0 u jr ass . 'rafla'rnLIKa'P.h. t WH. Ai.. WHAT OUR NEIGHBORS SAY. There is no mistaking the una nimity and the earnestness of the press of South America regarding the Venezuela message of Presi dent Cleveland, says the Mexican Herald. Even the Chilian papers, from which one might expect a tone of dissent, sustain the American statesman. From Central America to the tip end of South America there is a universal sentiment of ap prehension manifested, and it is warranted by the pressing of claims for more territory by the British colony of Guiana and the French colony of the same name. The wedge of European dominion in the northeast of South America ia being driven into the solid body of the Continent. The insolence of the press of Europe which de clares the Latin American peoples to be "mongrels," "half-castes," and "barbarians," is naturally very dis pleasing to our fellow-inhabitants of the New World. Germany would like a slice of Uracil, and France ia aiming to coutrol the mouth of the mighty Amazon, as England ia working for dominance at the delta of the Orinoco. The press of Europe does not hesitate, more or less cynically, to avow a desire to partition South America, and it ia only the United States that tits like a lion in the path and prevents South America shareing the fate of Africn. It strikes us that the true policy for England at this time ia to abandon any at tempt to take new territory, waiv ing even whatever there may bo of right io the case, and to declare that she, too, in, with the United states, an American power, and will become a party to a new Mou roe doctrine, guaranteeing tho ter ritorial iutegrity of the Btiitna of Latin America. Then let the United Htatea remove BUHpicion i i irom 118011 by diHiivort nig demons on any part of the New World, and niter into allianco with Latin America and Knglainl, fur the con nervation of the rights of all tho . i . a mii minor American iiaiioiiH. 1 iw result would bo the gaining of the warm and Idling friendnliip of Latin America and tho retention a , ' t . . i .. oi a nig hiiaro oi ltd irmio. it is unwino for England to incur tho UHpiciou and probably even the liowlility of all Latin America by puttlimg her i-lainm in Veuezuela. Tho public temper of Latin Amer ica ia Imc ining very irtitabte am thero in Hound renmin for it. ........ I I I oiai na uieti a ttohtier an failed, and now they n'iy die j trying a butcher Kl AIN in pending womo new can boutoCuba. Tho iiiMirgent wil not need to l uy any now. Ax rirlintigo My Mnher lias aa.li. I enough. Yen, but th inmlil i Hint it U in tho wroti putt Li anatomy. Nnr thing lUn Stum, will Mi up a an author. Mm dot took ill jrolml.Iy I,. ,S.nMo ito YililU I li lii't Pull OiT. A tlhi futitit tl.ing it U that much fue U inalMirr a t rio row county republican club con vened for re-organization. Febru ary 22nd, Washington's birthday, is certainly an appropriate time for the launching of a republican political ship, and an equally ap propriate manner iu which to cele brate this occasion. Let all get into line. Let harmony and unity prevail, and with a long pull, a strong pull and a pull together we cannot but win, Pendleton again shows her pro gressive spirit in securing the next meeting of the Firemen's Associa tion which takes place next June, and if Walla Walla isn't careful she will get the meat packing and cold storage establishment,' which was contemplated being located there. Pendleton, as an inland city, ia certainly a hustler. WASHINGTON LETTER- SCHOOL KEPtlRT. The following ia tbe report of Room No. 3, HeDpDer school, for the month beginning Jan. 13 and ending Feb. 7, of those whose average was 90 per cent or oi i ire: c - a ?383S8S3SSSS SSiSSS - Toe bill for the protection of settlers on forfeited railroad