.X-WJillfiiXl, PAPEf I OFFICIAL ! 1 FREQUENT AND CONSTANT J Advertising brought me all I I MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad-: own, A. T. Stewart. vertis'ng Robert Bonner. n ii i ii i in i ii iiij 1 1 14 ill tmini i iniiiiMiit HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1896. THIRTEENTH YEAR WEEKLY riO. 67i SEMI-WEEKLY NO. 411 1 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PDBLISHKl) Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, ... Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At $2.5') por year, 1.25 for six months, 75 obi. ;or three mouuis. Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. J. Advertisinn Agency, (M and 65 Merchants Exchange, San Franoisoo, California, where oou. raote lor aaverusuiK can p muu. iur it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 6: id a. m, aaiiy, except d8wes't bound passenger leaves Willows June. Hn i - a m ! punt, hound 3::tO a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.; going west, 4:30 p, m. and o.ob a. m. ICYGLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardlesa of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. , INDIANA BICYCLE CO., . HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapous, Iw., U. 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. , . V' - - - - ' 1 THRIT C fiAVPDMMPNT 1 is United States Officials. ftueidout Grover Olevalnnd Vioe-L'reBidont nu bi moypuwai u l LJ. ..... MinharA tl Olnau Secretary of Treasnry Jehn G. Carlisle Secretary of interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War ....Daniel H. baniont Secretary of Navy ..Hilary A. HBrbert n.,... aanal Willinm I.. Wl Ron rmbiunaK.Lu dui a. .......... .. - . Attirney-Rneral. JndHon Harmon Seoretaryof Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. r, W P. TnrH Seoretaryof State - .H. K. Kinoald Treasurer Phil. Meteohan Bnpt. Publio InstrocUon 6, M. Irwin ., 1 G. W. MoBnde Benator. , ij. H. Mitchell I Binger Hermann Conareesmen 1 w tt. win. Prinf, W. H. Leeds ( It. 8. Bfan. o . T .. .1 - J V A. MoorA. 0uu. Woly(,rtOB Sixth Judicial District. Circnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney John H. Lawrey Morrow County Officials. mint. Hnnatnr... ... A, W. Gowan KnnnaaAlltxtiva. J. 8. Bo'lthh ''onntyjndge Jiiltne Kelthly J . ... UURH'l I ,1 Commissioners j. m. uaaer. Clerk Sheriff Ttwurarur Assessor.., Surveyor Hohool Bup't... Coroner .T. W. Mnrmi Ci W. lliirniietnti Frank Oilliam J. f. Willi. Gpo. Lord Anna Balsuier T.W.Ayers. it D1CPPNKB TOWS ornoKB. .,. Y Tims. Morgan i;oiinriiTnpn v. .. . 1 LIMitenthal, Otis Paltnrwi, T. W.Arsrs.Jr., 8. 8. Horner, E. i. Blooom. HMonler ... Malloek uZ:::':"::::::::::::: a. a. Boben Prrcini:tOfflrri. Justine of the Peaoe i; Ei HvTT!,ln,, Constable. N. 8. Whet.ti.ne I'slted Hutei Und Offltwra. Tat DALLie. . J. t. Moore A. 8. Bis LA ouakui, oa. B. F. Wilsn J.H. rUrfibin PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH S To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their K Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a V relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars ) on whom you depended for support ? ' ' V , THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED I UNDER THE NEW LAW c To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the 5j2 time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. (V jyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. I The Press Claims Company S PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, J 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. '5) y. B.