CANCER CURED -AND A- LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a Bore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaimrilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore fa $$t. J Here and There. A grand ball will be opera bouse on Feb. 14th. given at the It. began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in thia treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la. AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer'3 Pijia Regulate the Liver. 'TOE Pbill Coho has moved into Jerry Coho'i property over on Court street. Leslie Mattlook was a passenger for Portland Tuesday night's train. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Mrs. Lannes Penland and Mrs. Bor rows returned trom Portland Wednes day morning. Tbeo. Anderson, of Eight Mile was in town yesterday. Be reports farmers aotive in tbat seotion. Qov. Re a departed for Portland Tuesday evening, where be will visit bis daughter Mrs. Jerry Cobn. Best accommodation and courteous treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Heventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. Chroniole: 0. 8. VanDnyn, of the Heppner Palace hotel. is in the oity, with a view of locating in The Dalles. L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra- hameick buildiDg, Heppner, Or. tt Are von going to tbe St. Valentine's hall at tbe opera house on Feb. 14? Good mneio has been secured for tbe oooiision. It Miss Lizzie Matlock who has beeo the gneet of Pendleton friends and rela tives for the past week returned home 1 need ay on night. B. L. Freeland. T. R. Lyons and N.8. Whetstone returned borne from Port land Thursday m rning. All bad been attending the club oonventiou. A person is permaturely old when baldness occurs before the forty fifth year. Use Hairs Hair Kenewer to keep tbe scalp bealtby and prevent baldness. Henry Blaokman and Howard Dodson departed Wednesday evening, tbe latter going to Pendleton for a brief visit, while the former returned to Portlaod. Anv inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo desires tbe services of an attorney in Washington. D. 0 , will find it to bis advantage to call on or address this pa per, 5tf A company of borne players con template producing "Tbe Desoon ' in few weeks. The characters Bre now being oast. Watch for further an A HEPPNER HOLD-CP. . C. Hart, the Ticket aid Expre"er-geirt at Depot Held ap Last Errata. Evi dently Amateur. Last night shortly before 10 o'clock Fred Hart oame rushing np town witb just enough breath left to give the meager information that bis father, J. C. Hart, tbe O. B. & N. ticket, express agent and operator at tbe depot, bad been held np by two masked men and relieved of all tbe freight and express money in tbe safe. A reporter of this paper shortly afterwards reaobed the soene of the robbery when he was in formed tbat the above report was true and tbat tbe agent had been relieved of from $o(J to $00. Agent liart gave the particulars as follows: Shortly after 9 o'olook Jaok Lake, tbe brake- man, oame in and informed him tbat be met some suspicious fellows as be came down and bad noticed tbat they were looking in tbe window before be. reaobed them. Mrs, Hart, who was also in tbe office, heard them around tbe building and as some one approaohed beard tbem run away. Bat a moment afterwards two masked men rushed into tbe office and at tbe point of two very angry looking revolvers ordered Mr. Hart to open the safe and give tbem tbe money and be qniok about it. Mr. Hart was a little slow in responding when they again informed bim in language more foroible than beautiful to hurry up. Mrs Hart was ordered to noid up ber bauds, but instead of doing so