Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 04, 1896, Image 3

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The Danger is Averted by Thing
"Nearly forty years ago, after
some weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray and began falling out
so rapidly that I was threatened
with immediate baldness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
I commenced using this prepara-
tio i, and was so well satisfied with
l!ie result that I have never tried
nny other kind of dressing. It stop
ped the hair from falling out, stimu
lated a new growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to ;
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my friends." Mrs. II. M. Haight,
Avoeti, Neb.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Ayer't Sarsaparilla Removes Pimples.
6m1)tmblwffM I W
9 io IT 12 IT H T
W1T16 I920 T 22
Here and There.
Lea Kilbonrne it in today from Goose
berry. Ben Pop pen oame in from Hardmao
D. A. Herren'a little daughter, Willa,
is qaite ill.
Cbae. Ashbangh was in from Eight
Mile Monday.
0. A. Johnson, of Lexington, was in
tbe city on Saturday.
T. B. Howard's baby daughter is on
the liet of those siok.
The literary will be pnblio en Satur
day night, all are invited.
Rev. B. F. King was up from the
lone con e try over Sunday.
A grand ball will be given at the
opera bouse on Feb. Utb. It.
Jake Tong and family were visitors
from Eight Mile last Monday.
W. Q. Espey, representing a Portland
hardware firm, is in town today.
Jhs. Leach and daughter. Miss Alta,
were up from Lexington Saturday.
La Grande Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
J. M. Hager and wife returned home
this morning from a brief visit np at
Ben Sinsheimer, a Portland commer
oial traveler, spent Sunday and yester
day in tbis city;
Mrs. H. E. Warren and Mr. Craddiok,
of HiiRht Mile, are both ill with luflam
matory rheumatism. -.. -
. L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker.
BepairiDg neatly done. May St., Abra-
bamsick building, Heppner, Or. tf
Dr. T. J. McFaul,. of Adams, is here
visiting J. M. Hager and family.' He
may deoide to locate in Heppner.
. BeBt aocommodatlon and oonrteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon.
The eldest son of Staoy Roberts, of
Eight Mile, aeed 14 years, is Hill quite
ill witn some fever resembling pneumo
The protraoted meeting which has
been in progress at tbe M. E. cburob
South, closed with last Sunday evening's
R. J. Hill was up from Lexington
Monday and reports Wm. Penland as
slowlv improving, but yet in a serious
Are you going to the St. Valentine's
ball at tbe opera bouse on Feb. 14?
Good mueio has been secured for the
oooasion. It
Take Notice.
L Th snut o! firs cents par 11ns will be
Shamed (or "card of thanks," "resolutions ol
rwpoct," lint ol wedding prewmts and donors,
ind obituary nottiws, (otliur than those the edit
or shall hlmnell give as a matter ol news,) and
aotioeaol special meetings for whatever purpoae.
X Notices of church and society and all other
mtertaJiimeiiU from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged lor at the rate of Ave
ents a Una. Theae rules will be strictly adher
ed to in evert Instance.
Advertising rata reasonable and asade known
I poo application
Stag for Hardman, Monument, ton Creek,
loha Day and Canynn Ctly, ! as follows i
Every day si a. m euft Hnndsy.
A rHvea every dy at f .n.. eicept Monday.
The ehnapt. quickest and beat Une to or
trom tbe Interior mnni ry.
16111 Cohn. ASeul
Cat re Pale Star Brewery Beer
In Hall I'tnt Bottle ran be
bad only at the
Hotel Bar!
Where high $ rede Liquor and Cigar are also
kept by Ted.
Hint nut the twits the boar grow hot, 'II
F.ighuit Miwty ils:
Columns s fins have itr!y got Mi Briton la
a Bss
tour starry banner proudly float end Justice
r ii irs on high,
B'lt 'in t furirvt t tt your tb mat I'h sperry
Uawwd K),
If. At tbe Belvedere mIoob.
Born In Black Horae, on Saturday
Feby. 1, 1896. to I be wife of Geo. Durao
a IQ pound girl. Blaok Horse is too
small tor George.
Miss Elsie Franklin, of Monument,
passed through Heppner Saturday even
ing on her way to lone where she will
visit with relatives.
Over 750 delegates were eleoted for
tbe club convention which is in session
in Portland today and in all probability
more than bUU are present.
