STOCK BRANDS. While von keep your subscription paid up fen eankeep your brand in free of charg. Allrn. T. J.. lone, Or. Horse GO on left iiumuer; oaiue ami on nip, unaer Dit on right ear.and npper bit on the left; range, Mor- Baird, D, W. and son. Horse branded 1) B on the left hip; oaitle tha una on left flank, crop off right ear, nnderorop in the left. Range in nurruw lOiuii. Bartholaraew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horse branded TEou either shoulder. Bancein Mor - Hannister. J. W.. Hardman. Or. Cattle brand. ad B on left Md and tbivh: split in eaoh ear. Brenner, Peter, Ijooseberry Oregon Hone branded r B on left sbonlder. Cattle same on right aide. Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cuttle a on the left side. Left ear half crop ind right ear npper slope. Barton, Wm., Hoppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in MRfh ear. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, eirole I) with dot, in net ter on lure hip; oattle. same, Brown, W. J., Iena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hlD. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, boi brand on right hip cattle, same. With split in Aa,h Mr. Bora;, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; oattlo. same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle, JB oonneoted on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece out out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Range in Vox valley, . Grant oounty, Carsner. Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand ed O on right stitle ; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear, Range in ftrRtit nnd Morrow oonnties. Cain.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle U witn qnarxer oiruie otur 11, on ami, snomuer and on left stifle on all oolta under 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant oounty, Cate, Chas. B Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; oattl same on right hip. Hnnm Morrow and Umatilla counties. Corrigall. M M, Oalloway, Or Cattle orop out of each ear and nnderbit. wattle in forehead; horses half circle u on leu stiue. ttange jnor. nw ami Umatilla counties. flnrl. T. H.. John Iav. Or. Double cross on each hip on oattle, swallow fork and undei bit I In right ear, spilt in leu ear, nange iu urani oonnty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear punched npper bit in right. Wethers, orop in right and under half orop iu left ear. AU ratigs in Grant oonntv. nnnk A. J..Ina.Or. Horses. 90on rightshonl der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square I crop off left and split in riant. Cnrrin, B. Y., Currinsville, Or, -Horses, on left stifle. , , . . Coi Ed. 8., Haniman, Or. Cattle, C with E in center; horses. CK on left "lip. Cochran, B. E., Monument, Grant Co , Or. Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on loff shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope Dotn ears ana anwiap. Chsnln H.. Hardman. Or. Horses branded O on right hip. ( 'attle brauded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same brand on right shoulder, and out on end of r'l!l)iwas, W. M., Galloway. Or. Cattle, R Don right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D ""ml Rrne.. Dono-la. Or. Horse branded ELY on loft shoulder, oattle tame on lefthip, hole to right mr. , ........ Q (reversed (! with tail on left shoulder ; oat. , tiaruman, ur.-onm nranaea tie same on ngnt nip. nange in morrow oonnty. Florence. L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LK on right hip; horses. V with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, B. V. Heppner, ur. norses. r on risht ahimlrler: oattle. w on right hip or thigh. Gentry, Elmer, Eoho, Or. Horses branded H. 8. with quarter oirole over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umatillacountie. Hiatt. A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top K with quarter circle nnner it on 111 rigui nip. iv.... in Mitnna and Umatilla counties. Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or-J" IT Ft Comiucteaion right snouiueron norens; on oattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district. Morrow oounty. Rnmrrl 1 I.. Hallnwav. Or. Horses 4- (arose with bar above It) on right shoulder; cattle same on left aid. Range in Morrow and Umatilla oonnties. lull. Kdwin. John Day. Or. Cattle E H on right hip; hors"S same on right shoulder. Range In Grant oounty. Hnghea, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horse shaded hert. un tha lef t shoulder. Itanae Morrow Co. Hunsakar, H A. Wagner. Or. Horses, It on left Shoulder: oalue, v on Dirt nip, Humphreys, t U Uardman, Or. Horses, H on left flank Huston. Lnther, Eight Mila. Or. Home H on the Inft shoulder and heart on the left atilra Cat. tie same on left hip. Hang in Morrow oomitv. Jonea, Harry, Heppner. Or Hnraaa hrandnd H J on the left shoulder; rattle lira ulixl J on right hip. also undnrtut in left ear. Range in Morrow oonnty. Jnnkln, H. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, hnnia. shoe J on left ehoulilar. Cattle, th sams. lUnire fM KI.M Mile. Johns-m. Felli. Lena. Or. Nihm. nlrnlaT on left stitle; cattle, same on right hip, under half Orop In Tt and solit n left ear Kennv. Mike. Ilennner. Or. Horse branded KNY on left hip oattl same and orop off left I ar; under slfiite on i-ne ngnt Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. -Horse 69 en left shoniilert nettle, ev n len nin. Hatnlerland.W.lf.. Klount Vernon, nr. I I, on ealtl on right an I left sides, swallow fork in li ft ar and under mop In right ear. Hone sain brain on left shoulder, Itauge In '(rant raninlv. Loflen, Htephen, tat. Or. 8 Una lefthip on oattle, emu ami split on ngnt ear, in same brand on left shoulder. Uang Grant xnintv. I ii T..L mi l. ..i.-A4 iv. ft... brandol halfJilrole J I, oonnecrte.1 on left shonl. der. ) atile. samo oo lefihlu. Kan, near lot. Inaton Leahey, J. W. Heiipner Or Horse branded Land A tin left alioolder; netil earn on left hip, aeitls over sye, three lit in right I of. I. (le-wge, Heppner. Or. Horse branded d hi hi II Hotnatime ealls wing II on le" sinmler. Mwle. M. 0.. Heiipner, Or. Callle branded eimle on right hip; hunn sain uu right stille. Mange in n rriw rmunly. Minor, tteoar, nafipner r. 4 at lie, M Dot rigtil hip; bum sj on left ahoulder. Morgan, M. N , Hevpner, r.-HofM, M) oa left Itonl.Ul eatlle aaiae n left hip, MlUihell.Oensr, oa, Or.-liofwe. JJ ua right kmi eel lie 11 un right sid. Kl. Andrew, loni Itork ln,-lliirae A N no a. I erial oa left alimilitevi eatlle aatoe oa both hl, I tiller. Tarry. Illinium, ur.-r U wa left hxil'lef. (Meira. J. W., IVoaglas Or.; h-iraes () ua left I hoahler; retll same on rlit hip. I'aarsoa, t Have. fciaM Mile. IH.-Iloreea, qner la lffle shietd oa left fe,nil,er sad It a i lei I kip. aula, fork la e' ar, rtghl snippet. Ml M ten kin. Itangeoa KIM Hil. farker A Oleeeoa. llanlaaa.Of.-llnraa IP u left aiMMllder, I'liier, Kreoat, lslngtjKi.Or.-lliirMw brant. wk (I. K tetenwloli oa l-'l ehiMl.ter i aalll aseua righi hip. Hani i.m txmnir. 1'ifet.J. II.. loilngl.Mi, ler. -II.. ran, JK e.Mi. a en en tMilefl etKMildef; eatlU, saiaaoa left hip, lr bll la ea 'h aaf 'ill. A. I'.. I'me, Or I bona dlaanMid P . elei,t-i wile, J II J eiHinexle I, IHI Imi aft kip, uptef slop la Uft oar ea4 slip la il fight. Hind, aedm, llwl eea Of.-ll e. statrs Oroae with que'iertrvle trrar il tie Uft suae. M llr-. Hl'tear. "f.