sTOCK. BRANDS. Whila Ton imp jour subscription paid np yea ean keep jrou brand in IimoI chart. Allrn, T. J., long. Or. Hones Otf on left hoaldor; oattle same on left hip, nnder bit on right eat, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor row oonnty. B&ird, D, W. and ion. Honea branded T B on the left hip; ee'tle the saraa on lft flank, crop off right ear, nnderorop in the left. Range in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor fow oountv Bannister, J. ff Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, trooseherry Oregon Horses branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on Bro'man, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 1 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half orop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; oattle. same on right hip; split in Brown, J. C Heppner, Or. Horses, ctrole C with dot in est ter on left hip; oattle. same. Brown, W. J.. Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left blBoyer, W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses, box brand on right Up cattle, same, with split in BorTp. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. CwTiee, W. J.. Fox,Or-0attle. JB connected on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, GcSn0ernarren. Wagner, Or.-Horsesbrand d lb on right stifle; oattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in Grant and Morrow oonnties. Cain.E., Celeb.Or.-Y D on horses on left stifle. TJ with quarter cirole over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all colts nnder 5 years; on left shoulder only on aU horses over 5 years. All range In Grant county. Gate, Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H Con right shoulder; oattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla oonnties. Corrigall. M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop ont of each ear and nnderbit, wattle in forenad; bones half oirole C on left stifle. Range Mor. ow and Umatilla oonnties. Curl.T. H.. John Day. Or.-Double cross on each hip on oattle, swallow fork and nndei bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant oonnly. On sfieep. Inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear markoii ewes, orop on left ear pnuohed upper bit in right Wethers, crop m fight and under half orop in left ear. All rang. 1UCrATl-naOr.-HOr.,90onrightshul der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square crop off left and split in right. Currin.B. U Carrinsyille, Or. -Horses. on '"co'x" Ed. 8.. Hardman, Or.-Cattle. C with E in oenter; horses. CK on left 'up. Coohran. R. E., Monument, Grant Co , Or. Ho branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapln, H., Hardman. Or.-Horses branded O on riaht hip. Cattle branded the same. Also brand. CI oVhorse. right thigh; ! brand on right shoulder, and cut off end of on?lass. W. M.. Galloway. Or.-Cattle, R D on right side,swailow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D "eIbV... Douglas, Or.-Hoes branded ELY on left shoulder, oattle Sams on lefthip. hole '"EmerV'c.' 8., Hardman, Or.-Horses branded O reVereed C with taill on left shoulder ; cat. tie'same on right hip. Range in Morrow oonnty. Fhirenoe, L. A Heppner. Or.-Cattle, LF on right hip; hones 1 with bar nnder on right ,hF?o?o.. B. P. Heppner Or-Horses.F 'on right shon der; oattle. Pon right hip or thigh. Tentry. Elmer, Eoho, Or. Horses brsndeil H. R with a anarter oirole over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umetilleopnntiee. HiVtt A. B Ridge, Or.