nuwniHimmmM u i , OFFICIAL PAPER ftM iiiii 111 in m 1 1 hi iii 11 ii n in 1 m mi iki 1 MY SUCCESS j FREQUENT AND CONSTANT It owing to my liberality in ad .. . : ri . r, voiuang,. noueri oonner. Advertising brought me all I own. A. T. Stewart. MUfM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ml II II M 1 1 1 IIIII III I MUHIIII 1-1 1 Mi jT JL. A V V V sT . a 'V' "asTX AaTX X saV sapWar X 1 1 ml 1 i MfJ TS W X a A. Vx .aaaaTV sa.jkja.aa,k,t,-- 9 " ; ' ; . - riimeei assise iiimil THIRTEENTH YEAR rem iifrnt v piu'ttp I 1 " i ' 1 kUIIll II kbIVki linilbl 1 L, I . . fCBLlRHKU Tuesdays and Fridays BY HE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. . . . ; Editor A. W. PATTERSON. . Business Manager A $ J.50 per year, fur biz months, 75 eta. (or tliree mourns. " Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER ia kept on file at E. C. Duke's Advertising Agenoy, At and 65 Merchants Eiohangn, Han Francisco, California, where cou racta for advertising can be made fur it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. tn. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 0:15 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:13 a. m.; east bound 8:30 a. in. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. in. , , ( lilted Btntes Officials. Prvsi'lent Gmver Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Beo-etary of State itiohard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasnry Jehn 0. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Heorelary of War Daniel B. bamont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postinaster-Glennral.....' William It. Wilson Attorney-'inneral Judson Harmon Beoretaryot Agriculture J. Bterling Morton State of Oregon. (Governor W. P. Lord Beoretaryot State.. H. K. Kincaid Treaenrer Phil. Metsohan Rnpt. Pulilio Instruction 0. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman ators J J. II. Mitchell Congressmen Printer ). ... Supreme Judge.. ) Dinger Hermann W. H. Ellis ..W. H. Leeds ( B. 8. 1 . I V. A. : ( C. K. 1 K. S. Hen, Moore. , Wulverton Sixth Judicial District. Circnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell I'roeeouling Attorney John H. Lawrey Morrow Conntjr loint Senator .. .. Representative. 1 'nnnty J udge ' Commissioners J. U. Baker. " Clerk " Sheriff M Treeaurer Surveyor.. - Hohool Sop't " (Coroner Official". . m n . . . . r. r uwiw J. B. Boothhy Julius Keithly ). H. Howard , J. W. Morrow ,.Q. W. Harnngtoa Frank Uilliam '. Willie Gen. Lord Anna Detainer T.W.Ayerm. Jr irrxKB town omoim. vtayoi Tho. Morgan C Hinrilmen O. K. Farnsworth. M. Llohtenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysra,Jr., 8. S. Horner, E. J. Slocum. Hsnorrisr V. J. Hallnck rraMnm E. L. FrMland MarehaJ A. A. KoberU Precinct 0B". Jnaticenf the Pso E. I Frmland ('neUbl. N. S. Whetotune Halted HUtea Un O Hirers. TBI DAMJM, (I. J. t. Moore H"ir A.0. Bin tUoetrnr LA 01ARDB, OB. B.F. Wilson Kitr J. II. Kubbin Koivr I3RIII 0OCXXTXXS. KAWLINd lOHT, NO.IL O. A. B. M mU at Lmintfbxi, Ot the Uat Sstorday of art. nnth. AU veteran ara Invitwt tn Join. (' 0. lioon. Uao.W.HaiTa. Adinuat. ('oamuwW, M ON EY LOANED, Flrrt Vnrtgage. uu Iinurotca f arm f'roixrty Npgoiiat- d. Maara prvrl to negotiate nrst nrnngagv upon unpnivm farms in Oregon, with naifrn partle at a nuol Inivrret not to eirwl par nut per annum. Mortgage rnewt thai aav mo usen tf ottirr com pan Ira. Addree with stamp, MKHVIN 0RTH, IUar tty. dragon. LUMBER! RAVK FUM AUt ALL KIND OF CM t V dti i 1 Lumbar. Msnileaal Heppoat, al wnai u I now a a u BOOTT BAWMZZiZi. Fit IM FKST. ROUMH, - " CLE AH, MOD - J all F ttriJTiitri) in hrcpkih, w;m, auu k saw pm ijrt law aaiitont. Tl abort sjiiotaMon ar ttrtctlj (of Cub. L HAMILTON. Crop. (aim oMisppusr. rCDLAKn. CD. K. IRH0P. Casals. TaUSUCTiiSEVWllBlMlVfi BUSINESS OOLL.KCTION8 Ma. on Fartrn4 Twnua. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD UEiTxr.H, t vnmos Ontario-Kants Stajc line -A M f BOBMS-GHHTOH STflSEUHE M. vV.'.iAMS, f op OSTAiUOJlUllSS tate tit'tit ti al a, m. a4 ar. rttra at Ontaria M I J fcoara. Sinalo Foro $7.00. Hound Trip $10.00 rrai fiwliM F f"- Una Pir4 ew tk,4f rava r i ,i, ! lai r l twrf ' r-"t i ci.a, m i.tM, rt-..i mmi !. al P", (r4 r2h!m U Piacn Are the Highest of all , High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co. , a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER Catalogue free. HOMER H. HALLOCK, . IndiaHAPOLIS, Ind., TJ. 8. A. Oen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. TM U.S. GOVERNMENT PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wan . on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. (FWrite for laws and complete information. Mo Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful.. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C V. B.THI Company it controlled by nearly one Ounuand hading new. Ui1 paper in the United State, and it guaranteed by them. MileMIiti ; 7r- FACTS j ) OC CAN BUY 1.00 wottn of drjr goods and frocertea and then hav V ' I Y enough left out of 1100 00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Blcrcle. This la j 1 atrat claMmachloa. Why than par 1100.00 for a bicycle that will gla ' ' ' no better aervtc T , ', ' CRE-H.'t1T "Sooreher," weight pounds, only I'JO. I i Lllea' and 0nu' roadatars all tha way from I' to 7V j. I I "Bora' iunlor," only f n with pneumatlo tlraa good machine. ' ', " "Our BpecUl," Msu's Mi Ladlea', LjO, ' it)f)g.t I WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, j f CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, I THE riTTERSOS PUBL b&r ""' Beppner, Orefoa, Llilllli I MORROW AND GRAHT 1 HE INTER OCEAN -It MOSt Popular Republican Newspaper of tHe West Ani Has the Largest Circulation. DAILY (without Satadiy) $6.o per year DAILY (with S.4y) Se0 pf yt TERMS BI MAIL The Weekly FIR YEAR..., "rWr Tn The Weekly AS A FAMILY PAPER IS It k. afc.r Ut t m, wakt ffc. fe.Nf It HiKtH.fAiiiMaiH m m as MaataV II I I f mcAi tv rr i trtnui c ai. wu. IT IS A TWELVt M kstaaanN n ! ) 4 tha . .? -iawstfc ft THE The Lancashire Insuravcf. Co. MAttt'llCMTKM, Itrvttl.Aftlt HEPPNER, MORROW ICYCLES $85 221b. LADIES' $75. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., TIH - Inter Ocean Ci.oo ,, ) - IUl . f Ik. sjaaea tn ) Inter Ocean HOT EXCELLED BY ANY. 4 t u I ia.! W ttw Inn htwaof " - .PAOE PAPER. Waa kaati a fStHWe a4 1 Htnv. tMli ItutOwsbMIIUir. t INTER OCEAN, Ch'c.o COUNTY, OREGON, DOCTOR aaw beliefs ENGLISH Remedy will atop a coogh in a night, check a cold in a day, and cure consumption if taken in time. It the little ones have Cronp or rrnooping vouga, v-joup is very latai aisease. rully one half of those : at tacked die. The great danger is in n.latf The . disease progresses so rapidly that the loss of a few hours in treatment is often fatal, acker's English Reme dy will cure Croup, and it should al ways be kept in the house for emergencies. A s cent bottle may save your child's life. T Ill-Be ileal S5c, 50c, 91. All Druggist. ACKER MEDICINE CO. Iff z8 Chambers St. New Forfr. jrVrVryVrVrTryTVryv 4 ! 