OFFICIAL sE PAPER MY SUCCESS 1$ owing to my liberality in ad-i vertis:ng Robert Bonner. I it FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me own. A. T. Stewart. all I I M M I III 1 1 it 1 1 I I I m in , , , , , , , , , , ,, m i E 2 THIRTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY CAZETTE, PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY IE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS A. W. PATTERSON, PATTERSON. Editor Business Manager At ,! per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 ots. .'or throe mourns. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application, rpHIS PAPlfiK in kept on tile at E. C. Dake's A AdvertiBinn Aiiancy, (M and 85 Mnrchants ExoliSTiKH, Ban Franbisno, California, where oou rants for advertising oan bo made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. ra. dally, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:1S a. m. ; east bound 3: SO a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction golntr east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:17 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p. ra. and 5.56 a. m. United Btates Official. ('resident Grover Cleveland Virw-Vresldent Ad ai Stevenson Beorefary of Htate Kichard 8. Olney Heoretary of Treasury ...John Q. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniel S. Laniont Sooretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postuiaster-Oeneral William b. Wilson Attornoy-fWeral Judson Harmon Seoratary ot Agrioulture J. StorUng Morton State of Oregon. Governor..... w. P. Lord Seoretary of State H. K. Kincaid Treasurer Plill. Metnehan Snpt. Public Instruction (. M. Irwin Attorney General 0. M. Idlnman Benatora ? Br'de JJ. H. Mitchell (.'onarassmnn 1 "inner Hermann umgresstnen j W. K. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds ( R. 8. Bean, Supreme Judgos t P. A. Moore, ( C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell I'roswrating Attorney John H. Lawrej Morrow Conuty (initials. tnint Senator Uepresentativa. , ' oonty Judos ' Commiuioner. J. 4L Baker. " Clm " Sheriff " Trwmorur t ' TTT n J. 8. Booth by ......jnims lieimij ). R. Howard J.W. Morrow ..(i. W. Harrington Frank Gilliam J. !'. Willi. Geo. Lord AwtesMor oarreyor....... Holiool Sap't.. Coroner Anna llalsiger T. W.Ayers, Jr Hsrriica Town ornotas. ", Thos. Morgan V MTO'lliUHii u. K. Fariiaworth. M. iiicnwntruu, litis Pattern!, T. W.Arsrs.Jr. S. a Horner. K. J. Blooom. Kao..nlr , f J. Hillock Freaanref , E. t. Frwland Marshal A. A. Huberts FrvcmctOfllrerp. Justine of the Peeoe.. K. L. Fnwland tmstabla...., N. B. Whet.toos Hiked States Una Officers. TBI DALLES. 01. J. t. loore Il.-ri.t.-r A. S. Biggs UoTir LAOBAMDC Ok. B.F, Wilson tWLtor J.H. Kobbws IUctr S3XZT SOCXXTIX. KAWUSS KmT.NO.IL a. A. B. at Uiimrton, Or., feat rWtunUy of rt nvrtiUi. All Kra ars Invit-d to Joto. ( C. Hon. (iw. W. Ksira. Adlntant. t Coin man. Ur. MONEY LOANED, First Mort.e oil Imprmei ratu, f'rnpnv Sra.iliat. tt. Wear pnars4 Ut nritntlata Drat mnrtgar upon Improrni Urms In Orwon, with eaater partin at a ratcol lntrM nnt to rrKi ( per ram prt ii ii urn. Murtfa rtiI Uial nave hrmn taken hy olhar cvm panie. Addreea with tamn, ' MKHVIK nAanr. Ksf city, Itrvgnn. LUMBER! Wl HAVf FO ALI ALL ElXrw OF C 6ttmm LomlMt. M niiw el Hsppnar, at whal Is koown as Uie BOOTT HAWMXXjU FIK m Ft IT. KUVUM, " " CUtAR. MOB r. m If ttuvuntn in Htrna U m pat .ia tt adlUafwl. WILL AID TT above iotllnns ars sirlrtly f L HAMILTON. Prop. UW Bam o! Mr. UIllOP, Pft4t. THilCTI 1 SEtKll HSim ECSLXESS colm:ctions EXCHANGE RUt-GHT i SOLD IltmEIt. if ORWXJJI flfllirifl-liflnis Sliie line BiB!iisiEUSE OXTAIWitiCnSH ! I taeM fci' !! i, sa, 4 f. rirrt Cslsiu io knar, j Sinqlo I"nm S7 00. Hound Trip SI 0.00 fsF!"