mM IJ1tH lM M4liliU:i rtl!aMilM4l,Mrfcli!nm i i - OFFICIAL PAPER inu iMmtmtHitnMMn . i I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT 0 I Advertising brought me all I a -r . . i I MY SUCCESS- Is owing to my liberality in ad-; vertis;ng. Robert Bonner. i own, a, 1 , oiewarx. ! MI mi m i t hi ntui ini i i in i n 11.1.1 1 1 in ihi :ninin THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1896. I WEEKLY WO. 6771 ) 8KMI-WEEKLY NO, 413 " y SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHKD Tuesdays and Fridays BT IE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. ' . - - Editor A. W. PATTERSON. - Business Manager At 1 2.50 per year, $1.25 fur ex mouths, 75 ota, tor three mnnins. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. rpHIB PAPKH is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's 1 Advertising Agenoy, 64 aod 65 Merchants Exchangs, San Francisco, California, where cou racte for advtirtioiwc oan be made for it. n r 40 -CYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. j Warranted tuperlor to an; Bicycle built in the world, regardless of prioe. So not be Induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. , Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., U. 8. A.. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. 0. R. & N.--L0CAL CARD. Train leaves Hoppner 10:30 p. ra. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:13 a. m.; east bound 3:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:2: p. m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 1:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. m. United State Officials. freeiiteut Grover Cleveland Vinn-Prefitdent Ad'ai Stevenson Secretary of State Kiohard S. Olney Secretary of Treasury Jehn Q. Carlisle Secretary of Interior. Hoke Smith Sncrelary of War Daniel S. Ijamont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Hubert Poetinaster-Oeneral William L. Wilson Attorney-immoral Judnon Harmon Secretary of Agrioulture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kincnid Treasurer Phil. HnUnhan Wnpt. Public lnstroction (4. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idlnman J G. W. Mcliride Honatars..,. j H Mitchell I Hinger Hermann Congressmen W. B. Ellis Printer yw-H- Leed !U. S. Titian. ,1!!,or, C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Jndirft, Stephen A. Lowell Proeeouting Attorney John H. Lawrei ntjr Ofttcials. A. W. Gowan , J.B. Boothby Julius Keithly J. K. Howard J. W. Morrow U. W. Harrington Frank llilliara J. If. Willis Geo. Ixird Anna llalelger T.W.Ayers,Jr Morrow Cou joint Senstor Uuprmwntntive. 'UinntrJndge ' Commissioners.. J. M. Baker. " Clerk " Sheriff " Treasurer Assessor . Hnrveyor " rlchool Sap't.... ' Coroner nsprriss Town ornonR. l,oi Thus. Morgan V mnrinnen '"'""r . ' Mrhtenthsl, Otis Pstterson, T. W.Aysrs,Jr. mM U 11 IP UIMI. nnonnivr - ; t irwiuivi - Marshal A. A. Huberts Precinct Officer. Jnstimof the Pesos K. U Franland Constable N. n. WheUton Halted mat Uad Officer. THM DALLS1. OR. J. t. Moor "Water A.H.Hii Ileosiver LA 01ASDE. OH. n w wn ftealstar J.U. Kobbin.'..." Heoelver 1 TM U.S. GOVERNMENT IS I PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. . Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. - The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the 1 time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. , 7Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. j The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AYIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C XCBZT BOOIXTIKJ. KAWL1N8 POST, NO. IL Q. A. B. rl set at Uxuitfloa. Or., tbs last Saturday of ck month. AU veterans are Invited In Join ' c. Nona. Uao. W. Smith. Adlatant, tf (kanmandar, MONEY LOANED. ln4 Mortgage on liiipmiwl rami Property Neaotisl Kl. W ar