a-.- -4 i-V-K. LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CUBED BY TJSTif 0 ' . Cherry Pectoral i AYER'S A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. ' " nrea rnonthsago,.. tooa a vio lent cold wjiic resultedt in, an attack of .' acute bronchitiSrX-PUt myseU under medical treatment, and at the x end of two jnonths' 'vrasr no better. 1 found it very difficult, to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry Hereand There. The man who light for the happy day When a barefoot bov he raa, Ii the same old boy who used to lay: "I wljht I wax a Man." Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, Febuary l ; Good Friday Easter Aril 5. .will be -April 3, and op tcbo Dooglas Wm. Walbridgs and family depart tor their new borne' at . Arlington tonTBTACT .Mr,, Waibridu. baa dedioated his life, to the eerTioe nr. the ministry, ana win Dave charge' of XL M ,E- .church, at; Arlington odOlix foT tbe ttreBent.-' HC'hM die fjosed fall his property here aod will henceforth give hi, .entire :jtia to . bis chosen calling benas tBe weHw.isneaor. rbtfeBTfreoommnhity "'" , Fra'iik ..Jane-, writes ha, faher,-,bat hoth1b,e'B,nd'Newt' Denni'ebn will bo to' urn t n ' mm t- it i Pectoral. ' The firs; bottle gave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking liaa.reliey.ed. me almost entirely .of all .unpleasant symptoms,-" and I feel sure tl),onjft.or,tvo.bDtr'r; ties . mor.e will . effepj;, , a, -pprrnanent., i cure.' To all ministers suffering from' throat troubles! I recomtnehd Ayer'S ' Cherry PectoraU" E.M. Brawxey, D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am.. Bapt, . Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry r Pectoral GOLD MEDAL k THE WORLD'S PATJti AYER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLA8. T. J. League . was UO.U.H7 . , , , Don't forget the Motbf f Habb iri ball Friday evening.,.'- : N JU- Perkins, -of-' lobe,' was seen on our Streets last Saturday. '-.; r? E K. Bishop' is troubled with' a slight attack of rheutnatisn Wm. Douglass ; end Jwife,. of Batter creek, are in the city. - ' .La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. 8. O.iSmith.'Sulesnran, Heopner. , J. McAllister returned from the sound ooontry the : latter ' part "of t last week. f ii.'.iij im )' " ;-, . , , -. '-, -i ,!! , A.i'A i' J. C'Cr'ome, repreeentiog the Palmer & Ks-y type foundry, of ortjand., W in the city "today.' '. .", . .,, , 0. ,S, .Yn. Dayn, baa. located in The Lalle.-, tuoiigh as -yet. be naatiotem bal-kf'd .in oiisibe'ss.-, a-'ilu, 'a'.. ,; Hebrew News t L. BInmentbnl'' has returned to .Heppner from a vitit to bom; folk j. Egrtlaud. Mrs. Snm 1 illard. and daughter Miss Katie, ot pendletoii, have ;been visiting in Ilepimer for seviTal duys past. " Best 'aocommodatirt' and,, OQurteons treatmefifut the Imperial flotel, Heventh aQd. WHatb'.Sla.. Portland, Oregon. "'The little end or Mr. end, Mrs., ttreen ,iyifie,8;ift,qivte' sick, bat we are glad to mention that he is now improving, ' Chfls. Javne Las been crippled for the past week as the result of a babkisg borse baviug fallen on bis left foot Mrs W. O, Gentry is in the Dalles waiting at thttbeuside ot her ; daughter. Mrs. Johnson,, who is very, seriously ill Begular preaching servioes at the ODra bouse on Sunday morning and evehiiiir. '' You are invited to attend Uir. THE aw IDT mm Sm I WlbltlUj 1 FBI 1 5AT1 nrroTT xii .rrrrsi these seryicea.. . ' John McFerren and Arlran r Mntleson retnrned laBt 'Saturday pjorpiog from the Willamette valley- here' tbey have spent the past winter. T Germany f Ibis summer-, with ' a large moment or lowa noraett. wnios win ds miid about. the flrst of J one. "We Odn- grattilate. botb;oa beimj. aeleoted to as-- s,s