Thk Atlanta constitution sums up the Washington bitaation as "ducks, debts and democrats." Oun state penitentiary has now reached its high water mark, 400 prisoners being confined within its walls. il He Latest interview Will .E There are two hundred lawyers, tweDy-seven editors, and three ministers in congress. The editors have a big responsibility on their ,ooeB88nt mental exertion oould not fail Famous Novelist Recovered From Nervous Prostration. Paine's Celhry Compound Mad Har vigorous and Energetic Da Manrier baa made Paris studios familiar to every one. But not until the appeaniDoe of Mrs. E. Burke Collins' story of "A Gilded God" did novel readers dream of tbe wealth of material ready for some gifted novelist's pen in tbe brilliant artist life of our own New Orleans. In a recent interview by a New Orleans paper she said : "Of course, to a certain extent my characters are drawn from life, tbongh never exam portraits. My iavorite nerome is Mam'selie in my story of a 'Modern Heathen.' No, I rarely urge aspirants to take op a liter firy career, uoces is obtained only at tbe price of tbe most exhausting labor." Although Mrs. Collins' writing has always been a labor of love, yet suoh shoulders. A Tennessee senator was saved from a fatal wound by a folded newspaper iu his breast pocket. Good for the newspaper. It 18 reported that Gov. Pennoy- er has returned to the democratic fold and that that party will again nominate him for mayor of Port land. to have its fffeot of ber nervous system. At one time she found herself tired out and wenk from her uninterrupted work; she became nervous and incapable of work; she even saw nervous prostra tion staring ber in tbe faoe. Tbe gen eral toning np that ber system needed so badly she found in Paine's oelery com pound. Today she is perfectly well and strong again, busy as ever with ber brain It 13 a peculiar fact that tramps and others who have no money with which to pay doctors' bills neve haver appendicitis. Atchison Globe. The Baker City Blade denies that allegation that R. S. Anderson is the ship, crew and captain of the reDublican party of Baker county. General Weyler will cive the Cubans eight dayB to lay down their arms and surrender, and they nd pen, and grateful to Pane's celery will propably give lira about oono',ouuJ fl,r ,he ,im,,,T be,P vX i mnlA tr,m ,ln it. ,ttilBre Rnd ,rouble ni1 deRPftir "en,e -"" about to c ose ronnd her and I.., off from everything tbat was dear. . .. m ..... .ft I UILL m'E, tbo iar-iatiieu Mum-l -your constant brain work mnat tell orist and lecturer, (lied at Asbville, Jour strength," observed the reporter, N. C. on Saturday attornoon. death ",; oa no Me ,,ow ' I -m I rv, u .1 . . 1. r . . - t . 1 a.. ni hi; ui p nrr UIIIO lif ICIl UOgn day, she replied, "I am careful to obey the laws of health, and I am never with out a supply of Paine's onlrv som puuiiu. v uen i met weak ami nervons and there is a heaviness in my brain or a shooting im;n over IheVves. whirh warns me that mr energy is fliirging. I take a littln of the ooinpouml, and I am strong ami free from pain at onoe. I nevi-r fnj iyril stirli buoy aiioy of spirits and iiiiiiiliii ( f bmly before I mad the HC'piiiiiUnoo of Paine's evlery orti- pomid. Heareely a day aaae that I do inn tirgs Hums inciiii lo lake It. Ki.r iiHiiralgia, indiceition, neivuns prontrn- tim, ami lilnod disorder. I am con- vincru mat mere is uoiiiing use 1 allie s I am nut surprised being a result of a stroke of paral ysis which occured a short time be fore. TheiiE is no question but the Kastern Oregon brunch aylurn will be built, sooner or later. Tlioro is littlu doubt that it will be built this- summer Nuloin States man. It la said that a m-hemo is be ing quietly worked to bring about the dofent of Mitchell, Herman aud Ellis. Tlioro is "a lion ou but it is still doubtful whether the o.dry compound, brood nho will hatch will bo any that physicians nse It in different oases." I l'tm .IaM .at . ... 