-TM Company U eonlrolltd by nearly ont thmi$ani leading new mX paper in the united Statet, ana u guanmura op mem. ,. legist-! . ilMWI4 ..HiHllter ,.Koei" S5a.3CX OCIl!TI. UAWUN8 POUT, NO. II. a. a. B. at Liinim. Or., the brt Satorday of ch month. All veUnuM ar lnit t t Join. : C.Bh. . tiio. W. 8MITM. Ailtalaot. tf dinmuiiw. Ti f ON EY LOAN CO. mH (Ml fill, .TCI"! ., , X J. e. We are prepared Ui imgoiuie "r.1 rnoriniut's mum iniini.i ,. . r. .i.k . I ...n ... rf I... 1 . ffslenf 1 Ill.-n.! tint to t ''-.) mt riit mt aiilltim !ortf renewnl uial nave " "i - psiilva. snarCTiwHn.i.nr. MKHVIX eWORTH. Kr t'lly. Orwion. LUMBElt! w dnwd LtimuM. U miiei of llMipuef. al what U tiiowo m the BOOTT BAWMIIiIi. . - II 17 to I rtt too rtrr, aouun, " CLXAR. I r nCUTKRVD in HKPMa, WILL ADD I Tn bo t!KiUoft fn irk fur Ch. L HAMILTOsfrop. FACTS - AMIS FACTS ! ! YOU CAM BUY liVOO woitli of dry goods and grocciles and then bar enough left out of 1100.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Blcyela. This U a Orit clMS machine. Why then pay 1100.00 for a blcyela that will ! no better service t CRESCEST "Scorcher, weight ponnda. only fa. U tlea' and OenU' roe-Jsters all the way from I to 7.V . Boys' Junior," only l with pneumatic tire -a good machine. "Our Spat ial," Men s 10; Ladlca", I'A WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. or THE PITTERSON Til Cu, tteppnar, Oregon, AffU for " MORROW AMD QRAHT Countiei. Wl Bant oi Mr. vhe inter ocean Wl. rtXLAUD, KD. K. BUltOf.. rrwldeak Caeklef. TRANSACTS 1 milM BIM1N6 BCSiNLSS -u mtft COLL.i:CTIONB Ma! oo FavuraMa Tama. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD Oatiiio-li'jriB Stec line A. T4 l EIHM!3Si0!lSTfi3ELISE H, A. W U'aWS. Most Popular Pcputllcan Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Clrcolatloa. I DAILY (witbot Sunday) M. pr f TEEMS DAILV (wlu aa4iy ,So j'" BV MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean $1.00 t FHIl TWS.MltM,,l-M..tM,H I T Al a fcrwAOApri TrtR nrrrt ectAi i its . t KtWi Ab Jilt (LIT W CtVlILM UTLMAllHb. The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS HOT EXCELLED BY ANY. If tk. MWIU.I WH..I t a lt i n IH ik r Ml Nf ts taw iiiuimssi tMiMiim Bia1awa, 9& HpM( rntrrtCAitr ft ft nni K4, j vm h t Iwiiiimi aM llr. t-H. M eiae tin Ills Si lift MUl, OSTAMOBUnXS t.a II fia at iidwi" i . Sinale Fore 37 60. Round Trip $ 1 0.00 P'nxs-cAsros SIM MONS regulator GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure Those who take SIMMONS Liver Regulator (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is in good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. SSrEYEKY PACKAGE- Has the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. ! J. H. Zellin & Co., Phila., Pa. THE I tt ml Ikf trtii or IT IS A TWELVt-PAGE PAPER. ?Tttt tvtfi etui rintjtMf o ctCAw, tup aw co Vfteut. listl up AU. WAf t I Ml U I ..Mr i T. f I It! ADsrirt Tn twr, i rut inn ruru f" ma I 4r wah a rni rAaritt.il iat. Nkle aad fax aw, al Um wms) Ml sa Paftitta 4 ItamMwa. vw tiwt ! altlMWsa! MafOwtUimr W PvU iAruitaa. a THE INTER OCEAN. Chktt WEN ELECTRIC BELT A. Owe I Trade Mir -Dr. nKCTlluluo bUII.L-l JKIUUVIJVlbT a BUI luv vuit of disease, that can be readily felt and regi FOR MEN AND WOMEN The latest and 6n1y scientific and praetlcal renerai use, proauoine ectrlcity, for the oure lated both In quantity and power, and applied to any pan oi ine Doay . n can do worn at any time during working hours or sleep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE RIIFIT71ATISM LUIMHAUO GEN KH AL DEBILITT LAITIK HACK INKI1VOI 9 DISEASES VAHKOCBLK RKXUAL, WEAKNESS IT1POTENCV t&IONKV V1SEA8ES WITHOUT MEDICINE Xleetrleltr. nraoerlv aonlled. la fast taklna th.plac.of druss for alt Nervous. BheuinsUe, iKKiuey ana urinal lrouDies. ana win etrect cures In seemingly