MAN AGErCHICAGO: JOURNAL, ia4d if: : i rv n u- fin wimi m i ' TH8 OLD LIB BUTT BELL. F. C. : Pierce .it, 1 By Paine's Was Made a Well vian Celery Compound ' 1 ' w - V .DANGER TO v. ; lion. Geo. Prince, DEMOCRACY. a '. South Carolina democrat, recently visit ing HVaBhingkon, 'probably gave away more than be intended when be said of the political situation in 1 .1.1. lib.- ,1. V.r.r, ula Bible, l ur nuuia uuio lb nag , been evident . that the democrats ,; would Booner or later1 have to con tend with another party, and now that all danger of black supremacy I has been removed (by. continually . restricting the right to vote), and 'the democrats have virtually ceased fighting each other, it is apparent that the republican party " will come into the field prepared .for vigorous battle on purely "economic issues. South Carolina has pf late years grown to be . heavily interested in cotton, and woolen mills and other manu factoring enterprises. ., The people .who have put their' money into these are ' becoming strongly im- At the door of every newspaper offion ' Drecnated with the doctrine of might be posted the general order Rash tWr,ir.n With tliA rut nrfihWri The busiest oonoeroB la the busiest ... j, . , .i ...streets ere elaggards compared with MnfrlnH a Anr mnntf rf t H a rvi mill I . ' "l tbeee newsRatbering Live, where human not hesitate to ally themselves fln8ere aod breina are matohed to keep 1 with the republican rmrty on the up with machinery. ground of its fostering attitude The brunt of thia fatiguing mental fcr,wrr1a . Amm-ie.n ' imWrim. strain unavoidable In getting out one of t v ' y The. following, oompoeitkin, by . QoL Frank V. Draaof Portland., was auof to "America" for toe first time at ine reeent elate olnb convention. Col. Drake hue always been known aa a ' I forcible writer, but be. baa never ye :i presented a'eeleotion'tbataO' appeal tp the hearts at all Avorkaai; !'. : !, V 'AcfcatAtlantis' tea ,'' ;. .'' ..- k CameWU ot Eibeity, V.,V "'.jW With charge divine: "Proclaim thou God's command To all the hero band ; " Ktett. In'th feud ' I T ' i i -. r, ;. ' trcMoVi- hrine."' ' - " A Then cWe thf fithe'ri hAve " " ' And pledee of honor gave, They must be free: By home and life they wore, - And ligned the oath, no more Vv 10 wear me oonaage sore v lawn. itresitea, ninea on-nign A D annex, etanau , ; t Trnm conatellation far 8 wlft came the bird of war To guard forevermore, ' - Flag, bell and land, ; T 'bh mighty trinity, ' ' Bell, bird and banner Iree, ;; .Forever haill .i i i From vale and mountain peak From river, wood and lake :.,. 1 The leepingechoe wake "Of Free4om'i Bell. , , . . , . .i.i, ( . ' . '.i'--i . Catarrh Cared, health and eweet breoth soon red, by Bhilob'e Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 oente. Nnal Injector frt-e. . For aaie by wens dc warren. mw Signals ; M ort than half thi victimt of consump- ' tion do not know tbejr loot it. Here is a list ; of symptoms by which consumption can ' certainly be detected : '' - Cough, one or two slight efforts on ; rising, occurring during tlie day and fre- quently during the night, s . Short briatbtnr after exertion. ' Tightness of tie chest. Quick pulse, especially noticeable in the evening and after a full meal. Chilliness in the evening, followed by Slight fever. ' J Perspiration toward morning and " - Tale face and languid in the morning. Loss of vitality. If you have these