Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 21, 1896, Image 3

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LOSS OF voice;
After Acute Bronchitis
A VFP' Cherry
JTL I JUliJ Pectoral
-:. "Three months ago, I took a vio
lent cold which resulted in an attack
of acute bronchitis. I put myself
under medical treatment, and at the
end of two months was no better.
I found it very difficult to preach,
and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry
Here and There.
rectoral; ! The first bottle pave me
great relief ; the second, which I am
now taking, lias relieved me almost
entirely of all unpleasant symptoms,
and I feel sure that one or two bot
tles more will effect a permanent
cure. To all ministers suffering from
throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's
Cherry Pe.ctoral." E. M. Brawley,
D.D., l)igt Secretary, Am. Bapt.
Publication Society, Petersburg, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Take Notice.
1. The turn of Ore rent per Una will be
Jhanred (or "cards of thanks." "resolutions of
reapact," lists of wedding presents and donor,
tnd obituary nutlet, (other than thoM the edit.
r shall himself give aa a matter of nwi, and
aotlcM of special mei'tlnics for whatever purpose.
3. Notices of rhurcb.and society and all other
intertatntnanta I rum which revenue in to be rte
rled, elia'.l be charged for at the rale of Ave
enta a line. Theae ruloa will be strict! adher
ed to In every inatatice.
Adtrerttatu. ratns reasonable and madekoown
tpoo application.
Hta.e for Hardman. Monument. lone Creek,
lohn Day and Canyon City. leae aa follow! :
Ivery day at a a. m , ascent Hnmlar.
A rrtvea every day at f .a., eicepl Monday.
The rheaH't, qiitrkeat and beat Hue U or
from the Interior ronniry.
Conaer A Brock, Axents.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors and Smekabla
Cigar. Call en Tad.
W. O. Allison wbs in from Eight Mile
last Wednesday.
Geo MeKty, of Wattprmno Flat.oame
up from Arlington last tight.
Geo. A. Brown, the HarJmail mer
chant, was io the city lus I uuht.
A. J. Inland arid Mat Moserovs were
passengers ou tbia momiuc's up traia.
La Grande Marble Works. Lt Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, BneRtnan, Heopner.
Republicans slionld all ettenilthe clu'i
n:cetting at the court bouse at 2 p. m.
E G Sloan, wbo bas been qnite ill
for feme time past, is again able to be
on the streets.
Wm. Sorivnpr and family returned last
Thursday from a two week's, visit with
Condon relatives.
V7. E. Kahler cam in frmn the Hird
man country yesterday mid returned to
The Dulles on last evening's truin.
Best accommodation and oourteons
tieatmentat Ihe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. 8ts.. Portland, Oregon..
Bob 8uaw came up from Portland on
this vnorninK's train to look afier a ship
ment of cattle for Portlaud markets.
0. F. Walker, Hie well known Port
land stickbyr, is io the city in t Lie in
terests of the Uuion Meat oompauy.
H. V. Parkins, of Cascade Looks, is
visit iu u in Heppner this week, the unest
of liis eooiiu, Mrs. Latin us Penland.
Born On the 18. Feb. to the wife of
Fianlt W'.hrd, of Pmkers mill, an, 8 pound
Kirl. Mother and child doiUB well.
Eastern Oregon is rertiwily blessed
with and iiliUMtnijoe. of beat if ill Bprinu
weather. n fact our entire winter has
been temtirkalily mild.
Do n t wear impermeable and tinht
nttintr huts that constriel the blood
vessels of the scalp. Use H dl's Hi
Renewer ocoasionally and you will no
be bald.
