The tariff bill will now be taken op by the senate and it is thought that it will be pushed to & vote. Delewabe's senatorial contest has been settled by the committee on privileges and elections. The committee having reported in favor of Dnpont Senatob Mitchell, of Oregon, the other day, on the floor of the senate, demonstrated to a certainty that one of oar troubles requiring us to export such vast quantities of gold grew out of the fact that under the Wilson bill we have been compelled to import $100,000, 000 worth of free wool that would have gone to our own producers o: that article bat for the diplomatic policy of protecting foreign woo! gfbwers, instead of our own. This, says a republican exchange, is an object lesson for young Americans and vounur republicans. New Or - leans Picayune. The Farm Record, published by Thomas Nelson, is now located at Pendleton, having recently been moved from Pilot Rock, its former home. Mobbow county is solid for Ellis for congress, so are the other counties of the second district, at least it looks that way now. Union Republican. The house committee on terrl tories is now dealing with the bills providing enabling acts for the admission of- Arizona and New Mexico to the union. The Pendleton Tribune has al ways opposed Congressman Ellis simply because the convention selected Mr. Ellis instead of its particular candidate as the nomi nee for congress. This accounts for its unfair, untruthful and un gentlemanly editorial utterances regarding Congressman Ellis. However, we beg to assure the Tribune that Mr. Ellis will have the solid support of his home dele gation, notwithstanding the "open ly expressed opinion from some quarters." AN OPEN LETTKR. Hon. W. R. EM 3f. C, Washington, D. C. Dkab Sib: Toa are aware tbat in several o( the counties id the district which yon have the honor to represent there is a large amount of land owned by the N. P. R. R. Co. This land by an act of congress some years ago was de olared to be the property of said com pany, and by virtue of this decision they have been and are offering this land for sale. Some three years ago the agent of this oompany listed these lands for taxation with the sheriffs of the several oonnties in which they were located and paid the taxes levied on the same for two or more years. But the past year they have flatly refused to pay the taxes or any portion of them on the gronnd that thev had no patent to the lands. Under the bomstead law a settler is exempt from taxation until he has proved up on bis claim, but before the end of suven years be must have made proof or bis entrv is cancelled. Why oannot the BBme rule be enforoed against the rail road oompany? I have addressed this communication to you knowing tbat you were well acquainted with all the circumstances of the oase aid now in a position to fully Tttv Htona rVirnmVla iaanaA - investigate the matter and to take snob ,.. . . j... , , action as you deem neoessary to oompel very creditable special edition last thigco ' to tak6title to this la,a Monday on apokane ana surround- d thereby be8r tbelr jagt p,OPortion of ing country. It was profuse with taxation or suffer cancellation of the appropriate illustrations. grant. JKealiziDg tbat you are also tony bc . . j . i a a a: Lloyd Montgomery has naid nmaiea wuu 106 uuruea """,uu that ranfa nrtnn rha A in VOIir the penalty of his crime and will ldlstrict. we believe you will give this mm a . . a a a 9 ' soon be forgotten, but tbe terrible matter your early attention. I am, sir, crime he committed lives on in the minds of the friends of his victims, SLEEP lira. Stop a re i it. It NEGLECTED, SHABBILY TREATED NERVES THE CAUSE ONTGOMCBY HANGED. Tke Boy Msrderer Net o Friday Bis Fate Bravely last. Rev. Dr. Smith, at Age of 86, Loses No More Sleep Unbroken Rest Natural to a Fully Nourished Brain. Palne's Celery Compound to Care, Has Never Failed From childhood to old age health is very muoh a matter of sound, refreshing sleep. No