Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 11, 1896, Image 2

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    work the
vaseline in with, of
Hon. Wm. H. English, the well-
known Indiana statesman and
politician, died last Friday morn
ing at his home in Indianapolis.
Mr. English was 74 years of age
and for many years has figured as
oDe of Indiana's leading citizens
and politicians. He was unanimous
ly nominated for vice-president
under Gen. Hancock, having
previously served the party in
many minor capacities. In his
death Indiana loses one of her
wealthiest citizens.
None Bat Ayer's at the World'! Fair
Ayer's Sarssparilla eDjoys the eztraor
dlnary distinction of haviDtr been the only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
X7-vl fl 'a fraii fAVnartr Man n f antnrova
Speaker Reed has been present- 0f otber sareaparillas sought by every
vifVi n oovol frnm Mr TCloina'a means to obtain a showing of their goods.
, . but they were all turned away under the
birthplace, accompanied by the application of the rule forbidding the
following letter, which is self- SW P- ,1 dlwne?n , - T
B ' The danimnn nf tha Wnrlrl'a fmp nnthn.
explanatory: "The wood for this rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was
gavel was taken out of the window e?eot .BS l0l.l0we: Harsapa-
t ri la in not a natnnt merlinine It A nam
irames or me uiaine nouse. a
living shrine is more satisfactory
than a dead one, a man's house is
more attractive than his grave,
To see the rooms in which he lived
and talked, the bed on which he
not belong to the list ot nostrums.
here on its merits."
The Qazette publishes the following
bill, at the request ot several ot our
vaailartt uttiih rtnaud 4 1 m lAnan mA
slept, the chair and table where he 9eoate nnder the8UpervjBjon of Ellig and
wrote, the very pen which his Mitchell and now awaits the president's
living fingers guided these very signature:
Biehts brine the man before us "ihat seotion three of an aot entitled
.-.A t, HM Tnua n an actio rorreu certain lanas neretotire
granted for the purpose ot aiding in the
ri: i i i i i ir
U1,,mn "vut y. xxuuw- con..trUOtlon of railroads, and for nthr
mg tne iioc. ihomaa 1$. iieed to purposes,' approved September twenly
be a friend of the dead statesman, ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and
we send him this travel as a token the several "ots amendatory thereof.be,
of our esteem and respect for him 'nd be B.8meuiB' 8mended 80 88 to extend
personally, and as our standard parohaee lends forfeited by said act shall
bearer in 1896. We hope when be permitted to purchase the same, in
taps of this gavel shall call the the quantities and upon the terms pro
house to order, it will call before vided in B,(1 seotion Bt any time prior
the members the form of Hon. ,0 Januar' e,Kh,een hnDdred Bnd
James O. Blaine, whose words reHi(w0fl DDon tha ,Bm,B hv narBnn.
11.. ... .1 -, J r
nave ecnoea tnrougti the ciiamoer olaiming the right to purchase the same
which now knows his Voice no shall not be required where suob lands
more." have been fenced, cultivated, or other
wise improved by such claimants, and
. m . . . , . . . ""oh persons shall be permitted to par
i nf Biinrama Annrf tt 4hia atnfa I .
in ueanng me vy naney-iongue by legal subdivisions, whether oontigu
disbarment case today. ous or not, but not ezoeeding three bun
dred sad twenty acres in the aggregate."
a T 17 IX Aaa vn -A wrAw nrA 4 1
u.uUuu,,c, Threw Awav his I'.nra.
1 i r l -i
aoyiuiu iu jwwicru wrogou hdu u Dr.). Wiloy. n i.ostmaHter. Black
is quite probable that another p-'eeK. . i w so imuiy hiuioied with
:.,; ,:n i. i,:.,i.i fHnmln that be was only able to
injuuwuu duk nn ira luouiuiuu. lobhle around with oanes. and even
tliHn it caused him great pain. After
I.. L I !:
rp l ,. i lining kUBiunriain s rain uuini De was
" "'"B""'"' J""" I no muob improved that he threw awa
brated its 35th birthdav. Daring Ql onnes. He says Ibis liniment dii
U ... -.1. h,ra ,l,or K0"'1 lnHU " oU'er medicines
.uodo jrccio uo uiouo and treatment out together. For sale
growth, and is today a great newB- Hi 60 0,Dli ter lttla by Phill Cohn,
avA 1
Fire Chief H. A. Runge.
His Restored Health Was Due
to Paine's Celery Compound.
The Member nf tne County Krnabllraa
Central Committee
The following are the roembtrs ot the
republioan ooutral ooramltlee of Morrow
Crisi inalr who are now brought
to jastico in Oregon find they have
no Fennoyer to help them out of
their troubles, and that the law of
the people is respoctod by our oouuty:
Lord. I Heppner, (chairman),
Ik .