- M e-e brivtl I a the tlM ehiLU'i eeilla, I i na tha Ufl am tr.j ntl fi and dewlap e ao k. Kaage II au4 a-IMnlag anaailaa. kVaaeet. eliw Or -Hea lee tol I H nghl hait.Ut, (Mil qat Hrrte fcsaaul, eel lie aaeM aa rigl.t kip. Kege M'rw rV iae, . II lxurrIIU.V-HH mmnmtm. wot. eirvl r lp . eeiile ,e nM hif d e.H I rtaM mmt aftd ).lil la Ml, mm araed le K..i. kkaaga la li erw pfMl aaVl II'1' eM MOlMtMBfc. IUM i. . 'f - U mt, JO m Ml sknalits. t asUa, l ea Its.! kip, IMralgt.l W, IU,.- (V - M.-omb scaled Jan. U . eailie i nm Uft kip. seaiu.a .k la rM aaf .ilMl la U1. a- lw Hi.,.!., IK llMraaa, A f a tart kipi eaeUe aw a left kip. , R W4, Ikaigtaa, Iw -Taltl I 1 oa rtaM kip ad H a rtM V,U Ma, R , fM trf.l-la U, la !.. eaeaelf . a-e.ia r"- aiilMii. r iwUI M 4 etea-")!! we a Un aa.iiu ain I ail.iMrfcaa. l I fc-r ! l.l JMI wile (he . lau aaa woklie, Hav" ta aerl iiil'vewtiw mtm.K. k a , Hen, la t a iis a tiM xiae, eiie fc-e-e iei L mm ike fg.l ei-ie N'en Mx It, Hve It 4eiia, p a niM kill fil"W '"k e UTI mtt, O . Mn- "? - Unm. U a Ufi wtia'iU. M l-r kip Hef U . -! - I I M Mi aa " f I - ia fl fmtt. W ). Im.i ea w l mi ifcene vie, j a Hit" fi-llaala LA -! I UTt tmkm I. a tl -..- Il-Mea. C. aa Wft iVl n W.Mre. Its - keel ., '.) f UM (Avoil. li i i ai aa Wi k-p . .l,t t Wrfh twe, H M . I a IW . N lMI U4m Mf nMel V-1 ", as k-4 ta4el4 H T I . Me M I ensi pmtmj mm f vk k i.lsAatta. aataa aa nM k'walSra, W M'ri"a IV Renax C U aa Mai U" atWhUfi aa tM kia. mr 4 pei a4 f-M n rmi I keaa-l I a kkw Wl Stall tar. lWv mLTm'tl I aMs fay -4 ! -ZZTm- M a ava, airf la . ee. "mTZVZ'i. L? tTTtlSra4 aai m " kni ' a4 U ka .u aT. u - M . -w s.iwkr a 1-4 - M-r -. iN.-H . IT e Ui A-awe., f I ...' mi kef sai 1 m ZZT a e-.a. - Jaa-f aw UM jll'll M'l " Wren. A. A.. HeDDner. Or. Horse rtuuiinaA A on shoulder; Cattle. Mm on right bio. loans', J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. How l brand T800 the riant ehonlte. I A, re aea mm b a m I g jaj go gjg WncnyouaroaboattobayaSewinsrMachine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and bp. led to think you can get the best made, 1 Gncn um.Miuu uuu ftI 4- DnH(ni I lviOSl Y OpUlaP for a mere son?. See to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have Rained a reputation by honest and square dcilini'. voll will then pet a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other hue it ; New Standi patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE EEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. OftAiiftp-, Mass. Bostok, BTass. 38 TTtrrox BorATm, N. Y ' UiCAUO, ll.ln DT. UVl IN, JIV. UAl.T.AW. J Hah Fiunctm.o, r.'Ai.. AtlaktA, Oa. FOU KA'.E BY p n THOMPSON CO A nonlo ' -UUJUrdlJlV VU., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. FOPOLAH IGAZlflES ra the mm. FRANSC LESLIE'S OPULAR 1 MONTHLY Contnln each Month I Orleinal Water Color . roiUlspitco j lid Quarto Pages ol Reading latter; I III Nr.v a. id Mlghclass lllustra 'Inns; More l.ltrrnry Matter and Illustra tions than any '!itr MuraHno In America. 2J il. ; (J a V ear. STrtk LgsHo's Fisasant Hours "Ofi r OYI AND GIRLS. I ' t. iir.lnioinn. Juvenile Monthly, ii .i'Hii 'l The !- writers for young :'it in' to t ill. 10 its. , SI a year, J ALL SUBSCkiTnOHS 10 THE GAZETTE, HEPPNER, ORE. Frank I.sms's IMpiam Monthly and the Uii.uttu, lioth fur ouu ycHr for 1 1 IX). ' Kkank l.mi.tK " I'l.K iast Hours roa Boyh AND UlHI.S Hllll tll'l (iK7.l'ttU, llCltll for ouu ymir f i.O'l. UniiouMy the Best Club Offers mfirdtn Frnrl- fshr'n lhlihing ow, S.T.t fur Srw lltmtnttr.t I'rrmium List, , The thnmb Is ut nnfalllnr fndM of rhaiarur. 1 Ur t-qiisrr 'I i pr In. anaira a sinmg am. yresi elinii and trtunre, I loerlv alhrd Is I In PiHUulatrtl 1 ype, lbs thumb nl thoei of ailtaorrd hhss and butinrei aMIIiy. Ilolh of llm tis brlmis to Ui busy msn or aomsn; and Drmornr Kamlly Msisme pra psrrs ih-iII fur suili prisons s whole volania of new litres, con d. lie. d In a small iw. so that Ihr record of the ahole world's aork for a nioniti msr he ad In half sa k'nir. 