3T0C& BRANDS. v. ' While jon aaep roar subscription paid up yen eankeep jour brand in free of oharge. illyn, T. J.. Ions, Or. Horses Gtt on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on right eS. and upper bit on the left; range. Mor- Baird,D.W.and son.-Horses brand! D B nthaTnft hip; oaitle the same on left flank. ff right ear. nndercrop in the left. Hange in morrow Rartholamew. A. G., Alpine, branded 1 E on either shoulder, HanSster, J. W.. Hardman. Or.-Cattle brand edTon left hip and thigh: .ptit n each ear. Brenner Peter, Ijooseberry Oreiton-Horses branded PB on left. hoolder. Cattle eame on "Kl, Jerry. Uena, Or.-Horse. branded 7 nn right shoulder; came n ou u -"'v " S"1??-!. -i..., rihtnarnDDer slope. Wn Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on righfton! ttleTrnfon right hip; split n eaoh ear. rrmT.. Or.-Horses, circle C wUhdot in ieV ter on left hip; oattAe . same, Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or.-Morsee running A on shoulder; Cattle, eame on rurtit hip. drf Xonng. J. H.. Gooseberry. Or.-Horae trana T8 on the riant ahnnld Range in Mor- ,...--- Oregon. Horses w. oar over hi fover. W. G.t Heppner, "r.-o, - brand on right tip oaiue, -. rTp- 0., Heppner. Or.-Horses. P B on left shoulder; cattle, same on left h.P. ... neoted Brownlee, W.J., d two ,DHto and on left side; crop on left , WKS, same midd epieoe out out on right , prana on uw ' Grant oounty. Or Rorses brand Carsner warren, "';",' - (thre9 hare) on Grant B"JfrTD hones onleft stifle Cain,E..ialeb,Or.-y "J"1"" iftft .holler UJ onTeffstine on aUcolti under 5 years-on leDft.honlderonlyon.Uhor.e.oter5years. All range in Grant oonnty. Or. Horses .Catt.Cha..B., me on right hip. feffSCoA. -op out Corrigall.MM.Ualloway, v forehead; ATcWeC ontJiTSne? Bange Mor- CET THE EES! When vou are about to ouy a nc,w,i1- wid 1)0 ltd to mina yuu van s Incst hmsnea aim M est Popular for a mere song, tee io u vou buy from rename iimuu- bicHircrs that nave r,-,i'.ilationbyiionestiiuiH"'' o'" ilii;"-. vou wiU then get a Kewini Machine that is noted to world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is QUEER WESTEBX DUELS. Curiosities of the Coda of Honor on the Mexican Frontier. E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO TUB Hard Fights for Life with the tasio Some of Farmer Pace's Notorious Achieve ments Encounter on tlie Com took Underground Fights. ow Curl, JohnTarO'--'8 T lrKT" ?D .Jilf. w fork and uncle; Light Running There is none in the world that jr. mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty In appearance, or has us many improvements w New Home: oM SfSSVeducing friction to tUom.mmum. WRITE FOR CIKW-- TIIS HEW HOME SEWISG MACHINE CO. OrATOn. MASS. . "IPtrtrifl Mn I)AIJ.AflVTK3tA8. '-UNFBCil. ATT.ASTA, OA. FOB 8U.F. BY P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. GIVES TUB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. UNION VIA VIA on bit .Monc ou shoulder. Ear fTWi hers, crop in KeTopltefte. AU rang. in Grant joountr. Q Hor9ei,)on rightshonl denlameiVh, , hip; ear m& .Quar, tfK: Cln.vile,Or. -Horses, on ,9Wd.8.. Han;man,0,attle. C with .