not work, drown him. A drowsed boy ib better thau one that smokes cigarettes." Yamhill Independent. Panned by a Demoa. How many eoioides, think yon, reader, have beem committed by persons driven distraught And h an ted to their doom by the demon of eh'Onic ill health? Countless. For instanoe, we know, do we not, that hypochondriasis is a mono maniaa sort of minor madness pro. dnced by obromo dyspepsia T Again, insomnia, or sleeplessness, often result of the game cause, culminates in a de rangement of the reasoning facilities. It is, therefore, of momentous conse quence to prevent the arrival of disease nr. if a Ahrnhin nhay whnn fr Hmlw in A H 1 ti Ki m f. I nightly scourges the sufferer to a lAfrwL U fi Kf dangerously nnoertaio goal. No medi I . ' " loine known to science, as a means of arresting the maladies to which it is adapted, exists equal to Hostetter'i tttomaoti bitters. Among these com plaints are chronic indigestion and insomnia, kidney and rheumatic ail- The career of Renresentative meats, obootipation anil liver trouble and Senator-elect Money, of Miss., "MiiXSdiiaS as viewed from the Washington ana vigor increased by it. end of the line, furnishes a some- UJ' ii w lew frm man REMARKABLE CAREER. Tbe Members of tne County feepnbllcan Central Committee. . . r . . . .1 UOVUUOI, lUUHIlUlllUJ, iuui ku Au-iDOiDDip. Gentry, what striking picture of the tips and downs of the Southern poli tician. Mr. Hernando De Soto Money isn't to blame for bis The following are the members of the Dame at any rate made his debut "publican oentral committee of Morrow in Tinfiinnl t. i fi.a a a ranpnaonfa. OOQIlty tire of the j il. ri. rn, . .. . UiBLUUl iu kua luuji-iumm Mount VerOOU gress. He remained in the house Lena, until the close of the forty-eighth Matteson, congress. Then he .became a F).ai!'y' .. . i i u l i "a01 Mile, cheap congressional lobbyist, and LexjnBton remained such his appearance ione, indicated that be had a hard time Ceoil, too until he succeeded in getting Dry Fork, himself elected to the fifty-third eU 8priDgSl WASHINGTON LETTER. i ii.. I uuiigreos ii um iuo name uiu uta- p: trict Then things began to go . W. Patterson Joe Rector A. M. Ounn Mike Kenny I. 0. Large A. Rood 0. Q. Fuqua C. A. Johnson W. 8. Connor 0. T. Douglas N. R. MoVay W. B. Parsons A, Andrews J. L. Howard The members of this committee are his way, although some of those requested to meet in tbe parlors of the who had employed him as a lobby- Paleee hotel, Saturday, Feb. 22od, at 1 ist must have given him some bad 'ol'k, p. m for the purpose of eeleot- half-hours after his return to ,n )he time !or l,eL 1,1, oounty convention, making an appor congress. He was re-elected to tionment of delegates ,Dd lo tran8tt0t the present house, and last week gnoh other business as may come before was elected for a full term in the the committee. Come out and let us senate, beginning the day his term Dve ,ul1 representation in the house expires March 4,1 lovi. mere is doubtless more than one "ex" hanging around Washington, lobbying a little, borrowing a little and . drinking a 13-10 A. W. Patterson, Chairman. None Bat Ayer's at tbe World's Fair Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraor dinary distinction of having been tbe onlv tllnnfi nnriAu nnm,nA ... ..I.ihit . It,. . ......... ,,....... u ...... UI. .u. great aeai, WHO WOUIU like to Una World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers out how Mr. Money managed to f o0,r "Pr1,-,1 onjfi't .b e?e,ry get Op again after his first knock but they were all turned away under the down. i application of tbe rule- forbidding the initr in iinicnt uieuioiue ami nostrums. lhe iiHominn of the World's fair antho. SENATOR TILLMAN says you cau't rities in favor of Ayer's Harsapnrilla was . .... . ..... lin fifTent aa fnllnwa! hAvm'i Numni. run a windmill by water. Dut the ,iiu j. . ,,.,., i. South Carolina law ". seems to furnish a full head to run the mill. not belong to the list of nostrums. here ou its merits." It is RILED IN II H NATIVE TOWN. Onk of our exchanges says if Attitnd. or