'J 'J .1 .1 ill fli J J C a.1 larPlEet them, pW rVllkltheni. They are the 4BV standard seedi every where : sown by the largest planters in the world. WhetTier you DlautSO square feet of ground or 60 acres, you xliould J nave Kerry's seea Annual tor 'vo. ins most vamaoie door lor iur mar and gardeners ever given away. Mailed ireew D. M. FERRY Y CO., Detroit, Blletu, WANTED-AN IDEAJS thing to patent ? Protect your Ideas ; they may bring: jron wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKK BUKN CO., patent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0.. for their 11,800 prise oiler. . DISEASES OF THE SKIN. The intense itchinff and smarting inci dent to eczema, tetter, sait-rheom, and other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye ana Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chil blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cady'i Condition Powders, they are just what a horse needs when in bad condi tion. Ionic, blood puriher and vermifuge. For sale by Otioier Brook, d ovists. A BANKUUJL'T COLONY. An Iowa Colony That DlSHolveA Has Been Ftabllsh4 by I renrli Mnrlallata Cen ry Ago Tb rrnperty ttt U tHvldad Among the Members Mode f Living. The members of the Icarian commun ity, three miles east of Corning, Ia., have mutually agreed that a division of their property and a d'ntolution of their society la to tho best intereata of all concerned, and steps are now being taken to that end. The intereata of holm of lpi?fnwd members and other legal iutricaeiea havo rendered It advis able to aprx-int receiver and put the matter Into tho hunds of tho court, though no oiiimnsitlea whatever exist among tho members of tho community. Thla ctHniuunity. says a recent dia patoh, is aovialiktU! in the extreme. It founder was E. CuU't, and iu inception dutcp bock to a period just previous to the ('renrli n-volution when about sixty-nine ara'iuli)taemlnirkel from Havre, I'runrc, fur Texas and hxatod near the I'.cd river In Fanin county. Internal dlkM-nxlnn and outward privation ilia couragiHl the tmnd and they removed to New Orleans. As soon as Cabrt, who was still In France, h urmwl of thla chnngc of Imae ha snihtl for New Or leans and linnieilluti'ly av timitl pcrwon al MtpTvlUin of th" rtiloiiy. I'mler hi leadership they nilrala-4 to Nauvoo, 111., which pUi-e had Just Ims-u di-K-rUI by the Mormons, after the kiWlntr of Juwfili Smith. Here th b iirlaiis en' ;;uKeo in various nunults anl were taoormful In their enti-rprlwe for time. Additbma Ui the So It-ty mavtle the tutal nirmlirrnlilp nlxmt two hun dred and eighiy perwm. Ilowrver, t trnal dlwnalons errt-d division and In lVI fabt'l and alxnit ran hundred and seventy of hi adh n iit left the fvniaiiidrr and went to M. Iwls, where tha founder of l -irla dl-d of aptlety In the aattif yrar. Meantime, the wtbrr faction IiimI m-uM In Adam iifunly, Ia., and wi re lniRniUHt tin- r the laws of the state a "Ic-arU." TUey have rntidre) thrrv evf r aine, la I n the liabilities of the eommu nlty wrm alHit four thoitund dollars, whil the awU wife rouiptitM at atimil aisty tbowMibd ibdlora. How ever, another rrlure Inlaws rm I' tiding fx-tima akwurn-)! In 179, wrwa the protwrly was equally dlvi.ll and a enatlrrall 11 bin of one fa (Un Ii lrtet f, I allf.irtila. Th remain ing riM-inlMr mntinuixl In the nrlirlnil ttiuualal4) sitturr of liviiiir. Irurlng1 toit of Urn time from Kt entil Uie prwnt daU Ji-an ik-tlalitlpr ha rvr a reilnt of tha mxnm unity, and the daties f hi offiiw have wry effl- eb fitly eoftdeeUML Thle emoinunltr la iwrhat the only one la) th t'oitl Hutea, If svH In t)M wiarld. whl. h ia durtd tinoti aurh ltrorU!tile tirlnrii.lra. A (mtrisi ewnmatity al Aiuana. la., is almUar to lirt In aneMi rarnia l-m ! r4lrfi are latr eueuvr veuve in roany re erv. la !rte 4'pananwtal bwl bar always We imm, aa4 h iure rmoM or ft emnmeniiy ri dtl a UKWf h It une vat fam II jr. A rtmjm-m ta4 fnrtilhed fi4 f' p mm fr let