Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 21, 1896, Image 4

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Whila joo kne; your aboription paid op yea
can keep you brand in free of charge,
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Hora Gti on left
shoulder; oattle same on Jeft hip, nnderbiton
right ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor
row oonnu.
Biird. D. W. and em. Horsm braidod D B
on tho loft hm: ei tle the n' on lft flunk.
crop off riotvit ear, nnderorop in the left. Kange
in Morrow iumy,
Bartholaraew, A.' fl., Aloino. Or. Home
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Kanne in Mor
row oountv
rlannister, J. W., flarflmnn. Or. Cattle brand
ed H on left hio ami tnien: pnt m eaan ear,
Brenner, Peter. Tooslnrry Ormron Horses
branded PB on left elioiu!ni (aula same on
riirht. flide.
Broaman, Jerry. Lena. Or. Homes branded 7
on right shoulder; oa'tin U on the loft side
T.ft Anr hnlf nnin nd rieht ear nnoer alone.
Barton, Wm.. Hppner, Or. -Horses, j B on
riaht thigh; oattle same on rigm nip; split in
nnith Anr.
Brown, J. C, Hoppner. Or. Horaes, oircls
f! with dot in net teron left hip; ca' fle, am
Brown, W. J., Isna, Oregon. Hones W bar
over It, on the left shoulder. C:ittle same on left
Hover. W. G., Hoppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in
Borg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonlder: cattle, same on inn no.
Brownlee, W.J., Kox,0r ("attle. JB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cnt out on right ear; ira horues dame
brand on the letl tnign, iuhiko iu mi vnuny,
Grant county,
',,.. Worron. Wagner. Or. Horse brand
ed O on right stifle ; oattle (throe bare) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Uange in
J.Dnl uiiH Mrtrrnw OOlintieH.
Cain E.. Oaleb.Or Y I) on horsna onleft stifle'
U with qnarter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on loft stiHe on alloolte aider 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant oonnty.
Cate, Chas. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C! on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Hange Morrow and Umatilla oounties.
Corrigall, M M. Onllowiy, Or Cattle crop out
of each ear and underbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle C on left stifle. Range Mor
ow and Umatilla oonnties.
Curl T. H., John IMv, Or. Double cross on
each hip on oattlo, swallow fork and undei bit
in right ear, split in loft ear. Range in Grant
connty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Kar markon ewos, crop on left ear
pouched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop in left ear. All rangs
in Wrant oountv. . ,
Cook, A. J.,lietia,Or. Horses, 0on nghtshonl
der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark scjwire
crop off left and split in right.
Currin. R. X., Currinsvillo, Or. - ilorsns, on
left stifle.
Cox Ed. 8., Hanlman, Or. Cattle, C with
E in center: horses. CK on loft Sip.
Cochran, R. K., Monnmnnt, Grant (o, Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlan.
Chapln, H., Hanlman, Or. Horses branded
O on right hip. Cuttle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca'tJe same
brand on right shoulder, and cut oil end of
"oliiutlaBS, W. M .Galloway, Or. ('attle, R Don
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, It D
""kb'tos., Douglas, Or. Horses branded KLY
on loft shoulder, oattle same on leftliip. hole
'"Emory??!. H., Hanlman, Or. Horses branded
n reversed C with taill on left shoulder ; cat.
tie same on right hip. Itango in Morrow comity.
Florence, L. A Heppner, Or. Cuttle, Lb' on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
"''Klorenoe, H. P. Hepnner. Or Horses V on
right shoulder; oattle, V on right hip or thigh.
Oentry, Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horses branded H.
H with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow Bnd Umatilla counties.
Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or. li.attlo. round-top K
with qnarter oirnle under It on the right hip.
limine in Morrow and Umafilla iioun'"
Hughes, Hainan!, Wagner, Or- (T F L
r,oimU'd)on right lioiililnm nor.,.; on oattle,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left Range in llayttack
district, Mor'ow oonnty.
Howard J Ij, Gallowav, Or. Horses - (am
with bar above !') on right sVi'ildor; OHftlsame
on left side. Rang) in Morrow mid Umatilla
""ila'irV.dwin, John Dav, Or. Cuttle K H on
right hip; hors - same on rulit shouhlor. Range
in (Irsnt county. ....
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses sha M
heart on the !ft shonlder. Hsnire M ir'ow Co.
Hunsaker. H A. Wagner. O-.-Horses, H on left
Shoulder: ohI tin. Hon luff hip.
Humphreys, J M Hardmaii, Or. Hors.s, II on
Huston. Ijnther, Eight Mile, Or. Mora H on
the left shonldnrsn l heart on the loft stills C it
tin same on left hio. Hang" In Mi-fiw onnr
.lonns, Harry. Ileppn 'r. Or Horses branded
H .1 on the loft, shimlder; en'tlo bra uli-il J on
right hip. also undorliit iu loft ar. Raiige In
Morrow oonnty.