symptoms, or any of j them, do not delay. There are many j preparations which claim to be cures, but j ,- Dr. Ttcktr Cnalltb Rtauayfor Consumption j ' has ' the highest endorsements, and has . stood the test of years. It will arrest con- i sumption, In, its earlier stages, and drive ! away the symptoms named. It is manu factured by the "Acker Medicine Co., 16 - and 18 Chambers St., New York, and sold by all reputable druggists. v v. ; ADMlNlBTBATOR'd NOTICE. TN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY 1 of Morrow, State of Oregon.. In the matter of the estate' of Thomaa Benulaon, deceased. Eatate of Thomaa Benniton deceased, notice is hereby given by the undersigned adminis trator of the estate of Thomas Beunison, de ceased, to the creditors of, and all persona having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit 'them' with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice to the said administrator at his residence on Khea creek, in said county, or to E. P. Sine, his attorney, at his office; in Lexing ton, Morrow county, "Oregon. ' -1 HENRY PADBERQ, Adm-lufstnttrtf -Of the eatate Of Thomas Benui- son. deceased. Dated Ueppnei', Or., Jan. 27, 1896. 409-17. iNotioi of Jhteniion. - JAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Feb. 13, 1896. Notice is hereby given that tile follow iiiR named setUer hat Bled aotice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerx, of Morrow County, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on March 30, .18, viz: GEORGE F. BAIRD, Hd. E. No. 8Mo, for the SK NEW, NWJ4 SK and NE14 SW M, Sec! 2?,Tp7S 8, R. Jtf E. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of midland, via:. ', ' i Jeff Jones, George Smith,. Tame T.t Talbot, James Wren, of Heppner, Oregon; , JAS. F. 1IOOBE, 414-81. , Register. . PUNCTUATION CUT NO" FIGURE. The following notioe wae posted on a Bucks . oouDty obnroh door near Per i kesie,' Pa.i reoeutly: Mbere will be preaabiDn in tbis tjouBe, Providence per mitting, Honday, and there will be preaching here whether or no, Monday following upon, the snbjeot: "He that believetb and is baptised ehall be saved. and be that' believetb not shall be , II dammed at half past three in the after 1 ; nnnn ; From this source will come the the big eity duillei, for ei'mple, the Chicaon F.vaninff Journal, falla nn ita .future danger to democracy in bnalneea manager-ln the caea of tbie South Carolina." oldest daily In IHiDoia, Colonel Fredriok 0. Pleroe.. Colonel Plerov ii one of the bneieet men in Chiosgo, a olty of early and late workera. Iiraln workers in every pro fession will thank Colonel Pieroe for the following atatement recently made by him: For several years I have been troubled with sick headache, caused by i. The Mississippi democrats are enthusiastio for Whitney for presi. dent. "WORD irom Kentucky Bays "blood will flow like water" unless thia ' senatorial ruination is soon Settled. But.'blood flowing like ';Pt'"ni other.lw I have alway. ben In perfeot health, and oever aick waiai . win aiarm no one in iven- but lwo wepk Jn By life. This aiok tucky. beaJaohe lias been very annoying. I have taken a number of different! medicines which have been need and reoommended by others, but not until I took Paine's oelery compound did I find relief."' "Tbie reason I took one bottle and was not troubled with, beadaobe for at leaat ail months. Sinoe that time I have kept the medioine in the offioe and used it occasionally, and have not been troubled wttb beadaehe sinee, "I have reoommended it to a number of my friends, who have been benefited aa I have. For a person who ia disposed to constipation, it ia unquestionably one of the beat medicines that there la on the market today.