Thehew a demand for more vernoD'
room for the inmates of the insane Uistteaon,
Mylum, no why tuts opponitiou to i)nr.
the building of the branch aaylam r Klt Mile,
at Union? Work should proceed Le"!!
l. eon,
The position of ohief ot fire depart
ment in a big oity like Minneapolis, with
its aores of valuable building property,
crossed by numerous railroad lines and
dotted with factories where the fires are
never "banked," is one of the utmost re
sponsibility, and can be intrusted only
to a man ot unquestioned character and
August H. Range, who has filled this
responsible position for several years
with so miiob oredit to himself and to
the oity, was born in New York in 1852,
where be reoeived a oommon sohool
What suob man as this has to say
oan scarcely fail to oarry weight with it;
"With the hope that what I say may
in some way be brought to the attention
ot others who, like myself, have suffered
without any apparent cause, I feel
oonstrained to recite a brief tale regard
ing an experience wbioh I trust may
never be repeated in my case. )-" '
"A few months ago, owing doubtleea
to the exaoting nature ot my duties as
bead of the fire department, I began to
feel a sort ot languor, and listleMoesa,
to disguise wbioh I was oompelled to
bring into play all the strength ot will I
oould command. The feeling grew
upon me, however, and in a short time
it took snob possession of me that it
afTeoled my appetite and caused lapmoia
I at proaobed my meals with feeling
amounting almost to nausea, and my
It., w-.v,
Tnc Associated Prom informs w .. H '
tils) wot M that John U Hullivau Alpine,
Las been on another apron. If I Tins City,
trouble waa taken to ascertain a The members of Ibis eomralltee are
tirao when he is aobor it might ""t""l to owl la the parlors of the
make a readablo item.
. W. rattersoo
Joe Rector
A- M. fiunn
Mike Kenoy
1.0. Large
A. Rood
0.0. Fuqua
C. A. Johnson
W. 8. Coo nor
U. T. Dongles
N. It. MoVay
W. H. rereooa
A. Andrews
J. L. Howard
I'alare hotel, Halurday, Feb. 2-'nd. at 1
o'clock, p. m. Come out aoJ let ds bare
a full reprearnlalioo.
A. V. rrrsHno),
M 10 Cbairruao
The 1IU ef Waaea.
CtinatiiMttiio, eaoa mora than half
the Ills ot women. Karl's Clorr
lea W a tiMani rnra for Dnoalipattoti.
r ot eale ty Walls t Warree.
H. . A. UTAKt
A meeting ol Iba efflwrs ao l ilitecl-rs
or id iiepnaar PpMj Aaaoeiattoa was
at b"l J la Iba nfflja of lbs Flrat
Tni republican liavo re-ora-
nized the senate with Senator i'rye
aa preeiJont pro tent. A. J. Shaw,
of Hpokane, was adei'ttvl aa aeere-
Urr of tha nenato. Tliia was a
victory for the Wentern aetiatorti.
KcrAftATI doleatea will be
aelected for tha state and rongrea-
aional cooventiona down in the
first district We almuM do the
ama in thit district and thus keep Naluwal bauk lal thataJay eom.
tha twofofDtiona aa widely aej. time tba spring taes meet in i
III .l.i M k.J.I -
mm ' ...... . v .'Ml , ' ' ' iWVr,
1 lOixflM nf dCb Will Miiau latif
M!f republioaoa ciocetla that May 3u May . during wbtob a stake
wbilA thera are many aapiranla for ram IiUUiiih lJtos i
m . m . I II . . . a ft .1 .. a
wnirreaa rrora l.aatrrn Ufecn, nppf np'i Aeiai4a ntaiaa.
iKal W. !L K1IU ill f.i lnt. II,- on ball wile f. 3 taarolds Na4 mJ
. . . .. raiMl la Oratfna, Waatiiagloa or I Jabe
...aw..v.uM... laUraa A .rl. tha .p-,,, taea eal
aopjrt, and will thereby U re. ,B, Ma, sn t., t. o,. II pr traek.
l.a liti.ua - I'nltanea tn lo b 15.
ptyalila a fltoa. 1A, Mar eh It. I4
bn 'll mutt wataiaaUj. aa4 f!0
M-r starttug. A 1 14 ter, l 1
N'na 'n"roogLrjr. aHoarJ 5 oe,ta
et'l. N ituioaiUwia t-a reaJa wilb
A. W. 'aUrra, aerlrf, pner.
Off -a.
bomiDate-L 1'akIa.