Portland Toward Her you think the law don't make . tnonev. last eo to makidff it voar. .. ... t , , . l'ortland, Me Tbe starling of the elf, and see how quick tbe law Ilt.ed olllb lu rt,riund during the pre-eni Will pui a Slop to your operations, week, and the enthusiasm growing out - - of it, have again quickened outside TBI Salem Tost says that in I tutert in Mr. Reed and all that per rtr tnr avaru Ian aius 10 mm. inureu, ever siuoe i. !.!.. , HpekerRed baa loomed luto prou.i- " -.' " nenoe as a possible c.ndulate for lbs dlBtnbute it It evidently must, people have turnel to this Ihj distributed by Chicago's Tam- little city b the sea, bis biithplnce and many, looms when he Is nut in Washin(in, for inrormaitiio concerning him. The? Tbe Gazette is in receipt of the " "'u ? - . , , . , , Heed Is so big flgors in small place first issue of The Indopondflct, ,hl, ,oy(lM ,b,, t0Cimi mo u ,bl ,0 published by V. U lioyd, at tell them all they want to know about Klamath Fall. It is bright, im. As a matter of fact, Speaker lUed oewiy, and in all a very creditable mhm al bon, 0,0 ",lk d,,' ,ro,n paper. Success to you Don. .T " 7'? '" ,t0 ,'" f',' " " ' m W WW.VHI V. ."UHI half a mile, without aiuswtiiiif nr lwln i .. ., , . . i m.i M"j'uus mm uruinu nw i acciiaiiKi py idos OS ueels on IDA way lutiou the scnato cava the world to Uuly a day or two before he last M understand that congress is willing 'or Wsbloioo he sotered a t.r oo In rt rt 1nl. in .nrw,,,; Oi.ogreM ttrMt, wbers mors than a " O I J,,,., (MM I . ... K . I .. ....I I. . paaaed out one of them remaikaJ: That's a big fellow j bo U beT" and even tbs shop keeper oool Ju't answer. A 'xl deal of Ibis Is doe Id village apatby, fur lbs average 1'ortlaaJer, dei us lbs 2H years since the Iowa's fouoJaltoo, is in bis outlMk anj fivhog praolieatly a villager, llmee, from our Special Correspondent. I bad a very pleaaant interview with Sen. McBride the other day. I say very because all the interviews I have had with him have been enjoyable, fie is one of tbe most affable of men and bis elevation to tbe dignity of TJ. S senator has sot made him think that he is "not made o! ordinary day and will not to ordinary clay return." Dorng our conversation, I asked him bow it felt to be a United States senator. He laughed 1 at the form of Question as be replied: "I find tbe sensation is a very agree able one, as I imagined every one else does who is so honored. Approbation is one of tbe things most sought after in the world and publio effioe, if honorably obtained, is a sign that your oourse in life in small or large measure has tbe approval of your fellow men." The honor oame to you unexpectedly did it not, senator? You were not an aotive candidate for tbe office? Not at first, in tbe sense of tbe word, although such action was urged upon me from the moment it wal seen that Mr. Dolph did not have the majority. I did not however, deem it expedient to enter the contest until there was a falling off in tbs number of his adher ents." Wbat do you think of the United States senate, senator. You know it is DODnlar to abuse it. Do von tblnk the criticism well founded or just? "So tar as my experience extends, my impression ot tbe senate and its members is very favorable. Most of them have the breadth which comes to men ao customed to dealing with large affairs and involving the weal or woe of a great nation. They are, most ot them, in duetrions men. Indeed, with tbe volume ot mail which requries their attention. tendanoe upon five or six committees and the regular sessions of the eeuate, a conscientious man oould hardly be anythiug else." You voted against free coinage; you are Dot a gold nionometalhst, are you, senator? "Far from it" replied the senator emphatically. "I believe some earnest. energetlo action should be taken, look ing to a monetary and tariff agreement between this ocnotry and several other nations. I do not think the oo-oper ation ot either Great Britaio or Germany would be neoessary for tbe success of suob a onion. It we would go ahead on these lines, with persistence