-Osttle. ronnd-top K with quarter oirole nnder it on the right hip. Range in Morrow and Umatilla oountms. i. u.,.l Wurner. Or 7h CI F L connected) on right shoulder on horses; on oattle, on right h p and on left side, swa low fork in Hhf! ear Ind slit in left. Range in Haystack rii.trlnL Morrow oonnty. . 11 rip TTiii ! X Inmmm nowara u, t with bar above It) on right shoolder; oattle same on left side. Rangs in Morrow and Umatilla HalVrEdwin. John Day. Or.-Cattle E H on right hip; hors s same on right shoulder. Range In Orant oonnty. ,, . hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or.-Horses shaded heart on the lef t sh.wilder. Hae M.irrow (n, Hunsaksr, B A. Wagner. Or.-Horses, on left ft fin left hio. Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or.-Horses. H on ""iH," I .,(, Rmht Mile. Or. Horse n on the left sh'onlilwand heart on the left stifle Cat. tie same on left hio. Range in Morrow minitty Jones. Harry. Hepnr. Or -Horses branded II J the left shuuliler", oattle lira Hint J on rivht hiD. also undorhil in bill ear. Range in Morrow oonnty. u M Hennner. Or. Horses, hoi shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, tha earns. Range KlaMMIIe. . i.!l... r.ll. l.mnm Or. Hnrsee. elroleT oe left aUflei'naUle, same on right hip, under half orop In ri- and dit n left ear ii. M,ka. Hennner. Or. Horses hrandxH INV on left hio oattle same and orop oil left R4 m alna nfi the right Kirk. J.T.. Hennner. Or.-Horses M on left honldw; oattle m on left hip. Koratierland.W.rl.. Monnt Vernon. Or.-I Lon ...i...n n.l,t uiit lft aides, swallow fork In It ft ..r and nmUr 01 on in right ear. Horses mint brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant omtiilv, U.ften. Htephen, Wot. Or.-H U on lert M on oattle. orop aim spot u rigii. Sams brand on left shoolder. Rang Grant ""eo'allen.John W . i.'-T ' -"'""r bntall helf-injla J I. oirtinHH on left ahmil. der. ( stile, sane oa left hio. Range, Bear Ul. '"uieXey, J. W. Hipner Or Horsee branded I, and A lt ehoiildr; eetlle same no left hip, wattle uter right eye. three sills la r.ghl lrd. Oenrge. Heppeer Or.-lliwees branded dnuhle II eH.nerU Itmoetimea oaJle. a ii l H on left shoulder Maris. M. fl . Iiipne, Or. ( attle bramlMi irvls oa right hip; horses same on right slitla. Haige la M-imtw enantr. m.h. i inn, neooner rr. altla, H O oa rt-htl shl hip; bona fcwi enoaioer. oa l-rt .h.l'l eiia ', ir.-Umm,H oa right aloi eailie. lion nhl side. K-l.adr.w. Ume Hrl (Ir.-n.KS- l , Umrtmi on lert ahonldari mltie same no bnth hl. tiller, I'erri. Uslngtua. Or.-I O tm left "Chra'. J. W.. IViaglae ttr.x k'ltM O oa I.fl sh.Mildw. cell la same a rht hip. faaiwHi. Olaea, Kiit stile. Ilr.-H.. nef ar eln-le shit-l I"" etwield sad S4 Ul aip. faille, f'lra a HehtarHPt M lrklllMa, Hanlaaa.Of,-llursasirua mh alMMl'W. .... . . I'll, gree ltl"i", '' brao l. kal iMK-tl en W h.IU 1 Mile me oa hip. Kane-. 4 ir-w fip. i- " lsl'ii"e. . -H'. P. ,. a r I.m. Or.i wree leeonl P no ttumUiti mill. ) II J I. oa the ft hnsapwra.aU Uft aaraag slip ta M rlstiU u.. Sa4tww. HMvaa. IH - ll . i tfm WHh flUStHMIWlS II aa Ufl !. mHm bntn-tot 1 a ifce ri'' eh.m eaiua. I a oa ui ai rn.p MSWM1 -vrwrnr n am lert ear m M asJ a-tl-MaUig . IBIW ,kad a KM m-mm, twbi swa MMte ear asamli anus aaass ew naw aip. fae-vee siir. H-oVC H IsslrretlK Or-IU e.a Wtik 1" eHle-a oM kit a4 f.4 rVakl ear - epl't " UM. H.wnm mm W4 UT saaisr. Maase M wrow Urwil awl H.iImmsi ie. Hm I. . M-H. -'I -a. JO as Wft sSwaUe. I'ssii. tl rtgal hip. fweslM W sJlrS- O'-H" " MWi etia. mik I W kip, ewirs) t.S la rM ex. -.W la li. m.t U-w. I" - Muwa, 4 r ew tfTaipi eaU a Wrfl aip, .mU Valaa. tf -fall Is ' I OS rtM kip " tiM I-w i a. It a i,.M ii.bl4 Hf 4 e."i u... SMMiilis.lir. H."aa" W H 4, MMViw '!., -a k-i e-ii u. tmm' awaas - ! JM ai Ml s-t wile M aava. vm aaw 11 ia el Mil. a.. 1 a . Hf4a. I a-MM m mm ..