Ix appittioiiiai tha delegate
tot tha Uta couventioa atwerk
Uia ciromiltee gitea tliu county
threw tlclcgatf. I hi U ei l.'iitljr
an error. Morruw cuti!y col Mr,
totea for Iird, wtU h rbtitlea ua
to four delegate. We lav en't
many Totea is tLo atata ct'turiitioti,
Oonaoaenlly da et want ti le
ruchereU oat of ooa.
Vi, tigor aol taaelina juli.
rlooaJ to! wool! gira llet j ner
an.1 aormabdiog roautry a rj'f ing
Unm. Vea, let each greaaa op hia
joieta aoJ irn4 Lia aoargy.
Heppner (ImHI. Wooder "bal
tby Intend to i) vilb th tiro and
fifr. -Wft Nawa. W'bj to
bed with horror at the restless night
wbioh I was almost oertain was before
me. Matters became so serious with
me that I could do longer keep silent
about myself, and speaking of it to one
of my frieuds one day be suggested that
I try PaiDe's celery compound. I pur
chased a bottle and before I bad taken a
dozen doses I knew that the suggestion
was a good one. I felt an improvement,
I oontinued to use it, and felt restored.
My appetite is good,, and I sleep well(
and instead of an irksome grind my
business is again a pleasure to me. I
attribute this happy state of affairs to
Fame's celery compound."
As in the oase of Fire Chief Ruoge.
the beginning nf poor health is very apt
to rob one of the will power to start
immediately about getting out ot danger.
It is this inertia of poor health that
makes an ordinary ''rundown'' bodily
oondition so dangeroue, and so likely to
on to something worse. Every day
It 'is dearly eliown that it won't do to
live tired out and on the verge of break
ing down. riie languor add the lack of
strength are sure to increase. '
Now is the time to throw off disease,
As (be new jear begins there are fewest
biudrances to getting hack strength and
sturdy health. The bracing weather
arouses a longing for health. Paloe's
celery compound, taken now, does its
best service toward driviog out diseases
snd estahlibbing firm health.
Buds are swellidg on the fruit trees.
Farmers were plowing this week but
the ground is frozen too hard for this
work now. ,
Rev. Swift was not able to preach
yesterday at Eight Mi'e Center. He has
been sick to r two or three weeks, but is
now better.
It yon see Wes. Braonon looking well
pleased and proud ask him the reaeon
and be will te'.l you there are two little
girl babies at bis house, (twine). We
congratulate him and bis wife and hope
they may be a great comfort to them.
There is a great deal ot sickness on
Eight Mile now. Roy Roberts and
Warren Asbbauuh have both been very
siok. Roy Roberts is still very ill,
though Warren Aebbaugb is oonvalesc
ing. Roy, the dear little boy, baa our
sympathy and we hope soon to see bim
about again.
The temperance meeting Jan. 24th at
Eight Mile Center was a suooess. Mr,
H. T. Bngley opened the subject for
disaussion, Mr. W. L. Haling and others
followed. There were seven speakers.
Mesers. Bagley and Baling from Hepp
ner, Mr. Spignall, of Gooseberry,
Mesers. Caldwell, Htaoton, Reaney and
Sevenoaks, of Eight Mile. After six ot
the sneakers had had their say, the
seventh speaker arose and objected to
temperence work in any way exoept
man's Own oonsoience in the matter and
the training of children at home. After
he had taken bis seat the former speak
ers found they had something more to
say, and said it. All epoke twice with
one exoeption.
At the oluse of the meeting Mr.
Bagley proposed a question for die
onssioo at our next monthly meeting.
"Would Prohibition Prohibit." This
subjeot will be disoussed at the next
monthly meeting which will be held
Feb. 28th. The sooiety prefers dis
cissions to debates, as uo one need talk
against their convictions as they do in a
debate. Mr. Bagley and Mr. Sating
have promised to talk on the subject
and to bring out some more ot their
Heppner friends. We hope speakers
from Hardman, Liberty, Gooseberry,
Hale Ridge, and not a few from Eight
Mile will be there and feel at liberty to
express themselves. It a man had oome
to the meeting the otber night for the
purpose ot seeing what ehnnoe there
would be to set up a saloon at Eight
Mile, be would have gone off without
telling bis errand. He would have
thought he was in the wrong plaoe.
That is the right kind of temperance,
when the temperance spirit shows its-
self in not permitting a saloon In its
midst. Eight Mile people do not have to
say the saloon must go out ot here, but
tbey say the saloon shall not oome here.
We expeot another interesting time at
the next monthly meeting. Sioknesa and
the inclemenoy of the weather prevented
three other speakers from being present
on the evening of the 28tb. The eobjnot
tor discussion will be opened by Mr. E.