1. .. - I more Mtiafaclury than the present L , ,oppr o( OUO. Laat Uregonian. sedentary people, Its rilriialv nas by briiio workers, IkiIU men and women A New YottK ofliee boy ajxnt off"r""' lHofaa, mo if . . , !! viurf ruruia neiioirni nerve wrote to thfl treaanary official, that .ruarlated, nervous tiene. Nothing rise he would tftko 150,(KH) of the new has ever possessed anything like the loan, lie wm awardi. the IxiuiU I'"'' '' osiers eomiKiuhd to ....I tt,n I.U rir.1,1 I.. I.U "'' l.esllbv tisrvoua lone tr. lbs them for $'',(KK). A pretty cooj return for a two-cent investment eulire body, and to thoroughly elranse the liluod. Hcbool Uaohers, prufreaioual men, newspaer ueo, minuiers, publie nfllalala, men whose daily outlay of MftH. Ul.AINE haa Cllwtioa of "''. beosuee bar J, trying, an i ions twenty freaentation gtvela receiy. ;. ren.wej .treegih. Cdby the late Jarue G. Blame (b,i, b.altby art.oa, ibe.ntlr. body, while epealrr of tho liouaiv Mra. 0 paine's etUry eonipnned. It ase lUndall liaa fourteen. HHaker shortly dispels beedacbe, tbeunatie Uel La quite a larga collection P'". JyPl. iwable, groersl of carrls reeeiml . unotf his aro""T " "aor- 0,D" a a a a a former terra, ana uaa iiai nail a du.en tiveo to Lira tinea the preeeut aeaaion legKn. MiKiSLEY U in alt probability ocas' fruro pare bluuj. All Kwiewae it Ask tour pbysieiaa. your drn?-ie anJ Inul tainl MhlL.k'a ... ttiA lea.lor io tlm preeideutal racU,on.rajii..n. They will rremnaieaij .. it .,...l...ii.. lt,...-r ! rr saie i.y rue sfa ' ' a a as v -- . t a a rvnaior Aiueoo una teaa pTLai A Lis a! n-.u.-City Marebal lllske oi'tMwition than any other. No otv Ii;Um bspiy lly as if he had met a pooeht Maail Lis jmblio of prUato " f,",. ' . reoird. 1U is the first choice of niny, tbo aocontl rhoie tt a great i tnultitu la and fur tuoulhs Jrt to think l-jut it i mi ni?n nnn ixbopean letter. from our Special Correspondent We bave returned soaked and disap pointed from Vesuvius. Oar elotbes and oar tempers bave been rained; Cook tbe excursion fiend baa fallen in our estimation and Yesavias is simply be neath oar notioe. We went to tbe crater Id a rain tbat was soffioient to bave pat out tbe volcano. We bave jolted miles in a epringless wagon, we bave ridden springlees donkeys, waded in anhee to our Bnkles, and all Ibis in tbe interest of pleasure. We left Naples about nine o'clock in tbe morning nnder tbe supervision of Cook and in one of Cook's wagons. The morning was not altogether promising but ''hope springs eternal" and we thought the day would probably be clear. Naples was just beginning to really wake up for tbe day, for tbe doloe far niente of the people begins by lying in bed in tbe morning. At lat we reached tbe open oun try and while the clouds gathered overhead our spirits were kept up by a band of strolling musicians who walked along by tbe carriage and sang "Santa Luoia" and other delightful Italian songs, varying tbem occasionally with "Daisy Bell" iu honor of oat nationality and seeming disappointed when we failed to look ap preciative. We stopped at a little moon, tain inn where oar bonest driver who probably shared profits with the pro prietor, told us we oould get the best wine in all Italy. At tbe next stop we left tbe carriage and mounted donkeys to orosa tbe lava fields. At this mo ment natore's feelings overcame ber and as if in anticipation of tbe fate tbat awaited us, began to weep. Everyone commented gleefully on tbe faot and we mounted the diabolical beasts, as premier Olliver said when tbe French started to Berliu with "light hearts.' When we reached tbat spot on our re