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo
desires the servioee of an attorney in
Washington, D. 0 , will find it to bis
advantage to call ou or address this pa
per, 5tf
Those desiring bargains should take
advantage of the wholesale slaughter
prices made on the MoFarlaDd stuck
which E. R. Bishop ii now clos'ng out
regardless of oost. i
Echo stage leaves Heppner Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Eoho
Tuesdays, Turedaya and Saturdays
tare 82 eaob way. Office, Wells i
Warren.Ueppner. Ed. Driskell, Prop
Heppner, Light & Water oompany Is
preparing to put in a local telephone for
Heppner. Walt Richardson baa been
'working on the eleotrio light poles pre
paratory to putting up the wire ibis
Mncb of life's misery is due to in
'ligeetion ; for wbo can be happy with a
oain in bis atotiiaobr As a corrective
nnd strengtbener of the alimeutar,
organs, Ayei's Pills are invaluable, tbei
uae haing always attended with maiked
Wm. Brown, one of the promlnen
Htookmeu of the Lone Rock country, is
quite ill from bo attack of appeudiaites.
t the roams of Eli Keuey, at The
National bank building, lie la now re
reiving treatment from Dr. Hwinbnrne,
but should au operation be found Ueues
nary be will go to Portlaud.
"Bacteria do not occur in the blood or
in the tissues of a healthy living body
it her of man or the lower animals
So aays the celebrated Dr. Koch, Other
dortors say that the best medicine Io
render the blood perfectly pure and
Iieallhy is A)er a naisapanlln.
1 lie Uazetie annonnced ID a recent
isne (hut Geo. llariington shen
( this couuty, would pay 85(1
reward fur the arrest and conviction i
he perpetrators (if the robbery at the
flepot. 1 tie I'mciHo Kxprea oompsn
and the 0. K. A N oompany now nff
o adililiooHl (00, milking lu all
leward of f 100.
You hear everywhere, an I real it i
the newspapers, that Himtnona Liver
Keirnlalor is Hie best liver remedy, ao
Ihe best spring medimue, an 1 the bia
blood medioiue. Tbe only me ln in
of anv iHnaeq'ienae that I ne I hun
moo Liver lix.-iiUtor." Mo wrote M
It. A. Oohh, of M irnnnton, N O. Au
W. F. Park. M. U.. of t raoy City. Teno
rilea, Miu)iiioui Liver It-guUtor Is tbe
Firemen's Association. Pendleton
secured tbo next tournament of tbe
Eastern Oregon and Washington Fire
men's Association. In passing upon tbe
matter of prizes, tbe directors placed the
value of Ibe trophies to be awarded as
follows: Speed race First prize, fOO;
second, $50; Wet test-First, $80; sec
ond, $40. Hook and ladder test First,
$50, ef oond, 825 tfoot race, 200 yards
Prize $20. 1
A Flight Mistakb. The Gazette wat
error in the last issue io mentioning
tbe change iu the City hotel. Mr. Ted
rowe has leaned the City hotel property
and not the hotel, as suggested at that
me, and Mis. Bradley will retaiu her
position as proprietress of tbe bote',
here, as of old, she will uie every effort
to please her guests. Of oourse thin
rror was caused by the rambling mao-
ner in which our informant gave in the
ews, but as he is a gray haired
gedtleman, the GuzetSe stand the
Revival Meetings Elder J. W. Jen
ins will preach at the opera house on
nnday, both morning and evening.
'tis will be the beginning of revival
services at that plaoe whioh'will last
some three or, four weeks. J. V. Craw-
ird, of Waitabnrg, Wash., will have
charge of the singing during this meet
iog, ana an earnest invitation is extend
ed t j the singers' of Heppner to help in
this part of the services as it will be
made. interesting and instructive t them.
The publiu is oordially invited to attend
this series of meetiugs, and especially
the unsaved.
Are yua Made
Miserable by Indigestion, ('onsiii aiioo
Piizlnt-sa. Loss nf Appetite, lello
Kkio? Hbiloh'a ViUUz-r a a poeitive
cure, r or sale by Wells k warreo.
Walt. TbninpeoD runs stage Iwtwwn
Heppner aod Monutuetit, arriving every
day exrpt Monday aod leaving every
day except Suoday, Hhorleet and ours
t ronte to tbe loienor. Uuoeer
Brock, aganis.
AT roT.
Tired Women
Must have strength or they will be in the
suffering despair of nervous prostration.