lands which Congressman Ellis and Sen atoy Mitchell secured rapid pro gress of has become a law by the signature of the president. Thia news will be gladly received by many citizens of Eastern Oregon. The fight between Maher and Fitzsimmons will probably take place today if it does at all. How ever, the United States and Mexi can authorities are watching the pugilists like hawk sand threaten them with dire punishment in case they attempt to fight. A lady in Kansas is Baid to have recovered her voice, after be ing dumb for twenty-four years, through the use of one of the Schlatter handkerchiefs. Her hus band, says a Kansas City paper, is now in New Mexico with a shotgun hunting Schlatter. The Marion county populist con vention passed a resolution of thanks to the Salem Statesman for the fair and impartial manuer in which it published accounts of their different meetings. The Statesman is always published on this line. I St t !i 88s883SS83S;SS 88ggSSS83SgS3 833812 :5 S c: : a : at 1 o ! - a. 8 j. : ' : a u : :2 : -5. S r i. C a u w .r 1 . K , A Or. h. h - ji-x: - r - . fv, rft 2r-3 Sr Anna Kinsman, TeBobi'r. Postmaster Choshen, of The Dalles, haa a letter from the war department, asking a recommenda tion for tho proposed Bite of the $100,000 public building to be erected iu The Dalles, in tho event Senator Mitchell' bill bocomea a law. 1'nronnd hjr IlrmiiB. How many nlollf, think yon, rewler, Iihth liHtirn oommitlftil by pernnns driven lintrnu!it mill hiinlril In their lonm by the liiuou of oh 0'iio ill beullbT CuiintleM. For IiirIahom, we know, do wm not, t lint hyp 'nhnntlri "is I iikuio- iiihiiim a sort of tiiiimr iuikiiii'M uro Iiu'hiI by plininid thnprniit? Aubiii, iihoidiiIh, or uli'f pli.nHtf h, nftfo rcmilt of I he SHiiie ruimc, (iilmtiiHti's In n rHiit(fiiiiiit of the ri-Hsiiinnif fiunllict II In, IliHrelore, of inimntoii (vii.uk iii'iniM in prevriit the errivnl of rl ! t us phrmiia pheee, hi'ii it UHv sml ii(lilly scoiirgHi the uff"ir to I ilmitfiToiuly uuflrrtsiu aosl. N- modi nine known la inifnre, ee riven of rr.-niiig the luiilmli to which it le ednpttxl, enU to ll'inti'tWr't MmhihoU miters. Amotiir Ibese enm pUmts are rlirmno uuligrlion end iiiMimnie, kulnir sod rhenmsllo eil monte, enuntiiutlmn snd cr Ironhle Aiimiiid i Imoruved by tho ll.Hrrs. the blood fertihiwl, end txHlily ntwUnre snd viror iiirrcsMod by II. From our Special Corretpondent. Captain Applegata, of Elmath oooo ty, who bad been here for two weeks io tbe interest of tbe Klamath Indians, led for borne last night, feeling highlv grati fied with tbe results of bis labors end the Oregon Military Central Wagnn Road Corporation is probably feeling correspondingly uncomfortable. The issue between tbe Indians and the Road Co. involves 106.000 seres of valuable land to which tbe Indians have a right in equity, bat on wbiob the Road Co. holds patents. It appears that tbe Road Co. was granted certain quantities of publio lands, for constructing wagon reads from Eugene to points in Nevada and Cali fornia. Soon after this grant a treaty was made between the government and thfl Klitmnlh Tnrlinna nAittncr aaidA tn the . - ----- a. latter, the lands included in tbe fort Klamath reservation. After tbe treaty was signed, but prior to its ratification, the Road Company seleoted tbe lands including 100,000 aores in tbe reservation. Tbe treaty was subsequently ratified. When tbe question was raised as to tbe lands seleoted by, tbe Road Co. in tbe reservation, tbe Land Department held tbat tbe treaty not having been ratified, at tbe time tbe selections were made, the Road Co. bad a right to patents and aooordingly issued them. The Indians, ignorant of this, suppos ing they had perfeot title, were allowed to continue iu ignoranoe by the Road Co. nntil