Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 14, 1896, Image 3

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After Acute Bronchitis
"Three months ago, I took a vio
lent cold which resulted in an attack
of acute bronchitis. I put myself
under medical treatment, and at the
end of two months was no 'better.
I found it very difficult to. preach,
and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry
Here and There.
See new ad of Wills k Slooum in lb la
John Hayes is over from Lone Bock
(or few days.
The infant chill of 0. C. Sargent is
reported to be very ill.
A. 0. Peitys was np from the lone
country Wednesday last.
Baroett Bro. have disposed 'of tbeir
stock of goods at Lexington.
Both freight and travel is very light
on tbe branch' line at present.
D. F, Baker was np from the. lone
oonntry last Tuesday night.
Henry Thompson was in from bis
Butter creek ranch last Tuesday.
. La Grnnde Marble Works, Ls Grande
Ore. 8. 0. 8mith, salesman, Heopner.
Gov. Rea is reported, to be quite
dangerously ill at the hospital in Port
II. E.
Pectoral. The first bottle gave me
great relief ; the second, which I am
now taking, has relieved me almost
entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, '
and I feel sure that one or two bot
tles more will effect a permanent
cure. To all ministers suffering from
throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawley,
D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Rapt.
Publication Society, Petersburg, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
5 lo TT If 7JT JT 2
lJl2T2JTi&T2 f2$2$
Take Notice.
L The sum of five rents per line will b
lharsl tr "curds af thanks." "resolution of
seaport," lists of wertrtlns: present and douort,
and obituary notices, (other than tbiM the edlu
r shall himself five as a mattur of news.) and
aotlceeof speotal meeltuira tor whateverpiirpoee.
2. Notice of church and society and all other
Intertalnmenta from which revenue Is to be de
rived, slieU le rliars;l for at the rat of five
jtnu a line. Thne rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every InsUiioe.
Advertising runs r-eonabl and made known
ipon application.
Warren returned Tuesday morn
ing from a visit with friends at Wulla
Best aooommodatlon and oourteoos
treatmeuiatthe Imperial Hotel. Seventh
and Wash. 8ts., Portland, Oregon.
L. 0. Connor, boot and shoemaker.
Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra-
bamsick building, Heppner, Or. tt
Mrs. Parkins, 'mother of Mrs. Lannus
Penland, and a very old ladv, was quite
severely injured by a fall one day this
R. A. Ford is on tbe sick list. Mr.
lord is suffering from an affection of
the eyes which threatens to destroy bis
sight entirely.
The report of the president of tbe TJ
of O., at Eugene, shows an attendance
of 320 etudeuts, an increase of 15 per
cent over last year.
Andrew Rood returned from Portland
net Tuesday uigbt where he had taken
bis child fur treatment, Mrs. Rood
remained below with the .little oue. ,
Improper and deficient care of the
s'onlp will onuse giayness of the nair and
DRlduess. Lsoape both by the use of
ibat reliable speoiflo, Hall's Hair Re
newt r. ,
School superintendent. Miss ' Anna
J. Bnlsiger, is ooodnoting teacher's
pxnmioation at the court house this
week. There 5 ere applicants in alien'
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who
desires the services of an Attorney in
Wellington, D. 0 , will find it to his
advantage to call on or address this pa
per. 5tf
Don't lorget the Washington's birth
day ball to b given at the opera house
Feb. 21st. All should make preparation
to attend this party. A grand time ii
anticipated. 3 5.
The rigbt'of-way for the Parrieb creek
road 'has all b?en secured and it Is
expeoted to bave it open for travel by
May 1, in time for the hauling off of the
spring clip of wool.
Tbose desiring bargains ehonld take
advantage of the wholesale slaughter
priori made on . tbe MoFarland stock
which R. Bishop is now olos'og out
regardless of cost..
A band of Oregon borses io transit to
Kentrjoky. a few days ago, says the
Bailey. Idabo.Times. was taken from the
oars at Shoshone and the animals sold
lor 50 cents apieoe.