- ' Tours respectfully, " "P.O. PIERCE, "Business Manager Chicago Evening Journal." A black olood ia no surer indication of aa approaohmg atorm than persistent beadaohea are of dangerous debility. .There la no one apeoiuo tbat oan permanently ours headaches unless it A Natural Beaatifler. 'vJ Karl's Clover Boot Tea Dnrifles 'the blood and gives a dear and beantiful oqmplexiort. For sale by Wells k War I pen u 'fi 1 ' ' goes to the seal of tbe trouble. That ' . - .', " : D I rna n s lii j . m war i. Hindi UOITD 0UU UI'HU ICDIVIOI, I .n A W SiaaIm A a' 9 aanA uoierjr compuuiiu, uuo. rm m vudu. gg in (he . Marob ladies' - Home and leaves no obanoe for their return, Journal, bis articles oo Oeorge .Wash because the deep-eeated oause tbe lintrton, which are ei peeled to. create i j , !.. u".. I considerable diecosnion. Oeneral Gree- plied with the food it haa bo eadiy felt ,Tate ,Blle wi be writM 4 , k the need of. j i. i. . unbiased way of ' the' pereooal Bide of The beat nhveioiana in ever city iu Washington. His first arfiole Will deal ... .:u t)i. i,. I with the loves and courtships of Wash- urn wuui. ,. ,A Ki. fl., , ,,- UMtsj auu Mia UV B 'S ai 7 4 V vuv - JUST - ARRIVED! The largest assortment of the very latest styles inya. '1 , Dress Goods, La Belle Crepon, Baptiste, Gauffre Cloth, Court Royal Pique, Cnsso ' Cloth, Royal Chemylle, Lace Challies, : Percals, Dimities, Satteens, &c, . ; ; ;; .-. Ever Brought to Heppner ! ; v. ... -And all of these are to be found at the , Fashion Centre which is at " ' oom pound, where a rapid building op 1 1 the system is imperative. As an. in vigoratnr In cases of nervous exhaustion, sleeplegsnees and a poor state of the widow Cnstia. Qeneral O realty's articles are not likely to cnUrm tbe estimate ol those 'who regard Washing ton; ia an ideal way. But they are truthful mil arlmlrohlv rwirtrav t ha man uiuuu u is iub uiviubi7 ui mi buicbi M ns WMa.q reality. practitioner Htatee. throughout tbe United It Saves lives Kvery Day. Thousands of cases of Consumption, . i . .t il. r L in a u. ,..uu. ,uo Asthma, Coughs,. Colde and Croup are nervous, run down persons after thev cnrei .wy dHy by shiloh'e Cure. For have begun to uae thia greatest of all sale by Wells 4 Warren remedies, shows bow rapid ia the nourishing effect of Paine's celery oom pound. ' Tbere are thousands upon of thoos anda well today, became tbey used Paine's oelery. compound. For Sale. Ten shares of stock in tbe National Rank of Heppner. Address Itiubard T Cox, Receiver, Arlington, Oregon, 64tf, Now that South Carolina has Toe Uaher-FitzHimmons tight w ild battle. IL.l .1 . I - It. .1 ll uowninaisne una a V'BCrRru that was to come off lant Friday ia me senate anu a uonaey m me - n i, . : house it is to be hopinl that .he defiDitoly ,H)8poDeil on n(,count vrm .uustuo.