prepared to tieantlala irst mnrlfssrs upon Improve,! Isrms In Orevnn. with eastern Psrtles si a fate of Interest not to esreed per rent, per stinnra. Mnrlfsres renewsa Utat nsv naen iasn ny inner cum panto. Address with sump. Haasr City, Oron. L UMBElt ! T I RAVR POR MALIC AtX I1"D Of CM t f dnasM Ltiiahar, 14 Bliss M HappiMr, what Is know s Ids ru i.oao fkt. kocom. - " CLIAR, - I tot 17 M rf PKUVRRIO III RIPPHIR, WILL ADD L tiw pa I.WU leei. sniuowu. Tbs sbovs quotations are strictly for Cat a. U HAM1LT0S. Prop. National Ut ol Mil Wf. rCKLAXP, K. k. Manor. TEASUCH A 6LNEE.IL BJLXK1SG BCSIXBS () ' Jf. Company U controlled by nearly one (tumtand leading neio paper h the United State, and it guaranteed by (Ann. I lr-A FACTS I KS FACTS'! ! j t itcu. . ir 1 p s"1 " T'ijir- - t 1 .i i ' 0U CAM BUY 13 00 woitb of dry goods and g roieiles and then hav Y enough left out of 1100.00 to purchase t No. 1 Crescent Blcyel. Thill , a flrst-clau machine. Why then pay 1100.00 lor a bicycle that will give '1 no better service T !' CRRJK;K!(T "Scorrher," weight 30 pounds, only Ijo. - n Ladle' and Oenta roailsters all lb way from M to I7.V, "Boys" Junior," only I with pneumatic Ura good nachlne, "Our RpMlal," Men' I'o; Lxlle', M. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS. CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. THE PATTM FIB, ft., lleppner, Oregon, MORROW AHD ORAMT i ; Countlti, - j'Jjr 5Vfl l?LvT rf-- HE INTER OCEAN - mn- Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the attest Orcolatlon. COLLECTIONS UJ oo fTortU TartnsV. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD UEITXEIL tf ORWOH Onlario-liurns Staac Line -A M I- BOBHS -CHHYOK STB6EUKE DAILY (without SJ-4y) t.00 per year DAILY (wltfc S.aday) ftl. rryr.r The Weekly Inter Ocean ici. 00 V latJfc TTstAH-MM M I swssssa- A MTWlArTt TUB IHTtB OCCA1 ks sf Ike ttMS is s rwmts N ' sMtiMf sales mm s.seess sa pasttsi ai I Itta k M V m ASH inn KLt 0 ttUlXt UTLMAUKlT " TERMS BY MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. OSTAIUO-nVKS'8 Iv Hum I ' r tvut. .Ur rite l (H.Urie ta 41 Mart. Single Faro $7. CO. Round Trip $10.00 fsvrtMttt r, y ia4. U as si i afHHeeel Is ea. Wie Wanly, It II !!!..". L" i"il, was si Ms a4. II riiiaiiu ir is irnai Kt, aa4 fe Ms f ftlTVuT"' ra M 4e ft M isls taw SH.SI ml Is e Mwsa inn st tr IT IS A TWELVl-PAOE PAPER. fit) rvrt-t ocpaw Ht irr 11 t"icvi. ttf( rrw aw connrecut (. TI up ail sf IMF All nav' Sih MtM, . aims C47TI I tf anrni to Tr kl luf is trim MuitA Os imsI rarvm raiinis Mil, Hftrn sttl tM a, .pss ! Um kxk la KSMtae aa4 I SM.f U,h,u"' 44' THE INTER OCEAN. CH!fiCfA iiunss-cASVos J:TJ:i'":7TiXJTTm Lanxasiiiki: Insuranci: Co. 1. -" rt-e4 ' , . Mrw s I t4 trit'jiti fcf fiwtrn ; SIMMONSV REGULAT0R7 GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS Liver Regulator (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver Is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER KEGULATOR. ine King or Liver mear dnes, and Better than Pills. 3rT-EVERY PACKAGE- Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Phila., Pa. A CRwAT RAOSIT HUNT. In Oa THE OWEN ELECTRIC REIT ULLI Tnd M"k-0r A. Owiii FOR MEN AND WOMEN Tha latest and onlv sclsnttfln and n.aM1.l Kiecirlo bolt mado, for general use, producing, a genuine current of Electricity, for the cur Of disease, that oan be resdllv fait and men. luted both In quantity and power, and applied to any part of the body . It can be worn at any timo during working noun or sleep, and WILL POSITIVELY OURS miEmATis.Ti LlttHAOO U KN KH A L DEBILITY LA.TI K HACK NKHVOH9 IrlSEASES VAHIHOCBL.K Kit AL WK1MEU itipoti:n Y ILIONKV DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electrlcltv, properly applied, I fast taking the place of drugs for all Nervous. Kheumstlo, Kidney and Urinal Troubles, and