Jnnkiu, H. M., Hepimer, Or Horses, horse,
shoe J on left shoulder, Ca'lle, I lie sans.
Range on '"M Mile,
Johns m, Knlix. Ij'iik, Or Horses. elndoT O"
left stifle; call l. sa ne on right hip, ninler half
oroo in ri'1'1 end olit n left ear
Kennr, Mik", lleppior, Or. -Horses bran 1
KNY on left hip tm'l le a-ne and crop off left
nnder slnonontiie rUht
Kirk J T.. Heooaer, )'. -11 irses AH mi left
shoulder; Battle, 'Won loft hio
Ko'lihorl and. W. H.. Mo nit Vernon. Dr. I I, oil
evils on right an I left sides. a!luT fork U ft
r stid ender moo ill right ear. Horses suns
bra id on lfl shoulder. Range in lmii ,. ),!
Iiften, Hteptien, (of. Or, H I, on left hip
on oaitle. crop and split on rlg'ii ear. lln-.t.
Mine brand on left lioul ler. Kings U.-am
I.ienallen, Join W.. I, Or. -Mor-..
bran I" I h ilf.eircle I eo mi 1 on left S i il
iler. I ail o, nam ' on Infi hio. IU:ue. nr
Ual,ey, J. W Hepnner Itr.-lhirwe b"-andet
I.aii'l oiletf s'l iil ler: retll i a ne ia ,'t
hip, wattle over right )". Oir et sins in r ghl
I. ir-t. Geirge, lleopner. f r. H iran tiran le I
d eil.U II eoi n ti H i neii ii is i-aMel s
iwmt II on le'i sh uilder.
Mris. M. V. Heppner. Ir.-'tile brand l
rinds on right hiin horiMis same mi right stille.
Hangs in M irrow county.
Minor, 0.'ar, iippnr rr.-t atlle, M l on
right hip; hor M on left shoulder.
Morgan, H. N. H-pooer, Or.-llinw, Ml
on Ml nhiHil d o ratlls a ii" on I 't lup.
M Hriiell. Oai-ar. Ions. r. Hors , It on light
hio: esMle 77o i ngh' sids.
Nel andrew. Urns II h S Or.- Horses A N e.il,.
lie.-1 I on lefl shoulder: cattle snoie on IniIH hi.
Oiler, I'erry, lel'igioii, Or.- I O le'i
Shell, del.
-!. ro. J. W., D oiglas Or.; horses O on Irfl
sh,i il. lor; cattle em mi r'glil hip.
..roti, Ola K 'I'l . tl'. 11,, ,,,.
fr rirels shield on l-'f el' I i an I 1 1 o i .,'f
hii. I'attle, f ,rs in le, air -ISt ,r ,i,e, H
un let loo. H an en t ,1 1 'e.
1'erW iri i1. liar I iK l.Or. --II ira 1 1' .m
r'l io l St.
I'll,... r-s-t, lle fion r, ll.ir ih haa I
K (I. K ie-le l no I -II ', , i I .r ; ,M .
ne on f tM hio Kl'lli. M er , M ,'v
liea.J II ,l, l"n' i i. t ,r.. IK . ,n
pM-fed it left ahoal l-r, eati'.e,ea neon I-.,; I, ,
ii'l-r bit to ea'i sir
I'etlra, a l' loae. Ot i h ,r ilia eml I' m,
- lotutder; rat'te J l J frneit lln ,t.
fl hip, upper shH-e In left sn I s'ih in ih
Itt"l. a1lrw, II r l eal Or l . nir.
9r,-oi iaa'twjit-'lnerit ea U't tti 'a.
Hoh Hr.ei , lei.oar. r '.e tetiltl a
H lli tilSi I le ei'ile l el I i" Lfl ,,
rroit t,i lett ar an t elao on to Mii I
M t'tttw a,i I s liolnln e. ,,iet.
11. ,ef , atte .ihtft M, Of l ,te
hran ll all irt nrj'il a', it vnl i-ia-iat
rivt-te ,,ef l,fat I; faMeH a litjtt In t
!t-' Hort,w f-.ti -it.
It.... Ue II ll.ottl'le lit till . ei .
with ,ititl.e i-ii, U et l,i " f i'i o ,,, i, , ,i I
AO, I e.tt .to IK1,! ear S'i I .l'l In l-tl. M..