tarn we bad seen Vesuvius but a strange silence bad fallen on all tbe party, and those who found voioe at all lifted it in declaring tbat henceforth their mission would be to dissuade others trom the accent of the volcano. An incompati bility had sprang up between all the members of the oompaoy and eyes that looked love at tbe beginning of tbe trip were now singularly inexpressive behind straightened bangs, and under dripping bats. Probably tbe donkeys were no worse than other donkeys, bnt tbe road they bad to travel was bat a rough path and it seemed to me tbat any self-respecting nkey would not have taken advantage of so maLy rooks in tbe road for pur pose of stombling as these innocent looking animals did. Tbe saddles weie not fastened securely and tbe guides, one of whom scoompanied each rider and shouted dreadful threats to the donkeys, were eipeoted to hold the ssddlee on. When tbe donkey fell down, the saddle slipped forward and cuffed tbe animal on tbe bead. Wben be went op a bill it settled Inseourely on his tail and finally when the guide bad grown tired of holding it on it tumbled off altogether. The rain at last began to pour and the wind rashed violently down tbe mountain. It was impossible to bold umbrellas and cold, wet and dlsheart ened the party reached the station of the fuiiiciilaire road that leads up the steep, )ie'(iing auy oooe to within a tew hun dred yards of the crater of tbe volcano Tbe only tire in tbe restanraut was in the kiieheu ana the bead waiter, who speaks five language and probably nets about f'20 a month, lovited us to warm ourselves, au iuvitation w gladly so pepte.l. VVtieu the world bad assumed a brighter hue through the medium of an omelette and steak we started np the mountain again. Tbe road Is slroost iwrpvtidieular aud one feels much more as if tbe asofot were being made in ao elevator tbat no a rail trerk. It IS railed a funionlaire, but is really a esble wiiu doable tracks aud the ears are balanoed an they psss each other mid way ol the disteoee. Oo either side are the great fields of lava and anbes, the former of 0. mrse, now Oooled aud la tbe most fsnlaslia shspes. in whirb. as in clouds, oos sM ni' t olearly wbat Ins laney auggeels. Perhaps It was lbs Inlliienoe of tbe donkey ride and tbe weather bat il seemed In me Ihire's llllis tratlons of Dantee "Infem"" might bave been p' olographs of I lira furuatiojs. Al tbe top of the fomenlaire we were ml by a new rrUy i.f gmde bo look otTlheir big roals and wrapped them about tbe dretirUd women of lbs party. Chairs carried by four men were to be bad for those nui.lle i wt'k t Ike crater. A gnl.te went ftbtd id eaeb of na and throwing a strap over bis shoulder told os la b.dd il tight and !eo bark. Ones sympVhr for lbs gniile prevents him leauiog lk very far al first, but later s) mpail.i to h-ei la fstigae sod one reel? hiitlf t- bring palld bodily np ibe bill ll.n.ogb Ibe deep sties Tbe eiater was tooted out to es sod we were warned not to go lew rbtee, bat we saw pnlhlog bql a flute a little ceore fungy ibe Ibe dense tnial erttig Ibe monition, we sew Ibe row an g lav anion I.kr4 temptingly warm, sn.i me enirer wtten wae a brlsht yellow sod suell4 like a tnsleb reriory. iieeeeeding the bill agaia la Ibe fuoteolai'e in Uliee feeg listtitt 4 Ibe arms of tbe guide and reg arjlees of ImwI sttne and silk sinderskirl sof fefe.1 I heme les to be dragged Ibmo.b Ibe fin, grey aebee, t,.o wee'j and wet ll pmteel. i Al Ibe lower etatin a ! i.f Mteral , botif was n.e.U la anlieitaa4l ef a rleaMeg np uf Ibe weather, bn Ibalj proved l b tim hnaever. tfing this j lime II e registry tm, a Uiye tiler t) bn'k 11 ahieh It.toiel n,(T fl, a i-ImI la relieve lir feelings frnlbrd tie dit e-... We si't ealle-J mpm ti r r- 1 pur erndil e--'ieiie sod omen ta e