the allotmsut of tbe lands of the reservatiou in severalty. The Road Co. stepped in and informed the Indians, manv nt uhr.m hnrl mnd unhHtnntml Threw Awbv his Canes, improvements on tbe lande in question LHi v'iley' "-PEter. Black u i ...... u-j i .i ...i .reek. N. I:, was so badly hfflioted with tuai, iuey ubu uu uue, iu euuu iuu rheouiBtism thKt le was ouly able to and all appertaining thereto belonged hobble aronud with oanes, and even to It. tn0D !t oauaed him great pain. After Th Indian. rnnH not nnderatend it. U8'DK Chamberlain's Pain Balm be was ...... .. . . . . so much improved that he threw awav Their right, as they understood it, was big oalieg He eayg thj. uaimmt A.A secured to tbem by treaty with the him more good than nil other medicines government. What right, then, had the 8DJ treatment put together, for sale Road Co. to etep in and declare lte title l0:?18 per bottle b? Pbi11 bn. to lands they bad held tor years? They have been trying to seoure some THE MAN WHO AQVEHTIBED. kind of settlement since that time, but ''Onoe when I was publishing a paper made no progress nntil Capt. Applegate iu Seattle, I convinced a man in a most came on. He wished to seoure an ar- emphatio way that it paid to advertise," rangement to indemnify the Road Co. said an old journalist "He was a fairly for a release of its patents so tbat tbe prosperous merohant, and I had tried for Indians oould be left ia peaceable pos- la long lime to get him to insert an ud session ot their lands. He found tbe vertisement in mv naner, members of the Oregon delegation a '" Oh, it's no use.' be would say. 'I wbole hoet to bis assistance. Tbey went never read tbe advertisements io a paper with him in a hodv tn the Interior de- D,) V 0I,B 8,88 believe in ad . . , , ,k. ' ,. vertisiog but in a way that will force ya.vujcu. .uu M.c.cu.cu .u. .. ltelr toe pUD,Ci Tnen jt p,vs. Bllt result was very satisfactory dui some- m a newspaper psb iw! Everybody hat uoezneoted. Tbe deoartment was wno reads a newspaper dodges the adver " .... moH int.. .n.ro.tin in..atialinn. A. """"J? P"fli ey "eie poison.' . . - i Wall r r . i a result tbe secretary has decided that that peo,e do re'H(, th(J H(, Mfi ' .l. .f .L. T.l: 1 . . J I a ... . r iue tine oi iue inuinns uaies, dui iruiu oi my paper, win you advertiser tbe time of ratification but from tbe in- "'Of course I will I will advertise ,u .iii. wherever I think it will do any uood.' uoiiiuu Ul IUB lioni BUii iua bdiduiiuih i t.'pi.- n -t I T .u t 7 , i. . ,.- rt r i . i i . " i "x ius ioiiuwiuk nut) or iub ivu uo. u.v.og oeeu .uuH..eol io tba lightest faoed agate in tbe office to tbe moeptioo of the treaty, the land and stuck it in the most obsonre oroer ollloe erred in issuing tbe patents. He of '" paper between a couple of patent !.,,. .,!, tk. rt u m.. meniciue ans: . .... . . . . .. "'VVbat Is Hohen going to do sbontilf triot Attorney for Oregon to begin suit ..Th. n, ,,. " " n.nn,. inin, to invalidate the patents oi the lload him by asking what that line meant that OoniDsnv. be begged me to explain the matter in n.. Mn. Hani. Miinl,.ll .ill i. i"7 owl inns, t promisefi 10 ao it li lie ' I would lnl mm tirila ftliji ntr.lai.bi..n nn.l irouuoo uiu pruTiuin lor guuiiiii- HtRD,l to it. He agreed and I wrote: siou to settle the boundary of the Fort I " 'Ue is gung to advertise, of course.' Klamath reseryation. Aml "id. 