! irt r sMpttt turn r- l v.., r-' (r4 at rifft 40 Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co. a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. '' 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75 Calalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO. HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., U. 8. A Gen. Agent, for Kaatern Oregon. Pendleton, Or. i TM U. S. GOVERNMENT i IS 1 PAYING MILLIONS . A MONTH fa To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their j Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars V(V on whom you depended for support ? I THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under th new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present, your claim at this present time? , Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. jyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP. W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 6i8 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. JT. KThU Company it controlled by nearly on Ihoutand leading new paper in Ik United State, and i guaranteed by them. ' FACTS 1 OtJ CAS BUY 125.00 wort of dry goodi and grocatie end than have 1 Y enough left oat of HuO.OO to purchase a No. I Crescent Bicycle. This la j! a (lrst claas machine. Why tlun pay 1100.00 lor tlcycle that lllgla no better service f i CRFWEMT wrtier," weight 30 pounds, omy . ' ! ' i, U4ta' and OeiiU' roa4stre all the way from I to 17V, ', ! "Boys' Junior," only fit with pnsumatlo tlre-e good machine. "Our parlal," Men t ; Udlrs', ! . ' WESTERN WHEEL WORKS. j l CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, ii THE HTTEES0S Kl Cs s?? ji MORROW AHD GRAM f ;! THE INTER OCEAN -u rmt - MWt Popular Pcputllcan Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest CircoUtlon. DAILY IttMmt Snaday). DAILY (villi ?).... TERMS Br MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean l$t. 00 a.H TcVAK.. n. ............ ,.,,.,,.., J Y wAHl Tub me occai u t a. im m, The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. IT IS A TWELVt.PAOE PAPER, L ? " 4 mMT tar ati tKti a.. ''-1r To fur rru V Ir4 ftaTl H Ii f mnmt FW MasssBSM IkM ( LA flat a. A4rmm MWfn.a'IsitiaMn Im OwM la fm. bo. HEPPNEK, MORROW IGYCLES . pef yr tarn fct 40 COIVVftat. " itt m maMMitaMMMji. THE INTER OCEAN. Chir.fflk t'K.V CK Co. COUNTY, OREGON, DOCTOR Iter's ENGLISH for Coughs, Colds. and Consumption Is beyond question the greatest of all modern medicines. It will stop a Cough in one night, check a cold in day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma, and cur Consumption if taken in time. " You can't afford to be with out it." A 25c. bottle may save your life l Ask your druggist for it. Send for pamphlet If the little ones have Croup or Whooping Cough use it promptly. A is sun to curt. Thras8lus-as:.,5iw.aadi. All Dratilits, ACKER MEDICINE CO., 16 & 18 Chambers St., N. Y. WANTFn-AN inFAhocanthlnk Uiing to patent? Protect yonr ideas; they may Bring ' tou i wealth. Write JOHN WKDDBIU "awsaar J mtr m 1 fJl mm alninla CO.. Patent Attomava. u.c, for their 11,800 priao offer. THE EXILE IN CANADA; Or, Thm JBeodlei'a IdtmeaU I wandered to the river's bank