Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 21, 1896, Image 1

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iTIMI M,M 1 1 M 1 1 I 1 1 IU 1 1 1 1
! !
. i Advertising brought rr.e all I
own. A. T. Stewart.
Is owing to my liberality in ad-
vertivng Robert Bonner.
f I
tm 111 ) 1 1 1 1 n , t M ijii 1 1 1 1 1 M I II IW1M4WIIM N I M
t liriniinniii idii ! im.vi ri:i niMiiti:tuil i o wnuaffsi
fMM M Ht-IS-M rilMMM HI IMlin41 MlMMf
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, - - ' Editor
A. W. PATTERSON. . Business Manager
At ?.50 par your, $1.25 fur flix months, 75 ots.
cor throe mourns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
nHIS PAPKR is kept on rile at E. C. Dake's
1 Aiivartisin Afroncy, and 65 Merchants
ExohBURi, San Francisco, California, where co...
racts for advertising oan be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaven Hepmer 10:30 p. m. dally, except
Sunday. Arrives ti:15 a. m. dally, except Mou-
dBVVest bound passenger leaves Willows Junc-
' noil i ; io a. m f cuai. w "ni ... w
KreUht trains leave Willows Junction (joins
east at 7:2i p m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30
.... r. rc .i
u, ill. miu u.ou a. in.
United States Officials.
fiosiilnnt. Qrover Cleveland
Vice-t'rosiiieiit Ad ai Stevenson
H.m-etarv nt Hiate Richard 8. Oluev
Keemtary of Treasury John Q. Carlisle
HHOratary or Interior none oraiin
Kn(.rntsrv of War Daniel S. Ijiinmnt
Swireiary of Navy.. Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-Oeneral William Ii. Wi son
Att,irney-neral Jmlson Harmon
Heoretaryot Aurionltnre J.Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Heointaryof State H. It. Kincnid
Tnaunnr Phil. Mutsnlsn
Bnnt. Huhlin Instmrtion (1. M. Irwin
Attorney General
...C. M. In" email
Jtt. W. MoBnde
'(J. H. Mitchfl
I Hinger Hermann
1 W. It. Kills
( It. 8. B o
Sutirnmfl .ludvns F. A. Moo
I .',. i.. Wor
W. H. Leeds
Hxtli Jmllelal District.
Circuit Jndee 8tephen A. Lowell
l'rnMcutin Attorney John H. Lawrey
Morrow County Ottluial,
mint Henator
' nnty Jndim
' Commissioners......
J. M. Baker.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
" Treaaorer
' Hohool Bup't
" Coroner
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted t uperior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price.
Bo not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on
having the WavXrley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whoso bond is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. '
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
Gen. A cunt, for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
to ...
. A. W. Rowan
.. J. 8. Boothhy
..Jnli" Knlthlj
.. J.K. Howard
...T. W. Morrow
, W. Ilarnnaton
. Frank Gilliam
J. r'. Willi-
Geo. lord
..Anna Rahucer
,.T. VV.Ayere.Jr
nKyoi Tiuf. Morgan
Ciuni-ilineii.. O. K. Farns worth. M.
IiiohtMithal. Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr.,
8. 8. Homer, E. J. Hlocum.
Hoordr . . .. .F., M "cl!
l-rwuinror t. L; fTT'"
Marshal Uobsrls
Precinct Oflleei.
Jnrtios of the Peace E. U raenl
Constable N. 8. WhoUtons
United Mtr lad Orliror.
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relaiivs in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you anJ is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this pre:sent time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
(?Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
J. F. Moors ...
A. 8. Biggs ....
B. F. Wilson..
J. H. Itolihins.
.. U' -ist-r
,. lleoeivr
sBitxr osiriiis.
O. A. K.
uat Loiintfon. Or., the last Hatontay of
pI. month. All veterans are Invited to Ho.
I C. Bioii, G o. W . Km it.
Adintanf. If ( Vnnoiamler.
L U M B K R !
V dreaael Lumuor W milas ol Heppnrr, a
what is known a (he
MR 1,000 FEET KOlXiH.
17 f
ninMir .ihi wi voninimi
Tbe above quotal! are strictly for Cash.
Prmldrnt. fa-kler.
M-U on K'rrnV Term.