passed qniokly ont of the rear door, thinking she could oall Brakeman Lake, wbo was at tbe coaoh a short distanoe below, but before they bad returned, the money bad been delivered and tbe nn weloome visitors gone. Tue following is a brief description of tbe robbers as given by Mr. Hart: Oae was a tall slim, man, dreased in black suit witb outaway coat and black cap. Tbe otner a low heavy set man dressed in brown suit, sack ooat and soft black bat. Both wore bleak masks- Early this morning tbe robbers were tracked up toward town. Not far from I Prize Hood's Sarsaparilla more than any remedy I have ever taken. I have never been robust and was subject to severe headaches, and had no appetite. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills I am a well woman, have a good appetite and sleep veil. I cordially recommend Hood's Sar saparilla. Mrs. S. M. Gorham, Fillmore Uuuse, Fllhnore, California. HnnrTc Pill cur u liTer tlu-bUi0U I IUOU i tT HIS .. Wdaeha. 23s. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT KOR THE COUN ty of Morrow, State of Oregon. J. H. Townsend, Plaintiff, VI. Thomas Walden, W. G. Scott, Geo. W. Harris, Defendants. To Thomas Walden and 0. W. Harris, Defend ants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the ebove entitled suit on or before the first dav of the next regu lar term of the above entitled court towit: Monday, the 2d day of March, 1896; and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof me piaimirr win apply to the e urt tor tne relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal don, lor the sum of Two Hundred Four and Sixty One-Hundred'hs Dnl'nrs in U 8. Gold Coin, with Interest lliereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, Irom the first dnvof Febrdary, 18), until paid, and for the fur'hur sum of Thirty-five Dollars, attorney's fee, together with the costs and disbursements of this 'Uit to be taxed. And that the mortgage descr.bed in Dlaintifrs complaint be foreclosed and that the premises merem aeBcnoea, to-wit: tne Hv'4 oi ec. a, TplN, R 2o E. W. M.. be sold to satisfy said Judgment. Ana tnat the said ueo. w. Harris and an per sons claiming by, through or under him be forever barred of all right or equity of redemp tion in said premises. This summons is published by order of Hon Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the sixth Judicial district of the State of Oregon, dated December 8H9-412. Attorney for Plaintiff. H St'NJMON 3 10 irV6 Wfb Till MO 19 20 mm. n IS 71 2TT22 Literary will be postponed on acoount of tbe Japanese wedding to be held Saturday evening and tbe program will be rendered Monday evening. All are iuvited to attend. Those desiring bargains shonld take advantage of tbe wholesale slaughter prions made nn tbe MoFarland stock which E R Bishop in now dosing out regardless of ooBt. a T. W. Riobes, of Silverton, bne been appointed as turnkey at tbe penitentiary. This Dosition bad been held by 0. M Charlton formerly of Heppner but now a resident of Palem. Echo stace leaves Heppner Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Eobo Tuesdays. Tuesdays end (Saturdays. far 82 eaob way. Offioe, Wells k Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driskell, Prop, oorder and treasurer as tbere was but the depot a blaok hat, thought to haye one nominee for eaob offloe, consequently been worn by one was found and in tbe oreek near by a mackintosh ooat, thoogb tbe latter was probably not worn bv either of tbe robbers. At tbe oorner of be lower warehouse, the money drawer was found end also $175 soatlered on the ground where the box bad been telegraphed from the council chamber relieved of its contents. From tbe tracks it is evident that three parties were interested. Tbe third party pmb bly stood guard on tbe outside while tbe other two executed tbe bold no In all tbe work appears to be tbat of novices or amateur, roooers. it was badly planned and nervonsly carried out, Take Notice. X. The sura of five rent pur line will be )harged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," Hata of wcddln presents and donors, ma obituary notleea, (other thau thoa the edit or aliall htmsolf give as a niatUtr of news,) and aotlcesof special meetings for whatever purpos. 