VTOCK B BAUDS. While jon aep your uborlptlin paid op jci tu keep your brand in tree of eharga. Allyn, T. J., lone. Of. Horaee GO on left BDoaldsr; cattle asme on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row oountj. Baird, D. W. and eon. Horees brand ad D B ,h. iatt kin- mi'tln the sama on left flank. oroD off right ear, underorop in the left. Kange in Morrow County. Bartholamew, K. O., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor row count ttannister, J. W., Hnrilman, Or. Cattle brand mA n n loft Mn and thitfh: SDlit in each ear. Brenner. Peter, (ioosebsrry Oregon Horaea branded P B on left shoulder, UiUle aame on Broaman, Jerry. liena, Or.-Horsos branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half orop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horees, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or.-Horses, circle C with dot in neuter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon Homes W. bar , it. on the lelt shoulder. Cattle same on left Wren. A. A.. Hennnar. Or. Horses mnnincA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right tun. loons, J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded T8 on Uie right should". hi Or. Horses, box llf n D.nnlF brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in IJorg, P. 0., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left shooirier; oattio. same umoiv .... sDnouior, r t,i- jr oonnected onTftstdeoropon left ear and two split and brand on me mm uui", Grant county, Or.-Horses brand uaraner. "" y " - (thr08 bara) on a u on rW..v , . - . in right ribs, crop ana npuv ;u - TJritn anarter oircle oyer it, on left shoulder. Md on Teft stifle on all oolta nnder 5 years; on left shonlder only on aU horses over 5 years. All 'c?Ev& f Lena, Or Horse. H C on right shoVldw; oattle same on right hip. Morrow and Umatilla counties -Mange mor rv,ll,.v. Or Cattle orop ont ."".r-V-nXihit ! wattle in foreh, horses half oirole C on left stifle, wattle in forehead; I lunge mor- 1S?.. On .Keep, inserted A and spear point right and niler half orop W left ear. All raogs 1 ATbJna.Or.-Horae.. Won rightshonl. aer?CBttK same on right hip: ear inarTc square SSrr-Or. -Horse... on 'cox'm. B.. Har-lman, Or.-Cattle, C with ,nter;hirsos.tIBonleft'lip. Cochran. B. E., Monument, Grant Co, Or. Hoes b?an"idc role with bar beneath, on left shonlden cattle same brand on both hips, mark nnder slope both ea and Wft ... nVT SJh't h'lo ("attte bramleilthe same. Also brands VS onhorse. right thigh; cattle e brand on right shoulder, and out off end of niTaas. W. M.. Galloway. Or.-Cattle, B D on righ'CwlW-fork in each ear; horses. U D on left hip. n,.Hnres branded ELi onleV.ho&,attU w on lefthip. hole GET THE BEST When yon are abont to buy a Scwins Machine do not lo deceived by alluring advertisements r.nd be ted to think you can get the best made, :iutst finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that vou buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. Yon want the one that is easiest to manage and ia Light Running There ia none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as uio New Home It hns Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged t.io .i.ntErs. thus reducing friction to lift minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULAKS. THE HEW HOME SliWIKG MSCHIRE CO. vr -V Caw. Mass. Boston, Mass. swiM'.ij. FO". S"..E BY C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon, -Si Itmery, u.d, ""? -, -Horses branded n fliVa'rsed T(! with tail on left shouldor; oaU SSEZTiZZi r wTth bar under on right .honlder. ,. Or.