Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 14, 1896, Image 4

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While joa aeep roar sabeoription paid np joe
ean keep your brand in freeof charge.
Allrn, I. J., lona. Or. Horm H on left
shoulder; eattle same on left lury nnder bit on
rijrht ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor
row oonntr.
Baird, V. W. and in.-Horses branded D B
on the left hip; ea'tle the tame on left flank,
crop off right ear. undercrop in the left. Hange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G.. Alpine. Or. Horses
branded TEun either shoulder. Range in Mor-
TOannisSr, J. W., Harrlman, Or.MJattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in eaoh ear.
Brenner, Peter, liooseberrr Oreroa-Horses
branded F B on left shoulder. Cattle aame on
" Broeman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horse branded 7
on right shoulder; oattle B on the left side.
Left ear half orop and right ear upper elope.
Barton, Wm, Heppner. Or. -Horaee, J B on
tight thigh; oattle. aame on right hip; split in
"Brown1, J. C. Heppner. Or.-Horee.. olrole
C with dot, inner ter on left hip; oattle. same.
over It, on the foft shoulder. Cattle same on left
loyer, w. u.. neppi,
' 1 . . .... .a in a With anllt. ltl
Or. Horses, box
brand on
ngui my vo'u, "i - - -
Borg P. 0., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
shoulder; oattle. same on left hip.
Browniee. W. J.. Fox.Or-Oattle. JB oonneoted
"."STRiS T 'm l.tt Mr andtwosDlitaand
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horaee same
S im the left thigh; Bange in Fox valley,
Grt"n&,.,. w.m. Or.-Horses brand
t,areu,"-. j , (three hare) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Bange in
CatnZ&tebrprpY D on horaes onleft itijM
TJ With qnaner oiivuu !r
and on left stifle on alloolU nnder S years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant oountf . n
rn... H .. Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
CWlgallVM COalloway. Or-UI. crop ont
of saohear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
pi . n fl. .tiHa. Range Mor-
noraee nait ;
M TT 1 . 1 1 nnnntlBI
Curl, T. H.. John Day. Or.-Double cross on
each hip on oattle, swallow fork and undei bi
trTrLhtiiar sollt in left ear. Bange in Grant
oonn?y. On' sftep. inverted sud spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewe. wop on left ear
tmnohed upper Bit in ngm Y lii Sl .
fSri odder half crop i left ear. AU range
in uraui oouvv
rt u 1 T Trfki
aCk?ATuna.Or.-Hora. Won right.honl
i?V".Vil. me on right hip: ear mark squan
riv - - -
jt r'J.ru umenn right hip
crop off left and split in right.
Currin. B. h Corrinsville. Or. -Hoi
irses. on
Cox Ed. B., Hanlman Or-aitl.. CwlU.
. in center; horses. CK on left Sip.
Cochran, R. K,
nnder .iP-": 7 ,"Rnes branded
O An Relit hip Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horae. right thigh; settle
brand on right shoulder, and out off end of
rl5wass. W. M . Oallowav. Or.-Cattle. H Den
righTsidr.wa.low-t..rk in eaoh ear; bora.. B D
""VuVros Donglas. Or.-Horses branded ELY
onVZuldM. catU. sam. on lefthip. hole
in right ear. . ft, Worse branded
re7eVrfc5 with ta.ll'on left shoulder ; cat.
- I'" L ..Tki R.nM in Morrow eonntr.
e aame on Pkvm, ""--- . . -
right hiproof.' with bar under on right
honlder. n Hnmee. V on
Florence, n. r. ."ri.":.L:" ...ki.i.
o. wnn ""- .. n.Hllanoantii
ith .,,ti-
Hi?U A STKidge, ()r.-).ttle. fmnd-top K
Vn nnartr circle nnder it on the right hip.
fX. and Umatilla oo.ntl
n rih?b Hnd on 'left side, swallow fork in
nht iarand slit in left. Range in Haystack
i--ini M , imia ofinntr
n l J I,. Oallowar. Or.-HorassT . (eroas
:ik k ) it) on right shoulder; cattle same
on Mi "JdS Bang, in Morrow and Umatilla
" H.ll"it'lwin. John Dar. Or.-Cattle E H on
.irk.K,;,hrn.saaieoiirUhtshoulder. Range
In uramoonmj .