The true way to win vigorous health is to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla which will build
op strength by making pure, rich blood;
thus it will also feed the nerves upon their
proper nourishment, create an appetite,
tone the stomach invigorate every organ.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is what tired women need the one True
Blood Purifier prominent in tbe public eye.
HnnH'i: Dillc nct harmoniously with
11V7UU 3 THIS Hood'i Sarsaiiarilla. Mo.
ty of Morrow, 8tate of Oregon.
J. H. Townn-nd,
Thomas Walden, W. G.
B'-ott, Geo. W. Harris,
To Thomas Walden and G. W. Harris, Defendants.
in the name of the State of Oregon, Vi
ereby reoniied to atmeur and answer thi
plaint tiled BRaiiist you In the bove entitled
ou are
hereby reotined to appear and answer the com-
suit on or before the rirst lav of the next regu
lar kiih oi me aDove enutiea court town:
Monday, the 2d day of March, 1896;
and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the c urt for the
relief demanded in said complaint, fr-wit:
Judjiment atrainst deteudanr, Thomas Vt'al
don, lor the sum of Two Hundnd Four and
Sixty Oiift-Htinr!renhtt Dol its In U 8. Gold
Coin, with interest I hereon nt the rate of 10 per
cent, j-er milium, trnm the limtiliiyof Fehrdary,
lsi. until paid, and for the fur' her sum of
Thirty-Five Dollars, attorney's fee. tosretlier
with ihe costs and disbursements of this uit to
be taxed.
A' d that the mortcaee descr bed In DlnintlfTs
complaint be foreclosed and that the premises
uieieiu ueseruieu. to-wtt: tne oi Mec. 24,
Tp IN, K 2a E. W. 11.. be sold to satisfy said
Aim timt the said Geo. w. Harris and all per
sons elnlmiiiK by, through or under him be
torever burred ol all right or equity of redemp
tion in said premises.
This summons is published by order of Hon
Stephen A. Lowell, judpe of the sixth Judicial
district of the State of Oregon, dated December
18th, 18W5. J. N. BROWN,
iWSMl.!. Attorney for Plaintiff.
WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
or ladies to travel in Oregon, fo establl ti
ed, reliable house Salary J7S0 and expenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad
dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
pany, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago,
111. marl.
' A l M I N 1ST K A TO K'd NOTICE.
of Morrow, State of Oregon, lu the matter
of the estate of Thomas Heimlson, deceased.
Kstate of Thomas Beniiisou deceased, notice
is hereby given by the undersigned adminis
trator of the estate of Thomas Beniiisou, de
ceased, to the creditors of, an I all persons
having claims agHinst the said deceased, to
exhibit them with the necessary vouchers,
within six months after the flrt publication of
thin t,nH..o .n fl.t o..l. .,.l.nl..l
MB. tliliLIS STRENGTH. While tbe re- residence on Khea creek, in said county, or to
port bas gone abroad that Grant county 'L&w'
republicans favor Auderson for oongress,
the report Is not altogether true. There
s Dot a man on tbe republican ticket
that bas more friends in Ibis county
than Mr. Ellis. To the surprise of tbe
bumerous other aspirants tor bis seat,
Mr. Ellis will develop more strength in
Eastern Oregon than tbey are looking
for. Eagle. The above from the Eagle
is full of truth. Eastern Oregon bas in
Mr. Ellis a good, tried, faithful man, and
wou't trade bim off for doubtful timber
in June '96. Baker City Blade.
Administrator of the estate of Thoimis Beniii
sou , deceased.
Dated Heppner, Or., Jan. 27, 18. 409-17.
a Changs in Business ill Imii
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
? Pni
Now a Law. Considerable interest
has been manifested in this seotiou and
iu fact throughout the entire of Eastern
Oregon over tbe bill for the relief and
proteotion of settlers on forfeited rail
road lands wbiob was rapidly pushed
through by both Ellis and Mitchell.