'I lis C.KiirsI lips Inil ii apt rrflnemrnl, culture, and a lore ol aiii-.c. ee Irr, snil 0. ll.ui Aprm with (his li of ihunib all! thor. oiighly mi ).? the lliersry stlrsrllin of Itruioreals Magasiu. 1 Ua r tialie Trim In.lnalfS a lor ol heaalvaaa art, ahW h will Ina far pkasiir la the nisymtrrnl otl.plrt. are of mer, IM4 t at Itirhes, rrpra. durrd from the uilflnal iniltu by lx Uiptf, the Boat ceieliratrd of linns fiuarr painters, akuk alll l gltee In sirry saherribrr U tria.m.a's Mscwine for lens. Th rnai of tula supvrb aock ol art as v)iO. suet th rrptorinriloe 1 an not b dienagiiiabrd frnni th Of'ilnsl. IWahlrs this. n rsijalall oil or ttelef-cola pirlitr e pb lnWd la Sf k ksaihet of I he Maf a SIM, and the sn ih- sre so .,.a, fna. lT and suprflily l lnairsird llisl Ih Mavsita la, la reaHiy, a pri. fJl.i lA ail a.vks of ihe kialwH anlef 1 he l' bit 1jm ta Ih thiimh Of In IHInkef Sn lairel.a) of nl.-a, aha alll le rtrrply Inlet, raird la thoe develoiew monihiy la lerai.aml Mec-aune, la eniy aee id II aeavruiM 0Var1anl.ta) ak.a rner in eaiir amaiK anal au-i.i'Sr (. ihrnaKiii.g earry fal. larwr, l4 fad el Ih lay. "" s ta a B.i'ir a rvil.Tt I -a. .i Maraiine. (1.4 heg sga ro.ea.4 of Ihe kt.,iu,!.e ff4 la "f aoWi.b. rl a ill l' "' ''. sd yn will k liaiinVwnnianH. AM mi W Ja,.. lta aef . Pal.ii.Mf let Ink eu. S.m ..a 1 k -v.-fc, M s laakuei a,'alee lut P"''' arra ee4 marlax raniiif g,wam ,aiie iu 4 a.,,. .1 t,lra4 . lla.aa t-a. g thm f. "HM Tp aaf liab, i.k.i. le. hai.ei kssaaad '. .....I... 4 "' k, teaa.l4 lip. ih.ew If a la be ea.llia le h warn, aet ra o4 wia h.el4 eenertt M V,ae1 a M-(lee, f mm ses sea. ilea nlaal el' te e.ana mr fM a M ..... ,a, a a, I an.l Nat eee'eg Ke till ah ka pax - la Ike eaf af aaaiag wl M S'at'eg ta ee "' '"' ' ael U Iumwi aaaataf ke eas feetl.y. t a veefiiaaaal f ika I kaaara t aaaax aaraaaa. taep mH... ik., ,,..., ,!. I. alw, atawt k daaitaA. f fcaaetato ae a keaak.MI .eU Of of WpansTnhuk$ A aff4 wxksey attnaMl f k llMt l-aa Ul a $ paatf sWUi f.i., pa ta fc, Of (!, mt p jai, . Ilfkkl Cwf -Kai C9, 1 mpmn M , f. Ml f VeaaOl iuo Mio E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THli is or GIVES IHI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT ( UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on 0. R. & N. Agent at Heppner, tr address W. H. HUELBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt, Pohtland, Oregon. C?CJIOIC TI3VLEJ 1 TO Snn. Franolsoo And all point In California, via the Mt, Bhasu route of the Southern Pacific Co. fho irraat hia-hway thronah California to all tnjiuu, ui enu noaui. urana Doenis noma of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Bnffet Hleenera. Henonit-nlau Attached to express trains, attordinf superior i ...iu.,iiiiiui ior seoona-oiasa passengers. for rate, tickets, sleepiug oar reservations, sta,. call upon or address K. KOKH1.KK, Manager, K. P. R00ER3, Asst. Gen. F. dt P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon Lightest, . easiest Working, Most Accurate, Compact, Moat Modern and progressiva For raUlofn or Information writ to TIIU MARLIN FIRG ARMS CQ., New Hvn, Conn. pmnininifflninimntfiirM 3 at C I fiOO wntlhol lot lovalv Mulc tar f ft w eIU f'"la'lnf of loar-agri ee IslMt. hrighlrat, llvrllrM end mtl ponulsr Set, lion. K...K .,.i . . m 1 ' ' ei.j mairumanui, e eottrn up In (tie moat clrrint suuinsr, In a -"a ...M. Mist aue iintrsits. r CAHHl HVIT4. ih, Swl.k ftiecw, ft BiuuMA cimiiio. r3 5 THE NEwToriVsVcALECHOCOa f3 tkoaJaav Thraire HlJf.. Na YoikOty. iiiiiiiiniaiiiiiiiuiiiujujii A. P. T. L. The American Protective Tariff League ii national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry " ai explained by it constitu tor at follow. : ' Tk k e f tkl lasfu kH k peataKt Aenree lea ky tseirf aa leare, aknt aaH auaiaiy aaewf-a eesa aealwavel aeedueta aarnst Ih eeespeiitaM ml tef a kakar," There are no personal or private prof ti in connection with Iheorganifa. t on and ititiuttained by memberships, contnbutioni and the distribution of its publications. ftMT ! Ceeaas aeae Is en4 eaa-a, abee. " tw4 OfTl ". as, CCOkJlV. Wa tmmt ed ..!.. aaei.dK.Waea. eihe aavaS kv-f. W as rn-oa. TMINO: Wl aakl.ak ! tea mt lnoeaaaks M"! k la r aaa.