&racttfe nnder slope.both earsi and Hnntss branded J'BvIf hln (Tttle branded the same. Also O on right hlD; ' "r18.:"1 thigh; oa'tle same fenhtld'erl'Urcut off end of right ear. n.lWav. Or. Cattle, R Don kafc&2EU ear; horses. B D on left hip. Horses branded ELY Ely,.Bros. Douglas, Or. Hors hule left snouiuoi. v-v in right ear. . Or. Horses branded .E7'8-.9S?lhta1nonlett shoulder; caU CK "HeppnerTdr-.attl fi5Sftm? with bar under right hip; horses shoulder. n.nnner. Or. Horses, r on Florenoe, d. jjght hip or thigh, right shoudert eattle. F on ngnt op W". Sk?eiSlJ over it, on left stifle. B. WltB ! , ntill.nnnties. Hiaw 'j it. on the right hip. C.rrn,andUu,atUlaoou. Hugha.,.B.mn.l. Wagner Or--WJh ret fnmfo V N 1 fs I I. F . 'iTW rfV V i Vs I The riata duel is not new thing- on the Mexican frontier. Indeed, there i hardly a big cattle ran?o anywhere that has not Its stories of hard lights wita the lasso. Such duels aro bound to be fierce. But so skillful and quick do hese rope-throwers become that such a duel not unfrequently lasts for hours. Probably the best-remembered fight of this sort, says the San Francisco Ex aminer, was that between a Texan known as Kid Long and a littlo Moxican who was only spoken of as "Oabilan" hawk on the preat Lievre range. They sirclod around eaoh other, dodging tne rapid throws from ten in the morning PArTFK" RY until after sunsot. When the horses u..i ). , Tnvan throw JilU IYV-II Vv v. - ' at his adversary, who threw back so that bis noose tmssod right over tho other man's lasso and hand and taueht him fair around the neck and under the armpit. In almost no timo Kid was out of his saddle and being dragged over the ground at a rate that knocked the life out of him before he had irono a hundred yards. The West, during its wild and woolly lays, and the Moxican frontior have had manv remarkable duels. That be tweon "Farmer", Peel and a soldier near one of the forts in Utah is among the classics ot the field of honor or what has answered for that in the cow towns and mining camp. The weapons were rifles, revolvers and bowie-knivea. Rteamera Leave rorilana The princi pals were placed on opposite fioKii T l)nnt For 8ide8 01 a hiiiocit, arouna wmcn run Every i uays tor t Tte curve nt f Vi n Villi nrcivnn tad thnlr Reeinir one QAM FRANCISCO another until they were within a hun 1 1 r Wl w hmd vards. As soon as thev saw one S5 Spokane. Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA -AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Scrofula Hiss Delia 8tevens,0f Boston, Maas, writes: I have always suffered from hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried various remedies, and many reliable physicians, but none relieved me. After talcing ootues oi I am now well. I am very grateful to yon, as I feel that it saved me from a lite of un- hall take pleasure in speaking only words of praise for the wonderful med icine, and in recommending it to all. Blood'and Skin i I I D L Diseases mailed I.IIKPII a-M?- u until SWIFT SPECIPIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. OHIOAQO. milwauRBB & St. Paul ill iaa in urn " f U ' t- That the RAMBLER '111111111 f0 t. n.i , vun v,ot. hwl rvbt mrte is nn indisputable fact. It stands in the t fmnt rnV with nil hWh irrade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you wnnt to be happy, for should your wheel be punctured, It can be mended by you in live minutes, as it is equipped with the world j renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-piaieu nam hum. Sold