-Horses, F on ., k. Thldsn cattle, t1 on right hip or thigh. kaniio - ' ft. . Inn Ight "rirr,:-fl r bnndod H. Qrur cirjl. o;.r it. on left .tlfla "BR.1 VrBidS: Or-.ta."r.,and.t.,p A -iVi, Z,ri oirole nnder it on the right nip, rit.h.i"i-rMn and Umamiaw-nHea. . . y. L T D T. iUmtiMi. W4umftr. ui r i w f j5 rO A aV (n) Jo) aF WORK How It E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO TUB or GIVES TBI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City IN A SWEAT SHOP. LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. I. Conducted lu Chicago Th Miserable Wages Paid. The Chicago sweat shop is a place where, separate from the tailoring a clothing warehouse, a "sweater" (mid dleman) assembles journeymen tailors and needlewomen, to work under his supervision. He takes a cheap- room outside the aear and crowded business center, and within the neighborhood where the work people live. This is rent saved to the employer and time and travel to the employed. The men can and do work more hours than was pos sible under the centralized system, and their wives and children can help, es pecially when, as is often done, the gar ments are taken home to "finish." (Even the very young can pull out the basting threads.) This "finishing" is what re mains undone after the machine has done its work, and consists of "felling" the waist and leg-end of trousers (paid at IK cents a pair), and, in short, all the "felling" necessary on every gar ment of any kind. For this service, at the prices paid, they cannot, according to Scribner, earn more than 25 cents to 40 cents a day, and the work is largely done by Italian, Polish and Bohemian women and girls. The entire number of persons em ployed in these vocations may be stated at 5,000 men (of whom 800 are Jews), and from 30,000 to 23,000 women and children. The wages are reckoned by "piecework," and (outside the "finish ing") run about as follows: Girls, hand Bewers, earn nothing for the first month, then as unskilled workers they get II to $1.50 a week, $3 a week, and as ikilled workers, $6 a week. The first named class constitute 5 per cent, of ill, the second 30 per cent, and the last W per cent. In the general work men re only employed to do buttonholing and pressing, and their earnings are as follows: "Pressers," $8 to 812 a week; "underpressers," $4 to $7. Cloak oper ators earn 18 to 112 a week. Four-fifths of the sewing machines are furnished by the "sweaters" (middlemen); also needles, thread and wax. ECZEMA From early chad-( hood until I was 1 grown my family j spent a fortune trying to cure me' I of this disease. I visited Hot Springs and was treated by the best medical , men. but was not benefited. When ' aU things bad r n O tailed I de termined to ! ( 1 1 1 1 try S.S.S. and in four I II U III monlhswas" entirely cured. The ternbli eczema was gone, not a sign of it left My (V Art a ml rtAoltK htiilr tin irt1 T ti4trA , vuvim i,as Liuiiv M f i auu a us v. never naa any return ot the disease, i i nave oiten i recommend ed 8A8. and i have never