Word bas been received from Mr. Ellis
that the bill has become a law by the
signature of the president. A great deal
of this land baa been acquired by pur
chase, and io many oases homesteaders
have settled on these lands, believing
tbey could not be disturbed, causing
much trouble and uneasiness with those
who had a prior claim. Tbe Dalles
Chronicle says that in Wasoo ootintv
alone hundreds will be benefitted by this
bill which has just become a law.
Notice of Intention.
J Feb. 13, 1KU6. Notice is hereby given that
the following named settler has flled notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
bs claim, and that said proof will be made
before County ClerK, of Morrow County, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on March 30, IH'.W, viz:
Hd. E. No. 351', for the 8' NE, NWU 8EU and
NE' 8 , Sec. 27, Tp. 3 8, K. M E,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Jell' Jones, George 8mlth, Tames T. Talbot,
James Wren, of Heppner, Oregon.
4H-I. Register.
of Morrow, 8iate of Oregon. .
K. F. Hughes, Plalntitt.i
VH, V - s "..
Henry Kelly, Defendant)
Io Henry Kelly. Defendant.
In the i anient the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regular
term of said court, to-wit:
The 2d Day of March, 1896.
And if you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in said complaint, to-wit: Judgment
and decree ag inst you Pr the sum of ,Vi'.00,
with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
personam fiom the 12th day of May, 192; for
the sum of 2l 7S, with Interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 20th
dav of December, I WIS, and f(W 00 attorneys fee,
and the costs ol this suit And that the mort
gage described In plal'ititfs complaint be fore
clnsediand the premises therein, described to-
wit: theS'4 of SWW and 8V4 of NEW of iBrn. 22.
and V(4 qf fee. 2:1, Tp. 2 8, of R 27 E, W. M.. In
morrow uounty, uregon, ho sold to sutlsly said
I ins summons Is published by order of Stephen
A. Lowell. Judge of the Circuit Court ot the
State of "regou for Morrow County, made on
the tsth day of January, lxms.
404-17. Attorney for Plaintiff.
A Baby's Life Baved.
"My baby had croup and was saved
by HbiloL's Cure," rites Mrs. J. It.
Martin, of Hontsville, Ala. For sale by
Wells A Warren.
LitkrauT Doinos Tbe program ren
dered at the literary last tiatarday even-
in U was well received by a large audienoe.
Tbe debate was iuterestum and decided
in favor of tbe negative, the question
b"ing that of worn in suffrage. Wm.
Knar, favored tbe audienoe with two
vocal rlnolioos which were received
witb applause. Tbe drawing eard for
uit Saturday 'evening will be an ad
dress by Mayor Morgan; just what hi
subject i wt do not know. Tbe subject,
"Hi solved, That the farmer is a greater
benefactor to a oomm unity than Ibe
manufacturer," will be discussed. Ilruoe
Keller and 'oho ILiroer will defend the
farmer, wbile J as. II art and II. T. Bag
ley will try and do Justine to tbe manu
facturer Other tnteitsting features will
be presented during tbs rendition of the
program. All are invited.
Staob Robbzb Captured Another
one of tbe stage robbers that have oaus
ed Uncle Sara so much trouble dow n In
Southern Oregon has been arrested.
Tbis time it is Cbapin Wbitcomb and
the r flloers claim to have poaillvD evi
dence agaioat him as the . robber who
b-ld up the stage near Topsy last June
w.ben Jacob Beokdolf, the dtiver, and
one passenger, II. V. ()at-s, of Billsboro,
president of tbe Heppner Light & Water
Company, of this City, were compelled
to give up their small obanue, and to out
open the mail saoks for ths road agent,
who rilled tbem nt all regiatered matter,
Tbe drivers of both the np and dawn
stages which meet at that point, are
positive in tbe identification of Whit
comb as the man wbo committed tbe
A Ureal Herman's I' rescript Ion.
Diseased blood, constipation, and
kldnev, liver and bowel troubles are
cured by Karl's Clover Hoot Tea. For
sale by Wells fc Warren.
King out tha holls the hour grows hot, 'tis
KlgnlMMt Mnoly l;
Columbia a sons hava surety got ths Britons In
a a ; . .