Uughea. Mat, Heppner,
Or. Horses shaded
Darionn..-.v.... ,:t. b ,
,n WS lellni;in".
ilumplireira.jf M. Uardinan, Or.-Hon H n
UHu.ton. Loth. Right M ito. Or ,- " ,
the left shoulder anil han oo uwi
wi kne In Momiej nnnn
M'i"'S : H.V r. M.tv. Or -Home hraq.led
H I on 'the left shmilder; rattle hra i.ld J on
kin. ala anderhit ill left ear. Kaiiga in
Morrow mmtr. n-- hum
i li. u M Itenuner. Or. Horses, horse.
-r"L':-: .ltrV .ahTwIiUc. the sa-n..
left sUtlarealtle. asme on right hip, nsdoi half
orop In nh' anrt nut niervew
a .. M,k. u.i.i.nr. Or. Ilorsas hrandwl
NY on' left hip eattle same and crop off left
ear-, nnder sIoimi on the rlaht
Kirk. J.T., lltpnr. Or.-llraes 0 an left
ihonlilori eallla, on left hip.
nmbelend.W... Miwnt Vernon. Or.-I LoB
eattle on right and left aldM, swallow fork in k ft
a.r .nd nmlar 01 "O in rlaht ear. Horaee aaine
1 , i-n .h.uil.lar. lUnae in llrant nirniti,
Loftan, Htatrtien, Poi, Or.-H t on left hip
en eatue. orop and split on right ear. Hones
eana brand on laft shoulder. Hange tlrant
Tjlnillan. John W.. tiHe-y . I.-II.tm
hrao.lol halfJirflle Jl, eirtinentedon left li'iul.
der. ( attle. aame on left hlo. Hange. aaar Us-
'UI". J. W. Heppner Or Horaee hrandod
Land A nn left akildn rtle aame a left
hip, wattle orer right ere, three slue in rghl
Umt. 0rw. Heppner. tr.-Hoaaa hfaaded
donhla II en nanu Horntlioe oalll s
swing It on lef ehonliler. .... . ,
Maris. M. 0 . Heppner. Or.- at II hranrle.1
eirxlaon riahl hipi honwaaama on nslil etirie.
Un,p.ln M.Tf.w e.mnt.
M 1 nor, itmrur, netU'nr Or.-fatUa, M I) on
rishl hip; n.aa h.Mil.W.
H. N.. Ht-pn-r. th-.-Horaas. M )
oe left iMle oaltl earn on Urt hip.
MiU-hll.ta.l'iea, if.-Hnraa. II on right
tint eel 1 1 lion right "id.
(leal. Andre. Im K.-k tk.-H.Ke-s Htmm.
Sjertail nn Urt ehiHilderi eattle ean on both hli.
tlll-r. rrr. leilngl.. Or.-P O a Ufl
Mn'. J. W., I.wgla. tlr.l rfWaaaO on Ut
shoil.lMt eiin"a r"! h'P...
prHi. M lUgM I la. i . - H qnr
tr elrrl hi-td a let h.ml,-f I II ei let
tup. I aula, f.M-s in l-ft aaf. Hehlaroppat H
a Urt kin. IUn wi KtM iie.
I'arkar A lla. Mar.ln.lh-,-H.iras IPiaJ
left atwial Ur. .... , .
i raw, r"!, lMlet.m,0. H'rwi Hranl
K (I. K arwinli a Mt k.".l l" I rail t la
g mm nn rta-M Mn. Uaa. '
w, j7l , Uln... . H m-wn. JK e-m.
ap,l n.,lafl ctMntkUri ealll. ' on Uft hip.
nn tar hi 1 in ear.
Cure. A ! Or 1 r "
. ameilUri euik t M J I. nn IS
eft kip. upvf ele in Uf ear a I all ta the
I la HI.
H.l. ay1ww. Mardejan. Irr.-H.waaa. e-iaar
r-awwiik ilnaUrt etlfU.
k Mr.-.. II.ih. Of - M hra t! I
a Ik eSixi.lan rani. It nn th Uft Ma
e.B,(Il.rta.Mwlp"naark. Naag ii
K rat aud ali-rtntng .iMa.
hWr. Aadrww. Isia.ra, I" -"
Krae.kwl wa fM V"I'K ' I"'
rin-ks nwr ltnw4i rwttia eaaae wa right hip
ka-- H rw txif .
M, t . Wat. H. llrTi!tn. r-II rw.e-H
a,ia rin-l " eaitl ra rtM
r .9 rrg rigM aa I t lf.
mmm k.a.1 Uf ekrtneaar, Maa la
Ot a4 1 li'Uaaa ..