and energy, I believe we would soon reaoh a proper solution of tbs great money problem." How do you like your oommittee assignments, senator? Very mnob indeed, they inolude three commlitees ot great importanae to Oregon, namely, pnblio lands, oommeroe aud ooast defenses. Moat of tbe work I have dons since mr term began bas been done in tbs oommittee room. For Instance, my position on lbs public land oommittee bas enabled me to seours favoraule reports oo and the passage ot several bills of Ben. Mitch ell's of importance to lbs people of Oregon and my position on oommerce and ooast defenses will give ms oorre sponding influence In those committees.' Senator Moliride baa enj iyed very good health since be bas been here. lie is residing at tbs boms ot bis oeloe Mrs. Marshall Gushing. Tbe bouse oommittee oo pentloos baa favorably recomineoded lbs passage ot Rep. Hermann's bill lo psnaion sar- vivors ot lbs Indian war of 1H13-5A. lie confidently expects to secure its passage. lie bas Introduced a bill lo throw opeo to settlement II e several thousand acres of One meadow now io tbs Fort Kla math military reservation. He bas tiled with tbs He, ot lbs Interior a no ruber ot affidavits showing lbs rich mineral ebaraoter ot 81 townships oow majesty takes s repose and the American people being wakfcfnl atid watchful, go to work to be independent, Tbey discovered aod opened dp our mines ot both gold and silver and coined both ioto money, as God and all civilised countries bad ordained. Then this lion must be awakened for our people were getting too prosperous and were too easily paying off their debts and also beginning to manufacture ' their own goods. So the lioo sallies forth to get in bis work, and tbe U. S. in one act out off half, or the eilver part of onr money, m order to make the gold portion more valuable and more easily oornered. As our British obligations were made pay able in gold, the lion then took another snooze, only for a abort time however, as the eobo of our factories and our law of salvation, enaoted in tbe Dame of the "MoKinley Protective Tariff bill" goes into effoot, but all are not satisfied and next partake of a sample of free- trade wbioh almost prostrates us. How ever, like tbe man with tbe toothache tbe nearer ho gets to the dentist tbe easier is bis tooth, so with the American people. Now to further stimulate us we are about to return to a silver coin age wbioh makes tbe lion buok egain for she fears we will want her to take our silver on her debts. But it so ain't it good or cau't we make it good? We have become now tbe selling nation of the fruits ot field and factory and England the buyer, so we will take this silver baok at par for our surplus. But perhaps you had rather continue to buy our silver as bullion and take it to India and other silver using countries and exchange it at a premium for tbeir wheat at a starvation prioe in the U S. and thereby beat ns over the head twice with our own club. If so we, as an independent and brotherly people, will HARRISON COMMENDS CLEVELAND. And Fpraks Some Plaii Words AaeatOar Diplomatife and Consular Service. nwaH-at )H Hv IH 411 5THE KlttQ CURE ovtR all foii General Harrison writes of "The Presidential office" in the March Ladies' Home Journal, and bis comprebeoaive article is ootspoken snd plain. He takes oooaaion to oommeod President Cleve land's movement toward eetabliabing a more permanent consular service. Tbe ex President says: "Tbe need of a better ooueular service bas been getting a strong bold opon tbe publio mind. Tbe practice hae been to make frequent changes in theee offices indeed an slmuet complete change upon the coming in of an administration of a different pa: ty. Tbe duties ot a consul relate almost wholly to our oommeroe with the oountxy where be serves. The recent movement by Mr. Cleve land and in congress" for a better quali fied and permanent oonrolar foroe is to be oomfnended. "It is remarked that changes in the home administration io other countries, such as England aod Franoe, do not iovolve changes in tbe ministers or