2. Notices of church and society and all other tntartalmminU Irom which revenue is to I de rived, sha.l be charged for at the rain of five ,iiu a line. Thc rules will be strictly adher ed to In every lu.tam-u. Advertising rates reasonable and made known ipoa application. TIME TABLE. Stag for llanlman. Monument. lxns Crack, loha lf and I'anjrou City. Ieaea aa foliowi i Every day at a. ni.. en eot Xuiulav. A rrlvaa every day at t at., en ept Monday. The cheata-sl, qulrlieat and beat line to Of Irom the Interior conmry. . Vi ALT. TilOM no, I'rop. Phlll Cohn. Agent Qambrinus Deer, m mHALf PINT BOTTLtS City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquors and Smofceble Cigars. Cell on Ted. Rlnf nut h " f"" n "' Columbia aeons hat s-irly tt Ihe Brllnnsln Yoursurry t-mncr .todly floaU and Justice rulrann high. Bill on totft u et your ttihnl'hrr s UU.uu.1 .... , . At tne IWtw eaio"o. t. Cberley Joore. th wi-ll-konwit "old timrr" in lb liioril line. be ,-.t,dln llrpptirr. b."-i pej'cbMa Oreeo Malbrwa' shop. Minor bo.MInt nppoaHe the rir boll I'barley eppreclate s eu t ie Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Snnday. Shortest and cheap est ronte to tbe interior. P. Oohn, agent Ayer's Cherry Frotnral is known by its works. The experience or nan century proves tbat no other preparation of tbe kind stops onoghiog and allays irritation of tbe tbmat and broniobia tubes so promptly and iffeotually as this Sam Kinsman, eccom pained by bis wife and obilil, was passengers up from Portland on Wednesday morning's train. While it whb apparently eot general ly known. Ham Is now a benedict, having been married last November. He will return tomorrow. Unlike nvst proprietary medicine, the formula of Dr. J. u. Ayer baraspanua and other preparations are cheerfully sent to any pbysiolan wb applies for them. Hence tbe special favor ae- oorded these well knonn standard remedies by Ibe World's Fsir commis sioners. Andrew Rood sod wife departed for Portland on Wednesday witb tbeir little eon Harrv. Tbe little boy baa ben nfferina for some time with partial paralysis and Mr. and Mrs. Rood bsve taken blin to Portland to consult witb physicians there. It Is to be bopd tbat tbey may obtain relief fur the eblld. Witaon E. ftrnrk and wife arrived from IlilUbtro Wednesday morning end have located in tbe bone oppoite Tbe National: Bank formerly owned bv Thill Colin. Mr. Brock le now one of nnr fnl I-fledged baaloree tote, he and (l.o (iinser bevlng norchaeed tbe np- per dreg store. Hneceee to tbe sew firm is tbe wish of the Osteite. E I. M Haw ley. of Menlo Paik, Calif arrived Ible morning t- IrKik after bni- neM loUresia Is this sect loo. Mr. Ila lev U well knowo to Morrow ooony having rreided here for Bomber of tears. He will lemale in tbie serima. KJ save while at The IKIIre he pteked ap a (iateite to ere If Heppner bad en hotels an I oners be bad better Sto while here Not seeing say trtrnlioo of same ha came to the e-rtcliioo that be would be eompsllti to ramp out. The ntnf at is plain. Cray Election. The oity eleotion passed off last Tuesday with the usual amount of interest and friendly strife. The change of tbe ballot law not being familiar to all caused several errors, and resulted in some easting tbeir vote entirely different than intended. The total vote was slightly larger than was expeoted, in faot larger than for several years' past, it being 219. while last year it reached 209 and in '91, 213 The qount was completed early in the evening and resulted as follows: . For mayor This. Morgan, 111; 0. C. Sargent, 85. For recorder, F. J. Hallook, 168. For treasurer, E. L. Freeland. 