Hr.w t. W . Il.ra. t -H.wawa. iQ as
Wrt ehwaUl. t alii. O M hi.
rwealgM W. . lil t-' - H.waas ha.ta
I a um . i I" hlaveanvllo
,m ta rM eat, aWI.11 la !.
Iw.- llawt. -H.waaa, BAP
Uft B, Mill. Uft kip.
BW,-. H.4-M, Ikawla. Of-raiilll on
fSI M(, ! "a rtM U t awwa. II wa
U IUg la W'Wt-W enawta.
a lh. a kVaaaaatlie. Ikr. It-a. k.1
M 1 .a. k . I ! , , aaraa UM ak.a,Wta
a,.,aa Jaaia k.tlk". ) I BVWW. Iwajeataa!
Jg.laft a- -a, k aHIU Ik aa. aaM .
watlam H-eia .,.W II. i.atas aa. ,l.a
up(a,M t a, Maa,laa IK , k.aaaaa Sir
.,-1 ,aat eaOa. k.,a- ! I. wa kl
lh..aa. a 4 . !! tt -4 all, V
ew k i i ewalt-aa ia Uft eat.
MwwM II. , Ht .- --,
Uft (..-a' U , ajllla M a af( fc'B
a,.t 11. Hw - ' r
at K. . i .vl a- I a-4W ta Uft ,
sVwm., a.nal W f a Uft "VelU
tVaa. i A. Il-vta. IW Ha,
U ak-aa-a. aaalU aa) kaft alal ia.
t..aaaa I ,vayal - lt.aa, '. a Ufl
. .
M W , H.tr - aaaS rMl t
UM ekaaktaa laiiaali aaaU kVM Uft kB
VMM. II a) . a (W -M aajw. laaaaatl
t aai.ul aa laft aataaa tl.nl aaak k-al
a-,k-a-..l M t laal 11-a.llla
aawawl wa rtgM aaaiaweavkaxaaaM -a rtgM
' ..lul,. M.tr-M lie Mwaawt V ta
aa) IK. kal a. 'a, ata. Maa aaaa a tft kev
-a auiwi M - aH r-4
.., - U. a a Itaat-aa. tV -
fl 1 - I " tWjaan
H.aaaaw waaae
aiaaa-a W D IWv'V f aHM W ik
aiaaa iai at H aa) kat , aa..l I . a-t
.-awe kawaal an) Uft aa-aakw. Iia-aw ia
at - w n.rt. B !- ) - aa4a1
U awavia wa Ut ataiU. aa4 Ut ka
, .aa naaaw. v,-ISaaaWa, r
Wren. A. A.. HeDDner. Or. Horaee runniniA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right bio.
Young, J. H., liooaeberry. Or. Korea branded
Tfl on the riant honld.
When von are aboot to bur a Sewlnp; Machine
do not be deceived by allurinR advertisements
and be led to think you can get the best made.
nnest cnisnoa ana
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have Rained a
reputation by honest and sq uaro
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Light Running
There Is none In the -world that
can eaual in mechanical con
struction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or has as many
improvement as uio
New Home
tt t... Tmnlnn. Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle Ualenled), no other has
it ! New Stand ( talented), driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
0&A-rjR, MAM.
Borrov, Has, a finow Sqitarr, N. T
BAnFaAHmsco. t'AU. Atlanta, C
ron 6'. T. BY
C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
Send 5 Cts."for Sample Package
San Franchco OJJlae,
No. 220 Suiter Street.
Th thomh It an gnfsillrjt Inrln
rig Inrln
of chsiacler. lUarKju
dlratrs a strong will, grast
and Brnmras. t'lnarlj allied
Is th
Ui aiirainr.i ru. aa a..
ability. Utilh of theae lyprs baUmi
to tha bnar man or womani am
l)rinort's Family Msvaxlne pr
parrs aerlally for such prrsnns s
tr linls volume or nrw uiess, eon
d. Hard In t small siwce. an lhal lh
rrriird of Hi whole world's work
for giontb msy be rrad In half aa
anar. The Conical 1 ype ludiralm
rrllnainanl, culture, and a lore of
mnalc, pnrlrr, and Brlloa. A prraiai
with Ibis tTi of thumb will I nor.
onxlily m)y the literary allratlloat
of liemoreats Msgasiu. Ibe At-
tlalie Trial Iniilialr a lore
basuty and art, which will In ran
pa-aaur la th magnilcrnl ell-pka.
are n( roars. Iftli (4 Inrhr. rri.ro.