n tU lie for WMtrlnf B trt I. ateWr fr fnti. 4 a f!i la o iin a :rt'-Huial ,r.' : ,. ui.d ! At FRIDAY, FEBRUARY official nrjjn.n called La lievne Icarien, and iiur.icrun.i otlitr industries were enffaged in besides farming. The objects and tenets of the com munity uro well set forth in a few para graphs from the constitution, as wit ness the following: "It is established in the interest of entire humanity, in de votion to its well being, in ordcf to present to it a system of society capa ble of rendering it happy, and to prove by experience that communism based upon complete solidarity is realizable and possible." A common fund supplied the wants of all and a common treasury received the earnings and savings of all. A gen eral assembly of all Icarians over twenty-one years of age, irrespective of sex, constituted the legislative author ity, while executive power was vested in threo trustees. Withdrawals were permitted by the person desiring to sever his connection with the society giving one month's notice of same, whereupon the general Assembly took into consideration his circumstances and the value of his services to vho com munity while a member, and paid him a reasonable compensation for same, in addition to two-thirds of the amount of his original investment. Members were free to follow their inclinations in re gard to religious dogmas and exercised the greatest liberties in all matters which did not interfere with any of the socialistic tenets. About ten thousand dollars in realty and one thousand acres of land will be divided among the members. ORIGIN OF POINT LACE. The Process Was Invented by Barbara Uttmnn, a 8nxon Womnn. A little known example of inventive genius in woman is that afforclod by Burba r a Uttman, of Saxony, and her point lace so long in fashionable ustj all over the world. She invented the proc ess and apparatus for manufacturing this beautiful handiwork, which has since given employment to millions of operators, and which, in its line, had never been excelled. The apparatus looks lute a long pincushion bnstlii;ir with pins arranged to outline the pat tern or design. The operator manages from ten to nf ty peculiar spools, allow' ing the thread to feed over the pins al ternately, until the design is completed. The spools, or bobbins, are purposely of different colors, so as to be easily distinguishable. The process is slow and difficult to learn. Miss Uttman founded schools where thousands learned it. Since her time, when in ventivo ability was rare, even among men, her ideas have been incorporated in the construction of machinery by which the lace is produced at wonder fully lower rates, and yet Barbara Utt man a lace still aurpasaea all. HUN UNO THE JACKRADBIT. Story of m Famous Day's Sport la a Col' oratdo Town. When the special train bringing the visiting hunters reached Lamar there was a brass band at the station, and the brass band was there when thrv left. The merchants closed their stores and the people threw open their houses for the entertainment of their guests. After the hunt begaa the ir regular discharge of the rifles in the sand hills around Lamar reminded one of picket firing. When a large party of gunners found a atreUh of prairie where the rabbita were thick the re port of the guns sounded like a general engagement. Though the rabbit hunt is a fixed annual event in Lamar, and rabbits are killed by thousands, there seems to be no decrease in the cumber. They multiply so rapidly during the summer months that It becomes neces sary to make some such organised at tack on them, for they are becoming as great a nuisance as they are in Aus tralia. The rabbits breed on the