Tbe attention of the members of tbe
Morrow county republican central com'
mittee is called to tbe notice of meeting
tbat ia now being published. It is
hoped that all will be present.
Echo stage leaves HepoDer' Mondays,
Wednesday end Pride. jLeaaea Eoho
Tuesdays. Turadays and dstnrriays
fare S2 each way. OHIO. Wells
Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driekell, Prop.
Oar oity oonnoil has passed a strong
vagrancy law and hereafter all persons
not having any Visible means of support
win oe nned from fioto Sou and ooets,
all of wbiob must be) paid ia cash or
worked out. Tbia law will bave a
salutary effeot in ridding nor city of a
very undesirable olass and -we hope to
see it enforced to the letter.
A grand Mother Hubbard ball will be
given at the opera house on the evening
of Washington's birthday, Friday, Feb.
21st. On this occasion all the ladies are
supposed to appear in tbe above style of
dress. Etoellent truism will be furnish
ed by Ed Hale and Jake Wattenbnrger.
- ; ' ' .' 3-5.
The oonrt over at Elleosburg Wash.,
bas jost allowed , the witness fees of
tbose wbo went over there as witnesses
for tbe defense of Cal Hale, who was
acquitted on the charge of robbing tbe
Roslyn bank. Most of the above wit
nesses belong over in Gilliam county.
J. hey will reoeve at least $125 eaob.
Arlington Record: Rev. Walbridge,
late of Heppner, who will henceforth be
pastor of tbe M. E. church at this place,
presobed bis first sermon to a large
audience Sunday. His family will sunn
loin him and make tbeir borne with us
We sincerely bope that Mr. Walbridge
will succeed with bis work bere. -
Any tendenoy to premature baldness
may be promptly obeoked by tbe use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor. Don't delay till tbe
scalp is bare and the bair-roots destroy
ed. If you would realize tbe best results,
begin at once with this invaluable pre
Garfield Crawford, brother of Yawter
Crawford, of tbe Gazette's typographical
fore, arrived this morning from Waits-
burg, Wash., and will .undertake the
learning of the printer's trade in this
Catarrh for Twenty Tears.
Warner Lake, Ore., Jan." 16, 1896.
bad catarrh for over twenty years, and
tried a great many remedies, but nothing
did me any good until 1 began taking
Mood's oarssparilla. I was also troubled
with numbness in my limbs, but smoe
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I am free
from all tbe ailments. My son b as also
been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Mrs. P. A. Fowler.
Has troubled tne tor 11 years. I hav
taken four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla
and am perfectly cured. I think Hood's
Sarsaparilla has no equal, and believe that
many who are In poor health and have
become discouraged, would be restored to
good health if they would only give
Hood's Sarsaparilla
a fair trial " ffa, J. Bbkbch, Astoria, Ore.
Hnod' Pill eur u Ut" m bmoB-
UUUUd t 1113 mm. headache, lis.
A Solentlflo American
I lfa. T EWJ s!
I Ml "-
ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
J. H. Townsend,
Thomas Wslden, W. O.
scon, ueo. w. Harris,
Defendants. ,
To Thomas Walden and Q. W. Harris, Defend
In the name of the Btato of Oregon, von are
hereby required to appear and answer the com-
pmiuc niea against you in tne aoove entitled
suit on or before the first day of the net regu
lar term of the above entitled court towit:
Monday, the 2d day of March, 1896:
and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the c urt for the
relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit:
Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal
don, for the sum of Two Hundred Four and
Sixty One-Hundredths Pol'urn in U 8. Gold
Coin, with Interest thereon n.' the rate of 10 per
cent. pr annum, ir.mi ilie i-'stdnvof Febrdary.
1S.MI, uiitil phM, and fur tlic lur liur sum of
inmy-rive Dollars, attorney s fee, tosether
with the costs and disbursements of this ult to
be taxed .