in all sizes for ladies oi- gentlemen at 100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, $160 each. THE RAMBLERi8thela8tei!ti lightest and strongest wheel in the market. For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at 65, 55, 45 respect ively are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge f clincher tires and are fully warranted. Before vou buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call j on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in uregon, nasmiig ton and Idaho. MERRLL CYCLE COMPANY. v.,i,,.t nnrauntaHvH flnrmnllv & Jefferv Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main Store, 827 Washington St., " Agt for Morrow Co., Heppner. Oregon. Glance at this Map -flOW'S YOUf lVt ? For full details call on 0. R. & N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Oen. Pass. Agt. PORTLAHD, OBJCQON. QUICK TI3VH3 I TO San Franolsoo And sU point In California, via the MU BhasU route of the Southern Pacific Co. fhs po! -bt S & ''rHSrS SEND 5 CTS, FOR SAMPLE PACKAGE j".' 1. Morrow OOOOtf. Howard J U Oalloway. Or.-Horw nowara hnulilnr: oattl U Morrow and Umatilla San Francinoo Office, T ssame V a I'll. IS UltfiOitor n - vv., A'o. 2'0 Sutter Street. mat hihway through California to aU iuU Kast and South. Urand Soanio RouU of the Paolfio Cst. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Booond-olaas blsepers Attached to express trains, altording superior accommodations for seoond-olsM pasasnsers. For rat, UokeU, slmpiuf oar rasarvations, to,. call upon or address d. KOKHLKR, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst. Oen. F. P. Agt. Portland, Oregon Hoi Uratit tina i 7JrT.nl. oa MX hto. KQf. I"" I W. M.ppn lr -H..fs KSd-4 LaTdAo'l-" ah'Wt etll. - "," hi ..U.o-rr-h-r. " - mm n.,,f.r r.-HirM r.rnM I a I,hm1iU(. .iZ,u7,hthipi h.-m. on rwht .nH. " ... "Lml.lw MUU i hip. sh.-u-w. . W.. Ponsla M h"Wl U"" ooontwfc. . ... Umw nr. rttu E Ron riihfhipr.,-uonuht.h.uld.r. Bang. In uwm ""; Or.-Horaas shaded - m SwfT-, n nnipiin,, - 015. i n.kM. Fisht MiU,Or.-Horw It on ""LH-.rr:' WrTon the Wl atiOa Cat. insieiiMi-- --- , Momiw nonntv, nahi hin..l-.ndbit in left r. Kange in " V.i Tits. O.-H'.0. IIT .... nvMrx:xiH,,r.-... M HonW-n r'rJnV LM. or.-l I, on .T.mnrVteK wi ..do fork in Ufl ct)U and split o ruc'ii mmr. SLTklSaS Wt VhouhW. IUua antv. . . , . , iw . : at J a- The thnmb Is an anfslllng Inflei or cnaiaciar. i ir dlratrs a strong M, grrat enrrg? and drmnfM. Clowijr ainra i u u,..iiimI Ttt. the thumb of tho stlvaiirea Iflrss ana oi i fttcelvcr. alilllly. Holb of th lps oms 1IW I Lightest, , Ccslcitt 'Working, Most Accurals. Compact, Moat Modern and progressiva' For ealalofus or lefortnatloa wrlw to THE MARL1N FIRE ARMS CQ.. New Msvsa. Con. in n.a himv man or wutnanj am l)riiiorl'S Fsnilly aaln pr imrrs rllly fr such persons t W 1)1)1 T'll U ID" mi "r " dc iid lii a 'mall stwra, that lh rfrord of ins srnom worw fi i, BiraiLh mar b rrad la h.uir. '1 ha Cnlral Typa lniil "WV TfT TCV TOV 2 niuK irlrT, tut! Ill linn, a yrrm l ji - ' 4 Hh tins Ivi "I ihuniB will tlior-1 TTT--"""TTi "2 J, " lV r H II" "'y atiracUoM C I fl00 k,V"y Ml".,C MrfT I Jm...i . Mc..u.. Tha A t !M II . . Csals. coasunnr of rg li.tie Tri- h h. ol Zz " JU '' . "! 3 SS5 !1fm!!Ml?!!F!!nn!n!f2 imi'cst St: -w-!V ttt tt-V ttv 3 fc: CI (100"""' oj I W I lull tsuiv and srt, l.li h rars tott. hflgiii. Ilvnn t.l.