hopetera cases where every other luiewa mean, haa failed. - . Any slnggUb, weak or diseased organ may hy this means b. roused to healthy activity neior. it is too laie. Lead n medical men nte ana racommena to Owen Beit lu their practloe. OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullest Information regarding the eura of arnle, rhronlo and nervous dlneanea, pricey and how lo order. In English. German, Hwdll.h and Norwegian languages, will b. mailed, upon application, to any address for cat postage. The Owes Electric Belt and Appliance Co. main omri abd omr racroar, ( Tea Owea Elselrie Belt Dldj.. 201 la 211 tills Ureal, CHICAUO. ILC. Tin largest Electrie Bell EtlsWithaMttlla OicWatM hmws VMiei mmm. AN INGENIOUS CIPHER. How the Friends of a French Thief Got Themselves Into Jail. Some years ago, says the Detroit Free Press, the friends of a Parisian thief adopted a decidedly unique method of carrying1 on a clandestine corres pondence with him while he was await ing trial. One day the jailer was vis ited by the prisoner's betrothed, who asked him to give her lover an envelope. This upon being opened w.vs found to contain simply a small lock of her hair, around which was folded a leaf of a book. The jailer did not consider it worth his while to deliver this souvenir to the culprit, and, therefore, threw it aside. A day or two later a similar inelosure was handed in at the prison pate and shared the fate of its predecessors. In the course of a week nnotlitir was left by the same person. Thi.'i aroused the suspicion of the governor of the prison, to whom had been detailed the circum stances. He determined to investigate the meaning and accordingly first ex amined the printed leaf. This he found was torn from A novel and contained twenty-six lines on each side. Ho ; then turned his attention to the hair and discovered that there were twenty six pieces of unequal length. This puz zled him for awhile, and then suddenly jumping to the conclusion that there must be some connection between the number of the primed lines and the number of hairs, he laid each of the lat ter along '.he line of the page they re spectively reached, beginning with the shortest hair, at the top of the leaf. After changing them about several times ho discovered that each hair pointed to a different letter, und the combination thus produced formed a slant; sentence, by means of which the prisoner was given to understand that his friends had ascertained the day on which he was to be taken to court and were determined to make a bold at tempt to rescue him as soon as he made his appearance. Taking the cue, the governor adopted every precaution to frustrate the well laid plans of the outsiders; the attempt was made and, as a natural conse quence, the conspirators soon found themselves In the same condition as the one for whom they had planned the rescue. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AtS&O PURE : AFRICAN HAIR-DRESSING. tt 'la Often Very Elaborate, Involving Much Time In the Work. A limited wardrobe, such as befits the climate, may in a brief manner be stated as the general characteristic of African dress, says Peoples of the World. What little they wear is, how ever, la many cases peculiar enough to merit a few words, and is sometimes KOLL A PUMPKIN. A Pioneer Minister's Sermon on the Bfaw fulness of Scandal. : Rev. Mr. Haynes, one of the pioneer ministers of Rutland, Vt, was famous for his pithy sayings. At one time, ac cording to Koyal Tyler, says the Youth's Companion, he overheard his daughter and some young friends criticising certain neighbors more ee- combined with an extraordinary ."furor . verely than was pleasing to him, where- Pllesl Pllesl Itching Piles. hmptoms Moisture; intense itching and atinginKi most at niRht; an rue by scratching. If allowed to Continue tumors form, abiob often bleed snd nlcerate, becoming very sore. Hwaxnbi Ointiisnt atopa the Itching and bleed tag, heals ulceration, and in most oases remove, the tnmora Al drnKcit-te. or by mnil, for SOonnta. Dr. Hwayn.4 Hon Philadelphia. I rife I vtwrii.MUfc.iJ umu RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT t f : rsnno or vptrauun. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks. WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. drrais: I -im :a.;ti; MuqtMta bu.liiiwi PORTLAND, OREGON l Zd -aa7 Ml WANTED-AN IDEAS 9 ran think I aunw him Ululaumil l"irtiriiwirMi:iwiiMt ! trti jk wmHH. writ jhn riur.it- III. KN At IK , -iM Atlorwra, WsAbUigtuSt, UUl" UMtf IIJMW (wis uQ.I. PEOPLE OP fit. Mantaaa EASTERN PCRU f ami AsKrlis e4 1st r.atrr IVrw. tlfwisfh iltanrlnif lu eoliibaJ t.U at varkm fela, haa atl rallfl Ihe .,Mtia -r wU4 nmry airwe lh firl i- h-ny wa planlMl IHrrv, iw .untrT.I al fifty aig jf a -m. aara writ r In tlarr-ri Wfllf. Tli prri. n ( llrarl atrttlrr wrs an en-lles wiifi t , mtnatille svlvrnuin-a. T-na wen j bult ari l tllr.T.l tinny timra, att4 IbT la arrrc!jr a in;U il wlit b Ha H Wll )Ui tl.o I4l.f whlti ari l "n ll.r.ufH rtilri f flirt fp'irtl.h an! IVnitUa s of tltla lint'fy w nw-ioKnllj- lwt anorw t.nlal than reJ aasHl wltWt ih Ut laetly J tar, during" wtlr Humi a vrr i f lt l trti("n alalkieM fcaet CiurU.h l f- rlh lnUtHti f fr iwm lhn.tt'l I'l ait tl. Htian ! Inhaw luata an Vr lbs r-tve ial .llsnalsji f1 by Irws rtpainf f Itv. Aeaai H la Cg f all tau In I " A krvufiV.Pg'f I he ana) l'jr f llpart kiu ayiw livina I lh Montana are allW I'rewvUna nsrij.'nally fft IN Ml ariswit f.f Herman, I r H fctrf Ceg'.UK, wltB) ls nf U.t ArnvrW-ana bo tsae. ttanrfi al!r4 It U.U fMSKiU trxwt ut hm I jr M vf l a fWMK'y at.! r.f 1 la It. ruV IW tn,U. 1 Ksi a nttf anl4a af-.lei af aatvL f H "I lha 4 Quicr Case Whkili Oiina t'sns flofore m New link I.awyor. In the way of twins, s.tya a hew York letter to l no lluff.ilo Ktjires, you have probably aoPii the so culled I wo IkimiIimI girl, Hi: ilo-Ch ri tine, eon i -un g of t wo negrrasea joined toijnther by luture murh timro com partly thin were the futimtis Hninieao iwina. Mulie and Chiiaitna lnve bueu shown bj Uarnuui and oUier exhibitor, lor many years, and are iinw AL'i'd about forty. The biatueso bnithcra muirii'd two wlvea, at you will P'liiiMi.b.r, and Uvrd In Houtb Carolina afu r r " n o. g frou the museumt until Hie di'.i.h of oiio from diM-aan waa lin nedia'e y lollnwed by that of the otbet from frigut A boot worum ciamitiatioo proved thai physi, ui, b d been right In aaylng that a turpicul apuralion would have brva fuil. la tho rao of Millie and Cbriauna even the auggnsuonot parting tbemran not bo ronmili'rwl, twsuns Ihey are joined f mm thmr tsipa neatly up lo Ihntr ahouiduta. li'it l'. w not a quution of freak ish anatomy wlm h ld ins to writa of thee wi'mrn. KxJu.lk'Q tlitunihiH'fi'r la a New York lawyer to Wmmeho A pmpla go wilfe many of their knotty b-gitl question. "But no ca w rvrr preumted la we that waa earner lo ! t.:, ami )t't tnor. .Iirknia'.y Bovet,1 the Iwwyer r""iUy aaid to me, "than tlial of tlilltvChriaUne. The death 0. !Hk tr'iUrrjd, thrnuga wluiaa a bow agenry aiu a (if I ha buaitieae of the museums waa d -ne, reaila Una matter, WbH'b ran to ma atmul a year ag'S but ba Onvrr been pubil.bi d. I lUjfefal l railed at toy offka with a ktter fnm MiUle Chrtaun ivqueetlng m. la Bod out Whether, If they were to marry o.e and the aaiue aian, it would roosutut. bigamy la the rj. of the law. It Waa evident enough, a). Inough