And looked across to where, Upon the other side, I saw The light! refleoted there: And, as I gazed, a longing came To reach that place once more, And walk upon the good old soil rd often trod before. Last Bight I draam'd that one again I saw the old, old home Where ott, when I waa but a lad, My wandering steps did roam Td crossed unto the other aide Ot this wlda, running stream; Alas I I woke in full delight, To find it but a dream. On, could I but retrace tha ysarsl And backward go once more, I would not then be cursing fate Upon this barren shore. i What racks It that I have the gold Wherewith to pass all t met Since I must while away the years Is this most wretched clime I Te stars that ah'ne so bright to-night la yonder vault above. Bow ya're looking down On frteods that I do love. Would I ware there ; but y awns a gulf, Wide as eternity! The sheriff a arm. the broken trust Doom me to misery! Bo, here an eille I must stay, On this eold. barren lanl; . '- "' Ko eight of him, oraiadrad aw, No grasp of friendly hand; With gnawing thoughts of keen remorse, Like specters, ever near; Worone k'nd smile, nor welcome glance, My lonely Ufa to eheer. t . -H. MoQrath, la America. nc vtnaoc; tramp. Ono ot the Fra ,i Wants to Kaow Jn.t What tha Tna M-aus. 'I taw an arllrlo In your papor tha other day," aald t!,o tramp as ho rfnehed the Dotwlt Trro Vtnr. Mlitorlal floor "an artlclo alm;it t!(o vorimto tramp. I want an rgplaufttioa. II jw Jia this tramp look?" "It was ivmo repfirU-r who wroU the rtlrlo." "'Vr-u. rlor-a vorboao moan that he a buailorT" "Hardly "Wm bo Unoildr "Not that, rlihrr." "Do vcrboao moan that be bad lost ole aipflltor "No." "Hub down In flr-alir "No. VorhtMo H vrtm, It'iaaort it dnrncinur and l.tuk tird to doeerlbe)." "Am I vnrbwaor "No." "Hit ny thing; leabunf ejlnt the pur- "No." "Won't dlannurair the) woman from and nl,t clothe? "Not a bit." ibr-n i m aallftflpa. I A In'l know oat ii wa aom mow thing mplhln( w worn ajin ua. an 1 1 ant"d Ut wfc... CouUa't many of thn Uy I rUn w-f want4 to, fnu'.i tl,rr Na." "Tht-m It amti't rra-ir' "h, f." "Alt riffbi-tliit a all. 4- most every thiha? f-f twenty tw yrare paat, a4 am fia4 I tarraj'i fH u wofry crt.f tbla. N i.rUn, hn, tbank yow. May m all rbt, B, fart Inn rasrarrt'-j tn aMy through Uiue far." HE WAS Dl5APfoTNTta atw tt4 Mais M aa bt aa laraa'( .,M.ay. kltwtlyartrraflM in a l,a -.1,... '' IU New ,k l.trr a el-ir4 nan rU4 ua aa iumu. afl a4 ai4 "" iny mmf, rai.'n." '"I 4''l yin any a,ay " "Ata'l ytwf da aif fasas, mm as) lasrarMW afotit." "lSJ U,-S tea Mtnrt. f u wiw4 mp 4rt a Istt f.n, t." any fy- "!!, yj Mf f wv Twwm, gt mml ,f k rw, -flt4 , Wm, an' imml 'apla! ' 'm 'iMw-! I tweas; ajyt" wai f, JsxVwl "T" "W, i,' Mf lf Urtwltt ',t aa'Mr el waa JhaMt. 4a !" Mi4itt,s"tf "to". If tr 4 4 att e arsay.y W xsU'r r .. a aj,Wi' to I. ....4 mt, 4mm tag SB I 4i sm " tmm I i g-.,, u $,i 4a, 5" ,iir I ii w a la '. aal. t . . ' .-I I I . . ,, y I i e t FRIDAY. FEBRtTAttvT A COW ."AMONG DEARS. Bossy Beards the Formidable Bruin la His Don. Just outsido tho city of Berne, in Switzerland, there is a bear pit, the in habitants of which are as savage as bears can be, and they are known to have made away rapidly with any living being that ever happened to drop into their midst. Tho other day a butcher drove a cow to the city. The cow took f right, rac off and jumped over the fence down into the bear pit. The bears were anxious to become more in timately acquainted with the cow