will effocl cures In seemingly hopeless case wher every other known mean ha failed. Any sluggish, weak or diseased organ nay by this mean be roused to healthy activity before It I too late. Leading medical men us and recommend th Owen belt In their practice. OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contain fullest Information regarding the cur of acute, rhrunlo and nervous diseases, prices, and how to order. In English. German, Hwedlth ami Norwegian languages, wilt be mailed, npoD application, to any address for 0 caul postsg. The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. tig orrir aid only rscToar, Ta Owe Ilectrlo 011 Oldj., 201 1 til ttat Street, OHIOAUO, ILL. TlW Ur(sl Electric Bait EitslHitnmwtl la ( WerU) sisTiss T.e esesa. Over Thousand Iluuulcs Killed Day. Many of have enffOMtl in coon hunts, fox hunts and wolf hunts; others have hunted bear, deer, chickens, quail, etc., and every one of ua have, when there was a good heavy Bnow on the ground, bundled up warm, taken the family guns from the corner, and with old "Spot" or old "Tic" sallied forth some cold winter morninsr to take ad vantage of any and every rabbit which might sally forth from its burrow in quest of food. But very few persons, says the Chicago Inter Ocean, have ever engaged in such a hunt for rabbits as a party of young men living near Homer, 111., participated in one day lately. In the absence of all large game and the prohibition as to shooting chickens and quails, the young farmers pass away the monotony of the winter days by or ganizing hunting -parties, which enter into competition as to which party will bring iu the msst game by a given time. Usually these competition hunts are be tween the young men of different neigh horhoods, tind neighborhood "honor" is a big thing in this country. Oue day a very exciting hunt was made by two parties of farmers living near Homer, which on account of the number of men engaged and the amount of game bagged will be household lore in the neighborhood for many winters. There was one company of twenty-five men, and another of twenty-four men. All had to have their game in by seven o'clock in the evening and most of the men started in quest of "Itrer Rabbit'' before daylight. "And they gathored them in from highways and hedges," for when the count was made in the evening one party had secured 033 rab bits, while the other had slain 525, mak ing a total of 1,158. A sumptuous sup per was spread that nig:it, for which the defeated party had to pay. Then the rabbits were Bold and the money di vided into three purses which were pre sented to the men who killed the most rabbits, l'robably so largo a number of rabbits were never before killed by one party in Illinois in oue day. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABdOsWTEKIf PURE A CRAB-CATCHING DOG. n Down- WANTED-AN IDEAStSl-A'a tning to paUtol r rrotert your iieas : t hey may ring you waalltt. wrlta juita ns.uiir.iw. llt'KN .. I'alent Attorneys, WaaUuctoa. U U. for thai HtW its offer. "WATCH AND WAIT." very Ureal tehlevemrnl Is Ilia ul snraepaMtillxg 1'aileuea. TalJnttt W-Mliiig no liws." baa boon made the sub t ot iii lii.tru -tue vol i me; and "let patM'iir'4 h-tv hur pi'' tw worlt," W ono of tou many 'l.nira.i.o iiegcsuons ol Oi'Minl w.toni, S4t s tnv.New i ku lrli;rr Th bisti ry of evei r gn-ut a. tnevemetil. and Uio re.i.ttmn i f rvi'r (fraud Idoa, Is the r,.r.l , a yrrri,iul,nK pauenoa On Uie psm f ibo hero and tixi linnaer. But for toe U'jm rpse...iin of tin cublime quality, buinaiiity Must have succumbed to atlKtiaand o mtarln w. b bv txro (U nously ovcro.iiie, and man, losue of donv onsLra lug V "xsreas to bw tha prriVblnoUal law of b.e li-inir, would bar sunk la lb inbrei) if fatalism. r.Hira be:tiieae and wreUh'-d than III u a.tatr II. a II" kd. The diatvveier, IU reftt m r (be te oetacUir of wbaievrf ru has ea h in turn, sitww Lhe trorkl brgaa. traronl tbrrmgtl bia 0ll aa- aenesxw lk truta (4 Ue ps liiiei T aob'i ' ki esi.ksad we.L' and Iba eir.ry of any vna bl tbeas M naiol ine story or a.t. Ki pwr, ivmf Inut lb "ui'.