dared Imra th original pailil Ing by
lw Uinrpie, lha mwt erlrnrslaa of
living guwrr-pslnters, wbk-k will
le given to evrry fuberrlber
Ik-BMirrat's Mavslli fi ls. The
mat of Uilt suprrb work of srt was
$ro e and the rrpmriurilna
rsnnot a riiaiingnlahed front lb
original. IWainra Ibis, en riqulalle
nil or wairr-roior pirture la paa-
lithrd la kuaua-rof ilia alt a
in, and Ike an x Ire ar an bra.
fnarlf and auparlily lilnairalrd lhal
I t.a Msrsiine at, la reality, a port.
f,.llu of art works of lha blckeat
nler. The -hll.arHk Tyn is lb
liinmk at Ibe thinker and Inwalot
of klaa. aba will be deeply Inter-
eatrd In Ih.aa) dvkard nHWitbiy
la iieBvw.at s MagastB. ia
on of Ha geatanra datrimeni
wh'rk raver Ik eailr smimm
rleiitine trld. hmllli.f avarj
fact, faery, and fad of lha gay
I -) a s U siatpiy a 1 art art
f a at, 1 1 y Msratina, ai.4 wsa umm sga
croenvd kfMn of th Moftta,
bead In r saWtintlno; M will
r.at ewly ton, siaj yen will ka
S ikrtaa Mwsxae HI 00a. Addi
H Jiki.u. t.aeat. raUll.bav,
II aat Ml airaat. nw Tuft.
1 a ue ana a f aahkas oaaala. He
pr.f-i faabHMl laaT-a.atal HaartkTlee
aa laaiily ana dua.es n avaiwe will
a f twrtaiiv leievvwt ta ikiwe
ooaaaaat. g Ik fravlnlae Tvfat at
Ibaaib. wkkb iBMkaiaela beeavall
). ldakaa. Soft SII,
arrvarak, aaMOd Up. Ibeaa I
kirk baawtg aaaaMtail la
ao'af av. everv oW f wkowi etaaval eabarrtl
-.-r.i slrste. If yew ere aaaireseir4wiik
.. .,'1. a. 1.4 fur g euertawn rHv trrk
a ai l edmil kl sraiag liar TIM VI ba ka aeg
1.1 lb aar ef aavlng ouaaT try gadlag la aa
, .... .Miia- ssiiafi lb uaarar oaaatsf
a akaaj taavily
TbrOef ratlvaral ef lb lweea
kwMraH it wfc4-wI eJawlnaW
Tber lllwMvetg that grvelar aaatHy lg
alwsrs avaaS te be eetra.
Taeag sataa essveeg Ik bwglei fsl-
lr eg
Rlpanx Tubules
4 s aavyaied wiib aa y aasetawal y k )
raa Tabwtaa 1 frUa, ta bww.
Of dra 1 teaa, e by ak
Blfkt Call IKU ft 1 1 tra H, f.
TV fegntv gaWrifiknt pim ol log
rVavrYV..ty laIU g 2 S0 ! taw
rilr plk t( lb Weekly ()rjiag
lat trO. 4k) mI-mI.i !
!' to fl Me) lh Osreltg 4
Wewalr Ofrf ebtttj f.af 1 1 oil. All tl J tub.
Il.ir talv-f ll liwr,S f ay
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. R. k N
Ag nt at Heppner, tr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Obeook.
San Franolsoo
Ind all poinU in California, tU the kit. Hhaata
rout 01 me
Southern Pacific Co.
fhe areat hiahwar through California to all
point Kaat and Mouth, (irand Boenie noma
Of the Faoiflo Oiaat. Pullman Bullet
Uleepera. Beoond-olaas Hleepers
Attached to express trains, affording- superior
tocommodations for seoondliaM paeeeocera.
For rates, ticket, sleeplug oar raseirauons,
to. eall upon or address
KUKH1JCR, MansKer, K. P. R00EB8, Ant.
len. r. r. Agt., fortlaua. uregon
- --a a. . aa-aalva
Fur raulogne or lufonnalloa writ to
New Haven. Conn.
fc: ff inOO "ho lovrlvMutk Forfsrty--
aV- 1 11 tenlk. contivilng of mo pa.r 7
- giw full ii, a Sheet Muvlc at li-a
aa-a lalrvt, brlghtrvt. Ilvrllnl and avnvl popular 3
J aalarltona, both votsl sad Inurnment!, 4
a gottra iip In the atntt rlrgant atanaar. to- 3
f3 thidleg I. air Uips tit Hortraits.