-..ir In tl.- ti.tyninrrnt oll-l.trt. 1 srlti.. htb v sl t-t 1 r ..f 1.WS. i.yisllirtl.r.ro. I P "i " " 1 A d r.l from It., if igmsl panning b t rr ! ( In. Uiii?, U.' in c. w CX'V Hung B,mrf.uiliilpni. t.Mh lll 1 A , i fcHfr, I., rr.rr mlwiilirr I ' 1 ni..n-l"lflnf'l. Ths Jfc3 J ,il..hi-id . lri rt,.ld-r.al.m l iVUflhlp. Huim KHM M l. .fk li-Mi. HarJ Ban.Or.H'" 1 1 T('UltZo..li W W j ,tll- a nT. oa rtM hn. lta. ;' . m -JJir''uh .h,l tf i aauU, Wl hip. ft aimMirvM Ht 4a-. Il-Ivaa IH.- " " !J',W 711 ai.illn.ta!, ' - II bmn l-l J llZ, Srt aw M .tlM. -. fc.w and a-IMM. " IW tuTZiJl II H a nM t.l.l. " !-. a.lla aauM rm' I k.,. ril of tills anurth utk ol art t.IIA. I.H 'l.r,K.Uf l illfl I tnii..t b illl I iilhl fr.'Rl th or Sinai. Hr,.M llns, an i.uMl nil at (til.if (.Mure l t'ab. Ii.hra In rwh naihrf of lh ru., and lha sri.rlrt ' so pin. rn-i and wpMbly llloMraied I list ih u.niu la. la wsiHv. a ri- fnlto uf art ks of liiifbntl nt.lrr Taa fbllrtniJilc 1 p U lh I thumb of lha thlnkrf and inntol I rf nl... bo will ha rtrtply lalaa- r.lH la h dH4 ananlbif I In icmnrrat s W !. srt J tnft!furnnul, rlrfnt maimer, In- CAflMCIt, !. tpmnltlt Daorrr, t-AiJtKI '. I 6' fUmltt, AUIUH Pttl nit HINKlt eiUHMtH CUTT1HQ. r3 u t t: THEMEWYORKMUSICUECHOCO. ZZ UiuaJwvTl--.if H.Ik', NrwYk City. another they both fired. Though part o! the rim of Peel's hat was cut off and the soldior's sleeve was pierced, neither was hurt. Then they pulled their pistols and advanced, firing. Both dropped badly wounded when less than twenty yards separated them. They lay there squirming and shooting until both had emptied their weapons, reel was des perately hurt, and his adversary naa one ball through tho stomach and several others distributed all over his anatomy. When they could shoot nc more they lay for a short timo swear ing. Then Peel, who was so badly hurt that he could not advanoe even on his hands and knees, began to wriggle toward tho fallen soldier, lie puUed Dlmself along with his elbows, and with his one uninjurod hand finished tho sol dier with his bowle-knifo. Farmer Peel already had the biggest private graveyard of any man In the vicinltv. This encounter spread his fame all over the coast, and when he went over to Nevada he received every where the homage of lessor knights. They have lots of deadly encounters jp there on the Comstock. There was one a number of years ago fought over half a mile underground. According to the evldcnco given at the Inquest by the survivor, the two miners wore working alone In a drift. They were rivals for the affection of a woman, and In a quar rel one made a drive at the other with his candlestick. A miner's candlestick consists of a metal socket attached to a sharp steel tplke, so that it can be atuck In the face of the drift anywhere. The second miner dufended himself with his candlestick, and there, thou sands of feet under the ground, they wrestled and stabbed until ones lite was gone. As they did not come up when they should have gone off shift others went down In search of them. They found one dead and the othnr un conscious through loss of Mood. The Jury, of course, bad to take tho sur vivor's story of the affair, and he waa ac quitted. A little blind canyon In the Slorr Mid re ufd to furnish the Applies