Frank Minor left a week ago yester
day for bis old home in Uedsr Rapids
Iowa, and will tarry with borne folks and
friends tbe remainder of tbe winter.
Tbe Pilot Rook post office was broken
Into by robbers last Snndsy night but
no money was secured. Some cigars
tobacoo etc., were all tbat was missed
To prevent tbe hardening ot the sub
outaneoue tissues ot (he scalp and the
obliteration of tbe bair follicles, which
oanse baldness, use Hall's Hair Renewer.
The next regular meeting of Rawlins
Post, G. A. R. will be beld io Lexington
Oregon, on Saturday, February 20th
All members are requested to be present.
Eagle: Bud Willinghsm, a resident
of Heppner, well known to sheepmen
of Grant county, has a enntrsot to buy
large band of sbeep for Wyoming parlies.
Any inveotnr io Eastern Oregon wbo
desires tbe services of ao attorney io
Washington, D. O , will find it to bis
advantage to call oo or ad drees tbis pa
per, 6tf
A compsny ot borne players eon
template producing "Tbe beaooa" in
few weeks. The characters are now
being cast. Watch for further sn
oonneemeota. Eight Mile Centre baa ao Interesting
literary society, known tbe Farmer'
Industrial Legion. Tbat eeetioo has
also been favored with preaching ot all
sorts this winter.
Fa bo stage leave Heppner Mondays,
Wednesday and Fridays. Leaves Echo
Tuesdays, Torsdsys end rJelnrdsy.
Kare Si escb way. Office, Wells A
Warren, Ueppoer. Ed. Drtekell, Prop.
A bi'liarj contest tor 250 pole's be
tweon Oeo Swaggaft and "Bad 8hobe"
foi 110 side created considerable Inter
est d-iwo l wo last evening. Tbe former
woo by more tbac 10 billiard.
Ilv. Greece will beglo eerie of
revival meeting at the M. K. eborcb
oett Sunday. II will be assisted la
these meeting by Mr. Uui sad do go
fer, revivalists from n ashtngtoo.
Walt. Tbompeoo rues stage betwseo
Ueppoer sod MooaoMiot, arriving every
Indian war veterans and widows of de-
oeieed veterana wbo desire the. passage
of tbe bill now before congress, granting
them pensions, should at once address
Grsnd Commander T. A. Wood, Portland,
Or., wbo baa tbe matter in charge. He
desires your assistance in this important
work. Give post address and name of
captain you served under. r
Milton Eagle: It is stated that Mr.
Doug. Bailey, formerly a prominent
citizen of Pendleton and associate of
Judge J. J. Ballerav in tbe praotioe of
law, and now a resident of Portland, bag
become mentally unbalanced oaused by
softening of tbe brain. Tbis misfortune
will be deeply regretted by bis many
Mr. D. P. Eetchum, has just returned
from an extended tour through Gilliam
and Morrow counties, says tbe Times-
Monntaineer, where be has been gather
ing "Up sbeep for the Portland market.
tie says be found stock in good, thriving
condition in those oounties, and suc
ceeded in getting five carloads of floe
Unlike most proprietary medicine, the
formula ot Dr. J. 0. Ayer's Sarsaparilla
and other preparations are oheerfully
sent to any pbysioian whi applies for
them. Hence the special favor ac
oorded these well-known standard
remedies by tbe World's Fair commissioners.
Dr. Inman, of Pendleton, has been
bound over to appear before tbe grand
jury to answer tbe obarge of man
laughter, alleged to nave been com
mitted while performing an abortion for
Bosa Starks, a prostitute. Hi 8 bond
which was placed at $1600, has been
furnished. 1
Eagle: H. Y. Blaokwell returned
from Heppner Friday, not goiug farther
east than Pendleton. He was met at
tbat plaoe by a representative of J. 0.
Looergan, of Pooatello, where aoontraot
was made for tbe purohase of a large
band of oows and oalves and steers.
Condon Globe: Rev. TJ. S. Drake
expeoW to leave here today for Lexing
ton, where be wll oonduot a series ot
revival meetings, to last two or three
weeks. Mr. Drake is an earnest and
eloquent speaker and is sure to have an
interestiLg revival over tbere.
Sam Franklin, Mrs. Wm. Starrett and
L Swick aud wife arrived Saturday
afternoon from Grant county and depart
ed on tbe evening train for Portland.
Oil Hold rid go and Wm. Starrett, who
came over with them, departed on their
return Sunday.