C4f th, l,t.l,, Oaeeee,
av e j ni ar a c , . .a. n a. , , -
" " " ' ' , ia araai r fMar SI z
AM LlUt Hfll mm ZZ-
C: tiuunn ctVT77o.r3
a .........
awa tkuadwav Thealr llljg.. Naw York Qty. Z
. caeivaakta wantio. r3
A. P. T. L.
TheAmericafi Protective Tariff Liu
I nBtional orgtniiatiort dvocttinj
"Piotection to Afflencan Leber end
rndutt" at e-plined by its centtitua
to et follow. :
" Tb ebjeet ef ble laafut sbal b k yaat
aa,anraa lae kf S barrr a layirtl, wfeik ad
a)aa IIU'I Amerms lalwWal S'sd.Hg
g e.rat ta aeevaewUM ef , kvbar.
There r rve pertonal or pfivate
profits in connection with tSeofnwi
I on and it ii tuttained by memberiiit,
centnbutloni and the diitribution of iti
flSST! C
Ma "-!
I C0 1 0: Waddiil ii sa'KWa,
Waa al v kvfa. k awe n.ia,
ThiBOt W autaaa s I f
'. S Hm m ka 1.V aal- a,
aa eat .S aw id kv f 1 S ras So td
OUSTlS : a) aaaUl rd rat...l s
aa eae t " SaaaaM I
aW bat f WWaW Q
IJS VY, Sd Iteewt, Mew Tar.
. S1800.00
Saw V atfait al aV. ,Sa w aa
laaaat JSakn,Mw Al aW 11 nay MM ft
wi aa i(iaw a- ww fwaaa SW kwa sVs
IT'S ME MnrtCTBVUl mc5Tio?s
TH4T ,1110 lORIl.VLS,
avS S a " ai.. " wa k ka na sf.4 wa
aval avawa wa iai ktntai St an ka. a,
aai.a ewe. . ata aaaa," "valaO -w mWh
W f ,ai. aaat s li I aaM lata, a. WW aa-a
av aa S4 S aa af aaaaaw-af aaal ki. m wi S
I aa wa aVal aalarv niaa a Wat
SWaVaa, 1 ry a. snwk a wnaiaa g aa a, 1. a
faaa aatea aa V aS WI Vra-aai e-w al a SS at
t C .Waa.awtaaWia.a.iaiai r iiw4Wi Sw.l
av SW av aw M waaaa aa a aaraaa aaaj , aaaa
wawaaaa a waa imw al, aja a4 aaa Sa 4 aa aawwaa
ta aaa a,,,w a fcaa .J -aa, aVaaai a),a. k mmw aV.
al waas aa a a. ' aa. a4 as amanls
aS 1. 1 mt al aVa ... aal aai i n I
Saaa-S mi 4W a a aw m4 a aaw m aa mt Va. a p 11 1 aa
W) aa .a'aa4 . aa I aa-aa aa j. ;
Samwa aaaaa n .ilil a Ir, ( Sa ww
S amiiiwi .aaaaSat (n.lS taJa Sal
jims wruw 6pl t?N A CO .
talMkSSa 4 tlaaiVM a a !! W,
eiv I rum, v
Slmpleaf. TlLl-llllll' E-'"
5olld llldJaalULlMogt
Top -lw M Jr Accwreta,
Receiver. .' J.gfr'r' Com pod,
Br SatwaVl") fJslwsi SPVV QttQ tMst
aaaaaajk aw aw as avail karaaraav Saw g
I saawre I aa laaal sal a a a law aa at taw I a.
Improbable Storioa of Great En-
liah Legacies.
ii OM letter Tbaf R veals the SewrrU.
one Beheme Eaaployed by Sharks In
Thla Country for DaploB Crd
uloas Americans.
Some recent romantic tales about im
mense English estates which belong' to
American heirs suggest republication
of an opinion written by Judah P. Ben
jamin twenty-six years ago, says the
Chicago Herald. Following Is the great
lawyer's letter:
"Lamb Buildinff, Temple, London,
Feb. 3, 1869. Editor New Orlans
Times: Will you permit me tnrougn
your columns to send a word of warning ucm yt& fa its healing powers. It re-
to ine puDno agaiunv a moves tne poison ana Dunas up tne sysicm
swindling which is now extensively
practiced in the United States?