-Dt iouia u.ouo. fypa Lpil)g fiIj(,j wUb tuujlivuy onuu, ii Li I a iuuuvu unvi ItAon H 1 1 o.l with tliat I an f'rupca ft.. ... tir . i I urii. yoniiDr?. worann wanta . . , , t . . to be gorernor. In case she fails LftllRft f(). . n,lt.tiinnfni.i.l of this i. ir... i ..!; .1 - I io realize uer amuiiioa una can till be a governess without aroua- i kn Annnil inn I ... liia anr tilsun tnkln liw ilia rofiiKnl Tue Liocolu banquet given in . ... ,. . pIll.M ,,,. lrtlantr last Woducay night rccpnt , PorlUllJ to under the auspicos of the Mnltor- .nnit ,l5m Iwrlpublicaa UQUwaa a brillt. Mp.mi , . md; Ye ant.ucceaa. In fact the Mttltorjor Jt rptftia M t ,oft(,or(, ft laaainriaft mm w alti.1 I It Hat A Norweouk by the name of , .. .. . , ' . ... stamp tho limy tea to do- anaoa ia aii to uarn louna iue .,,.. . - .... ... . n..rth pol- 'K" " ,mft.-.hiwvi.,w.i;ti- ti- down thia way and dieioe of it at . , , ... ,,. ...... .i . i a. - ..... a prouuiiie ugure w t uwhi m a " flag-pole io tbecoraiog )rcMcnliaJ ' , catniiaigo. McKixley spoke at tha Liuoolo baouuet at Chicago laat Wetluca day evening. He waa wjrcolhu tiaaticallj reccifed, and at every mention of bta name or the word "protectirtn" groat out burst of cheering followed. i Airul.U haa bea e oi rendlelou win siuiie whoa they aeo it over the ainatuio of their whilom fellow cititca. Haleiu Btateauian. rke EM'ISUCAW ONUhUTON MaWf H raaaly tUfsalkaa OalrJ CaaiaiilUe U'iltE tha import bu goo abroad that Cract ooaaty republi. eana faor AaAtim f.r ropgreea, tba report ii not altogether tru. Tbra ta o4 a nao oo tba rrpnMi. cao tirkt that mora friends io thia cvuaty than Mr. Ellia. To tht aarpri of tl Datoerom cdber Mpirsett f r Lis at, Mr. Lilt will develop nor atrrngth ia Ltrrn UiTon Ingklog fuf, tagl WASHINGTON UTTER. Prom our Beclal Correspondent, The caucus of repnblloaa senators wblcb nominated Mr. W. A. Sbaw, of Spokane, Washington, to be secretary of tha senate; Mr. II. L. Oraut, of N. C, to be aergeaot-at-arms, and Mr, AIodso Stewart, of Iowa, to be assistant door keeper, authorised Henator Hberman to call up the queatioo of tbe eleotion of thnae ofRoers whenever be see fit, but lie ia not eipeoted te do so antil aasured tbat tbey oao be elected. In other words, an til oerUio that at leaat one populist will vote lth tha republicaos Tbat leaves matters in iodaflnite shape. Heaator frye has been nnaoi cnously eleetel prveidont pro lem., but wbea tbe other republican officials oao be elected nobody knows. It may be tomorrow; it nay be not at all Ilea the net a right through a aolect commit lee to invesligste tbe eleotion of members of stale legislator hiohelerUa U. K. equator J That is the probleia wtikb baa b'en rrft-rred to a sub entaailtlee of the treat elrotioos committer, and the answrr will probably dftermlp what aitloa tbe OummilUe will lake aptia Senator Allca'e ro laliue for aa imeaiigsil n of the Ala bama legislative einin wbleb pr eedrd Heaator Mo'gne ll elvoliuo to tbe senate . fbe vote of fuity lemiy eigbt, by bit b lb eeoat refrrre.1 lb relatl.H pr.rvidioa f. lb dreltibuiliHi of eeveral et lb regular eptHoptlaiioa bill among eumailttelky lot all go Io tb Plffttlns eommltfee-to (he earn. unites ii n rule with ibettactum la report berk en the A'l def ot lb be it eeeaian, was a treat riulimeit o aealr Albeoa, who ie rhatrnxa r f IU eomraille ihi arpenprlalioti. Tber it bill dbl tbat a J.Mly of lb eetale would bav v ted (r Ik rbaag ha il 't beea for lb fear tbat sue atiUoa by tl at at let iin wl4 bv t iirJ by me fea'' a a ftrl-elh-a B0 Heeaki Alli-, Tb rwt if the Nifsgti eanal oiiieilla I 4 Bnis(ing I . greh.4 art hi o la aealj at Uel. not n Hi boUfl. r-,IkJ. I" s.1 lllio ier!v al.Mililleg tb eel'ifiste t4 In ( ft ! .ir'., IM r..,l est I ! enual t r' t II rnt-l t r.,rettiflr. at ell A )-n'y i bulb triiele of egre far tb ertettfita 1 1 lb raeal. tl Ibejr ar far f'tfW iltg b il b"W II ba d b 4h Til will reeqlt I dela)eg aaitbteg l b -alt v i.. Jaetie IVeier, prrt.ei) f lh Veiltl tly ma be inJ a ft!t sUUmeel iikaaang lb BloHr fablkebed I ealMl aw Oar tt r grwig mm d aanat lb Uirr aJ fttreta "rl. lb bNI el !ku.g M Phlll ,u e.,.,.),,. J.M IVib imeslet, M lb Ulel l Mi" , . . f.vefb,eg la lb tr ,e, Tbev kt ma" ll 0bwh(lei't iWeb fWelt,jtx' a Me-t. thai leto f Mg fain.'it . IS fr f ., nlda, ff ' tlrgtl tb Bll.iel ha hw ad it,.Hf sb. bej IB,f j,,!!,!.!. and thai be lal ! it . '"'' a aee alto llM re It a . . , , . , ,. wota et -ipt. Niw Fiid YiaD.-Wm. Gordon ha opened np tbe feed yard neit door to tb Uasntte olllce,. and now aolieit I . Willi j . l Delegate Catroa. of New M.ilco, ba. '--' I received many eongratulalioja for tbe norBPg wij bB wu ooke(1 (lwr pri0M oleverness be displayed id pushing bit reasonable. Ilay and graio for aal. tt. Dili, aginsl prize fighting in tbe terri toriea and tbe district ot Columbis, Ihrmiih the tiiinaa atiit aanate vithnnt . . i . . M0TlrB WFRKBY OtVEH THAT THK delay or even a aiogl adverse vote. IX ,nual m-tu. f. the no. shM.ier. of Stockholders' Meeting. The bill beoam a law aa eooo as it The Mnrmw Co. IaiuI A I'riist Va.. will be bet atthenltl(e of the treaturermi theSiid NatnrttK' reax bed Mr. Cleveland, Who for One In M err h at 7 p. m., for (he pnrixiee of eleriim . I onirrs amt alleiMllns loetirh other bualnrat a enrmi wnu ruDKrew. niay cum befurt the hirrllng. There is do donbt about tb leading .... iwur position Main bold la tbis congress, j 'igtiKR 1 1ST With Heostor Fry president pro ten I - r M.U. Hn.lne n.U. akairman I I eTTURS anvKHTUIl) AT H EITHER . i i ii or . rib. 17. ikxl of tbe printing e nnmttt, 8pkr I raasnaiht, J Ilaad nraaidln over tha bonae. and irmiui.niri 'i"l'rl miiKiir uu i VirprObpq, Millikea chairmeo of three important bone oatesitle), sorely Main may b aaid to b "ia ll." WahiiixutoX, Feb. 10th. Keener, i B Rtibluaun, I lor three leltert fleaat a i. r. "iu.i4. r. M. BUMMUNS. tn Tnt riKrt iT rorar ra the cof a Mae Mat Ayer s at tb WerW t rir Ayer's Hsrsaparilla tbjoys th extraof dlnary dittinetioa ot having bo tb octv blood purifier allowed an eibibit at lb W orlirs fair, Cbieago. Menolaolnrer tv ot Mirror, Male nf urma, Hie ponrier unites litvret menl Trail, Umlteil, riaiiiUg, a U W. lart,;mM ft. Hamilton, II. W. liar rlneio , Al.tle farvln anU i. N Mr., en. Te Irpii4anla. W. sue art and Jaa D. Ilasnl'tun, Tb following ar lb members of lb rpbliea atntral eommUie of Morrow nonly: Heppner, (chairman), terribly (ry wrooght p for aomQ time paal W"1 Vera., over tha l.roation of tha projwaiHl J,,! depot of tha railroad tbat'a com. log. Thia it) a ad atata of affaira. right Mil, Why bot await tba arrival of the ttlgto. road, or at leaat ontil it it io Bight C.l. T... ...i. :.. Irf r.k, iHliwieH'uiiM UMUiumrn wl I Wll ftprtegt. tba i opuiiel party nl al nalera Alpin. laat Wed unevlay and cliang.l tl I fin ltiy, tint fr holding tha etala coo en tiuo from Feb. 21 to Marrh W r. , I .. I liter aio tpreiHi ttiriuura alrongly aairist any fusiun. . W. Palterena Jo Hector A. M. tinea Mik Keaey .