and began moving slowly toward her. She dM not seem equally desirous to await their amenities, and, being none the worse for her mighty spring just made, she lowered her horns and rushed for ward to assault the bear that was near est to her. The , shngrjy fellow lost heart, turned tail and retired into his cave. Then the cow turned her horns toward another bear, who also consid ered discretion tho better part of valor and withdrew to his cave. In less time than it takes to recite the story all the bears had sought refuge in their lairs and the cow stood in solitary triumph in the center of the pit. Then she was taken out by tho keeper. A rich resi dent of the suburbs of Berne, having seen the gallant self-defense of the cow, took a fancy to her, bought her of the butcher and has her now. at bis country seat and is proud of her. Plleal Pileal Itching Piles. 1 bymptoms Moisture; intense nohing and BtiDRing; most nt oight; worse by eorntching. If allowed to continue tumors form, hioh often bleed 'and ulcerate, becoming very gore. 8waynb S Ointment stops the itohing and bleed inn, heals ulceration, and in most eases removes the tumors At drngints, or by mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne & Hon, Philadelphia, A MEAN CAT. Invitee friendly Overtures and Reapomts with a Illta. "You had better look out for your hand, air. Tom is a pugilist." This ad-, vice was spoken by a gateman at the union depot, Cleveland, and was nd dressed to a benevolent-looking old gentleman who had stooped down to pet a large Maltese cat. "Oh, he seems to like me," answered tho gentleman. "I make it a rulo to be friendly with all dumb animals, and firmly believe that they approclato kind treat-" But at this instant tho cat suddenly rose up on his hindlegs and struck out simultaneously with his barbed fore paws, grasping one of tho old irwntlcman'a ungloved fingers between bis teeth and giving it a sharp bito Satisfied with tho result of his attack, wily Tom scampered away nri-oss the tracks and from the other sldo of the depot watched the old gentleman bandage his bleeding hand with a hand kerchief. "That U an old trick of his," said the gatemnn to a Leader reporter who wa ttanding near by. "He will meandei up to his victim In a most innocent man ner and piny about his fwt. Nine out of every ten persons will take thla biiit and be bitfc'n by Tom. I do not believe that be umi his claws anil teeth out of uglinej. but for sport. Notwithstand ing all this Tom la likud by every t mmi working In the depot Nonmtt.-r how well we become ni-qntilnti-d with him, however, be ran never bo trusted. Some time ago I flulUrvd tnywlf that Tom wm my friend, but one day I ftwakrn to tho true nature of 'hi frien.lhhip, when I got a badly M-ralehed hand." "Who owns himr'aaked the reporlrr. "That la a (juration open t iIIm ii ikm," replied the gaU-tuan. "V. J. Akerm, the proprk tor of the dining room, claims bint, aa din atao a laly living on I'maprt-t tro t The rat raiue to the depot several yearn ago, and Mr. Akera claimed biro from thefjmL How ever, about a month after bia romiuir the I'ruaiwrt at mat lady Ui v ftt the dep. one day, and when she ra-pie-l the rat sho aerphmed In a ludylikf manner aad claimed that be belong.! Ui ln-r and had run away froai home. We irallantly waived our rlulmsuf uwif erabiii, but Tom, while aMwing aliw of rvcotmilMin, would not gu with Um layly. He U very IntelliiMnt, and knowa U a minute the time ot the arrival uf U tralaa bearing milk. Ilo U always given m large allowance i.f iu taiU. mtl It itiaaH-ara In a muaikul sIm n pnrmt time, lie il twd et iik al but brvva banaita, aixl will Ug f,,r t fruit at the tutu h cmrt.