-. Caaeaa t Va a.1 e.S ea aeaviaa) I ey ass-eaa mr t3 ea. rOwnfMS aed aaaUl s4 aa aae rV.t - "eaaeaaa I a.t ""aa W a Wakeaeaa Oa-M lam. US Waaakeaa,a.Veea. $1800.00 OnXN AWAY TO INVENTORS. ? ssaatk, f.aee amy a. ay ae a. H -aak aMss aaaa laiaasaaa f-aaaaa aaaw a e araotM.- W a saeraare IK. kae.1 feaU W ar r Ilea I a. aaaj uas - a ahaa aa, te s-i-xar- ae-aaa. aa ka-t-oa, a 4 a- k. a-. Ai as. aeaai aa ea aaaa a - ap-a u-t 1I4 laat taa rrsTiii: MMnrnniamncrioNS ItllT .lilDIORa'MJ, -ksa t .au-U,a,,a.!,ill aa a-al aWaa a.l ifc- aaaa.m ka. , -. - , -aaaa, ' waaa. aa-nv -.4 t o.-a . .sas t.i ft.. n Vm aa-a f' f -4 ( , s4.k.aa aejat aaiaai aae laa ea-a .a.i I fV ees la PwS k 1 1 ek 4 aaeaaa. a leva-el rr u not .o it m:o as it f ctns. aaai-aitkaaiaaraawaaaaata-aeakl aawri teara-, fW444 aa la lej-eil, 1 1 C , tie aaaa ,.. i r--'' 4 a aW M .aaa 4 aaaawM aaa,a aa i aa. aa ae I .vaajraal, fc a4 a - S af au 'aa a f a a - a- aM4aM r i r ai i aue 11 aiii ,M aa. a- I a.w r , e Sal aaa a kaa-el pa.-Kaa mM, a aaa-S atf a' - f -ft , a Hi t I I lain ay. a ea-il ,. a aae I a. m " a. ae.'.a.e aaaa aoe ta fa Sail 'aa k aaea at a a- 4 aa ' aaaas aag -etl afca. dy aaM ttataat Ai m-mt jrniN wroM 'ir.i us a co . f 4 alias a . a,a.(a fa'aaat', rirr..N.V,. .t'e. WacMrtiiim, p. C. , I '-' IMa CI. fifes Solid lA33irJ Top V:t3mfi J Receiver. AN ODD DANQUET. At Which a Fahiooui:e Londoner Borlad III 1'achclorhooiL Most men experienced in dining out have attended what might be aptly called "crank dinners" where some hobby came into play or an odd eccen tricity was grotesquely indicated. One of the queerest banquets of this char acter took place a few years ago at a fashionable restaurant in London, where an acquaintance engaged a cab inet particulier to celebrate what he called the "burial of his bachelor hood." The table was laid with a black satin cloth, the flowers in the epergnes were immortelles, the menu was written in a dead language on mimic tombstones, the name of each guest was inscribed on a cardboard coffin which opened and contained a dark cigar to represent a corpse and the wine appeared draped in crape and was served by mutes. When the guests arrived they came in two mourning coaches drawn by huge black horses with long tails, such as one sees wending their way to the cemeteries. The host was dressed in deep mourning, with sables around each arm. He was evidently in some respects a morbid man who reveled in his mortuary wit, for when the mana ger of the restaurant knocked at the door (it was getting late) and desired to know if the obsequies were quite over the giver of the feast was reading the burial service with mock solemnity over an empty claret bottle. ne auuressea me manager as a "potent, grave and reverend seignior," requested one of his guests to play him out to the strains of the "Dead March in Saul" and protested that the dinner could not be completed "until it was half mourning." This comedy or farce, interlude or whatever one may call it, was kept up to tho very end by the convives departing as lugubriously and solemnly as thev had entered. SOME COLD WINTERS. Record or Blizzards and Cold Waves Dur ing; Fourteen Hundred Years. Pilot Charles II. Lawson keeps a valuable scrap-book, wlch, among other records, contains the following on cold winters in this country and in Europe. The information, says tho St. Louis Republic, was obtained from records of