Howard Dodson osme np trom Port
land on last night's train and has been
busy today shaking bonds with his
many Heppner friends. Howard leaves
this evening for Pendleton where be
will make a brief visit with friends and
Red Blood
Is the Foundation of the Wonderful Cures
by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
That la Why the cures by Hood's Sar
saparilla are Cubes.
That 1 Why Hood's Sarsaparilla cures
tbe severest cases ot Scrofula, Bait Rheum
and other blood diseases.
That 1 Why it overeomes That Tired
Feeling, strengthens the serves, give
energy in place of exhaustion.
That Is Why the sales ot Hood's Sar
saparilla have Increased year alter year,
until it now requires for its production
the largest Laboratory in the world.
Is the only True Blood Purifier promi
nently in the publio eye today. Be sure
to get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood's Pills
eaiy te bny, eaiy t take,
ty of Morrow, State ol Oregon.
J. H. Townsend,
Plaintiff, ,
Thome Walden, W. O.
scott, ueo. w. Hams,
- Defendant.
To Thomas Walden and Q. W. Harris, Defend
ants. In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the nbove entitled
suit on or before the first dav of the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court tow it:
Monday, the 2d day of March, 1896;
and If you fail so to answer, fo want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the e urt for the
relief demanded in said complaint, fr-wit:
Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal
don, for the sum of Two Huudred Four and
Sixty One-Hundredth Dollars in U S. Gold
Coin, with interest thereon ur tho rate of ID per
cent, per annum, lrorn the first day of Febrdai y,
lia, ui.til puia, ni;d for the fur'licr sum of
lliirty-Mve Dollars, attorney's lee, together
with the uosts and disbursements of this ult to
be taxed .
And that the mortgage described in plaintiffs
complaint be foreclosed and that the premises
therein described, to-wit: the 8vi of Sec. 24,
TplN, R 25 E, W. M., be sold to satisfy said
And that the said Geo. W. Harris and all per
sons claiming by, through or under him be
forever barred of all right or equity of redemp
tion in said premises.
This Bummons is published by order of Hon.
Stephen A. Lowell, ludsre of the sixth iudicial
district of the State of Oregon, dated December
lStn, 185. J, N. BROWN,
899-412. Attorney for Plainttft.
Ayer's Cherry Peotoral ia known by
its works. The experience ot half a
century proves that no other preparation
ot tbe kind stops coughing aod allays
irritation of the throat and broniobiai
tubes so promptly and effectually a this,
A Kansas odditv is at work on new
sobeme to increase tbe sum of human
happiness. He is trying to cross tbe
milkweed and the strawbsrry, so tbat
people may raise strawberries and cream
Henry Blackman arrived from Port
land on tbis morning's train for a two
csv visit in Heppner. He also cast
vote in tbe city eleotion today, showing
tbat be still claims this this plaoe as bis
Counoil Mbbtinq. Council met in
regular session last evening at tbe
council chambers, Mayor Morgan pre
siding and all councilmen present
Minutes of last regular aod speo'al
session read and approved Clerk
J W. Morrow being present asked tbe
indulgence of the counoil a tew moments
aud then proceeded to present bond for
deed for tbe property now held by tbe
town of Heppner, that the ownership of
same may revert to town of Heppner.
Note ot 81 000 was .signed by Mayor
Morgan, due Feb 24th 1904 Bills
allowed : T. W. Ayers, Jr., 85; Gazette,
$11,511; A. A. R lbsrta, .83D H. L. & W.
Co, $70; F. J. Hallook, 819 66; Hepp
ner School Dint., 81(0; J. W. Morrow,
8110 Marshal instructed to have
tbe following mudboles filled np, nnder
supervisor ot mayor: On corner of
Chase and May streets, near J. L
Teager's, near T. R Howard's pines and
in front ot 8. P. Garrigues oo Gale
street Reservoir reported full of
wster Conooilmao Ayers tendered
bis resignation, being ompelled to leave
the town, whloh was accepted with a
vote of thanks to Mr. Ayers for the
faithful performance of bis duties
Frank Rogers and Alex Thompson were
nominated for tbe vacancy made by tbe
resignation of Mr. Ayers, and npon
vote being tsken Roger rsoeived three
votes and Tbompsoo two; Rogers was
deolared elected ....Council adjourned.
n hi
i n i hi i i h
!. IB HUB Ull mm l
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is beiDg disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Prices !