vet known a failure to enre. uuu. w. 1KW1N. irwin, re. Never falls to enre, ' even when all other I remedies have. Our .treatise on blood and i I skin diseases mailed ' free to any address. I 1C CO.. Atlanta, Ca. any rciuru oi mc uiscasc I CHILDHOOD CHICAGO. Iwaft & SI. Paul W That the RAMBLER Hilling ff t . i .i,. w whi. .v mnilii ! n indisputable fact. It stands in thei AO UUG VI UIO ICl J iihvvwv'v. - . . . i V t 4 v -ii huh naA m.nhinpfl na if vou buv one you will make no miflwiKe. HUiih tana ituu ou ni,ii 6u v - ,v,M Ka Eidea RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want to bo happy, lor snoum juu. punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the world renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-piauju Sold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at ?100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, 150 each. -rut da md l c P is the fastest, liehtest and strongest wheel In the markets For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mcchan- i ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals ir V.... nnA with OS OA anil OJ tnph wheels, at t(Vl. ,r5. 45 respect- I ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with O. & J. high-grade double locking edge. clincher tires and are fully warranted. Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms ana discounts, or can j on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing-1 (am nH Trlnhn. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, Nnrthwp.t renreaentatives Oormullv & Jefferv Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Malnf Store, 327 Washington St., Portland, Or. OTIS PATTERSON, Agt for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon, For full details oall on O. R. Agent at Heppner, cr address k N. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obiqon. quioh; timu t . CM JILT IV l.ri'XIl- SSS&fi SKt .honldeVon horse.-, on cattle, . -r . . - rfetin "SiiwS Send 5 Cts.!for Sample Package .. . a. u..Mnai winnt Howard J li, Oalloway. Or-IIoraea T (" withbaraboTslt) on ril.t ahoul.lr; ca "leaame on left side. llanKe in Morrow and Umatilla TOHalirkiwin, John X)y, Or. Cattle E H on rUht hi pT h" same oil rilit shoulder. Uange H-h S nePPna'. Or.-Hon. shaded hrt..nt,.lrt shonlder. Han Morrow Co. llnnwker, H A. Wiumar .Or.-llor.as, on left hildr;cHl". on lofthio. Hnmphreys, i U. Hardman. Or.-Horses, II on tha lrt .h.mMwa'nd hrt on the lrt .titla t at. i ' IUiiim In Morrow miniitr. " j", liVrrV. H-PPn-r, Or -llona, branded II J on the lft nh.ml.lw; cattle bra i.ll J on riKl.thip.al.andrbit m lft ear. Kan.. In MV!:"lW-C,rU- H.,n.,.Or.-Hor. ho sh.i j on ' lfi' .boulder. Cattle, the aam.. a . Wl.Ue tltlia J..hn.-.n. Mis. l-ena, ""C1 ' left .Ufl; natlla,arnan riht hip, nadet half an.n In rimM and .ol it n left anr Kwinr, M'ka. Hapinr, r.-lloraaa orannn NY Ua left hip oattle aame end orop off left 1 .1... nn I haa rlstlit bi.l i T Hmnniir. OrVllor... 69 an left .t l.l'..' naltla. a on Ml hln. Knnitwrland. W. .. Momit Varnpn. Or.-I I, on ' i.i .,! urt ai. ia.. wallow fork In I ft ear and u...lr oi-l. In rlaht . H.-rw-aam. brand n l-t .Ii.m.I.W. H"- " Mm. Fw.Or.-H It on lft hip on nailla. er.'P and eplit nn tiM aar. . t.A .in loft .li.ml.lar. IUna Urant c.n!,,:.i I..I.- W . I.lnin. Or.