Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 07, 1896, Image 2

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- V 5cr ft
Tbe republican state club con
vention which met in Portland last
Tuesday was largely attended and
a very enthusiastic meeting.
From our Special Correapondent
Senator Mitobell's speech on tbe pro
posed bond issue la rightly regarded as
tbe contribution ot a master mind to tbe
monetary literature o( tbe day. He
began by sharply drafting tbe issue tbat
was being made between tbe single gold
standard attended by an unlimited
increase of onr pablio debt and tbe
rehabilitation of silver to its plaoe,
nnder tbe constitution of primary money
pendent on tbe British crown. It it
time this great nation, these United
States of Amerioa should assert its
monetary as well as its commercial
F. A. Pbltebt.
Washington, D. 0., Jan. 80.
Fanned by a Demon.
How many suicides, think yon, reader,
have beetn oommitted by persons driven
distraught and hunted to their doom by
He declared that the persistent effort 'he demon of ch-ooic ill health?
to destroy bimetallism in this ooantry Countless. For instanoe, we know, do
is "not only a fatal stab at the best we noUbat hypochondriasis is a mono-
material interests of all oar people, save daoed by 0Drom0 dyspepsia? Again,
and exoept tbe few who control the gold insomnia, or sleeplessness, often a result
of this oountry but is moreover a of tbe same cause, cnlminates in a de
a nnr..o.oi .n.,hmlii rangement ot the reasoning faculties.
. t ii, therefore, of momentous oonse-
upon their constitutional liberties. He qaeD'oe to preTen, ,be rivaX of digeMe
olted Daniel Webster to the effeot tbat at ita chronic phase, when It daily and
congress had not tbe legal power to nightly scourges tbe sufferer to B
demonetize either metal and showed dangerously nuoertain goal. No medi-
cine mown to science, hb b meaua ui
tbat all our financial authorities of all
arresting the maladies to wbioh it Is
It is reported that Mexico will
not permit the prize fight on her
soil. However, bull fights are
permitted every day. This re
minds one of the gnat and camel
The Corvalhs Gazette classes
the Salem Statesman as a hybrid
sheet with democratic proclivities.
This is pretty hard on the States
man even if it has got a demo
cratic editor.
political parties from tbe framers of tbe adapted, exists equal to Hostetter's
constitution down to the war period Stomsoh Bitters. Among these oom-
agreed that tbe constitution requires the PlaIDts . M" chronic indigestion and
. .... . , . insomnia, kidney and rbeamatio ail-
ooioBge ot Dom meiais. ine senBior mflnt. oonitinRti0n and liver trouble.
compared tbe foreign debt oontraoted Appetite is improved by tbe Bitters, tbe
under bimetallism before tbe otvil war, blood fertilized, and rjodny substance
the foreign debt accumulated during tbe and v,SIor ocreB8ed DV
war and the fonr nnooeedinff veara. and
tho fnroion r1ht ainnn thfl nranlinal PoULTBT FOB SALS. George BroWII,
anntinn of th ffnld standard thronah who has just recently moved into Hftpp
the demonetization of silver. At the com- "'. DBTln8 looaiea in me Duuaing oboe
menoement of tbe war our foreign debt ' 'h Oatholio ohuroh, has for sale
waft a bagatelle. sahstantiallv nnthino. ol IDoroUgDOrea poultry Ot aimosl
e n I AtAat bmH av n 1 nam tkrliinh Via id bumd- rf.
rni . . - . .ill O'ui J niuu vian vvusuu uu in u u vs.
ine cosm or. me war swenea u so xna .:. ..ia Thr, Hn.irina im
in 1869 it bad reaohed the enormous prove their fowls would c!o well to call
figure of $1,465,006,000. In the natural on Mr. Brown and inspect bietlne blood
..f ti,;. it i,r,no k... ed chickens. It,
grauuany raauoea since mat lime oui i je Beat Cough Cure
since tbe demonetization of silver our moVl 0nre A negleoted oongh is
foreign debt instead of being reduoed dangerous, Stop it at onoe with
General Harrison Asserts That no Incum
bent bag Satiofied all tbe People.
Ex-President Harrison writes on "The
Presidential Office" in his "This Country
of Ours" series, in February Ladies'
Home Journal. In discussing the con
stitutional provisions for the seleoton of
a Cbief Magistrate, be touches upon tbe
discussion in tbe convention relative to
a plural exeoutive for tbe nation, and
upon tbe point presents his own views:
"Experience has sa fully justified tbe
conclusion reacbd by the constitutional
convention in this matter a single
exeoutive head tbat no change has
ever been suggested, Tbe inonmbent
has never satisfied any one, but the dis
contented have never sought relief by
giving bim a doable. Executive di
rection should always be single. When
anything is wrongly done we must be
able to put a hand on tbe man who did
it. Tbe sense of responsibility begets
carefulness, and tbat sense is never so
perfeot as when, after full consultation,
tbe officer must go a'.one into tbe
chamber of deoision. In all of tbe re-
oent reform oity charters this principle
is made prominent by giving the mayor
the power to appoint the oity boards
and officers, and So making him respon
sible for ibe effioienoy of the city govern'
ment. Two presidents or three with
equal powers Would as surely bring
disaster, as three generals ot equal rank
over a single army . I do not doubt
tbat this sense of single and personal
responsibility to tbe people has strongly
held our president to a good oonoieooe
and to a big b discharge of their great
A Large
and an Esthaalaatle
Offlcrr Elected.