AH woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
. ot Morrow, state of Oregon.
K. F. Hughes, Plaintiff,)
Henry Kelly, Defendant)
To Henry Kelly, Defendant.
in me rame oi tne state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer tlie com
plaint filed against yon in the above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regular
wjrm oi saia couri, to-wit:
The 2d Day of March, 1896.
And if you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the cotitt for the relief
demanded in said complaint, to-wit: Judgment
and decree against you for the sum of $525.00,
with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
perannum from the 12th day of May, 1892; for
the sum of $21.78, with interest thoreon at the
rate of fen per cent per annum from the 20th
day of December, 18(15, and t0 00 attorneys fee,
and the costs ot this suit. And that the mort
gage described in plaintiff's complaint be fore
closed and the premises therein, desolbed to
wit: the S'4 of NWM and 814 of NEW of Sen. 22.
and Wtf of Bee. 23, f p. 2 8, of R 27 E, W. M., in
Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said
Ttiis summons is published by order of Steph n
. Lowell. J mine of tbe Circuit Court oi the
State of Oregon for Morrow County, made on
the 8th day of January, 18.
4M-17. Attorney for Plaintiff.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
What 1 In Want ?
Tbs Ills of Womea.
Constipation, oaauss more than half
ths ills of women. Karl's Clover Roo'
Tea ia a pleasant enr for Constipation
For atle by Wells ft Wsrren.
Catarrh la to Bead
Is da to Impors blond and eannot be
oursd with local applications. Hood's
Hitrsaparilla has oared hundreds of cases
of catarrh because it purifies the blood
and ia tbis way remove tbs cans of
tb disease. It also bnilds up tbe system
snd prevents titaoks ot pneumonia,
diphtheria and typhoid fever.
Hood' Pills beootn tb favorite
csibartio with every ouswbo trie them
Charley Jom. ths wrll-hoon "old
tinwr" In lb tnnsnrlal line, bss agaio
nested tsj Hoppner, livtrf pcbd j 4j tpt Monday and leaving every
Orse MslbsaV shop. Minr botldln dav MOfPtMnadav. Bbortsat and Cbvsp-
nppnsti tb rity fail Cbsrlry tUt tout to tb latsrter. I'. 0be,
appreciate rait bo in wo. ar'nt.
: S ' ill :
f "
MIS is a sheepheril-
cr who has been out
four months, hut hc
books like a new man O
now for he has
dressed up at
IIorni.r & Rhka's.
Horner & Rhea,
Litibabt Not is The literary which
held it regular session at ths oonrt
hoose Saturday evening, was well attend
ed sod eothusissm provsiled. Tb sub
ject for disonMioo, "Kesolvsd, That
brute are eodewed with raasoo," wa
well contested and tb dioiaioo rendered
m favor of tb affirmative, Th judge
ehoteo wer Clyd 8line, Wo. Barrett
and Leo a Bebm. Tbs society psper,
under tb direction of Clay Folsom aod
Flo Farnswortb, surpassed our fondest
etpectations. Aoolber feature of tb
progrsm deserving of special prais wa
tb vocal solo rendered by Elbra Hwg
gsrt. Jams Hart, ei presldeot, presid
ed, oing to the absent ot Pre. Itabt.
Qynd, and to the fact tbat tb present
vtoe, Mr. Kelly. u busily cngsged in
terposln: objections during ths debat.
Tbe subjoet for diuslnn eeit Batar
dsy is, "Rolvd, That tb fear ot poo-
tshrneot bs mors to do wtln regulating
tb bamaa conduct tbo tbe bop of
rwrd." The speekete will bajobn
Hornor aod II T. Pagley for lb effiirme
tiv. Brooe Kelt aud IVtbt. Hynd tor
the nega'.ive. W etpect the II. LAD.
to close for tbs soo after U m more
meetings, o Wt tb member snd visitors
all eo-"pr t ssj nits. lb cfaelng
meetings a grand i . Tb pobH
Ia enrdially Is tiled to attend.