( Urge A. rbrod c. o. ruaa C. A. Jobnoa W. H. 0Br O. T. 1 ii-la H. IL MVy W. D. Vvmmt A. Andrew J. la llo.afd Tb tBoibr ot Ibis oantjillle ar eaatej In In eel la lb parlor of lb rlo ble I, ruiurday, Feb 2.'d. al I e'etora, a an U lb fart of let lig lb Mm for th prlmarle and eaiily roaveatina, atabteg apr lvHimt (f drl'iale nd I Iran! tek Mbef boaltee aaf eoai Moe iba eormnltle. (' a4 lei at bat a full re pri ua, A W. I'trra., U l CtMM rat aniha . rismpll I atai mnKI K tfa I !giiU. mean In nl.Ula asbowiog of Ibelr rodt. h;"b, WmttJi IbVai pTaM aoiiet lk. . out Ihey were all lursnl away under lb I pialnl Air.) uahi In It.a bne entitled r Biilh alloa Of tb ml forl.ld.lmg lb I eM ll..e the Bret 1.r erf the netl r entry of palenl ediein and anatram. .m""? M"t Th deewloa of lb World' fair atbo ritie to favor of Aytr's Hreprilla wa In f "rot a follows: "Ayer'a Hartapa- nlla I nol a patent adiln. It itoea nol belong to tb llat of aoatram. Il I ber oa It men I." e4ay. Ike 14 af ef Uuth, !, an4 II ymi fall aeNiaiwaer, for Slant thern( Ibe plalnlif elll ai-elr ta the enurt I. h rellel cleman.n In )! fomf.l.liil, o on A b.r ue turn al line tkmaand f"lla r'l'l -" Kh Inlrrvel Ihvma al the lilt i lit r pent fmf annum Itnm the BM tar n( iuif. l-ei. nntn tl.l r-r the tm n4 Ml aft4 riflr UiHutMltM (Milan vita Inurm thie al the rale of elf hi f eem prt sua ts. .i.. . in r i" riflia i. iii ttn lleeu et ine Mt.rM llellere. atinreet t Im. an4 ben yo ae a yoatf maa tillleg la . 71,L . 7. I itmliir Ik. tnrwlneiite el the anilnM a parity, with tbe egliMrt til yr old -i-t n vfc.ui u w i- r I . . . . . , . . , . . . i ..ii -. n, aawv n in . . if l . n iij ipii Tr iO.w pimeeu mi UtiMiSkiu. a. The o th. w v the mirror el.mb.ri. over b, Jwkl.g fr ?jr bis neck li out of kanl. rarupliog bM t e.ih m " a m , the ei. .i, . ,. ... . i.t miva.l lu )i.latt ei.iil-. sbirl, tick teg b abla. leellng la all bit h. .t.i.i.,,1 4. potkeis for eof pert, Imtnhardtng bin rZ! "J7 r"'" -vie irata lime to hob who Tariuot en r tighl fiirtillore, r tiling hita a a me al lb tup of but lisbg. and )Ug t the hH 'i m an4 ' ev l.itiHrr Hla Maawi4l la tialMiriaMiiaiiiit tkla eimaavo It smhllUiol f of l ,. lm tit I r"' A laMieil. lrnt II. eitifc )m.ui1 I 1 l I . I '.a a.- ta i.l 1 tMa. .1. 11 lw..i- lor Dim r obi i w gtrje teaii'"- i llay WbiU b rtelitgl tcaile all lb bil lib lb cover of a feanl alinana, )o auay be ture, all boufb Iber Ian 'I lh tga "t a girl aprl witbl B ra liut of lea mil, lhtlbolig t7 be a tlr, and tbat iaag Kiea Artettwf laarltatatig 'ofc of Intention. ft"- s 4 ' r . , 1 f' '''"V If you Bee it in our ad. it's so. ORDER FOR PUBLICATION. ( N THE CIRCUIT COURT Off THE STATS . of Oregon for Morrow County. The State of Orrirnn, riainnir, w. Morrow. i.oiuuj Clerk of ealit "Morrew County, Orevon, ana the hvlrt of Charles Lind, deceased. Defendants. n'hmaj. It haa twain aatlafaj.ti.H1v made 4n appear to the Court that nn the 1:1th dav of Jan nary, IHUi, In said Morrow County, Orecon, one Charles l.lnrt dpd lirlosrate: that at the time of his (lealh said Charles Und wa unmarried an left no children, or other heirs at law, and that up to the time of the commencement of this Broceedtiia- no person or persons have appeared clalmm to he an heir, or heirs, nf said deceas ed. That al tbe lime ol me drain as alnnwatd. said deceased waa seised of certain real estate In said Morrow County, beside a considerable amount nt personal property. That afterward the County court oi Morrow enmity only ap pointed administrator nf the eatate nf the said deceased, who