'Man f rancisoo 1'ost, 1 . ti . i . . ungreRHiiiaa iierninnn iobis very oon-1 j0 vu. rUr DdKDt about b' lng eble to secure the rills do not cure Coiistiuatlon. Thev asssge through the bouse of the pension only aggravate. Karl's Clover It ot Tea bills for Indian war yeterans. He also W,Vv Vt(ajt regularity of the bowels. PCUlLIsTS AT El PASa Reported fur Order. Fight will Probably Occur on Mrxiraa Poll. Maher's yes Macta Better. El Paso. Tex., Feb 20 Maher left Las Cruoes this morning in a buggy with John Qninn and Peter Lowrey, intending to drive across the country some distance and to catch tbe train The object is to dodge tbe rangers. Shonld Maher be caught by the raDgers tbe chances are tbat be will be arrested and placed Under heavy bonds not to fight on Texas soil. Fiigimmons Julian, Steuz 1 and Jack MaoCoy leave .Tnartz at noon today and report for orders to Dan Stuart in El Pnso. The fight is practically Of-rtain to be on tb Mexioan side of the Rio Grande, from 50 to 100 miles from 1 Paso. My eyes are much better," Maher said, "and I am going to do the beet can when I get into tbe ring. I wish could have had better luck io prepir- ng for the fight, but I certainly exP''" to win in five rounds or less." He still wears goggles. Ht l'l IU.ICAN OIUUMZ4TIOY Meattor of ! Cnamy Krpahllt Oalral I'tntmiillee The following are the rambira t tbe republican oenlral committee of Morrow eoniitj: llepi.nrr, (chairman), OpBlry, Tbe tnmbre of Ihta eonimlllee ere reqtMatled Io baM la the arlre nf tbe l'.le b.'lel, HnlurJay, I'eb 2.'o4. at I YIrk, p tn., f if lh ar'x of scleet - iu.NVw Vo.k i.-Mly r..fv .,i,bt 1 p,,,"lf rr- M lum Veroon, ten, NNlteoon, .Wry, right Mile, Islington, Joim, (Vi.l, I ry Folk, W nil HiMinga, Alpiii, I'tiie City, . W. raitetM Joe RtHtnr A. M. (Ine Miks Kene I . a Urge A- IUhi CO. Fuqo V. A. JnhiiMm W. H. (.eo..r . T. U-tlglM N. R IteVay W. IL Parens A. Andrew J. L ll .w.rj f pRENCH J3 ASMIUI35 FREE Illustrated by 6 dolls with 31 dresses, 6 suits, 23 hats, and 35 other articles, furnishing: the ladies with the latest French fashions as well as the children with an amusing toy. WaVS tO f Sen( Coupons, or Get These 1 r.f.LlAne coupon, to ij - Send 1 Coupon and 6 oents, or Send 10 Uents without any A little daughter of Fred Webbs'. Holland, Mhkr,, had a very bad cold and congh wbiob lie bad not been abb to cure with anything. I gave him a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rumedy, says W. P. Holded, merchant and post- maHter at West Briroefield, and tbe next time I saw him he said it worked like a :harm, Tnis remedy is intended es peoially for acute throat and Innw tleases anch as oolds, croup and whooping onogb, and it is fmonR for its cures. There ia no danger in giving it to children for it contains nothing injurinna. For sale by Phill Cohn. druggist. Tbe Best Coueh On re is Sbiloh's Cure. A neglected oongh s dangerous. Stop it at once with Sbiloh's Cure. BlackweWs Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C, and the Fashion Dolls will be sent you postpaid. You will find one coupon Inside each 2 oz. bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ox. bag ol Blackwelus Genuine Durham Tobacco. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. a CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. PL. UI.UMII . 11 J li.. 'V p-f JUST ARRIVED ! For Hale. Ten shares of stock io the National Bank of Hennner. Arldreea Richard T. Cox, Reoeiver, Arlington, Oregon, 6ltf. The largest assortment of the very latest styles in .wV. SVT If. rtj-t 1 I niwriiD 1ABD1 wm. uoraon nas t-v " 1 T t- n - T , j opened up tbe feed yard next door to Jjress uoocls, Ls. DQiiQ Lrepon, mptiste, the Qaeetle ofHce, and now solicits a k rr 1 t- 1 Uauttre Cloth, Court Koyal rique, Cnsso Cloth, Royal Chemylle, Lace Challies, Percals, Dimities, Satteens, &c., Ever Brought to Heppner! share of your patronage. Billy is right at borne at Ibis bnsiness, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioes reasonable. Hay and grain for sale. It TANTEP: 8-veral trustworthy gentlemen or Indies to travel in Oregon, for establish el, reliable house. Salary f'NO and expenses. Hteady