Ml'tie ttta' I .to left W,I l-f. It ttissm w et-.a
trant SO t ll'tl'S S e.e diet
t(e. I.e- J W Heft., et. Or H .reee, J 1 1 ,e
lefl Ilt.ell.ler. atlle. Has I'S'it lu,H
Htratght W. f . Iei.pi" or II trw (Kt l.t
J H on xllte.eatiWt I .n l-fl top, alios
f..t i r M oet ,..l,,l , e'i.
Ih. ll-.,.e,, Ih Ilexes, H ll'.K
ti l, . -'t! e tt let) h'O
!". II titer t, lnl.a Ot IVO" ttn
ris'.i . s I . r. '.' . .' I I ...... a i
I ,., .', - l-.r II i"i ' l t . .
e e In H o. ite.il,r II, II .
if, ..,, -! It et't e 41 . ..t f '..,-. M
r,,ea Ja ltee tl t,,r, ( 1 1- H-tet. (,. ,
jH)"Slf! I.oal te ra"ll the t, ,, . tm, h.m,
Wa I lie Ha- I W et..w v, I li,l.,e eti ,ni
Ste,,e.. V . S . IU1 , O i H.ee Mt
t lstt X 'tie, re'tle h,e.e tt.1 t. tea ll,e ll,l 11 1
roerettxea. Mr A. J . H-,.( e It. 4 ille, B
smi it hit l all - i lefl tr
H Ht-l-i-e o. II em. (I .
.t, ... .. I- a"le o . l.tl ,,,,
re. r l H atttae., IH I ,tt ( ,w
etl l,i, rt.H t- ' t a I - - r, -.l M,t
f ...-i. .-
J 4
,t i.il
1 u r
fllta f .mi t -ri t
,lmi-'i.lli It-
a I l.r
t,,l I'M
I ,,,.,11 W . lift-
..n alt tl l-. ee"! tw
u.n k-i
fj,ttt ai.ttl le e
tl...rt,l..t, II M l--ll-t.kn.lJ
II f o-H, l-l ti . I
,.-.l-..l II T l--- 'n 11 ..-m-
pmii ul ftal'd Atti.AtHi l, a ta ..ti iv
. lb II ,
- r 1
' 1 1 ,(.
HlMlttl o rt. ll- it
..H i.'i ) .t.4 ! "
WilatH. J l M. ) "- "--llMlvaolfUtMtM
krt ---1- IU-.
M ..t
... M l'alK 4 . W .
(,..,. ,mt l f .' a. U. i t. l I 1
l.Mva . tt J l't a.U.
vttt wttttttf .
Wat. H rt. tltMtnx V - II r.v W
a ..-t -' -- eM ' l-.r.
(,-(. ,.. 11 ' " '
W..I... I I" , II a II
a. . l f Wft -l
M . I II
N " kr, W
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horaes running A A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on rixht hip.
Young, J. H., (jooseoerry. Or. Horses brands
in on trie right shonlrt-
Vttaan areata a rtfinut n V C t'.
do not be deceived by alluring anvertisementa
aiid be led to think you can get tiio bctit made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliable mrnu
fai;ttirers that have pained a
ri putation by honest and sq uare
dealing, you will then Ret a
Scwinff Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
IB easiest to manage and ia "
if Light Running
There is none In the world that
;v" 'i (f can eflual in mechanical con
1 t Ajl-la Btruction, durability of working
LV; rJ m appearance, or has as inuny
4& improvements as the
New Home
It has Automotic Tension, Double Feed, a!:);e
on both Rides of needle (fiaented), no other has
it ; New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged
011 ad justable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
Oi'.f on, Mass. Bostok , Mass. 58 TJhtok RrAio!, II, T
iuca(o. ILL. 8t. Lorm, Mo. DALl.Afi, TLiAfa.
Han KllAWClfi:o, Cal. TLAinA, Ga.
rotl BAt r. BY
u. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
Popular Magazines
9 rw'
Oontnlns each JVIonth I Orlp-lnel Water Color
Tontlspiece ; I iH Quarto Pages of Keadlnfr
'flitter; 100 New and High-clau llluetra
'lnnj Moro Literary Matter and llluitra
Uons than any other Mogazlns In America.
2.) cts. ; $ J o Year.
Mioses Feasant Hours
' " -t t. "holetn'iio. Juvenile Monthly.
Iv 1! iiK.rt-i. Tho betd. wrlten for young
i- I'ti-ib' to to It. 10 em. i 1 1 a year.
Fiiank f.tc-ii.i R'ri I' iptti,R M in rin.y end tli
On lite, both lorooj yo ir (or i.0J.