"Since my call to the English bar
hundreds of letters have reached me
from Louisiana and other parts of the
union, written by persons, many
whom are educated and intelligent,
making inquiries relative to estates
represented as existing in this country
unclaimed and awaiting . tne appear
ance of heirs residing in America.
In every instance that has come to my
knowledge the statements are false,
and evidently made for the purpose of
defrauding parties out of sums, large
or small, under pretext of paying the
costs of records, copies, etc., said to be
necessary for the assertion of the pre
tended claim.
'One claim may be selected as an ex
ample. A banker by the name of
James Wood died in Gloucester in the
year 1836, leaving a fortune of about
$800,000. His will was the subject of
much litigation, but finally decided to
be valid, and the estate was ordered to
be divided among the legatees under a
decision of the house of lords in 1847,
Anyone desirous of having particulars
of the litigation can trace it tnrougn
the different charts, as follows: 1. In
the prerogative court of " Canterbury
(Canterbury) reported in 2 Curteiss,
p. 82. 2. On appeal to the privy coun
cil in 3 'Moore's Privy Council Cases,'
at p. 835; and 8. In the house of lords;
in the case entitled 'The Corporation of
Gloucester vs. Osborne,' 1 'House of
Lords Cases,' p. 272. Although his es
tate has thus been finally settled and
distributed for more than twenty years,
I do not at all exaggerate in stating
that not a month pauses without my re
ceiving one or more letters front per
sons who are approached by some pre
tended agent of some imaginary great
firm of London solicitors engaged in
seeking heirs of the great intestate
banker, James Wood, whose fortune,
amounting to 10,000,000, is lying in the
Bank of England awaiting a claimant
"The usual mode of proceeding adopt
ed is to propose to undertake the busl
ness free of expense, the proposer to
receiver only a share of what may be
recovered. This seems so reasonable
that in most cases the dupe readilv
swallows tne Daik A snort time after
ward he is informed that all Inquiries
and researches have resulted favorably,
and that nothing is wanted to insure
success except the cost of a few copies
of records and other papers, and that
the proposer, having already incurred
great expense in conduotluK tne neces
sary Inquiries and researches, is left
without resources at the very moment
when a few pounds would suflloe to
secure the frultaof his labors and expen-
--- Many arc the vU-t'm from whom
auiiia wrjiu, a a, to 4500 have
uecn tuus extracted, ana iuumb.-
persons engaged in this system k-
vi-ry great, and the sums received by
thi-in very considerable, if at all in pro
portion to the number of letters re
ceived here on the subject. Many
thousands of pounds are known to have
been expended by those) who could ill
afford to bear the loas in the pursuit of
the great Jennings estate; and some of
thus who have spent money In this
way have actually been deluded Into
writing to me their convictions that
they were entitled to dialotlgs the prev
ent duke of Marlborough from the
llli-iilirlio castle, by virtue nf their de
scent from the famous Duchess Sarah
Jennings. Moat of the persons who are
duprv.1 are ignorant on two points,
which, In nearly every Instance, would
salUfy them at once of the utter folly
of the hopes they Indulge. The firat is
that an alien cannot be an heir la Eng
land when there Is no will and thst he
cannot take real estate even if left to
him by will. The swoond la that In
England estates devolve upon the eld
eat sou alone, and on bis eldest mm in
sncreaaion, and are not divided la shares
among all children as In Lmiialana and
other states. Yet nothing Is mare rota
nmn than for prrnons to aaaert heirship
to the suppuoetl shares, of younger
brothers end slaters, or to claim as na
tives of th I nlU-d (States hrlrahlp to
Engliahmra who had left no wills.
"ta the hop thst thla exposure will
be of arrtne nee to my fellow rllliena, la
Wlu-M) welfare I retain th drpvat la-lr-rvl.
and may protevt them to some
extent from th sliarprrs who ar plun
dering them, I remain, very rpvtfu
ly, your obedient servant,
"J. I', llixji turf."
wf tke t aikaaa a4 las SSIIIilaaa
Ilk tka aalaa taawt.