Bee ting.
At 10 o'clock last Tuesday morning
tbe oonventiou ot tbe Young Men's
State Republican Club was called to
order at Portland with about 1200 dele
gates in attendance. About 650 were
present from tbe ' first congressional
distriot and nearly 650 from this
district.; In all tbe gather! lg was
certainly a large and enthusiastic one.
Tbe most important business was tbe
election of officers for the year, which
resulted as follows:
President Charles H. Carey, ex
municipal judie ot Portland.
Vice president Claude Qatcb, mayor
of Salett. -
Executive committee Charles H.
Carey, Claude Oatob, L. A. MoNary,
James A. Wilson and W. H. Moore.
Delegates to tbe meeting ot tbe
national league at Milwaukee, Wis.,
A. W. Qowan, T. A. MoBride, J. M
Long, James A. Fee, R. A, Booth, I. L.
Patterson. J. H. Hawley, J. E Blun-
dell, J. M. Cbnrob, John Michel), F. J.
Taylor; W. C. Averv, M. C. George, Bnd
George W. Patterson.
3ks Keeloy Institute
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Salem, Oregon,
Tie Mot Beautiful Town on the Coast
Call at the Gazette office lor particulars
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and ur
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
of Morrow, 8tate of Oregon.
John F. Crosby,
Threw Away bis Canes. Plaintiff,
Dr. t). Wiley. el-postmaster. Black Alexander urahara,
Creek, N. I., was so badly hfnioted with
rheumatism tbat be was only able to
hobble around with canes, and even
then it oaused him great pain. After
using Chamberlain s rain Balm be was
so muob improved that be threw away
bis oauee. He says this liniment did
him more good than all other medicines
One lawyer called another a liar
in open court in Baltimore not
long ago, and there waa an open
fight there and then. After all,
the cause of the quarrel was but a
simple statements of facts. Salem
A Chicago preacher has recent
ly invited Bob Ingersoll to fill his
pulpit, and a southern newspaper
says that it will not be surprised
to hear of St Peter throwing open
the pearly gates to his Satanic
The Gorvallis agricultural col
lege has ordered 150 government
rifles for drill purposes. The
medical department of the state
university might show appreciation
of the move by filing an appli
cation for a doad student or two.
Vest was the center of attrac
tion in the senate Wednpsday. He
omU1 Hen. Morton and the ad
ministration in a very severe man
ner. In all, Lis speech, for satire,
ridicule and sarcasm was never
excelled in the senate, not even by
IIarrihom positively declines to
allow his name to go before the
convention as a candidate for the
presidency. This is accepted by
all, and McKinley, Hood, Allison
and Morton all thiuk their forces
have Wn strengthened by the
withdrawal of Mr. Harrison.
has swelled until it has reached a
startling and protentous figure being
variously estimated at from 83,535,000,
000, to $5,535,000,000 after allowing all
credits. "How is it," asked the senator
in bd impassioned period, "that tbis
vast sum ot debt, has within the past 25
years been placed as a mortgage in
favor of foreign creditors nearly all of
whom are citizens ot Great Britain on
Sbiloh's Cnre.
Thaodor, of Davarla, la Ably At-
latad by Hli Skillful Young Wife.
Duke Carl Theodor, of Bavaria, is a
moBt charitable man and an extremely
clever oculist. He has three hospitals
for persons suferinpr from disease of
the eyes one at Meran, one on the
Tecrernsee. where he nasses most of
the labor, tbe effurts, the resources, the his time, and one at Munich. He
homes yes ; I might add the liberties makes no charge for poor patients, but
of the American peoplet" While he at the door there is a box into which
stated that other causes contributed to those who can aflord 14 Bre expected
the result he edded tbat "no one cause place contnuutions lor the (rood ot
y, all other oauses taken together , . ra1 ln thB ,m wott
ere so potential a factor in this fearful born in 1839, and is a brother of the
work of riviting upon tbe necks of tbe empress of Austria. In 1874 he mar-
American people tbe foreign chain ot "ed as his second wife Princess Maria
industrial, commercial and monetary Josepha, of Braganza, who assists him
' I 1 LI. 1 l4.l.1 1 11I !.!.
lavery, as the single one ot the effort to 'Q UV c"" wotk. ins eioxsi
1 k l All 3 till UOUK UV tllU DVUUI1U lUttl I lUlfV
destroy bimetallism and sustain uphold rWhesa Sophie, who was born in
and perpetuate in the interest of Great February, 1875. Kho has Inherited her
Britain me single gold standard." father's skill, and is his principal as-
The senator deolared that in bis sistant in his work as an oculist. The
piuion there are two remedies to be duke always enters his consulting
applied to this deplorable condition: ro0,m4 ? 8cvon . ')c, m V10 ",,rn,ln
r irst the encmirngprneut and upbnild ng , .," , .
" " in soothing tho kuIutits and enters
i uur iuun;iiut aim ido, seoonuiy wilh enthusiasm Into the charitable
we roust legislate to increase tbe value work. As an c:;:uuplo of tho duke's
ot onr export commodities so as to I skill tho San Frnaeiseo Chronicle men-
enable as to meet.rednoe and if possible tlons that he recently removed a splin.
