CANCER CUREO -AND A- LIFE SAVED By tho Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore Here and There. in from Lena oret Portland this Mike Kenny wai Sunday. began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not. keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Lloomfiekl, la. AVER'S Th8 Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Pillo Regulate the Liver. THE ami SON 1 MON 1TI' E I WED ITtl U I TH I W srioir n jtjt ijl W7TTdl9 Wltr22 Take Notice.. L The lum of Ota rent per Una will be )har(rel for "cirfi of thank," "resolution of raaport," Hat of wedclltm uruaenU and donor, ind otiltuary notion, (oilier than tho the etllt r shall himself Kite an a matter of newt,) and eotloeaotapeclal UMMttlnita for whatever pnrpoaa. X Notloea of chimb aul toolety and allother interUlnmeuta from whlrh reroinie U to beda rl4, shall be churned tor at the rata of Am jtnU a Una. The rule will ba strictly adher ed lo In arrry Instance. AdTerttattiR rahja reasonable and made known ipon application. TIME TABLE. Mac for nardman, Monument, Lont Creek, Mm iter ami l aurun Citf . leave aa fullowf i Krery day at a. m., eicwt Htmdar. Arrlvmerery daretf ai..xipt Monday. The chMK-t, qiileteat and beat Una to or Irom tha lnlrtor ronniry. WAIX TIIDMItWN, Trop. Conacr Brock, Agents. Qambrinus Beer, 1iiaHAir PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquor arte) Smoaable Cigars. Call art Tad. R. B. May arrived (rom morning. . G. Sloan is etitl quite ill at his borne in this city. W. J. Brown was in from the Lena ooontry over last night. Canyon City and John Day are now oonneoted by telephone. Boy Roberts, of Eight Mile, who has been quite ill, is oonvuleeciug. La Grnnde Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Ed Day, one of Morrow oounty's prom inent sheepmen, was in Iieppner yester day. . Geo. Fell has moved into a portion of the bouse occupied by Wm. Dana and family. Tbe smiling face of James Shiiw, of Butter creek, was seen on our streets yesterday. ; Next Friday is St. Valentine's day, and as this is leap year it will probably be a lively one. Gents take partners for tbe "manitoe," at the St Valentines ball at tbe opera bouse the Htu. Born To tbe wife of Walt Thompson, or this oity, yesterday morning, a boy All doing nicely. T, J. Oarle, tbe venerable ex-mayor of lone, was looking after business in Heppner Saturday. Mrs. Joe Woolery eame tip from lone on this morning's train end is the guest of relatives in this oity. Born To the wife of J. W. Morrow, of this oitv, Inst evening, a boy. Billy is now a blush of smiles. Joe Biber departed last Thursday evening for Portland wnere be expects to remain tor a few weeks- Best accommodation and oonrteons treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra- bamsick building, Heppner, (Jr. tf H. Y. Blaokwell got in from Long Creek on last Saturday evening's stage. He will probably go below before re turning. . W. J. Leezer, whose illness ' was re ported in a previous issue ot tbe Ga zette is now reported to be quite danger ously ill. "Gents take partners for tbe Abrata Lancers Are you all ready? Yil yi! Let ber go." At tbe St. Valentine ball on the 14th. Walt Thompson, proprietor ot tbe Heppner-Monument stage line, returned Sunday evening from a brief . business trip to Long oreek. T. D. Lake, wbo spent Friday with his brother Jack, ot tbli city, departed on that evening's train. Mr. Lake is with tbe O. R. & N. at Tekoa, Wasb. Wm. Penland wbo baa been quite ill for several weeks past, baa about re covered and is again able to be out. He is mingling with Ueppner friends today, A person is nermaturely old when baldness oconra before the forty-fifth year. Use Hall's Hair Renewer to keep tbe sealp healthy and prevent baldness. 