B. Stanton, of Eight Mile, and following
PR Beit
of all Cough Medicines
is Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy. It will stop a cough in
one night, check a cold in
one day, prevent croup, re
lieve asthma, and cure con
sumption, if taken in time.
It is made on honor, from the
purest ingredients and con
tains neither opium nor mor
phine. If the little ones have
croup or whooping cough,
use it promptly.
Three Sues 25c, 50c and $1 per bottle.
At Druggists.
16 and 18 Chambers Street, New York.
ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
The Northern cououei )
Investment Truat,
Limited, Plaintiff,
G. W. Stewart, Jamei D. )
Hamilton, u. w. Har
rington, Addle Parvin
s. Brown,
of Morrow, State of Oregon.
John F. urosDy,
Alexander uraham,
Graham, wife of aid
Alexander Graham,
The National Bank of
Heppner, a corpora
tion.and Frank Hager
man, aa Receiver of
the Lombard Invest
ment Company, a cor-
nnratlntl tlifn!l(1mif
To Alexander Graham. Defendant,
In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear -nd answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
cause, on or before the first day of the next
regular term oi me aoove emuieu uuun, m-wii.
Monday, the ad day ot March, 1896.
And if yon fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintili will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in said complaint, to-wlt:
A judgment and decree against you for the
sum of 100.00 with interest thereon at the rate
of eight per cent per annum from the flrat day
of July, IHsW, and for a reasonable sum to be de
termined by the court as an attorney's fee, and
lor costs oi tnis suit.
Also for a decree foreclosing a mortgage made
by you on the following' described premises,
situated in Morrow county, Oregon, to-wit:
The 8EH of Bection 8, Township 1 North, of
Ranve '24 East Willamette Meridian, and re
corded in the records of mortgages of sa.d county
in Book "C," pages 358, Sol), 360 and 8ttl; as to all
the defendsnu herein named, and for the sale
of said premises to satisfy said judgment and
decree, interest, costs and attorney's fee.
This summons is published by order of
Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the Circuit Court
of the Btate of Oregon for Morrow County, made
on the 8tn day oi January, vm.
To Q. W. Stewart and James D. Hamilton,
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court, io-wh:
Monday, the 2d day of March, 1896,
and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court tor the
relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit:
A decree for the sum of One Thousand Dolla'B
gold coin w ith interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the first day of
Julv, Hi92, until paid. For the sura of Six and
Fifty-two Hundredths Dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the th day of Januai y, 1SI5, and the sum
of One Hundred Dollars, attorney's fees, and
costs and disbursements of this suit.
Also for tho foreclosure of the mortgage ex
ecuted by defendant G. W. Stewart to secure
the payment of the same and conveying the W4 ,
of the SV hi Sec. 30. TheWUof the NW, the
fcW of the8E'4, and the of the SB Sec
si, and the SUM of the BW of Sec. Si, all in
Tp 5 South of Range 25 E. W. M for the sale of
saia premises ana ior juugmeui anu execution
against the defendant G. W. Stewart for any de
ficiency which may remain after applying the
proceeds of the sale of said premises in payment
of the above named sums, and for such further
relief as is demanded in plaintiff's complaint.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the sixth judicial
district of the State of Oregon, dated December
18,1895. J. N. BROWN,
3UD-412. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Tha Coat eat 10a Mel Laat Hatarday. Orcaa-
lied, I'ajwed Keaelatloaa aad Heeled
Male Heles.afc'e. Coaaty Ticket to be
NMalaale4 llr. Agalaat Fele.
Tbe populist eoootr oonveotion wbioli
was callej to meet last Saturday, con
vened at tba eourt boose at 1 e'olook
aod was railed to order by Chairmen
Metier, ileomao CUell aod Cliff
Jonea vera selected respectively aa
temporary ebairmao and secretary, when
tbe rbair selected tbe following com
mittees: Credentials, M. a Metier,
V. A. Hteveos, W O. Allison; permanent
orgattltation, Oeo, Che pin, E. It.
Stanton, Joseph Pnrtfnyone; reaoltitlotis,
L. W. Lewis, F.J. Tibbels aod Win.
Crab tree. Vbilell was uot general!?
known, tbe primaries were held Ibe
previous Saturday when delegates were
eeleeted lo tha cooeentlio. Tbe re pre
eolation was beJ on i be tote Nathan
Pwre. one delegate at large aod one
(or every tea Volrw or (raeiiaa over a
half. Ua tbie basis the Ouoveitlon
would have bee a eomp erd of H dale.
galea, but tba cred.-i.tiala eooiinitte
reported only 3tt. ea t in tolieg 1ml SI
voUe were east, J. L Swift eat
settetad a perro a ao t chairman and
E. IV Hleoloo ee peiaanei s'Oelary,
0. P. J ae afterw da aj r-nntad as
temporary eerretary.