Toe republican state centra!
committee which met in TortUm!
last Wednesday selected Apri
0th as the date for holding the
state convention at Portland. This
is the same place and date as that
elected by the democrats, though
tbis does not necessarily indicate
that ao attempt will be tnadtt for
Tbe Salora Journal nays thp
press of tho stats is silent on tho
supremo court decision of the
Eastern Oregon asylum rase,
bora u so of a reluctance to criticise
ths court, and no desiro to endorse
the decision. This i wrong,
Kaatero Oregon furors the deci.
ion. Union won in a fair contest
and i entitled to the branch
The Congressional convention t
the first district will U hell at
Albany on April Tt.lt. aid t'.ii
district's convention will couveue
io Portland tn the Mh. !kt
are held seerat from tho stale
convention this year for tho fir
time. At each congressional con
veotion a congresinan and t
delegab to the national Com en
tioa wilt bo chosen.
Ubeoox was never l-etter cares
for at Washington than at rewbl
HtaUra MclWi.l. Mitchell an
CoGgreaiDaQ Hermann and K.l'.i
art four as strong and popular
tueo as can bo picked op from an
western sUte They are republi
cans aoJ not cranks on any subject.
They ar jmailits men on mattert
iovulting priocipieo vital m tl
root.lo, bat they aro curloous,
indostrioos and iodefatigabto in
dsfenso of Orrg"0 loteresta. Iy
Ida ald all minor differences c
C pinion, it Is d mbtfol if any staU
in th i rln hat ln rnnro r rta
f 100 Reward 1100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn tbat there is1 at least
one dreaded disease that soienoe has
been able to oure in all its stages, and
tbat is Oatarrb. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
tbe only positive cure known to tbe
medioal fraternity. Catarrh being i
constitutional disease, requires a oon
stitutional treatment. Halls (Jatarrn
Cnre is taken Internally, acting direotly
upon tbe blood end mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying tbe foun
dation of tbe disease, and giving tbe
patient strength by building np tbe con
stitution and assisting nature in doing
work. Tbe proprietors have so
much faifb in its curative powers, tbat
tbey offer One Hundred Dollars for any
oase tbat it failes to cnre. Bend for list
of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY 4 Co.,
Toledo, O.
tJTSold by druggists, 79 oents.
wipe out tbe debt wbiob. today makes
the people of this country virtually
slaves to tbe money lenders o( Oreat
"The senntor culled the attention to
tbe dire eft' ctsof tbe bund Issuing policy;
bow it operates with speoial hardship
wheu the irJ is obtained from our
people because It thereby ooutraots our
circulating medium, depresses prices
paraligs bnainras and itiorfsaea tbe
public debt. He iittvl from able
polltinal economiHls to show Unit bi
metallism wus tiie only true poliry for so
enlightened governmnt looking to ibe
boot iulereat (it all its people. He M
Ouriatfd the present secretary of the
tritaanry for enforcing a g IJ policy far
in advance ot soy ever eutertaiued or
prsctioeJ by sny gold standard govern
ment on faith, by not dousing bis
ligiiimste petogstive by refusing to
bouor tbe demands ot gold InteuJed for
eiport io return fur obligations eipreiatr
made parable io eoio.
Tbe seoator called atlentiuii to th
danger to American industrial and
American UUir from an invasion ol
oriental products ss a result of dnVreoe
io rietiaugs and aioner slsudards. II
IMiiiilrd out the wonderful beiivOte
Japan and China are deriving thrungh
Hit fully of oar financial syslvrn and
bow a eoropHI'Inn, dangertina on.le
natural eioliliios is likly to )
readered sbeolately ranlous In TaeiQe
eoaat Intermits becsuse ot tbe deaparily
Io the porobaaiog an dbt paving
xrt ot gold and silver bronchi about
by tbe enforcement of a mooeiy pallet
ll at makes gold snJ gold sbtne. is onr
eountrr tbe moaor of valsn; a threat
a. iadnatrial lovaaion wblchno tariff
however light ils rates eae protest
Klnl. Woh proleelive tariff uat
be r.milf.1 with abandonment the
Inste gll slandard by this eoonlry
ed the sImi.(om ot Ibe doable standard
and trne maey bimetallism.
CalliDg U0 Hie lalforms ot tbe
rrpulill'so psny la eattaia him tbe
aslr said !
"I diline t i g ve farther sutborlly Io
Ibe fee. of Ibe ireeaury i-t (was s!
ililiusal Uoeds io lime ol ea, t'iret,
lUeauae I diMijr lit tieetMily rl any
saeb s.llilioeal (Mae. rWa.lly. It
esuae I sni rsalltabiy oppiA to s
farther Inereaae of ear ltrt lniig
piit.lie debt. Third. Itx-sate la s
eittralt g 1 1 . 1 l b.. laanee t anf
rale f iiiivtiai, I twd.ete we are, lo'a-l
tt laii)iag Iti blw ertdil tiaattiliia-
ll e lai . a( ffiMi'b f babkraplt-y and
Fo.irtU. IWaaae I am s blHB
sod every repablteaa avallo ol
every stale la tbe l'ol a wblcb bes rci
f eoed la lbs I el )ar Ih radmnJ la
ikli Uims ibe peil adonaie
Iraiioti f r sg tde s I lhas is
ralif Ibe nalarel laJtbUdseae,
la ss fk) ittl tii"slt 'a lie otl r
sai l tbat Ibe eonalry sol. aet la
ter of iron from the eye of an iron
turner, an operation which had defied
the skill of several other oculists. The
duke is the heir presumptive to the
throne of tho pnlalmnto of Bavaria, as
his elder brother, Ludwlif, who married
a commoner, Iiiih renounced his right
I lt-l.',(i V,.ra uml lialid
Trof. Wlpglns I'-.-lU'VtMthiit telegraph
wires cause c'rou-rlit, t'-.stthe atmos
phere cannot absorb moi'lnre unless it
is charged w.tli electricity, and that
upon an oblate i p'jerold lil.c the earth
the electricity v. ill inevllably collect at
tho equator. In t!i', way lie explains
tbe friujiieiiey i f ra.tis at tho equator.