Your starry bannrr proudly floats and Justics
rule on nlsh.
But .ton t lorvi u. cl your throats I'ta perry s
Unwowl H).
If. At Ibe Be vede re lalooB.
I - . . - - -
Having nrdereJ a large lot or moldings
rt...i.. lnM rIUkBown "o d- from Ibe r.ast to arrive early in Iba
timer" in tbe tnneoriel line, baa again aprleg od to make r.m for my nsw
IncaUd IB tleppoer, batirg purchase J molding. I will fir tb bell liy days
Oreen Matbewa' shop. Minor building 1 make Iramee out of my pfaot stock at
opposite tbe city boul. Charley will ct-t.
ppreciateitell -beo Io town. Mar. 17. J. I tin.
r.ptala weiy, t'. a. A
Heo Ihego, Cel.. aays: "Shi lob's
Catarrh luiely la the fifl modicioe I
have vr f.mod. Ibat would do me any
good." I'rire &0 eeota. Kor sale by
Wells & Warren.
i;ilIS is a hcciihcrtl-
i cr who lias he en out
r ii four months, hut
k loooks like a new manO :.
; 1 N now for he has Ikxii
; : v O
dressed up at
Horner & Rhea,
first hetteel 6e 0tt'-4'
RcaraiHg l'.aTT. A very pUaaant sed
eomplete sarpriae parly was that tender
ed Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Browo at their
borne in tbia plaee oo last Tuesday
evening. Tbe gneala, Ibvitax by ao no
known committee, io SMponae io Invita
tions aembld el tbe parlors of lbs I'a'.
ee hotel and at 7 3) o'clock and marched
io a txnly to the sceos of I tie surprise.
Many game ware ptsya.1, and t say
Ibat all ba-l an Itnmaaaa lima, wonlJ be
pultina It mil lly, frially In tbe eaae
of f -.il editor. A lubrb was served
bv lb ladies, to wbiftrt all dil ample
jnoioa. That prrt aerr; Missws
Malfl Iril-r, JMii Noble, Flnrrtire
Cnitro Ira. A I li ('-til'. Inra Moir,
('r liis M's. Ilarry Warrvw,
..r nan Mea, C, . M l In . J, ,
I . o., It K. Iltii l. Mr at i J Mrs. ().
C r..-ra I Hi I l-I '!' K"
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment, tall and Bee the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Dank Building, Heppner, Ore.
' Manager and Salesman.
What Do You
A Of
Oreiioti. for the County of Morrow
Delia t. einon
Frank L. Wehlon.
Defendant. I
To Frank L. Welilon, TJefendant,
lu the name of the btatu of Oregon, you are
herein, required to amiear and answer to the
eomplnint tiled sitalnt you in the above entit'ed
suit on or before the first day of the next
regular term ol tne above entitled court towlt:
Monday, Marrh 2d, 1896;
and if you fall to answer or otherwise plead for
want thereor the tlaintill will apply to the
above entitled court for a decree dissolving the
mtrrlaite bonds now e Istltig between you and
herself, and also for a decree awarding the care
and custody of the six minor children towlt:
Delia Kdlth Weldon, Lilly Limine Weldon,
Leland Stanford Welilon. Frank Leonard Weldon.
lieorne I rvliig Weldon and Pearl Weldon, the
triiits oi mm martiaite to iiiainiin.
1 his summons Is nublulied bv order of Hon
Stephen A. IxwpII, Judne of the circuit court of
the suite of OreKou, for the slkth judicial
district, dated January (iili, IMS).
r. 1.1,1 At LTt'iNB,
404-17 Attorneys for platntin.