they did Pot aay a .iptkulr. that an offer of joml marrlag. bad bwn atade to the HI aud that Ihey rutiUiplale4 an a (vouii. la ru. the trirtita union stouid b lawful. Tbef argnd ta.i they kad ai ware bta atrt.4 aa lwoba4ns Tirl,' Uiaclaioi being toad cm Ibair behalf that Uirf were on. Individual With tw a.U. fur arn.a and four pf a. If that view of thR muxl Mi etj4 la law Uwa ettigia bustiMd Wtxitd tw quit prwfer Hut itvr vr I'K'U a(iBliiaan4 bd n (i of 4itkg any Itui.g rng, ! saiijr or rligimtslr. Fiu'aMl wth4 mf peu(- bMal Rnlo I I ha gaklaoee of tb twit. a. UI svxiraa, lt, tfaxiey (Uial Vnf rertM nro waa envroiy .kusat.a, ad I k4 aa d.m. uiiy la f.anag aa evicna thai Uteir -.iil eaarrtag la on. ast won d bo bigaes fu turn It am i aiatl aa eriaiii.al fnoilahanenl ea t'e wie, of waa it ba.y that frrmi r,g mmn4 iw ba ba4 ! bis aedr IM ar,ir ilmisxtuot Hut I ba4 In lil UNna Ib.t U IbefwMtena ever mm lwfrw oo-.iV, Utey u4 ettrwy ba 4tf4 tw.aa, aved ooijf Ia6 (Asrrwsr tmrmmumf whn ' atH t. aiber wvumI tw a wt. t,wa UK a..d asta, a.lhAus'k it .ttt bev.rr-ra4 Shift Die later, ttwu, b Inra .d. a4 ".4 anMlb. Hb)m la. bsba4 V pnmmv lM. jtl la . Ia) 1 ra,44 ra sei4 al Use Isvus (.'ta O I swans'' a r ak waa b waa aa4 aMKMf It t kal U.haiA tni'g ar iasVataasi a. gal. Taa law cay aei.g y fr H M aaissi4, ml m f.s.is pfmi,u m fr4e a luff w4 ax.a,s o Hi a abwM U trsr t After tt.. east. faa kMl I a4vtM f ttgsr. lfc.1 M,.ia('srw. - Ua aewsnaetiv. bwM af at M att lo - Rtaie e eeMnst f. f as, bt ! ao--'r wa erf eaaenaa. te 4 H. Jtva, IMwasa44 r ew44 I. Mv. for improving oi. nature by disturbing their otherwise not particularly hand some countenances. Among the Man- ganjas, for example, h is the head upon which the greatest elaboration is be stowed. The most favorite form of dressing the hair is to take a couple of pieces of wet, pliable hide, and shape them into the form of ox or buffalo horns, after which they are allowed to dry. They are then fastened to each side of tho forehead and the hair trained over them and plastered into position by means of grease and clay. Two hornBare the favorite ornament, but sometimes only one is used; in the latter case the wearer looks like a black bi pedal unicorn. Others vary this style of hair-dressing bv twisting up a number of locka all over the head into the shape of minia ture horns, so as to cause a porcupine like appearance in tho practicer of this extraordinary style of head dress. Pig tails, so far as their short "wool" WUJ allow, are also in vogue among some ol this tribe. The women, as might be ex pected, are also by no means without f actidiousness in dressing and ornament ing their hair, but this is quite over shadowed by another effort at neautny ing in which they excel, namely, in wearing the "pelclo" or ring of Ivory, metal, or bamboo, which Is of consider able size, in their upper lip, the orifice for its reception being gradually en larged from early girlhood until it can receive the full-sized ring, which, among the Mangania belles, constitutes the acme of female loveliness made perfect The wearing of this hideous ornament altera tho whole appearance of the face and renders it linponsiblo for the women to prouounce the labial letters. Hence a woman In this tribe Rpeaka differently from the men. homo of the women even tattoo, but owing to the darkneaa of their akin this mode of decoration cannot get shown to advantage and Is not very popular. It is not pleasant to record of a nation bo fond of dresa that they Hmmed to lie entirely unconsclotit that in civilized eyes clennliitea la virtue which ranks even higher than tat tooing. They are filthy lu the extreme. One old . mini denied that It was