fi.nn.t ll.r ineertp- j lines after lb tg. I.l k f t At ' ffie Best of all Gxjgh Medicines is Dr. Acker's English Rem edy. It will stop a cough in one night, check a cold in one day, prevent croup, re lieve asthma, and cure con sumption, if taken in time. It is made on honor, from the purest ingredients and con tains neither opium nor mor phine. If the little ones have croup or whooping cough, use it promptly. Three Sues 25c 50c and $1 per bottle. At Druggists. ACKER MEDICINE CO, 16 and 18 Chambers Street, New York. COMMITTEE MEETlMi. Krpablicaa Central Committee Met and Make all Arrangements. Convention March 28. A meeting of the republican central oummittee convened at one o'clock p. m. at tbe Palace botol parlors last Hatur day aod wero called to order dy Chair man A. W. Patteroon. O. N. Peck of Lexington was selected as secretary The following were present: A. W. Patterson, Heppner; Joe RHOtjr, Gentry ; D. W. Hornor, proxy for A. M. Qunn, Mount Vernon : Mike Kenny, Luna; A Rood, Dairy; O. F. Fuqua, Eight Mile; O. A. Johnson, Lexington ; j. R. MoVay, Dry Fork; A. Audrews, Alpiue; J. L Howard, Pine City. After due ojnsideratiou of the differ ent dates suggeated it was decided to bold the repubiioun primaries on March 21, '96, and the couvention on March 28, '96. On motion of 0. A. Johnson, second ed bv 0. A. Pliant, the representation for the coming convention was bused on tbe congressional vote of W, R. Ellis. THE ereat prize fight Las come Oa motion of A. Andrew,seconded by and gone without any interference Mike Kenny, it was deoided to base the from the authorities. But unless representation on one for every 15, and public sentinifnt changes greatly f"otion over one-half, and one at larse aiifit. ifr p mmmnnfcUin batt e will tor every preoinot, ims Deiug the same not likely occur in America, at least representation as tnat or two year ago not in the United States. ims maKes tne representation na fol lows: Heppner, 10; Gentry, 4; Mt. Vertion, 5; lone, 3; Cecil, 2; Dniry, 5; Dry Fork, 3; Eight Mile, 3; Alpine, 2, Piue City, 2: Matteson, 4; Lexington, 3; Wells Springs, 2; Lena, 3. Total 51. A Rood resigned as committeeman fn ni Dutry and Btiggeated the appointment ol John F. Royse which change reoeiveo the unfiiiimoua support of the meeting This completing tho work the meet ing adjourned. a FA GIVEN AWAY Consisting of one ebeet of FARM BUILDINGS and one sheet of 78 Subjects, DOMESTIC ANIMALS, etc. These are to please tbe children. Tbe Farm House and Animals can be cut out and made to stand, thus making a complete Miniature Farm Yard. 3 Ways to Get This Farm : cr j 6 Coupons! or SGflQ 1 Coupon and 6 Cents j or 10 Cents without any Coupon, to BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C, and the Farm will be sent you POSTPAID. You will find one Coupon inside each 2 ounce bag, and two Coupons Inside each 4 ounce bag of BlacH's Giiie Durnara Totiacco. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, wnicn gives a lisi oi ouier premiums anu uuw iu gci uicui. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. 3 Michael D IIauter, ex-senator aud a prominent democrat from Ohio, committed suicide at t'oatoi ia on Friday night during an attack of insomnia. He is spoken ot as one of the ablest membeis of the 52d congress and was a man emi nently sucessrul in buisinens un dertaking, llii lite insurance amounts in the aggregate to $200,-000. R. S. Anderson, at the last con vention, Btated with vehement voice and gesture that the republi can party was in favor of the free and unlimited coinago of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, places him in a 000,000 equare feHt, r . HMMIMBHWWWaiinilMll i - condition of coming down to the point of defining the position of the parly, and the public wants to know the