-'f dna1 and diMrrmi g .-r ln flr.l t n.c rlrarly Um tuny and ha'm.x.y i f ,a p soWy ant eersa, rA!.4 omy frma li,a im of at pa Urarebsverrk J. a be rial loa nsrrs live of hi Mit'My disvrryt '1t ) t east! The b-.-a I wntf n; to l read oo by "steiiiy. I rara n li b. I Bis wen eff.,rd l sit f Ulu'f f r a reader, a Oal be wate l,r. tUiued )ear fof a obaerver Ac 1 1 tmu vue, ea. king falnlf fives city toe it r. ei.4 fr.ta ouurt Kurt, ff a(0 Toip'.ti..-rf ruA b.s vlsV Of the 5w W ar woe ta)iag e derkof bs(nsvi, bet by inttun lbl snni.d ts Ueuau4 s 1 o'.if ataa -erbal m w-tl eae we t-w astra, wt, eVmlMeol Um eetb y H.-mait,, and mh. A f a every ctvumeg emt of Uw esmss rs. r'aUraeaesa tttf atinUetj Wavkial l. U rts It la, t -e rtie pf eMvaeawar trivial are avet tbiar ovf tB. iis wwwt n.'t, Wbat II taey b oaaa teba . W..I IMI Sua fir e W f ie, tl.a fa, V fa; I vt , lb I eaa..s naa taeir Mitef, at.d r l,n aad i barveal fs. f J t H,t i ( I brea .f antb eg, a4 e-r ivm i of tba a-w. r v.4 a4urtag , b.t ta a4 aa.ia ' l as Irut Us ,Kt ia fl -d. it. , t m I ee t bsa att. 4 we eaait, la Uta Kt af seie.s s i t -t, um tn tlt'l t I e ' The Queer Hport lndiil ;ol In by Kant Canine. I have seen mention in the Forest and Stream, says a correspondent of that paper, of one dog that eattgUt suck ers ami another with a preference for catfish. I do not for a moment doubt either of these dog-lh.iiing titories, for I once knew a dog tliut took great de light in catching crabs; not soft crabs, but lusty, hard inn s, capable i f making a good light. When about twelve years of age I used to swnd my vacation at a largo farm on a tributary i f t'.ie Chesa peake bay. llcaidcH myself there was another small boy unit two doirs at his house. One of the dugs wna a largo Newfoundland rnd the nlht-r wa.'itine of those iiiediiiin-siM'd, i.ti.'.;:ii:ig combina tions of hhort-lialr t.nd ; Mrtietilar color probably un i.ll-uroiuicl dog, u coiiecrm d his liret'dht;;. t.:.o t!,iy I no ticed the large do;' wndlii,,' ;.l.oi.l In tl e shallow water at foot, i f t!u yard and fvitlcntly searchin;,' for i .-i n lliing. I found that ho wan loo!. iii'f for crabs, When a crab was diioviM -d ho would prance around It and, after muhin;r. sev eral attempts, It In 1.1 . i lout'.i and bring it up on the beach ami tlicti .!ny with It, nnuli as a cat l'K"i with a mouse, nntil tho poor crab was cither dead or helplessly c:!i.ia..t.'tl. He wetiied to do llii.t for tho t.i ro i-jxirt of the thing, burl; in f all tho tha l i it tone that UenoU'd cxritcuicnt r..t:i. r than anger. Ho never uUi the i rnbn nfu-r killing thi'tn. The rr.ibs fun ;lil buck to tin- N ' t of tin Ir uliilil v. iiinl it was ofU'n dilikiill to nay nl.lili b id tin. tightefl fnp, dog or rrib, for tho crab would fu.ti n on to 1' i.ic i illoii of l Im dog'a moulli itli Imtli l 1.1 . p ) rrful jiini lii ra, and It tvimld ri pore much bliakiiiK U fure lie mould drop nil. SPOOL MAKING IN MAINE. A Queer Industry Which Has Grown 11 In the Backwoods. Oxford county, Me., turns out nearlj all of the spools on which the thread oi this country is wound, says the "Phila delphia Press, The spools are mad from white birch timber and they art produced by the million in Oxforc county. There are many other pointt in western Maine, also, where the in dustry is important. There are man; saVmills in that part of the state which aro kept busy tho year round sawing white birch logs into strips four feet long and from one to two inches wide and of the same thickness. These strips