-llor hmn... l.afimU. J I. e.inoal . Uft ali.ml. diwT t allla. aama in lafl hio. IUiia-a. naar ! U.I..-F.J W. M....nr lr-II..Paaa l.ran;l-J t I ..-Urt ali.mld-v; cMlla anina on In'l lilt,, will.ii"r ria'1 " u'r rhe AN ODD CREATURE. Peculiar San Francinco Offlce, NAPII. I). OREENSFELDER & CO., No. 220 Sutler Street. The thumb is an unfailing Innn Too V flTa? CSz J Accurate, , To. Hq.iar.Tj p. In. X 4 1 1 Wompacl, W4 1 . A. of charactar. dliatr. a .trong and Brninraa. t'l. irrrat energy la uu Kiiatnlalrd Tjpr, ill. thumb of Uioat alita in nalit l.fl n,r.. M.pnar.r.-ll.ttm l.randa.1 j'.i.ir II . nm-u HumatimM callad a ma II W W ah.mtiUr. nrrl. .mi ri'slil hin (...n-aaaiua o rifhl alilln. riahl hio; a.raa M Wl ahuol l-r. on iJt an.I.U. ealtto Uft hip. M u.h.11. (. !". or.-H.n-e.n on rtM H.I uo UU ah.mld-i alU. a.o. im nolo hjl-. ,, iwr. Lainatua. ur.-r w ,b.Mt. J. W.. l.-iala.. .x O .l..l.l iilaaatn.Hl r'ulit hl(,. W. IH. K.t.l M'l mr l eimla ahiat'l " l" ah.MM-f aad It on it fc.p. I aula. f k ! WM . rl.l.t r..wt M o lfl an., liana.. flaUt 'kM (laa. llai.liaa.w.-H.elP.ie I U.ai..-ll. I.r..1 . V il. K aa M ah.wl.lr t eallla i ii i..im.mi tu. - tl.rawa. R tmrtmi ,ift atnMl.lft aaliK aamaoa Ut alp. . aip, appai akipo Uft a a4 slip la IM vwot. lb..!. al. Ilt aa oa lh l.M a.ilU.i Hla. I a nj "'f rlnln .n.tl. lliaavMt. . r, was ttatii tup. Ila -a- " "'r. uul imM ' a4 epM Utt. auawklo Wft el. ! .t . i txkm. II HM alp. IHralM W. U I ' Of - M.MU) UW Kit-, a- i -a Ufl kip, a4l.. an - - , . H-1. IW-mU. - fallU I I rtM Wp a4 rwM afc.-.l.- i I) ua ,M ,! Wf H- i """' , , I. .,ii..i. ... . 1 1 uik. lfi aa.ml.wtf ia m Ml efc-al-aa. WW l-a aawa, a e-a w - a a aai. Ito-i Ma . . k.,a. iai I - " Paa O. , Main- It-faaa. M oe U. I". ll- Ufl aa-..i- Ijr alllrd advanced luVas and bnainaa alillliy. Hoth ot iheas i;pr. bclont I to Uie buay man or woman; and I Dvmoreal's r.nillr Muaalns pr parr, .aiwrlallr for such prrson. a I whola volume of new Idea., con I d.'iiard In a amall aiiara, ao lhal the I record of tha whole world', work I for a Binnth mar b iat In half an bnur. 'I li. I'niilcal 1f knllcat I MHiiement, culture, and a !. of I Bin. le. iMM'trv. and flrltnn. A per Willi tin. Itii. of Ihiinih will Ihor. oiiifhly en J..' the literary allrartloni of liemoreal . Miifuiua. Tha Ar ticle 1'ri Indl.ale a kiira ol heaulv and an, wlikh will Hurt rart pleasure In llie niaitiinrrni on. pick Son Iiran.oisoo And all polnU in California, via the Mt, Hhasu route of tha Southern Pacific Co. rhe great hiahway through California to all point, cast ana sontn. urnna eoenio noaie 01 trie racino iiaat. mnman nnnei Hleepara. Beoondilaas Hleepers Attached toazDreas trains, affordina superior aocommodations for aeoond-olaaa paaaangnra. For ratea, tickets, .leaping oar reservations, site., call npon or address K. kokuuik, Manager, s. r. nuuaan, asst. len. r. A P. Agt, Portland, Oregon Sl'r.t, Simplest, Hrongest, Solid Top Receiver. Most Modern and progressive For catalogue or Information writ, to THE MARUN FIRE ARMS CQ., Nw Haven, Conn. nuwwwwitrwwwwwK tt ff inOO'""",'otl.iveivMulctorFsrty eV- jllj Csnls. f omMIng of inn pages -., full alia Mieet Mutlc ot Uu J. laleal, biichlel, llvellrtt anj ntott popular 4 t 1 ' .a lira 01 r.MM-a .. 1 v, in. iH-e, nrnn. i 4 A riu.rrf ft, im II,,. uilL'lnal IMI111I1111 bt I a ' Im Uii.i-iite, II,.- m.