Some people want the earth ; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Gilliam &
1 S l3 ''r'?','!,',''"!
Shu Makiiibi) an Indian. A Lxwiaton
paper reo'irls the ruarrimie of n full
blooded loiliau to a while irl. This ie
t-rrtiHti Ibe first lustanoe of the kiu I io
Ibe bislory nf that seclion cf ibe couolrv
The iDtliaua are oomiug Io Hie front np-
od the slreDutb (( tlx ir improved flu an
O'Hl auuilii M. Ibe belief claas ettiong
tbe Inilistis scorn the idea of wediling a
bite man. A marriage with ao ordinary
mb te miin would be rrgarded aa a
disgrace. Tbe falber of the groom iu
ILe eveul nf last wk iralitsd llie im
portanoe of the relationship with the
white race, lie rrmitrkxl that bis
pnople were becoming oivilnd ami oiled
tbe msrrlsne of Lie eon o a wbiie girl ae
evidence la eapport nf bie potilioo.
We ell know that anv tired tnnaole eo
b realorrd by frat. Your ttiiinarh la a
muaflU. ),siepsia la lie matifjer n
eay'nf "I am llr. (Ova tne real." T"
rest tha stnrnarh )oii mast do Me Work
out'iile Ibe ImmIv.
Tins la Ibe Hhaker' mellioj rf earing
in lig-slioo, and He uooas talwatai
tmis'd by lb faet that lbe people are
rrsriioallr free from wbM ia wiibont
doubt tbe 0t prevalent of all da4ae.
1 b" H'takr Iiigtiva Oinlial nott.nh
Auetslria dlgalrd fund wblab is prumi I
ly ehnrbd without laimg ! tiro. I
dufsilfe organ, but It le likwlae ao
aid to the digMtiori of other IkmU io the
eiotnaeb. A M enl trial bottle will
coavteee on of he turrit, an t thne too
eo ebt .ia tbruegb all draggiste.
LaioL ie Ibe kt fo.lis n f f rhil I
rr. l"H..re recointuoed It In pi"e of
eeswr on.
Ae Risnlioo ! in prvi'iri Ustie of
lb (J.ilte, a'tr Xlsreb !! this sr
will S'tl otilf o th'e ebo a" paid
ftp la fti'veire. le )our suUctiptioe
pail pr
Ml I Ml-at IO Msg I'iIm.
hmj.liwe Moiaiore; letvnae !cl,it,g
end stiiigiiig; rttt at Mil.t; wnra l y
l errelrt.ieg. If allowed to is.M,B
llnmore form, abicb ofUw .lrd end
1 of Morrow, Htale of Oregon,
lionry wticcier,
William Bromnr,
, wile of said
Wll'lam Hrenier, and
rraiia riaKerfiistt, ss
Kiielverol the Uim
tmrd InveHttnent rotn
pauy, a corp'irstlon,
To William llremer, Def hint
In the Hume nf tbn State of Oregon, you are
nereny re.inireii to appear and an er the ruin
plaint Hied avalnut ynu In ihe alxivs enlllled
suit no or I'Unre the Unit day of tbe next regular
term ol lain court, Ki wit:
Ths ifil day of Marrh, IS1I6.
And If you fall so to answer, for want thereof
the plaluilll will apply to thn i-ourt lor tbe r
llel ileiiianib'd In said romplelnt. to wlt
Cor Jinliiinent and decrco aralnut William
llremer bo the imn nf I i il, w ith neret nil
S il.MO thereof at tbe rate of H iN-r rent htsii
mint friim llm flrat iIhv nf Jiiiim iM't.',! with IiiIj.p.
el on SI i thereof at i lie rate of a orr rent prr
atmiiin Iroin the llrnt day of Heeemlier. 1h:i;1;
with Interent on Sl.'i thereof nt tbe rate of S per
rout per aniiuin Iroin the lint nay of June, I '. I ;
with I' tare.t mi 1 1 ' tln riH.f nt ihr rale nf a er
rent ht aiiiiinii fr tn Ibe flrat day nf December,
io. alio tor a luriner a im to im leieritiniM n
the nn rt aa an attorney's fee, and for coats of
A lax lor a derre forrein tha mortrase
dea rll-d In plaintiffs complaint, aa In all the
deletidaiits herein nainnl slid the aale nl aatd
lnorlifarel prrinlaei t sntlafy tai Judgment
and de re, lntereal and roata
I hla aninmtMia la piibllabed hr order nf
ftepben A Uiaell, Jiidire of lbs I Irrull Court
nl ibe "tale nf Oregon lor Morrow County, dated
January atn, !