If, howovt r, he i "there lie ele
vated f.pot on a i ji'i'-re Wtrlcity will
collect on thei.i. I hov.Id these snots
ir continent !- eorite ted by wires It
might aecuiimbto e-.e.i alternately,
rhla liualir.qx'i e.l tlii year, and Amer
ica has ull of thj tlettrlo energy anil
huropo Im 1 1" t it: m t:iat our coiiti
nent is fliHi.le 1 B!:d Turope Is burned
up wilh drought." Ills conclusion
from all this W that electric wires
should lie buried.
Oraham, wife of raid
Alexander (Ira ham.
The National Bunk of
Heppner, a corpora
tlon.and Frank HnKer
man, aa Kecelver of
the Lombard invest
ment Company, a cor
poration, Defendanta.
Tn Alexander Graham. Defendant.
In the name of the state oi urcgon, you are
and treatment put together. For sale hereby required to appear snd answer the com
-i en - i. u l ni.:ii n..i,n nUint sled mrninst von In the above entltlec
Biuuueuv. iici umi oy aunt iaiU., r------- --. . . ,
L ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
The Northern counties
Investment Trust,
Limited, Plaintiff,
Q. W. Rtewart, James 0.
Hamilton, O. w. Har
rinpton, Addle Parvin
and J. N. Brown.
druggist. regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit:
Monday, the U day ot March, 1896
And If nn full n tn answer, for want thereof
the nlaintlff will annlv to the court for the relief
llllkan An tha i,avlv MiaA annnfl IhAir I dtmnHed In uJd pnmnlaint. tO'Wlt.
, , . , , A judgment and decree aitainst you for the
honeymoons r somebody asked the ,nm 0 tm.oo witn Interest thereon at the rate
..i,,,!.,, nnJ . oirliah matron whose ol elKht percent per annum from thefiritday
otneroay, Bna a ginisn matron, wnose 0,juiyi h.w, mi for a reasonable sum to be de
dignities are not more than six Weeks terminednytheennrtaaau attorney's fee, and
old, promptly assured tbe inquirer tbat Also for a decree f'orecloaliiR a mortKapte made
thin wintnr tha Maine woods where b" 'ou 0,1 ,,,e 'll,"wl" deacribed premises,
ID1B winter ine aiaine wooas, wnera ,tuiawI )n Morrow county, Oregon, to wit:
moose are found, and CanBditn woods, The SENi of Section 8. Township 1 North, of
, ., ... -i. Ran e 24 Est Willamette Meridian, and re-
where cariboo Ore hunted, are gay With C0rded in the records of mortgairrs of sad county
hrirfal nartiPB ''It seems a chill V thina in Book "C." panes W, 859. MO and 3B1 ; as to all
Oriual parties. ll Beems oouiy tuiug ,h rtofondnnu here n named, and for the sale
to do." assented the little wife, gaily, of said premises to satisfy said Judgment and
' , . , . . decree, interest, costs and attorney s fee.
"bot it s tremendous fun, and iar ahead this aummona la published by order of
8tephen A. Lowell, Judge of the Circuit Court
The young couples on the 8th day of January, 196,
or a sentimental journey to me meaner- , state f Oregon for Morrow County, made
ranean or Florida
leave trosseao luggftge neniod inem, ana 40117
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Got tbi Pin. A man who believed in
tbe old saying, "See a pin pick it up,
and all day long you'll have good luck,"
saw a pin in front ot tbe post office in
The Dalles the other day. Bending
down to get it bis bat tumbled off and
rolled inte tbe gutter; bis eye-glasses
fell and broke on tbe pavement, bis sus
penders gave away behind; be burst ths
butteo bole on tbe back of bis sbirt
oollar, snd he all bnt dropped bis new
false teeth. lie got the-pin. Antelope
disappear, with guides, tents, end
mountains of furs, into the big forests,
for a fortnight's camping. Perhaps il'i
the novelty of the conditions that makes
everything seem so amusing; aod some
of tbe honeymoon banters have gone as
far north as Nova 'Scotia. Most of the
brides shoot well themselves; but even
if tbey don't oare Io try tbeir chances at
one of tbe lords ot tbe northern forests
tbey find the snowshoe tramp fun appear to the Court that on the i:tth day of Jan
' . 1 . uary, 1M0, In aald Morrow County, Oregon, one
enongh, BOt as rifle-bearers for their Charles Lind died Intestate: that at the time of
, . , , . j ,.-. 1 n s oeatn sain unaries L,;na waa unmarneo aim
husbands, lesm to draw marvelous le(tn0 children ,or other heirs at law, and that
melodies from the bnge moose-cell, up to the time of the commencement of this
Visit the lumbermen's Camps, and thrive claiming to he an heir, or heirs, of said deneaa-
il. .1 t.il... ti,. .v, I i.