ambassadors or oonsuls, as tbey do with us. Tbe English Ambassador at Wash ington holds right on whether the Liberals or Tories are in power. He represents his country, not a party and carries but tbe instructions from the home government loyally. He is never heard to make speeches attecking the policy of the opposing party or orili oising bis own people. Perhaps one cf tbe obief difficulties in our getting a permanent diplomatic and consular service grows out ot tbe faot that tbe tariff question is one that is always soute in om politios, aod tbe reports of our oonsuls naturally take on the views held by them upon this question. We 13 ih ih mm vH iv V7 JUST ARRIVED ! The largest assortment of the very latest styles in awSu. Dress Goods, La Belle Crepon, Baptiste, Gauffre Cloth, Court Royal Pique, Crisso Cloth, Royal Chemylle, Lace Challies, Percals, Dimities, Satteens, &c, Ever Brought to Heppner! And all of these are to be found at the Fashion Centre which is at If you see it in our ad. it's so. nan nn oi not Ias ahr n nnnrl nnrl if . - t . . j. f.i kn.iu. ot. "" D""" " cannot nave apermaneniaipiomaiia nna r I vmi niant vinw nna in nrt a Man rou ir I nnnin I at aaPViAa nnhl tatm Man in gold as our gold mining is increasing diplomats and oonsuls who will leave ,l ,,. ... . . .. meir pari pouues a I oome. n mey aud as tbe gold Oorner ng business is are to6 of eterciged abroad theo7 about to Change headquarters from It foll.iwa that thv mnat h in harmonv London to tbe U. S. You are trying to with tbe party in power at home. ffat vnnr nnk anil ahnvftl in thet mini. nf " ' ..... I ...MMll.. . V- I I (.;. .j it. i. ...i u I v " gold, but oivilizition says if you do so Couch Core is the only known remedy you must go at it honestly. for that terrible disease. For sole by So thank to va kinu of hoaata. wa VVella ft Warren. propose to be an independent aud free nation io act aud in deed, so will paddle our own canoe for our owo people with h Im. Irate -OF- For the Cure oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It ii located at Balem, Oregon, ITie Most Beautiful Town on the Coast Call at the Oazktte office for particulars Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. the president in protecting Ameri can citizens in foreign countries. BcxiToa Vest arose in the enata a few days ago and d tnandod that the latest atyU of cabbage seed La distributed bylsiill this adiniuiatration. And La will tbooiib lbs peopls eaa bom aod rbr Lava them, or know the raaaon toeineelves boarcs over aa able ea i f wi)T line piao. ariar ids greai ooler world I ..I ki- ... ak.l .t il l- I, , hi, ra,vi i'm mil i n 1 1 j , ii wnnlJ difflanll Ia llama iftnlliM .l FlA Motteb baa resigned asl,b,ra ,pf(,ui0 ,biliiy would OoJ it . . . i aocretarj ol tbe cbaralxr of com- baJ.r lu make itwif f, it. led u bas mere io Portland. Io Lis resitf. ha. Uogfeiiow wms oatbo this Uxly lows a very active ,hm" km ,0 ,,t M,1 ,0, h u i . i, , , bullosa to DtaUisj to eetabliab bis tuan.andona rsially fitu! for 0mUX x r W(lii mJ M U jwattioo luai i Ii M bfia lor a rs.oy lera, fr-m lbs very start, fuooj Dumber of years past. lbs air brre too eb. sd lib Purtias salssoiala allow them mtersnrw. Uos .. 1 1 , ...... , . t ., I h xiii nnii van em nea or wosaea , , . , , , I able to tell lbs story of Ibeir rwtraniaia ppantan lore in Vttia, LM ar. hB B,u,. ws bfr New Tk mM on tus scene oi acuon ana is iioaej n.w for lUas. Aad it is Bow oullioiog Lis iilan of cam-1 d'3el WkUt. The true sulni r-f tiln. It la not vel known fo'-Uoiaw la, ot, JMJ as .....I-.... hare, tat ia aa large r u-v K -" .,Ml..ii.. ...u.n .,,,1 A 1 ! t .- I " lecmcitr IU HifbUOg IilS MUIPS, ibasaaak Iboug report telegraj lT. I. tli.f. fl rm-toiMla. ttlark A riTdii wrote to aa isliUr for f. t, wM an u.ii m.oi,l . . , t-i ibeawallaai Ikal hm was oilf able l.i iosUoctiooi bow to stop Lis lioy lXAtlt mtamm,i ,,,, , aa4 . from smokioff clgarrtUa and gt tsoa4 bim .! fia. Atw . ... 