And that the mortgage descr.hed In plaintiffs
complaint be foreclosed and that the premises
uierem ueacnuea, to-wh: me svv'4 or hec. 24,
TplN, R 25 E.W. M., be sold to satisfy said
And that the said Geo. W. Harris and all per
sons claiming by, through or under him be
forever barred of all right or equity of redemp
tion iu Bam premises.
This summons ls Dubllshed bv order of Hon
Stephen A. Lowell, ludee of the sixth iudiclal
district of the State of Oregon, dated December
899-412. Attorney for Plaintiff.
All Around?
w .
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
. , Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, alasi
L Ll.l..i. 1 !.. I. .i . ... - . . ' '.
sold below
assware. hata.
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile ea
rl ood's Pills
core siok headache,
Pills do Not Care.
Pills do not oare Constipation. They
ODly aggravate. Karl's Clover Bot Tea
ttives perfect regalarity of tbe bowels.
For sale by Wells k Warren.
DUr" for Hardman, Monument, Iin Creek,
fohn Day and t anyon City. ! as follows I
I ery dar at a. in.. ec!t Hunda.
Arrlveeererydayatf .n..ncpl Monday.
The rheanret. quirknt and best Una to Of
Irom the Interior contiirT.
Conser Brock, Agents.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors
Cigars. Call
anal Smehabla
en Tad.
Rial it th btt the hour grows hot, s
r.t(htn Mnely ili , .
Coionil.ie s sons have surely tot the Britons IB
Your stertr er ptoodiy BoaU and iostice
Bit ton t irwi eel your tbruets wl'b prrj'i
If. At IIjs Bcltsirs saloon.
Painful Accident. Fred Bart no
carries bis rigbt arm in a sling the result
of crnabed and dislocated elbow joint
caused by a peculiar acoideot. A. rope
and pulley urvioe bas always been
need by tbe family ot Mr. J. 0. Hart,
wbo resides in tbe rooms over Ibe depot,
for tbe purpose ot drawing wood, water,
eto., up stairs. Fred bas been in tbe
babit ot using this rope as a means ot
getting down stairs, "fireman fashion,"
in answer to lbs whistle of tbs train
wbiob arrives about 6 o'olook, Wsdnes
day morning at tbe uaual time be started
down on the rope but tbe knot at tbe
end bal been untied, consequently tbs
rope slipped through tbe pulley, letting
Fred fad to tbe ground floor, full force
His arm struck on a truck badly orosn
ing and dislocatiog bis elbow. Dr. Mo
Swords was called and the injured
member was oa'efully dressed, and while
Fred is getting along nicely, jet it
eaU to say thai be will not travel by tbe
rops route" any mors.
For Information and free Handbook write to
MUNN ft CO., 861 Broadway, Nbw York.
Oldest bureau for aecurlng patents In America.
Every patent taken out by u Is brounht before
the pubUo bj a notice given free of charge lu the
Sfmwam mtxxtu
Larirest circulation of any srlintlllo paper In the
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly. A3.00 a
year; 1.50 six months. Address, MUNN ft CO.,
VuausuERg, 3 tit 11 roadway, Mew York City,
A. ot Morrow, state of Oregon.
K. F. Hughes, Plaintiff,!
vs. i
Henry Kelly, Defendant)
io Henry Kelly, Defendant.
In the name of the Htate of Oreeon. von are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regular
terra of said court, to-wit:
: The 2d Day of March, 1896.
And If you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
demanded In said complaint, to-wit: JudKiiient
ana aecree ngtinst you for the sum of i)2f).00,
wun lmeroDt tnereon at the rate of ten per cent
per annum from the 12th day of May, 11I2; for
me sum ot f :i. ,, witn interest thereon at the
rate of ton Her cent tier annum from the imli
day of December, 1!15, and $G0 00 attorneys fee,
and the costs ol this suit. Aud that the mort
gage described In plaintiffs complaint be fore
closed and the premises therein, described to-
wit: the 8'4 of NWU and 8V4 of N YM of Ken. '22.
and Vi of Sec. 23, f p. 2 8, of R 27 E, VV. M., in
Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said
i nis summons ls published by ordor of Stephen
. Lowell. J ml ire of the Circuit llourt ot the
Htate of Oregon for Morrow County, made oh
the 8th day of January,
401-17. Attorney for Plaintiff.
tablish merit. Call and see the stock before it ia too late.