one can digest well, work well, feel well or be well, who is night after night deprived of good sleep. It is pbysioally impossible for any brain to keep on providing nervous euergy unless tbe nights are devoted to nourishing its need-up parts. Protracted sleeplessness, where no effort is made to feed and oalm tbe irritable' nervous system, ends in nervous prostration and insanity. Today there are far mora neuralgic headaches, far more rheumatism, sleep. lessness and nervous prostration than during the last generation. Yours very truly, A. G. Babtholombw. None But Ayer's at tbe World's Fair POBTLAND'S sensational minister Ayer's Sarsnparilla enjoys the extraor- r n n in n i :. ) uinitry uimiuouou 01 uuviok ueeu iuo uuiy jmjv. u. iv. nana, uttB rtJBigueu blood punfler allowed an exhibit at the his position as pastor of the First World's fair, Cbioago, Manufacturers r i: 1 i u T 11 l 01 omer surenpariiiHB Buugn every vuub'ieguuouai cuuiuu. tuiwuuu means to obtain a sbowina of their goods. Will now be without a Parkhurst. but tbey were all turned away under the application of tbe rule forbidding the entrv of Detent medicines and nostrums, DfJBRANT has not vet been huna The decision of the World's fair autho. r .. . . . Ml- u.i i ..i: mies in ravor ot Ayers oarsapBniia was and a bill of exceptions covering in ot M follo ' . ..Ayer'g Harsana- 793 folios of tvDewitten matter has rilla is Dot a patent medicine. It does I ... ...... . T. I . ci,i :iu t..j it u : not oeiong to ine list or nostrums, itm """" " - f"j " nere on its merits suDDort of a new trial. How un- necessary. The publio was satis- B0AT RA1LWAY B1LL fled with the last trial, and no one An Appropriation asked the General Govern IT 1 I 1 .,. , 1.1 mam a. V ..hiMntnn c irr . i r i aounis ma mint, ro wnv not let -s HtfNl ' H IV I I ' I 1 It I I I M 111 II I H I I III I " . - J - - - JmmV at W e'-l W -IV va, Avawwa i when shown that his committee him Pay tbe Peualty of the law room was between those of the two No wonder mob violence exiBta in Washington . senators remarked "19 C0UD"y. w V rt fr CfVtA nrnf a -vf WaakinratAn la i.-i.i i... .... , Miniv. tlm tnmnnrarc lpftlAr nf priated. out of any money in the tressury aiVlUeU Only Dy me WMUmOia . ' r . ' " nnt nthpr.i. -nnronrUted. the sum e river." In alladinc to himself as the pan" forcea, is attempting mM(L ..... . th Bmonnt . a representative of the Columbia to Btnke a deatu blow to tbe tofore appropriated, for the construction river. McBride seems to aporeci- insurgents before the arrival of and equipment of a boat railway from . .,t,.n. i n to. vvui.;n vevier. me successor 01 uampos. -u ' ,u 'ur . b ITa mirrVt I. a ol.ln An Br. if h bead of Celilo Falls, in Oregon; tbe same uny xor.-rost intelligencer. " l0 u 0oD,r0ctad nnder tbe direction of were 10 resor. 10 me memous th rt , w , tt00ord,nfl9 wltb WM. GALLOWAY, of McMinville. Practl00d by mpos. However, the plans and speolfloations of the sngl has been appointed as receiver of the insurgents have evidently an- teer department of the United States; m;- n, ticioated Buch a move, as thev are provided tba contracts may be entered m... .... .l.almvinrr all tnlranh itl bf th oretary of war ibuu vuioa i.uis recoguuioa is " ' - .nrtainlw inak . Me nullr,w line", apimrontlv knowinff that - ' - ' I 11 . . . . 1 . 1 t. M(Vn(.ni1 th- ilAmrrttt fl nnmi. lUCir BUCCCHB UeOOHUB On BUCU nation for governor two yoars ago, action. thus offering himself as a sacri flr. for th nartv. Campoh' enemies - t 'J United States Senator Mitobell has introdooed tbe following boat-railway bill: "That there be, and hereby is appro- Albany, Ore., Jan. 3 Lloyd Bryson Montgomery, the self-confessed murder er of bis fstber and mother and T. Mc Keroher, was banged at 7 o'clock this morning in tbe enclosure of tbe jail yard. Tbe prisoner exhibited wonderful pluck, and did not flinch upon tbe scaffold. About half an hour before the execution Montgomery said he would confess all. "I