with the means of formally aettlinjf their dis pute. Tbl gulru I fairly alive witn rattlesnakes. When two bucks had a Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul Rail way and note its connections with all transcon tinental lines and St. Paul and maha, and remember that its trains are lighted with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Bmoking ana Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, and its dining cars are the best in the world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufllcient reasons lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon ticket agents In every railroad office will give you further Information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CA8EY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Orioon. This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at "Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. JTHLEIIB FIGURES.. flnuvenir of K Ytan n Butirm: A Complete Set. consisting ol Bre g llAile tVl?.e.-Bl",Ball l'layer. Foot g W Hull l'layer, (foil flayer, renins riayrr fand Bicycle Klder, will be sent to any address upon receipt ol 10 cents, to pay t charges. .... . . j These figures are absolutely perfect. S beautifully colored and mounU-d, and Hi ,..wi ,rt aland imrltf h L and arean ex cellent sonvenirol ourOyesrsas leaders of the athletic supply world. Suitable lor club, reading room, ottlce or home. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Nru York Vhicaaa rhiladttphla DANCE OF BIRDS IN FLORIDA. footle TMcrlptloft of a Beautiful Heens Wltpcesad on a Tropical Laka, The ky wa an unbroken aca of pale pink auch a pink, say a writer in KaU Fluid' Washington, as is found only In climes that are fanned by a breath from the tropica. The tall, grim, south ern pine aurroundt'd the lake somt long fcinee dead, but time had turner" them to m all very wlilteneaa, wnue im I - aaw r I m a .attar a.arka s r J jf r'J I of Bicycles, I FINEST MATERIAL, 1 yfHL.2E2N2i v c SPEEDY, "AN" Vnnr Mndelg-385 and S100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. SS'St Factory and Main Offlce.-Uke and Halsted Sts., CHfCAOO. ILL. icene weird In spite of the roeeaU sky. "iiuNCIiESi-rww York, Sa PrancUco, 5lt UksClty. Dnnr, Wampbl. Drtrolt, Ttroal . WEBB bAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. IllJIl! U UJlimiU .inilUT i, ' VATTKRSOX, Agent for Morrow County, Ilcer, Ore 9 on. sr iiiiiiiaiiiiia.iiiitiit wiiw n. i..n - - . A we atnnd for a moment to drink In the soft, ailent beauty, ft flock of thir teen curlew flew over our heads, lights juarrel that they did not lh to settle hug here nd there among the pine. fiia if lis fciimrnja or tr!m!a. h ih row 0 rn.lm artlMW ana irbiiaa ItM, rhroairlli.f awry fwt, fsnry, and fad of lla . Iknn,. la einti.lv trfrrt r-.ai.lt MwMln. a..d tons sa rx.anra Ifwl or Ui ftu-M.i l v.Mir mW'41i : tt i (,- enir '. y"s "HI ks ()..- ataeaiiim la oa. Anwss V, Jail.at. rbhlar, 1 Mi turn, Srm tot. 'I h. ,i art a faahkMi (' M (-a prf sxd iiarii .al.mllt uvl 4.a.W BMIItrra. alU m nprttatitT lei- ia. t-r. ..li t lh f,.iiw Tr 4 lah. ahhk lfH,aarta haamall km. ,imnImm, a, tl kail, .-!, tmr4mi lip. trails . tu MrhiUts la Ik ka-.a seotf. hZJZ m. II Hairrka.nr-nH ia- wik 'la "u. .