HKri'NF.tL tf )ftFS
a. i-
H. A. WVJAVS. P op
tnve ll-i'fis Ult at A ft. m. nnj nr
riff ! UulsrH la ti imarn.
Single Fare S7 DO.
Round Trip $10.00
rttroMi fMii r ft pi.
JT.B.ThU Company 1$ controlled by tttnrbj one thoutand leading new
papert in (he United Slalct, and is ijuurantted by than.
VHmm is ,. . -:wsm
YOU CAS BUY liVoo wotth of dry goods and grocetl"! and then havs
enough left out of. f HO no to pun hase a No. 1 Cresrent Mcycle. This Is
a (lrst-rlas msohltie. Why thon pnjr II J.u0 for a blryelo that will gv
no better service f
CHE'JCKNT "Spon-her," weight S) Kinnds, ontr I'1".
L lies' and Ounts' rovliti-rs all tha way from l" lo T
"Bits' Junior," only t i) with pneumatic tlrs good machine.
"Our apwlal." Men s I'fl; Udles', A
Iljpiiffr, On-con,
-1 TtlR-
Most Popular Pcputllcan Newspaper of the West
Ani Has the Largest Circulation.
f DA,Lv without Sunday) $. per ear
TERMS DA,LV w,th I oo per y cur
BV MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean Ci. 00
At A rwPAPt ft Trir fTr iXr a4 M Haws la all
rxrxis li awuiMf mi m nr" la iaf ALL I HU
The Weekly Inter Ocean
It Mdtilur mi Mmti I Mh awaikw mi ISt faasit I'
II ll'l III lA.ll S MIM M M S4 NSk(4.
UtMIIMAIfV tAllfcl 'S imU4.
(tsfS Si .
Cool lfmJ'i U rn
l li llm Ifl ft ! Vllf
Of'er-.ao, h- !
h. We-t. Wlin I b (-
PotmCAII V If f l-rMf llCAH. s4 ! Ht r.4rs llM W.rt f m
Mxl ms U btt M.ihal !-. II ftn I Haas InkMKIvf
1Kb U.U.
fur vr ikr h H ft jam 11 (iticaoo, tur siat Af comrfi.
lOllllur MI M I Ml AI I I '.Hs MH S av t pi I H
ansfiiii fi im: mips w ih. HLii W ihaI mifii ima's A"t
paki n i aw i hi if r
N talaajw4 tllilM r-.r Is mi Im ) M PVlibs o4 I Mri.
mw rwaW iixm lit sa4 Ik Wnllr !. ',- risi V s.. tf-l,
UOuu,' A'" THE IMTER OCEAN. Ch -.49
I, I. ..... H ,l.,l,',;,ritr I wr'Mttrf I ;-! ri Cn
iU.MhA., ..ff -' HI. 1 - A -1 UK . IN'i! . 11. v.i.
laihti. t1 t '
MAirni mm j 'l ' 1 n-rl,'t n " t s III -.Si i. i...l.
I 1 , 1, i,.Ml
for Coughs, Colds,
and Consumption
is beyond question the greatest of all
modern medicines. It will stop a
Cough in one night, check a cold in
a day, prevent Croup, relieve Aslhma,
and curt Consumption if taken in
time. " You can't afford to be with
out it." A 25c. bottle may save your
life I Ask your druggist for it Send
for pamphlet. If the little ones have
Croup or Whooping Cough
use it promptly. It is sun to cure.
Three Sizes SJc., goc. and Jl. All Druggists.
0 ioicis i.7iarnoers St., iv. y.
1 nmmi
well begun Is hair done. Begin
woll oy setting terry's heeds.
1. Don't let chance determine
your crop, but plant berry's
ueeus. Known ana sola
He lore ou plant, get
Ferry's Seed Annual
for 181)6. Contains more prac
tical Information for furmers
and gardeners than many hlgu-
prleea text dooks. Mniieo rroe.
A MSUNi)Ei;:.Vi00i) DOG.
Tho Eventful Lite of a
Moaning Pup.
Ho came in a crata by the evening
itapre an un;;ainly Ht. llernard puppy
with Icga long enough for a dog twice
his Bizo. A card on the top of his
wicUer cajfe read:
: , Kocne Utmicr, 1
; Ao.liondacUs. '.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Caveats, and Trade-Marlis obtained and all lat
ent busincM conducted for MoDtnaTf Fits.