position. Enclose reference and self ad dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com- fany, intra rioor, umani tiuuaing, unicsgo, 11. marl. Stockholders' Meeting. XTOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1' annual meeting (or the stockholders oil The Morrow Co. Und & I'rust Co., will be held at the ofllce of the treasurer on the 2nd ttaturdar In March at 7 p. 111., for the purpose of electing oniuers and attending to sucn other business a may come beiore tne meeting. a. e. kynd. 15-91. Secretary. And all of these are to be found at tbe Fashion Centre which is at If you see it in oar ad. it's so. ORDER FOR PUBLICATION. TN THE CIRCt'IT COURT OF THE STATE a SUMMONS. of Oregon for Morrow Countv, N THK CIRCUIT COl'RT KOR THE COUN- The State of Oregon. J tv ol Morrow. Htate of Oregon. puintirr The Northern Counties'! Investment Trust, J.W.Morrow Countv Clerk of said Morrow County, Orfgnn. and the heirs of Charles Lind, deceased. Defendants. Whereas. It has been aatlsfartoiiW made to Inn.r td Ih. fniirt that nn tt, 1'tth Amv .it Ian. To O. W. Stewart and James D. Hamilton. I .. wuo ih.m unrat.r..,M nn. Defendants. Charles I itid died InUttnte: that at the tlma nf Limited, l'lalutltr, vs. O. W. Rtcwart, James f. Hamilton, (I. W. Har riugto , Addle Parvln and J. N. Hrown, Uvfeiidanti. thinks be haa a good chance to secure that loug looked for publio building at 8alem. O.ingreeemao Kills baa been very active in departmental matters this week. Io addition to bis other duties, Hen For sale by Wells t Warren. Two II a ad red Moris Illb Two New York City architects, Hard ! at. S"l 1 1 a. a a uig x 110 1011, nave tirawu plans tor the most remarkable building on earth, and t is aesereted tbat it Is soon to be bnilt in that city. It will be 20 1 stories in Mitchell has bad the taek or preparing height and will have a n ir spa. e 21. the majority report in favor of seating W. etiare feet. It will occupy one i. 11.. o... - .... ni 1 '"n imiu'k aim uiij neeifio eieva- ... I tore will earry paaerngers and freigbi np 1 it"""-. wu,t-i anil oowo llirongn tl. inerewill bo liij. IO( of about lft.OOO words, I (MK) separata uRler and suites, aoonm,U- Tbt Tote do! to take on tbe renort of ,,n pple. A magoifloent rof I .... .i u aa I I 1 a 1 Sit Iha (Inane, enmmlltr. on lb. tariff hill " " wimer, I "... a . 1 .' M u I lut aUWWItV UUIIUIUH. wm ajrwi uidtviiaiineu tu pen. Mitchell. Us wants to See it taken op Prafaraa Caaaol ft fare immediately and if possible pee4 and By I,.! applieatioes, as they eaonot become a law. I reach the diaeaartt pa'lioo of lb eir. Heo. MoRride was slUblly ndi.pieej rufr" "'J' o0 mt " w d'eln-ee. ' I aM.I 1. aa S a a . M al..a.l.l all... . I a I. .. It.. ...I. ..... f ,,.a k ui.. "7 t.-M,mKini trui.ute. " " IVafueas Is eaownl by en n Hamed con entirely reenvere.1. 1 .111 ioq ( the mucons linltm t,f the J K. IngaU. postmaster at N-Iol. is I Koetahisn tube. Wbeo Him tab set Id the city. hutUmed oo bate a roronli. g eonad or WaaHiMoroM, eb. 17ltt lM. Iiuperfoet hearing, and when It is entire. If rliwed daatrteae ie the rtwqlt, and on I a IK. I.. ll-K. .... t.. L a. a . . . . . M i.a. .a,w hiii.ww.iiiiii ... lairn UKl t.M.t spr, " T and Ibie lab restored to He noimal eta. Ayer'e Harnanlla i j -is the eilr ditum. beanne wilt be deatmted t..r.tf : .. . . . . .1 - - , tnnary uiaiineuoaoi Having twee meuniv I oiee eeere oat of t'B are ese-t h? moon pnnnr aonwea an rininn ai ins 1 eaiarrn, wbirb le Cthlog but aa Inn Worlds tair, t.liieagft. elanafaeturers I d rtidttioo of the mneoes sarfao. of other aarsaparill-s ..ogl,t by every We will tlv One Hundred IMIar to means to nl.taioaahowintf ( their r'ds, I any raae of deafoeee (eaaee.1 by ea'arrh) 0111 iney were an inrne, ay no.ier me that eantol Iw eure.1 hy Hall s I aUrrb apptk-atiiia ot the tale r .rMd lieg the Care, Mend lr etrenlaee, entry of patent inmlieiaee and boatrame.1 K. J. I'HKNEt k U), The deeuilon of the World's fair aathm I lTS.l. by drnaia, 75. Tld s O riliee la favor or Ae Maraai arilla was in rffeet ae fulhiwa. "Atet'a r-'sana rills e B"t patent hi'ilirliie. It (t'see not hollies' In tbe of s traua tare io Me merits." will, out lll.'lratatl.iii. AataAli f t. Sil.