A Baby's Lire Saved.
"My baby had oronp and was saved
by HhiloL's Cnre" writes Mrs. J. B,
Msrtin, of Unnlsville, Ala. tor sale by
Wells ft Warren.
Back Again. W. II. Fowler, who
waa formerly on tbe Pendletoo-Portlaod
passenger run on tbe O. 11. A NH baa
been again placed in his old positioo,
says tbe Mountaineer. Mr. Fowler has
been on a short ran flora Tba Dalles Io
to Umatilla since tbe train service be-
teeo Pendleton sod Portland was eat
down to one train each way a day. Mr,
Fowler is 00s of tbe old conductors and
popular with tba traveling public
llow l.( lr - Hirrams.
The Kafhn nr. creat swimmers.
Thry can do thin," in itie water which
oilier nova woi'H .v': r'vin with aa-
tonb.bment. 1 r : !. a Kaffir
boy can fori r Mr -M ''!o .Mer high,
running o-swl'ily n if mt from
torrent. 'I ho v ny t!p-y itceoinplish the
feat la tbl: .-n t I:.) entering the
water they n huge atone, aotnrtimes
aa heavy a ttiemelvr, and with tbe
helpof a coinoi'i' 1 1 Hee It upon tbe
head. A We-'it Ir.e I'll , irlvrs tha
boy balance, ail Ii, eun keep his fait
Ing airalnt the hesvlet stream. If he
were to drop tho 1 tone he would be. ot
light the water would sweep him oft
his fort And l!il l Inst one of tha
Kafllr trliUa t ae-oiopllsh things
agalnot tide and ft.HKt.
b with a rwfc.
A Ilr. alopplng In a New York hoM
duHng a rw-iit Iut aprll," u much
troublet) by fear of lirgUr Mie bo. I
)ut droi alerp one night, when
tbe waa arouwl by a abarp n-port, like
tbat of a 'it.t. and felt a tingting k-o-al
Ion In her hol,rr. I'ulting up her
hand, be a horrlApl U find her
ulgbt giwB Mluralod 1th some fiul.l,
MhU'h abe wsa Mine waa bUaal. "Henry,
llenryT she rril ! her alrrplnf hoa
Ihhi.I. "I am V1; I am blmllnf V
dealli" ionen. I'm," brr railowa
hunlwml r plied, m be (fit up and lit
Ihe fa; "jihi have Its iln auilng "
"Hut I am t wl;h l-l..l." rruir
Ihe Urri3.,-l woman. "You are rt.
but lot mith I t"l ' im I lb hu(.an.l.
tl " nil !" I irl Inl.i rra of j
Uuk'l t. r He l l nil" ire-l S l"'Ul cf
jt. f .1 Oi:. T 1 leliieg, but Itot
fw net U It I iy iia IjI Ic, ..lrtivsT
linn l'y at t.i l-l, ' ! It ei.b'Ht
that, r;u ,.ii miUf lit beat. It bal
itft t!ie tork and half the ..lawalrr
(hmi the n'in, and bit the Is! aa
tt lelt.
S la Ihe lime l gl lbs weekly
lir"aiB, iba g )! asppf vt
He . Una lt0-4K t-h stret
If la altsliee.nee year, .1 fV 5e b4lr
ewbteaiia vt aesier eta bo sr-e-le
la K tiia we wiU flaw aa a
A little daughter ot Fred Webber.
Holland, Maes,, bsd a very bad Col
snd Otmgh wblob be bod not been ebli
tomre with aoytblng. I gave him a
bottle of Chamberlain a Cough Remedy
ess W, P. Ilolded, merrbsnt and post
mauler st West lirimefleld, and Ihe aeit
lime I saw bim he said It worked like a
charm. Tots remedy Is Intended es
preistly for acute throat sod lung
Mars sneb as eolda, eroap and
whooping eongb. aed it la fa mens for
ilaenree. Tbrre Is 00 danger la giving
It to ehildrea lor II coataiaa oolhiug
iejnrtona. For sale by 1'titll Cobo,
Tuaii Co jipc cross Utnovso Coo
doflers Miller aod Mitchell, ot Iba
Pebdleloo-PortlaDd dileiooe, aod Boi
ler of Iba rendleloa-Hpcikana diviaior
of Ibe U II. k N. Co., vera relieved from
daty a frw das ago. Tbe ranse ot tbeir
dismissal la not koiao. Miller an
Mitchell bate been SOdreedeJ by Co a
dnts Fowler aod (Ileoiieaniug.
X of Oregon lor Morrow County,
The State of Oregon,
J. W. Morrow. County
Clerk of said Morrow
County, Oregon, and
the heirs of Charlea
Lind, deceased.
Whereas, It haa been aatlsfactsirily made to
To O. W. Stewart and James D. Hamilton,
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the ab.ive entitled
suit on or before the flrst day of the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court, to-wit:
Monday, the 2d day of March, 18116,
and If yon fail bo to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded ln said complaint, to-wit:
A decree for the sum of One Thousand Dona's
gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the flrht day ot
July, W.fi, until paid. For the sum of Blx ahd
Fifty-two Hundredths Dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the 9th day of Janua y, 1K05, and the sum
of One Hundred Dollars, attorney's fees, and
coata and disbursements of this suit.