Frank I.B-n.if.' 1'i.m-iiNT II i:k riiiHov
AND (Jlltl. llll I the ItilZ 'ttl!, b llll for
one ve ir f
UndQLteuly the Esst Club Offers
Send tn PYanh U-He'n ptihHtihino JTnwtfi, iV. 7.,
fur Sew IU Hmtfti lrr rnlutn Lint, Het,
The thumb In tn nnfelllne Indn
nf rliM-Mi'lrr. The hiomn' Ti w In.
dlieti-i a In-liK unu rnt-iej
and flriiin-, t'lim-lv llllrtl ! I lie
romiiilaii'd T i , ihr liiiimhof tln
of Otani etl lilt mi Biul bntiii,
m i 1 1 1 V . II-'111 of llii-.' t K a Ih Ioii
to Hm linr nmn or aoiimiii anu
In n-t'a Yuy JMniaiiir ire.
irt rp.ri'ilir for nih h ni ii
Whiilo Vollilne of lo w lileiii, roll
il n. d lit a 111111111 mre. m ilmt llir
r-rnt of ihn hi, if, let .r'd'p work
fur a iiuiiitu mar Ih' nail In had an
tot.nr. I lie t iiiural 1 ipr li iliou-t
rrniirnw-nt, culler.-, ami a lov- o
un!-. Ht trr, anil ni-iion. A ttrriMa
with Una lK of llninib th.tr.
ottiMtly rtilojr the lltrrary allrartkinl
of Inrnmrot a Mnnuine. Hie Ar
tixie Ttiw Imiiiatra a Iota ot
brauifand art, olihh will (nil rata
hM-aiMira In llir hiaL'iiiArriit utl.tiirL.
(j 4 ure of rowe, IM4 1 III Inrbra, r(,nv
A riii'rd frttin the urliflnal Hiiiillhv b
' A le lmv-pre, the tioial crlrhralnl of
-. V lini florf.palnir, ahlih will
A V ' 'ry urM-riir to
f it. m.,tri a mat-aruiit Itir l-wj. 1 na
(A rti of tiila anirrh work ol art eat
, 1 l.rrflmtt at,a ilia rroroilurilirti
' ,1 raioiot b Oi.i t(iilhrl from tha
r final, H. nit. Hi , an riquUlie
oil or valrr-tiUtr ,ltttira a ,ajbt.
Il.htil In rat ti niiflihrr of IbeMava
a-iie, at,il tha an 1 Ira are an ,r,i
IiimU ai.tl iiirrily i!titratrt thai
tt.tt Mai-arin ta, la rraiitv, a fNtrt.
f"iio uf an taitrka of Ilia iwhr
itoit-r 1 h 'lill"am-klrTw U the
'" of It, (iiiiiki f and n,ri,i,,i
uf ,ir , rio alii ti ewpiv tntrr.
l, it It Ik.M lltttlxlHl H.iu.lhl.
Jj. J In lt tii.trtai MtraiiMt, la rtny
,., 1 , pnnnnnH uriwtinMpnia.
Aiith r,tr it, anitrv atniic aiil
a h-i,iiac grid. ilirtHot llii rry
f-t fanrv, and fail of tha a?.
iio"H.i I imif trrfn
K - en ? tiacitt. ait waa int -
r-. i.., t,,.,a nl lha Munili.tr
ftni.l tn j..tir Wr iHI,1, l an
r.l te.'t mil. t, 4 hi alii aaea
a ,i,,t, n it't,t,a In on. Aittvaa
W ,lti. i, ,a.T fl,l.,
) I.I 1 1. h , firm Vuk.
' t -!. H ttl fahHm a-aarift. ta
it. (., 1 thit iH.-a.aiHt oartk
f. J on Unti l at'- i1i4ihii tttatlrra ul
p.,.. .. ff 4 f.tBinin Tt rtf
1 1. .,. 1 1, n In. katra la ltaaiai
a-t. U't a. -ft aa'l, aeg
-' -tti. rt.tot..4 ttis iHoa lifttia
i. . h tw , t g M, tla ir l Ik
r t. toMt ,f ajiMi lia'4 attlMW-tth u
".i-.i M-t-afiH. If fit at aeartiHaiMrd aifc
ttn t,,4 f,. a atrima r-i- ifri. a4 I
1 1 i.. -t t.t at.o.,1 im -rut rh KM a
.1 n, t, i tt-.t-x If .dit.( m aaat
.. t....M,.,4 a aaiiaf lit UaiM aaat t
T NHrtparall nrilui f tkaa twacar
la la aanai f rwa.
1kf ItUaOat Ihal grit aueetlty la
Nn alaa nat la k airag.
tkaa lata ! tk Waatal
ttf f
it lrr4 tk fHM(l; H
tMtfM emu
6.1 Up.
A "
Br" Takl . r.lt, k Wa,
Ot !. ky 1L
iflkf C-tfiil, tl, II V .
kMoil Uo ilMo
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
K.O "O" -E3
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For fall details oall on 0. R. & N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Oregon.