ip. tbiaflhipmeot, for asule rom ine emplpyment. it wilLbe an eteellent p- nortuitttv, to see the cooolryi. ! "A! erand :Moth Bubhara' "& all will" be givMi at the Operrf bibnse'pn! the evening, of Washington's birthdayv'frriday, Peb. filet. Vn thjs oooasinttAif ine ao;ies are puppusea ( p uer in ie nvtiyy P7;'?,'n 0188. oenenc musiq win eq ,t untp,ur eJ bv Ed.Hale and ijake-' WatteDbureer. j v",,,.i.i.k..i. . .'i-.. -"'- '""1 8-5, Bacteria do not occur in the blond Of in the tisanes of a healthy living body. either of mBn or the' lower animala" Sp says the celebrated Dr. Kocb- Other doctors eav that the - best meaioine to reader h& blood - perfectly ' pure and healthy is Ayer s BarsapanUa. , R. Willohen returned liome this morn ins from a two montna Visit witn trienda baok in WyomiDg.'' He re ports a very . pleasant ...and' enjoyable time, also a remarkably mild winter, very similar to that of Oregon this season. Much of life's misery is 'due "16 ' ih: creation ; for who ;an be happy with a pain in bis itotnaph? Ah a corrective and srnffthener .. ot the alimentary organs, Ayer's Pills' are invaluable, their use being always attended witn -martea beneut. ... ,.,..,' -:, 0 w; j A Portland daily reports a man-'wbd bs ioet retnrned" frbra' a"' long trip, as "well tired, bnt much reouperated." Tha Oregon . Scout -dds : - He most have been badly rested when be want I Eagle: Walt Thompson, owner of the Monument-Heponer stage , line, arrived hi Loog Creek Friday,, returning Saturr day. He reports ;,,tb9,; rods, ,. between, Long Creek and fieppper rather ; rough. ! Colonel Day informed an Orecontan reporter last week' that' be" elpeoted to have the first steamer' pass' througrj the Is Your BipodERure ''.Hit is,ou be itwng, vigorous, (nil ot lite and ambition; yon win have a good appetita and . good digestion; strong nerves, sweet sleep. , Bat how few can say that their blood Is pure I . How many people are Buffering daily from the. consequences of impure blood,' scrotals, salt rheum, rheumatiam, catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and That Tired Feeling. ".;, ,, : Hood's . SarsapariUs: purifies, ' vitallies and enriches the blood. ; Therefore, it is the jpedicine for you. ,.. r.yA'' :'" , It will five yo'4 ,parej.rlchr red blood .and strong nerves.-, ; i i ' It will overcome that tired feeling, create aa appetite, give rtlxCaning sleep and make you strong, " ;; ' Hood's Sarsaparilla ;:;fllsithe:O.rily:'';::i True Blood Purifier ; , SUMMONS; ' " IN THE CIRCrrTTrTTRT 'FOB TBECOtrS ty of Morrow, lHate of Oregon. J. B. Townaend, .. pitimir V. v , t Thomas WaMen. W. G. Bsott, Geo. W. Harris, Defendants. , To Thomas Walden and G. W. Harris, Defend- anu. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are ereby remiired to aKbear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the bove entitled Prominently ' la the publle eye today, i! , l-I nri a PJ 11 a h nernner flu 1 1UOU S rlUa lamlly.cathartio.. asc. . suit on or before the first day of the next regu lar term of the. above entitled court towit? S Mondaytta 2d day of March, and UL you fail "so to anawar. want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the c urt for the relief demanded in said complaint, tn-wit: Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal doii, for the turn.. ol Two UiuwUnt r'our and Sixty One-HuiHlredths Pol ars in U 8. Gold Coin, with interest ihcrron at the rate of 10 per cent, j it annum, (ruu 'I'i' Hist day ol Febrdary, lf9, oiitil. D6ld. . and' lor ,the '((inlier bihii ot Thirty-Five Dollars, attorney's fee, tottether wim me costs aim uisuursemeuis 01 tins uu 10 be taxed. r'A"d that the morteace described in Dlainriff cunplalt be roreclosed atrd that the prelhlself therein described, to-wit: the 8W4 of Sec. '21. TplN, R 25 K, W. M., be sold to satisfy said judgment. . , And that, the (aid Geo. W. Rants and. all per sons claiming; by, through or under him be forever barred of all right o equity of redemp timi tu said premises. ' ' ;"' This summons is published by order of Hon Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the sixth judicial district of the State of Oregon, dated December 18th, 18115. , .. J. N. BKOWN. 