-li -tiae, t Ml 'M Mm a J . M ia - 'i-v aw rt.l a. i i ' t "a. II . M.-r-' iW - Uraaa. M we Ufi ' ," -a l-ft kp . I elite I" aa i.n a -i i a--'-! i-n sax. w t I lafl 11 ak-M-a-. -aiiU I a uft i U T, -ag r.i.,v.kMl.-lt-raa I R W , fl.- - aa- al t UM a ' k-aa, eaitM aa aa bat kip 'I'v.! 4 I " -w k4a4 HI j ilii ...iimI m a tmm bn.a4 taa.kwaa-t.Nt I a. ' a) Ml e ml. I mm rtM sbnai yW'ta. SaSaS as rigal aaa t U Ik4 alp mm M-u. -' r i-rjrr-f MH U" aa? aaa . ias l-a U- anWi a w aj .up. Ik -MMt"- aa a Ml -U,. kw Itoege M.,,. I f . .a. a. . aa - - - u aa at - .a iw aa M kH iia-wl a . . Mrar-t. H-T- - - "4 mJm JlJm .-. m4 ki , aa lafl aia. 1 .,, .aa ga-...aa.J Zimmm. Ifg-ga -- Wren. A. A.. HeDDner. Or. Horses runniogA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young, i, B., Gooseberry, Or. Hones branded TH on the right should. GET THE BEST When vou are about to buy a Sewing Machln do not bo deceived by alluring advertisements .ind be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that you buy trora renaDie manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and sq uaro dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura hilitv. Vou want the one that is easiest to manage and ia Light Running Thir fa nrtnA In th world that can equal in mechanical con tfl stmction. durability of working pans, nnenesa 01 nnisa, ocuiy in appearance, or has as zuanjr improvements aa the New Home It has Automatic Tension. Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand (patented), anvmg wneei ninea on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE FEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Obajwr, Mass. Bofltoir, bam. W Uwiok bqttark, k. t 'HJCAOO, ILL. OT. LiOT IS, fllO. UhUl. I aULAU. fiAS FEaXCIDCO, CiU ATLAKIA, G FOR SA'-C BY C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. Send 5 Cts.'for Sample Package San Francinco OJJlce, NAPII. It GREENSFELDER CO.. No. 220 Sutter Street. The thumb Is an nnfsHIng rndn of chsrsclsr. Tbs Hqusn T)p In- dlralrs t strnng will, grrsl enerr; snd IrmneM. Closely allied Is Ute tiiiaiulslrd 1 TP. (ha thumb of thoei of sdvanred hires and busiMM ahllltr. HHh ot these tjpss bkm to ths bmr man or womsn; and Demoretl's Fsrollr Msvssius pre- fiarrs xwIIIt for Such prrsnns s whole volums of new Ideas, eon df nsrd In a small sosce, so ihst tht rC"rd of ths whole world's work for a Binniu msr be rrsd In half so hour. Ths t'oiilial Trps Indirslrt IrllKtnitiit, cullure, snd a hs of ptN'lrr, snil Union. Aprrsoa with this trps of thumb will I hoc ouijiilr mjojr lh llirrarr sllrarilons or iirniorrats sisKasins. ins ar Trie ImlWatre a hire of brsuir and srt, hti h will tnd rsrs plra.ur In the msrninrml oll.plrl. lh aiorrrt's Mararine for I "I. Ths ri of this suurrb woik ol srt was from; ana we rrpnnvciioa rsniHit be di.l'ri(ulthd fnaa Iks I, of "final. IWsldrs Ui . an siqaldls oil or ttsor-foww pirinre M paa Ii.ir4 in ai a aaaiiwr of ins Mas a sin, and tbs eficlee era se arw. fuwlf snd supsrtilr UleMrsled that Hi Havuias la, la reality, a port- folia of art winks ot lbs bigi rmlrf Th ffclloanpkk 1 yp i h thumb ef the thtnkrr snd lawaU of bl. aba will be rWnly Inter. 