aro Bent to the spool fac tories, where they are quickly worked into spools by most ingenious labor saving machinery. The strips of white birch are fed into one machine and they aro not touched in fact, aro hard ly seen again until the spools, all fin ished for market except polishing, drop out by tho bushel from another ma chice several rods away from where the strips started in. Tho spools get their gloss by being rapidly revolved in barrels by machinery, the polish resulting from the contact of the spools In the barrel. In tho backwoods vil lages of Oxford county one sees scarce ly any other industry but spoolmaking, and everyone is in somo way interested in tho business. Tho factorlea have been eating into tho Maine birch forests for years, but there seems to bo enough left yot to feed them well for years to come. Hundreds and thousands of feet of logs are cut and sawed into spool timber annually. Shoe peg factories are also nn Impor tant brunch of businessonce peculiar to Maine, although it has of late been fol lowed to Homo extent in other eastern states and is spreading to the hardwood forests of Pennsylvania. Maple is used largely in the manufacture of shoe pegs, although white birch is used at some factories. Hhoe pegs aro sold by the bushel, and are worth all the way from throe-shillings to ona dollar, a bushel, according to quality. More than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars were received by Maine shoo peg factories lat ycor for goods. A curious and profitable business has grown up in the Mai no wood alsiut the sawmills In the utilizing of the Im mense quantities of sawdust by com pression. Thousands of tons of sawdust are pressed Into cement blocks and bales, and In this form is finding a ready market for kindling and fuel In the eastern cities. A DAILY ANNIVERSARY. The Device by Which a Washington Wife Keeps tier Husband Home. The wife of a -young attorney in Washington, a very charming woman, loves her husband dearly, and the same may be said of his feelings for her. Still, he cannot help being annoyed oo casionally at her freaks. They hadn't been married a week before she began to develop anniversary tendencies. II was "five days and six hours" oi "seven days and ten minutes" since they were married. That went fairly weU during the wedding journey stage, sayi the Post, but it was kept up wonder fully, till she would say: "It is a year, one month," throe days and four hour! since we were married," These attacki of preclseness occurrod ' whenevei Oeorge showed symptoms of going to his club, or when any of. his friendi called on him to go out with them. After a baby was born there came nev anniversaries to celebrate. Baby's teeth. baby's wails , and baby's first lisps tie- came important dates. All tha old an niversaries were kept, however, just the same, and now the young husband stays home every night in the week tc keep anniversaries. She has four to some days, and if she thinks he is rest less and meditating an escape, when emergencies arise and ho Is tempted to go to the theater with any. of his old chums, that ingenious young: wife can count up so many anniversaries that nobody would ever dare to suggest George going anywhere. Indeed, it has ooine to such a pass that the boys ask George to go somewhere, simply to hear him say: "I can't I must go home. We've been married exactly three years, five months, three weeks and four days to-day. I've got to keep the anniver sary." She give George just one night off in a year, and thinks she does won ders when she does that, and George ought to offer thanks for the rest of tha year that he had that one night Then he goes to class reunion, George doea. AFTER A Ms Whoa OFFICE. Wa at I.sat Piles! rileal llrhlkg I'llee. hywptom Moisture; tntenaa llolittig ocl