Th srrhae.d,arUt of fletbra hss a
panhkBral skin and Is a dry as his fa
v.vrliw f.4bav :nt Mgr. tsHnl. Brat
guardian of the vatUsa lihrsrr. was ma
met h a man of II rah and tl-i that his'
ku.hlro drslh the other day In Home U'
aitrtlmted bysm who knew him I.'
lha mien rhagtla be saffrrej In e
Hwee f the rerrnt tbefu front Uav
l4 abelvws nUr his rerw. That ks
nut a likely tale, howewri naar la t he
aenaslkaal hint f p4avMt, thNtl re
prvalaeed la a Lwtln pa pre, wtartk a
saxwiartit satirnl.w. Mgr. annl. ho
rwernlly 4ar4 uf a Si of Biafttetf, tshkb
awiawl hint ia kt t'a-twe'a aa ka a...:..
lag ve.trm, had f.ay hla falhev a gwa-j
era! vf the Italian reviaetk. hv. j
kevrvlbelwaav. awat hi SvS ta) a Jwaall
vrilrf In hi katie rity. I aUrvrwn !
' iarint. when In etwaaMfcd St
iVrwria. rns-U th aisintan" of
f arlinal Tr-vl, th sr. Ill Ulvrri the rJ
nawsae J.latful Wir. cf lh fnerel a 1
trt hss s 1 eataftng th arrvle i.f tlvr
rr,linal sh.aa, hw v r sna4 XV
we rwealievl hf taHiaal V- aht
hi elet, aavd yuaag tarial was
awwtawaaeat to Rwaa aal M a )lt lav j
t:ml frVa-llp with Ike ft Aad
tarthl bad aavatWr gt frtwtvd 1st
tttia !., laale4. Ium Iwrv4 in ka
vekasl pspw a) Ma.i,ir4 hf'!
teraai rfe4 fcav k 4t llhemrWa
As th taii-air.f IS rTwaa,4 al th
pewvwk, a'iftl www a ananw pat- '
I" I la-wr-V. ht. It SVMshaa) hi !- IK
grvatef. tt km tla fl was t.4 that
bis r-akg rPm4M bar bg
Valuabl treantc 0 th dlwaie aed to neataiaai aisUad ft.
Srvli 1 arat-irat- i-va aubbi. w.
llwate 1 si. Paul n
Glance at this Map
F the rhloairn Milwaukee and Rt. Paul Rail-
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail
way snd note its connections with all transcon
tinental lines snd St. Paul and Cmalia, snd
remember that its trains are lighted! with elec
tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is
superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and
Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each
sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp,
snd its dining cars are the best in the world
Other lines are longer than this, but none are
shorter, snd no other offers the above luxurious
accommodations. These are sufficient reasons
lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon
ticket agents in every railroad off.ee will give
you further information, or address
C. I. EDDY, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Trsv. Past. Agent,
Souvenir of 10 Year, in Bxuineu.
9 A Com plats Sst, sting of (We g
S HMiTe liKuie.-BHae Ball Player. Foot g
3 Ball Player, Holf Player, Tennis Player
Band Bicycle Kiner, will ne seni 10 any '
, address upon receipt of 10 cents, to par 1
! charge.
These figures are absolutely perfect,
beautifully colored and mounted, and
arranged to stand upright, and are an ex-
eel lent souvenir 01 nuraiyesrsas ieani
i nf the athletic supply world. Unliable
lor club, reading room, ohm or niime.
Nt York Vhltaea thUadflpMa I
uarrieJ from kt. IVtrr's into the Vatican
he was tremulous with agitation. ' The
case of the Canadian premier's death at
vVlniisor-was at once recalled, and there
ia alwsys something- soothlnff to the
pop) tb auvthtnff which connects, as
the cjumn's ana hiaown jubilee did. the '
court of Itome and the wourt of Kn.r-1
land. The fact is that the fltir-. of the
queen of England has always held a 10-'
nisntic corner In the heart of Leo XIIL
The queen was then and has always
remained la bis memory youDf
womsn, with the prestige of being not
only the queen of England, but the
head of a formidable church, when the
nuncio saw her at the court of King
Leopold In Urusacls. Once again he
saw her tn her own Jondon at a
state reception, at which, however, he
was not specially presented to her.
That was In tlio month of February,
lKeOa month which he spent in Lon
don, for the flrat two days aa the guest
of the marquis of Lisbon, the llrazlltan
minister, who accompanied him from
Ilruaaels to London, and afterward in
apartments In one of the streets of IMc
cad illy, the name of which he cannot
recall. Indeed, the only house eieept
Iluckingham palace and the haute of
commons which ht ran be certain that
he visited Is the Cambridge house of old
days In Itceadllly.whlther he was taken
by the Auatrtan ambajiur to a rwcep
tkm fin by lavly rsla-rtrn. and any
member of the Naral and Military elsb
who 1 1 plains himself In IUoe may
ccmnt on a rrtnra of hnaolUUIv al the
vsil.-an. and a talks with the poo lift -the
only pontiff who bas ever been
there about terdllly. The retain
asxnree are gatbered from such a talk,
and they show how IrtanthentK are the
eift-rvpealed parsfrratilvs about the fe
tor ram tiff's Intlmsry with her ma leal y
aad his sUy at Hin.la.ie castle, which,
ae a bus iter of fact, he baa asvnr swwa.