0. H. Biokwiib. routa agent ot the Faoific express oompany, ' arrived ' last Saturday morning to look after tbe oumpaoy'i interest in tbe recent robbery. Anv inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo aVeirea tbe services of an attorney in Washington. D. 0 , will find it to his advantage to call on or addrees tbia pa par. v oil D n't forget tbe Waebiogton'a birtb day hall to be given at the opera bouse Feb. 21st. All should make preparations to atteod tbis party. A grand time it anticipated. 3 o Jndge M. Duiton, of Canyon City. arrived from a two months' sts In Fort land last Hstarday morning. Be depart ed yesterday morning for bis loner oonotry home. Tbnee desiring bargains eboaM take advantage of tbe wholesale elauRbter Driers made oa tbe MoKarland stock wblch E K. Bishop it now olue'ntf oat regardless of oost. The cbineae new-year begins tbia evenloa- and feativilira are eappoecd to continue ft r 10 days. Thia event will alen ba the 2-'d year of iba reign ot Kwong Hue tba Cbineae emperior. Krho stage leaeea Uenpoer Mondaya, Wednesdays and Fridays. Lea? re Eobo Tnradara. Tarsdays and rlelordaye. fare 14 eeob way. Offlee, Wells k Warren.Ueppoer. Ed. Driekell, I'fop A terrible murder was oommitted in East Portland last Thursday night A logger named Baxter out bia wires tbroat with a rasor, and attempted to out bis own, bat was prevented by tbe police. - Tbe woman was intoxioated at tbe time of the tragedy. Baxter is now being cared for at tbe hospital, and it is thought tbat be will recover. He is a brother-in law of William Gilmore now of Portland, bnt well known here, hav ing lived both here and at Arlington for number of years. James H. Miller, a brother of tbe poet Joaquin, was in Tbe Dalles recently. Mr. Miller was one of tbe pioneers of EaBteru Oregon, having settled in the Ochoco ooontry wben Indians were tbioker than rabbits, and when tbe set tler's life and property were constantly in danger. He retains tbe costume of the frontiersman, and presents tbe ap pearance of having belonged to a gen eration ot tbe past. Mrs. Cox, the evangelist of Newberg, accompanied by her daughter, arrived in Heppner last Saturday morning and is now assisting in the revival which is in full progress at the M. E. oburob. Mrs. Cox is a very interesting and pathetic speaker, and will certainly be ot great Bseietanoe in tbe present series ot meet ings. Ayoungman in Lowell, Mass., troubled for years with a constant succession of boils on his neck, was completely cured by taking three bottles ot Aver a Snrsa' parilla. Another result of the treatment was greatly improved digestion with in' o Teased avoirdupois. A grand Mother Hubbard ball will be given at the opera house on the evening of Washington's birthday, Friday, Feb. 21st. On tbis occasion all tbe ladies are supposed to appear in tbe above style of dress. Excellent music will be furnish ed by Ed Hale BDd Jake Wattenbnrger, 3-D. i. Murray Spencer, tbe jolly com mercial man representing Charles Rob gtook&Co .of St. Louis, Mo., was in Heppner over Sunday. Murray's latest aspiration is to acquire fame as a poet. What oan it mean: He nas already been married tbree times. Makes the Blood Pure This ia the secret of the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Read this: "I am so glad to write tbat I am now In per fect health and it lsall because Hood's Barsa parllla made my blood pure. My health broke down with troubles peculiar to women, m y norVAna m-rrm VfZjc$ tern was shat iLJ tered and I had to take my bed. Tbe physician said there was little hope for me. A neighbor told of wonderful cures by Hood's Sarsa parilla and I decided to try it. When I had taken 8 bottles, I could sit up and now I am perfectly well and strong. Hood's Sarsaparilla has done all this for roe." Mrs. C. F. Fadereb, La Platta City, Cplorado. SUMMONS. - IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT rOB THE COUN ty of Morrow, State of Oregon. J. H. Townaend, Plaintiff, va. Thomas Walden, W. G. Scott, Geo. W. Harris, Defendants. . To Tnomaa Walden and 0. W. Harris, Defend ant. In the name of the 8tate of Oreeon, yon are ereby required to appear and answer the com plaint Sled against you in the Mbove entitled r;ia cure habitual constipa nOOU S flllS tion. rrlce25c.per box. nit on or before the tint day of the next regu lar term ot ine above entitled court town: Monday, tbe 2d day of Mann, 1896; and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof tne planum win apply to tbe court tor ine relief demanded in said complaint, to-wlt: Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal don, for the sum of Two Hundred Four and Sixty One-Hundredths Dollars in U. 8. Gold Coin, with interest thon-on nt. the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, trow 'he nratduy of Febrdary, iw, nun pnl I, anil lor t ;e lur her sum or Thirty-Five Dollars, attorney's fee, together with the costs and disbursements of this -utt to be taxed And that the mortgage described in plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed and that the premises therein described, to-wit: the 8YVU of Sec. 21, Tpl N, R 25 E, W. M., be sold to sathjfy said judgment. And that the said Geo. W. Harris and all per sons claiming by, through or under him be forever barred of all right or equity of redemp tion in aaia premises. This summons is published bv order of Hon Stephen A. Lowell, iudce of the sixth iudicial district of the State of Oregon, dated December 899-412. Attorney foi Vlatntift. SUMMONS. Anv tendenoy to premature baldness may be promptly ohecked by tbe use of Ayer's Hair Vigor.1 Don't delay till tbe scalp is bare and the hair-roots destroy ed. If you would realize tbe best results, begin at once with this invaluable pre paration. E. H. Clarke, oommonly known in Heppner as "Woolly," and in Pendleton as "(Jlarkey, bnt everywhere else as Mr. Clarke, of San Francisco, came over from Pendleton on last night's train. He ezpeots to go below tbis evening. E. B. Deyoe, traveling auditor of the O. R. & N came op on Saturday morn ing's train to see what oondition tbe company's property was in after tbe hold up. He found that the depot bad not been oerried away. Oub Naw DBOoaisr Mr. W. E. Brook, who has been in business here since 1890, took leave of town last Monday evening for bis new home in Heppner. As above stated, Mr. Brock, in company with Mr. Sels, opened a drugstore in Hillfboro in 1890. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Sels embarked in busiuesB east ot the Cascade mountains, so tbat be was not in Hillsboro except occasionally, leaving the whole management of the business to Mr. Brook. In 1893, Mr. Brock purohaeed Mr. Sels' interest aud bas sinoe owned the Hillsboro property. A few weeks ago he found a EBp in Heppner, which be deoided should not be allowed to pass. Taking some out side means which he thought could be turned to better account, and putting it witb bis brother in laws savings, tbe Heppner drngstorJ was bought on terms tbat are rarely met. Mr. Brook goes tbere to take charge. His Uillsboro store is left with Mr. Frank O. Mitohell, wbo has been witb Mr. Brock from the begiuning. While here, Mr, Brock has made scores of friends wbo regret that be hat gone to another, town. Hillsboro Independent. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THERE'S Essn Chan in Business All teat? a ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out tbe General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slaughter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Iieppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY JL of Morrow, Blate of Oregon. iv. r. nugnes, rituuuii,) vs. Henry Kelly, Defendant) ! To Henry Kelly, Defemlant. In the name of the State of Orogon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed aRHiimt you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the nexi regular term of said court, to-wit: The 2d Day or March, 1896. And If you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: Jiuisnnent and decree agitnst you for the sum of I.W5.