And all pointa in California, via tha Mt, Bhaata
route of tha
Southern Pacific Co.
Tha great hinhwHjr through California tn all
pointa Kant and South, (irnnd Hoenio lioute
of the 1'aoifio Cotuit. Pullman BaSet
Hleepen. Beoond-oUea Hleepera
Attached to expreea traim, affording eupenor
tccommodatinna for aeoond-olHM paeaengere.
For rate, ticket, aleepiug oar reeerratlona,
-tto. call npon oraddrne
0. KOEHLKK, Manager, E. P. R0QER8, AM.
Ten. r. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon
Moat Modern and progrcaalva
For catalogue or Infunnatlon write to
New Haven, Conn.
I 1 Eg E J3
Q ( n w"r"1 "' 1 ,w iv Mu,,c fi-2
aDIU Cenlk. loniiilni; ot nu rJir '.Z,
t: y' lull sir.- Mnvt Xl,k o ;,i-j.
ja-. Litrt. brlghii-1, llv.-ll. -.1 and m..-.t pt.puUr 5
J; trh-iiloiit, hnih vih.iI anj Itixiumcntil,
g'lttrn up In In mmt rk-vjnt nuiauuTt In-
ilu.llnp fnur LK-e le I'oilrjlu.
CAHMIHCITA, ri Spanltli Dcrnrtr,
Jt: fALHRI 1KV(, ihr (.,-( Hianltl.
AOLUHt PAW ot,rf tZS
g; UtoadwavThretre III.','.. Nrw Yoi ty.
fl IP TT Lag
TheAmetican Protective Tariff League
it a national organization advocating
M Protection to American Labor and
InJustry" at eiplained by its constitu
tion, at follows :
" Tk ohlact f tk laafv akaH k to arer
im kkv ky a tartfr a r, aktck aK.il
adaijuetaia iwiihi Amanaaa tnatatl anjMu
ifi Ml tk wmpcVkHM f rge lea.
There a'e no pertonaJ or private
profit in connection with the organiia
t on and itiiiutta'med by memberthipt,
contftbutiont and the distribution of iti
rmtr : cr I n;w4 Mratt-
kl..krK,0-at Cft.Hl Crweana. '
IC0N0-. Wa eaag g aalm aekf.kvt.aea,
kur ak a kvga, to a.
TMigO: W gkhak a laa ka Vve.wto
""; )aa I . c"v
r.UtilMaaMliflMtMk CJawto
rouNTH: ae atoi mi v h
at - f " Aatr.tt I m
4't. W 1- f Wlkaaan Oa'ai IwtMl
US Vtnl iii k. Vaa.
Itaa n ai gw nkw aduaa.
k" lkniak a M UK MWl Hinliniwaal f mill awk g
In avaek rwatawamg
M aamra IH kwal fnataata rW anr rlhmta,
mI !- ata.1 M iKm ,t a M.v9g- Mm hm
Wn k 4 th ktt M kW-. At
ak a ,.-ia ap. lUa ai, W la.1 0,4
Ilia .1110 I OKU NCS,
tS w 14 aiW- V k k- f a
4 tfta ttt.- t ik. a-. a Ul.
." ".J," t.. l. Vai
a4 an .. If , Am a.
a-t, ta r tli -t i a a-. tt.. ta
a.v -t. I' ilu Ntfc l.t .-. M. 4H1 W kH
aal. 1 1 W i k r4 i
rrn TfaiucaASirr.nu
1 a-... . V -ta . t M...ia-maMt
,'. a. -a k,...." ...,. a ta
I t .iImI a a t.( . ...j a, ..
kiatM d rt. ti k,f,.Mitatt.'
k- I- a l I'-tt" 4 r t , i -
t a- .,at i.i,(.. i t a. . a . t
as .. ,.. a. lk..k f
4 a 4 sa . . It,-.'. ' t. ,f i
Slmpleaf. F W&wS E"1"
trongeit, f "T & V3fT f ? 1 Worklna;,
5olld lJrWlfei3LiJ-MJ Molt
Receiver. Q&rbttftfr Compact,
j .!! ..Jl Ml l,. l
j t n . - l-m- k- 4 4 k. I -
J a,. , . . ......
I .
! :ii!i',vrprf",Mrv ? c ,
. :ita .1 --... t . . -t,a -(
! r.. M. '! t f.
I jr ,- .,.-. a
A Near View of the Working
Classes of the French Capital.