-r f.,r Umir at a time. (rraiiiaily Tm Jum iutn 'rface mail ear, arid ) n a b ut, the 1-4 be rvtuais ua lNtrd i va l, a in bltn aratn aniil it r turn, fhi imm orabm be waa b ft ,y t ,.,,,. at lb drp.4 Iril torinnatl, ..(t wa,i(., r ail aafe a ltd hhiim) twudaa 1 ,t r vsU i, the aui car waa aUrtrd aaia t n i At tbla point Tm earn nrrii up l r t'irur an. I , . j jj, veme4 ao tvhlle t.V t.. u M( r mult atr4i4 tlie fr on hi Ii i , I , "t taUr rvrn iu.l It, arwl mv ,a, feeraing a aw firigvr. rirMlanit a ,.n..u,si ! r.ngland tir lo eirvrtmeftt ! litinr anlmala are r?.l'ir(f!y rrau4. ai4 nly to rroe tmm r, U4 by bitri t,l.n- al, A irvt r-4 of all iH-rin)n la wlt rm ka kpi. ami rrl'd snaually n pvliaaa-at The lstt r.f iIh- r. prarU abnwa durlna! I t 01 asrl' Ha t T ll tr.4i. la f raa Ue ftatwat affar4 t tla, brief bH I etiel.tbisi tif fmtt aa sartaeal, In a'.T (i Ike fl Mr4 was wty retail ty a by eWraaal ftjtt, tm arvenaa twrr4ar rfrV4 Uet ba bayt sv t"1 aig' ao mal wh-hj awM t.. be tm aia. 7ms a.i.4 siayVr taeewt ral lariwW-l Wtwrval.!. raa 4..r,tlrtai twsewmowia. I'aews raUt tf-wiata-m, r:-t-l-f, . ekm, tHe V.t f ,--, 4ava l i.fcilk,il' i tw etlea ae. 1896. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report fk'fi'f'K REST IN MOTION. A Brain Worker Discourses on Cio Tople of Clierrfulnesa. "If I am harried or wearied by care or work," said a inan who works with his brains, "I can always find rest in motion. I just stop work and get out and walk. As I walk the weight is lifted, and finally it la pono altogether, and in place of that tired feeling comes tranquillity succeeded by elation. It was a pleasing discovery to make, that I could walk out of depression into buoyancy. At first, when the, exercise was new to me, I needed to go but a little distance to accomplish this happy result, and so clearly defined was the change that I could locate almost ex actly the spot where my burdens dis appeared and I found myself in the pleasant company of my hopeful, kind ly friend, Cheerfulness. I still seek Cheerfulness by that road and I find him unfailino-lv. but I havA ir, err. further and further to meet him, for, like any other stimulant, the walk must be taken ira constantly increasing doses in order to produce the same re sults. At first a brisk walk of a quar ter of a mile brought me to the bound ary line; now I find it about a mile and a quarter away. It may be that I will have to seek Cheerfulness nearer home as a pem anent atmosphere, for it is obvious that if I must go greater and greater distances to tneet the per sonified Cheerfulness he might one day be practically beyond reach." Mot a Lost Ars. Archaeologists and antiquarians In their writings frequently refer to tha manufacture of flint arrow-heads, etc., as "a lost art;" that is a great mistake. The art is probably lost to the Indiana becauiie they have no use for it The stone implements have given place to thoso of iron and steel, and tho rifio and revolver have supplanted the flint ax and urrow-hend. The art of mak ing them hi not last, however. There arc many collectors of relics of the ab origines who have studied the art of working la flint and have become adepts. In Chattanooga a gentleman has liecomo so proficient in tho art that ho has not only manufactured