Manager and Salesman. UW 1 UIOnVI llUp.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-
nt business conducted for MOOIRSTC fit, i
Our Orricc is Opiti; U. a. PaTiNTOrriet
and we canserure patent in less luuo than those
remote from Washington. ,
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. We ad'
We advise, if patentable or not, free of
r lee not aue tin patent is eecurea.
L,j How to Obtain Patents," with
s in the U. S. and foreign countries
sent free. Address,
17ANTKD: Several trustworthy gentlemen
11 or ladles to travel in Dregnn, lot establl-n
ed, reliable house. 8alary SWJ and expenses
Hteady position. F.nclose reference and self ad
dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
any, Third Moor, Omaha Building, Chlengo,
Thinks of Intbstinq It is reported
tbat a oerlain young man was escorting
a charming Condon girl home from a
party tbs olh-r uigbt, when he asked
ber wbat kind .! money sbe liked best
Tbe young lady immediately replied
"Matrimony." "What interest does Ibat
draw?" "If properly invested." replied
tbs obarmiog belle, "it will double the
origional inveatmeot every two years
Tbs young nan is thinking seriously ol
investing. Antelope lierelJ.
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeos a full line
J. of
Oreaon. for the County of Morrow
ueua neiaon
Frank L. Weldon. I
Defendant. 1
To Frank L. Weldon, Defendant.
In the name of the Htate of Oregon, vou are
hereby required to apear and answer to the
complaint Hied asalnt you in the above etitit'ed
suit on or before the first day of the next
regular term of the above entitled court towit:
Monday, March lid, 181)0;
and if you fall to answer or otherwise plead for
i uerem me planum will apply to
above entitled court for a decree dissolving the
marriage bonds now e Istlnir between you aud
herself, and also for a decree awarding the eare
and custody of the six minor children towlti
Delia Kdlth Weldon. .Illy Loulso Weldon.
Leland Stanford Weldon. Frank Leonard Weldon.
Ueorxe Irving Weldon and Heart Weldon, the
iruus oi sain marriage to Planum.
1 his summons ls published by order of Hon
Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the circuit court of
the State of Oregon, for the sixth Judicial
district, dated January 8th, Imw.
404-17 Attorneys for plaintiff.
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Gilliam & Bisbee
A little daughter ot Fred Webber,
Holland, Mass,, bad a very bad 'd
and oongh wbiob bs bad "t been abh
to curs with awning. I gays bim a
bottle ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
say W, P. Hoi Jed, merchant and post
master at West Brimefleld, and tbs next
tlins I saw bim ha said it worked like a
cbarm. Tnis remedy is intended re
pecially for souls throat aod long
.Ueaes soon as soldi, eroap and
whooping enngb, and it ts faraooa tor
its cores. Tbers is no danger la giving
cooiaios nothing
by rtilll Cohn,
Tbs revival meetings in progress st
tbe M. K. cborob are cresting eon
siderable inter at, quits a number claim
ing eonvemlon np to date. Tbe meeting
ia announced to otoee on next Thursday
Walt. Thompson runs stiff between
Heupner aod Monument, arriving every
dav eieeot Monday and leaving every
day except Stinrley. Hbor'eat and cbeip
t ronte to tbs Interior. Conaer k
Brock, agsnls.