-l i. l.ratrd ot I ae ON V h,' lluair palnleia, whl.h Willi jZ i I ' '" ei ry ul. rlbrf l I I ! iii..r, .l'. Mai'ain for lv&. Tin 1 tZ selntlnna. h'lh vocal ani Inlrumental. jrniirn ur In 11 UiJin. in r jr- I- V3 m 1i-f $4 nt of llii. eu rh wmk ot art was I avl elrvanl maniMf, iur Uik. aitv IHjilralts. fAOl "I mHH, tht Brent FlMlttt AuLiiit furn a-4 HiHHit tiuuHtn CUT7IH0. r3 Laughing Jackass and Its Song. The great oddity at the Golden Gate park, San Francisco, is the laughing jackass, 'which has an apartment all to hitnself. lie doesn't look a bit like a humorist, but he looks so homely and jocks his head in such a strangely solemn way that everybody laughs at teeing him. Some of the park em ployes caught a ,slim little snake two feet lontr one afternoon and it was thrown alive into the laughing jackass' big cage. The bird pounced on the snake with a thrill of joy in his heart, snd, grabbing it behind the head, he quickly thrashed the life out of it against the sides of the cago. Then he started in at the snake's head and swallowed it all. After giv Ing a few extra swallows of satisfaction he expressed his thanks with a hoarse, loud "Ha! ha! ha! hal ha! hu! ha!" that was about as musical as his physiog nomy is beautiful. Superintendent Mc Laren was visibly touched by the lone- ly bird's graUtudo for an act of kind ncss. Next tafsnakes the laughing lack' ass likes liza Is. As the park funds hard' ly warrant getting him a daily supply of delicious reptiles he usually has to put up with chunks of fresh meat and iccuslonal worms. In Australia, where laughing jack- assoa generally do as they please, they nake constant war on snakes. The bird will pounce down on one like hawk, grab it back of the head and quickly riae to a considerable height, when he will let the snake drop to the ground. The snake will be stunned by tho fall and will no sooner strike the ground than the laughing jackaas is thrashing it about preparatory to a peedy meal. The bird is there often called the "squatter's clock," because at six o'clock every evening they every. where set up a concert of "lis! hal hal Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail way and note its connections with all transcon tinental lines and St. Paul and Cmalia, and remember that its trains are lighted! with eleo- triclty and heated by steam. Its equipment is uperb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, and Its dining cars are the best in the world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons tor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon ticket agents in every railroad office will give you further Information, or address C. J, Glance.atthi.sMap How's Your Liver? EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Obkoom. SjfAbDINQ'S This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. fiouventr of to fton in Uutinem. S A Complete Set, consisting of five 2 llWike figures lime Ball Player. Foot W Ball Player, (lolf Player, Tennis Player ani Bicycle Kiner, win be sent to any address upon receipt of 10 cents, to pay charge. These figures are absolutely perfect, beautifully colored and mounted, and arranged to stand upright, and are an ex cellent souvenir of our 20 years a leaders of the athletic supply world. Suitable for club, reading room, otltce or home. A. G. SPALDING