Liap Yiab PBTY.-Lep year parties
are now the rag every where, not only
in Heppner and vioioity, but in every
part ot the ooonty. The aoolal element
ot Butter oreek are also aware tbat this
opportunity oocurs but one io evety
tour years, consequently did not let it
pass quietly by, "but on last Fridsy even
ing gave a leap year party at the Tbomp
eon sobool house, nearOoar Thompson's
reeidenoe, that certainly reflected oredit
oo tb ladie of tbat vicinity a well a
tb young gentlemen wbo assisted them
Danoing, which was indulged in from
arly in the evening until daylight, was
only interrupted at the midnight hour
wnen an elegant ana elaoorst supper
of oysters, meats, fruit and cake was
spread, to whloh all present did smpls
joetice. Heveral war present from
Echo, Umatilla and Heppner, and all
joined io votiog tb leap year effort of
iiuur creek stiooess to every par
tioolar. '
x of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
utiua c. weioon,
Frank L. Weldon, I
JJeiennaut. 1
To Frank L. Weldon, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer to the
complaint tiled attaint you in the above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next
regular term of the above entitled court tow it:
Monday, March lid, 1H1M;
Some people want the earth ; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including' dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
and If you fall to answer or otherwise plead for
it thereof the tilalntltt will annlv to the
above entitled court for a decree dissolving the
mtrrlaire bonds now a isttuir between von and
herself, and also for a decree awarding the care
ami custody oi the six minor children town:
Delia Kdlth Weldon, Lilly Louise Weldon,
Leland Htanford Weldon, Frank Leonard Weldon.
Georue Irving Weldon and Pearl Weldon, the
mum oi raid marriage vo niainuii.
I his summons Is published by order of Hon
Stephen A.. Lowell, judge of the circuit court of
the State of Oregon, for the sixth Judicial
uiBinui, uaiea January ocn, iwn.
r. 1.1,1 LTOMfl,
404-17 Attorneys for plaintiff.
Tor !yppia
aod Liver complaint yon bav printed
gnaraot on every bnitl of Htillob's
Vlta'Uer. It never fails to our. For
ssl by Wells A Warren.
of Morrow, State of Oregon.
ueury neeier,
William Bremer,
, wile of laid
William Bremer, and
Frank tlaserman. a
Receiver ol the Lom
bard Investment Com
pany, a corporation.
To William Bremer, Defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against yon In ihe above entitled
suit en or liefore ths first day of theuext regular
lerm oi ssni court, to-wu:
The Md day of March, IHS.
And If you fall so to answer, for want thereof
in planum win apiuy io me court lor the re
lief demanded In said rnmpleliit, tin wit:
For Judgment and dm-ree airslnst William
Bremer tor the sum of I mitt), Mlth Interest on
fiift ou therein at the rate or s tier rent per an.
iiiiiii from the first day of June, W.; with Inter
at on f 15 thereof at l lie rate ot N per rent per
annum from the first day of December. l't;
with Interest on ib thereof at ths rate of S per
prut per annum from the firm day of June, I MM;
with Interest on flA thereof at the rate of s per
eetit per annum fr m the Aral day of December,
l"t. and for a further sum to be determined by
thseourt a an attorney's fee, sod for exist of
this suit.
Also (or a decre foreclosing the mortgage
riivrllml In plalnlllT s romplslnt, as to all the
defendants hen-la named and the !: said
Biorlr. premise In satisfy said J ml g me lit
and derree. Interest and cost
tins summons I tiuliltshed nv order of
Stephen A Lowell, Judge of lb t'lmili Court
of the state of Oregon tor Morrow County, dUd
January sin, "in.
, u, II. I.l.l.liiniii n siinwn,
404 17. AlUirneys for I'lalntlff.
I'at or Ma OfMRT Johksoh. Tbe
nany ileppner friends of Orant Jobn
soa were mucb paioed la leara of bis
ife's death wblcb oocorrsd lost Friday
ivetiiog as result of beart dieea,
Orsot a reeiJent of Ibis olty for
sevsral year, but fi r nor tban s year
past b beeo a resident ot Tendlelnn,
her b bs been employed by lb
PeadtetoB Wool Kcoaneg Compoy.
Tb funeral eervH-es aer modoetej bv
TUv Chandler, of Ih M. R. cliorcb. io
that city, Boedsy at 2 p. m.. in tbe
prewar of a 1st eonnoqree of Iriesd
of lb family. Tb remein er In
trr4 ia lb CMy eeme4ry.
Fur a pain Io lb rbt a ptee i f
fleanel drnpned lb Cbaraberlatn'
f si Halm nd boand on over lb al
if lb pain, end knotbee o tb bark
tien tbe t.iii.Ur. will (Turd rltrf.
ruaitaa CIIM. I iom M pepvcnany veiquoi in eoee
Tbe modem American msn-of war U " M r,"'' 7 "' "
. tint. .,l.l In iia.ll ,.e Mrr.na snnrsi " "'"" "r im-uwaoi.