Sam. T. RlorflU. wbo died reoently at
Pendleton, beoneated tjOOOtrt Ibepnblle I it to ebildrea (or it
hbrarv o( that cttr. Hia estate is ssti. injurious. For sals
mated to bs worth IKW.OtXi. IDS most ni
which ha left t- his wife, wbom bs
made eieontrl, ot tbs will.
nied.Laat Tuesday evening ahool
11 o'olook at at hia boms Sontb "t Ions,
the wife ot T. it. Morgan. ag4 7i year,
Mn Moress their mother Ot H. K
Morgan who lives srer Ions. Tb
remains were Interred st tbs Cemetery
Dear the Hbilob school booas.
A vonncman in Lowell. Mas .troubled
for sears with a eonatanl SDoeeMino ol
boils on tsfe neck, was completely eared
n taklna Ihres bottles of Ayer's flarte-
narllla. Another fee nil nt ths treaimenl
was greatly improved digestion lb ia-
orreeed avuirdnpnia.
Mathews BrosCHT boisl barber ahop,
tnnanrial arlieta. IlairsolllBg. Shaving.
ehampooleg, tc, dons setentlSeally.
Baths at 35 swots sp)s.
A Bsbv s l" "
ii. k.i.w i... i oronp and was
i.. HoiioL'e Cure." writes '
M 'in. of Uunlsville, Ala For sale by
ells 4 Warreu.
J. B.
Msrve es Mge.
was nervous, tlrswi, trrttanis,
cross. Karl a Ulover jwiot tea nas mane
ms well aod happy. Mas. E. u. Won
dsn. for sals by Wells k Wsrtea.
Cor dray's Thbatkb. For soins time
past Oordray's theater bas been making
extra efljrts to please tbe theater going
poblla. The l:aoon stock corapaoy now
preeeots a play eaoh week. IJist month
Tbs Uarvest Q ieen," a very popular
nlav. and "Over Ibe Garden Wall," a
langbabls oomsuty were certainly very
creditably oreeeolel. This week "Onrls
Ueniel," s good sua wnoiesnme enmeoy.
has been ths drsw-eard l attraollon
HcDDnrriUa who visit Portland and
desire an svsulng or plrasors should not
forget Cordray.
TasUla Sweeay, I'. St. A
Bra Dirao, Cal.. says: "Hbilob's
Catarrh llomsdy ia tbs Bret medicine I
bare ever found, tbat wouM do me say
gnnd." Prlrs trO eeots. For sals by
Writs A Warren.
rh.rl.e Janes, ths well-kSOWft "old
timr" in Ibe Inoeoriel litis. h at
located lo Heppner. brg pocbd
Oreea Mathewe' ahop. Minor boildlnt
opposiU tbs rtty bol-l Charley will
appreclals a call bo lo town.
Are ya Made
Mieerablsbr Isdigeetioli. Constipation,
thatlnrea. I1 of AppstMs, Tell'
KkmT Mhllob's Vla!ler I positlvs
eors. For sals by Wells Warren
m ii I
I Ar -?liic Set ilwrtlnTil. 1
JT y t'lHwl 3U.liv.vimv,iM
c? . . .
II - j cr who has been out ;
R . y lour months, but he0
I 1 loooks like a new mnnO
' now for he has lccn;
i t O
dressed up at
il HoRNKk 6c Uhka's.
Uor villsgs still Continues to grow
Ions is soon to bars rfaareb and
Prf. Oiletrap sad eo ker closed
their fx cell tics last week. Tbs revivals
wers wall atlendeo.
Farmers srs busy plowing and also lo
feedittst lbs ssntrrela. wbiofe bavs ap-
pstsrsd oa ths sorfeos is great aocnoera.
Mr. Js Wouterr bas esoved lbs eld
A lies boos Into loss sad Is rspsirtag
tt. Us will occupy it in lbs sesr foisr,
Tbs Umber lor ths Bw l.lsekaotitb
sh p bas arrived aod Mesers. Keller ssd
tliosk bsvs almost compieiea it. ihey
will soon b ready for tsetses.