OUR umcE nurro.in w.o. r." w.mvi
and wtcanierura patent in lens tuue toaa uuwc
MMnf. frnm Wa.hincrtnn.
.v.. T . ... . ,
bead moaeu arawing or pnoco., wan ucitrip-
lion. Wo adviu, It patrnuuia or Dot, ires 01
.'harML Our fe. nnt due tilt Datent Is secured.
A PASJUMHT. " Hyjr to Obtain Patents," w!th
COSC Ol MIUO in inl V twUVt W"wiva
sent free Address.
Aassa SiTrilT ArriCt. WilHINCTON. D. C
thing to patent? Protect your lileas; they mar
hrin vnn WHnlth. Write JOHN WKDDKIt-
liUKN CO., l'atent Attomeya, Waslilugton,
U. U.i for their l,ou prua ouer.
Tim intense itchimr nml sinurtimr incl
d'.'iit to ccwnia, ti'Iler, silt-rlieum, nml other
diwnsi'g oftlie skin is iniitiiiillv sllnyed 1T
aiil vincr C'linniU'i'l'.iin' l'vo nml 8kin
Uiiiltiit'iit. Many very had eu--a lmvo been
prriiniu-nlly etircil lr it. Jt it equally
eUicicnt for itrlum piUs nml a lavm-ilon m
eily for ro nipj'l.s; elianH'(I liuml chil
bliiiiia, fiKit biu-a, and rlimnic aoro eye.
For aula by druKKi'l1 ol 't tf nU jk t box.
Try Ht. Cmlr'a. ('umlillon rowilrrs, thry
rvjiiM wlmtn Imrwnt'eilswhen in Unl condi
tion. Tonic, lilmxl juniiiir mid vciinifuc.
For auld by Cimsi'r te I'.roek, ilnkislt
Irlahmen In tllvh riwltlnm
It U not i lv in Hie rnitocl Slatoa
Hint tlie ikiiik nf 1 1 i i n 1 1 im MTtiri'il
illll' llllinnir till' IflllllTN lf till' H'(llo.
TliU fu' t boa liri-n enlli-il to mnl by
tho cirt uni!.tiu'e that vliiU til I'nincp
ni'iurtiitiir line illiistrintiH IrUhitiun
In the jhtmih (if liniii'st old Mar1itil
MncMnlmn. the mnAM'idf the tx.pnU
tlnli of An trlu-IIuni'iiry were norlaim'
inir niinihcr Jri; liinun, tln lrli.li peer,
Vise. unit Tiiiifi", who bub! the pnt (if
prime inini'.trr (if Aunlrin, f.ir briiijr
litir fi.rwaril a bill In fuvn'nf imivrrvl
; niTr'c. In hpain utio (if tho must In
. fluent int mili'.tiry lra.1. r- U a p-ticrnl
I of Ililn rnlnn nri(firi. O'Kynn by nsmr,
Iwhobi'lil tin' ii-tif minister (if war
dot lirf t'n- f.in.n r a'lmiiii'-tnitlnn of the
jin-M-tit .r nii rj vthilo llm iiu'ii r
Ifrtil'a priv'.o N'rr.lary and iikm.1
trusU-.l A lvW.rr atnl friend In-ars the
naioc in .itirpiij. ins iiiiia nine a
trnvi-rrirsii la ul i art Irish w-mrinn; ami
a. i. i. la th c-rtrrrripsa of tbn yminif
qurrn of H-ilUiiwl. 1 li tutor nf Km-
peri U lir.uiu was an irislmian namea
The crowd on the store porch waiting
for the mail to be sorted looked the
newcomer over and expressed tlieir kov-
eral opinions as to his breed. Some
"calated he had shepherd in him,"
and others "swan he hadn't." ,
"See that; haow he bobs that head of
his'n," said Israel Lukems, v.n old hunt-,
er, peeving into the crate. "Hello thar,
'Lony Lega,' haow goes it? hungry, bo
ye?" and the puppy licked the old man's
"What -ye pot in thar? a lion?"
shouted Alfred Ilaraner from the road,
on his way to the lumber shanty.