the St. Louis Cathedral over forty years ago. In the year 403 the Mack sea was frozen over. In 781 the Black sea and straits of Dardanelles were frozen. In 803 the Danube and Elbe froze over and boro heavy teams for a month. In 800 tho Adriatic sea was frozen. In 901 general freezes oc curred all over Europe. Crops failed tho following season, and famine and pestilence closed the year. In 10GT travelers were frozen on tho roads in nearly all sections of Europe. In 1133 the Itiver Po was frozen from Cremona to the sea, wine casks burnt and trees wero split by the frost. In 1230 the Dunube was frozen to tho bottom. In 1403 the wines furni.ihed to the ooldiers in tho army of Flanders were frozen and had to be cut with hatchets. In 1084 the ice was 11 inchea thick on the Thames river, and coaches drove ncross on the ice. In 171C booths were erected on the ice of tho Thames river, in which fairs wero held. In 1744 and 1745 the strongest ah, when exposed fifteen minutes, was covered with ice one-eighth of an inch thick. Like events occurred on tho Thames river in isoo and 1814. The same records contain entries of floods in the Mississippi at St. Louis, tho nrsi Deniff made in 1718 by Francis Xavler Martin, but tho height is not given, turere records a flood at St. Louid in 17:.:, and Uov. Sargent In 1770, 17J und 1785. In 18'Jd the water wu:i up to Main street. Hecortis of floods ore al io made in 18,'iU, 1844 and 18111, tiut the height is not piveu. I'rom his own cxH rienee Cupt. Law son recorded tho results of some cold winters as follows: In January, 1W4, the Arkansas river was frozen to the cut-off about twelve miles above iu mouth. On January 1 of the name year the tliermomeUT recorded Sfl de grees Im-Iow zero at St. Iiuis, which is Mijiposi'd to lie the coldest weather ever tvinrded here . On January ft, 1877, the MihulsHippi river wos chmed wilh lee from lYrrvnce to the foot of Oork lalund. Mow tho month of the Ar knnsua river. In January, 1m5, (islvea ton kiy wo imrtlully frozen, and the Omirliiu and Arkansas rivers were frozen. A .like Triad ky Jury. A North Carolina paper tells the following: At llarnrtt county kuprrior court, a few years alncp. Juilire Khlpp prwiidlntr. the trial of m cause had hern protract, till near The jury was tired and aleepy and showed flniriflnif attention. Willie Murvhiaon, who waaaildrraaiiiir the Jury, thoutrbt to anmata them, so he said: (ietitle inrn, I will tell you an anecdote." In stantly the Jmltre. the Jury and the few eettors pricked up their ear ami were all attention, aa Murchlaon was admirable in that line, had a fund of atti-i'itntr and no one could tr them ta tter. Hut he a-san pntcrrHlrd to tell otienf the dulleat, proairat and moot poilitlraa Joke poaailile. KtrrjUely looked ili-apl"., Med. The JiliI. lean I n if over. -Jit-1 In an unmlaukslile tone of tiaapolnitnrnt: "Mr. Murvliiaon, t don't e,,. i.r p.,,,,, to that Jolt." "Nor I, cliher." r. pliol the witty courier., "liut jroiir honor told It to me on our riliisfihi M ami a I thoiitfbt the Ui'k of inn-Tv. at Inn mut let due to my olduerncaa I concluded to five the Joke a trial t.y Jury." bWALLOWtU or TMt JUNULl. ta ta tear HI Saaad Csaaers Oae Ilaa4r4 feat ll(b Ova a f leartag, Tha ataffve In the onward marvri of the f. erred orr a rlcarina are mmt In trrralinr Vrhsw Ian oe thrre hun dra-. a. rra, ita , tnatam-e. hl tt-rn (daiitcd with anpkr ranra and tUiy lo planlalua. vrfrlatilr-a an.1 fruit Thrre' WouM t a fair airr.! dtarltiiif h.aiar, a w air f ar rati lr aotfar Uiiit. lint tlir , n ifnaa and a wliarf oti t lir rin-f laj,a,' aaa a wriirr In '.ruUr kv M.aMhly Ihr . antrf tin in to p-tvr liplhr 'ta.