150. For counailmen, Qeo. Conser, 153; Frank Gilliam, 141; 0. A. Minor, 125; D. W. Hornor, 77; Vawter Crawford, 68; W. P. Sorivner, 64. A great many appar ently thought it unnecessary to indi cate by mark or oross tbeir vote for re- HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THERE'S. Been a. Change in Business III taiil KD.1l. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Starter Pri REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile eg tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. 8UMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY 1 of Morrow, Slate of Oregon. k. i. iiugnes, rial n tin, vs. Henry Kelly. Defendant To Henry Kelly. Defendant. In the ' ame of the Btate of OroKon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed aeaiiiBt you In the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term oi saio. court, to-wit: The 2d Day of March, 1806. Anri If vnu fntt an tr nmwnr tnr wnnt thprpnf the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, to-wit: Judgment and decree ag ilnst you for the sum of I.V25.00, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum fiom the 12th day of May, 1WI2; for the sum of S'21.78, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the'2flth day of Deoember, 1896, and () (X) attorneys fee, and the costs ot this suit. And that the mort gage described In plaintiff's complaint be fore closed and the premises therein, described to wit: the 8', of NWM and 8V4 of NE'-i of 8eo. 22, and WJ4 of 8ec. 23, Tp. 2 8, of R 27 E, W. M., in Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment. l nis summons is published ny order oi stenmn A. Lowell. Judvo of the Circuit Court oi the State of Oregon for Morrow County, made oil tne em a ay oi January, ivo. J. n. BKIJWN, 401-17. Attorney for Plaintiff. the vote was notoounted. This aooounts for tbe vote ot eaob not being larger. As will be seen from tbe above Thos Morgan was re -elected mayor, and Qeo. Oonser, Frsnk Oillism and 0. A. Minor selected as oounoilmen. The vote was to Wills & Siocum's store where eame was displayed in tbe window, in fiont of wbicb a considerable orod gathered to receive the returns. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner. Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. BUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE L of ,1 Consumption can be Cared ' by tbense ol Sbilnb'e Cur. This great OougbOoreie tbe only known remedy for tbat terrible disease, tor sale by It ie reported that eeveral parties w"8 4 Warren. Oregon, for the County of Morrow Delia it. vveiann, Plaintiff; vs Frank L. Weldon, Defendant. To Frank L. Weldon. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint men agaiut you in ine aoove enui'ea suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court tow It: Monday, March Sid, 1S9H; and if you fail to answer or otherwise plead for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for a decree dissolving the marriase bonds now e lstl'.ig between you and herself, and also for a decree awarding the care and custodv of the six minor children towlt Delia Edith Weldon. Lilly Louise Weldon. Lelanri Htanford Weldon. Frank tonard Weldon. lieorge Irving Weldon and I'earl Weldon, the