7 T . tkaatla4a's I ais tlM U wm lb fallowing rrpi. ksh lsove. Ibel ke threw swev trsaaabo. loatfucttno or Iwira-ot 4M w "-tf alotlieg tff allowance TbooifLs rt males cUtioaK oaa rawhida no taw hiil. Writ Llio ontil L U iraty to bold ep Ms prorola 6tvr igo aorrtbsf ctgarsll If WANTED: Several trmtworthy gentlemen or ladina to travel In Oregon, for eatabllsh ed, reliable house. Salary t"0 and expenaea. gold sod Silver as our ataodard money dreised tamped envelops. The Dominion Com pany, 'intra Moor, uniana Buumng, unicago. in. (not moneys), and a protective tariff to at least keep np tbe expenses of . the government and at tbe same time praotice tbat fundamental principal of furnishing labor to idle thousands in faotories and mines, aod if you want to dump aoy silver on us yoo will first have to get it ot us as no other oountry bas auy amount of surplus silver to dump, aod there would be no sarplos of it hers if it bad tbe same sbowiog tbat gold bas so it oould be fairly compared with gold as a money me'al. Now Mr. Kditor as you are a fair man I ask tbat the above letter be published in the Oazette. Very respectfully, Jko. T. Diimt. Noun, Or., Jan.' 21. 1896. marl. LET I KB I.I8T. AT HEPPNER LETTEKB ADVEHT18BD Or., Feb. 10, WW. Robinson, OlUa Thompion, Kav I E wucnen, Kobert When celling- lor these letters please say advertised. 1. P. William. V. M. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON, I j Feb. 11, W. Notice is hereby riven that lie ORDER FOR PUBLICATION. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE ol Oregon for Morrow County, The State ot Oreeon, f lain tin, vs. 1. W. Morrow. County Clerk I mwi Morrow County, Oregon, and the heirs ol Charlei Lind, deceased. Defendants. VhMU It has hMn Attlf.ptnrfl marie to appear to the Court that on the 13th day of Jan uary, Inw, in saia morrow voumy, ifregun, uue Charles Lind died intestate: that at the time of his death said Charles Lind was unmarried and left no children, or other heirs at law, and that up to tne time ot the commencement oi in is proceeding no person or persons have appeared the a.tll.r haa Sl.rl nnll. of his Intention to make final proof In support claiming to be an heir, or heirs, of said deceas- nf hla rlaim anri thai aalH nrrw.f Bill h. ma,1. ed. That at the time of till death US aforesaid. neiore tne county clera oi Morrow county at i sam necwn wm -ii in raum ,, Jj CHARLES H. HAMrl, amount of personal property. That afu-rwart nd. E. No. MM. for the 8 NWii and Nii SWii the Coniily Court of Morrow County duly ap- Bee. 21, Tp. & H. K. V E. W. M. pnlnted administrators of the estate of the said I. nam., tli. In nw n. ailnHua tn nfnv. I illTeaiHHi. m nil U1IIT iiiiamini ami ciurir.1 uini'- hls continuous residence upou and cultlvatloo ald trust, and proceeded to administer said of said land, vis: I estate, under the direction of said County Court. .a coa. Ueorse llenonz.c. H. Bums, t banes inn on me inn nay m im tinwr, ' Tn Proper Time When tbe moat benefit is to be derived from a good medioioe, ia early la the year. This ia tbs season when lbs tired body, weakened organs and oervoos D. Coleman, ol i 4U-24 lardman. Orecnn. J AS. V. MOORE. Register. Notice of Intention. ND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, KpIi. l:l, Nu. Notice Is hereby given that as filed administration was completed, and said admin IstraUirs filed In aald County Court their supple mental anal account, by which it was shown thai there remained In the hands of such ad ministrators, after such administration was fully completed, aa the property of aald estate, the sum of li!i'4 0l, which said sum of money was. on sain day, under the order and direction of said Cniintv Court, paid by such administrat ors lo J. w. Morrow, Clerk of saMCnuntyi ourt, Administrator' 8 Notice. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned hss been appointed adminis trator of the estate of B. M. Doherty, deceased, dy the County Court of Morrow County, Mate of Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me at the ottlce of J. N. Brown, lu Heppner, duly verified, within alz months from date nereoi. Dated this 21.t day of Jan., lsw. J. N. BaowM, PATRICK DOHERTY, Atty. lor aarar. 