Tbe reeulultoM reported by ths -Oil
Ilea atkiatf a pointed ewduraed
Ibe OmeM ptelforej, Ibe Initiative a id
referee J am, direct Irgislatioa la t
adopted by direct Vote ( I he people.
market valae aaaaaweat o! las t, state
oatmloftbw I qmr traRle and flreaty
opped to any tt-a. Tbe eat. ra report
wee eolbaeieelkelly adopted
Tbe net! ihiog la irdr was the
aleelioa ff foaf deleaate ta Ibe state
uiitxiIh. Tbe o!U wiftg were pleeaJ
IW "iee!i: II Caldwell. M 0
M.ti.r. J. L .fi. I, Um.J. 1.
Msllieier, I. It, M aH-ti. t)v Cbaptw,
, K r'lWN-l aad Vt as. I'.Ufee At Hue
piat tollag. etp'aaaa frq
ll.a S'liiiiaera ..n fat.ie wa a'l. f
waw Iha litiir aMfnr were
bMJ: '.li.ly egainel faeloa.
Weald weter a-i t a f . Itrkel. a
It woal l avean a earittj ( t lathirni
aea l..- lag e-.aab. Hkea ta e and rlH. ?bbei l UkMfw.a
aiifiM aiv i f. i usiwir a
as follows; lleory Clay oooe said "be
weald rather be right tban be president.
I would ratber go down to defeat for
onr principles tban be victorious on tbe
wrong platform with a belfbreed ticket."
Every eipreesion was loudly cheered
showing Ibat tbe sentiment was strongly
against fusion, and as all nominees were
of tbe same opinion the voting proceeded
wben the following delegates were
elect!: U. Caldwell, M. a Metier,
J. L. Bwifi and L W. Lewis.
This completed tbe work of tbe after
oooo and on motion tbe convention
adjourned to meet utijool lo lbs call of
lb chairman, it being understood that
this same convention aa oow organised
wilt nominate tbe ouunty lioket later on,
probubly moi lime neil moolb.
Catarrh Carre,
health aod sweet breath earnred, by
hhilohs Catarrh Remedy. 1'ricw 50
rente. Naaal Injector free. Kor tale by
Welle Warreo.
bim will be Mr. James Uart. ot Hern-
oer, Messrs. H. T. Bagley, W. L. Haling
and others. Quit a number of Eiabt
Mile speakere, and speakers Irom Iba
surrounding country will be there and a
very interesting time is eipeoted.
E. M. U
Eight Milk, Feb. 3, 1896.
A Nataral Beaatller.
. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies tba
DKkmi and gtvee a dear and beaotiful
compieilon. For sale by Well k War
Our f"!'! 'wlag ihttrw aed
mora la )a ht.i ,. .,hing ia 'l,l
t'ulia ilfitg iat, for the lalMl aad tal
of evertitiing la Ike tlrg lie. 1bf
al ( hati twrlaia S tiigli IUodr.
f am Mia nf lie CWrew l-f had . Jja, weaap
EniroM Uaitrri:
Iear Hir:-I bate beeo ioformed that
il is eorrenlly reported that I beve aaet
my aauia to Ibe pvpuUet parly at E ihl
Mil Outer tw be takes la aa a member
of lUal parly. This report I broad
niirrl faUe ttti wiiaoal lb least loao-
deUoa of truth lo sapport It, I bave
always baa a repobl eaa ever eiwoe thai
great parly bee bad aa riiele&ee a4
ripeel lo Vole aad work far Ibe repabll
eaa party e long as II otay with Ibe
principle It Uafbee la lie plalform
tJ. I am a Him believer ta biaMtellieaa,
( Ibal elUol that Ihia g iveroineal roia
all lh silver balUa of oar wastry,
alag wilb oar gald.
I believe ia Ibe Unit ol Wa Mc
Kmley aad Ibe rectpracily af Jmae Q.
fiiatae, aad aiacereiy bope tba repHl!
a party will have Ibe J Jedgael
la Ineorpnrale Ibaaw three great da I Waal
prtaeiplee ia tie laiforaa of l'l
I aas J ours Vrey liuly,
i H. Ibrasr.
l,etia.tM,Of fti Ilia, li.
a Wavth Kawla
t'. imi.iMn, linpt-e, t'eeawinnia
an I a I tbr and Lwag dWaa ar
tnt.,i hf Mhiinh's Car. Yt sale by
W elle A Werrea.