duly quallted and entered upoe said trust, and proceeded ta adinlnlater said eatate. under thedtrecUonof said County Court That on the 24lh day ni m-aemiier, t'i sui-a administration wss completed, and aald admliv latraliin Blel In aald County Court Ihelrsiippla. menu! final ecenuht. he which It wa show tha' there remained In the hands nf snch ad ministrators, alter such adinliilatrallnn Wat fully completed, at the property ol aald estate, the sum nl tmatui, which aald turn of money was. on said day. under the order and direction nf said Cniinfy Court, paid ty turh admlnlstrat. nrs to i. W. Morrow, Clerk nf said Coanty Court, the ahnve named delendant. suhleat to th further order ol th said County tourt. That said sum nf money has ever since seld Stth day ol December, lw, been, and now ta. In th hands nf J. W. Morrow, and that aald County Court haa not made any further order In relation thereto; and that hy reaann ol turn facta, aald sum ol llu'at 01 shnuM escheat to. and become the pmerty of, the state, and th mate ol Orel nn haa a rlrht hy law to aald sum of money now In poMreaton of aald defendant J. W. Mor row, at atoreaald. And II further Mtiafactofily apnea cine to th Court that a tiimmnua haa leaned In this pro ceedln. dlrerted in aald defendant. 1. W. Mor row, minlrln him, and lh heir nf the eald Charlee Und deceaeed, to appear and answer the Information B ed herein. Ithln th time limited by law In civil eaeee, and that aald turn moos ha been duly served upon aald defendant, i. W. Monaw. personally, In aald Morrow Counly, fireenn, and thai no heir, or heirs. n the aald harlee Und. deceaeed, can bt foundpn etd Cnnniy and (Mate. It la Iheeelnre hereVv nntered that all pereont lntereai. In the said eatate of I harlee Und depeaeed. appear nn or before the BnH day of the nest rvaular term nf this C"wrt. whloh Is the Brat Monday In Meerh. I, to. wit, tht WANTED: 8vtral trustworthy gentlemen or ladles to travel in Oreiron. for establish ed, reliable house. Salary f7t0 and expenses. Hteaay position, enclose reference ana sen aa dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com- fany, imru nuor, uiuana uunuing, tunica no, 11. i marl. Cummings - Fall, ., PROPRIETORS ' . ' ; , ' , , ' . . Of the Old 'Reliable ". ' Gaillt House CHICAGO. ILL. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B, A vi., o. m. m. r., c a . t. Kt. w. a c, and the C. St. U 4 If, Kali roads. MATICH BUiOO lICl I3A.Y. Cor. W. Uadltnn and C(luUn St CHICAIO. ZZaXa. serond day I he real al Heppner, In aald Morrow ia. II nf Ike have why tbe title ol aald estate, eow In the hands nf aald Counly, and show aaan J. W. Morrow, belnt the snat nf lwOI. ahnuld nn real Iu the I'lalnlirT herein, the pule of Itnv.n It I further nr.lr1 that Ihli nol Ire he published mu-e each week Awaltenneaeatlv weefca In the lleppnef r.aatte, s beastper of (enerel elrretvn puhllahe.1 ttl Heppner, I Said Morrow I'lHiiilv, oreaon wilneas my hand this ixhdaynf January, M. SlrlHKN A UWKII. !. Circuit Judf. mjww 9 ma -TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST - VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palac Sleepers. Tourt at eieefiet and free Reclining Chair Cart DAILY to till. e;.i. Many boora tared Tl tlilt I In to EasUni Tolnt. STEAM HEAT. PlNTSCH LIGHTS. MIWICM T HATICH. waaital la ei. eeeaniaial. la alt 1(aenl aeai'Ml mi l tbe snat al One o4 Ikilan anh Jnlenat lhavu al Ike tt itni t tt La fata ie.,.. Jaaarv II laat Nr!iw t f?y mi,, mt ,t . Meant Mia bee I el Mw. i.