fruits of said marriage to planum. This summoni is published by order of Hon Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the Circuit court of tne mate oi uregon, tor me sixin juuiciai district, dated January tun, 404-17 Attorneys for plaintiff. Mou fat! Some people want the earth; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HAEDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. are susoioioned snd probably be made. some arrests will Pills do Not Care. Fills do not cure Constipation. They only sggravate. Karl's Glover H rot Tee gives perfeot regularity of the biwels. For sale by Wells ft Warren. ill ' : iKSv cn ilS is a shecnhenl- i ' J: ' j cr who has been nut tjl ''; four months, but hc 1 f ' .1 I I IM SK ; i :. A lOOOKS IlKC a uu many ; : ' " now for lu: has been 9 ; 1 . DEATH. OF a P. bTURGIU. Use of Feadletoa's Most Promlnrat Cltiieas Paaaes Away. On last Tnesday evening at 9 o'clock at Pendleton oocurred tbe death of 8 P. Stargis ss s result of seyere sttiok of typhoid fever sod a 'complication of eerebral diseases. For mere tban a month Mr. Siorgisbsd been a very siok man snd for many days bis reoovery bed been given np by almost every one, and while be held oat t long time, yet et last tbls terrible disease conquered strong mao. Ham r. otnrgis, wbo was one ot tbe most widely known sod by far tbe most inflaential citlsen in Fen dletoo, bad been cashier ot Ibe Firat National bank ol Ibal city tor more than 13 years, during wbiob period be sus tained tbe reputation of bMog oos ot Oregon's beet financiers His name was connected witb every public movemeut io Ibst city, and bis opinion and aJvloe eoogot by many lo every bosineaa undertaking. In fact bis loss will certainly be more keenly felt than otild tbat ot any other eitisen ol Cmatills county. Tbe funeral occurred today et Wall WaU where the re mains wets omveyed by special train 8sm P. Hiorgis was the eo ot Mr e&J Mrs. W. P. Ktnrgle, end was born io Oorbam, Maine. Marob 1, 1HS0. In 1M?1, he came to tbe PaeiSo eoaat, so etapeoyiec bis pareote snd settled lo Walla Walla. Io IW, Mr. Hiorgis beoeme eeabWr of Ibe First Nation el baek of Pmdleloo and r sine Lie strong band has goldeJ It Ue was married to Miss 11 art mas la 1M. tbe aelot were three ehlldreo William P., a boy of 14. bow attending Sbail.ics Military eebo4 st Falrbeolt. kites ; ed fee yoeag boys of ft r f , C)f ed Jfcs II. Ilts parents etill r-.l l le Walls Wall Hcbpbisi and Donation.-On Wednes day eve Feb. 6th tbe pastor of the M. E. church South, Rev. C. K. Howard was surprised at seeing tue cburoh lit np, tbere being no services sppointed tor tbat night. Shortly after bis atten tion was sttrscteJ in that, direction, tbere eame an invitation to visit a member nesr tbe church.' Boing led to tbe ohnrcb there were found about one hundred members ot tbat church and other churches assembled lo show to lbs psstor snd wife their respect and sp preolation. This was shown in a very substantial way. After song bv tbe choir snd sndienoe snd m speeoh by W. I Baling. Ibe pastor was prevented witb purse of f.10 cash, bis at'eolioo also beiog oalled to lbs pews fairly groaning under their load of groceries of all kinds, A number of songs were sing snd Dumber of speeobes indulged in bv Ihnse presnnl, after wbicb refresh ments were eerved. Tbe tnuslo by Ibe ehoir deserves special atteotioo. All eipreseed themselves ss having spent an enjoyable evening. Tbe total amount of donation was over ffiO. Mr. Howerd baa beeo witb os only short lime, bat it hs beeo elearly demonat rated tbat he le faithful workr, and baa the intereet of Ibe cease lo wbicb be stands engaged et beert. e SUMMONS. TN THE CIRBUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY 1 of Morrow, Htate of Oregon, Henry Vt Heeler, nainun, vs. William Bremer, . wife of aald Vtll'lam Bremer, and rrana nagennan, aa Kerelvernl the 1im Imrd Investment Coin paux, a corporation, IMendants To William Bremer. Defendant. In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you are heretijr required to apM-ar and answer the rom piRiiit ni"i against yi suit no or I'tlore the n on In Hie above entitled rat dayol the next regular term of said court, to-wit: The ifd day of March, IN1IA. Ami If you fall so lo answer, for want thereof the plalnilll will apply to the court lor tns re lief dvmatidiMl III said coiiiplrliil, too II: Cor Judgment and ileere airaluat Vt'llllam Bremer for the sum of I M", w Ilia lotrreston .'!.'. (HI thereof at the rale of S ft cent ieran mini fnm the Ant day of June, with Inter est on f l.'i tlierrof at the ruto of a per rent per ....... .1.. Mm. ... t k l.t... I .Hi ' with Interest nu II.S theripf at Hie rate of S per crut per atintim Imm lha first day of June, 1R'I; with Interest on 1 1: Ihrreof at the rate of S per cnt per annum frtn Ihe find day ol Im-cmlier, and for a further sum lo u determined hy tha court aa ail attorney s Ire, and lor costs ol this suit. Also for a drrre fnrerloaliK lha mnrtras deMrill In plaintiff a romplslul, aa In all the defendants hen-la named and lha aal nf said aiMsfl preinlaes In aallafy aald JiidKmsnl and rtM-re. Inlvmt and eosia Ihla suminooa la puhll.hed l.y order nl Stephen A.jnoe, Jildsa of Ihe I Irriilt nurl ni il einieoi I in-gon lor Morrow t ouiity, nairn January ath, I"' u. tl. B.I.I.IK ami i. n s"i , S4 17. AIU.rue)s lor I'laliitlfT. T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade ! He will make it an object for you to trade witb bim as bis prices are right, and all goods tbat he bandies are of tbe very best. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Ploppiier, Oregon. Successor lo C. B. Van Duyn. Nest door to City Hotel. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. Are yus Hade Miserable by Indignation, ('onalipelioo, UiUlneae. Iree ol Appetite, Yellow Maw? Hhilob'e ViUlisr le siliv our. For sale by Wells k Warrto. hotlce of Dissolution. now for li dressed up at I loKNKK & Kin .'s. tl! i H4 s l rfal. Ma U-x uderfiil are Ibe' en re a,r.i.i. i.lJ hi 1 1 wl's Ha'eaterille, !t.o flf olb'f prrparalNKiS end lh,rib' Iiimi ribtto have fail-l. lie tr-mn l.owev', la eimtile Wba ih- lll ie etirlcied and pofifted. d tlaafipeare and fond (ttft re'na, sad It'S-d'a Hsrssparills le Ibe ..i,m Ho t,Uf4 P'iflr. Itf el's IM'a ae ... 1 1 iff'sel e l 4-i ' g. t'' s"t ': A ami I r ' ti ift'f. Me six! r.l irKiM ere , Ka'r""e k' I 1s. ff le I v e k ate. lJiirsM Ht sraias.-The ynong eoclety folks ol Inie lee Wndared Mweo Pl..r- see i;rliifnde atid Jennie -file nrpri erly at lb residenee fit Mr. eed Mr. Eugree Nnlil ou ToMUy evebing last, lb eroed eaerahled el tl,ec,m.eof J. N lirwon l et 73) nil eel uiaaae io Ibe eeu o( Ibe ear pfiee. Tbe gselWiee fare:sbl ibe ueeer eed Ihe UdiM rlred the repst ebieb a reliaba liy all. Ap pareatlv ell bl erj Jhle lima. Tiioee prsevbl : U Florsers CritleodeD, Jseete Noble, Macsle Adkiea.Oretsi ball. Leer Mlr. Hilda Myers, C r libee, MsUI Itra Liie Faresvorlb. il sears. (). Noble, It, Oaf foW.m, Jaa. lar, Merry Myers, U.G Haling. Marry Weir.e. Mr. eed Mi i. N. Lirti kbl Ibe "(Iimm.'i fit.