Fabtt. Tha grandest event of Iba
season io the form of a lesp year party,
ocoorred at Pleaeaot View, McKiooey
creek, the residence of (led. Noble,
well known and reepeoted oiliceo of this
oounty, on Friday veoio? last. Invited
guests were prraeot, having o -ma from
wiibia a radios nf teo milea. Tbe Invit
tioof were confined cbiefly to tboae re
siding io tb aeigbborbood ot rieaatot
View. While ye Society Editor wm not
preaeol, yet from reports we oan safely
say ihat all Lad an rjiyabl lime. Mr
Noble bae one of tba finest country rest
deocf la Morrow oounty, Urge aod
commodious, and perfectly adapted to
tba crowd aod amaaemeoU ot tbo veo
Ing. Uamra of every draorlptioo were
played, beiog entered into heartily by all
preaeot. At a late boar a Inocb was
served, and all seemed to folly appreciate
the geoeroeitv aad good taste Ibal had
provided tha delightful banquet. Tboae
preeent were : Mieaea rlorenoe Crltleo
dofl, Maggia Horoor, Elsie Hmith. Klale
rarmee, Iea leyner. Nail la Baeey.
1-nlq Hootbby, Ha Hbaaar, Lola aad
t'liie laaa. Ada Hbea, J.uDia Nob'e,
Meeere. J. T. Bonlbhy, J. W, fVymer. C.
F. Kiraa. T R Rnblasna. W. II. Hraith
O. H. Uvrr, tt. W. Adaata.New J..ee,
E. M. A sera, Tbomaa Morgan. Kalph
iwa, cue, unrtis, r.ageoa .Noble,
W. Uaroor aad Uao. Noble, Jr.
'Tp--aeea lrsttnhr inll'iMii
' ' wwauiM laorrami, ln aauMl,!!.
m'imi I IUI. eaVJlOK llMlhallilMil.a.
rny, 1MM thmi, UmU Hall. ling. hlafn,
" aai.
Ir al and yon will be ? Ibaa fleaa
wiih lt fee ii II.
. -
'.iw la tha lime l gt lbs H'aaktf
0(raan, the r'al ae(-e rf
II I wmI. Muh lbetl.t4M.U-th einet
ly la a-eane,sae year. H fV Me b4Uf
nor hie allow af aeaspapra eaa t ma-le
la lb elale. lMi.ta we will glee ate a
Mwtwiawi aa a.Jtiliwal joarv.at.tba
fwt llaator, aa acnllarat paie.
Cuota ta w aa4 eabawr lb.
Am al a fak !. A fia aev
a ha aloag laa hue ftos lb boal I-'
ibe biabewi rrn ia lb eteia. I-I a
alayea Iba pi elf oiw an I kerp la Ibe
mid He wf Ike ra.L Feai a me IU
Jealb ef Ibe -eMi Oar rheeMa are
ta4.a4aby wha Item b aalag
nb ea etaa-al Ibal we maet ear,
Tba aiata a4 teat of lb -aii.ea
ewJWJ M was W at. Cralblew, wb at
A'l.f l.a I, l" Ibe Uetio will
a d'Mal f I rr eri frwaa
ItM ia e'l eiapia J. wk. Thia ea
la-iMt la we1e tm Ida apasiD Ibal
WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
or ladies to travel in Oregon, for establish
ed, reliable house. Salary 70 and expenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad
dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com-
Fany, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago,
II. marl.
Cummings & Fall,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B, it
H., u, si. iv oi. r., di a., i". r t. w. s v.,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
csioAao. zziXi.
i. N. BKOWN and O 0. ELLIS.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
X of Oregon for Morrow County
The State of Oregon,
W. Morrow. County
Clerk of said Morrow
County, Oregon, and
the heirs of Charles
Liud, deceased.
Whereas, it has been satisfactorily made to
appear to the Court that on the 13th day of Jan
uary, irvM in sain Morrow uotinty, Oregon, one
Charles Lind died intestate; that at the time of
his death said Charles L'.nd was unmarried and
left no children, or other heirs at law, and that
up to the time of the commencement of this
proceeding no person or persons have appeared
lalming to be an neir. or heirs, ol said aeceaS'
ed. That at the time of his death as aforesaid,
said decnued was seised of certain real estate
In aaid Morrow County, bestdea a considerable
amount ol personal property. That alterwarl
the County Court ot Morrow County duly BP'
pointed administrators of tha estate of the said
deceased, who duly qualified and entered npor
saiu truat. aim proceenea to administer said
estate, under the direction of said County Court.