-..'i..a,.iati-.i I iu fa. ebtiur.r!rr,7r libtl lib ber tsrvltiee. 'eh. M Y l ballf lU del It I "" eaaWeare) r- a tn.a .naflsin thai a waa rwly l,l . '- . Ibresr sf ass Ittet P. U.y. e .wtaaler, ta Oeeh. N be hot Iba asnee-l him (real t. Aha natea Chrtawlia' I fUlaj a a ab taaM thai M threw set hi ae. y I bit lllmtl at-l hint mar 4 the all Mbae tnetw-iae I trwaleaatll l " foe ' i tl Hi,inti.lw, alyf, Unrm ashfttt JSI,ltMi. ;!. Mnt. ii4. mo, " iir r. m He lee fnN,i. aiiiwaM rt.eRabuj aii et e 14 Uwg. a wliaii. aasrMat, eft pf htf nfpt). .e neetr aeaia (.iii.i r. a at .') eea ef blU ,f rill (Vfeajle i teat i. a amtr u?, dmaet, i k nawiea aaate -n kaa t -4 mmw Atretnat. k. ta at Saal a I la eaa..a 4t...ia ..l.illn! aa m4 HMf iHaii. l - nn,j I M a SI la H Hilt tb -t t- a,t n i. im l r, t. r?m r - li l ia se r-nl rH ty a II. a iw. . . , , n ll.e,.a LJ .. . I a i Hi lb ,!t. hJ In . I Will faf lb b'lt ('! ! kt ''a a.4e I ,.is r n mf pm9Xmnfk M - r. B r m i L tata. I Tti f narrtT curat na tmi rot'KTT M Moreaw. ule ef Hreana, uenry sieppara', I'lalnlirT, a ptark It A UIn. krU.Unl taOarta Adtlna. nVfen-tanL la Iba name of the eta la n Oeeann, ea tee beteby e.nlrd I apiwar and a"taer tbe plelnt la1 aealaat r.. In Iba anna aallllal ill aa oe hire la Bret day at Uta aalt rsMiar Wrt ( said anaet. te-all Iba (ad I'ay of lint. I4 A4 If fau tailen la aneaer, .a want theeant Iba ailH al'l apply In Iba enart her the reii'l 'WaaaM la aald Foe )t1 Tbaa Weel lea a ean eae annaes fna Ike 1 h sy m 'u.aea.iwe, ll. al e.b Sen a Ike am,, aaay a-t;iMtt eaaawaabie aa a aib-eaay e ba oa eaane aa4 diabueanaanta aM tnt Iba kw at a renala SMataata esarir by fee ta earajee Iba aatmant al ibe aula abm aaa (!, aM I'.ai'M In tbe tanrif aee ramrde . aai4 eraaaty an tba Tib ay 4 I'l. latet -t. ' I U aad ara.aa.tns Iba l,.iln n( Kla4 w.a toaMi T' e B a al J an w at a.4 altita a--r H ee t Va ale t, aft t e ajaau anj sw .4 aa ,( w , ip a a y K M , I b- (be M af aA laaaia a b aattef f aavt js aal !' ,. it f..i.!i,l, V, w,Uf 4 ft -a eea'eea A laat I Ja-lf-a aaf enart, taade a Uta lb day at ieAM'y, aaj a atiwii e Allaeaer fnt Hal all Aamlnlttratrtt Hotki. Nmtr t Htatar nft mtT ti a4ee (d baa taata tlfalala at a. lot l-ar1( Ik. aatala al U I I a.lm.aa. 1 1 1 , a t by Ifcaf nai.l laart a Mneea I naaif . Mala ml Ail ae n ba eseiaae eewtaet ea aata'e a bea.y KJ.H la p'laailil IHaaa el ay b la l ! . 4i aarttaat. a'lfcia ' anlM leaaa lab t i M.a) l-awal iat ear al . Miar cvir til It Adeaialaieatalt Walheet BroaCly aaa barrba.v, t.flai a1 let a, lairtne(, tbaiea tNaatpeinief, eM . 4- leliSellf . I'albe eat, la a wee, R. It'. BAXTER, Cm. Agrnl, i'orlland, Oregon. J. C. HART, Agml, 2ej;iner, Oregon. Your Face Mar. 17 V ("aa. a ewlew. v-mm Jwt4 tUaaX, aWtta. tlC. Ct il Hall, lb lkn.iai arltel, a He f4 al he miUi, bl elloeb rwa. a a . . " I be aa i. dapaaaa eje,lef Haw ' t taaiXs. kautat. ale. 1 rrt) b wraatbael vHa a en oat a(a(ta( enlba. rtae aa) laaaal Sotiesi witw its HI PINCH TENSION. TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER. Tb a"! tnsipU s4 aarfaj Wtesa l-ear 4tM to ta; tewia .s.aj. Tba WIIITi: la tWtaf lt HtaMtty latH, If n rialaa aal rSffatf Aaata. nr AU ttvaait anit, a1 i3 tare a4 tJeaat n) mp lb M aa wf UraxtaOoa. Armi ttAttt WaTtr I wra-H. t-i bwtabity. li.-wsl term. A!, WHITE mm MACHINE CD., CkiYEUIIO.0.