grassy plains above the ranala, where they atay until their forage falls thrm. Then they gather in the alfalfa fields, which accounts for their being so numerous at this season of the year, says Harper's Weekly. At the beginning of the hunt the wagons began coming In at fouro'clork, and continued until nine at night, with heaping loads of the slain furry ene mies of the fanner. The cleaners be gan their work with the first wsgon load, and worked bravely, but the odds were againat them, and they were S'ton half buried In the mean of rsbblta await ing preparation for shipment. At the first day'a hunt fully two thousand were killed. No wagon brought In fewer than one hundred rabblu, and one went a high aa four hundred and fifty, about three thousand pound. A great number of rabbits were slain which were not brought in. All rec ords were broken at this hunt, and Hot m single accident occurred to mar the pl enure of the pertlclpanta. When the spring come and the freah green graaa come up the J. W appear In large number and Wgn to nibble on the bark of the young fruit trrtad the vines. Whole orchard are drelroyi-4 by thetn. If yt were to wain through a large vineyard you ttilght not on) rabbit, alth-nili hundred might be around yoe. They secret thertiM Ive rj cleverly In the graaa, and. Iwlng so nearly the eolor of the gnniitil, am hard to dcUi t. Ihev I lie el. a, it), their large ear fiat nKi meir Hat ha, unuj dinlurbwl, and ot ran almost walk over toeia before tbty wui move. Aa lasril etlt We44lag. The silver wedding of the mwror and enpreaa of Japan, awmriling to foreign I r. was eleUUl with great pomp a few weeka ago. There wa a review of the .l ller la the after Boo, and In the evening there wa a gala dinner, to hU a all the prominent ofhvte! and their wive and foreigner were Invtbxi, Afterward l K.r wa a fewptioa and danre In the throna-rootn. Male daftoer rroltte the famous "Untetrake," a dance which we enmpmaui by the l.mtvmr l,Vi )r agni the taihelrahu. whkt) wa ine raaiibm I, on years ego. an-1 trie ' l-aim, a nance btiraght from India about the year ero which. In Ma variow v.1uUn, rp ral the il )wti.Hi of all iMmix of the elate. All ti. tsnts received 14, 1896. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MM ABSOLUTELY PUHE FOUL AIR AS A GERM GARDEN. Good Sanitation a Prime Neeessltr as a Defeuse Against Disease Germs, The development of the germs so fa tal to humanity when taken into the system is an effort of nature to destroy and really eat up effete matter. The grub and maggot, disgusting as they are, are true scavengers, and if suffi cient time be allowed them thev will reduce to innocuous dust the most pois onous of animal and vegetable matter. We regard the creatures with abhor rence because of their occupation; but they are laboring, albeit unconscious ly, in the interest of higher forms of life. When disease-pcneratinir matter has passed through tho digestive canal of the pupa it is no longer infectious. In the undramed and filthy portions of a city the foul matter is constantly ac cumulating far beyond the corrective powers of unaided nature. Deadly gases are cast off from festering heaps, vapors charged with microscopic germs which hatch fearful ailments in that weak mechanism, man's body. But even where the system is not directly affected by germ diseases, the Influence of the foul gases why, we do not fully understand as yet tends to lower vi tality to such a degree that the subject Is always in good condition to take a fever of the typhoid class, scaraltina, diphtheria, etc, Prof. Alessi's experi ments, says an exchange, show that a person who has lived in foul air for a considerable