407 i. Aauiiiusiraior Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS 01 the Old Reliable system .yearns for a build ing at modlOina I Ms Intention to rati flnal proof In support pi I furtltwr order of the aald County t'ourt. That fy haa ever since ssld 21th day for the npeu apring wea.her and. in fact OT hanw 'Wtt delay gmog attention lo tbeir physical uKohiiK F. bairii. .-SL fJI."; ih.'Vi ,.?.uh Condition 0 long as a long siege of Sick- P'J-."-.?? ?'i !iII'iiW!BE, n,, I thereUi: and that by reason of such farts, said oes ia inevitable. To rid tbe svstem of - .".Th nH-'m": "-.7n. t- ?'' ."m Imporitirs aocumnlated doriog tbe hi. continuous Jpon and eul.h'.Uoe ffrHi'hVu. ZJmmJSIZ .... . . . . .... 1 1 1 1 I nl .alii I a o.l .1. ' . I . . ' . . . . wiuwr arwiiia, in iniriiv ms uiuuu man 1 . 1 Bow la pnsaessmn ol aaia aelenaant i. v. Mor to Invigorate the wbols system. Ibere is r" row. aaatomaiid. noibitig ratal lo Hoed e Maraaparilla. J as. F. Moore. Uon't tial it off. but lake Hood's Harsa- wecist. panlls Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot ot C. B. A O... C. M. A Ht. P., ( A A , I. H. W. k C, and the C. Bt. L. 4 P. Railroads. KATKM SjU.oo IICI O AY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., CHICA3-0. ZX.Xk And It lurther satisfactorily appearing to the Court that a summons hss Issued In this pro- now It will do yon good. Read the testimonials published in I behalf of 0 nod's ttarsaparille, all from! reliable, grateful people. Tbey tell tbs story. SUMMONS. fit THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUX 1 ty of Morrow. State of Ortwon. ms aimnrrs ouniiea 1 Investment T rati, I Ao Oregon man bas attained eoms loolodaxlla tbs Cesesdo reeervs being d''','iuo ' I'liiladelpblacompeiilioa 0. ,.w-wart James 0. by walking of with lhe priae for growing lhe I bra lineal yellow globs Denver lontone. The prise was tKW io coin, won by J. D. Heuodera, of K.afla valley, Union eouoly, and paid by Vsot. II. Maole, a seed grower ot 1'Ulladelpbli Hamilton, . VY. Hsr- nngto-i, Addl. Tarvta and J. N Hrnwn, iMendanta. To n W. hie. art and Jaaiea D. It ami toa. tlelen.lanU. In the name of Ihs Mat ol Oregon, yoa ara iiilrxt ui aptwar aim anaaer Uia enm- plaint Altd against n-i In the ibm nlltled lOO Tbs readers Reward 1 1 00 ot this paper will be hereby r-iilrt in aptwar and ana suit on or brii.ra ihs Brat day ot lha nst Ma lands upi.o I - """ ' rmw ,n4 n t.11 so t, ..... ta , pleased to learo tbat tbers Is at leaat ia pialntiir win apply ia court i. gOVetUUieot Of Ibe ' niM In said eomplalnl. to wit laf Irrm of the alms entitled court, to-wit: Hawday. Ibe Id Say at laeeb, lata. lor want thermf r tbe A dernw hr Ilia anas of (h 1 bouaaml piilta a what is knows as lbs Bohemian mining district. A proclamation was prepared throwing opeo Ibis land lo satllemeol leal year, bat was with held because it did not embrace Ibe fall area. Rep, K.llis secured lha passage io tbs boossot Hen. Mitchell's bill granting settlers pafenis nr pay meet l the .1 . SP . I...1 . ... It.. .iln.l -.1 ...I -.u.v-.-, . and ttd It Infect U..CS1 at th. lbs goveromrol price. Mr. Ellis 00 lbs 7'0 , ' , 0,.1shii-re.nt in, th. rt a.y of ,, , 1 . 1 ..I- 1 11 a 1 is vsiarrii. uaii a vaiiarru vurw is '"'7. i. rwimiua n mm commltleeon public Laa slroogly I . I rntr iw Hnn-ir.iii,s ra.ii.r. wita int.w OOB.J ail.uJlUd th. lima for Ibe '' ?" .1 ti,. mt. M .l,M e..t , ..... -rr ' - - - - -I tnedical ov.rnDi.Bi in priar.i. n.i. i i cot.alilulionel diaeaae, rq tires a toriensvi iaai grant, mm imia, 1 niunnnai irraitoaas nana aiarrg 1 ai ,w th. fc.ri.r. ol ia. artgg. g, Ks f...,rl .bl.Iii. 1 1, a lima flv. I v'nre is lakes Internally, orttoa? nirewtiy sr.ti .y d.i.i..i w. w susiaia . .1 . .i.t. r. opon Ibe lilimd sad aartcutie ett'fefweol years, a.ain.t lb. r.ilrvada. Tbs U, tbhf d.lro.lot h, f, eomqiillee Iim deCldiM 10 repon meidaiuio 0 lbs dieeeae, snd gtvieg lbs same ia Ibis maooer. I'si.s A fsirawr I'S wnrt. ins pn pn.lure tas ) '""' rwis mw ar-pitm i.e r.h r.fl 1 1. ... ....lie. ra.