A. BROS., A'n Port VMeaoo rhllad$lukia aval nit a. d tha irpr-aHKiiua THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO Cfl. IMil.oro I 'III um . . ... . .. ' DRAIN WORK AT t'nlrea It Is NIGHT. sjhoald II mm ! .", ' - -at, nl Mt aa a M.Kvaw aad a.tfrt aa.lfl an. w-t AH rtrota ". aarttla I JO ia f m IX - mt "tJ wim . aa Mt ' III mm riM Is Mi Vl i--a--l - aa HP caittHil lia fli.iiiii:ii oniiinal. Ilraiil. a Una, an riial.lt I ml ur wairroliir pi. Inr la pah. I li.ld In ra. li uiimUl of Ilia W.a sina. and tha art k Ira ara ao fuarlraiid auwtl.ly lllaairaltd thai Ida MatfUla ta. rrailiy, a t"""- f..lla of mrl . at In. Mil nnlrf. Tha Phll.-i4ilf Typa la I ha thamk el the Uiinkaf and lamibaj ot klaaa. aha alll be aWolv Inlaa. ral.4 la Ui". AmUfm-i awnlhiy la lirmnrrat . Mairaaina, la amy ona nt lu iinanaa aVtnRiiilL I hirli ttiTrt II an lira atliMK and I Irkliae trld. ir-rwiWIIBf aaary I fart, tanrv. ana fad at IhwitrM I la Simply frt" P.mll? Macaaln. and waa lit mt rnmn4 Ijiaara nt tha MaalhOM IWn4 In ym' auWti,lia'. II wUI cs nnlr 1 1 (V. s4 will haaa a rt.ii Mairailnra In naa. atdraaf V. J.ai... ,...aat 'ahlfnav, n r hi a aitaat, h 1 h,mt h ant a faal,k taina. He prifncl fa.li n-a.and iiaanarlaa oa taailit an.1 d.anMlM aaiu-ra. IH b. 4 aqtwll.ll.a tiiirfva l Intaw iinm i,i 1 la y.aiiiiina Tips a4 1 hah. mfxUt, la., a air. in Haaanail mim. .Ia,lt--a. aial aai. . .Mh, rtii..n up. Ilxa traila 1... N hrhg a . Ha. ta tha lr t rm na at aiaaiid ."W'tha la lnwvr ttuiM, If ? ara .nat aani4 wlk I ta lla. Hhl tii a .. r-1' I'raal, and il a.lii.1 lhal arvlng thr Till na aa In ,h nt M,n. NinnaV BV Bia ha an I Iwu 'kiaf a aaaaWf Ma bawai W a t taaalif. a. UuaJaiav Tliraita III !(.. Nrw York City. CNVtta WNTgO. -3 jiiiimiujuiuimuiD'umn A. P.T. L. The American Protective Tariff Leigvt 11 a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry" at eptained by its constitu tion, at follows : 'Tha at. art a ili laaa-ua ir Imm taana a-r a anfT aa a . ka .kail aaMa ra ai a a wanaaaia. anaa a.na k aawp.Wnaa mi awefa tasaa." There ar no personal ot private ptof'ts In connection with lh organiza tion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. iaisa. I irW aaaWf l Cn mi i a Ta tiralvala afikaaa ) I. t aaai a tm aanl f n..s, TWf Uiwfte laet fraaia aally la Urn alaar saan e be laaira. TWan satea tt toaaSttel ai Hyaf WpanfTabutcs a sara4 mrnm eay svvvMwaly wmm .. I raN T.Wtla t'Um, a aa w Of iia, M y ad. .. if S C"l SKvAi C , t Sanaa 11 a I. flftST! c - Mianyii' a4 " OfT-al StCOMO: Wadand lallal sarf. 1 ThiMO' W. aaaXaa f S a .. aia.a a aaaa. nf n ? a"" .aw a, ta a4 n na a taa a. a aal-a.i SO 1 fOUtlTM: t4 aaal aaad e aaa ay a " a ir aa I . an Wr r 9. V OanlSaa US MMlll SVwV M la. $1800.00 0rT3l AWAV TO INVENTORS. Hiiii.ii K mrrn aalaait - a itWala. anaa WvM ' tu Tmmm m t aejpaajaasj eja4l Mat) aaiNnffll frlat ftsMst aaa) it s the sinii cTEnm rvnoxs Tn4r.tuoruitr1.Ni5. aaS ),. .' aWtiwbaiaVaM m4 mmm W..I. aW in nata. ami fam. .,, mmm. aTaaaan Si)nt mmi lm nn, I aa nma wa V1 saw a mmm aaa V4 . a W n.. mm t mmt imMm mm , m tmummmmm) mm mm m mm a. fciM. I nil i. Irysa a ImfM-ratlva It Arol led. To the ImaRiniitive rminff writrr 'Ihtv iaitfuM'InuU.in nUmttl.P nui. linlo f uninUrntpU-il nluht work until tinu-h ( iU miarhlff tina born linr. If lie tnaaftirxl ilolly owtitmtl.m. or la r"P" ulnr among hla fricn.bs Ihf ultflil ofT.