am guilty," he said, '.'I killed tbem 11. . I will write it out." He then wrote out tbe following statement: "I did it, I am guilty. Ob God, have mercy on me. Take me as I am, a poor sinner. I am sorry tor wbat I bave done ; God, do have mercy on my soul for my sake do, and forgive all my sins each and every one of them, and forgive those who sined against me. Ob God, belp precious sonls to see the way of life; for my sake do help tbem, and guide tbem through this lite Amen." As be left for the scaffold be said: 'I want you people to know I arfl sorry for wbat I bavs done. I am ready to die. I deserve it." After stppping upon the platform, Montgomery said: "Friends, I am sorry for wbat I bave done, and I hope yon will all forgive me, and I hope the Lord will be with you, aod I ask God to have mercy on me as a poor sinner, and I ask you to pray for me." Earnest prayers was then delivered by Rev. J. . Hnyder. After being securely pinioned, the doomed boy said: "Oh, Ohristl forgive me, and I hope you will all meet me in beaven, and I ask God to toke me as I am." Tbe sheriff then adjusted the blaok oap and rope, and stepped buck, wben Montgomery said : , "Ob God ! have mercy upou me, a sinoer. Take me as I am. My friends farewell, farewell." Sheriff MoFeron then pressed tbe trigger, and the bo4y shot downwards full six feet. There was no struggle, only a slight tremor. The, bend was bent forward and to one side, and the neck was broken. At fourteen and-a-half minutes tbe heart censed to beat, and at eix'een-and a-halt minutes be was pronounced dead. The body was then out down. It will be placed in the oourt bouse for a short time, and will be turned over to doctors for an sutopiy before burial. His relatives refused to take possession of tbe body or bury it. I'd; bk Institute -OF- For the Cure oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It li located t Salem, Oregon, . The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast t' , Call at the Gazkttk office for particulars Strictly coufldentisl. Treatment private and sure cure. LEGAL BUB Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY X of Morrow, State of Oregon. Joun r. uro8Dy, Plaintiff, vs. Alexander liraham, Graham, wife of said AlnxnnrlRr Graham. The National Bank of Heppner, a corpora tlon,aud Frank Hager man, as Receiver of the Lombard Invest ment Company, a cor- n.ira H rrl 1 11 (I ti II t.M To Alexander Graham. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear md answer the com niaint flind amiimt vnii in the above entitled cause, on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, io-wh: Monday, the 'id day or March, 1896. inA if von fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: A judgment and decree against you for the sum of 1400.00 with interest thereon at the rate of eiuht percent per annum from the Brat day nf lulv. IK'IM. and for a reasonable sum to be de termined by the court as an attorney's fee, and or costs 01 this sun. Also for a decree foreclosing a mortgage made by you on the following described premises, SUMMONS. situated in Morrow county, Oregon, to-wit The 8E5 of Section 8, Township 1 North, of Ran e '24 Eigt Willamette Meridian, and re corded in the records of mortgages of na d county in Book "C," pages aw, 359, 360 and 361; as to all the defendnnts herein named, and for the sale of said premises to satisfy said Judgment and decree, interest, costs and attorney's fee. This summons is published by order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, made on the 8th day of January, 18. J. N. BROWN and O O. ELLIS, 404-17 Attorneys for Plaintiff. OKDER FOR PUBLICATION. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUN tv of Morrow, State of Oregon. The Northern Counties! Investment Trust, Limited, Plaintiff, vs. Q, W. Stewart, James D. V Hamilton, u. y. Har rington, Addle Parvin and J. M. urown, TlafpnriAnts. To Q. W. Stewart and James D. Hamilton, Defendants. In the name of the State oi uregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regu lar term of the above entitled court, to-wit: Monday, the 2d day of March, 1896, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: A decree for the sum of One Thousand Dollars gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the flrtt day of July, 1KU2, until paid. For the sum of 8ix and Fifty-two Hundredths Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the Uth day of Janua y, 1895. and the sum of One Hundred Dollars, attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements of this suit. Also for the foreclosure oi the mortgage ex ecuted by defendant G. W, Stewart to secure the payment ot tne Bame ana conveying v e w of the 8W Sec. 30. The WU of the NVVH, the of the SE'.i. and the NWW of the SEW Sec. 81, and the SW H of the8W4 of Sec. 32, all In Tp 5 South of Range 25 E. W M., for the sale of said premises ana inr uagmem ana execution against the defendant G. W, Stewart for any de ficiency which may remain alter applying tne proceeds of the sale of said premises in payment of the above named sums, and for such further relief as is demanded In plaintiff's complaint. This summons is published by order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the sixth judicial district of the State of Oregon, dated December 18,1895. J. N. BROWN, 399-412. Attorney for Plaintiff. To combat this growing evil, Prof. Edward E. Pbelphs, M. D., LL. D., of Ltanmoutn oouege, made nervous diseases bis speoial study. The fruitful "Coin a into a deoline." How often do we hear this ezoression . What does it mean? It means that people are losing flesb, growing tbin, wasting. Toe way to onrreot this condition Is to improve tbe digestion. Tbe condition outcome of bis long years of professional arises from an inability to eat and digest amount of personal pi investigation was Paine's oeler, com- 1? Sffil ,1 i..m..n Ra because it ferments and putrefies S.P.i. -hodnivo in the stomach, developing poisonous suDstances whiou when absorbed cause rarinns disorders Wbat it requires is tbat the stomach uu uurmreauBu tmep, .rom neaaacnes. Bhaker Digestive Cordial is a food rheumatism and neuralgia, found Paine's already digested and digester of foods celery oomoound not onlv andilT WU. It wH make tbe stomach pound. Difficult nervous disorders tbat bad persisted despite long treatment, at ouoe yiemea to it. Men and women ho bad suffered for years from broken A California chemist Castor Oil ot its bad tacts, name. has. robbed La xoi is its oyer ill Spain bad biiu recalled from tbe field as for snob materials and work as may be necessary to oomplote the present project of im provement of tbe Colombia river at that point bv lbs construction of a boat- railway, as aforesaid, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made bv law; not eioeeding io tbs aggre gate Il.704.4b7, tiolasivs of tbe amount A sootocs foreign policy is leJr of tbo Sparwli forces down blir,i0 i0 j berefnrs appropriated." neither aful nor honorable. j fub ami We, ,ler appointed as MIDy Rlroblinli kr Vvll ,.Rrt Uur diplomacy needn a rifled "ucci-aiior. ipht barrel, a ateel-tinroHl proiectile. ltl(,r fightor and ft finger on tbo haa more nerve than about it That ta hat we will b Pn nJ telegraph tlii- Uio0 ln recommending Chamberlain's hat. after March 4, 1897.-New lcb. With tbe latter Campo. Jj-- Jjj oured these troubles, but tbat they worked better and felt more enoouraged than bad basn possible to them, for years. Asa practical instsooe of what this remarkable remedy is doing all over the COUotrt. the following from Raw Tl I Tsirtva BreiMnn Th lln4 onm- ' " - i , ww .v.wi, wv.-...wu " i in m oi ity;n ui inoui'i nrnnii 10. ana nwomi Wm. A. Smith, one of tbe best known pany is getting deeds for right-of-way prol"rt,J0!;.lh,iBU.t'' ?u,e ' .1!..! ! a.-.. r, . . . . ,. . . . ..-.... ..