Ilevs. lHate ssd lUeeb. from Lilrf
si ar b-Mg a oee'ul series of
revival serins; to o.i school bonee,
Tl.es ' well attended aod tbs B'W
Snituilrr I Well 1114.
Farmers a hoping that ws ssav Lsvs
S vers Winter westhew yet, Issladisg a
be ssow sto'm. Is ordor ibst It stay
eiUrsAats )( tirrwi. wbiob slrsswl
l'4 e's l dretrvy ibis ysai s S'i.
of Morrow, Htate ot Oreaon.
itenry wmeier,
William Bremer,
, wile of said
Wlllam Bremer, and
Frank, gagprnian, as
Receiver ol the lxm-
bard Investment Coin-
-Jnr. a totP"ratlon.
." AVrtnef. uplehflant.
T.1lie name ol the Htato of Oreeon, yon are
heretiy rmiiilred to appear and answer the com
nlatnt filed airalnst vou In the almve entitled
suit en or before the Rret day of tbe next regular
term of said eourt, to-wlt;
Tk d day of March, IHU6.
And If you fall so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintlfl will apply lo the court lor the re-
IIM (tffinatiilMl In tttlri IMlllltilflllt. tO-Wlt:
Vot ludameiit and dit'ree aeainst William
Bremer fir theaom of Imi.iM. with lutereet on
B.1 ' iw thereof at tlie rate ol s In-r rem wr an
nmn from ihe Ural dav of June. W; with Inter-
eat on $1.1 thero at the rate ot per rent ler
annnin Iroin the llrst dav oi iiweinurr,
with Interret on tl.'i thereof at the rate of k er
rent iirraiinnin Irom Ihe first day of June, litui:
with Inlerret on l.i thereof at the rate of S per
rent per annum fr m the Aral day of iH-rember,
itu, ano tor a tonner sum 10 oe o'Mrriiiniri uj
the court as au attorney's Ire, aud lor coats ol
this suit
Alan for a flrrree fnrrrloalne ine monrage
drvrllie.1 In plalnlllTs wimplalnt, aa lo all the
drlendants berrle named and the sale ol eald
snortaesod nremlsra In satisfy said Judgment
and nWr. liitfrMt and roeta
Thle s'linmons la pulillanea ny otnrr m
Stephen A lnrll, Judsre of the (rroll Court
of the mate ol I irrfim lor Morrow Coumy, dated
January klh. iwe. , .
U. II. SVI.I.I" ana t. n pn"" rv
17. Altiiriirys lor I'lslulllT.
We are not small men, H)b. We are small men, Xa.
we aie not tne Largest Hlercaanls in ine Worlfl!
' s But when tbs people of all th surrounding country are la need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Willowware, Nails, Iron, Darbwlrs,
Cumberland Coal, Uses and Water Pipe, Pipe fittings, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Harks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Sledges,
Wedges, Uuns, 1'lstols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
lteware, Plows, Barrows, Rskes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolller
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Prices.
Ws hav Good Goods at Faia Prices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Cbep John Prices.
Horner & Rhea,
fleet Nsiissl Bsak US,I
i,ejinjrsrii''i" 'i'i -
A It reel Ureu s f rsec1sta.
i, a' I IM, ewMHplw SB
ki.'u-r. Itef sod IsnsM inrShleS S'S
tue-l hr Ks'leCi K-M Ts. for
s ty ts.iis k .
r.wet Fll H'keiS t'ltea.
I thti r ; s't '' "f t'l
efici.in If s'l-swl 1.. col.as
lu r (. !. il'es ll4 ssd
'..e". Ur .- J . flwsttSS
CltWV I' K ' ' at ! Wee4
lee-. .l slewi.tM. stl I" wt s
tsa,e lb lessor Al JisM,sl
raw 1 1. M SO - e,sew4 Ham,
J W K.fcs1f Hlb'ef. Is pre.
aatrwdlww'S 'l I" 4 S.-etlsat sW
pmp t.sie w.lt 4 ,
l a4 tele ss a4 St oWS ! 1
'm W Ma's Sfrewt, rS- t
. r
r I in ta I will ll S M ttasw. bill)
1 gr le. bf w sJi ssw sasriiss
iM-t . X't )'. f' IsflMf Sisw
t.te eeil ess st S44ts. H A ,
tte"S. ts,sw, f-tf.