r.taallafc) Hwr.tr. Pat Haw
terlii llaiatkiaa
It Is of inlrrwat to AnwrVana. aa
aharwliig what ran be dotte In trrrpiral
rrilrriwl-ra, loknirwr thai he Urgrst
tajrians plantations In JamaU-a are
0vti,e. t. an AmerWa cwnpany. This
( as f.wn-U la lTT and has
nw n eapitai of Bvw.eua. with n sr
A J X If ln'
XT X-A 1
plusi.f H.'aW.fajO. owns Sarva frf
land and l-ea-e avara 4.0ta) ar, erai
pl.rv Iwrlve sUankO.i) t rarvy th
fmit to ll I'mtcd riUIrs, bm anriwal
ly ah law slnit i Ono Sv) tmnrbw of la
snn and SvaS.Oin eneawinala, WJlra
metailrrslrt qtlts nt rirayr-aki !!
srr, ef?e and evwwws. Th laroa )
ll. ptnl!n) Is 4.-a by bvath s-rrwa
sa l lawt I -1Ua rvJ i-s awn v rf lha
latta b tag mrl.rl. and asyuthet lav-
(aw-aUwi ,f Ihent 'arlhg ahawst tt b
se4 I pwr,' r.f aa) mwl, arw rUi:y
In ttirnrx IA rwrty th frwlt f-n n,
f'.st iil.s t lh ahlr-x, mm h-a4 nf
wrath Ing nn r naed f.r ftlmsln
I" v,wW. sad n Urge a4-liUat
a . tare rf rail! U brpt a th graiag
larwl whir h twU-ng to tb tvvar.twiay,
lha staakahlps r! therwrsst nam !
twelve la ail aa4 ly Wts lrt Ar
tkr aaat lh (wart saf IWaataaS, BalttMwsr
tad p.ila.'fi; I.-. Tby are all irs
wr sad are betUt ! r"L. wkkb
a nwff awrwaasey fa a at in trslaaprart.
wgfrv.it t atil fwMntly th earrvteg
vf rwaa. i wra was a t! bwt
eat raw v t!. l-rwall a4 tM
t,aaV:.M, have JN4 larwa Strtd tat tk
. ab pvna;g Vvgw aa4 tUgaat
Is one of the very best wheels ever made Is an indisputable fact. It stands in the;
froDt rank with all high grade machines, and If you buy one you will make no mistake. !
Rides RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want
punctured. It can be mended by yon in five
renowned 6. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steal rims.
Bold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at tlOO each.
Tandems for two men or man snd woman, $160 each.
THE RAMBLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the msrlietj
For style, finish snd durability it Is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan-1
leal snd scientific principles.
Tnr men. women, bnvs and girls, with 28. 26
ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with
clincher tires and are may warranted.
Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call f
our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- J
Northwest representatives Gormully & Jefiery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main I
Store, 327 Washington Bt., Portland, Or.
TT'. YoilT T ivPf ?
JLAVVV aJ X J U. 1 1 I vl a
This question is asked
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a
not own one. call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Four Uode1sS85 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office .Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAQO. ILL.
BAANaiES i-afstw Vstt, Sea PiasaaUos, 5alt Lake City, Dwsvsr. MasnphU, Detroit. Tsreale.
A. ir. PATTERSON, Agent for
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
Tiif. Patterson Pui.lishing Co.
You ro BOUJS'ID to Tnko 'Km.
Lonves No Con.tlpntion,-
Carve n. ae sa! a. all tl ..Veena, aiek ff.J, 4 u,, n. . ,
to be happy, for should your wheel be!
minutes, as It Is equipped with the world
and 24 inch wheels, at 65. $55. $45 respect
0. & J. blgh-grade double locking edge !
Agt for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon,
daily. If dormant
remedy, and if you do
Morrow County, Ueppnrr, Oregon.
OF . . .
i i
mg of Bicycles. 1
nr )
: ffllPII : F1S
fBJIS. k S.kiw(tea, C. i
i,4fat'w ..Sxaf .aa a aaajaa mm I
till U 1
w-w. wV- " wa u bag. bw av fawl J