A People Who Are Fond of Win a and
Song and Careleia A boot the Fa
tare Their Feeling Toward
In order to study the working classes
thoroughly M. Henri Leyrefc, a literary
man, started business as a marchand
lie vin, or publican, in one of the most
crowded districts of Paris, says a writer
in the London Telegraph. He has em
bodied his experiences as a mastroquet
in a book entitled: "En Plein Fau
bourg," which has lately been pub
lished by Charpentier. M. Leyret,
after having denounced the bad drink
supplied to the working classes not
always thuough the fault of the public
ans, but, rather, due to the wholesale
merchants gives it as his opinion that
those who live by the sweat of their
brow have an aversion to debt. The
bad payers and those who want drinks
chalked up are the exception, and it is
needless to say that they are the idlers,
the loafers and the confirmed drunk
ards. These men neglect no opportu
nity of sponging or of obtaining drink
on credit, without the least intention
of paying for the absinthe or vane sup
plied to them. As a rule the laborious
people avoid the taverns wherein the
loafers assemble. The author also al
ludes to a discussion on Zola which he
overheard. One of his customers.while
gazing at a portrait of the novelist,
maintained that the working classes
had been libeled in tho "Assommoir."
"Is the workman," asked the anti
Zolaist, "to be represented as an eter
nal drunkartl because he drinks a glass
now and then?" The listeners ap
plauded this speech, but another man
stood up for Zola, saying that if the
novelist had exaggerated a little it was
done in the interest of tiie working
classes, whose vices were to be attrib
uted to the bourgeoisie.
M. Leyret met a confirmed absinthe
drinker a curious type. This man
was one of the best carpenters in the
district, and when sober was never out
of work. For weeks he would refrain
from touching a glass of the green
fairy, but, suddenly forgetting his good
resolutions, would launch forth into a
carouse on his favorite beverage, never
going to bed until he had swallowed
twenty-four glasses of absinthe, with
copious draughts of wine in between.
The author notes that the average
faubaurien workman is generally
more given to eating than drinking,
ne cats meat, if possible, at luncheon
and dinner, the former meal being the
more substantial. He is careless
about the future, and looks forward to
dying straight off when he shall be no
longer strong enough to toil.
Alluding to the pleasures of tho peo
ple, M. Leyret is glad to state that
lteranger's songs have not yet lost their
charm for the toiling musses. As to
the relations of the exes, tho author of
"l-.n i'lein 1'uuoourg says that free
unions are increasing among the work
ers, domestic arrangements being
niuile on a family basis. The girls who
leave their shops and factories for the
Champs Klysees or the main boule
vnnlsare, however, shunned and de
spised liy the faubouriens. M. Leyret
concludes Jils interesting volume by
Home observations on the feeling of the
working classes toward the anarchist
anil revolutionist movements in their
midst. At prest-iit, ho points tint, ma
terial exigencies and tho necessity of
living keep tint average worUiiiiin re
signed, but desire of revenge lurks in
his In-east against n society in which he
has to toil wit in nit the hope of what lie
considers nil Htleiiiute reward for hi
services, and without any security tlmt
after a life of luhor he will enjoy some
reKmu with a moderate competency.
A Tribal ta Them from the Tea of On
of Kua-liioil' I Mil In.
The Teipjm hits correspondent In
Lomlnn who linn evidently lieen most
fnvornlily iuiircv-d liy the ehnrms of
the Klitflish Indies, says the London
I u i I y Newn. Nothing could Iw inure
ridiculous, he declare, than the fancy
portrait of an Knglifh wiiiunn a wen
in the iiiiml's eye of a Frenchman who
known nothing of Kiigliiml. Mnwt
said: "Ah fold na nn Kiigllnli wnmuii,"
nml the French picture lnr una creature
w ith elinniioua feet, Jaw lil.c thut nl
n gorillu. leiuy IuiihIh and l!. it iievk.
wcnriiig a run ml hut.n green veil, t-H-e-
tUI'll'K. pllli-l 1-llllW I mill llNM, ill-lit
ting hliH-liitig's falling over lnmta like
llni-e ntttichi il tti n diver'a ilnm .Such
nn Idea e.iuld ohlr have U-en !ro.!uiiil.
lie iliM-hiren. I v Imln-d of I'itt ur the
tl feat nt V ti i lii.
The culhiiit c!rtviiindcnl pnnsiiU
ti tionpare KnglUh Motnrn with Frrm h
Hotni-n, not nt nil to the liailvutttag
nf th former, Whnt tiwrlic!l oh-
ftrrvcr l ike for niilne in the Kngnoli
noiitcn. lie ile Ian-, U rcnlly ruliuiii-u.
nn c-y In-nring. n !!, I, frave. etmll
dent nml uhuITccIihI itmiitii-n w hii li r
cluil. ittii-trv In f-iViiriif -r.iiial
dignlly. 1 he ltid-n Mimian. he .l.l.
U l-rtiu-'lit up In n pli it of ln.li ni.