-........., ...... Mir, uiviutw iu ouuineru xxew cogiana, rew mues eoovs town, roaay were deserves careful reading. Dr. Smith Is filed three deeds, one from 8autert Bros - 1 today 80 years of age, yet enjoys better granting to tbs O. R A N. Co, a strip health than ever io bis life, and never of land 200 feet wide for a consideration oses a single good night's sleep. lis of 1500, one from Tbe Dtlles Psckicg rites: I Company granting the same amount of Oroton, Conn. laml for 8200, and a third from liana that may lie a Qrlr ontornirs are tbrir brat frieo le with the oun and P'nt" ,n mppiying tbem , - uii iue lnl gmxis ootainaDie as an 0 trigger that -word than Lamptm, but It 18 a two instance we mntiia Perry Csmemu, adiooae tisauA to one bet that he can't touch him prominent druggists ..f Flushing. Mioht auipuee tissue tfao. Tbey say: "V have no hesi York Recorder. Tni populist atate convention is to Iks held in Baletn on Washing- crippled Maceo and anparaU d bim from Oumee, and reported the latter doadjfrom an attack of con sumption aod fever. Hut tbe the beat ooogb medicins we bavs ever old. ad always give sttifaoti'o For sals at 50 cents per bottle ty 1 hill Cuba, druggist. coamTTtD biiriDK. Xbe trouble la tbe en ia not tnigbter awtia Fiaiey. H u k.w taowa. Te-k tee Kirig 1 u"u luv "iu uu u iu vui'n, vaju- ton'e birthday, Feb. 2'2ml wuij ,ru,,uu. utng T It Is now known that Fstella Finli-y, cauea io men on tne loin wuu tbe "iurutiy iuo tusuge vi mmm. U ,3 yrtr ,j lr, mho dl(H, , rjma. rtrimartee on tbe mh. Tbe nartv lii-altb and swroi breath Swnrrd, by ye- M.lluti's Catarrh It-minty. Vitnw 60 TlLLMlS laid after lia election that be waa going to tbe aooate For sale by tills from slrycbeios poisoning; admin Ulvred It with bet oo bsod witb soioi dal ss)S I h F. O CaMnl io quiry was !! by a pimmi'i Jury oompoMdvt W. U. lloJ. U K. Can Blun ham. i. D. Fullitr. W. IL Parker. J, TaaCiTt Ftaxmn. Tbestty leettoe I n..... ...i t. n r.w- i with bit pitchfork to give Cleve. In pn.gres May to creating a.Bklwable Lfj(0, rit. aeJ retaral ia land hell lie ia fulfilliriff bit tntereal ta our id.t. Tba v.mog plaee lb-(nOWIM U,tinM4. hvaltb and sweet Million's Catarrh pottle. Nuil Injector fre. Wells k Warren. "We, Ibe nuJfisua-J jarors, sra to inquire Into tbe death ot Estela Is located ta lbs rear ot tba Brt mens' ball with 4. J. AJkloa, J. W. lUtmas aed w. u rJiig as jsjgea, aoa itui riuUt m rvh d flni lhU u Mm , Cuba sod I!lmr Hlttetim aa elerka. The I l.. i.j. l. . . 1 1. l. . , till j m U'liu vf y ' .im.Hi.ipivii ' iOlTUXDl Onion depot ia at r.llie- ..wnaeM appear Pm tbs lieksl ... h.IHij . m,, t, ( B.,r ff the irp of s isiusg i!ua among bet relatives la rdf to csrrt a abildish mvtM, r. i. Hall.! j tmm, K. I baa wtib sandal latent" t a .a ta h a a ate a, wttn an me brimstone arv companlment. Salem Statesman. last completed and it ia eipected candidates for lb various crle that the eompaof will ocenrv it fbo. Wfi.s d UC. Hsnt; W m m j tht week. Although alow in building, yet Portland baa the fineat depot on thia roast FrawlatiJ, fottteilmea, tl.f M b slect- eit, Clo. (r, VaaWr Crawfurd, Fraak (h!haa. !. W. Humor, C- A. Iiiwr aJ W. . rWwlt. OuaiJiabU It wa srtaisd tbat tb girl luck about 10 grams, a aqaahtv of pnae sa(Sil to sad lb li i f a duaea it mag n, Tt btll wa f iuaJ Tni work on the Caca.U bxka ka Wa sipMtMeeJ lod.y ffow BU.hsle v. lb p.4a anJ ia now rapidly Wing pushed to completion and tbe contractor bow aUU that loaU will pas through by tbe first of teit month. by lbs fet Hist tbat lb Utisa la was batJ ty lite last UsxUlar from a agilt to aa sffirwailvs fursstvxtieg. Ui4 of aaarkiKg out lhe aul vl4 fur, a aenas ts lrJ oftMMtte th asm vwtal fur. Iluawer, wbta tja.Ui- st'wsi, IbM f icm will p avir eaUelas A Mlaaortf man haa rturnel U ut ,b ,J lfc J" tie UimU after an aU.nre cf I tliulZ 17.' L7i I T'! . 