Natcsai. Ct.wctraion. A ntrvon
loc.kiug man went into a sto-s tbs olLer
day slid sst down, wbeo a salewoma
ofjered to servs bim. Us said bs didn't
wsnt anything. Hbs wrot away ssd bs
sat there bslf an botir or so wteo lbs
merrhsal went lo biro aod aaked if b
wsblej saytblng. 'No." Bald lbs
oervnns man, rI llt wantcil it n
brre, Biy d'Ctor l.e reei.inn.rudi d
perf'Ct Sj llel. and he eU e all
iliina 1 aboald avoid cms da Not Icing
Ibel o0 did I 'lfllee In lb Uws
Dtrs I thnnebl lb s would be a qniet
a plaew as I SonlJ Cud; so I Josidro, pexi
l Id Spend a few boor
A lirsd slowest! is tery ro h liks s
eprained snkls. II )" snfjr font a
ol tbs stmptomt ( dpeie. yonr
eiosaseb ts ti4. II waexl a srolb
Ws relisvs II of l work t t a lira
r anlil It ts restore I ! 's setsral
atrsscta. To do Ibis iMMea(qllf,
eel ss a fixkl sbisti Is already dt
sele4 sstsids of lbs body, and wbx b
will el l lbs dtfeellosof olbf Md that
asay tx lakea wdb II. Morb a srodsel
Is b t-heker Lnsmlv l.Ilel.
Tb Hhakers bsvs m lined tb d ges
llvs piisipls trwsl ! plant lr ihs
SAsnsfsels's 4 this srlwle, and la
ewewees bs feet Italy tberfal
Tow eaa try tt for Ibe aial ssm 4
Id t. s eami Is IwiMtes srs slj by
all drSfgtatS al lb p.
Notice of Dissolution.
i. ra Mtturnliln herrtolore eslsllng l"
Iween Istr-er Min..r. Artlior Minor eii rrana
koa-rre. under ln Srm neme ol Minor Aln.,
dolus a imH Birri handlM liisloee In the I
town ol HeM-ner, be this rtes lw ill lr. I
Mnuliu rwwiil. rraos S"Ci hatinanis
pnerd rf hl InUrpat In th boat ore la lh olhor
mrmlirra irf ihe nrm n win rnniinne in
busies al the same .n..n. rollrt-t all drt.u I
and eollle ell aorounte bl Hie eald Arm
im in iiin,
Peted al Heppner. Or . Jan. J", I". 17.
Notice of Assignment.
I' Sri! sod W. I' tell parlmre doing buellH
el Mi
snwlll ol th. l rrrl lore
All Mitwe hav rlalmeeialnet said Snsi of
Fell ! ere ant i.v rsiuil to pniA Ihe
seme lo Ilie aiMleiene4 aael(n. el Ihe !
il..ni M k M H-.i.iM-, In M'-rrow I ovi.lv.
Ot.rti. Mbln Ibrea seootM I101 lbs data
).. I
iia4, jsnnety J. t
i.r.i. (ura. As.i.e
J. N S a-.ee.
All'rfwl of Aselgiwa. SS I.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Suitlies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
lie will make it an object for yon to trade with
hi io as hia prices are right, aod all gooda that he
handles are ot the very IohL
on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
ri.uner. Oracn, hndf Ihe arm ha mm hi
hoe , hate made ew aeisiaetil ! Ihe
UI e -WW s V asCsV. W HTMik,JCj.Jst
Snrceett to C. S. Van Days. Hest d-.r to City IM't.
Has everything In the lino of Fresh Groceries,
Condies, Nuts, ond also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty.