-ra ho boat clmnri for continued ojudlcit i.m Ivy Ua qnU'tncaa and -av. Thli rcrr roaaallon ol mo a tunn ui nni inr rvotiHlni' f.-rllng of cac aluml.l Iw nt' rpli-il aa natune'a firrrurutton f r rt .t. I nli-aa It to liniwmllw nirr.il "otw .li.mld ny avol.!.-.!, aiira wrIUT li I'u" ll.Tal.Inf Health. Il miit W liivv ra' tivp to tin alitff f mornlna pap.T nml the (iiiraUon tliua tiumea Import u -i.( tuH-oinpUaliitv' I1m work il 1 liu leaat piMMililc vxi'n.liturei. vital lorvr lulo ly worfcimr ilunnif uw i iy a r latenll and iU-lilarralvljr an rnurm nt un.Mint of copy ran U' t!irwt off. t'ml nri-lu.il aflrr tni.liillil almtrlra I.m part o( th wrlwr a viUliljr. Vh.- Kf ahoul. tw In th prime rf tilt frteultri-a'tr la ti rvnis enllYr fr -m In mnntiia. and hla ovrrtaxrd n rvat y trrn cotirnd frat, relt lo arlia. Ul ..am r. Hie natural temptation la t ap pit tlie mMp f allmuUlloit l- I've J vle Wain; but thl la lUn rhnis aivt at tlw -t imlr a tranalent ami mvn l i .iw.lv. 1 he Ima.-ln-.ta u an rr. lit follvl ilhia klrt.1 t.f l ,ln'. IV tt-- lay a erltual jtvliim ttt tt li rvnl rtlinaM rr1alllr Will In" if 4 ..:e iiul I lie nnnlle. il.in- nl t'oia !,hIi i ill TlMf t rlra fnt. Try auataln I He Wain NmWr eu.ll atrrat rather Sttaa to tsrile IU SPURRCD ON BY LOVC 9m tmrtf mrm Mmm Ynea tt Sfaea H I LIOHT, STRONQ, yCEDSov " tW I mmmmm9ammmMmm aiiiaaaaaaMsaaSt. aW At X.m. ? a nam TW i 0S:muwaui SPEEDY, HANDSOnE. where both rcKiJed. Charles Hartley, the cousin, who, after auch a lapae of yearn, caused the arreat of Al len, waa an unniiceifuf ul suitor. Though doDled all lKipo liy the inarrluife of hit oounin with tho girl, ho allll loved, and this flame, kept burniiifr through the yearn, cauacd the trncldnir down and ar rest of the wife murderer. Thirty-nine yearn Rtfo next May HarV ley biulo hU frlem'.a a linaty fiurewcll, and at the aame tune Informed them that, with hla wife, he wan irAng weal to aeek hi fortnae. No one aaw the couple leave tho town, and finally mur mur of eoniethtnif wrong Inereaaed to ipen fpiaalp. ('Imrtfi of foul play were freely made, but there were nono U prove them, and at lenirtn I hey died away. When, Inter, the horiae m which the Hartley had llv-l naa Wing repaired I aaa . . 1 . 1 1 . .i -.., I ami uirrr n? 1.0111.1 in a ctiiii-iii.i i.un beneath It the akeleton of Arnea 1 1 art- er, the town went muL Hut the mur derer waa irone and there waa no traee. hartr Hartley awore to hunt him down If il lk a lifetime and hla for tune. Il required forty yearn of one and nehrly a many thouaamd dollar of the other, but aueeean haa at laal re warded the long aearvh. SQUELCHING A DUOC ta J ITw'if I aJaJk Or alt a. tr .l.aH f m w. laa ,..nvM StateaM, .- 1 , (to 'H-M zr- " . mm aa h aa en Tb Mgnta tjntre) p l tbe IW.I VV.!f tluatW U 12 M aa t la rUr ftb-enl tbe Weakly Ore-m lei I 'A Aatoa. alettia hnj lb (Uixla a aiu ! tM fwl ta .aarw raa (! I--Ii Ha lls.all aaj Hal!) t)r. aa f . 1 1 M. All l I ala rrtlaave 4)i(1 thetf eebeef IMtaajnt M ax fmmj la altanaa ill We lill-t W tae IT IS NOT e0 II m AS IT M.T.MS. I, ... tm mm lMaflraiai mm - fimmmmt a--. a- m W l C ,.UI..n,"l m inlaani m mm M mmm-. V a In mJt . va a. an aw. mm mi mmm. a. a naa aaa M mm t.f aa. anl 1 in an a, nt hiiiim ai n.W.- nn4aaa-)a.a m in. a aa a-..