39J-412.. -,,,,.!' i Attorney for Maintiff: IIAVE YOIJ HEARD ; I.... ijjr ii.i",f .') . r .V -r that thesB'S saW::;;;,(";i':! Been i'Cbge i&BHrlifoil .' - 1 ... - TT? T ,1 --it ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Busipess pf, the McFarland : . - Mercantile Co., and the stock is beiDg disposed of.iht . ;;j,;";".-;j s I '!-.-.( .OP-OOST: 1 WANTP;i-Beveral trustworthy gentlemen' or ladies to travel in Oregon,. fo establi-h-, d, reliable T.ouse. Haiary u ana expenses, teady. position. . Enclose reference arid self ad- en envelope, jne uuuui loor, Oiualia Building, SUMMONS, TN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOH THE COUNTY X of dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion -Com- panyy rmra i 111. -CV Chicago, man. j",'.'-"..THE Fitrxlmraona BIO IHT UFF. Gets Mad, Cursrs His Opponents ,and BelnsfS to Eight,. . , J t. Et'PASo.Tex., Fb. TrAf .the', boh-' feretioe today after Julian 'and Oonnolly bad wrangled . some minpts, .Fittsira m ti's btoke, in with great heat,. .and. .de clared that as long as he oould not - get tbe $1000 forfeit minpy,,-be wonld not Sabt, Turning to Oonnolly be eaid the 6 ol N WW and Bi of WM of Bee. 22 lm..- 'L'l.j..' :.:.....' L.l and WW of Kec. 23. To. 2 8. of R 27 E. W. M.. in , --XOU are an a paoa Ml ..pur., .-joy ie Mnrrnw Conntv. tWionr he anld to utt.fr .Hid fi-uirl trl fi'titit. nnrl vnnr man has tiot iudgmeut. .. j.. "' . ' " Tb s summons U published by order of greph n A. .Loweih-gmrge ol we circuit i;ourr oi ine State of Oregon for, Morniw, Couily, uiade on the 8th day of January, 18tifi. locks on eobedale timethfit iff March 1 unless some anforseen delay 'Occurs-, Mrs. Oscar F. Thompson, ol, Butter, oreek, Mrs, Andrew Tillard, we.nt 'tq i Fossil is considerably cnppled up ss a resnlt of , , . , . I . I 1 I . I. 4 L. - l nn ,1 , han about two weeks ago. However, we lealrh that be is, jmproying., , -...., v.;-. The event of the season will be the W. E. K abler came np. o, Batudsy Waahincton birthday ball Friday even- morning's train from Tbe Dalles where . ... . . , i , i i , . i ,i . j ,t r . . ...' . . !. .(in tbls occas on lYlotoer uuooaru ne is now lurawn, n tiiwuib o to last Fiday to be with- her mother, Sam Donaldson, who has bee j quite jll, l Jcpsuiroes willieiga suprsme. W. K. Irin. of Fairhaven, Wash. arrived last Sunday morning to aooept a position as ilerk 1n the general mer CtiRDrtiBer store or Minor x uo. GMtfTii 26 1 29 1 .r.-.i i .. Tab f Notice. , ' -l r . J. The lum'.of fire rumts per line will be jh.rgcd for i'ard of thauka." "remdutkms of r.p.-c.l," HUiH wixldlnic prciwuta and donor., ind oliitnary hotlnpa. (ottier than thc the adit r .hall himself give a. a matter ot news.) and sottoe. of special imUuR forwhab-verpurpo a. vNotloMof ( tiiinOi and soclnlyand all other yiU'rUlnrrmnU from which rervuua I. to be d rlred, sh.M bo rhargAd for at ilia rate of firs jtntm a Una. Thro rule wil be ttrk tly adber d tn In erery tniUiwa. . Adrertlalnt rU n-awtiatilfl and loadaknowa ipon application. . . . .. ..... " TIME' TABLE.