Notice of final StWmtnt.
ftoTirt IS lllkkSY OlV1. TN AT THK
i V f .4 e.lnlliUrUrf of Ibe of
tiA a ...ah ' alll mM.ka I toat I
stiiliaMl nl 1 smosa allh sal saUM ee I Or.l l ?tlH,
Ml aHainweC'V, el ie esi wrw m it.a
( ..Mi 1 o.im o M.rtmw 1 .rti.tr. el Mi-ia
'a ba h.i.l el Hei-t, ! . In
eeM oihit, asi Uta l4 4e h l
ea it, aiiaapv rtif
fit Iitw.
All buslneae altaaded lo ib a prompt anj ssllsfartory
aaaassr. Notaries I'sblsc and Cullerbir.
lal'llslb bt snaltfib
drew. lVl'es rStask4 It
of as Uj U.I.
r rr.
f .r
Notkt 0 Intention.
I tea Of, us At L ss-s e..oB
l.nwt II
'uru t is itrsr .tr that ihk
i b.i.oai .m eti bee ia4 h-Ji'
al hie 1.1-iiU.Hi b. mi. sl la eopr""
Itaiai eA thai e-H ( alii 1 ..!
m,-m J W S.ns,liatl el lllrla',
imtM mm f.bOMif Ji'b. I"V. it
prajiwis M ATI '. M4. '.
lleib a U'r tt f sv.l l.nfs
from lbs l.eet lo srtlss eaaly ts lb
petasr4to sues hw ! sy Sew
SVaHihS. I Will a tbs sil li'y day
mesa Irswrs out of sst t'at S'orh at
Mar. IT. J L Yi.osa,
Pa Sale,
Te! ee f atari Is Ibe ttalr"!
tUsb -1 H A44eea Ubar4 T.
IV. Reealvae. A'lisstow, f iVesroW. S4lf.
Do You W.mt a Hi ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
bihea-4W'S,e tt 4 , ia. HiM - "a-r
T 'I f f '.!. ?. ........ I ..... ..t A. Ii:.- I... M.U Hteaal
M aawtae a-e ...,.. ir. whmw ,p,. ... . ideate) ran m rwrurit SI 1 l"in,al imuik, iri auaiu i.im)
. tmne fav4aa aaHi e4 f atti.eiio at I II... 11
eH"tia f ifj-,.u.-i, v.-b.'ia.
ibe'iaaki'k l.b a T SI'. nM r ls, I Tbes"eaeaafeile-n"eleii alibftaaa.1 M. t w l.riiees se4 albea eMHee,
-a I weoeil of N." aaat raaaa.a aaaaae a.4 Uaala aall.l Ibeaa a iloas e Kb Leieilft sas
Se a luetrte. I ttU la ft WKS Ifc tle
I s I is rs o,
tttsra riLtiaK. ri4i. rt'Mir
r.rrt-i1 at
r'Va la keerlef al'b U tlaaea
jsswfaas) Tsaw, Was, (o."W bs
saat sr ts 4 H ! t.w ta
I be ( letxsa fVa. sot ls .-.in ti s
eba'e 4 foar a.iira t,,, b rati
sS Wae at U e a !. aal --
Irifaa w4l b lt I sf-'S. I''br
teaavaseVls. bf aJ ! It;
, t'kftff. SfAtfe I t fi
1 be. t i s W
11 . .1 l. ........a. !.. ui m
11 kU.a.. ia H ... e-H , aa .-lait
K I at, 4at - ae '' -
en 'tM b-. ei e-
e la .e I Sa.. aa i
He ae a n...a.a i'f
lixir fc.a Hxfe-4 " It !
e.l af iVsalasaah weasras.
see r aa - -
.1. C. liOJtCI I10UH, l'i-..p.
a MeaaaseiaiM a
l.-.t-.a tL. a Ii"iMi.t WIn f wit tore finrl f'tfrart
V,S lll'l a IIIVSI s siir, ai- uwi .' hii -asrsasaaw