1 b . - . i , . , I ' - ; II I I r ri f fi Hi I IT ft " -i rt .H,t tl Ibis ha at ate4 c U Mask aa lo tb vet ta of that Jet aal iMr friea ls Iroea vfktt P)rUL Tbia man ought to make ' aautpt4 a pnm! dmnraL ibaMMtmai v u m ii I . I ... ia . it I . I I . - Am kl. - m ta mm mm tm til aa Til eilver bond bill rJ the s.ral pkk ! ik MnaU laat Ratorday by ttsjoyily !, bat m tkM W la eWie tbe of aeraa. Mikhail voting for and rwfle, t. .U.i ik-l,tt kal il aaasa tka reeall ia m-"--- healthy. Oet a book from tbe druggist and read about it. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE L of Oregon for Morrow County, The State of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. J. W. Morrow County Clerk nf said Morrow ( nMMn -1. . I ine neirs oi unaries Lind, decensed. Defendants. Whereas, it has been satisfactorily made to appear to the Court that on the 13th any of Jan uary, 1890, in snid Morrow County, Oregon, one Charles Lind died Intestate; that at the time nf his death said Charles Lind was unmarried and left no children, or other heirs at law, and that up to the time of the commencement of this proceeding no person or persons have appeared claiming to be an heir, or heirs, of said deceas ed. That at the time of his death as aforesaid, said deceased was seized nf certain real estate in said Morrow County, besides a considerable roperty. inai atterwara Morrow Countv duly an- lnlstratori of the estate of the said deceased, who dulv aunllfled and entered utor said trust, and proceeded to administer said estate, under the direction of said Cnunty Court That on the 34th day of December, 1H2 such administration was completed, and said admin iatratnrs filed ln said Countv Court thclrsuppln- In.l Mn.,.i, k. Mklnk 1 WAS aliAUIl that there remained in the hands nf such ad ministrators, alter such administration fully completed, as the property of said estate, the sum of MW6 01, which said sum nf mnney waa, on said day. under the order and nliwtlnn of said County Court, paid by such administrate ore to I. W. Morrow, Clerk of said County Court, the above named defendant, subject to the further order ot tbe said County Court. Tbat said sum of mnney haa ever since said 24th day of December, IwJ, been, and now la, In the hands of J. W. Morrow, and that said County Court has nnt made any further order in relation thereto: and that bv reason of such facta, said sum of tlttfiAOl sboul'l eachaat to, and became VT AN TED: Several trustworthy gentlemen 11 or laoies to travel in urenon, 101 estaDii-n- ed, reliable house. Salary 7H0 and expenses. Steady position. Enclose reference and self ad dressed atamned envelope. The Dominion Com- any, Third Floor, umana Bunding, Chicago, man. Fan 11. .Ml 'mroiiw .mm -TO THE- now In pnneMton of said defendant J. W. Mor row. as aforesaid. And It further satisfactorily appearing to the Court that a summons has Issued In this pro ceeding, dlrvcted to said defendant, 1. W. Mor row, requiring htm. and th heirs of the said Charles l.lud. deceased, to appear and answer the Information filed herein, within the time limited by law In civil cases, and that said aummnns haa been duly served upon said defendant, J. W. Mnnow, personally. In said tv. u:.. r i j t . I a f ... . I Morrow i oumv, Oregon, ano inai nonr, or Pear Hire -In my early days, by great W ioks deediog tbe neU se'V of seo 5. Ip hei. nf the said hariea Und. deceased, caa be and prolonced meata auflerina. I broke 2 n. r 8 ! conai Jeration IVL-The Dalles f""nP? ennnty and aui. , town in health aod became a dyspeptio, Chronicle. Wbat does this mean? Can being obli-ej at on time to give op my I It b tbat tbe railroad oompany has be- work in the ministry oa aoconnt of ill come seared and ia taking this means to nealtb. I sm now 80 rears of aa. an.l beadrffa poibl ooaipe'itor io tbe dnnnarmvlon.llf. J 'of ' Prtg railroad.