- - ' ; , HUts for flirrrtm.n. Slonilment. Lnii Creek, lohn f)ar and t'anyou City, leara. lollows : Bvery day at a. m.. axwtit Hnndar. Arrircererydaya'C M.. except Monday. Tha rhrapMt, qulrknat and br4t II ua to or from tha nWhircnnirr. ; ' - ' ' ' WAf.T TlfOMfHOM, Prop. Conaer Brock, Ansa's. . . Qambrinus Beer, .HALF PINT BOTTLES Hotel "Bar! City Drinkable Uquore end Smekable Cigar. Call en Ted. Ilu rmt tha h "' ir"s bt. Us Kiebb-on Miwly l: -Columl.la lami bara sarrly ! U Brllona In Your.t.rrV l-aan'r proudly 8.Uand Justice But li'n'H.Ir.-i y""' lnr? ltrrr' tf. At lbs iWlrsdVresalono. A. Vasey. Jas. Boberts"".. DFrszer anil J. O. Crome, all oommeroial meo, oame np en this morning's trnio Dd are buBy.interviewmjr our businest men. " AaaThomnson and L. M. MoBes and Misses lUtarm, Htsotleld end McBee were in fron Butter oreek to attend the St, Valentine ball last Friday evening. Improper and defioient care of 'the soalp will oauae gisyness of tbe cair and haldneaa. . EaoaDS both. bj. the oaa of that reliable speoifio, Hall's Hair Re- nswtr . f -.'.... V Llshe and Bob Watkhit were down from their mountain bomeemref Houday. last. Ltsbe reports very hum- roow- te tbe mountains (or Ibis season .of the year.. ; .-' r- ' Any inventor in Eastern Ore goo wbo desires the services of an -attorney in Washington. D. 0 . will And it to bis advantage t' call on or address" this pa. per. ' . y v., y. ' 6tf "Mrs. Wm. Dunn snd children return ed home from Portland last Saturday niuhL .MiMlIalleU'Urieo. a sister of Mrs. i Dane, also eooompsioed them home. D'in'tvoraet the Wstbiostoo'a birth day ball to tif given at the opera Imuse Keb Ust. All slioold make preparations to sttend this party. ' A grand time is otictpated. ' 3D. ' Tbose desiring targalns sbonlj lake advantage of lbs wholesale slaogbtor prices made oq tbe Mo Far land stock hi. h E 11 Bishop Is now olos'ng cat redardlrss of east. ' ' n. T. CUm. who formsrlr rwidsd io Morrow eonntv. bat wbo bes lived i Misanart for the past foor years, ia sgeta a resident of this teolioo, ha log retarn sd a abort time since. . F, ho af sss Uarea IUpuof Mondays, vtileedaysntl Fridsis. Lres Eobo TnraHars. To'sdsts end Haterdsye far 11 aaob war. Offlee, Wells A Warrsn.Hrppo.f. Ed. Urlsksll, Prop, O. n. Tedrnws bss t-er4 tbe eetire el the City bolal aoJ will take charge oo iIm llth of belt month. However, tb O.getu laaroe thai Mra. RfsdUf will be raiainad a msnasr of lis hol'l. tool main a week Jookipg after bis Morro county interests. As meotiooed in a previous issue of tbeOtzstte, after March l( this paper will be sent only to those who are paid op io sdvaooe. - It your subscription paid op i l:. I Morrow 8tate of Orecon, K. F. Hughes, l'laintiftj " kehW KollKDefctidantyi ll ' To Henry Kelly, Defendant. i in ine l ame oi ine niaie 01 wregou, you an hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint Hied against von in the above entitled a;ult on or before the first day pf jthejiext regular I The git -Dar-of MoTrtv.'t,896: And if yort fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said corrrphrtntrto-wit: Judgment and decree agilnst you for the sum of 1525.00, with interest thereon at the rale of ten per oeut peraiinOm fiom the ISth dar of Wayrl8'J5V for the sum of f1.78) ylth linterest .thereon at the rate of ten perlent' per annum 'frAirt the 20th day of December, ls, and tiWOO attorneys fee, aid the costs ol this suit. And.tbattho piortp. gage nBscritii'a m-piauvntrs eiinuiaint e: tore closed. ami, tha .prtmiisaa thereini descrtbed'tm wit: T.,::.,:.;.v, ,i. ij ..ii :f .-' .,.,1 n ( - All wobTen" goods, tibots: hoB;''overehoeB,'Iete'.;rto wholesale costTJGreat discounts "on bardwarei'tinware. elassware. hattr, . caps,-blankets find in fact etei'Ythinfj; 'kept 'Via & 'general mercantile eg- tabhshment; Gall anrt see the stodki before it is tbO'late. "' .'