Also for the foreclosure of the mortgage ex
ecuted by defendant O. W. 8tewart to secure
the payment of the same and conveying the W
of theSWI See. SO. The WU of the NW4. the
EV4 of theBK'4, and the NW'4 of the 8E)i See.
... jt . i liiii, i tv. uur,. a Q.1 All In
fll, aim llie o Ja Ul uieow; ul toj. o, an 1 ii
Tp 5 South of Range 25 E. W M., for the sale of
aam premises anu lor jungmem auu exeuuiiuu
against the defendant O. W. Stewart for any de
ficiency which may remain after applying the
proceeds of the Bale of said premises in payment
of the above named suma, and for auch further
relief aa ia demanded ln plaintllt a complaint.
'1 his aummona ia published by order of Hon.
Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the sixth judicial
district of the State of Oregon, dated December
18,1895. J. N. BROWN,
399-412, Attorney for Plaintiff.
WANTED: Several trustworthy gentlemen
or ladles to travel in Oregon, fo' establish
ed, reliable house. Salary 1780 and expenses.
Steady position. Enclose reference and aelf ad
dressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
pany, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago,
111. marl.
That at the time of his death aa aforesaid
aaid deceased waa aelsed of certain real eatate
game cooked over tbe bag. "mpflre.
One bride brought down a moose to ber I the County Court of Morrow County duly ap-
own credit, and the agreement IS IDSt d-ul . who dulr Qualified and entered unor
tbe borne and bead ot tbe big beast. ? t "XjffilrXS.
When mounted, Shall be the first pieoe That on the Zlth day ol December, 1h'.'2 auch
... . . ... inmin iiTKii in wn rnmn fini. inn win w miu
01 roroitore tsuen in ine new noma, istrau. nied tn said county court theirsuppi.
This.it is supposed, will bring great menu """-"'t-br which it w
good look." From "Sooiety Fads," in mlntstratore. after such administration was
, , , . 1 limy comniceii, as ine proMny oi mil www,
Demorest s Magsiine for February . theaumotli'.voi, which aald sum m money
waa, on aald day. under the order and direction
of said County Court, paid by such admtnlstrat
litlle nrs to i. W. Morrow, Clerk of said County Court,
.wl mum
,. 1 the above named defendant, auhleet Io the
further order ol the aald County Court. That
D I aald aum of money haa ever since said 21th day
A drowning man would have 1
use for a method of rescue whiob won
. - . t I . - .1
require uajs. 1 ujaueuuo uuriu mm ,m i money
want to bother with a remedy that Is of December. tMn, and now is, mine
going to tsko weeks to show its bene- "'"W J.":
final effects. I therein-, and that by reason of auch facts, aald
Tbe Mount Lebanon Hosiers are I aum of I IMA 01 ahoiill escheat In, and become
nfTftrino a nrodnnt nodr the name of th property 01. the state, aim tne Ktaie 01
onering a proanoi ooner oe name 01 1 , h . ht h . , ,d f mon,
hiCh yields I nnw n pnMeaston ol aald defendant I, W. Mor-
arlnr Io the
Through' Pullman Palace Sleepers.
Tourist Kleepera slid Free Reclining Chair
Cars DAILY to Chicago.
Many hours saved via this line to Eastern
Hhaker Digestive Cordial
Inimmllata rellif. Tha verv nret dose I row. as afnmwtil.
. 1 a ... 1 1. . ,.i ..I And II further satisfactorily apnea
jiiTr. ururm ... . - . Court lhat a summons hss l-ued In this pro-
IS owing to their OOOoUOlled COOOJenne I cee.i"g. dlreclvd tn said defendant, i. W. Mor.
in it, tbat Iber have put 10 eeol sample I ", rroulrlng him, and the heirs or lh aald
kniilu . il.. m.rk.S Th... ... 1 Charles Jnd. deceased, to appear and answer
tha Information nied herein, within Ihe lime
llmiled by law In civil caaee. and that said
nen nuiy serTa nptm pan
Morrow, personally, in saw
1 1. ...... mA ft... mm fc. 4 - n
Tba Hbskers Digeelive Cordial relieves heirs nt the uli harles'lJnd. deceaaed. ran be
tintv and aut.
r ordered that all persona
estate ot Charles IJnd.
dereiurd. appear on or belnrw Ihe Aral day nt
the n.ii regular term ni mis i mn, wnirn is
the im Monday in March, I", tn.wlt, ihe
seennd day th.rvnl at Heppner. In aald Mnrrnw
Cniintr. and show raus. If any Ihry havawhv
th lltl. nl said !!. Bnw In lh hands ol aald
J. W. Mormw. hln th sum nl lrVi 01. should
not eat In th I'Ulnlilt herein, th. Stal ol
llrvfnn. Il la lirthr ordered that this nolle
bottles oo the market These eaa le
bad Ibroogh any druggist; snd il will
repay Iba afflded In Invest Iba trifling aummnna has
aum oeoary to make a trial itrLw cJn.v
by rting tba stomach a. d aiding tha loon, 13 n id co.mit and nut.