- Noth v. is iiritKHV liivrx timt th ro tirtiier.lili liareiofor rslallotf ! Iomii (Mar Mlimr. Arthur Mlimr ami rrank k'iers, Httiler lha firm nam nf Minor A l it., loin a seiteral men -hamllaa kutlimi In Ih too a of e .i.r. has una nay inen nmmni mulnal nnneiiL erant Hsera hatlnsnis He.t ol t,U lnteret In tlie bo.loeaa lo I lie oilier inem tiers "I IM arm alio mil miitinn In ImilarM al tlie same l allon, rille. all rtelils anil aelti all minis il l al l erm li Ml MiH AKIIII H MMM, FMASK lOM.rHa Iiv4 al ll'l'i'oer. Or , Jaa. m. " 17. Notice of Assignment. V'oth r. M iisnrHT .irTiiT'r'i u fell aid H I- ll bnali al Mrt'MOer, (irefiio. Mtwlef thm IS tin lialnl f.ll nn. ho' k ) as aa.i(niuiil lur Ihs lmru m.I Ihrlt rrnl All i.ilm hn riln. ! aal'l Srm nf lln I- ile. lo Menl Ih ne In IN un'lee.lre aMIfne. al IhaS.f Hallonal nl llew.iief. In Wr" I miiiIt info, lllda Ihlwa .ull.a lc.H lha !! It4. Janoart 2, I" 1.1 'I ')WK, UllNM. I S-.. AU'iTMf lf iHlSM " I Notice of final Stttlrtntnt. V'oTU . t nrv t.ivrv. hut hi Mt.4rf.iff ainlnlar 'l fl.ea4 H a lui lmii. m- . l i.a ai:neitt 4 t.ia aMta M mi l mi.i. vt a Imli.lrtla' f. al ' Oe.l .4 th i ..Mill, i mifi twt tl'rf, ' , al Ht rtf,.t, im hi.i Ud at Mm-p.. ii"ii. In Sai l '!,. lb .a I I'm. It A"lKt ''! Notice t Inttnthn. AttorneyH fit Tcivv, QKrrjir.n, All bnalnfe attended lo ib prompt and satisfactory manner. Notarise i'ohlic and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL DANK DCILDINQ. i I t O11KO0N Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of Hi Oi l Rellalils Gault House, nii . ill. Half .! k a"4 ul Ilia fiiloo kt4 of V. H. A H,V M at H . I A , f tl W AC, aixl IbaC. el. I. t. Kallnla. MAT KM SSU.oo lKI IIAV 'f. W. Ma-lla-n al ('llnton Wa , 4 CoIiatlfiO AmeriCM M Jm TJr Ttaog saABSt, !liJr OtSIOaj TIS)Tf. J CAW ITS). Ttaofi ssABSt. DISIOW TIS)Tf. COfVeiOe1T. tv lf mIM sM r"-a Halta.s nu HI KM i III. M ?. SS ". a.Mt Mini f -' n p" t ... riri.i wxa I M t-aMj b a !.. Inrfts ( ( .Iwtifif tuetitaa jii( eOTMlt e aaf ealS sr ete , KMld f I i.twj iawlHfat aM I i ni-a.s h. r, el S' io A-I'leMa. S ! Xif a lAf ivu.a. sl w4ar, iwtutf. If there ts ry Ibtr g lbl la la MM:, . s . . a u rnrioa. II w p-.ime., an u rsnirrerr , wrl , lt 1 1 0asf a .... ..A ..... . ti ... I !. H I " ( v'Tf' t .merer nut nil Urd tells, 4 e Ll'4 eri e4 1 i v i.. ... a-n-.s .s .i . nf aia t-it,ii'i ai mi i-.,r HUaiHin iM tiil h1! "." J til t .. .. J w .. -- "t 'S al Hi i-xf, tHm'n m t'' ') " i". via i liver eormior Hme ltee IUg lain le lb Uel d !. "I it I 4'se I sey crfUr."- rVi Me Mr. H M. Ilyel. rf MM :.., Ohm, A ad tr. I H. ft""! I. ef remtilte, V , rle, "II fwirtile ill re pr- a Un II" Horner & Rhea, first ,4el e- ''" tit rtmr llsvisg ns4rs4 larg U 4 vddiets iffoMlt t.'M l rHv early I le ' T. U Te-a. Wsf, . .,i.. r i t Ia, 4 i ee i bp In (-'!" ! ! frrM) ' .. - .1 A tt . .... . W slxol lt lk ttt . r- svJ1. I lilf-er IH !! eiiy days ere o" ...f. r,l,l,!, a4 ' sl f ll 4 t-ae nr at - Ks'ts( k.r ee4 at. ,'l . .. ' r It ,m j M. 17. i I. T ,ea' l.t '4feti A i ... t n . t a s. (i !..' If I f S i'l N j M MM la I.. ....i. an mi i als ai ' iii'mIki l-fca f II' M-r f. !. ! I ' t'.t. 4 4 ai-w. i f eti-m it 1 - iV Do You Want a Uitf ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You iu Need of a Saddle II orsc Main Ktrrel, AH the) ran procure! fl TIoin..n Hinn. !ower llr-t.(tier, ireum. tl,. r-- a' ' I"" '"'" 1 Ha"v ' " Ortlaei a4 spt.a eowalX. ai.4 wan a..r a 4 il la wai.s lra'..i ffVaa la lrl ! O.a ll THOMPSON Sr. HIKKS, U7MTeitir. jtssrr-ri. THern iti.tlfif. rlMI. m'Mir ) ih t-,- i'- i f si... !......, xVihpc I wninrc im I irrtrc lKMf ,i... 9 m 9 .M..r raJ lilt 1 IIIM M HIV.-, lllK'l.i ims v-.k,. tm , S--4 hton I W a I I l.i '.rrni at TIIK PALACli HOTKL HAll, .1. C. MOUCI I KItK, Prop. S-i j. I at m i H . 0, 4 ... tr .4 Wi' . j - " , . , i i . , . . , J.H.e tu.'.V,V..t.i',l .,. '"m. J "X, jl. ui.itiiii ii"i' .' r t ' ' I I ... Ill I .1111 M c NOTARY rUDLI v CQNVErANCtiR j , Hib el eft'. v( f.Ml, A liefVD, Otey t4U. , 4ti eV Vari