magnifi cent specimens of arrow-heads from Hint, but also from the far more brit tle obsidian, and even from ordinary frluss. TO BRING THE MOON A freurh Savant I'ropoaee Crystal Mirror. NEARER. a Ulgantlc M. Francois Deloncln, a French aavant and deputy for the Uaases Alpes, has a marvelous project In hand whk h he hopes to see completed In time to antoniah aiankind at the Paris exhibition of 1900. Though the moon Is 240,000 miles diatant from the earth, ')' the Ixindon Daily Chronicle, M. Dalonele thiuk be can construct an ap paratus which will enable us to ex amine that luminary at very clone quartern. The Idea has been expounded by the author before a French aeientiOo Mich'ty, and M. Ilelonele nays. In aub Mi t'mt the only ob-ta -le to a eloae oIhm tyuII.,11 of celeMial bodies la the relative Imperfect ion of Inatrumrnt. and that all that I required la an en largement and improvement of preaent Instruments, AMronontera, aays M. IMotK 1,., hive reek-ityd that the Image of tl.i-ai ii . :m Im brought quite clie to the enrth by in. ana of a crystal mirror riiht ttirtrni In diameter, but vhU h, owing lyi tlio thl. Uih-hs rrqtilrml, would weigh alut right tm He has coM4ll! oplUiana In I'arla and U.ey are prepared t rxn-aie the Work U f.iw the yr IVO0 Three tvttiuln, how-vrr, the ijura lkinofth; aim tun. wl,!-h would be rUirv I ti lni',il t!U fi-nniii imrror, aal upnnt.ia int M. Mauri, o fwwy, a d tiii4i-l i r n ! aotroiioirirr, while In pri i. Ipla M. M om U a v beirv i j ,tili!e. tUi-rw are i-n.ifi i .iia .!.r, n!!,. , In tV way of lt ri-,U. i! l , . hi.-f of wlil. h, ao far a id tih t.ntm la n i rnr.l. la that th Muntu mut be rrwt hi a ttfitit 1 1 n at. mt livo milra In bright In orlr ! a ure the pr.p,-f alimaa pheri.. e..t.I,li ma. If llu and other Hffi. uH'mt wrre aurntouiitl, aaya M. Irfwwy. I r w..l. l a.ti v,-ry r-marWl.l.- r-ulls f ,r it w .til l be raw ail.le liibarly litlin,'i,iii in the bxata) obje. u alt til al i.f a fir aUHy hum, . (..:,! ILICTniO Mbti AMO ACtlANCIi IMtuMi TO TNI Ct IM.&I ONIAT POINT. OP A0VAMTAa) OVIN Abb IMfTAfOMt I ' I rtim Car. ).. i.ui.mi. ' It. MiSss.l MO MtOtCIMIt " aani tuaans m a AfMaaaa), aa tWearaa teaajIMaa, l f Tir Tltaa '" , A IkontMMW. i..llt I! V' ". . -t; ' .. A ;1 In a. ,.,. its mt -..! 'Sr ; . . . " ' vla aiiaaiiMallaaa), mkims aaaVV , '', " I ltsl tmssan s -'iM Ml f!t sT. '"'I1 " It "n JawaM as Ma a4 t. vowlMnnlirV 3 i f rt ihmm a-f mi.i - f-H l.r?,. I t" J y ( tb M .. mm 'wr f Mttrva. r?- 4 ' , "' ei-l ir aMaMa "V",f W T'. lee t a teawa ew4 m4U m iAmm fttaai4 rtle la r.itak. awttai m mm mmmm taw.',a . mm ii fA. i . , . J THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT AND APPLLAKCB CO, l mm tit al, hla. I , WEKKLTriO.6761 SKMI-WESKLY NO. 412' PUHE MUSICAL TUEES. . . - Singular Natural Curiosity Ip Con necticut A Orove of Ciirntnut anil Walnut lTaaa Which CIveFortU Mrungo i.nd WcM Melodies liow -1 ho Sounds Are produced. This township boasts of a curiosity that probably is not duplicated ,in the entire hemisphere and probably not in the world, says a Hamburg (Conn.) cor respondent of the Philadelphia -Timea. It is a musical grove of chestnut an,d walnut trees. This (rrove stands on the north sido of Kiekerson hill, which is the highest point of laud in New Lon don county, und all the trees are old, and thero tiro but very few that are not hollow. Tho spot is well known among local hunters as a resort for gray, squir rels, and mny hundreds of these ani mals are taken