-Foaeil ..... . r. "" Jooraal ty irin ajspppaia, torpid liver, const.. patloo aod Insomnia, at timea thinkina it Haves Uvea Kverr lav aa - ' I . ... a. .a .bat 1 should dis for want of balmy sleep, . of eases of qr.,plio Aiuroa, vAiugna. voina nnj wroap are i said Nnrniw County. Oregon. eared every day Ity euilob Uu(. Fori "" m' "maa m mnnaynr jannary, I -.k.i n & m. . r. i.i a 1. Circuit Judf. It Is therefore harel.r ordered that all persona . ... . . . i .... . . . inwresieo in tne sain eaiaie oi cnarie i.inn. I deceased, appear on or before the Ant day of tne nest regular term oi inis ivnirt. wnica is the first Monday In March, IMS, to. wit. th second day thereof at Heppner, In said Morrow Cnunty, and show cause, II any they hevawhy the title of said estate, now In the bands of said J. W. Morrow, being th sum of $!! 01. should not veat tn th Plaintiff herein, the Mat of I Oregon. It Is further ordered that this nolle be published one each week lurslirnnaectillv VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Throngh'Pullman Palace Sleepers. Tourist Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars DAILY to Chicago. Many hours saved via this line to Eastern Points. STEAM HEAT. LOVVltMT PINTSCH LIGHTS. HATICMi Ii W. BAXTER, Gen Agent, J'ortland, Oregon. J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. Vour Face Afur Ife. 1. 1ft I.), tbt Oas-lt will mat a d soouot of 10 per tent from tut on all stapl Job work. This r doctlim is ma1 on lb soppoaiitoo tbat aod it I a wonder to m tbat I am alive ojay witb all tbat I ba been Ibroogb. u. by Wells A Wsrr.o I am a wonder to mjraeir, and to tbt e who wiinees my babiU and know my ago. I tell tbem tbat I try to obey lb laws of nature, and tbat I tak Psloe'a olerv coopoaotl whenever I Bd It. By lb dm of several bottle of Faioe'a mpleta. elry enmpoand, I bsvs so far leooverad my bealih a to eciostder myslf a welt maa for my aire. II regqlate lbs liver, stomat b and bowels, without any qts ttoD. aiy apptit m pow grtod. my HOMMOSa. .Mb .ill b, paid for all work a ooa a VWZM TB" COl" eomuleted. I .. . .. KTRiTED OH aTOLKM. On roan row st'eyed away laat som tner branded W oa light aide. $5 reward Is nff-rad to any on delivering her at First Sti..til fUek. Uetmoer. Iwp Is refreehirg, my liver active, and 0r ,4 Mr- Kmma Wekb, at Moasj. Frltisf't ta. Tttt OregoiB rmea ant HA.. ' atrtjcgty r.H? tb election vi aco- A aiti Iwaeuaee. t It t t'tfl ti ia pieMtos) f Iw 0. J. Hiia. Ia Saaebtag M a Btoll f-w lb enlnlii uf tt deed, it wa foaad Ibat lb joaag t Irl k t bsi living ta th b Henry (I Meat. at i'siatl'.la, anJ It lU tlrslea wf br g'a twi Itief that mm fi.ti I'etxlirtn la te with kr. Tt m b & A Jf ! a s4 tpoa-! it ltg ras Ilea f tale; ill I n ai. m v taw ttl. Mr. Means, ShJ Wba II aae,l likely IU wunlj be It, ertera I lb t iW wsi lb sul a4 Mr. Mas tbat bJ Wa trouble, a waa tajewta-tly l4 wa Tharmlay. (tb eeiy ab 4abl t kef eeat, aJ it b4 lkw Wa a aroab'. Ibeea, bwl Ilea lhtat, f tag IW auat was r Ibisg bah Jrw ar, I bf ekiUiab lcy Iket t t wroafal. t tak p tita my bowel regular, ead my eralebea Dot see led, as I eaa walk wiibout a staff l'oil ar arprtaed at my Its proved appearaoM sad activity. (hatefully yoor. Wm. A. ftmitb. l'ato a elry tmoaad doew not stop lis rtorig work till a, beallby tiae bav take tb pta of lb eld. ebaiUrea txirtlan. Titer I aol tb deepMt, tnnl teinqt potltua of lb body, whaiber il b wet or brala, or oom vital organ, tbat swap lb f jtntieg, tra-tbtBg power of I'alo' caiety eotnpoan l. U of ever nttralga, rbmatU, hart pajpttoltos. 4ritMia aaj voo fawbtea, rtte's rwlary oaBpoaJ it tb oaty remedy tbat t tb of tb tmebl. vttSr tb ekirg eyetam mI tb dtrlM aaj baiUa mp a tfnr. bealtby r ly. rneut. It. Nsw Fsr Tsao Wm. Gorda ha opeoe.1 np tb feed yard ant n lb Uastt erne. aoJ tnw solieiie s bar of yoor pairoeag. Billy I rlgbt at bm at tht bata, aoJ your hnree will ba wall Imiked aftar. t'rie reaaweabl. ttav aed ' for sat M Vt'AtTfB veral frntclbf gniiewea V nf la.ll ta tral a Umm. laf asaMt. ed r I labia houaa aaurv f) and aanclf eaaHikn, giwhax t)eenr M Self ad t ' 1 1 1 1 I afaft a.l" Iba intnlMi raf ry, third riouf, MaaM HhU4Iu. ktrago, L atart. Sdmlniitratrti ttotlct. viti k it wrstar iitvn that tmi i (.Un fuel b aava artntaM adaitni trains ml tae aatato ml it r i .hm. Am w 4 f I Ha aif "wrl e4 Imiety, atai iHa All Baring claim aga aa4 eMata befvfcy re.,ntfA ta yiiatat nmi mi a i mt la lona. IK , Soly vactaaa, kia tl awiM ihu. 4a la Imtmmt, imm4 law d day as t , )V ttihr rsvtig Sit I 4alaieratrt Iliorr Heepner. 