. li. r.i i.i" stid J. is niton !.
'I 17. Attorneys for I'lalutirT.
We are not Btnall men, His. We are email men, Xs.
we are not tin; Largest Fnercnanfs in tns v;oria !
f But when the people of all the surrounding coutitty are In need of a a
) Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Olasswaro, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Burbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Gassand Water 1'lpe, I'lpe fittings, Htoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Harks. Biurtfles. Wairon Material. Hardwond Avet IfMinmnra Knvi Hloituna
& Wedires. UllllS. Pistols. Cartrldnes and Aliiniliiiltlnli. Mrniin Jura Oran.
iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Boillers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices.
We have Good Goods at Faib Prices, and Cheap fohn Goods at Chep John Prices.
& 13ISI3JSK,
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Su.tl.ks, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
He will make it an object for you to trnde with
li i tn as Lia prices are riuht, and all goods tbnt Le
handles are of tbe very bent.
IM TiitciRrrm ni ftr roKTiir. cot:jn
of MoMnw. alatr of Oregntl.
John f. t roaoy,
Aletan.ler uraliam.
Iffabam, Wlff nf aal'1
Alelxii'li r ,ra h s III ,
lb Sail .hl Hank of
Heppner a rnfra
tioii and Frank Haror
man, as Hrei'lver of
lb Umibatd lnat.
mnl i oin na ny. a ror
b(rtton. livtendatita
To AleiamUr l.raham. IwfanAaal
In tb ham nt lb Miaia nf tr(on. yon are
h rel.f riilr mapt-ar nl aiir tha )
p atnt flir.l aap al joii In Hi aiM.v entitled
ranw. mi or la-tor lb Brat 'lay nl Ilia nrll
rrsular In in nl in aian alitltle.l ixnirt. Io a It
Moaday. Iks U 4mf -I Warvk. INM4.
And If fo4i fall ao In atawr, r waril lliif
Ilia plaintiff III applt Io Ihacoort lor II, a rllf
d-rtan.tff In aai'l iinit'lalnl. I wit
t i,.i,.n. i.l . iim arali at ym tor ll.a
Sunt ol Int. allti Inl. i.t ti,rrf-,n al tha ral
( H- hi b--f ,! f Atimini from lb Aral daf
! J'tlr, l'l. and lor a rvaaotiabl sna In l d
lrniimd hi in eonit aa an atl(rfvr slaw, and
, r.i, ,,l una - IS
Al"i brta 'l re fof l-alng a mnrtsag ma.le
b o. nr. It, ,,ll..ai,g fttrrtt, .renila.
ttnatl In lorr.w rootity. orrgnn Io m II
tl.l', of Bnrtl .n a, loanalilp I Pnrth, tA
Kan 'I f, at Mlllamrtl Weridtan. and r
r..r.1al to ! rnni.lii.1 morlaaras ol aa drninlr
In P "4 . " . i i.i. v, i , aa Io all
In d'tfindanf tirtn r,a.n-l. and br lnai
I ai't t''ia. I. Miliary aM J'nlr'nvnt and
, rr, ,iiet,i r.M'a and allot ny l
li.ia a. m. on a i.iil,llal.. I. urdr nf
M. ft i A l.arll S't'ifm of If, Her nit I oif1
A It. atat of lliif'ia lo H'u9 nnnly, ft).!
nn lb 4b daa nf taooa'y. Ifr i
J ,t. kl.'lA I o i, fills
r ' Ain r.ifTa I . t-ulnlirf.
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Eleppiior, Oregon.
Hiaarla ta llll
.4 ...i.H...,P..,.U el i. M"y'"s I , , l
II,, . A.mn ert .l.!..!,!.. ! mlt ''el.s, eM isitn.lfMr. A'Of U 9 Of Dl$$otutiOlt.