-C,:, ';,,--; ii n. Rational -ianK J-stiuaing,'.. iieppnery re. FRANK MTARLAND; Manager and .Salesman 1 ome Ilu telitts .i I n, - v.,,! nr. mrf ,jf,vc, i.., uTf...':. .;.( .vil.'crtilP. no GEO been able to get into condition because be bas peen afraid alt alonge.' ' Waving his arms,, be yelled to 'lhe newspaper meo and spectators':' "Gentle men, tbe wboie tbing is on. . 1 refuse to Bght Maber unless t arn pai4 V forfeit money., I ard willing to , fight Maber, Oorpe.tt or soy other man io tha world." Chauobs not SostAitiiro TW 'sut pre rue courtyest'efdayiri'lh" base of f, 404-17.- 'Attorney for rialntlll'. i . i,:. :;) ,tJUMMONsl. IN TnE CTRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oreftrih, for tbVflontity-of Morrow;V ' Delia E. Weldon, V rialntlll, r - VB. i- " Frank u Wci.loo. f - iu. Defendant. 1 TO Frank 1 WeJdou. Iiefendartt. ) r. i in ine name oi ine eutiu. oi .iregou i I you are W 'WhallpV'airnii'iRrThnmnaH Tonirna hereby required to apH-ar and answer to tha . W bailey .agatuBt i nomas, tx , ipngu, pmt Hled Bmlnt you i thB ajiove dutU'ed The Time for Balldlng " . Up the system is at this season. Tbs oold weather bas made nnosnal drains upon tbe vital forces, The blood bss become impoverished and impure, and all tbe luoctions of the body soffer io consrqnenoe. ,' Hood's Sarssparilla is the great builder, because It is tbe Une True Blood Purifier snd nerve tonio. ,. Hood's Pills become the favorite Cathartic wilh all wbo use them. All druggists. 2Co. for- disburmeut,; -decided ss I follows! "After, oaref oily examining the testimo ny, neither of the charges against Mr Tongue were io the opibloh of the court, sustained by the evidencel'' The' opiniop was by tba entire court, i " ' ' i Death of Mbnibt From tbe Plumas. . National BullHtin, of Quinoy, Calif., we note tbs oVath of J.O. Gentry. one ot the pinneerand priimiuentuitixens t that ' section'.". ,' Mr. Gentry waa a brother ot W. O. Oeutry, pt this oity Tiie funeral was the most largely attend ed pf anv that ever ouourred in that locality, which certainly speaks for tbe great regard for, Mr, .Gentry, tbe deep respect (or his memory and tbe sympathy tor bis family. Moat Pat Mobb Two sheep buyers, Robert Foster, ot Heppner,' and J. T. Noonen, of Ugden, Utah,', were in town Wednesday They desire to purobass sheep after shearing to drive to the middle states to be fed lor muttoo. - Mr. Foster wants two-year-old wethers sod Mr. Noooes is looking for yetrliugs and ewes, roster used to bay sheep in ibis connly for 6sm Palmer, Tbey are not offering high . enough prloes to induoe owners to pert with tbeir sheep, and ill not likely eeeare many io this Mtion. Tbsy talked of $1.W as being a big price (or two-year-old wethers Fossil JonrnaL Charley Jorire. the wll known "old A little daughter ot Fred Webber, Holland, Mut,, bed vary bad exM sbd oomh whiob be bad oot been alh to core with anything. I gave blm bottle of Chamberlain's Cough lUmedj says W, P. Holded, marrhaot sod poet- mssler el West BrimaflalJ, and tbe er it time I ssw blm be said It worked like a charm, To is remedy is iefended peoially for seats throat ead long .liaoaaes socb as eolds, eroop and wbooplng enegb, sod It k famooe for lU ear?. There is Be dsegar e giving it to ehiUrtn for it roeuin nothing loiorinoa. for sale by fblll Culm, droggtsL , DiAta at UooaimessT Word wee i.. .4 . i I .) "i i',ii i!,il 'H'.i.'.ii 1'',-,,;.-, e want tne wruyhrygusafl.n;!&:for "- l w.iii- '.!' fiLVUV't Koeo...a ...j .wti goodly portidn.,oL,U A. BRC)WNlSi Withye'ry' little money. rHe :'keps :-f iill Ijjdie. . I r i 1 i ,; VM ' '-'' t . ', t'--'.r' I"0' ' ;. -v'1 ol general ; mercnanqise, .including dry I cr, 4 goods, ' groceries,! frpots; ':9S:'S;lki GEO. A; BROWN, . ; HARDMANv OR:.v- G i 1 1 i a rri & Bisbefeilliil ... for Dyspepsia ' end Liver complaint yod have a printed goaraotve en every bottle or bhlloh'a Vitalite r. It never fairs to core. For sale by Wells A Warren. - Jt sTios CoCBT.