change .f heart for his refusal to meet any and all ques tions on this subject. Now, Ander son, come ou or oC liakor City Blade. Two Hundred btori a High. Two New York City orchileoB, Hard ing & Qo ioh. have drawn plans for the moat remarkable building on earth, and it is assereted that it is goon to be built in that city. It wiil be 20) stories in bHjjht and will have a fl or spaite 2t,- It will occupy one largn cttj block ami fifty eleot mo eleva tors will cany paHsenKera end freight up nnrt down through it. There will be 100, 000 acp'trate (.fhVanudnit-li, aooomoda- ting 400.000 people. A magtiifloent roof garden, eni'loRfd in glas in the winter, will surmount the massive building. JURY ll ST. 4 JUST ARRIVED! he largest assortment of the very latest styles ip Dress Goods, La Belle Crepon, Baptiste, Gauffre Cloth, Court Royal Pique, Crisso Cloth, Royal Chemylle, Lace Challies, Percals, Dimities, Satteens, &c, Ever Brought to Heppner! And all of these are to he found at the Fashion Centre which is at None Hat Ayrr'a at the World's Fair Ayer'e Harsnnarilla euj-iys the extraor dinary diatinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at tin World e fair, Chicago. Manufacturers ot other siirsaparilliis songht by every means to obtain a showing of their good', Dtlt they were all turned away uuder the application of the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicine and nostrum. Hie deoision of the World s fair autho rities in favor of Ayrr'a Harsapttrilln was in effeot as follows: "Ayer's yarsapa- rilla is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the hat ot nostrums. It is here on its merits." disorder! nrv aol Im httmaa fnead, bat lbs 1 100 grrsnbsek bs bad ll on day last Aagast, tad bleb be b'd gl up as i, XI Manson, oat i-f the ?a tintdoytj la flraiiiug out the gl block, fHted ll bill attHtftg the dtrts this morning sad Litkbakt NoTfts. The H. D. A L. society ot this place wilt bold its Iw-t meptiug for this season on uext Hutnr- day evening. The public is cordially invito, ad interesting program was render ml on last Hatnruay, oonsiHling of the following ilohitta, the quextion Im. ing that of the fnrmirauti miiiuftirer Mears A. W. l'atterfton, l'rnf. llron and Mr. Andrews acting as j'l lifcs mid deotdiug in favor rt the farmers. '1 he souk liy Mamie Eati-s and deelamation hy M is Thompson were excellent. The "Dutch Justice" was re produced with Frank Thomas as j idge, wlio mnn a show all to himself Ton'iie b Ada M.nor and Js. Hart was aUo a good rul lnlreting feature. Ilila s -cii'ty will vint Lexington society nn tux I Deadly evening, and purti. ipate in the d;riilrn of Ids liitemperiiioo and wsr )ilralion. Messrs It F. Urnd, J. V. Ilornnr, Union Keller an J II. T. it tiiley ar I he sneakers clioen. Onrbova will also meet the Clarks' Canyon debaters as six n as deflnils arrangement ran prrfei-ted. A good timst is aotlciptifd on m it nttnrday evening. ine Following is the I it t ot jurors drawn for tho next regular term of circuii court which convenes next. Monday giv It.g retdence aud oui upatiou as shown by the veuire ns piepred by the clerk: Frank A. Lundeil, Dr Fork, Farmer, Wm. DouglaKS, I.oua, htookraHer. Andrew Rood, Euht Mile, Capitalist, 8. W. Adams, Dairy, Furnier. J. II. iielliLgbrock, Eiht Mile, Fuimer Frank UritHn, Ioue, " 0car Mitchell, " Htockiuau. U. F. King, " Farmer. Newt Jones, Heppner. Ht:okraiier. J. F. Deos, Lllu, Htickraier. 8. P. Oarrigms, Hrppner, Capitalist. 1. 