- 1 I ' n w w I J a.m aa mmmvmm mm mmm m ., mm na) m mmm) iin vt nnr&ruN co., pWin-Saf ad ineaaa atf I a.i 'aa.4, tll'J-Jfl. N V.. Ra) JS. el 4t.H. C. Baa Mnaaa,'M pa- After a patient, weary arrrtt ritetait- Irf .vef lira wratr) e.fclinot, and rriri a t-iVn nf tuMly fif year. tbarlra Haiti. . .f liarv N. 1 ., lew data a at tl.ia .nl raxint parval in b.a . i,t'ul 1 f .f aremtlag AlVe) llart'r,. a r. a. L',l witk llr sn.iM. f f t !a at ife nlte Ian ma lr a,". aaia ail I ;.ia,.. II f I nrnf fn. ,.. I. ,,( tl, t ax innatl t.)aifv". l b ) aenrataa) W ) fnanteat nf tlii it jr. irtf l'-l H. e 1 y tlre y,r. lie arrtaal mt Irrnaa m arr and naa hmmM mtm-mmt.. In u vM.tatn4 i-f e.af tal.i tmlmtm 1'imt ) nnra -,, Ymt arf lanl a ar la.tr .-I II la t4 II. h "I it U a 7 tlaraal .ih fa aaut ajliaa4 t-f ret am raw.arWat-'a la It ttetaile Kt It f f mx a tl-epAev l rttan.Kal Va A-a lU'tiry ta a.w at tlt aitM latiiat'ii It M S m0m fai.a an t I r4 a lia I A art e i lsi at k ttalragn Its-Jalca fmi t.if aa villi tareat aaeanaa. One day not Umg ago on an Illinois Central luburl-an train a woman enwr4 the rar and looked around fr a aeai, aayn the tlileago Tribune. Tberw waa hut one want, and lhal M la one of tha llllle four ! cunpartmanu la the mid Jle of the rar. In this en part me a I were seated thee) people. Neil to the window and feeing tb engine waa an s Judge wba litre at llda I'ark On- kef. lie la a large, portly old gnOUemaa. quite m dignified Inevery-day llf ae hen Upon tha hrtx-b,. I dun t remem Iwf abo l Ut-alJ nttn. (tptawlu hloi mii alim yuag fellow ho Uvea in that ariaba-ratle and etelualre nelgha Kurkoud known a Ken4. II la a 4 4 of tha would he" nartelf. and la, or waa, eiudylng tr tha mlnlatry. tie k4 a of three amall parYole in the arat beI4a kim. Tho aotnaa paused la the i. optnwlte Ihl seat and U'ke4 at the pf:t and then at the youef man from Knou4 In a mildly egft ee ewt of way. rreeumahty hie though u wee 1 14 oa thing bnevnaly. At any rata) he Wak xl lha alig bleat eoti. of lha n ta. Then lb . after lniag ara4 the car and anwlag no other a. t, aa4 tl.n yvag man U Ik ea-at ere l,a4. " V . It la." aarr-4 Iba rr peraralay Ut ( kaaaal attaUa rrv. The pa4g betw ralml laa4 f. rd a4 ri'kil p tb paerwla, traa feaviag thaw, hi an p-ia Ian. Tha ets, aafpiwiBg that they taa hraged Itf kim. thanked bias and ftal 4ataai4a lb 4ilaity atwdeat, wae gHa4 wiik) drltght in thiak that kM purtiy weighing mmi4 kaa be b44 ike pare.: ail the Wf U Keaw-a4 A anra a tb a-a aa fa.rly aa4 tbe t fvifm, )HS a aaS ef 4v a-kl lha rn fal f t va4X bUj tb f ta f K 4 aini;t bara a IV Pi"nft1 y t taps-eaanj I 4 . I . I f tn ,sg ahv4 k fa4- rn 4 1 1 f b )i. mm tkl t . . f f,t t laOn Hi n 1 I ..." (! S."-a4 aeal lll ll, ll !,il.' I ti aj f a Four Models885 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halstcd Sts.. CHICAQO, ILL, BaUNCMBS t-New Verk. Ban PraacUoo, 5alt Lake City, Denver. MemphI, Detroit. Teroata. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREOON. A. H'. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Hrjtjmrr, Oregon. OUR STOCK V OF a a a SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tin: Patterson Publishing Co. -.WITH : PILLS ! mm : mm Youro JIOUND to Tnlco M5m. Leaves No Constipnlion, ... it Cneae W. ae ;! ae all It llWoetaaw, bkk ItawdaeU and !,,. V . an w ma inaw, faj J