-iu ia )ot Jrl tea ljf I r,itn'..i thu I ranrli a)lum 1 r.t-fii nrc.in. Ate. hraiii lias I-. 11 aLt I f ir wl.ti li of couf in. ai, ai,..l,. r onj tMsy. an b other ImalneM m nay rome lf.ife the Commit!' (' i'U end let a bate f U I r'feei.taime A. V. I'.rtisa.e. 13 In Cbairtnab. INl ma I'.tt - ! J al(iiibeia hai si . I lb I' -tt, aw i(idwtt,lel .!! at htleea, Ibi,, n', 1 1, nsnal (-el t ( il-i s (tsi.l, 1,m i,Mi oa tbe Drat j la M f ll-iea ' are y 14 say ('tarelia I.I W I. V !,1 HI ail L aa I. M.r.l lni " Tl.a l.e dile t-ii.l car I "ti et eak Ia faiw sat I'ietelieg " The T -it e.: "The j ke of it is that this rep be r, darieg all id ilreee, Hkej a WiJ resMeaseluaa ea be ( are4 tV lhene ol Mill.ib'e Co". Thai t'eat (VnsbCareie the only kenwej rce,tf fr (bat tefilhle Uiaeaee. Put sale by Utile a Warren. &-ree e t'f I wee eerviHie. lire I. Irrilabte. and It la eroea, Karl a (,'lovrr IUa4 Tea he mad m well eo t harry Ms F-K. Uu' tsa. for sal by Wells A Ma'fea. in the name of the BUte of Oreon, you are nla death sstd Charlea Ind was unmarried and roll? required to annear and answer the com- i(i .... ehii.iren ... ..ih.. h.u. .t i.a, ..,,1 ih.i pl-lutOled against yon In the ab.iva entitled p to the time of the commencement of this suit on or heture the first day of the next regu lar term 01 me atwve eiiuuea court, to-wu: Monday, the ltd day of Marrh, IHttfl, proeeeding no person or persons hsve spteared clalmitif to lie an heir, or heirs of said deceas ed. That at the time of his death as aforesaid. and If you fall an In answer, for want thereof jal.1 nereaaed wss aeUed of certain re- estate the nlslntltr will ani.lv to iha court lor tha '" """ County, resides a con.lderalile XVdV" rheV'om?,r,rtof,'M'Tr?,w rllillr.n eight p.-r cent per annum from the flrt day of I'T.: l!lr M'-lflt av.i.l .jilrrr-i iip Jnlv l-trl imill n.1,1 r.ir th 11m nf aKan.l said trust, and proceeded to administer said Klftv two 11 11 lid re.lt hs kill. with Iniemt un" ,h' "lrert.in of said County Court fj" !L,V,.l".h!..A'U ."D. J!'!".'' That on the 21th dav of Dt- emlM-r. such Iron, the nth d.r of Jatiua y l-i'.. and the sum '1.m,., 1 1 1'- ,r?.m nl'."'' "i1.!"1 1 mn' &Fm ol III.. Hundred l)ll,ra. al.i.rneys fees, and l'.".?' " , ' hL,niVieh u'wilVi ''wn VlTTT!" c,-...nddl.l.urae1e,...,h1..,,(Tt XJWXlrllS F a 1 smi istr iiim iiire-TMitsitirw ni wnmt mnnaaM - - - - a aw lc i iasi am ..1 1 a in u . ti . ha u 1 nt ik. ku'l it.! the sura ol l ilul, which said sum of money .WlH J I IL 11 'and VhJ T of he I oYeie ?i inTn " l'""n" innn- td bv such admlnlstraU i ILL' TP" K of Ranat V I V fcTihe J 1 o. t'i'nTrl against the lefeii.lant . V..eteart for any da- M . .....,.,,,,.' , .,,.. ..rmrr-.'rtlm'Vnl'me ?5, -"! nni m r. v. jii.rr.w, min inii wmn (ittmir Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4 Q., C. M. 4 Ht. V., C 4 A , I'. Kt. W. A C, ami the C. et. LliF. Railroads. HATEM NU.oo PRH DAY Cor. W. Madison ami Clinton 8ts., CXrlCJLCrO. ZXiZa. iiiie if theatrtive i.ame.1 suma. and f..r snrh further relief aa la demanded In plalnilrTa romelali.t. I his Btintmons la rut.iut.e. by nnler ol Hon Court haa not made any further nnler In relation thereto; and that b rea..n of such facta, aald inn of 01 ahmil l e heal m and become Stephen A. U.eell. Judge of tl.S al.lh (udlrlal ,J,. nnttrle M tha t.l. .nil LTi,. ', dl.trt. t