'is 4 i4 la lk tfTloaw BMMilbif la IMnnrret s Majfsaiaa, la sirerf en nf Its aaaMriHis oVtariiMnu, I ' ah'ih tee ibe eeiir srKHIc sag .lt.liK- grid, tbnoawllpf 9ry r-V f.. I. Isnrr, sag rag of Ibe Sf i.m..i..i s I pieiplr a prrfart K'Siiiy Mararine, ! ws tnnt sga va of tb Muetb. hm4 la -r asWrirtloe; H ig r4 eniT lion, and roa will kss s sofa WMtstiK la oa. i w . Jsaaiaos i.woaT. Cabli-bar, 11 SjM Hlb ptraM. ItfW Tata T h-mt aa a febMa aaf ssia. Ms prtfrt f.r pa-.aiMl iivankas I Hi fsatlly snl guaat Ir aisllrrs will W 4 lati lalrnal In Ikuee fix I, g Ik failnla Tt ef 1 haoib. a ilka la..kei IB hsaatall eiM. swag, sufi aetl. taoiis, adg tip, tb-ae trans wi,wb big eaMvntiai'S le aelVt M nee of abmld aaWitks le t V rsln. If a aaarqaemleg wltb s '( i-4 a itwa "-i-. trtk a ai l Hn IKm sng Ibne Till M ha ka pes le Ik as Mtifg a b ggg la aa I . rmitkiag ss sslisf tag Uaaar asssg 0 a aate raaiiif f k tapllsl ef lke lwaerag Is kaaa tg aawt parseas. f kp IllafSIS lb st ! faaaSHf Ig Net alwert BaaX Ig H eaai4. .. tbaeg ta4ssssaes Ikg kaglal geaU Ripans 'Tabula gs afara wnk say pnneaaly k IH IflNI tl-B .. I rH 1skalgi (Msg, ps seg g kab Of g.iea, kf h4. .. if ! Cl IKH C, 1 1 lrM Ma t f. The rggnlef iiWrisivig trw l lbs rVahl Uaaity llaall g 13.') gad IW rag'itar la t( ll.g w aikly (War'"' toll Wl. Aa;pa ggla. fil.iag M lb (lHa gal frt " I a It aura rag g. U. b lbs (latalla mmi WaiV'y (r,.aiae M l SV All 14 gl aeribatg )lg tlt( elrviilWne U MS f tf "li. urs o rows, l l H inrnrs, reuro. I w dined from the onclnsl sinilii( bt I ' Ix lini'iire, thr nwit clrslMl nt llCT'V V lltlng towrr pslntrrs. whlrb silll I i a Ix slrtii to eirrr .ulMrrtbrr le mm, E. McNEILL, Receives. TO THE OIVES THK CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver OMAHA MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. Agent at Heppner, cr address k N. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Aft. POBTXAHD, ObEOON. QUIOIt TI3VIU I Son Franolsoo And all points In t'lifomia, ria the MU Bhasts rout ot to Southern Pacific Co. rhe (rreat hichwsr through California to all points East and South. Urand Hoenlo Kouta or the faoino (kiast. fullman BuBH Hleepers. Beoond-elaas bleeps rs Attached to exoress trains, att ordina snnenor eoomsaodatlons (or seoond-olass passsncers. ror rates, uoseis. sieepiug oar ressnrauons, to. call noon or address t. KOEHLKK, Manager, I. P. ROGIR8, Asst. en. r. r. Agt, Portland, Oregon 3s'rt. Simplest, Itronisst, Solid Top Receiver. Most Modera and progressiva Par catalogue or Information writs to .TUB MARUN FIRE ARMS CQ., New Haven. Conn. 1 TO TTO 3 C - 3 CinOO ""h of lovely Mmlc for Forfy run sit rneri mutic or ins aa- Intnl. prlghtrM, llvrllrit and mint popular ' rt srlitHiri, both vncsl snd Intlrumrnul. 2 gjtrti up In the mott rlrf int aunosr. In- y-r tluJIng lour larg sit Portislrs. aj m minnit miuvmmif vvimv, ; .Mm. . l& a,.... a Jz: THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. 3 -. ISroaawsv ThMtrs HlJf.. New York City. -3 S csavaaaiaa uiaMTrn. rWJlt..UUJU.ttJl"'i!limi A. P. T. L. The American Protectiv Tariff Leagu it a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Induttf y " at plained by its constitu tion, at follows : 'These. sble Isague kJI kgks prV-t lmn laba by S bsnff mm aapeeSa, skat MM'!") eeawr I laguea-.e! pragwtk) The' a no ptronal or private profits in connection with tha oniia- ion and itiiiutta'med by fnembefthip. contiibutiona and tha diiUibution of its public atior a. negTi C la aatle' W4 ageg;a " Maasaa aag " C" atCONO: WlMallol IMBBBBbSaBaft gaftea9mabakaalaaHak Wmmmmmmmmmmf OTrrwwgajajawa TMlgO' Ws MaHT", xag sS ' at lag 1.. .Ml Ua. i sal am a a.isg ss at iwmi a 0 saata. VOUHTnl taag gaal aa SSgMllg a mm saa.a) my mt fa m mm m I - " gasw wr . ' WilMai 0aaai laa-gavs. Ul Mart f.s lima Haa Ta. $1800.00 OtVEN AWAVTOINMJiTORS. t.saaai i I n mtmm mmm V aay mm mm. mmm aaaajk aa a tag aaal a faaas giajg W alaaTa' t a aaat paa SS las mmt mttmm ia, aag las mtmx mt Oal aW a la Sat mm m I ! s Si anl a) SMI IT 1 THE HmCTOMAL IVVDOTONJ TH4T lltU) rOsTTtM--, a sWaa4bakoaWaaaaA4 mmm a-aa Oaaaal awlasg. sjlSW.a. "" (. T " "-k- jyT eaBVf Vaa 9 mWmWmWm MMV MmWmW aWaV "Ma mmm mtm tmm g4 S aaf ai l tm m m g . aaa aaa aWas T.