0. Thompson, " htockman Wm. Warien, Mt Veruou, Farmer. I'iinis Upillaue, Ueppuer, " J. D. Curmtohael, Lexington, " J. C. Thompson, " " N. A. Kelly, Ueppuer, Stuck miner. Urren Mathews, " li.trbei. Johu Woodward, " F (timer. J. A. Woolery, line, Mrcbaut. O. W. Vincent, tluli)ay, HtotLr.titer E. 8. Co, !iry, Friner. Jas. H. Allen, Eight Mile, Fatnit r. (1. M., I).y F.nk. John N- Elder, tl -n.try, H took raiser. Frflgrf I). I'.ilnn r, L-xiiu'''n, Farmer, T. U. Ilielw, Heppner, Men bant. Ihoa. I. (I'uliHiD, ry Fork, Farmer, K N. Curun, Oeniry, Sli.ckmnii. II. C (lay, II, ppner. Farmer. I'lon, Anderioii, Eight Mile, Farm A Cart WoTta Koole( (Ntinnmption, La lirippe, I'lirinnonu and all Throat and Lung diaea rnred by Muloh's Cure. F.r sala by Wells A Warreo. Ci.r Its osiusio.-rornaot to IU Pall l A, W I'allvraon, pr.-l lei t, ) Morrow O'linlv Itepnblit an l luh" nmi atlhriorl bunas laal Narday at 2 o'elucl for ths piiria ol re t-raiaii l'n (lea. Tbornioo was app .iit.t letnpif tary seerelar; for lb d. Tl f.i.. lag odloers "f alwlil f f h runietf twit years: W. W Naeat. frrs : II T. Ilagley, ie prsa.; J.'tiD lliriir, -' VI, Li. riallrg, Ireaa I h eieenlivs . mmittes is J. N. Ilroas. r. H t.tons sod A. W i'atlerssj Willi lb pfe.i lent arid Vie prMndeat e ofTi 'io m'nilwt of lbs sam K. K. Min i. A. II. Car-tbii.m-w and H. I. (Urrigqa p. pointed as eomraitte on eeaMii..a asd b laws In riM at iba wit raert i"s Aftor a few brirl ftaak -f It. T lUv, J. N. Ilroa. t' A. Kraa l.--. J M. IWmlbby A. (I. Ittfltfl-ma ai l A. W. Caller" Hi s ub lj,urre li mt lw weeks fmw ta it .lal. Mare'i ?, at lha Mtrl bn at T .1 1 p in , o all r Inf lUd to alien I. Ike Ilia uf C-iiaiii, ili,,u, causes mii llmu la His Ills u( w.nurn. Kit a ChiVrr II lit, lea ia a p an,t rur- I r ;oiialipii.n rur s. P. Writs M Mr- e. If you see it in our ad. it's so. OHUER FOR PUBLICATION. Amt i, Hi'tnii.t, Vri.riN'i. -Ttinutia I eh ! to etui of ti4 II 'iiur diatnel til e ur next M!,, 1 1, lbs 2 id of March, ul MhII k k's ball.f r lbs pnri-oa of lei l,r.,' ii.reri.r and c elk to snes.i-l i,'i. iiiitf', J, W. l irrow and J.J. Itilt-ris t,i r'nt innrabnata. "t direct r !'i tl I lia hsa h'srd th nnm- c f b .'U J. W. Mirriw, lb out g lag fli.-rr, aud (i hi. t iner mention- t j l, S'iJ .i It, eveut IU al either sh mlj arep, lbs llllereala i t tl. chkl al.l it b ne,!. i.J. J. J, It bri Is agaia luvnlixnrd for el"k. t'rery lag p)f la lbs dtriKt h ml I atUo I th'.a m I-lug N THE CIRCfIT COPRT OF THE BTATE of Oregon (or Morrow Coiinir, The State ol Oreiron, rittlntlrT, vs. J. W. Morrow County (lurk ol mil,) Mnrrnw I'oiinty. Oregon, ami the lielrl nl Charles Muil, Ueeenpeil, liefeiiilanta. Whereaa, H lint l,een mtlfartortl v maile to an'sr lo tlioCinirt that nn the l ltli iliiT ol Jan- uarif, ln'm. in until Mormw ( oiiulv. Iireffnn. one Charlea t in. I ilittl Intintnto; that at the time of hlailenth audi liiarlea I. 'ml waa tinitiarrleil and lelt no rhllilren, or other helra at law, and that up to Die lime ol (he enmineneetnent nf thin tinM-eeiltna no iierann or mraoin have anreared rUlnmiK to lie an heir, or helra. of talil dweaa- e i. I nat ai f lie nine nl ma neain a alo-emil,!. said di-eeaaed waa aelxel of eertaln real palate In aatd Morruw ountv. reatilea a ronatderalne amoniit nl tieraonal iMH'rty. That afterward the I ountv I onrl ol Morrow Cnnntv duly an- admliil'irntnrt of the eatatp nf the aaid liH-eaaeil. who ilulv niiallniHl and entered nime aid Irnat. and iroceoi.d to admlntater aatd eatnte, under tlte ill nation of taldCniintv Court Thai on the 21th day nl lts-eiiiter. anctt adinlnlat'atlon waa eompleieil. and anld admin- lairatora nliH In Mid Coiiiiiv l onrt thitrtiiiil mental rinal aeeount, bt whleh It waa ahown tha' there reniatne.1 In the haoda nf atirh sd mlnlairatora. alter iiirh sdmlntdratloti fully roiniile'eil. aa the tniTtr of aald ealate, the nun nl 1 1 ill, w hli h aald aiim ol money w aa. on aald day. nnder Ihe order and direction nl aald County Court. ald hy am h admtnlatrat. on lo J. W . Morrow, Clerk of aald County Court, Ihe aleive na"ie. deleiidanl. aulilecl In the further