That on the 24th day of December, lwrj such
administration was completed, and aald adtnln
tstrators died in said County Court thelrsupple-
mental nnai account, by which it was shown
tnat mere remained in the hands ot such ad
mtnlstrators, after such administration was
fully completed, as the property of said estate,
the sum of IIMUl, which said sum of money
was. on earn nay, under ine order and direction
of said Comity Court, Paid hr such admlnlstraU
ore to J. W. Morrow. Herk of said County Court
the above named dnfendant. subject to the
further order ot the aaid County Court. That
said sum of money has ever since aeid 24th day
of December, IW, been, and now Is, In the
hands of J. w. Morrow, and that said County
Court haa not made any further order In relation
tnereto ana mat dv reason of such facta, aald
aura of I IMS 01 should eerheet to, and become
tbe property of, the Htate, and tha Htate nf
Oregon has a right by law to said sum of money
now in poMeasmn oi earn aeieimani t. w. nor
row, as ainrmewi.
And It further satisfactorily attDearinc to tha
Court that a summons has Issued In this nro-
(voung, aim-ieo io aaid ncirnnant, J. v. Mor
row, requiring him. and tha helra of tha aald
Charlca Und. derraaml, to appear and answer
the Information filed herein, within the lime
llmllni by law In civil run, and that aald
summons haa neon duly served tinon aald
drfmidanl, 1. W, Morrow, neraonally. In aald
Morrow Couiily, Oregon, and Ihat no hair, or
heirs nf the aald harlee Mnd. dereaaad. can be
niiinnin sam louniy ana etaie
It Is Ihorrlure hanthy ordered that all persons
Interested In lha aald eetata of t'harlea IJnd.
deceased, appear on or before lha Bra! day of
tha nesl regular term ol this Court, which Is
tha Brat Monday In March, l"-l, In.wlt, lha
aerond day thereof al Heppner, In aald Morrow
County, and show reus. 11 any Ihey have why
the title nf aald estate, now In Ihe hands of aald
J. W. Morrow, lln the sum of IIKftAOl, should
not veal In lha I'UlntllT herein. Ihe Htate of
Oregon. Is hi rther ordered Ihat IMS notice
ne published once each week for ell consecutive
Weeks In Ihe Heppner ttaietta, a newspaper of
general rlreulallon published al Heppner, In
mi1, Hiirniw i iHiniT, HI I'pon.
ittieea say bend fhl I wh day of January
ifci ua.i a. lJ'ri l.
t. Circuit Judge.
in thk mcriTroriiT wr the cocvty
v oi storrow, suae el ureoa.
Henry Heaener,
Clark R. A lklna.
To Clark R. Adktoa, defendant.
la the nam of the etale ol Oeann, yo are
aerer.y re-iuirea k apfeaf anil atxeer the
plalnl Sled aealiiel '! In Ihe above entitled
A tnlntttrator't jfofc.
VOTH-tr 14 MKIiar mtn THIT two,
V Iee4 baa Swell t.rtnle. Jmlnle
!WaliMimi4l, W U.n.. a, i i
4f Ike I oaaly I raH 4 Uanmm I cm, It Male 4
H rnM In IM (WfM xalnM OI4
stole ae het.be eeinx v peKwal M.mm ka
m al ike m,e nl I ms . kl.t,pMf.
iv teie4. wlikla eta laonihs lrwa daw
lxie4 IKla V. Oaf e4 a . IU
I a-aa, raiSUK fwyTT.
Ally A4 ai la. A4alaiaMar
f -, lit albw a kla eOlea 1. I.. I..
eeh wi:i ! pM f all wk aa aow aa i a a4
Haw Fasi tiao Vm
PiiaiHtMiToa e butirg.
TWt mrwrr rr Mtn rorvvr
lha cMai el tkM fceahlana. i!m m I
" lfc-eaa fuatitM , .4.m
la keeekt ti" -v lha !. . a-twlnw,
Ir.Lrt nl Ihe Mltu ml The keen 4.
eeeee.1 fc the rnUlm en 4 ...
rial the aM Serewl to
auk the ima'l Vewheea
i'k.. i a,.Hiha an., the aH e-.i.iu.tl.M, el
Ihte MM t. the a. 14 e-taiKMeakne al aia
rw ten. M bhe eaeek l eal-l eelr le
e f aa iiMavt at ai
kea, eaaiatt. Uta'.h
Msvay rtatai
kit, A
aa av Iktt a. hee ui Aar eieaxaeH t-f
kll-aluant t- f k MaaHtiMI W
ie.wda boa triatvrtr'i lodci.
npee. mp law re far aeil o.any a -ITHW IS, glttir l.l tfltV ill reae e-.ea .1
ibellaaiia sm, an I a-w anite la a w .... .t.wi r,i 111 !'T.",T,'rr -" .!
b f oae .e.-.,.. la ,i,U ..Saie "
I U- Me al Iba lalaa. aot fmntt mas .., the Oeae at I a . . ' ' , " "" k4 K iaf a4
luieai will Im wall lo.ked aftee. fiaaaa lw. lltl.y I laaaaf. A V
Suit on of larlnre Ibe Iras 4a a4 the aet I regular
urta of ald ert t ii .
tbe Ia4 Day f Marvh. lata.