1-ulnUff, ra Clark K Adslna, Ixfendant. ToCUrtt K Adklna. defendant. In the name of the Male ot Oregon, von are hereby exiolrad t appear and aiwaer the ema- plaint flled ecatnet .u In the abova entitled ult on of twlor tha S rat day el tbs Belt rrgulaf tarn of said court, to-wtt: Tea tad ty at starvb. !. and If ro tall an ta antaer. for want thereof ; th puimiit wi apply to lb matt for tbe rallel demanded In aal l mfaplalnt. Io alt fnf fiMtgment agalnat oa tn h earn of (ma i Tnaoaand Dollar U Inlereat Ihervoa at the rata at fa r cent pet enanm Ima th srtli day of lom, lwt. an 4 swh gam a tna enart faay ajonga faaoaabl aa aa attorney s ee in. rnxie )', nemiwHlia aa for 14 h.fw itaon of a eariala aHMtgata eternud by yna tn aevaf Iba payawnl n th anas abm r"l4, aod earoeded la la atartgar renr4 at ak4mnnir ea 1h rth day at ). Il. Islet "V," Fee a-l. a4 enavatlnf the tlMlog mrmmtmtl prmla all: t'.. ki I MM and aW)Saaaae4Kol ne II. at a o( a and f t H 4 kfniH-' ,TyMt I M and inf ih aal at aal4 treat We te eeiuf y aaM a aft t tn m fee ka a f r ttaajar be a4 A r4 .alt Iaawa O au.pla, L Ori, raeamottla aaJ U Tbral aad Lang dtaaasas r4 t.t abtiok's Car, for al t Weil A W ff. c ap or Tttiaaa W dir tw tJr ear tefifalt Ibaaks I tb tsMif frwi a4 aeigW r wls)kiavily asaweM tlarUg lt ill nf r ms, tlosawr. Ma. ss Ma, t. M. Limi FERRYS SEED5 f A 'ieeM,Ht m v. t ' ' f n-w, mtt . to mr a V.t I ' a reeey'a ... an.xa.4 1 I I ia a ! Wer -1 I j FERRY'S I V I 8CCO ANNUAL t aMk Mart af vrfa JT a ' " a at mmm. J J Malkaw as as ante ftnmtUirm j ts itr ! st t I rh af ply 4 twl, et, wtatt.tei, !. awaaga. I a4 la t, ek'S b tle fn lb t-iWaa tait S t4 tVai k. tbtta4twa,i.llWMbbii tl J W X It tf . m f f e4l4 all tt 4 pititi a4 baaglag a4 Will 4 ! r eaa tr las I tl inti f .(, Woa t.t MSianM I pnhll.lwt by ordef at urha . loall. Jada at a. 14 goarV SMd I ea ia lasssi M aaarf, i t a linn, l. AtltT M frialntlg. Will k weaath wltK moat engaging smile, aftar yew Invest Iw a WeSfiiiigHufc Qwpwsa with rv as PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, Tb atoet complete ao4 tacful 4eicas reat a4d4 to aay sewing ssackia. Tbe WHITK t Dankly aal Naa4Maily laltt. Of naa rialsk aal Pttftct Adii1aatt, Umi AU ttwakla ArUeets, And wi'J arrre an4 pteae yu p to lb fall ttaatt el year siptctatMeftS. Acmi Dtattat Waktid la aaocca t4 Wtntucy, Liberal terms. Address, WHITE SEW1N0 MACHINE CO., C LEV CLAN 0, O, JtOTtrt ir DIMUTIW. 'f. Tin t M.i.iio. raarvias i If tm Imimi a ai'lf tna trm mmt mt e.aMall. Mw.a ihwim Ih... la. rttliilntta, tfnm , k4 T , . It. f ( amira laal at k. a day dtaaotted ai-aJ ..a. If r a H.aa4ao4 1 W tte tt . ali exata IK ! el la mi4 i ', .tun tw uf i a , 4 t pay I 4.M af ant Bftas 4 l aM mmm tlneae f aa4a aaA aula tab mtm 4 mi t w v" a ritt4, !, i r. a. mmmvum. AbaianriAToas ionec I a Tt mrTT r.t af (iryat rorrrv a iMt Ha a 1 Magna. a tk I9n , aai iS gwaiana il awMH ay na mww4 4aina nf. an ail Ik abnatna ana. lf In mum m us n4 4Mh at e m4" a SM onl l a4 a la r a aaai...T . hi. Smw I Ul, tea, .ei, i-tf litftv rihiriii 4 ta aata PMaw n IVnn ai eat geaa vamt af tn aalana 1 .nam 4 tn In een aaf e ai i-l it. a mm Canaat. aa 1 ntaa-Mara i- 1 1 aa ail 'at tin iisnilaatl aaata rtia. OwaOeei.f nemenll , ). NtmemM dna. kiainaxS aanMW aa.knat af Mf mi m a a.i mmm Is "", ftn iu. r '''afj vPww awW'waW O.A.ONOW&sCO. . , SMwHla. a. . 11. i. Halt, tb loMMTal kftaH, ) k M..4 al kt aftufe. M,lrk anraar, be. k wlU 4ra (.lar arte, ett, kasapneai. betrata. tf, rf in to I wilt m , Uf,, r,a grata, fetflh va ,. nuu r liaaaaa -Mg riaaa M jai ly yi 1 ry Well arf. mm Ma ew, n wta a4a.tftiaK.4af mi IM ml rtniM aWat an la.iMl iw IV yaara, V 4 f.rttr taUn t'l ai. tar ai '-t arv4. rw.a l 14 t, VJrw- . A. twa IIMf,