-ni-e liMi U wmiiiiig In Fri-Mi li fr
mnte eilutilit n M may nppi'or lit
tle lint-' l ull-ni-ll. a rlix, lt rimv
iilftt v. I i ii'ie g l umi l.i thla, ai.d
i Hie IlioU i. ho I In me tlie h prrtly f
fair or fr!i-Niliired -f (rran-ful
Tn little I. U ai l to W dtwpivar
lnk' fr-itti the luimaii f,..
A I'Hil i-i i-iu me.lu-nl paprr any
1'iat rltjf in ilr a prluee tllara,.
TlIK alne of I ana-U fl.iirrU vU-.
Ut year I nnrenincptl a (n.9l.i:i.
l Ilia. Iil nn- lint l'l i-Ti nar
rfe piinUhaltie in l.ti.'Un I hr ilralh.
j If I c--tt.,..Te, that en
lu'l .)i..ti. .IniiU nttnl three Mr! i.f
li-tii-l a ilttjr
Tl pf liter ttf W a't a ha viiMtfll
l-r..tl,. r In Ue, alttf. n on, le. lly
in rttlli n-l fifly-rr ht pSr
n'l-l tl.rer
Tti e,..rt. k,n i.f t'.e hli:h .p ef
(nn'. tl-.t Ifva . '.i.-. , r..n I I. r.l
am-. .Ih i.,t, I rt.tilir.l i...i,"
all i if 1 1. 1 f.t.lil -til-'t .. it t v
Til t:)tl rrr wraillirl "U tiv
del ytiaj marry an i-rln,it rliai ae
!?" The I r. le - I Krut the
kiitfHUat H, IMHtir.1 H-tiJI the
h.. I affair - t.if' t aUti.Ur
"ll4 f.fcavf
', new alar that i t-' rt a I .
I the kHtat t. -pernt t "ah ill
' W p!"-. t the rif ef the f-mnh f"
j fr.Mti t'.e !. , t'i -e tiee tSe
' - ..'i t t e I t'.e ft .J I
r .(I -,1 f i IS ft l ! f t
Vr t :. ri t p.. :, . i ( t' r
i l U f i ' ' i f 1,1 f U t A is f -m
I', ii '.' ' rv I
Is the result of the usual treatment of blood
disorders. The system is lilied with Mercury and
Potash remedies more to be dreaded than the
disease and in a short while is in a far wore
condition than before. The common result is
for vhich HAS. is the most reliable cure, A few
bottles will afford relief where all else has failed.
I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial
Rheumatism, my arms and legs being swollen
to twice their natural size, causing the most
excrnciatini? pains. I spent hundreds of dollora
without relief, but after taking a few bottles of
i improved rapidly and am
now a well man., complete
ly cared. I can heartily
recommend it to any one
suffering from this painful
disease. W. F. DALEY,
Brooklyn Elevated B. B.
Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to anr
address. SWIFT SPEC1F1C1C0., Atlanta, Ga.
Ilwaiif eg k St. Fail i'y
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Pari Rail
way and note its connections with all transcon
tinental lines and St. Faul and malia, and
remember that its trains are lighted with elec
tricity and heated by Bteam. Its equipment is
superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and
Sleeping cars, with free reclining chain. Each
sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp,
and Its dining cars are the best In the world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none are
shorter, and no other oilers the above luxurious
accommodations, These are sufficient reasons
tor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon
ticket agents in every railroad office will give
you further Information, or address
C. J. EDDY, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Souvenir nf to Yean in Uutinmn, j
A Complete Sat. consisting of five "
lllciike liguiea- Hnce Ball Hlayer, Foot
Hall I'layvr, (lolf Player, Tennis Haver '
an. I lllcyclo Kliler, will be sent to any i
aliriKa upon receipt of 10 cents, to pay
These figure are absolutely perfect, I
beautifully colored and mounted, and i
arranged to stand upright, and srean ex- I
eelleiit souvenir of our it) years as leaders '
of the athletic supply world. Suitable
for club, reading room, olllee or home.
Anr lor Ihlraw I'hitaitrtjihia ,
They At ISalil to lie Cheaper and Detter
liiaiilniril Tht.i I'.ulilier Ones.
lur inuny purpose, puper, next to
wire, lnn excellent insulation, nml it
has of lute come extensively into tiso in
telephonic and other cal '.cs. Jlut it in
not iri ncriilly known tlint audi un in
Miilntion him been tried under water.