-Vrri"t,tl7" IT B mi 50 BARD AS IT SCDH jmH wrnnrsmus a co Of akal mmm loWag ill1 fireet.H.W .Easiest I'ldJ-fiVlTni Workla' fraa aw aa mm .a.g mt ws m tmm ai o-wo la K,aliaaiinnMl''ilaia a ! aa oi mag a Wslia Ssaaa.a. a., ii io aa ea !. M at aa. mmm mm iaat ! W aa. mi m ait. ta J mm, mm m i .nana a,tag SWIagM g,a gat I .11 ill II m mi aaa galWaiana aag s gai i W ' 'a at aa i i. ua. Wg at oil I Oaiagang aa) I aaal I g - l ai mmm mmm mmm Ss mmm "Tr'tirirairg'imi ih i g l mi a fUfli. b Mlilsigto. n. c DANGEROUS GAME. The Vlndlotlvo Peocary Some of Ita Queer Traita. The Hunter Who Know Anything About This Strang Animal Select the Branches of a Tree a a Point of Vantage. "I haven't the least idea in the world that you ever hunted a peccary, did you?" asked a sportsman who affects a knowledge of and delight in large and ont-of-the-common kinds oi game, says the New York Sun. "Ol course you never did, and unless you have a cart load of nerve and ammunition enough to stock a garrison I wouldn't advise you to. The peccary, as you doubtless Know, is a little animal somewhat on the wild hog order, and he roams pret ty much where he pleases in southern Texas and abutting regions. There was a time when it was thought that noth ing would kill a peccary but arrows in oculated with the deadly poison of the bloated rattlesnake of the Staked Plains, which the Apache Indians have a cheerful way of distilling and apply ing, but that was before the days of Winchester rifles. A bullet from a Winchester is just searching enough to find a peccary's vitals, but the range doesn't want to be too long. "When a man goes out hunting pec caries he doesn't trip lightly through the forest, steal upon his unsuspecting game and bring it down with his trusty rifle. Not wlien he hunts peccaries, he doesn't. If he did, nineteen seconds after he fired his first shot he would be ap portioned out among the drove in two- ounce lots, buttons, boots and baggage counted in. The daring peccary hunter shins up a tall tree near where the cheerful creatures will more than likely come to feed. The peccary has one mreat virtue. He can't climb a tree Perched safely on a limb the bold hunts man waits for the coming of the pecca ries, and when the drove comes trotting and grunting . along beneath him he tends a bullet through a peccary's heart. The wounded peccary lies down at once. He knows just what's the matter. He turns his glittering bead of an eye up toward the hunter and dies without uttering a sound. One peccary killed out of a drove, the hunter must either have ammuni tion enough to kill all the rest or pro visions enough to lust him a year, for the survivors at once take positions around and about the tree and sit there on their haunches waiting for the hunt er to come down.. If hate, in the fullest sense of the word, can be expressed by looks, then the peccary can look and act it toward any living thing that haa done it or its companion an injury. The peccaries were the original knights of labor, for their motto has been from the beginning: 'An Injury to one is the con cern of all.' They never let up when they start out to avenge an injury. The hunter may shoot one after another of the wulting and watching drove, and each ono, u it receives ita death wound, lien down without a mur mur anil dies, never removing Its glar ing eyes from