orler of Ihe aald Comity Court. That al l aiim ol money haa eyer attire aald '.'4th day ol ieoemlK"r. I'J, l-en, and now la. In tha hauda of J. W. Morrow, and lhal aatd County i nurl haa not made any lurtherord.Tln relation thereto: and thai hy reaaon nf aurh fart, aald oin i. tHK. 01 ahonl t earnest Ui. and liernme the rort nf. Ihe Mate. an, th stale of Otefnn haa a rlarlit hy law In audi anm of money now In ae...,n of laid defriidant i. W. Mor row, aa a(or,ti. And II luriher aatUlaelorlty at-arln In the Court that a ainmtioiia haa lMiie. n s I tat rro e,.l... dire. tr, to aald de'emlaiit j W. Hof. row. re.iilrlii( him. and th helm of lha aald ctiarle .o. dere,, o aiier and anawer th lolofm.ilou n . herein, within lha llm HinlliM l.y Uw In rl II rae. and that aald nmmona haa lieeii duly aenrd m aald .llei. I.i.l. J XV. Mormw. i-toiIIt. In aald Morrow Count. rnvon. and that no heir, or hi-l-a t.ltha.i harle I Ind drael, ran b t,tidln aald County and Mule It h iliee.ire hon i t nrdere.1 lhal all peranna lul-rite. In h aald raut nf t harlea Uo.l dera, a. on or heloi the Brat day of th l rrgul.r iron ol tlil) Court, which la ll.Hr.1 V,,n..T n MiH. l-i. In wit. II. ara-Hi. .lay lhi.i. at lleftioef. n aal l Morrow I oimtr. and iiinw ran. II any lhy hay why h til' ol aald ratal row In th han-la of aald J U . M.h row , tn th unt nf 1 1 , u ahould n.l a in II, I'UlutiS herein. II. Mat ol IK'" Il la l ittlio, M lrM lhal notlra I "ih'.ah on.- earh w e for al t r.nariitl "! In Ihe II, ...or !.. tl. a tewatpr nf I rlfruUllon "i.:iah at lle (iiirr, la aai l Morrow mint orient wtliww ray hau l im I "h day of lannarr. l- SI I HUM iJiWItU !. tlrrult ,u l. Cummings 8c Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block weat of the t?nlon Depot of C. B. A H., C. M. A Ht. P., C 4 A , P. Kt. W. & C, and the C. St. Itallroads. KATUM Wa.00 iici- AY Cor. W. Ma. limn ami Clinton Sta., KsHs iknr l:H Ta is sere enrw for lla. b ud prMoitS l-a N Htil6( IflKIra a. i .juutl;. Fur sals by MsllsA Warrww. II Sayea by I ry ay Tbntlaanla i.( fa tf ('norD('lina, A'lli'n. t'.-ns'.. la and C'.mp ar rarej iy 4f l-v Miliuli'a Curs I'nT sl by Well A Wria. Nswf sin Iilti-ttw, (..r..o ha or.-t,.. t,, h f.4 Jard 'tt il of a lb it a-M rfH-, an - ..!ie,t a ' . !'. Id It is al u m i.l It. I namrae, an t )nr b-rw w. b well I i. af.r. 'im rwfta-Mab'. llaV asd ft mm f.r U. ((. r.M.ll liM Ibm far IkWctl far of fetop4 II In lb ownrr. lbs I ill J ttrst.d I v' I dit Ifc-n," Mlmatsi k . t t t ft fl . I ltunh il lta.l IM ftlikdcl La a.1 fell lliri put'im lati I 1'iin iriv " . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 snasi otf n m iniia, war mstsr .,. wbirb bavci leoii IrferresI Lil . . " I ,!y ..,.,,, I Ut, l lakr Vol II lilt CtIUUJlUn. Ibr r wOtBS U,,.,!, J,, t tl g,.t .bil. borry kwtlUUC A tv ji 1 irotn inn itnorior Ib.g iluss lbsirl b mats an antral, tlfimrtinfut, lHf.H fi rrja.ftixl nd lbs ! I 11 rnd laio ;, 0-lDfflOlliW NCI ttisat .11 till SfS f.MW-i baJl.i. ster siae-lb. ' . . . . i IV!I Ibxialalnsvr rtrirr1! W PPcrriary 17 mr nre.l letiL beo tbf ffUtll Ul ir t ls gwlsg u.ors an I n 1 1 .1. !,.. ,1 . ' king l rtilll publla ln.l i't lli luna, II "Vba dr i.l. f IM l.iH a.d r-wt MN,n ft'UQ I I llisst'! nt I'lUjiif la lbs il-ag h Tb.y tirli ill ibf r m I tn ib-a f ll IrtiaaM fttl I. A I t m A g.l.M I.l re ber Sulk," e. lh. , t r,Hr, - sIm.wI I bay I ad it f,r " g.t.a, Ikal a ig CbHag , ai d slitl . f I1 de-' .lil f m,.i . f piael al Mln'i san ine, an It. 4mi. I " rr"" """' . si I fc.i I 01 ttoi.l b I- rawltrd b'fw I t ll! sffrcHlbat Frank fbl.e. ,.f li. tt.r. .. J j V1T,,1Z;' M la Jentii llaia, ttw I ,iri!, lit 4 it) 1 1 . 111 1 per. bttl aba feow HiMi-ttl li re. 1 - I . . 