-.rj. ! I r:: ZZ?JZ7..l"C iiiry ruer vn. ussurm i"ir. nw any mm aa .SmukM la ..alalia? a line bavntile ara rowing more and eaa lhal II fallew In rare. (Wad lot hal I I m. ii.i ia i.iit t-t mt-t M u a.Mls lha harnl of l.a.kioa la 11.111 of ltimoalal. "I""" ii.'.'ii'l " ei hm.i (Job a drnggisl. for Ibe Uiawi aaj heel Addreaw, K. J. ClllOEY k Civ, ofevervlbint lo (be drug lis. Tbv Ti'Wn, O. a. 1 1 ObamNerlais'e Omgh llemedy, , fTHild by draggieis, 75 oeols. f am ins lor IIS ceres or had el,la, smap ' one dreatled diaaaae that scieoo has fralerolly, Calarrb) bwlog a from the eta day ol Janna y. .. and the sin at im n iin i rwi tmii.ra. aiiorna a leaa, an4 r.ta and Hsbora.aB.nla of this suit celling, directed lo aald defendant. J. W. Mor- row, reiiulrlng him, and th. heirs of the aald Charles Mod. deceased, to appear and answer tha Information Sid here'.n. within th. tlm. limited by law In civil eaaea. and that aald summons has been duly served upon aald defendant. J. W, Morrow, personally. In aald Morrow County. Ormn. and that no heir, nr heirs of the aald ' harlea Lind, deceased, can be foundjln said ( ooniv and Mate. It la th.relore h.reby ordered that all persons InUreeted In lha aald ea'ata of t'harlee Lind, detwaawt. aprwar on or before the first day of th. oeit rraular terra of this Court, which is tha first Monday In Van h. t, to. wit, lha smiiiil day! at Heppner. In aald Morrow County, and show cans. If any they havewby the tit), of said eetal. How In Ibe hands of said J. W. Morrow, being the sum of IKMnOI. should not vest in lha I'laliilir? herein, the Mtala ol Oregon. It la further ordered thai this aotlc b niM-e each week forWieoneeeuUr. wwtslnthe H.tpnr, a newspaper ol general clrrulatlan published at Heppner, la aald Morrow I'mintv, Oregon witness ay band this Itthdayof Jsnnary, i"; surntx a. iii r. 1.1. Is. (Irrull Judge. bCMMOSS. m mm -TO THE- EAST ID SOUTHEAST U IE UNION PACIFIC SYSTDL Through Pullmaa Palace Sleepers. Tourist Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars PA1LV to Chicago. Many hours sared via this line to Eaatara Folnta. STEAM HEAT. LOWICMT P1NTSCH LIGHTS, frewxicao. lb. ti.ym.nt ol the same and eo. easing te S ae.Miau. tnt k'.m in. Iks of the r(. and th. of the ag Iw I Imhf rxialrM let a.Mia m lung a a,MUn a.i. m K TMFCI an-IT cm-RT FOR THE COt'XTY S 01 Morrow. Slat. M Oragoa. Henry iirppnr. riainurr, va Clark R. Adslna. Ixl.n Unt. To Clark R Adtlns. d'tndsnL la the aam. ol tha ataia of aptraa4 ana patieal slreoglb by boildiog op lb. .SZTM 17 t Bill ttt loS) aod aawisllpg Oalore ! doing u.lnl lk.Mm4wlU M.wart ..any 4. Wiisiiiimi, Kib , 7, "yfl diairw-l t th. aula a uro. aaw-l IWwbr la im t. a r.hw a A L A Morn, y lot rtalntlsT. aud ttuouiat mngb. Vt'baa ia Bew.1 of suoh a saa.lleiaa glee Ibis ressedy a I rial aod yon will be more Ibaa pleaaavl with lhe reaull. AHtilHIK til A m urt or wiitir. "or apwarJt of wo years lbs poUisa srs of klilars's Magsiios bas baws quietly galbevwf taataftal aod pictores 1 f 'f a sew Ills of Oeetrel Oraot. TVv.y Ibal Ihey bate raaJe a larger Ki-ma ilsiitts: II ewtne lo eaa lhal Ibe Imudte baw. S'lUellos if pwlralle ot Ureal (ssaay ta? ing belaeeo Ibe I'mtv l Males sad Ibetsj far.) aud etbaw pidsrew rvtalleg U r'.gla. if refe'fwJ lo a true lianee , be life, Ibas be eve bewa saJbf row, you aea ilrit 1 1 et-oswr siwl .ih.m the eoaa. II. and the l Va .1 the a o saw 14. all la I plaint tied aaalnel ym la tha ilarts eotll wd soli o. or hatora th. arai dsy a4 the a it ngular tana o said rn,rt Is. fM h? Marrh. a4 Ikl tlroa tall ao ha answer. Inf want lh.ra.4 In. pialnilt .IM apply la th rirt log lhe rH.i ArmmnAM I. aald no. plaint, to-. It rof tods iwnt aaa4os vow th. mnm tmt Ow. TnaoaaM IMiara silk lai.eM IWous al It., rat. of hm fr e4 r aaaxai Irna. lata r IS Saieaha, li, a ad awrb Sam aa the rnwel aa.y .l ! fManaahl. a aa etlfM? a I ! a a.) awn a. 4 ii.a ranlav sad sa Is. h " man. a ...lata aMWigai aiarwkH by yaa. w asraiw tha porajtMl H lbs h,.a ahw. stawianl aod rael la tha aasrVa ra.0. rfaaMraomy oa !. ria day aa h-vaanle, ti. la aa f " !" ptx. 4 eoTii( tha .I.e. In. iartiM pwiwp town