By this time the mail was sorted, and
tho crowd scuffled into the store. A
kerosene lamp sent long shadows scur
rying over trie low ceiling and diffused
a mellow light half way down the
counter, at tho further end of which
was strewn a tumbled assortment of
lumbermen's shirts and soma old pairs
of children's boots, the remnant of the
winter stock, tireat drifts of blue to
baeco sinoko flouted lazily toward the
lamp and, ascending, were lo.t in tho
The puppy, left alone on tho porch,
heard the lau'rhtet' and tho voices of
the men inside, and began to whine.
When realizing that this only added to
his loneliness, he cocked his head and
looked tip 'at the stars unit tho great
range sleeping clear out against thera.
He could hear the roar of the river as
it swung through tho valley, and far
down the road the baying of the hound.
Then c:i:ne the sound of u wagon clat
tering along and tho uext instant Hill
Henderson reined in his team and called
"Dog here for aour folks?"
The door was opened by the post
Some of my womern's relutlvea
daown In Fort Tl," Henderson con
tinued, "writ that they b:id one of
them St. llerniirufi nud wanted we
shonld take It. 1 told my wife, sei I,
we got enough hn omuls to feed with
out goin' '.ntr no fancy breeds."
len minutes later tho puppy was
lifted out of the crate and tumbled Into
the wagon, and Henderson drove oit.
As they rattled down the road the cool
air seemed to revive the puppy. It felt
good to get out of the closu crate, and
though ut first he cowered against tho
dashboard bo begun gradually to feel
more like himself. Now and then be
would put up his foolish shaggy head
and try to make friends with Hender
son, lint Henderson was surly. Ho
regarded the puppy u moro of an en
rtt,nltr'i', tVin I otso.
iriciiiiiy uegiiiniiit. on lite purl of the
puppy were greeted with a kick that
sent him shivering under the scut
again. Henderson bndn't much heart
even toward his neighbors, and wheu
it came to animals he bad less.
VIhmi Henderson reached his cabin
Mainly, bis "wotm-rn." ruiiio out with
a candle to see the new dog, and the
puppy wua brought Into tbe kitchen,
win re be walked alxint uwktvardly ami
tvu muuled by the children. After a
.runty mi.xt he was turned out among
.he hounds In the wood-shod, where be
lay shivering with cold and fear until
Henderson's eldest iKiy emtio for him In
the morning and bitched him to a curt
If be wna not burncsse l to Hie tart
by the eldest boy and lushed up and
lou ii the rood in tho broiliii aim, be
vns drn;'gei Into the cabin on wet
l.ivs and inniilcd by tho rest of the
'lnldrcn. (! morning be growled,
t). lull rson's woinern" an id "she
knotted that the dog was ugly noon aa
she sot In-r livii eves n him," and that
"it w.is tiolliin' short of Providence be
bu bi t bit some of tiie young una."
Ilendrrvni said he'd take him where
'ie wouldn't i'i I I mck In a hurry, and
ihe in t .1 iy I ho puppy was IllUhcd
ii (.! r a s .1 Ih r'a wngnn and dcparLrd
.mi id the if iln's of the lleinlcrvin rbn-
ilrrn ami Die snnrling of Mii lletider
vin houiids. 1h iri!ler drove n'ong
In the Minding IicmI and dust, and It-
, fore be I .i l (,'une two mile the puppy
I lind bar I work to keep Ins chain slack
I bis fi ' t la-L'311 to bleed and be whined
In ii Iba rart reached the valley
is tuiir' ib-t.uil. and st'ipd In front
of thp-et nfjce, the puppy lay tut'
.ii' ii' us atrainsl Lie luii'l w heel. Is las
shirt, as he opened the door, and the
crowd roared to a man.
Ill tell you what I'll do," saij
another. "I'll give half a dollar for
his hide if anyone '11 shoot him."
A butcher's boy lounging against the
counter bet ho could hit him "first
Just then, the puppy settled slowly
on his haunches, looked up at the
butcher's boy and wagged his tail.
"Look out don't ye coma near me,"
said the butcher's boy.
The next instant a well-directed
boot rolled the puppy into the road.
He staggered to his feet and stood gaz
ing up at the crowd on the porch, his
limbs trembl'm?. Tho storskeoncr
came out with a box of cartridges and
a Winchester. Throwing a shell into
the magazine he handed the rifle to the
butcher's boj'i
Thero w-.vs u pause.