its sluycr as long as life lasts. The Hvin;r nwcarii'B pay no at tention t'i tha ilea 1 or tlylrif', but ait there on their haunches, Imping for re venue until the last one ilios. As adrovg of pi-trurii'S will in ton seconds tear a pri.' iKvirint i Ktur.i minute fragments that y.iu can Koiirwly iu I a piece of bona two liv:h!; 1'iiv.r after the cere mony l-.i over, y in run imagine what sliow a hunter v mM have hi meeting a hostile group of them, ltut unmolested a drove of p '.marl 's is tin iiarmiiwft aa a drove of ali'i", exvpt toward bears or mountain lioim. on may pasa within ten f'.'i't of a drove of these vlnlictlv' liti.l'' animals, and they will n it n itieo you with any ho.tiIo Intent unlini yon are fool- Uh e:i -Mi-f'i 1 1 i' itn nit Horn ) overt act. Then yo i fri.-n l-i will wonder ail their live-, tvhv r couM have become of you. draw Tl i ury, I r aome reaaon, lit it b'anan'l mountain llov.. If i i ai" lo ikln;f for either of the 1 .:. in I fin I rH-varli'i, change your h.i i ' ou will find neither (rri' fly, atlver nor moni;' f t. Irwn or black brara, ii t li.ina within miles of any mnfo whir.1 iv' varies are feeding. When It -na m t h.-inx th king of Amenenn b ':v.U th ' ik-c.-ary holds the aot-pttT. "The jH-virj- I ncan the whit lipf vl p -. sry, the only one that trav la 1 1 ilrici. fin otlier one. the enl- larwl li'iti liy and harmleag an I z 1. 1 f .! y In p sir laodd in every vjy. IMy I n'y. n well aa morally, tspaecni lib? hi aort of II h.t thr g -n-ral aprwgr- an-" an I h '!. of thn h ir. but th hoof and fi- e .t i.ti t -ha of tlui tntr, On hta Wli li l.i- . sf'artd whlrh aeerrlrg mii'.h. :t id Hi. mln.iloa after a prorary la UU' l:i .I'.'.i will Ih cullrrly lm prvyii 'I v.i.h Uin awretion. Just wh it . t i; !! oinatruetioa of the Jkxvary l f ir irminlkfrncg of the hotf, t'ie e iv J'i'l tlio muikral no one ari-mi ti Hwe illvovcrr l aa yrU Bat una t'u.if la e.TUin, the pacrary U Untfl an I alxkilulrly w ithout fear. THt FLOWtRlNQ BROOM. 4 Mars aag Itaataiiial Itaal tlrwlag la Maalra. The pleat known n4er this ntms, Ornlstg tirgata, at Krw, la one of the largaat and flnrat nwrnberg of iheeatire gvnns, mti the Umdon I'irld. end arwmld be maile a ixile of by anyone ghlWiua hi ariei t lb Ual cif war hardy ft. iwvrlng ahrulax It fornig a frrrly braiKhed bttah nf rounded out ling that rrgi'beg a bright of ten fret or mora, and about the end of June ll U ilhk li ly laden with Ita gotdrn bloakimg aa to preaent iille a Riaaa of thai hue, blrb, raparlally at that truotl. b rtl. ularly gUrartlte. f. tvia'H the but'g i f oar hardy irguinitvaav palu.n yill. hli goota, nxa.1 of lh ra are mn I w fore thlg aperlea pwitwam tt unfold lis fluw ! ere. j Tbob It haa lra au. b e...rifw. I mis fratura dunnr ea. h rveurrttig -ra- , at Kew f.maay yrara. It appear vl fm) but little IllKiWa, gud rtly be '. -.aortal f .t in gala in the rataluura i.f ' ' BS " ' ' " mm ' ' - I Mtany f I lit llljrai fy 111! tl. at l t aralef j lhm t faro- if slrtfal There la rrriaitiij m rmm ii rwi'i.wn woo tegaH . in rnrml s.-mrp, latere, f.ig the Uri.Ulg lifig .f tin ' I H' tt.tiary of (lardVftl.ig la deat r aa a native ol Madeira., attaining a b- i. kl of iKrag to or fert, M 0"ttg la Man W. tbgt It Va jr mrubly a grvenhiwag t-g. l.i'.e Mr l,"g 1 rt. eirggi le , f ! Bt s vr oi'b efyl! aa f ! iUtiaa 4ana. rf aUail Uig bi-r.t aa I ha fesa . bot with t 4.l fi re The KW iatit i ttlriiy Iw.lHef i4 theae ln 'a.1. It aa llnfe f -f a W r.g ( gra aiaWf tl Immm rf li laa. bt FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER. BLOOD CEIICAQO. Iwaiec i St. Pam n Glance at this Map f Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail way and note its connections with all transcon tinental lints and St. Paul and malia, and remember that its trains are lighted with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment 1( superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and keeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping car berth has an electrlo reading lamp, and its dining cars are the best in the world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons tor the popularity ot "The Milwaukee." Coupon ticket agents In every railroad office will give you further information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oaioon. Souvenir of 10 Ytan in Butineu, A Complete Set, consisting of five 2 Bali Flayer, dnlf Player, Tennis Player and Bicycle ruder, win d seni to any address upon receipt of 10 cents, to pay charges. These figures are absolutely perfect, beautifully colored and mounted, and arranged to stand upright, and arean ex cellent souvenir of our 20 yesrs as leaders nt the athletic supply world. Suitable for club, reading room, office or home. A. G. SPALDING eV BROS.. h fin York VUeaao Philadelphia A HAWK'S REASONING. Bow Ha Carrlnd Ills Pray Against tbs Wind with Comparative kMm. Birdg of prey generally possess Instino enough for ad ordinary emergenctea. There are, however, special occaalong on which a call la made for unusual sagacity, aud It lg then that we gee how near these oreaturee come to rtaonini in the same wayaa our selves. The author of 'Twlit Ben Nevlg and Oleecoe" glvtis, bearing upon this point, a story which be had from the keeper on ao estate la that neighborhood. One day la July the keeper in question, happening to be out after vermin with big gun, saw coming In bta direction a bird which hg knew to be gome kind of hawk, but whose manner of flight puutedblm ex tremely. It wag beating up the wind to ward bin as if with sorely wounded wteg, aianifoguy impeuwl ta aone way thai u...l I. ...I I. .. w atawg ai m ui S la Itg fllrbu Hoeing that if it kept IU coursg It wag Uksly to pass witbm easy shot, the keeper quietly retired Into a clump of ferns en one knee, with big gua ready for acttoa. Hg bad, however, to wait longer thee be bad eiperted, for the bawk wnao white alighted on tha lop of a large gray bowlder a hun dred yarua away, and eeeoied very busy about eometbmg, though what It waatbg keeper at thai dmuaoe omild not make oat. la about live mloutea, however, the bawk took wing again, tms time wit, a Biurh mora steady and even flight, tie waa eooa overhead, and near enough to drop to tM beeper'e gun. On (rung up to bis prise Ihg keeper fnuod that II Waa Indeed a bawk. and beetde It aa ly ng a plump partrtdge. well grown, but to the keeper g gnrprtae al BMWt altngetner gmpped of llg feat berg. Oa going to the bowlder oa which the kestrel bad realrd for awhile, all tbe Biaa itig featberg of the ftartndge wore fouad gcatuirod aoovt, god tae keeper laataauy tocg tbg giaht of asatiore I root Aral te last aad ei plained It thuat Tbe kaairri. bgvtag etrerk dm tbe partrvdge, waa earevlng tbe dalety Bxwial to bte greedy flaiigllagg la tbetr aesk Tbe wlgd, bowever.was atroeg aad gusty aad ad verae to tbe kealrel'g line of Bigiil; giidof tbe wit d, tbe win gg aad UO. I ling aad peedaal ot Ibg partrvu-a raugbt so murk that ll wag oaiy Wltb great dtOk-ulty tag pltK-sr UtUe rHor cetod maae any aaua factory bea4 war. netting tired ef tbe etrvggie at teat bg mtial bare reaaoaod Wllg bug self gosge t.v. Sflrr Ibis ftal.log I .f-fHl -a I .r jfTi la atnre d faVult Ir r t a- g . u ua it ra;:y geed bo. I ai