stinging; moat at flight; wnrae by tcralclilng. If allowed to c-ontinn lamnra form, atlob tifleo bleed and olrrt, becoming very sore. HwsTni OlsTMlsTslop Ih Itching aad bleed- inf. heel nlrwralioa, and ia most eases remove f, I a mora Al draggits. or by mail, for Ween U. Ilr.Hwatn A Hon.,,a. A Jee Healaes Maa. fine of lb (hanK'trr of Portland, Me., I a I ivrman Jew win m any ImiI neaa man In Maine Would trust with Bv IhouMind dollar If lie mi. bed It, lie tu j s awt t'-n lhni-uiinl ilollitr' worth of dry gm and niillim-ry annu ally In jot, l,,t, and m IU ll all over I He State Ihnmirh the medium , f MMiir twenty five or thirty Ikm! I Ib ra. Ila me It re evidently it- l r-ril. f-.f he ia Worth oerr tt-nt) I e !!, xml dollar, tli'Hitf h lie c emed r-1 1 or w rite and rann-'t l-taiu'lil i d't It'trr. hv raj time the att mpt hsl u tnivlr to lMtrh him ti f .rtn the lultla'r, f Ids nam for rj f 'irrt'tirt Imt ha ranif ,t f irm tlm b iters that tie jr ' an le rerifnirol a sti li, lie i an add and nililfn t, and ln a y--in it. n to Le. p hi BMint, is 1,1. h !-. al I- t , prove exirrsv-t r the rr, r . l-.-i.. , ,as Irarrwd thai r rl s n .n i,f wtarka n an e. rtam Llnl,..f ,-. rtf lie cvMil I i, 4 naoir Uw l tt -ri any f the w..f. Tltey are s.ii.ply s to Id in. MANl'MHHrKMi KMtll.AMf A llltl dsnghtsf r,f ttt i WebW, llotlaad, Maes., La i a Very l I a-.11 and oagb Lleiti I, a bsd d kwl abb t.ifttr a.lh )lhliig. gave bin tpitlle if tasslaellata' O'Bgb IUse.y, ay W, . irdla-l, taenhabl I $t B). aetef e IWlfwenel I. a the s tin. Lin be ij -tike-1 die a i tl.srm. Tl eae.f lst-nle-1 tm IbaettyaavMaaeeaU keeo .C.SliVinM reel, ft le tj hee, f, wtjM. teal, j to r 1 beta e ileegee In giving snre l.e..a f.. t4, - r. sell P ll S I 11 Ire f II e.i,lslfs a, k t. , f,. -. l-.a,l iv. ..! f ee fn.lV,l iinHi I i.f sla by l id C' t.. Terslsleney Rewarded. A yearning for public ofllee la noth ing new. Nor, It anything new for men to proelaim that yearning upon the houaetiip, any the Youth's Companion, ltev. II. W, Pierwin, ninny years ago, found in the aonthweatern part of Uie country a large elan of per rnnlal office Mi-ker. Onee lie heard a apeeeh from a man who had lst-n a can didate for the Mima iifllce for twelve year in auceewilon. Bvery year he hml canvnsMil the county, making spwhea In every neighborhood. Ir. Pleraon printa a part of the speech which h hiui-M-lf hi-artt. "I ask you to vote for me aa an en oouragi'ttietit to the ioor txiy of the county, Hint I may le an csnnipla to lliein; that they may point to um and aay: 'There I a man who waa onee aa rior aa any of us, w ho has U--n Imnirrwl with a seat In the legislature of Ida native state. ' "I have taught achool a g-"l many winter, and the leiy that I have taught like me. They will give in their Vote. I have sometime thought I should have to teai b wined over the County until I have taught hoy rnottgli to elect me. The end of tha speeeh, wa a follows: "My fellow rlUtens When I hsik Ink k over the twelve years stnee I ta-rame Caildlilate for this i. flii e, I f,el Ml.tilir- aired. Y hen I heik Ihk W and think of tha very few lhat f-if year gave me any encouragement, and romparw them with the nuinUr that now promt me (heir vntoa. I am proud of my mh, "I l-'glii to fi-el that my h"-s are blsittt to lie reel i oil. that a In ij-ifily of my fellow rltiaena will li-m-r ins with their aiiffrs"-s. and that I shall proudly g-i up to lite eaplbd and lake my beat anwmg the ! pwlati.ra i-f lh tato. lint, fellow rltUena, If. unf -rtu nalely. atnoibl fail In thl el.