"Git that hind sight fine on him." It
was the man in tho slouch hat telling
the butcher's boy.
"Ilyar!" came a stern voice out of tho
dusk, and tho next instant the old
hunter, Israel Lukcns, had tho butch
er's boy by tho throat.
"You young ukunk," ho thundered,
wrenching the rifle awny from tho
butcher's boy. "Thought ye'd be
paowcrful cnnnln', didn't ye? I sec
that there puppy wheu he came daown
to the center. Thar nn't nothiu' tho
matter with that dog; he's been used
ivvfully. Henderson's folks hud him
and thein young ones liked to kill
The old mnu. loosener his vfee-like
grip, and the butcher's b iy slunk into
the store. :v by one the crowd fol
lowed shejpldily. whlb the puppy
treml lel ngtinnttho old man's boot
leg. When th2 latch clicked on the last
men Isracd took the puppy in his arms.
'Tool leetle cuss," ho said, as ho
carried tho puppy down the road to
his cabin.
And so the puppy lived with Israel,
ind one August day tho old hunter left
his cabin nt Anyllght with his dog.
"Hadn't ye better git a eouplo of the
boys to help ye, Israel, If you re agoln'
to git lion t them hemlock?" Bald J e ru
shy lm wife, us ho left, - . - -
"1 presuino likely I had," Raid Israel,
leaning on bis ax at the gate. "Frank
he's ought to went t th. center to
Jay to git them ahtnglea, and IV to cal
culated he'd go fidiin'. No," be con
tinued. "I gucHa I'll make nout well
enough nlo'ie, thiirnn't ho much but
what I kin handle It," and, shoulder
ing bis ux, be disappeared iu tho woods,
talking to tho dog.
It was about noon when Jerushy fin
ished her washing and aat shelling
peas in tho coolest corner of thei aum
mcr kitchen. Outside in tho tangled
garden tho lire tumbled laxity over
the flowcm anil the yellow Jackets
crawled In and out among tho bunches
of dried bcrlm hung under the eaves of
the rlckely porch. Ik-low from tho
alley, awiiiiiiiing In the August bent,
came the harsh droning of the mill,
broken at interval by the delicate
ping, a tho bg left the saw
"Tliarl" alio sunt to nrraelf, atnrtlng
up aa the mill whiatle blew. "I hain't
more n ha 1 my linmla out or (he dish
tv.t ? and ll'aj plumb r'wm." She full
something tugging at her skirts, and
looking around she sow the dog
Wall, if that don't bent all." said the
old lady, readjusting her atrcl speeta-
clea. "What alia ye-tip it. ye foul:
Hut the dog kept tugging at her
"Uota mush rat, have yrV said the
old lady, cxlngly. "Wall I presume
we ll have to go and a It fore ye II
git your satisfy.
Suddenly the dog stopped and list
ened, and Jerushy heard far up the
mouutyn a faint halloo.
Ten minutes later she found the old
man buried under a hemlock, unhurt,
but unable to move hand or foot.
As Jerushy stood by wringing her
hands the dog tried to ferret himself
beneath the pile of debris, tugging at
Israel's coat.
"Oh, Israel, be 3fou a dyiu'?" moaned
"Dyin'? No," Israel replied. "I
han't hurt none yo see, I mistrusted
this here tree wau't agoin' to fall
right, but 'fore I knowed it she come
down top of me. If it wan't for that
young spruce I presume likely it'd
a killed ine. And be came and told
ye!" said tuo old man. "vau. i
When the neighbors came and hauled
the old man out the dog's joy knew no
"Thought he wasn't no good, did ve.
friends?" said tho old hunter, turning
to the bystanders.
"Ye han't no bines broke, have ye,
Israel?" asked a mild old man, oncd
sheriff of the county.
"It's a good thing the dog come
daown and told your woman, Israel,
wasn't it?" drawled a tall, lanky fel
low. "I'm tickled to see ye wan't hurt,"
said another, ns the procession filed
down the mountain.
liut Israel did not answer; he waa
talking to the dog. Detroit Free
Tww fltttj! Ilaal.ra.
MaJ. Champion. In hla book "On tha
Frontier," d s. rilea a deer hunt. Ill IU
Course of which b found hla dig
astrido the ib-ud hody of the (! r,
w hll an Indiiin 1 a little wnyi.:T.