ot tht fUU of irron. date.) IwUmber JJ 1.11 n.ht & Ti.I t.i i ... t I. ia. j ia Hiti.tiv Oregon haa a nghl by law to .1 sum of money j1i.ii ,'.:,; i.,.V.. I" t-aeaain of said defendant J. W.Mor- Attorney for I'talniirr. Nollct of Intention. row, aa afnreaa, And It further aatltfarturtlT appearing to the I Court thai a summons has tMued In this pro- dl"g. directe.1 tneaid deendant. J. W. Mor row, renolrlne him. and the heirs of the aald I Charlea Und dereaacl. In aptvar and answer tlimn me lima .b ftrrii a ar La usaona fiiiwti, iatii.arw II I ta-iiTli' fa ttriiknr i.n. . v iii.t miMht Information fl e-l herein. 1 I,, II. t,.m..l a-iii,. ha. ii ..i,-a I limited br law In rlvll caaea. and thai aald nf hit li.lel,ll..n make Hii.l I. rt I uramnni haa been dnlv aerv-. itta.n aald nlh.ri. n att.l thai ..t.a.r will h.Mal. "".i'i." " . aiwiitw, aiv.n.iti, I'l mmft kl.ixl w' Morrow. I .uiii t iers. at Heppner, I "..rrow Count, ("ems. and that no hetr. of tirrrm.BB February Jtih. til ; helre of the aald barlea Und. dereaard, ran be .M.I..I Wll . fMllliy .1.1.. aeJtMIM MsTTrwiM. III. . II ta therefore heret.t nr-lered that all peraons for the n S See j, lr, . JDaad lnteeeaie.1 In the aald eatale nf I bar lee Und. I'Sera-e IfTp 4 a. R .: g. W.M. decra-e.1. appear on or heh.re the Sral darnf Me iiamea the folinwliig wiltieaata In prove bis the nei regular term of Ihla Cmrt which la eniitlnunue featdeur Upon end culUiatloa of. tbe Bret M"nlef In March. ta, m.wit. Ibe aald land, tn : teuaj i iheranl ai llet.nner In a.j u urttiw IharleeKua John T. Kirk. Rar.lv P. Loaf . I Cminly. and show eaoae. II anr ther barewh keubea J. Ueunt, all of Nei paet. f ireenn I (he title of aald eeiate. now In Ibe han.lt nf aald 0. f , ILj.i1. I J. W. Morrow, being Ibe aon, of lim ill, thi.uld ta -TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST YU THE CSIOS PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palace Rleepera. Tourist eieepera and Pre Reclining Chair Car DAILY to Chicago. Many hours saved via this Una to fas Urn Point. STEAM HEAT. PiNTSCH LIGHTS. LOWICNT htJK'VlZm. keglaleV. Hotict of Intention. U Xmm ft.ea thai VMIneae awr " lhdaro January, the following naaaM aeti ef bat l4 anta I mmtt ' ItKi'MKN A J'M I. r veal In tha I'lalnli brreln. the stale of Oregon II la tortber ordered that Ihla nolle be pukllahed once each awl fore, enert.tt,a weeSa la the Heppner l.arelle, a neaiar of genaral rirrulalloq p"hllthed a llrt pnef, la of bit Intenii.. in ataae aal prnaf la aurtewl of bit rial and thai a.d prnf al be teade lf..re the eeiaty r.rtk of tlofenw r.ititr al li--eer, ,rrg en .irr, vu I II SHI ft M Hsu. Md t t. ? b ih a na4 and Mv ik s-- ;i. Tp a a r- K W M Me nanea the ..ii-wlnf wit hi ttta lit prn IS. t irrult Jtidr. HCMMOM itaaiaH i.tiLr I IMRtL Itntilltt k aikTIM It leas ellf tniaiak Id sp.a. a S 'Mi bat, thai the aulb-.f it.ee ..iij pid bete iftea ll.e "fanatb l" M .alera nt'.lat aad reattaiee.l the Kerda The fact la that Ih adltniitie. k. . i . . ...... I Henrt llre.f i -.1 aWi. ,i. r " " rau. U.- i....... Il.n-l.u f It Buiiia, ( Varies tl I ..Ua.n .at U.a.taa.1. ih-vh, I K ' S SV ' mt Jit Hiatal I . eldant In Tttf nt-fiTi ar miTm cot xtt nf Motmw. Ule (Iregng. Ill ? R later. N.ilies a betehv rvea Ibat a ltielie efief l4ilg . whil lb sitttviM of lb item. fraltal ..roiuilte ! .f.