j -" I II Is therefor hereby ordered
oigeenon n loou. Inu-rrat.! la th aald est.! ot harlrs IJnd,
Laxot, Is tha best medicine for
children. IXietnra rerommend it to
place of 0enr OiL
Csplals HweMy, C. a. A
Krn Iiieeo. Cel.. ears: -Shil.b'
Catarrh lOlnedy la tba first medialna I I h puhllshed nn-arh week lnrtsrnrisruUre
bare eer fonnd. tbat woold do ma aoy wss in th. ii.ppnr i....ii.. a n.iperr m
. t. .r. .... t, I fnrl rliriiletlnn pnhllshd at llppnr. In
grmd. I rice 6J eeoia. tot sale vj iml4 Mrirro t ,int. or,rn
Hell A narrea. Mllneas say band this mhdsyof January,
l. st r i n a. 1 a. U'wri.u
0. IS. Circuit Judga.
R. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agrnt.
Portland, Oregon.
J. C. HART, Agrnt, Hrppner, Oregon.
Your Face
After Iea. 1, tbe Qsietia will
make a doonant of 10 per ten!, trots
list 00 all aispla job work. Thla re
doclioo ia nit-t oa lb soip.iiioo thai
eaab will b paul for all work as soon as
Ix th n i-riT cor at roa Tin cot- sty
ol Morrow, Ut el UrMoo.
N.w r. Tiin.Km. rinf.liiii baa I llorv Heeonrr,
opened op tbe feed yard sett dor to n-murT,
IbeOatxia office, and bow anlie U a Clait a. A ulns.
share of four tai roe sg. Pillf le right ti.iaui.
at borne at Ibia baslaee. eod yoor I ToCtarl a Adslna d.4aiit
hree will be well loose J otiee. rrwcea
r ab to. Ilav aed grata for sal It
In lb nam nl th. Mt of Orvwna. yotj era
rtw a4 anf In rant.
Our people are gmwleg mora and
more ia the hslul of mking in 1'blll
ih drugi;Ul, f.r Ibe liel aad beet
if everything Id Ihe drag lio. Tn
l Cbsmberlsia's (Wgh IUaJy
fnious for Ha cures of bad eoMs. emo
aed bnpiag roasb. Wba to Bswd e
such a medieiee give I his remedy
Inst and yon will be more ihsa plao4
wild the leealt.
T. W. Ayere aed wife drparil leei
Tareday ! t'eadili where Iber !
rcl Io I. eaU prmeBlly. As preet
1 n.ly siai4 T. W. ttae piehad aa
Inlareel la tbe drug besiii ot Tallroaa
A (. aal elpele to embark Ittbnaiotea
la lhat rity. Tlnxwaa baa grown ap
linm rl.il.ltuvM ia Ilritr aul r.-r a
another i.f ' t-l baa ba aoail-f.
ed aitioel oar baiaa snen, a. wbile
ae g'eal. y regrH . .-e M, yt, tul
bim aHna.l.tii Bnee la bie biib
Venture at l'eadlt.ii.
ii'AMID -avrl rutwnh iiiina
1 1 or la lire Io lraM la ,. . ii.liih.
I-r. mix as ae a,du.Hial kwraal,lka) aa-
sl 1 rt-( n us ly eotHlouiiij la llia,f l Haaier, aa agntrolisial fiw,
f pao a H"f vf bonoaKg saeaey, . earrHe.
(.riMi-rn'r aso be rltl or osaia-
k.a Ml Aleve ol toe Soili ft.r
Ayer'e Mareai ortlla eeiya tha eiiraw
dlnary dtalinHwa of baviogtwMlbeotilf
btmd fanflvf allowed aa itnhit at Ibe
W.wl-l e fwr, ll'ei,v aislorr
of otb aare a pan Ilea safM If ee
snaWioMaiaashowle( of lalr ao',
tMil II. y re all tarwod sy .tr Ibe
spl-IWaii. of Ibe rale trlo4tie Ibe
d. frllahl hou. Mlary I IM (.!
nwU p.alila gnrkM rl.r.n n. sell a-1
dr.n I siaatpM I .ir 1 h wi.ulm I urn.
I bird run, fauna nU4ii. tnw.su.
f iir r M'tjr im at cfTBtfof'iTt
,., ...t .. .i ol oim. la lb SKSlla
nl lb i t4 lk"M eotil..a. 4woH
tttaia ol 1 hWM avnaisno al. O..II.
I k.nrhf sl1 lb .1iiH lln
rl. nl th. tat ol tboo. rx'lwi.
rmmmt, Wi IH. , nMHnrt tA. ao4 an r"i
a.tinf r.tiM traiMi la said 4mmm I la
.tli i i.l lha ilk IN i i inry o.Mrh.r
iibla sis ' aftof Ik ..hUcii.w, 1
Ihl Knk In Ik ! l oil KIMrsUrf kl
Mi lnx . tk. n Mil oir, k
K r N., fcfcsii...oy i kie oetra la La
tm. matmm eni, vrr
1olil1rtn of th mW of TVi iae Bnk.
Ti4 Hff. Of . 4 r. IV evf.
1 1.-
h.rphr roiulwl I
M.lnl lnl a Ik ahor .nil I il
II on or hvfa.r lh SrM Uy ot Um a 1 1 Mf ui
1.1 ta of M rowrv la h
Tb lad Pay ot Harris. IM.