-a rM l. JTZ.b-i-l'-rU IsaM la ll-r... lattaaMOJas, CattMk U shl . J Mt talsl.lli''hip,SOl.. Laft,a. mitUaauMMi Wrft aih sjms, ll'rt, H-aalaa. t - " I 1 . ,. a4 r,'.i 'S.I I -. nM .v. t 'a " r-.if a .,11. I Skuw.uia. nr. n.ww. ".WW aJT-, Jim tt.M--. ! aa bawl-l .. .TlriTMi. u.a.i t - k , mil" Mt mt. e.-" N ma la I . . a tL li...tM IM "I ,'' J . Hlf-, l -a-s I ?'aj a Nwta IK'Ntfl m , tar aiw. '" ,4 "'..' "il. t..M kt .. .. a. Navr Os. rla f U i r.i.M ,), II fna sra a,5Ba4al' . , . , J l.rf r. r"t iftaaJI, S4 a,. li.M Tin " r iafli ao kf "l as M ; aaualf liat bastari sj ! n .1 It'll t i. a , r-f aaM k.a lj i A. P.T. L. The American Protective Tariff Leue it a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and IndutUy" at eptaired by ita constitu tion, ai followt : " Taa art mt skis lsav skal W ta fcaar. tmfm aj t a an aa ta,aa, fca iuI 4.,u.w. sMra !" afl aa4-.s ata.nat aa a-rH f " There ae ro personal or private prof it m connection with the organixa- t on and itittuttamed by membtfthipt, contnbutiont and the distribution of its publications, HUT: C -'" Bata4 -tH IC0N0; Wsaa4 a ln n aaoV'kviaa. OaW-ar avfv ta saais. tMiKOt Wa avMk a laaa a . around and watched from the bill oa either aide, the combatant went to gether to whire the w rpenU were thick eat. There, stark naked and wrapon Ira, they would wreatl. Tbl would wake up every rattler la the plea. The aim of eh wa U force the other on to thenarvnake. It wa not unusual for both to b bltia while they atruled and Mllisi aniunf the Mck. Fu'li wa bound to remain and wreatle aa lonjf a his adversary had life or strength enough to tiruifit;U with him. A ninsi remarkable duet wa fourhlat ta Carnlta. N. M . many year ;. A nnderalted trner came to the lows and U"krd a rjuarrtd Uh 'ilandwrne IUrrj."itattt.lirrnonpd a a d-4 ltiU They r,( out Into b r and huta fell mortally woundwt. It ada rwvrrrd that the irier w suinil, and though the acvrr tike aflrr h fi ll, the Ury lircame kooaa thU h aa a siu-r e( a Ctrl hm "IUm4mui Uarr" bad wron$J jear befuf. TWAS NOT A EIOLC. rraaa After alltinf for awhile a u vc smooth each ruffled feather on flew to the center of the lake, and after alowly firing hither and thither aa II ki-fplng time to otn atatciy nwioflj another kilned the dancer. Hack aw forth Ihry flew round and nmnd th lake. Itvlntr Ule by alle, thr-n In dreamy movements parting to meet etfain and float, wing1 to wing, above the ! of the walrr. 8an other Joined them. but the soft, wecping movement were never bn.kcn. No flulUrlng haaU ol ntotkm. iut a dipping, awaylng em-1 bailment t.f BTae. and now and then a wild cry from the trctr a If voice wa urging them on or acrxUni f.irth a ahout f cxulUtU.n. At laal from all aMcellwj gatbrml and formed ncin tc, two by tw, like happy hirer, aave the one curlew wbs like a whit winif,-.! t.lrf. lxl all therrat. Ronnd and round the lake tltcy fWw, then m..t.nt!ef biirlwr, aring above tlit I UUn.ir.tne, aotithward they haUne4 on tbr.r yta Sight, and the toceal .an Uld Ihcm from onr g . AN IMPUDENT a.iWea)Wuaai. fas t4faral vavalaa ef'haa twr f) w HsMHI 1 (hewrt pW'BsHNfca tfcaf Htta tkal graaWV aaMy I alr N .t4. 1 ssait taaeaa. Mf a RIpanstTnbulcs a i.