-Considsrable Interest was Centered le tbe jnslioe court this morning in tbe trial, be f ire Jdrfge Free- land, of W. W. Kirk, of Black liorse, on a charge of assault and battery oo tbe person ot bis divorced wife, Mrs. Kirk. T. R Lyons appeared for tbs stale snd M. Brown fur Ibe defendant. ' Unr reporter did not bear the facts ia Ibe rase, but learns Ibsl Ibe defended was foQod gnllty ol the charge and flue tbe saiu of tij.OO Tk Ills a rt'eaee. . Constipation, cso.es more then half the Ills of women. Ksrl's Glover IWi, Tea Is e plraatt rnr fur 'Jubslipallon. Furssls by Wells Warren Fatal It,Lae.--The serro mnntbs' old iefsol of Mr. snd Mrs. C. C Sargent, of this city, that bad been qaile ill for some time past, died last Hal ur day after aena at 4 o'clock, as a result ot ae altack of Ibfltmatioo ot tbe bsie. The funetsl eervicee were enodoeted et tbe boose Hdsday elterenoo by Key. (Ireen after birb Ib rvmalaa wr toterred at the eemvUwy ie this elty. Tbe Knighleot rylhiaa, of which Mr. Sargent I a mera tir, inerehM in a Uxly witB tbe pfnee- sioo frees tbe nnnea. Tbe sympathy e suit on' or before the first day of the next regular term of the above cuUiiwl cuyrt towtt: ' Uosdey. Herelt M.-WtMr and If von fall to answer orotherlrlse- pl'ead'for want iherenf the KlatilUtt will applr to-the above entitled a)rt for a decree liissnlvllns the marriage unula now a lsuna; 4iweeii fan ana herself, and also for a ducreu awarding the care aiui eustodv of the six minor . cmmreit towit: II,. I a E1 in we don. 1,1 V ijouisa. weiaon. Iceland Stanford Weldon. Krank Leonard Weldon, tiiorge Irving Weldon and 1'aarl Weldon,-trie fruits nlsald marriage to piainiiu. T iti.uinmon. M nun laiiwi br omer oi non Stephen A. lwell, Judge of the circuit court of the Htate of Oregon, for the sixth Judicial district, dated January otn, ixw. 404-17 Attorneys for plaintiff. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRBI'IT COURT FOR TIU COUNTY 1 of Morrow, Htate of Oregon, Henry wnceler, riainun, va. William Brompr. , wite oi Mm Wll'lam Bremer, and Krank lligcrman, aa deceiver ol Ilia Lom bard Invest meat Com pany, a eorfralloii, Di'fitndanui To William Bremer, Defendant In the name ol the xtate ol orefon, yon are i t emiiy required topH-ar and answer me coin. nliilnt filiM nvaliMt roil In (ha almvi entitled suit mi or helim the llrnl day ol the nexj. regular term of aald court, lo-wu: The rd day of March, lH'JU And If roil fall so tn answer, for w.nt thereof Hie pl.lntltt will apidy lo tha court lor the re lief demanded In anld contditnt. to-wltr For liidgineut and iln rce av.itin niiiiani Bremer for the sum uf loi.mi, with Intermit nn s-il.S il Iherwif .tide rale of S wr rent iwr an num from the flrat dar of June, Wis with lnl-r- tat on theriwif .1 ih rata of a per rent rwf annum from Ih fl rt day nf lwrniur, law; with Inlorml on flit tti.irpol at the raw ol a per cent iK-r annum lnM Ilia nrtl Hay ol June, iwi; Willi litcrf-. mi f 1 1 ini-riH,! .i in. raie in a i-r cent ner annum fr"m the flrl dar ol lr mi"r, Il, and lor a lurin.r sum ui n or-n rinini ny Ih. .nrt aa an attorney s lea. and for cxialaol till. .nit. Aim for a decree lorn lntn Ilia rwirtrsla dnw-n'w't In ilaliilin'rompl.lut, as l all Ilia dclend.nl. hen-la named ami Uia wla ol aald Umrt.ied limnlara l aallily said JUilgmelll n't di--rr. Interest and ni. Ilil. summiiiis I. published by order nf Hleohen A. Iiwell. Judge ol tha I Irnill Court m tha ai.t id lirrg.in lor Morrow t'ouitty, dated I J.uii.ry "Hi, !" II. if. piii j . ii. nr. -j M IT, AlUirners h I'lalutirT. ,,i i, I , . . ! .