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent perannum from the 12th day of May, lti!i2; for the sum of $21.78, with Interest thereon at the rate of ton per cent per annum from the 20th day of December, 1MI5, and $tiO 00 attorneys fee, aud the costs of this suit. And that the mort gage described in plaintiffs complaint be fore closed and the premises therein, described to- wit: the BVt of NWfc and of WM of See. 22. and WH of Sec. 23, f p. 2 S, of R 27 E, W. M., In Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment. This summons is published by order of Stephen A. Lowell. Judge of the Circuit Oou'toi the State of Oregon for Morrow County, made on the 8th day of January, 18i0. J. N. BROWN, 404-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. , Catarrh for Twenty Years. Warner Lake, Ore., Jan. 16, 18. I bad catarrh for orer twenty years, and tried a great maDy remedies, but nothing did me any eood until I began takiDg liond Darsaparilla. 1 was also troubled witb Dambneea in my limbs, but since taking Uood'a Sarsaparilla I am free from all tbe ailments. My son baa also been cured by Uood'a Sarsaparilla. Mrs. P. A. Fowler. For Dyspepsia and Liver complaint yon bave a printed guarantee on every bottle ot Bhilob's Vitalizer. It never tails to ' oure. For aale by Wells & Warren. Hood'a Blla indigestion. ; oure iiok headache, Tbi RoBniBy. The robbery of J. 0, Hart, O. H. A N. agent at tbe depot, laat Thursday evening by two masked men oootinuei to be the tbeme ot discussion on all aidea. Aa yet do arreate bava been made, bat it ia learned tbat suspi cion point! atroogly to several persons, A repreaentative of both tbe express aod railroad company bave been in Iowa for several days past looking after tba Intereata ot tbeir respective companies, aod qnietly examining tba diffureot dues. On checking op tbe business Agent Ilart give out tba Information that tba amount taken from both com panits was f 50.05. Sheriff Harrington requests tba Osteite to announce that ba will give 50 reward for tbe arrest and convict ioo of Iba parties bo oommitted tbia robbery. Karl's CloTtr Ho4 Tea la a aura oure for Headache and nervous dtaeasee. Nothing relieves ao quickly. for sale Dy Wells warren. IIcntino Coiotes. Chss Rogers, of Butter creek, spent aat week over iu Gilliam county, showing lbs boys how to Ohase ooyotes. The flrnt d iy tbey took lo a woir, and barring an acoident or two, would have ornvbt another. While tbey were closing in on the second out Mr. Carlisle's horse struck a badger bole aod went to graaa with a broken neck Lnokily the rider escaped ,witb a tew acratcbea and the task of carrying bis aaddle four mile. Mr. Oantv'a horse ran away with him carrying him oat of tbe range. Incidental to these mishaps the wolf whipped tbe hounds and mada bia escape. Monday the hunters killed tbree wolves but tbe next day a blob waa the laat of the bint fortune failed them aod they returned at night without so much aa a j'ick rabbit. Klni out the tx-lls Hie hour grows bol, 'til K,lrhun Mnriy alt: Columbia a t)tia have auirly got the Brltnna la a it; Youraurrr tner proudly finals an4 Juatlre rulra on blah. In! ton f-.ri " t r"ut throats I'h "rrf s Uni K. .... , tf. At the IWIveJere saloon. rtiarle Jones, tbe Well-lfonwo "old- timer" In the Inncorial line. ba again InraMla Iieppner. bavlrg pu'ebaaed Oreea Mathews' shop. Minor building ppoelle tbe rilf botL Charley ill appreciate a rail aho in town. The oldest OdJ Fellow in