ov.t of the grove every year. Into tho heart of tho trees, the squirrels have gnawed their way. through the knots and stumps of limbs that have decayed and fallen to the ground. In many cases bnt the mere shell of tha tree stands, and if a fire is built in the hole r.t tho roots smoke issues from ouo hundred boles above U in tho limbs and tho, main tmmk. Tlio peculiar- hound, caused by the , wind blowinj iiao tlic.u holes 'haa given tho gvovo the unma .f Singing Trees. In the Rummer, when the trees are covered with fuiki-e. the wind has no en'eet up-m them, but in the full, when the leiivcn full to the ground,' the wind hns p. clem: awccptit the trees, and it v.liii.tleh, and moans, and hlssea thnm-U t'nu hollow trunks ami liraba until it beeinx to one a short distance) " ! y that ft horde of craay domoas are . hohllng a .grand . jubilee among tha trees. ThcKe sounds are produced only when the. wind blows, from the; south east. It then sweeps over the top of the hill and fuihi upon.tbo grove appar ently ns the wind front the mouth of a boy fui'.s upon a hollow key placed at his llpn, gnrt the sound produced, la many enws, is like that made by a per son blowing Into tho nose of a bottle multiplied one million times. In other eases there is a nervis-ahattering noise, as if a giant wo blowing through an liuiiii'ii.e comb covered with paper. Hrenkini; Into these tones is, now and then, a short sharp, shrieking noiae and then a hiahlug Miund, as if from tha mouth of a thoih;i!id pythons in chorus. Taken together, these hisses, and toot, and moiiim, and shrieks make a pandemonium that one doean't care to listen to very long. The uofae of these tree can be honrd five miles away, and It has been heard to the leeward a dU tunen of eight milca. IU roaring la looked upon by the people living within heuring dituiice of it as a preeuraor of a Monti. Among the hllla and val leys it la oft-n impossible to tell cor rectly in what direction the wind is blow big, but when the mar of tha sing lug tree U heard the wind la known to tie blowing from the southeast, and prt-pu rations are at once made for at.rin. In September, during what la known aa the equinoctial storm, thla atrnngo grove la heard at Its beat Then, above the how ling of the wind, the roar rica and falla, like the moaning of ten thousand leviathans In the agonies of death. COLOR CLINONE'.S IN ENQLAND CHaslaatt Magllga -ae It lbs KiasalaeltaM T Hallral r.ilra. TLe numWr of prmona employed is working the railways of the t'oltr Kingdom la about fttr hun lnil thr sand. Hallway rmployea generally be long to a rlaaa with a rry bighj prr renuge of eolirr biin.1. and It may therefor", lie aaaumnl that Mime aixtrat tbouaaiid of that numlxf would have defective eokir vUloaw ll pfofwrly ex amiaed, aays IxDb;a Troth, they wml! te'l.xl friMtt KjaiUona In whirl eiiof tiiin!nea l Mmrve of f real dan ger to life and property. Aa It U, a m atdrrable prtlm of them remain Ir active errviee. Fulling It at a very low extlmate, there must be at lrat foal thonaaad men employed on railwajn who ranoot diatinguiah brlwera red ami grwn aignala. to other wmla, at lraat one out of every bnodrod engine driven, flrrmra. potuUmrn, abuauri ami oiImt direptSy ennnrrt4 with the paMwag-r Mrvk la anflt for the worh be baa Vtre-rf-inii. It la earaeatjy to U hofted Uutt a unif.inrt, reliable tt wis am be lntnlirt. l aaa I akaa4 a MtOf ART. rs4.w lt U-at af snar (asUM t ara) IM hIhIh atM mm nUsMta al eawatm TVMa