- -r I w,.t ..U he Phi I V.h. lr..ul
. A.iln. .11. 1.11 h II. In. I - 1 mm-
.-.-,--,. . t . ... - - . - -
k . . . .m.I& .atj mmr tm
..h Kot t.nt 1. thrr. a dietor lo I " rmi-u. eineiay.
I . A . (
h-mfnn and a chaplain U ear fe f rei-
ymr piritl welfare, wti many euoaa, or in nruie paii, nr. and
-vrml rartwnirea. kiiiei snarninisim, ra. ret tie, near oea. Uregnn. orrd
Mertrsrtan, tailor, ina.krian n4 lh jb,,,, of tt,,r dartfbUr, Mies
... . : ' :jrZZ;' OUf r.tlys l Mr. Frank Kniletnan.
hkhelir nrrw.p.rod. cl.y to lb. I ,hl l"- Tb.e.oy
1 old fa.l.U.i.4 -rlvnr. It tb bap-! performed ia a vty apprpriat manner
! w that wvie run have aimmt any) by Rev. U. V. K'bf. Il'b of 1 1. urn-
' thmt Wta-I Uarit sl.in. Ir.m sa en J trrtt HfiM are 11 4 fvfl,iy
j rrmMNl 9,ff of a eeernptimenUry re- , Mr. lUmn, belt. n of lb
to nT-w t4yan4 ef tooog t.tmf of
i a.i llt , lb HriK. ffpr1y aad b.ji-
A CilH-laaaU tbf refwan IKet .k. lb i Wsb ot b fletell.
tn of a tki la tbat ettv
ealled tmm day ncj a feet feenoaa eiti
a of lh "fHipf tl. l;hin.- dktUt,
a4 eadeavnrwd to wll him a eiyfct
Uyci-h. -My 4t Ut." si4 the Lf
mrssMo, inn w a rwwsaraauie elorfe.
AH a(4 H.
I A yoar pfcyeMH, yn draslf a4
f frwete ftbtt-ib' Or Vtt
I mnmwm. 1 tv win reenter
rue sl by i m mib
It U ax only bUfi. Lai It I snxsl
mUt by. U.i eyi h u na elf hi
4ys wtttmt miml,t " 1b Utmm
OfMfid h'm eye. K,g ,t
vtNtof a ei'lsioW.
aett g.k. flet Ull
yl fja ebt 1st vWnt vlsvtief. (Wne
Vf vUl b ra If yrj vt4 blear
IIVl ArmA !) n of SaVtldint
i . . ' . " m .oil. "Of 1W SO.
VTJ A r i! i ! 4 rWHo IW my
,1 . I md4ia. t will ff IM atl els'y 4y
a J it If Im j tetg faM M o mr are! mcb at
War, IT
Notice of Dissolution.
l eo-Mrtnenhls bereudor eil.riog .
twawn Im ar Mlnnr, Arthur Minor ami rrauk
imi. under the Brm nam of Minor A Co.,
doing general merrhandls biialn In the
town of eiiier, he this day ln illaaolred
by mutual consult, frank Kogore hating dls
nrd ot hi. Inlvmt In Ihe biisltimstoltie other
meinlirr ol lb '! alio will noillmi In
bnttM al the same lo at Inn, rollrrt sll clebl
sod will all arruuuMuf the said firm
r MASK HlMifHn
Kle4 t Heppner, Or , Jan. s Iw. e 17.
Notice of Assignment.
VOT"' ' iiKrnY(iiVr;HTitTi.En t
i Veil and W, f Im I. Mrtner d.ttng buaii
at llrl .iif, IMgon, oo lrf the arm nam ol
f wll hrfa , hs mail all oaOgiiiueut lr tb
beoeSI ot thelf rred tola
All osttiea lia.ii riaiiws against aaU Srta ol
Cell Hn h'n-iir re.iulil to brrwnl tb
in . lh und-oiao") jlgi., al II. Hut
ailonai ol H.put. In Morrow i oonly,
iirg.o., iiii.n Ibrce mouth Iron in daU
Imlrd, January I. I
l.l 'l COSd It Sa.la,.