This Is. however, the fact, and one
Hiieh enhle is now doinir excellent work
nt the txittom of the Ilud ion river, at
New York, r!?lit In the track of all the
doiiien'iiii and hcu-ttound trufiic. Of
rotirsc, tho calilo Im leud-eovered and
others Ise pruU'Cted, but It dependa for
It insulutlun, elect rienlly, on thin
hpiruli of ier around each btranded
Inti rlor wire. The laying of nuch a
euhlo in aticli n pluce miht, a few
year njfo, have Uvn considered little
hlmrt of nulcli'al, but experience ban
ilcmonst ruled the perfect practicability
In eonlderin thn layinir of nnch
eaMea In kiicIi hit tint lon the fart la Im
portant that one hundred pair, paper
loMilntcd. l.vi-l'ovcn-d cable ran I
Ixttirht for f fty rent foot, while the
ruMicr-lnMiliited cable would probably
et nut lca than t hnx ihillnm rr foot;
while llj'unil on the bui of eU.d
rlivtriinl effect Ivene-wi, the nrh-e would
tie 11 fl nr c luiTi.ti-tit tn unit In
I the p.ipt r i tble I her roiiklderntionn
left out. It il! thtia In aeeti that even
if it l-e admitted tli;.t the paper cable la
i rlky tinder water. It eheapneM la nuch
that one ran aTiird apparently to throw
It away when It baa developed arrioua
drferta and to put In n, new one.
T ri 1 1 Mr.
rir John I.ubUirk U Heven from hi
mdy of ante that they rannot hear
many of the nUr whU h are audible
t nu n. and It U InferentlnJly ttrlWred
that there are aotne nind t fine and
oihtr b l.nid f ir the rar of men.
The Unid.m hpretat. think that If
II ;!it la n tibr:ion there I no rrawm It
khouM not Ite audible to Oner rani than
oura. ISy the aame rule rieiale oittfM
t.i a). hie to rrraMhUh are capo bt tf
apprii latinif the name tibratUHi bii h
Impre) thrinrlea on the dram of the
mr. T' . m Tver, U ptrjr.
Tilt tlil!t-t in. a hi re tf wrlfSt la
ue, the rrairi. tt4 it name fnn be
li? or ,-inaVv the Weight of well
ittif.1 fri.n of hral.
' " ' I i ma. bine In
'.. I r i' ... h!a, I. st rrrett. t nh,
1 1 r.te Ittftmii t.rrerr'i.t.
I. I , i..: lffl.a rle and otte bn'.f
Tur. latitat map In Ibe il. lain
"f I " mr-n by l!,e t hlr.l
!'. r"tiiwtt. It i', n J-rearM
the t i Hnl ta'f, and fit nn nere In
r. 4
Meal iMireeeM.
Um l.l.ter-lody.Hi b.-ar Mr Hnlief
p me tbt M. r..ip:imf,t hn b
r-.c tn- U nt fL
at . . . .
o w- a yy
fen i.aUP ' J ' a c V
r an-a, a ..aM rv-.alc -TmtH.
t f i. ! hm IS"Tr. I
, la l ( 'al ' 1
Is one of the very best wheels ever made
front rank with all high grade machines,
punctured, It can be mended by you In
renowned G, s J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Sold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at $100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each.
THE RAMBLER Is the fastest,
For style, finiBh and durability It Is unsurpassed, as it Is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
. men, numrii. uojb biiu Kins, wnn zn,
ively are splendid medium grade wheels,
clincher tires and are fnllv warranted.
L" ....... 1 ... J , .......
RlAt.nh,..KI.I. ,.lt I
Hi ' ""-J""! " ti-"v'uKuo, ,-i 1 1 ii hu b, mriiis ana discounts, or call
gj on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town In Oregon, Washing.
Northwest representatives Gorniully &
Store. a''7 W esliiiiftton t . Porrlnn.1 n.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise- need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery j
Four Mpdels
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts.. CHICA00, I LL.
MlANCIIESi Nw Vrk. San FraacUco, 5alt Lak City. Ucarar. Mampbli. Detroit . Tro7taT
A. H'. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Ilcjyncr, Oregon
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
The Pattkkson Puulishing Co.
inns IflFII : Fills !
Youi'o noUNID to rJ'nlii 'Jm.
Lrnvcn No Constipation,
ivci o -onupaiJon,
(Watt. ....! M II lli..
o mf.mn ri i . m. i. K-i
is on Indisputable fact. It stands in the!
and if you buy one yon will make no mistake.
went to be happy, for should your wheel be I
five minutes, as It is equipped with the world
lightest and strongest wheel In the market.
zo ana 24 men wneeis, at 03. 55, US respect-!
with G.& J. high-grade double locking edge!
, i
.i , . ..
Jefiery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main I
OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for.Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
of Bicycles.
- 185 and 8100.
. OF . . .
M.U.i. V.. ,
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t; I
fr ti.t.t.i'-slt'i -'
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k-t. l .ltlt 'f