- , -. HI 1 '( -We are not email men, lbs. We are umall men, Xa. W8 are not tie largest . jnerciaits ir ; But whon the people of all the surrounding oontitiy arelu need of ., Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Olasswara, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, , '( Ciuulierlaiid Coal, Oaas and Water Pipe, Pipe Klttlugs, Htnves and Han (res, Wagon, - ' i. Hacks, Bnggics, Wagon Material, llufdwood, Axe,' Hammers, Haws, Sledges, Wedges, Ouna, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran- , . .. ' i I . i , - Iteware, IMows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowars, Tubs. Wash Bolllers . . -..-.. - - - and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,, ,',:'' '', ,, We h Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices. ave Good Goods at Fata frlces, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chep , rTlces. GILXtXAlM & ;i3ISB MA.IN STHEKT. HKPPNKIl, OllEGON T. R; HOWARD ' ; '' ' DEALB I IN- ' :;,'. ",'".'. ; '. , ' ' . Grockries, Gknts' -Furnishing Goods, , Stockmens SuiTLiKs, Etc., And Wants -Your Trade ! H will make it an olg'ct for you to trada with liini ns Lis prices aro right, and all good that be handle! ara of the wry liott HL'MMONS. T r 1 ol Mormw. aUIol OtiK'm, J,ibnr l n.1,1. t rial iu m, the bar room will be enlarged, tekieg rm)0t), a last Hatorday evening of tbe ' ell is ettedI le Ibe family of Mr. Mar Ibe barber shop. , d of W. a Akrs, of 0-v.e.berry. j ,T," P-f-r WelU Tbotn r"0 roo stage belweea timer' I.K-at Oree eonnaile appreciate call wUa is toon. -...- e in Malbewa' shop SIm ba.lJlng day eieepl raed.y. Hhorlesl an l ebeap ,.ii. tbe rtlf boi.1 Charley will t roele M lb. leiener. , Oon- , Jlroek, agents. JB ; - i i . V I ill,:; IIIS is a iihccphcnl- crwho has been out four, montlis, hut he loooks like a new he has hecn O 0. man O now for dressed O up at ... . . . Horner & Riikas. commonly keowa e ''Code Dilly." wblch orearred et I o VI irk that after oooo. Mr. Akrs bae bad pwor beelib lor eotae time peat, and bis deeib we will plveaa eupy. tberealter dmtwy ead beert I foe tile. eerd by Kbllab's Tk. A.Mmt a 74 taare tf a... and Welle 4 Werrae. '.-w ww - ' ST - - Wi W barid to that rtos el Morrow euestr for e Bember ot years, Ihoegb be formerly ri M le I lea, where be wee eegag4 te lbs smltf f. Mr. Aker was tbefaluafuf 11. I. and Uertrlt Akere sa Mrs. (rank H s., who rweide la lhal aeniM?. fl wee wall eel favoraW; known lo Ibis reolf eeJ Itl maey froa U will l.fet t- lra of bi dlh. Tha remain er ibt.rr.d el O-ineebwrry U.I eae lay af'af an-e. A Iwt WarlB Kawelag to.owpttnr), I Urlppe, reeainonie eed ell Threat sad lean llaaaa r Cere. For sale by Horner & Rhea, e e e flee. Hsieel Seek 8-Hi.f e e e e MoT use Ht-kSiSO IIaLU-A Bvettfl. i In pewvons leeee a grand Mi llr llobbard ball will be gir.s el Ibe oper trnese oa ant I rwJay evweieg , the oeee tloa blag Waablegton' bin b lay. All llee ere rtaseted N drM la Mother ItebtjeH Vlae f..f O.e Mriio, They ere slat eiueeied la del iter ee so- !! el the d'xf eakia( a psawrf IheirdiM wiih whiob ll-w ftil!a,e HI ) I Uir parlne' -tt lb sT'eed enerett. Tbs bail will tie a e,Met ai4 riWet Meat iwaiaalnlew. oe-iarif srr.ir, e w .es)ri.ta ene iit.1 I mill k-e umilll la ll M tt.lt iMll.bl r.,.n.rn-Mlaor., ww '"' ' meale be bee e-ir4 t IU iTSaa . edwHr.gi it t aWfUj eeree bf lltael rnareb el .H j srrakt.ieg. If elUe4 In ennltewe j 1 1 minora ,'lf fw, e warn w mw l a;,..e.UHr,i,g Kesfei.' tt tel,e. dreM e. 4 tIJ,.t.swt-pe.k- MrWat ed U4 ,f' M ' mi, b-ele ....-.. eM w-i ee-w!V T-f rer...4 . ren-w II. Ias.4e Al dregs-i.