1 wwyw marnwl ll UVt!i..U) . k , llal Is wi kaown by a, I 11 tana' I Im 1 1 if tl 1 ii'l. wb.i i:i rila 1 . . ... i its Uirtits la iu Im g c-' StHkho.'Jfr$' Utttirg. arsialstt -ts. - Nurii F n arum win TUT Tilt a. f I. , , . .4 I . M tt 1 "rv "KTOS-- -TO THE- EAST AND SOIjTHKAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman Tatars Sleeper. Tnurlat sleeper and Frra Reclining Cbalr Cart liAILV to ChU-agu. Many hours sarnl via this Una la E altera tot 11 u. STEAM HEAT. .WICS)T PINTSCH LIGHTS MXICs). KL'MMONI I Til rS( I ITnil at rn Till COlMTt H Morrow, alat 4 (rregoa. !. Ik. I I -. ,ta,l.y lirMw -.) b ti. amH S I ,lp. 4 ... ...... I k I at .i Hi kHHl,.,at.,M IH )! lilag. I l,l.f rt ilMHILliiklim lit;i li. w i - 1 a ' r - . a-. -..!. a u- . I ' ! -ai - a 1 -I ai. . - a "4 ,. a ' f ir. .a aa tlm r( II la tb, "tiraa.l, a.Hiny a. f-nl.f " A Mas ska tl day bka em .i b a'rbl ba 1 wn'le 1 Tl day Is dwk, SJ t tl I dl It rsla s I ) arw wanary, l la -n )o I7.fl.lll sa t ). 1'i-r rtgt,t ril sua., ( St I tamp " N.,bs,i!.. J, UI 11 r a I l i.i'i I 'llcii'i . .tali lk- nlr, . fal.l -I a I. f It mra I t l.a.l ..!.! att.iM.i !. a.Hrc'SirjP r"itlilg il I..I t..., .,!., ttb I el.f ..(I " .-i"is gi lb rwmMr iron, hist r ..u.u " ,h , fn mai II, 1,'yTVvsl I7 tlm f"i lci.t Lrf!wn n.rsii. JW I i'y far4. b'H Sn I Sl t'salh saiairl, It M.ili.t's t'alb Hd I'now f l U X l I)rar rw. Tut a' by lis ft W svrrw. Man b It. I ".'l. at I p an . la t ii. d: b -i.i, r.. ibs (..,,. 14 ii,tf n, imm t, f 1, ,1 1(1 g fi ... . foualy Ii a, , ( is Ifaiaaen .f aay m'h.t kyi ni Il fnti ba.1, ia it.a i,,. 4 Ni 'i.w Iiim ,.( t it .tomit,,,, 1 Is rftMy ty .! -t. J. W. V,..,. I I ail ' . 4 aiit loaaii f Ka'fs CiottS fl .t (. i,.. II,, M .. an I a !r m l t I ' , 't"IM. I t !! W..St,-, I. 1 . kit fg tf nfff,1. C ft t I HI t I - ,ll,.r,, II I, I -a I .(!.. m .l a... . a-'-l. - I.l I',. 1,1 -.- I .... - "a-- 11 1 1 a .( a , . , B I n 17 rp.-rr. I 1 laliuin, a Clark H A Ulea iKbnlaftl tn.'l k Ui..a 4'iendant, la th tai nf la a)i M crvHi. ynw aea hl , ra-.-ilar-l I a1r a l anat lh enajft I-UI..I Sl araloal , II. ) ntltl a- II on ol l(..i tl, Sort da of Uw tl rrulf Ism al a.M fn.s l 11 Ik rd I y tl Starr S arS 4n-t If iaw tail an bi al, want Hro lh .InM al l Ut IS Iny h t Hal .Wratt. la a. emt air.1. w So - l-a...l ara. -al ynw 1. h o fin Tw.a.. lan iart al.k ..i,f, thr.rfi al lh fl ol lea , en f-f a '.' ...a lh (: .la, M ,n.l.l a... aM law M Hit a i,.ir rav.i a a ti-iai law aad r.wa a .-4 a.raoi aM tt N I. t .a.,fa .4 a f -a I w jM,n tt bf ' lh aou. I II. a-il atn tll ..4 .- l I- Ik aMl(l(f I.,, .I I r, il.. fitt Say rt rwii P V " I at a I . Ing II. ft, J .- ., A.-m, I'm.! r-. .!. loan t i ayarfawa Mw,J " ' " .J a a -I an, rt aw a u a ,-iii ,,. , , it , r t j a i a. rt a raMa la aatiary aa.4 j . -1 t 4i.aai la t,'-.lm ft,y ,.,a rt M I aw a l.-aic 1 J,!. rt at4 ..nrt, ad ja (fell .t t ia,y I twtj S Atl-t l -j riaiM S" Adminlttratttt ott ta kotia. al f I a, aa I aw I b - 1 1 n 'ott ta iirsrsv i.ivm tmt Tin a wa.aa UIl'-.M,la ..4 ii' a Ift. , ff. , , . - - - . , , . I ' a I .a ta.Mat U r ft ..H,y. -! ii, w r a a.i e.ia ara.-t aall a fc. lav, ,..g ft ( ! iraaa - w. r fc. a I t I -a 4 . f til -t ft .; I I ...' , i. i, i 4a4 l .. ..lf r fH , I, S III f IIIUH ' I 1 ..! It. 11'. BAXTER, 6Vn. Agrnt, I'ortlnwl, Orrgon. J. C, IIAUT, Aatnl. llnvrr. Or toon. xi our Face lW aj H.v, I i r SJ f , IW a a I ta .l T') tf I IV SM,. tl.. a f H'lllt... X I ! i;.r t t t, ny, . Ut.g it, iif. Wilt Us Mi.i Hfc, fiH sa(c't Sawlia, fU fw lai la WliiieSowiDsIaeliiiiB tCSS) W'TW nt PI?.CH TENSION, TEHSlOn INOICATOR ACTCL'ATIC TE& RELEASER, ?fe av,.u tw a ijs rwaj S4 W4 u a.y WH( taaikiM. Tfa wiuti: Is titi'Sf ti HlifRrfy tgrt!, 6f fm I'mUk nj PttKl Afjn'n,, !- AU tl-)Vl Artic'ra, l 1 t rrs t f,m ta V lV fY4 1-4 al f "ian. ,. ' .1 t t i I'll! Vi , : 1 fa, Hai.y). H1" n- iia-Jihw. a :, cimuko, c.