-r. as ha had an fiflrf of a mora frrlile trr ,,f Und on Ihe naaat. i Taklntf evrrjthiti,? (aartahlr. In ' rl ml ma" tha nut. Mnrry tif hia itilit. ha1 lan.,ii-at Dir rvt. ranriftar saar hi nrsrnaa, and Irfl tha clrarin to na lara j I'" on tha pianUllnw a ti-ar latrf a Oil. kit ha arroatn up whkh laouly t,y the caisiant ff cUaa Aflrf a fraal deal n t Jnm rev tha hrardrr of IK rmy.m tMy rtrartna tthal a sr,n.teff aijhf Aheftji tha line f f ervat traaa a ctrnaa wall of rraa farta fiaraaHly t. i hun trd fewt liifH. f e-B.ii.- aa fT.iie vail to thaitaffc arata iau thraa aid t.'h oat .air ya-tva, t iaiT vtfrta a artta-ta and cable' fnref. a;i tk-l t aNaal i a tUa vmm I could tret relief from a most hor rible blond dis ease I bad spent hundreds of dollars trying various remedies and physi cians, none of which did me anv good. My finger nails came off and my hair came out, leaving me perfectly bald. I then went to HOT SPRINGS Hoping to be cured by this celebrated treatment, but very soon became disgusted and decided to try S.S.S. The effect was truly wonderful. I commenced to recover at once, and after I had taken twelve bot tles l was entirely cured cured by S.S.S, wiieu me wona renowned Hot Springs had failed VVaf C T nmiru Shrevert: LlWtaV Our Book on the Disease an d Its Treatment malted free to u A ili ramc tlUICT GUCrint1 r a.t - s "ti l all lairl. wU,( AUIUll, Uk. CHICAGO. Ilwaite k St Paul n Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul Rail way and note its connections with all transcon tinental lines and Bt. Paul and ( maha, and remember that its trains are lighted with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, and Its dining cars are the best iu the world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons torthe popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon ticket agents In every railroad office will give you further Information, or address C J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W.CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Okiqon. "AIvlJUVI..'H Souvenir of to Yeart in Hutinru. ,, A Complete Set, consisting of Ave lifelike liKiues Base Ball flayer, Foot Hall I'layer, (inlf Player. Tennis Player AtlH nt.lna uiill v.. ...... ... I ailtlrcss upon receipt of 10 cents, to pay I ' -a. These figures are absolutely perfect, beautifully colored and mounted, and prananit l.i . , -, , ,1 air.-.,.l,ft -.. .1 cellent siiiiveuirof our years a leaders of the athletic supply world. Ktiltahle ' for club, reading room, olllce or home. A. G. SPALDING K BROS.. )'or Vhicago Philailtlphia smu:mxtvt:mittit.i.s.t:tt 0 nmcu. ,-xiiue are hundreds of yards lonfr, rooting at tho joints, whence oth er branches radiate and from the dense obstruction we have cut through. The crvi-pf-ra, twiner and scramblers have not yet reached the house, but nature la at work there also. Round it was onoe on orchard of oranges, limes, star apples and other tropical fruit. ...ta . M a . . v. una lew nowenns; slirubs. Most of j a'lt l.UU VI'IVII I.IIQ UllltXI- sucking loranths vefrcuble li-ochcs which are continually draining their Jtiicos and evidently fattening on the .noil. These exotic bushes and trees have no business here; they are in truders. If man protcets them and de stroys their enemies they can thrive, but if he abandons them they must per ish. I'rrhaps you are thirsty and look for an orange, but among a down trera not single fruit can be found, and never will be agnin. BILLY'S II Illpe4 III BRIGHT IDEA. Mar Traak Mother la farklna. The Churchman has given us Illlty's Idea, which Is anrety valuable enough to be spread abroad. Ills mother was going ti the seashore, and while she wsa pat-king her trunks he was pop ping In about every five mirutrs with something of his that must be parked al. "I'll like Ui help y, mother," he said oner, preparing to pilch his Ashing tai-kle in on hie mother's lac gown, " Vauee you liU a., llr-ll. Never mind. Hilly." said his mother, raU hliig the la kia. - shall rest after awhile. Talking Is hard work a tall pcraim. though, for It make one Stsip ao," Whr.