--iU- by 4e A errw ' b rsa.L f Vieae'e. w rteetee fwa,j - lii.i'i'. smiwrt ism. J W. Km tt.e my f-'etr. k pre. I Tbe wteasW ef less W-ww tiealy in.! ia 4i a! to 4 4 f ntiatl s4 i Mblteei elew ee4 ell !) Wtlg le , tit fclr t e. I l-.ii rae- I efHiieta wiih IMs ee t44 l ! 4 if ,- ! d I l l aae. e lrt tveaw, HaleHar. si tl m. ew Mae e', xt'e t'j M ike M'p reewgaeisgiwe ea a.h i ead le !( ( Reatt M le y.ere, AH " "' " lwMeeedeee e'e T't Ilm I eiU -U rl.ea. t , ta4. beH em e-fcre anerse M I I Jee l f1h tltww--lr l tex 4 Ire. H A !! . te..e. .tf. , - - ' W 4ia M t a ' li.s B1S I ef 4 T i N aael nefi( e4 w.ta lwi Ales.ndaf urahain, - -Itr.k.m, wile of aald Alrionder lit. a.m. Ih .s.il-Mial Hank Ili-Ppuer. a cti'("'r tifijiud f r.iit Hunt, wian, aa HetrUer ol Ih llr. luteal- kfifelltm !i.(eilait!a In Aleala Otiktn, IM.adanl. In ih mot ol ih i.i "I iint'iti, ym ara k.lwl.r fen ii I fl luafneer ae I he ofn blallil Ble-I ! In III .' eiiuue. ranee. i.g m leli.e Ih rM d.fnl Ih he 1 1 recilal lens ol Ih nlilid roult. U lt M4y. Ik T4 .f el Marrb. Ile Ahd II nn fall t ai.ef. ..f want ItlMeea) I he (.I.U.IIIf will ..lr tnlher-Hirt I'd III rllf flee,elel IB IJ ..ml.tell.t l II A Irm. ,,l ., .1 A lea aaalnal aiMlwrlh HI .( I .'le III, Inlo.el ll,.re..n al 11 Ml ,4 l,l,l pMml f annum l'.,il II, filet ! f4 Jiiir. le'l. awl l.f a re.e..nel,le .im ! Ii d tefi, 1 1. ih en in . aliurney lee, and It eciel. al ll.le -tl A h ,le Me Ifiearlnalef . . 1 Wr ctM on Ih h.iwe li.f 4eni4 s. etlMle-t la SI'frtW etfwinlr. lfeMi St WM The. IV nf lel.,1 I. 1ltll I .'"a. w yo ft R-l Mihameii M-n Iwiei. awd r etel In Ihe lerr.e-1, M n.rfleee. a d (Hil,ly In lbe-k " raee r 'i ... a.m. Ike 4, l., .LM. herein an t l4 the ai Mad aetel) to eslialf wl lufse,! ."d Arm M l,.l.al e; .H..fl.'l S lt 11.1 ..iiaraaew I fc.l.ll.i.M lf M n M.tbl A. leel J-l- el Ik. t Iienlle1 nl II le ,A ..l V '. u li.l, wail niwi4kil4 i'.'i J n ., an4 (I rl rtlM eIT SM'HS.I l-ej t KU,,tnT, Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Hoppiier, Oregon. CUI WW m W .erIw lw jfuAJLNi fitmaaot lot'. a Van Dole. Btt 4ir lo I'Hy flotel. - ' Has everything in the lino of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Completo. Notions a Specialty. fit TWa-We, iiKrrsr.n. AO baaloew alUelal le it, a immpt enJ saliafaetury Kaeeer, Nolarlee I'otilte eed Collar-tuts. OrriCK IN NATIONAL HANK HCILMSQ. t i i 0RI.O0S rVotJC of Oinolytion vmii i i hmmt otvr.a A a e. wipim .rlrt-iB ejM.ee e.antt.c al wa4 I Ike Til ST till i he leeen Mit.u. Alike. It at Ih tin, h. .'! a.. k. -- t.ee I a. a 4 en- et k. II. n.f teen lari -t t , e .'!.. -a . fit - k. " a.e4 a4 hi. I' i'e In !.. . In Ih ,.la. ineme It. A'tn ht II I ainvllea ta h .1 the Man We !'. .- 1 a. M a4 e'l-l . I ... I. al II a. I " IMAM Ml iiiiii s ei ata k.. Iu1 al Nrf In , l J. lV If. n Xotici ef fnlgnmtnL ,,, ' l4) alUaJ Vtl' I MSa?lsTMtti i I. . (L . eiessi ; j ,,,., w r 1..1 -.v-e.-m A . rArtfa , a N.ft'el. -n. IK aea at 'rl t.at. rito Of TBIkla e fa f l I a. W -'Ug Ft ! If eT4,s i 4 4 ' e, ,-. if 4)'.eg l''l . IH-.I I aea m l' I w. f . ibfe. ai4 Me. ea Wee U C ? fe.t pa . I,e. aal aw - I a i ha.l.-n ki ! M f . ! t.,....ev1 b. a.eeenl Ih , aa- ika -4ee-.e4 4e lh.U. a . m , a t " - n l a ,n !- . I- .--a. Ine ae k la e a -M SB r ,rri M Do You Want a Ritf ? Don't You Want a Place to Tut up Your Team ? Need of a Saddle V V$ Are You in Mm Horse? All thw fan lew nirorl al Ihmniewio A IliiJiie, Lower Main Hlftet, nrj iufr, irKfi. Tt.ea al;aaea Well ar..lh4 "Ilk flfa-l lla ll III H.ej Sk4 kf rnltt' r4 ra i . a d tie. ail lh ' Hk rike I IwHM elik Ik Maeeaw THOMPSON .Vr. IIINKS, M-ravwrMBivT. ittrrt'an e I , I lh laef A-y-- TIIE PALACE II OTEIi HAK, .1. C MOnCI IKMS. Prep. .i. mini Kccp the 1'iiR.st WitiCa.', Liurj and Cigars. ' a. i