Ik.v ami arrow In band. Ily a'.ciia b" j ,.y, , w,.rtf cOM., ,,1 tr,n
made the wh.te man utiilersiand that ; . t,iu. Sunnmi. unhitched tha
he had wmind.d the (b. r and the dog , ( a, , ,irn?if,., ,im a few feet away
. I' 1. I 1 I .... I ! ' '
j.iiiic.1 ii ion. i. ii- it i i- , , ,.ril. !,,, r a re.
in r. ti. l I l.e fofrtmif of It up hi the : Two men passinif stoptied.
.l.iiaul plj-.sl it on oiie sel-. llm, , ,,.a.." -til orm. "l-onka
..In r b..lf l.e U.-l at MaJ. t hiuiipiofi a he'd h en u ,ly. anyhow," aald thai
I . t. .1. !. rlof lulu- If of ape- Ii HI. , r ,H,,.- l.ass. , on.
ii li.-I..M f.i.i,'... 1 h wi,n tii.n tin- i 'H.p ;,;,; a leiu-thened until only
.1, r.t.,i i.u ii.. n.n r. ".ut iioiaw..i t!l Fna i,. far up on "f.rrat
of I, i ad Ires. 1li IndU.n ami thi u,,,,,,,!,,- , re U itH enoiirh toralih
l"tf had si.ie l Ui d r Iojm-I tier. Bid ' fnVs ..f Hie red sun. A few lamps
llii.a imnir sn n'rin vi na I I at the w indowadown Iheatmrl
lh yum. Th maj- w riia to th
fmerircy. e r.-i and d.'llere. Itl
full th rlasKal ile. i mat, on; "My
nam la Norval." with a;ieo;ins'e p. -ur-.
Jmt ns l lia I many Imi-a fi" tl
It at a-)".!. Nihiiif kmI.I l n
t-rltrr. 1 1." III'! an and Hi" while man
!'mM hands With effusi Hi. and fa h
with hi al.ar ut ll. venuvi f.U
Aaoti tre ard al.mt .f msny
VarW ti-s are said to d"try ttia'.aria.
A ani ti.oiir, l i Uiri known to
i ir tl.re or fmr ) r without any
fc.rtii iilriK'it sv wl.st thry es'f. I
from the a'rr.
.all ffows r.i.n.at'irw rri,
ratf w l. b are aa Ufw aa A f.i a
liMj r.nef an l H. gtn'.nm of ll.
ai.el f IH :' S"l I
l us t rt a l fr- wn l t,a A'-s at
s..!. t-4i nt . ' ' f.- t: ii I 17 t, at
''", in !'. i-1 . at I i
tA, at ":.;'4,tit tt t I I !
. '
A New York Musician IMays a Tune from
1'lctiire of Wall Street.
"I have a friend who is an amateur
photographer," said a Wall street
broker to a New York Commercial Ad
vertiser reporter, "and one day ho con
ceived the Idea of securing a snap ahot
of Wall street and its environs. Ac
cordingly he secured the necessary
permission and carried his kodulc to
the roof of tho Manhattan Life com.
pnny'a building, on Hxehange place.
He turned his len:i eastward over the
roof of tho Stock exchange anil
pressed the button. When the nega
tive wni developed It showed little
else tlmn a confused lielwurk of tele
graph wires, chimneys and llngstalTs,
but, undaunted, be developed bis pic
ture. Then be discovered that the
photograph of Wull street bore a strik
ing resemblance to n sheet of music,
the wires forming lite lines of tho
staves, nnd several Hiiemeii nt work
and tbe chimney pots mid lliigstaffs, in
ailhouette, taking tho place of the
notes. Contemplating his work with
disgust, bo was Interrupted by the en
trance of a friend, an omatcur mu
sician. Throwing the photograph to
the musielun. be exclaimed: 'W hat can
you make of Hint?"
"'Tbut,' sii'.d the mush-inn, knowing
ly, 'why. that U
-Von ran't piny In my rant.
I ilun t like you stir oiore, "
"And be turned to the piano and
rattled off the song."
At her wlllingnesa to follow the dog
loosened bla hold and ra.t ahead, bark
ing luressontly.