timo will get any one of the fatal germ diseases much more readily than one who has breathed pure air and only absorbs the irerms by accident, rrof. Alcssl has proved that the same is true with animals. lie placed a number of dogs, pigs, etc., in such a situation that they were com pelled to live, for some weeks, in an at mosphere saturated with the noxious vapors from garbage heaps. These he inoculated with the typhoid bacillus. at the same time inoculating a similar number of animals which had been brought direct from the pure air of the rural district.' The first lot died, some of them in thirty-six hours, with un mistakable typhoid symptoms, while not one of the second lot was affected. It was observed, however, that when the rural animals began to breathe the infected air they began at once to show ilgns of weakness and lassitude. They lost their liveliness and grew glassy eyed, and though they continued to oat, they became poor in flesh. There is a grim significance in these facta which should teach us a lesson that good sanitation is a prime necessity, not only aa a defense against direct assaults of germ disease, but also against the lowering of tho physical powers which opens the system not only to the bacillus but to all the other foes which lie la wait to destroy life. MULTUM IN PARVO. Maut a man's tongue shakes out his master's undoing. Shakespeare. TtiouoHT ia the property only of tho who can entertain It. Kmerson. TuritE Is an Idiom in truth which falsehood can never Imitate. Napier. 1 1 C hath a poor spirit who Is not planted abovo petty wrong. Felthatn. Wtl.l.-AIIIUNOII) time la the surest mark of a well-arranged mind. Kous- seau. Tub generous heart should sourn a pleaaure which gives others pain. Thomson. 1mnkinq water neither make a man sick, nor In debt, nor his wife a widow. John Neal. KTMrsiiTtl Is born In the deep alienee of long-suffering heart; not amidst joy. Mrs. Ilemans. fioMR temptations rotne to the Indus- trioua, but all temptations attack the idle. Kpjrgeon. IT la marvrloua how long a rotten fHsit will aland, provided It be not shaken. t'arlyle. TRAORtir has the great moral defect of giving too much ImpisrUnoe to life and death. 4 hamfori. l-ovri.T eonconl and moat svred peace doth nottrUh virtue, and fa I frlendkhlp breed. Hirner. TllVNK I a vide difference lielween eak ing to deceive and being silent to l Impenetrable. Voltaire. SCIENTIFIC SCRAPS. foot, a a eueumtier" I scientifically correct. Investigation ahowa that Ihl vegetable haa a leai rlure one degree U low that of the surrounding stiixm pin re. Josses) TatiTt.. the rallnavl mag Tn:. O.VCU CLICTniO ITS ANO AFtlANCIl INeUAI TO TNI tlCK .ML 51 0IAT OINT OP AOVANT AOl CVI ALL lJlTAT0- I leelele lar. I nimiilMlMatMll. i.l.l v -ll.alitMs)a. is.lklai olu'a.lilv., 11 f N il ttm mnrrm I. I t I ,4 t t, i"i vf1i hil4 mf 1 a. Hi -' n4 ei he 'nJ f f UrtetcM. V" NO Mf MOiMia n44 alt a, p iaaJiKi giaw S-o aS Stmumw, a. iiMne iaws Hl.w. - i ' a v i i 2 1 1 III a na 1 Al J mmM THK n rt rsTBic Tataa m ibe swset rvvewslve 4 rwuw Trs awaite !' tftlMl ewe .4 aM4ea. IimIm e emte e4 ea mm iav lltMewie4 V-ariettaeM tw aqUat, 4mi ut S.. laeiMMaji mmmimt.4 .inl to, as'ssiis'i sat a I emmnif .hnm t4 !