true that he had ever waahed hlinnelf; he hod really done ao once, but It waa act long mi that ho could not trust lila memory tj aay how many year had clupaeil aincu that notable event It la alinoat atiperfluous to add that akin diwaw are, In coiiwquenee common among thi-m and exhibit moat pvmUtcnt and virulent forma. upon he proceeded to read them a lec ture on the sinfulness of scandal. "But, father," remonstrated his daugh ter, "we must say something." i "If you can do nothing better," re torted Mr. Ilaynes, dryly, "get a pump kin and roll it about. That will be mi least innocent diversion." Not long afterward a conference of ministers met at his house. , During the evening an earnest discussion of cer tain points of doctrine arose, and from the lofty pitch of some of the voioea it seemed as if a part of the disputants, at least, were.' in danger of losing their temper. At that juncture Mr. Ilaynes' daugh ter quietly entered the room, bearing a huge yellow pumpkin. She put it down in front of her father, and said: "There, father, roll it about; roll it about." Mr. Ilaynes was called upon for an explanation, and good humor was re stored. . At another time a revival was in progress in the parish, and some of the young zealots were ridiculed. They went to Mr. Ilaynes and complained of certain scandalous reports that had been circulated. "I knew all this before," said Mr. 0 ay ncs. "Why did you not tell us?" cried oue of the young persons, in an injured tone. "Why? My dear friends," said th old minister, his eyes twinkling, "be cause it is best to let Satan carry hi own mail and pay his own postage.". Not fw who read what Mr, IViberl lloall, of Holland, Vs., baa to ear below' ill remember tbelr owa eipertenae under Wit eireamaianre: "Leaf winter I had la grippe wblab left me in low aisle of health. I tried Bnmernn remedies, none of wbieh did in sat good, until 1 waa induced It try a bniHa of Chamberlain's Congb Ilmoy. Tba first hot 1 1 of It so far relieved m thai I wa .aided la attend to oy work, and the aeennd botile fleeted enre." Kor la al M) cents per txitll by lliill Cohn, druggist. WISDOM OF THE COW. thera Are ltreaiui V. bra lief Intel llgMf la Iteallr 11 tnarbaM. It la popular brlU f that the dog la the ml Intrlllgenl of nil four-footed animate, and that next In the rm-otal ale la tho borw, aald a ht Umlan to t, t.li.U- H nt rl man. i nsi M mistake. The cow know bhitw than a bor and W combined are capable of U11nf fron America sk lor Mr. Mua- Irwrntn?, an ordinary vn row wo baa brra a-t,f)lw rvsMinalile farllitlra for a-'iulrltii rerwral ltifrMtaUof aurh iarr than wiw ttwitwho fcave r rit CURIOUS IDEAS OF HEAVEN. Entertained by Australian Aborigine. aa4 Aleutian Islanders. The Ideas of the native Australian concerning a luture life are unique. curious and interesting in the extreme. A trilie on the lower Darling formerly believed that death waa but a protract ed sleep, and that sooner or later there would come sn awakening, when all old habits would le tuken up and fa vorite pastimes renamed, liut, during this kleep, a remarkable transforma tion was to tnUe phicc. The Chrlntlan, who linn had wings und luirpa cradled nlohia inuke-iip during childhood, ha no diliU iilty In believing that at some future time all good people will soar through the ethereal atmosphere of psradine, "like awiftokt bird on wing," but what of the poor deluded Anstrsy dsn's Idea? asUs the ht I-oula Repub lic. He tx-lli ve Hint the rehabilitated body will le twit-e the length It waa during iU former aojuum on earth, and that ni. h end will lie supplied with head, foil and a nil'.: In abort, that It will not make a whlt'a difference which end la up! Thii