lOregon. Mr. John Settle, died at bia borne m Lebaooo Thursday, tie waa alao one of tba oldeet pioneers of tba Northvewt, hiving eome to Walla Walla ia 1H16, and loo a ted to Linn oonely ia 1IM7. Walt. Thompson runs atage between Pauci Fabtt. A surprise party waa given Miaa EleWo Myers at ber home at tba Pelsoe hotel of tbis place on laat Saturday aveolog. Tba party bad beea arranged under tbe aopervleon ot (Jeo, i Thornton and waa eaeeeee ia every parttoalar. Tba large aod eommodiooe dining room wae used for playing games and aa enjoyable time wee spent. loach waa served hv I he ladies, the Heppner aarf ilooomeof, arriving every I geollemea furnishing the tropical vegs- dsv eioert Monday aod leaving every day eteept Huoday. Hhorteet and eneap eat root lo tbe I ole nor. Ooowr A Dnck, agente. Mathews BroaCity hotel barber shop, tonaorlal artiete. llairootliof , ebavieg. ah en. pool 2, etc, done aeteottfleally. l'.albe at 'JS eeeta epte. MIIIS is.i shecphcrd cr who has been out four months, but hc loooks like a new man O ccn he has up at , IIoknkk & Riika's now for dressed O O Horner &. Rhea, a) v r tri i, - - - - v f . - - - n n i-i n n nn-i ri-i- - - tstlon. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for tho County of Morrow. Delia E. Woldon, 1 l'lutntift, vs. t Frank L. Weldon, Defendant. J To Frank L. W'eldou, Defendant. In the name of the HUito of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint tiled agalnt you In the above entitled uit on or Deioro tne nrst nay ot tne next regular term of the above entitled court towlt: Monday, March 2d, 189(1; and If you fall to answer or otherwise t.nd for want thereof tha plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for a docree dissolving the marrlane bonds now e iatluar between you and nerseu, and aiso lor a aocree awarding me care and custody of the six minor children towlt: De la KdHli welilnu. l.uiv i.ouiae weldon. Leland Stanford Woldon. Frank Leonard Weldon. lleorge Irving Weldon and I'eart Weldon, the frulta of raid marriage to planum. This tummona It published bv order oi lion Stephen A. Iowell, Judge of the circuit court of the Htnte of Orexon, for the sixth Judicial district, aatca January em, ihw. 401-17 Attorneys for plaintiff. It Haves lives Kvrry Day. Thousands of oaaea of Consumption Asioma, uougfis, tjoiiis and Urouo are on red every day by bhilob's Cure. For sale by Wells Warren. SUMMONS. Some people want the earth; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, H ARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee JapakcsI WiDDtwu. A Japaoeae wedding in blgb life waa faithfully por trayrJ at the o.era bo use last Saturday aveuiog. The eoterteloment wsa given by tbe Ladiee Aid Hooiety of tbe Chriali in rbon-b and proved a anjArea both fluancielly and as an eotertaloment. Tba Joong partieipaota arrayed in Japanese ooalomee played their aeveral parte well and the d'lll at tba ooee waa a very interesting feature; tbia however, waa not a part of the ceremony bol wae simply prepared aod added by lira. J. N. Ilrowo, wbo bad the general supervision of the petf'irtsaoe. A Ave oent loneb waa aerved at the does of the program. e alllUfaae II. Ask your pbysioiao. yonr druggist aod J nut f needs atx.ol Hhllob'a Care for Uonentnptlon. They will reflnainead It. For aale by Welle A Warreo SUMMONS. IN THE CIRBl'lT COURT FOR THE COUNTY of Morrow, Htate of Oregon. Henry vt necier, riaiiitin, vs. William Bremer, . who oi said Wllilam Bremer, and Frank llagerinan, as Kerelverot the lxm bard Investment Com pany, a corporation, DcfendanU To William Bremer, Defendant. In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the roin lilalut llled against you In the alwive entitled suit on or talorethe llrat day of the next regular lennoisaiii court, lo-wu: The ltd ay of March, INHn And If you