The two crowd tha rood and fol
lowed the trail of tha path leading
Israel a "leetle piece," aa the hunter,
called bis lutnlxT cutting. When ha
reached th l.rtmk th dog Btnpp-d,
snufll.ig tolherljlit and left; suddenly
he Mopped and U'gan to howl, and
Jerushy, b'kllif at the edge of aottie
aiders, saw tha print of Israel s alio In
the mud.
'1 hen tha truth seemed to flash arra
her mind. j
"huihin'a happened to Israel or that
don? wouldn't ierfirtn like that, I'll
Warrant ye," she said, burr Inif on.
The dog I arUed alisrplf and plunped
on through Ihn wi.els. (tie old lady
following aa best aha could, railing at
liulla JMTchit ilisssn't appeal to nioat
pmipli lis on nrti.'le of diet, hut there, 1
a smiill, an cxei-edlngly .small, subma
rine NtihiiKli'uh t hat Me.itiv. ly ilcllghta
In It. ThU Intcresliiig rrenturn la
cnllci' Ibe "ciblilc," and it Is only real
ly hnppy while it Is browsing on tha
gtittn p'ir.'.ia that Is its.'d for tha
stu'uthliig of sol. marine cables. The
layers of snbniririiie rallies are so
afraid a (lilt of I'tltta M'rvhrt Won't
Bgreo wllti the gibbles that they are
shent hill" Ihe w ires w ith truss. l'.sl-
I Idy, tboni'h. their ansiely may not be.
. ...... i. - i .. 1 1 i i . . i. . .
Israat, whar m ye? He ye
so mm h fi.r tl.e triliMc'a hcaltli Aa for
the cable's snffiy. Hit thowlinl this
doeanpi i-ar to be the mom l.ltcly nup
rrantioii. ..l l.nae.
To tmnt iiiiiiii visitors to Hi. mo
(oH'llie Is a sort of diely, and after hla
death ev- ry Ira ss of his slay there,
however tiittintt-.rtaiit. ss unearthed
arid sl.il. d If It bud In en It su' trd
shrine. Hue of IIh-m shrine la A
hiiiiil'l" Inn. here the "n il - t iise.
to tj'ie ir'.i s ..f Ine III I'm evening.
Mr. :!!. .;f !.. "iiii.mn r- bilea I!, a' an
i tiil.M' i.i- i.'). ini. 1 1 uiiMi, i c'lti'ed in
this pi''" in - ;'. a h.-d l'i ;it' r Hi hla
l.rol(.-ii i. Km !.i i;. r t'us w,r.-ally
the s'.t l.'iiit l.Kth iiwd to Uil.
"i.oi i, l ...tl. no bos. ii i in v. r heard
of t oil. " l I Ihe waiter. 1 hen, .-. oig
siiMi lil y thl he a il: Ji'nnt dig a
, i ii tun. r, bo a t b d; " ta yes, of
...ilf.., Ii.iti - he has jilst this liloinetit
sir. . t, and a t. ntlo lrM rustle.1 U
U-avrs orr h. a 1
When the dew fell tha mppy ipetl..
his r)ra.
Itse. mrd to him that ha was hrk
.. more in l-ie erat at tha atar. e
Could see Hie .Ufa flitter and h.ar tha
fr id lh firf.
As tha wml freshened and t.Uw
down the sa'ley hm atairrrred on his
feet and lolWrrd up tha foa l. whin
It. If 'i a moment ha stopped In
fr-ft.t ( f th lr and aod In th
Ifldfa f the atii; nw SiMaf rura
narl. l at him l.impinir up I lie '!. n
atj. he waiie-l until A man ('ta-Aed
t'.e rte. w he sltiiiW In. ts.l-ltf-I (
Ins dial atiil waifed loa l'-ifscirU i
I II t ye tVa c'?ra that Ae
ma 1." sai l a fsrti-a l:i.Uru,4a la a
si Ji aV
l r i'-l -U ywi ra rVM. rpS 'A
1.1a j st'r r, inr5i:,Tr a; f'-v.nr y.
'1: i:i f a. ha st-wuit,
trj j: '.jjlzjlI uSHT.fyvt
Grlm iO ajfb.lFi rtl
. m-A e--S mtm mmm
i L "sw4 si.Aiast s-ff-afl
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-a all (Sr.r iait-i - H-m sM .i.i- ... swssl t.m't
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tlir. ! fi-TBir TllM la Hsa HaUtS ' T
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