: ..,t. . wit. i, it, i Th. r'mu"? :"' , ". -
... IMl.,S l,,i S ilir-aMlN I't.iia.l.l. , , I -a.1 e b.r.l..t,..- .....I.., I.
rl-.la ap .1, ) bark I i,,.., i,i M,..r. ini,,i S i i rt
"li !' f.liri.a
f . 1 I
in i .Shi abl
ti'ii ii' , I
, kaim. It.as.li IHtitiUf. la ti-' -l.rf..a a ae
tli.. li.., t.a. nl Min.rf 4
ol it an l,ao li l.'.al-. In lha
I e
' ).t ttf all kit. 'I a ,f iaiajtntf eiol i '" " " i '"" ' " ' ' 'i!aa....
' Laaaii.a .11.1. .1 ,. m.t. i ...... I ft.... k..t. M.I... 41
ii ..r. im!..- .... i i.. ...- rr ...v ,. ,-i-.
' ' ! ano ins" ao San mh a ma rarifia
-af l , tf!,. ( a- .ii ,.r ,m,, , 0 Mrt ,,,,,t 0l, ,
r" j feotel. e
urreaaor to C. S. Van burn. Nrl d.a.r to fit jr II..I.I.
Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty.
3E33L.aLiISS cfc LYONS,
aiVttoriiovM fit Tvfiwr,
All bnelos elU.mls.1 ri it, prorntd an J satt.far.rv
maeoar. Nolarl. I'nlilu! atol (.llwli.ra.
IIKri'NKH. i ' i i OKKflON
tit II Hi.irtk t il l.
f t n U etui a. Aral rlaae, b .b
tfad, fci. h tt .!. auMtilbe (eatan.
Tl.a .n.l-ta ..f ll.a a.r.nt. 1,1 , iu f, f,il... t.a.tien.
rr.liir an I a I -I-' n . t .
(Tiiiata mi'U '') ' e j -i-at t,t
j at I It e .1" l-i". Hil I n ,
j f.. lb ' '.aai.e ! e.H
. a1 l :! i fVts f ,r !. ..ata ll
I sM rn il .i t ri ' I tt ta4
Hi ti .br. A W, rrrs.,
f f. M.M, !, I., . .1 . '. t, r ,
b t e I i . . M k . . . t
' to III it . . ,' . ni( f
4 a'. . a. ' m . i. ai ra, ak.
. . 4at AVa a
l.re .all on m ellr, M. A larfc,
laeileflo. f NetHl. ' sjt-lf.
. .J l S-o, a.,., al l rt.,nn I
a al I. a-.a Um al"t. r.titl ail ftalrta
it ail a-"'.i'U. I.. aat I Sm.
l.rf IK Mian)
an I hi h viim.,
rmK InnlM
Itt4 al Hat t ". or , l, f. iv I!
k'Hir to rttt ktiM
Aofce? ttf 4itignmnt.
V"'i' i ev i.l t tint l
, at I' . , l-
al Mi t t t.f.
i . I k-
teatHi' Mains eilat
nj t t( t. ' 1 1 w
1 1o ta 4 --I ' f -.aimaa
h.l. it. t in, t..., M
' t aa a'i(ant f.rf li
I ha " ' ' "S ! hM oa nt
' fa i II. a a. t, ,i.. p t.
- a t- ' ' ' - '
Do You Want a Hi- ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
"9 - f f Arc You in Nml of a Saddle
as i lorse .'
Alt the) can tj irorureiI at lliointukon A- I iitrs. I.oeu r Main Slreel,
Mei.iinrr, On yti.
Taw tnl'trn ar aall a'nal' lH a llll 'i.a' l Ha'", r (.. id laai ai 1 t f munlira,
at .4 t a a nHf a A Wm la aakl. Iba a. i...a lib li.o.ii i
'.Wala kn. aiMk Ik Uma
Li-rmTUi ir. m'n,
.1. c. l !( 1 1 : 'i 1 1:!:- . r, . ,..
.. t . (
lit' n I
.It k H ttta t'.i
' "" ivcjij the l"im.:.t W illi:;., Litju n ,u.d Ci;.;.'US.