Warti ahggl 01 mtae.f vug tbag Ukr atxal'T. w IUerr a yonder bewV wt and p .rg sae gr tag wlag aad IsJ Wbera ef air gaigty btl ef ran, gg eeee ilii vihah. tsh,.g it teetee y partratge guile aa mg ai.4 t "4 to eai gg before, wtO 'e ax to I ' it mp aag ,aty It agalgg Urn Wi4 Oilb ftiSns'st'MeMS A Tloeerto tag. A reaaleat f tVe ( baaUe, fg , a gg Hi wiry f.r tho f.4bwig "A"t sKy." ,a II waa sarlte Ut bins by a a-'Ulirf ' f f p 'be ltb eatalry oaM g ',g bU'H anmiiied tt mi every lt' ttbe bolt. f Vimale4 Kre..n- .me g -t lb aalaaat wa gt.en-t.iti. Ktal wk f mad la a an.' drift by a act : 'eat nf I tnai. bo Waufc it go gy go- or4f It. Tbe aiaai etmj ..t U raaa4et w reterfl tt Ita (nrvjrf w a eragM rale4 tbg gefagal le dsy Uve geegeaat wgg re'lved I Ibe ranba I og beewrb ff darir;iie I fa that 4ay I "Tib trie d g ' ' I ae Wthit-g ojbateeef lt 4 ol '1 f , ' ai l-a-ls up HeqiaerUfa, le IDlif Irnt it (intUI a. a o I 1- re- lor Ut tbe arifaaaU rt.k-et'r n-oafcle. -raVUf, PAUL. ? ' ' ' i MINNESOTA. fe; a "T71 ft1 1'JIB''giBlTWIinTI'ffV'TT'l1'11 Thatjhe RAMBLER Is one of the very beBt wheels ever made front rank with all high grade machines, and Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want punctured. It can be mended by you In fire renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood 8old in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at f Tandems for two men or man and woman, THE RAM BLER i the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market For style, finish and durability it Is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago For men. women, bovs and girls, with 28. 26 Ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with uumuier tires auu arc miiy warrauteu. Before vou buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or rail ! on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers tuii auu luauu. FRED T. MERRILL, Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co'g "Rambler Bicycles." Hlnra Q'7 U'a.klnnlnn 1 Pctto,,. il. ' OTIS PATTERSON, fOWS YOUf Livef ? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. 1mm' King of Bicycles, FINEST MATERIAL. UflHT. STI?ONn. vrTTov - 1 ' r, r V) SCIENTIFIC O '''A .VAX WORKMANSHIP. Four Models - EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. Monarch Factory and Main Of flee : Lake ailANCtliiS i-Nar Vsrk. Sea PraocUos, 5elt WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. M. W. PATTERSON, A asnt for I - - Ij'. irx x go..T til e It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Puhlishing Co. iwrri-i 1 : 1! Youro BOUK3) to Tnkf 'nu Leaves No Constlpntion,- rrg H. ag o.M aa gt ft . mm. afc Haele J 0rbfiBbl I He .tl4. H. M ly .11 ei.a,.we ' eej rraoei grffgg33 - g3CMaA&tMsS' 1b an indisputable fact. It standi in the i If you buy one you will make no mistake. to be happy, for should your wheel be? minutes, aa It i equipped with the world j rims or copper-plated steal rims. 100 each. 160 each. Ideals and 24 inch wheels, at SRfi. ISS. Ua resneot. G. & J. high-grade, double locking edge j Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- J CYCLE COMPANY, Main Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon, $85 and 8100. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Cycle Co. and Halsted Sts.. CHICAGO, I LL. Ukg City, Daargr. Msmf hls, Dttoit, TsroutaT Morroto Counfv. llrvrmcr. Oregon. ' ' - V OUR STOCK VOK Wj - SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD A L ICIII : PUIS ! ng ! la gJiaaeg U1 We eehlUI W Ike ag, 9 i Itlimlal rra be aag bear ! lag a rals4 bbm be far beeet lie I m I igQiS mf0mm I mm Wl'b'a tbe tot few gears lb bag