-i r fravtar fcaew) 1)1 Ml lM4 Cltl K t TsW.Ua i rew, f a Qt ntt, m f tJsaH. I sat ceiancu Ctttt sens at,af. rouaTM! ss . ae a a 1 1 ... VW.V-a lit WsH 14 , " a-a. $1800.00 GIVLN AWAY TO INTNT0RS. i. saso awarraMask (Mao av " skas awak aa M aa aaasi mmam f a TTl??l f-saM W eaWaWawa. M MataM l mm .a..aa,M tMSwtatsaskHMMMa aa a-as as ai m mmm a fmm SW k ska IT'S THE RHPtf,TEtVUl CAIXT10NJ that uxd ronm S-as sVa-iw ajkali a'akakaaaWaavaMa) .( kMt. aaaaoaaav atar kvwat. aa aark. Ula, a4 eaiMa.lt aaka m W r M SMaS aaa aa 4 S mr ' U i mi in r aaa aka mm akai k-i Ixyai aaiasa as Saa ,. I it 1rtSka.iininli naa IT U NOT to KAEO as it scots. K-aam aJja. aa. SI iMaink a..a Si mmt lima I S C ,ka)Va) I af rri.l Jkre I ! ika I'atire ..If r.vraix'y a plic court I.Hilc '.ii.f wl..l 4 ititnv, fireJr r. .i n r ''r t .npei o v.Jume It la- ll.t-l be t, rv 'Ml . f ililty han.lt.klM.sl fn i... t'l'V l. n t rrver- fkan bp 4 M I it i .on f oT Iwaur la du.it cofti H ' le . lac a ta-afAiu' t a n.:rl "' ..,. n-id it..' t't , V la sliiv u r-f I - il l - .II ft tUre to h..tt t r a ' 'i I I " Tbe ll-l'l ' i i ' I ' t" tlW r-. -tia bp-'-? - -"I ! li n. ii,- inr- i' S-f srl- that It li Htriv 1 1.. f .i . .Ul'rtil H t.0' r.i It I " h x.' f .t.. at. I le I l a :ii "a -n iv !, il ily ' I hi I r,t t ern w" lit1 "f a l r, f vtt In ! tw r i!r. at- tlM w Yrth I "t ov .1 Oer'itr. A the I'.fi.Mlnrn a t ai..l i.urjr caa fRINCMMAN. lVV9a( fttMf l ii I iir in bn is bt ni,. a - tii-t Twa kf Wfck. I.l4af If raa A wily i'renchmaa, wfcxwe freTie gave biw aa anvry rrpu(aU..o thrtt,'hout the Utw in wnirn r. uvea. t ,r.r time rlim4 to dtarwvered p, ... f - Ibe rejfreir of mm. m. H4. by twat t anaatbinal advert iing. be ierv4r4 ta raUwring ritenui of f.-rty nc Sfiy t44 dam, wrta were ac-ml,lr.l. eertavta day. In a oa Irk knl out with aateuUWaJ fmUiia. r ib'.x. alrtnbU. and al tb para'.Hrraa'.ia of rhavrUUary. tlus r.e)ua pr at4 hianaw,! f -r tb l.iw a4 fc4.trwd lba la ..,a. )t.l langaaa, e4.eg a 14' btwax A4 tv,w, araytra s my anvil. It I Mwilful that the snystiaj fnonie W f.r ua W tmmM by lh Mt efM aaaorg ys." Then nddrawaief fcf wboa aprwarasice armed ta lartaate saHttrity. be aka4 Mf are. nbirt tarrsi ree. as-aee.- KM OUR STOCK VOF . . . ' at! SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. 1 fir IL. JL X J aaaaaaSaaSkaSwMkaf ; I Ji . ....- . , , r waaawaaasawwsaasa -treru-TT'" v i w7rj3. r'-kJ.-WevT W Tbere.u..fennkaa rrww ! Ike XrXftS-ttZZ1 tZ-Z?. kJ ... ... a... I ..-a. etlM a.J tka 1 IZTSZZlmm m a m mhmmmmmm a-- r.- 'jr-yt m4. v.i w -a rtitr pl"e l lb vTeetiy tirer'aa l - imi. svw -- f aaaaj . j - ' 'VtaiV. t4, aa. WS wrea. T,ZZmmm bd u II M 1st .a hasMtbia f-w tU -a - - "TJ'. - "w V . . . XtV'ajl NrtW e--4UMr. tb r . " ' ,1 S I II USaiaaS lag.- III a.iaf - .1 I iWIRkt f-JJtiSaj , twaiaa ' . .i-l .- to""."':- Hmw. w-t-?.r?r tlaaaMe aa I tv.lta f.. er .T la I tMmm a la. . . . . .i .... ar-wr,abl. 4 He !, ' f .T',;"i - w,,.,..g ,...i, .,,.b M n,,,,,.'11 'Jkl..P.C. -.1 be- gras-V JTZl ti e..rl I lh Waae. bw, llUal,lslM bi.tt " I ' Vi Its'' t' r . . a m 1 l A. . M ... a. .1 t. ""I"' - - . - - 'iMlfcJ-a-ks. a.a..t L..i....t t: , . h ii. ms withe' " ' . la it i I sue to waJ I ibiriyis- ! Mt, taf b -tti' f 4 that ta f li. ! at " Aa4ne.aU ft ft4 ttMta aWti In 4M-lara4 ar ef twenty ysr, wit of ibirVj' OaV FlilSS : KIF1S : PIS Youro BOUND to Take MSrn. Leaves No Conitlpotlon, Car H. a ws'1 a'l ft !'- eft ft.ta a4 Vaiari. jv' , s)frtMa tV a Me I4. fW tf a'l a.r .k m m( ,. r-wH H ta faJ I. I IZJI.iHM Mti ICAL tt, . UltiwMa. Mrnkwaa.lt,