t k'a iaean4atkkist4Nai.B(aivlol v 11 ii a t n s ) aa-d w M sw i n4 sawst Jaw v. tslla I ww, aod hw the aaie ol said aeias. la aa4 lM.f apiil lnwasiw ta a,Hi.hd Vr mtAt ol Wow ei.r.h.a a L...U. !' ol a.14 e-rt, aaa.Vs I .a tha talk aaf a4 Jaaua'y, J w psnss Sss I Atl-wewf b 8CMU0XH. I vgiiati irtut arroaTNitvi T1 f Skiw . aaasa ag Oraguav w Altaaaaueakal. .rahaw. M. ol as Id ti.Ul lira k am, tha hail n.a I Sk..t eg at-fo a r- t r i.m a ad Fra.k smus. a ari ot th. I aiel laraa f tnoaU.lg woaM I ei line li..gtacl.f will bring eol Ibe real! llMMMHf, S l.. ia4.ia4a.a wiaariiiai ael nil eMbee of their at- lUtr'' "b',, way. ( uisai is n.e eamai vivm, mmiaa asa w-m r,o-a M aa..w is. U La baa a!rea.!y aakcl It a Ueaiois as it,.y 4 I. I. tow,.' e. t-l.-s I r" r 1'"' "T'X, V . . " T - rr.:'".Z7 f . I ' . . ..... s ....... .1 . ahi.l IB Iba M-ife ow laasitg I.I. . . .... ... . . b lines ia all J rrr I .ma. wwmm ...,-.. ..-- - - - 'ii. s.aMr.t?rrtp.faii.iei ar m r i. tM it . lh . w. s-. .... ' lew fia.e aw l ee ilaaish ..aea) a. sa l bai.lU aol . iui what annal rJ I, .a .ibai'i . . . .m .m .m. a u..a h. n. .. Ib sarliao ihies. N.w Ibew Ibia Hnliab lt.-w rreth U s la.e en J ltt s axeey f.aaxas tar It, imii hie. S't lb MKiwint. Im Ii so l aoJ 1.1 stuoka to at d4 biw rn.i. Ibaa all nthsi t.lkriee sal traatnsaal r. ti-g;.tUar fne .: at fal ea'e tVHU by Iill CVka, dl'lgglat. 1 a v t.ask rare te Mkituti's I'wre. A eld4 snssb ks ag(rna. Ml. a M 4 SSfS W'h bkiivh s Wtrs, lis atnsil as bar4 t Weak r-e.1-1. nf K batul M It U Is rwaak Malarial lava wba M raww aS B'aa ITTaV with tiwew .1 areas, sbe lailoj Ii tU sf ra Mr IX lliar,J. s4 ot III I', it, e4 J'?"', ,M,! 'JM"?" ! j i I itef h'gilatoi era. t4 Malatal if Ibis -t ain. "M W. 4b : aa4 baa Ibaaj kit. db Iks ta Oil. fa, tbe lalaw .all aW4 tw .' I ekail 0e II tKs ia sl wf libler s-! l. o4 I. tile j r "4 ' loni l.setay.-el t' (I D II.U.iU I ...".! a.iwi, fwlal ky loaoiag OS kf Sn,l slpaali.g ( f.,a4 al htm farlote, Mallwk , in . i, u , Mir U kf l.f k.r ssaaa- ob-re k. w.U 4. al rt., trtw. . '.V;M fetw4 ivlss, , IW.s ka t k..ata. ew. e i M, MwmN;J, .a..te4 I. aa'd r r aJ.t k all a tii ad 4.m aioS yaw fee tha am d ta a .! ln i nl it . iaoa ad lh. rata ol wU hi art .! p. tfm,) m . ,, iK aad s a Was i - ffm k he . a ia. oiri a aa ai.t s lew. a4 !- www, aao In limfm hl. S Soor (. aa. t Va pn mm lh. h- .lg .. .11-1 poaow a4: I. MW o-sf laawa a. . ,1 lh. as al .at..Mli. Sh. al k a VI laS . l. DxilKa, . ra mA I. ii im. a 4 o-lSila 4 ofte la S ad i a h 1 I. 4.hd.k sal Haa! a4 htlwai Hil r..toe a. aanf ad l,ao -v4 4 l-,wl ...i -4 , . ha. ! -a i. ,i, . .k.i . at , fc.. a l-.a-! It'H "4 Ika 1 I Admlnlitratrtt HeVci. V'T" "aav r.iv THT Tut it f4 sm k i srtM"4) aaiiais Iralels m4 lha attal. a4 U I' I a.a I I iky IMInllaalll4 Mw I mo. If, atl. "! all p.naallilt lmtmm aald . ara kmkf ralid a r"" t h.s k" SI a kmmm la ona ! . 4 ily SaftkaH, w'i.i. . i aMiM iro aaM a raol. IiH this M 4r ol r . Ia Mtai rtVlkfaa t I Adatiatatntrta APBikiara4Tna g atrrtra. 1 TatrturiiTV la lha akiw I tat ct art ar rr S a Solas. al 4 lh. Max ol lb. Mai. a. IHi.Sl Paa...a la..m I knSww k Mn'i a. ih. rat(M4 kdakth ml ik. -mm-) mt t .,. bM..ava, . ' " . I h. lia .Iiii olf a. I e. ha.i.g aia aa.iaai I ha aa-4 V ,1 Mam . lh. r l.i -1 si'k.iei.iki i,iMia pohtkraiuni 4 saw ow ha iha aai ed.i,t4rah g ata - .... , la aa I aaaly mm m S r . mfmtummt .1 kt , ., , Wa. at... mmmmlf tm-mm usakf ntltiu S4.l.keirak 4 lh eh mi taaaaa ta4 . it, a. I 1-s-al Masraaw M , I mm T. U4. f, R. H. BAXTER, OVh. Agt, i'OrUnmt, Ortgon. J. C. HAHT, Agent, Jtrpner, Ortgon. Your Face Wtw k maathsS sHk si ( a.(.(t. saawe, sflaf fWds Isvreaa la a TOBSBwingHacMiia SQ an, rvi alv PIRCH UNSION, TCRSION INDICATOR A0TCMAT1C TEKSIOH RELEASER, T-S Saoal rw.pW a4 swefal .Vvkws swat a4d4 I. aay srwtag Bkavkux. Ttv T11ITK la Barsaly it. Maadfaaattv lain, f flH rules as Nrfeei Aljnlatasl, Im ALL IrwfikKj Arlielei, Aa4 wit teres a4 yJeaa. f m p M tk fall lea s4 ywag airaHtalhoaa. Arms t'tattss WaT la to. aJ h-nwry, Uiai Ucm, AaUawi, WHITE SEW1I3 MACHINE CO., kVtUkN0, O,