.1 Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are Yc I lorse All tlifaw can lm prtK-tira-d at 1 lirimjifiii A Hinna, Iiarr Main Htrt, tlipn r, Urrp.ii. 7km .,i.ai.i ar il a'i-IM4 a I'll fn II.' . ! l. Maw and uO.at eoaaltaa, aod . a d il l' atit.a in . u .,.a in, ii. i, , I'll' la k.i, K 1, Mm THOMPSON IJINNS, THK PA LACK IIOTKI, HAK, .). c. mo i km i i:i:s. 1'i.ip. (P. -r, IMH f aaat, o.iaaa tiu4m 'K.pi tllc I'ncbt Wine, Litjuurb and Cigars.