- 4 THE OWES ELECTRIC J WEEKLY WO. 677 ( I jawT " "TW llf aajjirw nateof Vienna, who died the other day, left to a society of that city to be used in prosecuting astronomical observations. ' Ovkb one thousand yards of linen . cloth have been unrolled from one mummy. The cloth in texture resem bles the cheese cloth of the present somewhat. It is finer in quality. Tub periophthalmus, a native of the Malayan mangrove swamps, is the only ' fish which breathes with its tail.' If . the tail be painted over with oil or varnish the fish dies of suffocation. M. Andre, an aeronaut of Stockholm, has a plan to go in a balloon to the north pole. lie thinks the trip from Spitzbergen would require several months and would cost 175,000 francs. One of the latest scientifio vagaries is the proposition that the central heat of the earth may be drawn upon and utilized by sinking wells or pita deer enough to tap superheated steam or gases having sufficient pressure to drive machinery and diffuse comfort on the surface. GOSSIP OF AUTHORS. Rubkin is reported to be in excellent health at Brentwood Coniston in- the' lake country. Oliver Wendell IIolmes left an es tate amounting to 173,117. This is quite a property for a poet, but it most be remembered that. Dr. Holmes was an expert in medicine as well as in meter. Mn. Henry Haruissk is about to pub lish another book on Amerlcus Ves pucius, showing the part taken by the merchant princes of Augsburg and Nuremburg in Almeida's expedition to India in 1505. Ulthhes 8. Grant, the young son of Col. Fred Grant, is developing a tasty for writing. He is editor, and pub lisher, also, of the Junior Monthly, which is published by the youths' school which he attends. Dr. Edward Wilmot Bltden, a full blooded negro, and formerly minister of Liberia to England, ia said to be tha foremost negro scholar in the - world and Is a much-sought-after contributor to the English magazines. A MUSICAL MELANGE. Los don has been listening to a new infant prodigy, a nine-year-old pianist named Basil Gauntlet. All ancient music was in the minor key, without harmony or counterpoint, and entirely vocal and rhythmical, like' our recitative. Srvxntt-nine new operas and oper ettas were produced in Italy last year, according to the Gazetta Musicale of Milan, twenty-five of them opera in three aota and four even longer. The Gazetta ia charitable enough to aay that alsty of them were good. "La Montaoik Noire," a grand opera, computed, book and muatc, by an Irihhwoman naturalized In France, Misa Augusta Holmes, is about to bo brought out at the I'aris grand opera, Mia Holmes is known aa the composer of a cantata, "lyes Argonautee," per formed at the l'asdeloup concert la 1NH0, and of two aymphonical poems, "Ireland" and "I'oland." SPORTS AND PASTIMES. In France there are far more female than male bicyeliata. Tiikrr were 609 persons Injured by bicycle accident In the streets of Loa don laat year. I Aiiatralia the law compels a cyclUt to carry a light In the rear a well a In front of hi machine. JammI'. Jrur la the champion egg rater of Owen county, Ky., and proved Ida right to the title the other day by devouring twenty-twoegg. He want to eat eggs against any In the slate M t VI. A frlms Weler-Way, fine ruriotity of nsvelwlae naviga tion In the Gulf of Metico need to be Grant pauwage on the inside rout from Mobile to I'rnaacola. The iaalde voysge U mad by crooked way of waterways separated fnant the opa gulf by narrow batik of sand, A anaa named (.rant traiifhu-ned a part of the paaaage by dlgiring aVansl to give deep water at a point where a wide detour used to be hecery. act p a little Hghthotia to aid navigators, and thea charged toll upon all vessels paee Ing tari V. The Mvug was f some impnrtane during tha period when north and aoulh were flfhilng over the dt-fenwr about I'eaaacu'.a ll b kf4 fxaw rillwkiMewli luftHii te aw.ii it. AMI MICgANV. 4 haeiaial bat mmmm ia ewewlsaL f aai fcr)avana siriaiM ia. -l-ii- EELT AND APPUiRCB CO, L ' . .MfH Rb.eiellsa, a to Sara. I nmr I i .. t.- i ' ' t f-t.i '"'- ad laeu.a4,Vbe of U eelebtation. ill at aiee.t, ai. e