And If ?oo 111 an lo ahsw.r. lot want throf
lh ktalntis "I I acfir lo Ik rourl l..f ,.
rtll.l it.nalod la aM eMplalnl, lo all
fa. la.limnl aoainol ra tat k soai ol On
Tnaiwand (.i .or oil lnlrt lh.ra at lh
riol t r.nl m anauoi I'm Ik 1 ik
dat o ko.mh.f, 1". and ouch sum as Ik
rmn mi a.l-f . rnn.hi aa aa ail.raf a
f. m dnu ss4 qawtiwiMfiis, aiwi iw 1 1
MoiiMHal a rnin smmi. srukrd hf
mt to sorar Ik p., Ok.nl nl Ik m !'
onrlBwl and tnto In Ik inrl fwft
nl Mid momy lb rik f 4 .r.lt.
Ii. lo ma w l r tt a.4 mn.rttna it
Mo.olne oiM r.wr In.rt T' t 'i
M k i, an4 kkw n a4 IW'.nlkr.
II aM . 4 I sn4 t nl w and
v !.. I ,ll B H
MM ih. ami ol sold imi W aalMfy Ball
t ho 0mmn H r'i'-.ltM kt nrHw ol H-
w,.k.o ..,i. ia.it mt awd (atrt, sal
oa Ik lk y mi iaaaary. lorn
1 AMrt M riauf.
U Msli to aew ante Hflpr. ot The ,.i.t.. pf tl Wnrll fr
film ! r aim s nrr'Uia
TH f Of HloooUTia.
Tltl t ttfcl'ttP, rTias
l Ik mutmmm i n-t Ik
MIM14 r. "', ei.i i-mw oa
I . Ifciit I ko. rre . sto4 t W l-oi Ii,
fit 0.4tr Ikol k IklS r '.0-. o-l
m-t-mi n.i It I I rt.tim
aiora, if .out riom II aoM l!m.l
lh. 4 1 s., Jow.n ttf i a t. 4 or. I
tot an 4oi kx a -4 t---i a. I a
roa t 4 4
io s.-a s4 ft a lay of
i mi i n
o t. t B M.0,iH.
J W. Kilts, ttsfd; olt-t. i ('n
rull.-l.. a'l i'4 "T !-' a4
" 'e )rapa- -ol' kai,g ati l will de '.
a.i.(...Uiisuasl.iis aalftin. --' " .an., ba.B ao4 4. wba h be U M!a ia a fal.! W-I.e'i., II i.Mi.iatMsi aa earp-e.
feat la leKltrig rtil(ra asi ru. . k ,..,l la St.il and t ,w. u..i.uiu r.i k ..l bi,.n t th. I .1 U ktran.s Hi. fKm tm Mala erT. rsitM Oo
peaiiaea Halrra Jptuoal. I f e oprf a. 1I as ae i tst V 4 lNliUa4lKW.tetiUtrkkisa. tt knera He !. 'Wi.t.
I. . by l..irg bh le e.,14 roUe. btl "If - t. ko4 a rilma , Is) s A.
... . ..... frb aufply of tsov. t"tfe. eitstil.i, !. la "-; aa f.4lwe
an.ul lMea e.i. fcat e.e...lly U ; ,M -ba h b. .u. Ml. - a-,i a r.iM
M4mlttlUaUtg Notict.
onr t urarav oiv tr Tl
t,i.l fnt kos loo ri-nto4 adotit.i
iMtiik.Htulii r 1 I
Will Be oreaalBe wilh a snoal engaging
smile, artee yeia loat in
OinewsB witsi its
The osoat compute and urful eVvtcas test
added lo aay sewiag aiaikiaa.
OsrtWy aai MtadMoitly liltt.
Of riB flail! aal Ptrfeel Atfi.ltt,
trwi ALL Itwsklt Arlleltt,
Aad oitl ar and rdeaat yua Bp W Im fall
kmn ot yoor espectettoos.
Anni tiitit WTin la aaoao
f4 UrtiWry. liUral MrtM. Addrvas
k Ik. I nalr I nrt nl Mnfh. I mt,,, Ot.l
l lr ai kor.n klo ls,is H
oil I am !.. f ,,lw m om lt,
lMIISkml.aH . 4a f ttrlM,
o'lhia 1 omlk Itm 4.1 k.roal.
im4 ui m 4r oi r . 10.
WikT raVlktaa
;i i a4oiuuii
rt ft flail, tba lftnal ant, raej
b f twed al bie tMnre, Mstlo-k Orwaef,
te be will dn,ai oi ariar rrwe,
ehavoo. aoakiMr. beieenio, est.
r-r 122 &1 1 aul soil a fl tie, 1,'sb
ftt. h'h at" ' at ol.li tnrs.
'o, M I J f f-w frltf esta.
i e I o of a) Irooo, Jj. 4 Wl
Li is . trra a. 0-4f.
too.eo4 lotoHots ot.mn.4an4 4 l
itt'lo a- BsaiMti Vita.
Ovstwinonx.m v, a. eoors
"4 a. - a ra a m oa Box oM loo.
S k Qaa,
So4 OMOVt, O-OO-a of rv-a VXk sWvto
4a. at arfxaa,
loo a fc-. tea. O.
a r.oeot.a n H-o to t - t
os . w IVs A. aod kV(i
al toa ' to.aa,
evo 6oe a ..a... a a tv