fall ao to anawer, fur waul thereof Ihe plaiiitttt will apply lo the court lor the re lief demanded In aa d comiilelnt. l II For jiidginent ami derree agaluat William Bremer for Uiv sum of I i.iu, with Internum l-.I.S ii thereof at Ihe rate of 1 ix-r cent xr an limn from the ftratday of June, 1h',; with Inter eat mi fi thereof at the rate of a per rent per annum irom id ti rat nay oi im emner, ikm; wllh lutari-at on tl.S (hereof at Ihe rate of M-r rem iwr aiiiiuin Irom ma nrti day ! June, iwh with InUireat on l' thereof at Ihe rale of a per rent per annum I mm the firat day ol (Hx-emlier, l"!H. and for a further emn to lie determined hr the court as an attorney s fre, and foi coals of llila suit. Alao tor a derree forrrbxlna the mortnte deo rllMNl In plaltitlfTeroiiiplaliit. aa In all Ihe defendants herein named and (lie aale oi aald BiortKSMrd I'remlH-a In aaliafy aald iudaiiielit and d-4-re. lutereal and roata This anniinont la tnibllahed 1T oMer nf trphen A. Uiaell, Judge of Ihe I'iirult Court nl lh Male of Oregon for Morrow County, uU-d January ain, v. u. r.i.i.i" a in j. n n, H 17. Atlitrueyi for I'lalullff. Lrraaaar NoTwa Tbe literary beld its meeting as waa eoeunoced oa last tvealag. Tba program wae abort bat favorably rendered. Tba eociety meets siaia oa ant Kalorday at which lima tbey eipeel lo mora faithfully preawol a g'xij peigrem Tbe women aoflrage o,aeell.iej will be duvoesed by Clay Kolson abd f lore ae Crttleodeo fur tbe affl maitve, Jae. Ilart aod lira. i. X. Itrowa ..r the nelie. Tba pohlie la agele invited. A liHIe -tanghler ,f rd Webber, ll' llaed, Ue.( had a very bad M and eih wbleb be bad ant bee aUt l.iinra allh aa) thing. I gave bif8) a 1 t.iHle tJ I'l.aniUf lam's Coaab lUojeJ;, lesie v, H. lloUUd, aiarrbaot aod poet j .nMr at Wrti llrlotefleld, and tbe ail j lime I esw bim ke e" II war led Ilk ' . k Tmim Mntf.l la lilailj peia!tf fe aa ll.rrl kbd ag IHotlce of Dissolution. VOTun: ia HKKF.nv nwrs that tiik 11 rn Mrliirralilu haretofore etlallnf lie laeen IMrar Minor. Arthur Minor and frank M'ra. under (Ira arm name nl Minor at In dnli'S a enrrl mrrebatidlaa Imaineaa In Ilia tiianiK Heppner, baa llila day In-rn dlnlvr. Hr molual rutiartil, rrank lu.ifrra baflucdla faiard ol bia Intvrrat In Ihe bual"a Ui l'i other member of Iba Arm alio will roiillnup In bualae al Iheaain ba-ailon, e.dln-1 all debu and arid ail aeiounla ol lb aab' firm l-K MIMiR A Kl III K MINOR, fKANK HixiH lab-4 al ll' ppiiar, Of , Jan, , I'm. ' 17. Lief or rTt n The folloe lug list of patents oeie graaled to I'ariBo atatsa laveofore laat week i O. J. tlaekoa, Kae Fraaeieeo, Cal , low aaler alarm; K. O. ftraeetl, Ifawarde, Cal, bottxnbol abaoiaai fuf eeltiag marbloee; H. Di Vecrlo, haa fraoeaMO, wheel; K, W. Uaramnad, Leviik, tVl , engine; A. Uarp'.ld, U Aaglee, frail pltltag tearblnej J, Hproale, Hen Francriaea, eeed rerk; W. (I. Tower, Marietta, Cel., soap book; J. P. Vaa Kiekle, Ixe Aage. U, eprmkln g deviee; K Weeebeke, Haa Frsorlaoi, Aollaepllc dispbraftn fr telephones ; H. A. rt, haa Francisco, aoa!aabr, . i (w nm ea eii I l.npli.g e-i(b aid m lie emree t bee It Haeae i II M el. II Ire fo II ! irjuflaa. f of aale by I'l.h 4ae wl. f w -oa fIir ''M ebf- t'eele Hsio'e ! BIX ffe B' . wt - . (I I flog (."blbf (d.B. J W K"'. ' eiij .aiale, e pre lf.t i di all li'd ' ia sad par baaaiag ni il ! Irnna rletn M.f ar. 4 op h l il ! earpxa. 'ifH a Mam ei, ,j-ere (y belei. r-ltUt'il illa-llaCHU-. blk tfa-t'. bah area e'e ef eaavblae gweraav ' ll ! r I'J ya f'-f furtlr tailte- lrt el em ee -1 !