And If ymi fall an lo answer, fof Waal Iherenl
iba hialnlia a III arply la Iba eourt ! Ibe
reiiet neaj,aand IB sa!4 enaitilalnl. la all
t" )dment aeaiil aoa) , the aura o
tltouaaad iKllara alik tntefeet ihervoa a
rale oi lea fmf real fe ananas frnaa tbe 14
laf nl Kmember, iaM, and erb ma aa Ihe
eoe may et)ulr fanhie aa aa attorney a
tmm and nan and rtlehunem.uta and loe the
euaanai a eenata annnK tl.ru led by
' - .e ptwwhi m ute ensB eM
ayaviaea. ano rawnrdei in tbe awwtaaee ran
m aei'i rttniv nm ine 7 f a aa af kcreeaatt
mi.ii -r raae ht aad ennvevtna lha
Mlln 4artihe4 t II the k.
e4 awa and Mkii, an 4 talM, J
ii. a-i ,4 anl ay a4 SWk tn4
aww-laai, - a .iu l i- m .
and lu the aale ol ae4 premlans b aailafy aat4
teiSMMnnelakMil.llaledl.y twdee el Una
etet-hea a lneU. 4w4re nf aakl eimri. saa4e
aa Ue la dat a4 January. n
t pheww
All. net M nalntif.
Of the Old Reliable
ault House,
KB www
Through Pullman Palace 81ecpera.
Tourist Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair
Cars DAILY to Chicago.
Many hours saved via this Hue to Eastern
W. BAXTER, Oen. Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon.
I ftfl J r-e-
Solentlflo American
Agency for
TRADK aeawatt.
ymr mrnmatloa and rree Handnnok write to
MUNN CO- HI haoauwav. haw Voa.
Cldeat bareaa roe seenrlnc palenla la Amerlra.
ITvery patent taken out hr Ua la brmiiiht before
Iba putrfM tij a awtioe gtvea tn utckanra la Ua
trgeal elrenlallori oT any arlentlflr paper In the
worul. aplendhlly llluMraleU, ha Inlellu.Dl
tea abnu!4 ba wlilxail It, Weekly, a.Oaa
Teari l i all monlha. 4l4reaa, a'.jVjr A CU
Your Face
MdmlnltUatrtt Nolle:
VOTtf ts Hmrar civit twit ynt
i ' alMa be heenae.4ne4 a.lal.ie
I'"1 " Ihe eaaale 4 l I I M ---,n- 1
by Ihe I ntnlf I tmt e4 Halh. I neatly, M.la
' Ail p""al ha.ln. t,lm a'a4
aald waie a, b.rehy r,.,lr-l ka rnanl Ihai
In al ay b.ea q ne, tt , '! arlB4
alhm eit HMMtha ttn 4eke beeaaat
ate tfcie ei 4ay e4 t'- . Ia
" r A4wlkMeatr1S
Vrtii nr lueaoLt Tiki,
f, Tin t m t, ptarat ia is
" tbe hHlona k m . awlea IL. a.
i aj a . ea ji
nae ml ea ..it.
Im . fhli l..d t-
reaajaal-aa, liar ee l grata M eaasv IL
- - -ir-e."'iina II. I'
ave n.
0. at eaktak.
fmU o wa
Witt be wraalhax) wllb a wtaet entaglnf
amlla, olW yaw Invest In a
Outewaa wivw its asw
Tba skoet men pine and vawfal devkas rear
444 la any sewing aeblaa.
CtnWy NtNMfMfw IsUt,
Cf ris rieUh Mi feffaet Atfsitavt,
trai AU ttwtila ArlieUs,
Ao4 win eerre aa4 pleaae y ap U tbe Ml
sWat f your esprrUOoM.
Ar-Ttvt IJtAUSl WAMTtO tw oaoao
paad karniory. LtUtai taraae. AAirv-k,
f 11111
- aaaa, aeat 1 -elaUeH aaeeMal anal a faa
HabniaaaaMlaHMM ajaataaef ma.
"ornai ia oeeaai'l V, a. omi
" -I at laaa ana kaaat kkaa
teaaal e a. I, aM a f4Ua. r,k We
-m. w e a-ia M ...a a na. l-e m
ka'va. I" ee ana 4m,,. i kie--4.
riaa.,i, a(aU. . fnii.it t
w. B. eaa trm ai sail i
a Waetate 4eaoee. m a a