-re. di tfllt lalevseaa lit .fr.. e-.nnir (lfrg.,n, b bl I on a id slop U.e ala.ibi a enn as lb bster.laf . Man b li. K. at I d ns . la li il Ptd tuB thlb lb M - befor , f lie aU b.nel. f,t it sVtsssi s.it.sr.l a kill al n.h bad luri-.ea ,j aelrelu a lb lima f-.f b,.i i. I efpirw-l A I Vafa..aa lb haul t f time Mr, Mau A attit ld io li." N ttli Atii ti.'ao lli. tlfw, aaVs: "IKm. , t ,al litt. tai)J fliair Vfty fl"tt vn ar. outit i .f er rtii a! Ilicy tan I) tit an.l tlial'a all. j ' ' a-aaa ! (He r--'r' Sf trle sjiof bed Tup reiiiil liran camf.iii n In H is ' " UH " I"1' iae frj'ui-lirao camjin m u.ta , t,h, j,ai, .a, ih. aii sad twet tanl arliriljr oji ue ltiiirnw ! id" er tii....f i tt.a titmt he, lhef ill . , , .,. i,. el I'ba.fbeftt.a'a totl llefoe-lv, at l.i. h Inn- H ciinfy c Ur.I ,.,B ,. f , ., i ,.. M.r ft if n tuition HH'f 1 ah I ic I I tlt-'li an I l. i iae r.ab. U tea see f t , ,i . .. t ...... i . S"'1' t. I icia i lt.es fewiejy .1.1- f f U. ! im.-ir. a.. I n ull, (f , , . ,(; f iietiti.tO, aiVf wl.uh tl Mif .ib I,. fvei'l. tu a'let, "!.t.lt e tet.1. ti. ant f r lb lrai.aaei m of say lbr I'm tm tbat may roe ) the n..ii..e A fu'l a1 lei. lai c 1 1 all lb .ii.milleir.en bsrafnra'iy t. ' ete'e I. J. t. V..a..w, t l.al.aate. fit IU"-t drfsrlrd last futiir.ttv for kaeaas (,'l'y, 'eeaib'v r-naine, ll.ongb kwip ct e y h aill relate Iu t)f a a tesne.lici. . Of b -Ufa la eeteial (! It e'auji fc an t -i;!ae lObliuu'l (f.-io fn lid anal it lalef At Una -y .tiiiriuel f r a wlnit Jr. ? l !. er l,i r-e. a mtaj a ! auib.tt.ite aaaat aa eat el iff l. ri. bat bid bee f..t IbMt tpletveeirn, a ebl lima pf one, ot Ibre-i das, lb et.li A'enriao p.pnl.ii a se-aTbt b bea) rite, oil a at I rt'-ni lb Utt-i e Tie" ta tie . f tbteafy lUvlew f lUvteaa, 1 r ; ; -V" a eeal mktSWuk jr.r ST MAM M, (JASOLINK a ri oHk jMwi r , t.V...a J Vt yo are t. : SOREliESS, ftM BSI FFHESS.kWrjvrV. XXCOXeOOOOOOOOOOf 4 ST. JACOBS OIL W!fCt OUT T n' a A lsi..a defendant. la the an Ih etale of Oeen. o heeeht eeo.lt . apwea, an anaeet Iha ewa pialal Bil againel , a Ih ahnv enlttl t-.M mm Bt hehie the S-si day of Ut Best regular terns of aald c.il ta a u Ibe tad hay mt atarrb. a M lit"-, tall tn e ". tt at Iberenf the K.alntlt l I erf-tr t Ihe emirt Irar the fe I, ) 'I. a.. a, a sel l caap tml, b a II tm -l-al aai- ..a) h the t-. nt of fin f"Haaaena a.t.aea a Mb Interval I H ..., at Iha rate e4 le mmt real pet tttta t.'.at Ihe 3 ' I. w4 hneMtir .'l and an. a ann, aa Ihe rtt eaat at:.lr oa,.,h aa aa ett.-ei., a lea. mmA c-at al Ai.HaJCa.a a ., aM, m h..v ..e mA a retain a.aria.a ateri.ard bt tpa w tawWea Ke i aa.,l H Ihe aat aa tiw tSe.1 a4 raw 1.-4 I the ra...l, eJ aa,4 r-mtt " r b t of ar-aM lo-l ia b ' P " fnae i ing t.e t. lg tMmtel r-mtmm le. t V . t tat Ukrilt ,M ',eaS.J 1 ,-!. . 1. 1 l( , Ita " w . bt att.t't at. 4 I" v ' t t , ,ua a ,HUk V, tetrl ml f- Iffmilbink t4 fcia '' i i itr o m rtn, ei any t et kitl 4 If eat fW. v I --'r. M (( A , .ahtali'aT llleairal.c aad I It Atraet b-J r.a.t ptlee ,4 tttry lie t of tag in fom noe I B is k.aw tn, at hdt-B p' , l.f r, f f el eegie. b, 1 tft aa I avcbaey. .ilaf ! free R. H'. BAXTER, (7et. Agent, I'vrtlttnd, Orrgon, J. C, HART, Agtnt, Iltppner, Ortgtm. Vour Face fidmlnlttrotrtt KoVct. NOTt't la atev t.ivi-1 tar tst tWMlfaal b tmrm tteowa a,4-l-a cnas. P. viiiarti & Ga.. bhh wivws B IHiaiU Walt mtA a.,,, ea ea, ,,4 i. r-w t .- ItT Cenel tlr. a a CMICA&O J -Maaaaa laaM i tt . r . - .....T, H - faJ . ..,.t 1 I HalWee . - - . ,',f ' - 1 i I lal i ' " , . a 1 '. ' 1 ebats Sa I -.-.,. , a..., t. al it at a) a, aa I, w. , 4-,;a mit4lt Wh.ne,t taattat 4a te I .tat f -t-4 tola M 4f 4 " . IS I r liltiw ft,riy Ivdel tvfte afc".. arie. Ilaireal' a. Havt it.f,MltyI 1 ebaa) aa. oa. aV J t atbt SlU Baa, testse. avtn be -! ttb a a! ai( eaMt at ftt latasa in HeSeiiilaclB eesesss) crai ns M PINCH UNSION. TEWSIOM I JWOICATQB AUTOMATIC TENSIOS RELEASER, TV eaoas naaearie a4 sjawfal Vkaa Seat 444 t ewte ksLm. Tae 1TIIITC It CmWy ul MtiaMatf littt, or r h ruiik m frft AeUaMat, AU Irtitkt ArUeisi, A4 :3 re aM yoeaa fmtpUtU fal Asaal 4 foat ttpe.tatava. A ttt t'ttttti Waarto i saw. a-J tet.i'. ra, t, otaj tt- AbLreata V.'HITE SEVfiKG MACHIXE Ca, CtCVtUNO, O.