curious belief In the conglomeration of the angelta form I only iiuled by the U-lief if one of the triU-a of the Aleutian (elands, and Is very similar with Hie exception that thin particular tribe of Aleutea believe, that ru. h inhnbiinnt of paradUe will have a t Imle'a tail and an auk's wings, tlila In addition to tho double form bw lleved III by the Aii'.tr.ilimia. It may bet a.l,li Ihbt Anetrulian angels an wltliout wlna and travel fnan place Ir plaafi by rotitinualty changing rnda; Is other wor-la, by turning hsmUpringsl FRO M8 TAN L E Y 1 8M A I L. Carte. It'... tHi r tey few a Wki.b Wee. M4. R4ar4 l anion la bis srtlcU la tkrlbn.r t gl the fullewlagaelecUoa from Mr. htaaley a mall: Aa eatawaiaal ley's eld cap: i H ht ta4 aa I III at eaa Be SM saf Is S la ettussMl ensin. I b. ea(lir waUS4 iIMmsi IM ll V-w 0.r1 t i -iii, ,.! ,.lti,.tia ami U'Nwe V are a brl. ki Ke. M ia r Un b-n-r-l w lib "u. iuos an-i M tbtrvf Afrtr, etprfialv. funeral. I lie avrratr. wiwb i M u . i mi tarf aetc f. It enw ran opn fate that faetrns with et4 t r aitiHa ml eerbaitt.. It shall time bsrk, gt labt the grtn an4 6a ltf dollar' worth tf damage befofw the .saept-reUwl owner can rain a r barge of slug Into mnile .wllrif gun. "I tK Ilvwl In a village where on ba:f lh Inhabitanla kept eowa and tt-pM-Int Oirnt I'l f.Mrage tlx-tr living off the other ba'.f. I lndlug the bal fate faaU'nlng of t avail I added a bolt mI alrpt that tiirfbt awara. Tb fst nvsraing every r..w la the ll!r wa In mj garb . ainl , f ill of eabUg-e that cl ttm two 4..1iar ksd Irt rale that Ihey cmld itit r through U gal, and I bad lo ktu k down a feal off the frttr lo b t iit m eat 1 bal night I avt-lnl n b-f tbaln mm! pafwt fwl) k and si ap In wnn.rwnr with ft cbeaMe-lwmled f t to waU b tfieN4. . kwt k. maml eatf a. eaa a Ufa. A old bt t;'-l ali private raaae) awe-tasa. , . . , . jp and eurvrysd lha bymae V wMkke Mr. H. repllad H! t tt.s. SSI IM . tv.. .k. a) i. a4 Ueialra w'.4if very sreai. ISA fuiiewtag itif t. i re as aa eta We snMO.4 la a t w. ea. wtta yr aaas as A Arm of iobaAvl.u saakae the fob lewiag coI reueat Will f bla4. SMe4 a. l grtM asiMina lo aet-e4 f mt a., isms, a I taw Bkotwrk it.it e ex I tM a .t-.'') Sea Sett ! aa!ilf fwat t4 ei.aretM, m4. at SMiwstne rrasa the beet e4 aaaet tw A pkotfrepbr writes): fttat rrmi " 1M Mkretf Uke hf taf la arimMt fm at MM minm fee ishM aieet be fell, bet wm la aaoetf IM Maa4a 4 aa Mskineg pvbtia. MM tw Sl '' a Ifte a-asltM ef taf- taratiag IM lM 1 eewl, ikal f et eon teg ewwatt, eve- I A fewUeal soldi la Calrw saysi I kMBttf bg yeaww . r ."-tttbet to. eiatew It I east a a Ate. I ass Jl.w I titst t lb f and stain aurvyed the bo, j ffeil she went l ve-wk on tba bollwIUk kef Vrir. In II v. ntisulM) ab kad It! drawn snd aiart.d v ti In. Hbe I t-e.b'd rrird b fed l. rf SliU oft , Ui ri.Uel". Ila'.f n -l kT ara fwa'Kiew eat ap M reey4 lew ftw I bvrelry. 1 1. t-eifw l 1. ft teem la a v,j,f. tk. ' t-3 H hf 'oliAWiSt ftrusisiaae ol lh I'lseeek 4a;i ta MB- rv-e- .!- I kee tea l '( ta bet la taswwg tea, aa' taaMg a eet-e.41 la fr Im.m.4 tMkTtte tw a sr e. w4r r i e erwt serf afws Sw f leweea I aaiefa wet st la r '"' !. ate. ! e . . I saat . saan tSMtt esa a.aa.ate Is fta "rr arl mwpi.iti. art rksrsas, lw gatat a.aae e a, M.l b-44 f-til d twii'lfl I .a4 ke ar.. . w-a ftwMfal la slaU.aini f rw llM Ws-4. Wik ItaeO- b"a, w ' ( (. , lf, ,lrJ f ,.,,4 ' e- a I Hwl H pel a aw paw aiftf bal srvfwrf li lb ! 1 1 tw , ew ir) !.. .,,, u tw.n-.. -.1 al -ii- ysrfat-w .-I eeiapj Iw ... le - j ,. , Thf. Lancaiurr Inura cr. Co. 9 MANt'llKKTHM, IC Mltl.AN I i iTT, . rf--- w tMe s '" 4 Lyk!Mfl M fawasvfwt 'y b-ai-V. jfnnnaVaft4bssevtm 'afevrUUisiUrtStiM" ) kit ftf 4, W.