-, J A leel,, ; filtrl.. a, (( W-if. I O P II a' I, be lo. a- l al..l. eaa , ax f m4 el L lI.He, Mfl aa, t Id rasa Arrsv-faurav-A ll.lwaakee paper gate eff the fallowing ; "Berk ward, turn beekwarJ, O time ia font fligbl; give lak MeKlaiet'a lew Jal M U algbl; aarptaa.anwae bark froei Ihe t'ael'e ran lel,ll as the 'h ttote af fair "l-wagee 'aay op, aol plaaly e do; f obi rerve sale, on bnad leewe to sell, eaeti to ll.e Ireaeary, et4 free trade lo Cnlavl. r rrr. Ilevieg ftrder4 a lerg U4 t4 from iba f,t to arrive early lo tbe apt ! a'4 to stake tunas for ny ow Ofii'lmf . I will foe lb ail eis'y daft Kiaa I nal nl mj M.r. 17. Motice of Assignment. Vrn R M'1 l i ' Veil and W I' rail. at1rirra ddn( buainrwi al lle .iir, orrfiii. nn b r lb arm nama ul fall H)a , ha ma.U an aailgntnanl l"f lb livnrfti i.l Ihflf rrri.r All irtie bli( rlaini aeajoal a 1. 1 Rnn f frll H" ar brr. i.y riiirt la prnrni lb an lo lb Mtnletalrnml aaatfttt. al llrirl Nal..i.l f II ui". lo Mrr I .m.i.i. r'(., sill, In llir Munlba IrvHt lb dal ltA, January 9. ,(. K.a.rH. Aaalw. J J !, Atb.ruat b.f AaalfKM en I N" ofcf o final Sittlrmtnt. lrvttf, mriltra)lr f tie Hlte mil 'lml'f rat. t. I has t t rt Mitt I shi tl ay eavetft t( Mrtt mtrtlf, 1 M I'f" lHaft, n la Netl'lH ftl 9tptt , IW-'ti( 4 AJ'H ;W Kk.( N1 f.4 lb . aM fl. r trrM I If ta. tin II Mntl l.a altw We are not email men, lbs. Vie are email men, Xa. v;e are not ins Largest Hants in tie Worm ! a a a But when the people of all the turroundliig country are in need of a Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nallt, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumlierland Coal, Oass and Water ripe, Pipe rittiiiKS, Btovee and Ranges, Wagon, Harks, BiiRRlca, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Bawl, Sledges, Wedges, Uuns, Ilstols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran Iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllert and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc, Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Fricea. We have Oooo Goods at Fata Prices, tnd Cheap John Goods at Chep John rrlce. GILLIAM & BISBISIS, MAIN 8THEET, - IlEl'PNEK. OREGON T. R. HOWARD 13EALS IN Grockries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Suitlies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will make it an o!jVct for you to trade with liim as Lin pricog are rilit, and all goods tbat be bandlca are of tho very taut Stork on Main Street, Next to City Drug Store, Door I-.IoppliC.3L', -rr NuivafM to (. a Van tluyn. Irtl dr b ( Hj ll.d. 1. Hos everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lnmps mid Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty, AKurueyN lit Law BKITN r.U. All tnloei alUn.UI .i li. a anj eaiUfaory manna. Nolan I' att.l O.IIerliira. orncr. is national hank ih'ilmno. I I ciuoom la Hollce Of Inttntlon. !. Orroe ar L llae '.. laiT It ( uti k i i;rnrnr .n x tint hi a. Me ..t..i . " IhI yr-m4 m ., -n ol ale rial-, M lhl H pmj tt I mX .rfr..j, I mmi ! al l.( -f, Df.fMl , l.lHf WU (., al. , arl at n '!. lit r a4 a . m ... pw al .M,ii,,M,a .iM pHt awl .il aitta A M u ) I i.a.u K i k J'.ln T klit. Ila'lf t lr at) I iv.t,!,!! 4 Nei l '. a i . tiuii a M s..w.i Tiaara t i.Tt H at, nut. raiMif. j efcre k i:i 4fe al wMtlar (etrea. Lawr". eairevla. . re aval. T .i.tiH ( eiwl la Iti ! f1l llae. A tt'Ml I, Retr, A'liaet-e, l" , inifiii tT n t'trut T 11 la !... fn. t mm j... knaMl Murk l i I .' ".! .. t If if j el f-m f l. . 4w m4 W'.ml, 4 , TllOa. (.- in lltr., iihm maulMal.) ' ti, i a 4. M t....t .-- titmt .wl... l- 't.u.' a t l l-rf IK at1 .4 't.M. f I I m fc i a 9 iK fe. a I II r- a l, S' -! i-r )ii".4 i'i I.iu. "t l ffiwi Mlf. Do You Want a Ki ? Don't You Want a Plrcc lo Put up Your Team Arc You in Nti:d of a Saddle Horse ? All ran I I'riH-url al 1 l.tri''ii A l'-it)n, lort Main Flrret, llf I jitirr, Orrn. Ik a aall i'- ! '! H . il iia. M )le, A , 4 lux la ie ! " 'a Kii.i . I la He Ik IIm TMOMPSOiV ,t MINKS. ti-anTMtjr. itarrirtR. TIIK IA LACK UOTKL HAK, .1. O. MOIIOI I I0WS, Prop. I in i a. mm laum Keeps the I'inest Wines Liquors and Cigars.