J, H awe. "
Aikwiwy Nr Astt. !,
Notice of final Setthment.
1 ofrrt'w. ..ftlii!ln.l,,r ,4 ih. mm.
M . Maolmoo. di mini will mate tin
lll.rn.nl M kto w.iuiiu Willi said MUM a
ah adnlnlMnii r, al l. neii l.in u Ih
I .Minis I Htfl m4 tl'eoW I rnmmlf, al ttf'ttr.
ltnt., M hoi 1 al Hrnfff. -. 'Hi,
aid I anlitr, on tb Im4 day h I'M
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,.
Stockmens' Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
He will make it an object for you to trade with
him as his prices are right, and all goods that be
handles are of the very beat
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Hbppnor, Oregon.
successor to C. 8. Van Dujrn. Next door to City Hotel.
Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockeiy,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty,
TPilf -TT .IffSt
Attorneys cit X,crwt,
All bnslnee allend4 to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries i'oblio and Collector.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the 014 Reliable
Gault House,
Ilslt bl.irs !( the I'nlnii flrpnl of ('. 1, A
y ,i m . m. , r a a , r n c .
nl II. t. M, U A r, ttailruKl.
Cor. W. M4Iii end (llnUa HI.,
k Coltntma funtricu
f Agtwy fofw
BVta? -
Mj TIsob ssaaKS.
tli Ctsion aTas)Ti,
ftmj tt-rmti-m M trmm Maarthw vrtW mm
Mi an a io. ati nvimi, mmm
Ih.ImI Saw mrmtiKt aaiw as '".
.mrf r.Oi.l t wl 1 1 m m-mtml mmm
M vImis kf a ( 1
Jfritntific gtatritau
lH HtrctaMx) m aor vmitlS. ss
mMut u-i f i.ana I S Mwiii.
Sua mhmiU I. !! IV. llf.
I ll IM UA.
VtausMa,! Im4a, a laraCMf,
Notice bf Inttntlon.
I. (wrui tf La USsae ')..
jt.t II li4
"Ttr R I it r a V M V l.ht 111 at mi
S .Hw..i.g tmmm4 avi. a a S4 aMif
nl lntMilt.rtl lA SMI. l Spnv4 N ..a1
I iM Ibal a.i.1 rl .Ml mm tmm
ttn m I t Uitr,m t n.,l I MIS SMf,
tttag'Ht. 9mMtif Ulili, IMal sts ;
;imi!i Mrria, im. rs.
iMih. i4 r. , iii, nr, w. m4
' if f e !.;( at
H .. la ,i in.ii.g wll. . fnptnilt ll
niiw riir aui sa4 txliliilue a4
ai 1 lt
IoimImi ffat Kk. MsM f ec
lUul.aj i ii.ul. ,l f .ft-.' iff
a. f, ii"i
A M hmitmtmt.
k I tt.tEKY STaW
a Hi " e .
I r J
Tiiati rt-LTt kr. rmtk iimr.
tfattfB rT Mn
1 1 T a f1 ia la
at Mist,t ibi !
mm I w e . t arf M lFli
S . HH IWl
mm mm mMrm I Wpfiawa. I'.
11 I m k Am '4 I.I .n.V .
lflrt AT
f iw Mm
M i ll
.. In
.1 Ki t
, M .lag
. I' mt . , i I., wm I
' .aS
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
1 Iorse ?
AH tliran can be irtjcurw at Thtiifi 4 ttino, Lofr Main BUi,
Ifpjmer, Orrgoo.
tltw rajli.aM r eall axatnl olh dra.l. tl f S nt'lU M hW tvHStt,
eM OMMwr e- 4 lias In aail Ua aiihM eltk IrtitUhf mm.
frire I l4Rt U tb um.
x-ir xn-r m jt. ttarnrtn,
11 - -J
.1. O. J3OJ.lOl:L301aS. Prop,
Keeps the Finest Wines, IJuors and Cigars
U.il. Il . It,.. L..il..L.. .L. i 9 rm
t ilDt
si tt0iit000t00kta00mAAAJ
! 1. 1 uui. ItalNiaMt. to s T" e t '"
VLt'r?:;-yni) i mxim '.conveyancer
lliiiMa4. .IA . Maal.flalt I k 4 llt-t, A41rl
ti.iijlr" ''V tj
i BstW at S ? . ,(Vf . -, ArlieHi, r.
wa ; Hit
first NOeel