-.'tbn, I tali a the present op rtuioty to an ivnincw lt 1 f as a ian-li Isle In lhe Hel race," K4 Uial yef, I nit ne rear after ward. 111 long dream aa ra!ll lae I art i a4 Ine lUrly li in and a M-iiir.f Lwa la lh m riilng Lave ala) l-en isfd err-. ntial lo if-e-l h' alt'i nl l"lig life, 'I hat Is a sti rstitein, a)r a"r man writer on d, I. tea, w !' otaarrta have j.l l. a -ullltrl. "Al least lii'.l out if tea (.rs'in ovef eighty wl-pv raw Were lMvelftd aevef W'l.l to ia-I lit. I I Well Into Id esnall kmio, ial del toot ylKpstfsi until lata In lhe day I erly rt-inif ten-U to lhn.t tha iyUeal ( el n l 14 sle-rtra llf " And an l.iglih fut.iwa tell wtaintaina Ihal ' Vt g liver war re!!y a'l l r-. ln I !'' . . . ...t--.-. to . . I eiiei it-iwi imnnn? iohi si"" lale a l,i Ist-ll .e I, y si I the il f'y Nil il-ml t I.!il1 I grand ll nlNting esea-.-a I. I tl. ' rsi.k y e erwvtt.'is l.i 4 fsi... i.h'.i- l WIPES KNEW THEIR VALUE. A Kswshoy Who Would Only Areepl Five Cent for Having HU Live. - Human life is dull and in small de mand spot cash, flve-slxths of a cent inch person at Hidden Point, on City island. These figures are the result of the aad experience of Kdward Gallagher, jf New York. Kdward is a ncwalmy, sometimes calliil "Hw1ihs the News boy," as a compliment to hi ability. Ue I not tho original ",Swlcs.n Ed-a-ard Is sixteen years old, black-eyed, brown-haired and small. What bis muscular development tneks In quantity It more tha u mokes up in quality. He told a big armful of newspaper be tween this city and City Island Monday sftrrnoon and then went rowing near Hidden Point Pour men and two won n who hail sailed up 'nun (Ireenpolnt in the email sloop Agnes went In bath ng at half-past ail o'clock, ao "Swlpea lay. I lire of the men ami ttie women (in-sently got Into the skiff and paddled ut Into the aotiiid, followcxl leisurely the fourth nmn. who swam. Two unilnil yard fnnu the shore ha grew tlriil, triiil to climb Into the skin over, ie aide Insti-ad of the stern aad opael "SwIimV siild he rowed fiercely 10 ie rescue and saved them all. They made me weary," be confided ia.ewVork llemia man. "wneni bi-gnn takluif tin fi In all the mm could aay km: 'We'ri' all btr Moon's I gol rm ashore one s.ivs: 'Johnny, that wm gn at work you done. 1 iu gdiig to laki op a c'b-cllon.' 'lie pasM-,1 the Imt and raiaeil thlnj retiU out of all tin lr clothe. When In give It to me be say: 'You're only t siy, yott know, an I r Mm tark hll quarter an' says: an I ala'l fola overcharge ym, lhe null gang oi yer aln'l wort''n 11 pence.' Then 3 aklppe.1." Ilul will not im aalety ur mni kind indivlilual give ' Hm Ipt a' a medal by PrtlSON Mara e4 DISCIPLINE, f Mlawf s4 llla-e a-i4 lit I tien'.lil. If we rained h- 'p IU h-itieal w-if Iter, at Irani we i an '. p p 'ti'irf a let pam perina lha tl t- It I e.'i l iU nee maa, the Ihiijf i f ll. I'.ir i a id lUe int. qir us ing (..a in.. ie t 'tftl I i(Ur, ay a riU rln l.lpplu. olt a l.sisuitH). Tha Howard a Lilian appvef t hit the) tisil on tha In ad In t u ir g "tit here. ily of rr rliijf t!.c ir -ttiienti.f rrttae Inal Ira bttrai tUc" l.u.M laal of tha law abiding and liiimin inp.'f. II who lives I y I. I il should not be) tnii pi. -I I't envy Tie a lsrf w le fry it IU iaimiu'ii'y W Iwa lha aslisstf la raii.: l. wl,.t I to Vl Willi I. on tflos. ff !- U te-l elly UialUr f r tli- it - b Ut p Kia) live, bale an I al " t l b h Mill to 'tlx thin.! V raalesil eres). safily it f ire en I l!.a mnsb al gla-wa). end l i . IHulllf Mpe Me )., Int. r -ore, witli l ti'el.ew tjr'Uity a- j, rutin f I. h i 1 i! y-mng, fr-n I'.- ni l U liialnalrw III r one. 1 1 i i i. t ev. t tiL br evea Lattal . . Il.-l ' I .. i.l. It t ie i I I I f--g"t l-f a wrn" i.l I .al k !m pw stltiitriil, l!.l !- i n 'iatel t-y lo' Must tt. lit I i 1 1 Irei.-. wbat 1 - I teat p- .i Wll.fs .- -t : -.U I at I il'" t pet t iw an aad imght ! I i it l'. w KJ ul Us i b tl it h'-iK-siy, a aa s.e h. la the) ,i l .l.r. ar I nn-L I. , . t,,-1 lly aa) , I,. ( 4 t- ay tha ' 1l4 lab La, teetill auk bun, If , 4rga4. era life. I saei III.