- said Hilly, with hi hands In hi ia keta and his head m ona side, 'why don I y.m put tn tmna upon something? Hullo, I know; htsraea. Wiaeli n hiaraea, yrnl know, mother! car prnter a horara; there are sin In th tasertnrnt. I ll bring Vm." And directly there ha waa again with a wiasb n bora on hi l. k. " 'Nothrr ooa's coining wilh Ham he aa id. panting, 'and we II lift up the irutiua "1! r ,.-r."a.tldhUtnMhrr. alralghl .! u,i Ur tirv.1 .k, " believe your plan la a gi iKie " hure rnonirh. the pate king went on rwaiilifully afirf -rl sl nnrf lUllya narthrr sal. I aha had nevrr pa. bJ a raaiiv and nunf.artably. The IlrMn Valler. f w many mile f IU curaa. m.rvel of .y and rl.rt. r:?f. U ll,r-e a.i.t.r at.rnlng Hhen briifhl.-ru g h i), hsse n-rge. lui., l ,,,,f aimli.1,1 h. ,t,pih of tha valirf Ju.l ml.,nj xhm tf,m ara t; , ie-l In t hie la r loots, en tad l!h f an l vtiiH and (rsm from th turn ti.U of railaar train thai speed up and loaath valley, 1 ha .b-pr art of the tab Uy. aaaaa fn. t.ear hllUialas, aaatsj full with anal.-i aw hii Oaid mlat. and iMa trad in bfg tri areiae, tha faa ,f w..la4 lnJUMs-, wilh nfia Kara and ttwr that gi fla -a f barvhatxlaxl Ira Irnnka A law ntiiaa a.aarl. ahrra lb valiy grants la th I tra fairy l.ka. thn a hih aa r.g fcl.t. r4 lha n m .rv-l sti pi, atH4fJ f Ma knr .. ar W . a,a , i, tha fklt...t,,f. , tl t ,Uif, t J . ..,., kt .J .saslaa 4aim fd .K. tm a.r tLst 4.Ue th U t a.J a BEFORE MlNHESOIAKtO , & MILWAUKE' Misa-T j . s I ..BTBLETIC FIGURES.. 1 Siatthe 11 Olie Of thft VP.PT hMt Wha.1. .v. front rank with all high grade machines, RMe a Xt A MUT t?I DTIivnf w, t c ,vu,i,0 u you Dunctured. It nan he mpnrlnrl v, v. in , w j Jvu wnnivnail rj X. T nllnnl,.. if- ... i . l . uki wiui ooa eoia in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at J100 esch. Tandems for two men or man and woman. 1160 each. THE RAM BLERIs the fastest, For Bt.vle flnlah anrl liiraHtll... I 1- - .. u..., uuDiiipaaiea, as h is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals TZ?Vl' rStef"! gJlh yJ&Q ciinchc7t Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts or call I on our numerous agenU. Kambler Kustlers Wanted in everv town In nrnw'.J;a" tonandldabo. FRED T. MERRILL llTinSAa&r( How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. ieuug- LIQHT, 5TR0NQ. SPEEDY, HANDSOflE. Four Model3 EVERY MACHINE FUIU GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office: Lake and Halsted Sts.. CHICAOO, ILL. BftANUmS i-Nw Vork. San Prsoclsc. 5att Uk Cllv. Denver. M.oiphls. Detrctt. Torcato. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, rOUTLAND, OREGON. A. W. PATTERSON, Agrnt for eaaaaaaaaiaaaa a a It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri ficc. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. TiiFa Pattkrson Puiu.ishing Co. IIJdII - :WITH Youro UO UX13 to Tnko M5m. Lcnvcs No Constlpntion, 1. e a a'l ft !r., M -eH 4 it., as k- u.. RAMBLER I. en t .1 1.. 1. I U .. . . . , .. I and if you buy one you will make no mistake .... . . . . ' ! Huinio De nappy, ior snouia your wheel bef e.. n,i...., . i j , . . : uyv iiiiuutcB, as a. 10 vuippeu wiiu me woria ) , . ...... f rims or copper-piaiea steel rims. lightest and strongest wheel in the market . , . . ... 26 ft"dJ24 nh wheels, at 65, 55, 45 respect-! doubl" liking edge ""' 6- CVCLr r.niUDAivjv JefferyMan' - "Knmbler Bicycles." Main OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. oi uicycies. FINEST MATERIAL. - S85 and B100. Morrow County, Hpner, Oreg on OUR STOCK V OF . . . ;: space is TOO HEAVY AND WE A ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD - , a. , , . e w " t Tha rifely 4 oa WORKMANSHIP. L i Fftaartaaaj, f;'l.