" wTOCR BRANDS. While job teep ronr snbecription paid up 70a Hi keep your brand is free of charge, Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Home Q(i on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, end npper bit on the left; range. Mor row ooonti. Baird, D, W. and son. Horsei branded D B onthelnft hip; oattle the aim 011 left flank, crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Kange In Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 E on either shouldor. Range in Mor row oountv Bannister, J. W., Hnrdman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, linosebnrry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on tight side. Brosman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Homos branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear npper slope. Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle C with dot, in nei teron left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over It, on the (eft shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W, G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in eaoh ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; oattlo. same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox.Or Cattle, JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cnt ont on right ear; on horses same brand on trie leu uugn; range in rox Taney, Grant county, f iarsner Warren. Wagner. Or. Horses brand ed O on right stifle ( cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in eacn ear. flange in rjmnt and Morrow oountios. , Cain.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle' TT with nnarter oirole over it. on left shoulder and on left stiHe on all colts nnder 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All aartaa In rrant rtnnnt.v. Gate. Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Kanse Morrow and Umatilla mmntins. Corrigall, M M, Oalloway, Or Cattle crop out of each ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead horses half circle C on left stifle. Range Mor. anV TTmatlllA nnnnties. Curl, T. H John Kay, Or. Double eroBS on each hio on oattle, swallow fork and undei bit In iHoht. ear. snlit in left ear. Kange in Gran connly. On sheep, inverted Aaud spear point on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left enr Dnnoherl npper bit in right. Wethers, crop 11 right and nnder half orop m left ear. All In flrant ivtnntv. A J. Ina.Or. Horses. flflon rightshonl der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square orop off loft and solit in riant. Currin. B. .. Currinsville, Or. -Horses, to on Cox Ed. 8.. Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with . In nanfMr, hfirflAa. Oil left Til). (Innhran. K. E.. Monnment, Grant !o , Or. Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cat tle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chaptn, H.. Hardman. Or. Horses branded O on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same hrand on right shoulder, and out oil end of rlfJonlM. W. M , Galloway. Or.-Cattle, B U on riaht side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D on left hip. , . , . Ely, Bros., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole In -w.kt M Emery, C. 8 Hardman, Or. Horses branded n f reversed 0 with taill on loft shoulder ; oat. tlosame on ngni mp. "; """' v " viorAnna. L. A.. Heppner, Or. Cattle, LE or right hip; hones F with bar nnder on right shoulder. Florence. B. P. Heppner. Or Horses, IT on .i.kt .knnlrlan nat.tla. F on right hiD or thigh, Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. -Horses branded H. B. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Hangs in Morrow ana uisiuinwrauw. uf.n 4. R Hidite. Or. Cattle, round-ton w-lthqnsrtwr oirole under It on the right hip. Hence in Morrow end Umatuiaoounnes. Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, ()r-r- (T F L connected) on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on mri sine, swauow rorx in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack dlstriot. Morrow ooonty. Howard J I.. Gkllowar. Or. Horses (oroaa with b r above It) on right shoulder; catt le same on left aide. Range in Morrow and Umatilla MAnnliM Hall, Edwin, John Day, Or. Oattle E H on right hip; horsxe same on right shoulder. Range In Orant oonnty. Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or. Homee shaded haa. ,,n the left ahnnlilnr. Rang Morrow Co. Hunaakar, H A, Wagner. Or.-Homes, t on left shoulder: oaitle. 8 on left hip, Humphreys, J M Hardman, Or. Horses, H no lsf Hank Huston. I.nther. Eight Mile, Or. Howe H on the left shonlderand heart 00 the lrt stifle Cat, tla urni fin left hin. lime In Morrow nimntv j ones, Harry, llipnr. Or Horses branded H 1 on the left shoulder; ca'tle bra mM J on right hip. also uncWIitt in left ear. Rnngn in Morrow oonnty. Jnnkln. rt. M.. Hammer. Or, Horsee. horse. shoe 1 on left shoulder. Cattle, the sans. Hanaw Ofl Klhl Mlln Jhm i Falls. Lena. Or. Horses. elraleTwi left stifle; eattle, same on right hip, n'lder half oroo in n1" anil aunt n lert ear Kenny, Mlks, Happier, Or.-ll'irsas IS ran !) KNK on left hip oattle same and crop ofl left mp nutter alone on the rlifht Klrk.J.T., Happier. Or.-Horsae W en left houlderi eallle, til on left M11. Kiimliarlanil. W.H.. Mn ml Vemon. Or. I Lon oaltleon right an I left sl'laa. swallow rurs in li rt ear and i'i ler cmn In right ear. Horses asms brand on le't shoulder. Ilange In tlrant ootiritv, Loftan, Hlaiii"U. tnt, Or.-H Lon lefthip on ceitle. emu end spilt on rtg'it mr, II. cams brand on lft shoulder. Range lirsjit eonntv. Lianallen, John W.. l,al Dr. - H irana bran I" I half-elmla JLeonneite-l mi left ahuil. iter, ( aula, earn left hlu. Kange, tia.r ls. Ing'on Ud), J W Happnar trr Hufaae brendei t. anil 01 lft sh'mlilri a-wlle aana on ef hip, wall la over right ), throe sills In f'ghl ear, l., llaitea. Mnifiner. Or. Hiraaa lirin lal itfMitil II em.tia.-i nnatins oallal s Swing II on la" ahoiiMar. Marie. M. O . Haiipnar, Or. -Cat i la hni'M eirols on nghl hip: horaas same on nghl si 1 tie. Kan ia M trrww emtnlf. Minor, Itanw, nnw rr. tattle, M I) rifhl hip: be '" tl h.Klldar. Miweae, . N.. Hfl'e-r. Ir.-t.ree, M ) On left ahoeldM eallUi asmmi left hip. Mitchell. Oer.loee, r.-H.rs, H on right kip: eetiie tine right aide. H-m A nd raw. lHia Honk.Or. Iliiraas A N ariad ne I aft ahoqlilari eaitle on tarth hli. I (liar, faery , Letinglua, Or - I' II ua lf Sh'xll ii.l, ,rn. J, W tl'Kialaa Or.; h-wwwll on Iffl eh-ral-leri Miilasamaua rlil hip. !'.. m, (llava, KigM Mila. l. -I raa,q4(f, taf mr-la ahinl I ne jnft ali.m ,!- an I tl 1 1 at flip, 'itl, f ib la't ar rr..pi-l. M ne lafi liln, Hnm KitSt M-t; fvkmt illawa. Her l ean.Of. -H wwelp. .fl ah nll lar, I'll-, fm I, l.lnl..a tr, l a hrti I lt (l,Hinlisa .- ! : M e Mia ie rtsSt Mil Hr W rv W eanl, I'tpw. J, II , ltii.i, O. II l? a Sa .a Wft H 'll lr, raMl. n ,n tat ht. tar till le ah ar aurs. k I', Iowa, Or ! fc'wwas Alan m ,m mm, i. av ait. Uv, eaiila, i M I aiHutaiat, ne l Ha H kis iic si" te left ear ee l aUw la Uw rieHt. It-a-f tntraw, llw-l nae Of,-l. . Innj 9im wt-H ,iirlar-m,a "VaV l tiw irt ei H k Ufm , M. ( . I' - M.waa rn a e) I Ha HiHi akatl U, awliU. I tq lha Wl kin anHM Mt SI I .Wiae . fawig w K "raw end li ealng tfm. II ai, S-Iaw. Iiia a, - II aj Kra Ul IK as VM aV-a Ix. Vanl .,,vai .iv.a (wr lfVwl, awiUe Wmmrn we ftgM lou i r II ws "-,-'t tiaa, ttm. H laufyvUSa, Or - Mel mtmrtm VlUb aiaartaa mflrn aaj a wtlt,M ri, H,a e4 rtaM war m4 aht t latl. t.Maa lkw. UlAaiUv, Itanea le M ne? r.,,l east . kvahav hww J W . Ui wwm. IW - ll waaa, JO m U-f mmmk, I aua, 1 1 - rli M. W . t.', a-. rtr II awaes,lt Inn ! eJUUi aaitia i H tm l.fl i,, ewaibre .a le rw W. ea WwMI la al. m.p wa. llaiMV. i - ll.waas, S A r we taft ii.., rm'if U'l I t. Nn, II awt, lMW'aa, Or - faiila . ! oj V'SI a.p a I tt flrfVI .tl iV.aaaa $ we t.a I l. ii la U.Mta t,.''! W t-. Wa,t' lv ll.aa Ww, laf M if. iw ai a wa m ll ..Mil.(a li.iaa Ja Sl.a4.,a I If i fc.irww h-laj Jealatl a-a. fiiia tl.a eatw. elam. a4 Ua vVa aa ia w w mm-4 ifn.aiai aw af.wa Isiaykane, I ,MtMa li kwa fM wiSa. aai.M ..-, L a) law rM aila e.'.a.-a... M- A a lh!-a IN -4 at!., a MM k.i i .!. Il ta tal aa. wrv l , Hat-t-aaa to . Mrwaa, M s la" - ta , -le UM'a MW il Uhiwi In l r aw !' a t " a I --I I Ml swan , MM--, a-aiaaw "1 f laa IVawfWM. J t HM l awae a ai - a ,M kVV jw t tav I a f ,f avf.'wa.tl, - M I aw left a ... kw l.a H W , M - wall aw. i(W t aaaa f-e S al aa -a- ! k ...aa , W S at 1 m Wa aaa f .,., l H .a, Iw - "J aal H f M,waa4 a.Aa. aawf aawa ! lalaaal N T la - M -ww N aaal aw4 aw liM am a rwa. waae WW iM k w .WV. 4T V - It ft aaaaa t' la IW "'1 a.av. wm tw4 ks wSJ avt awa ea-4 f.ea aw taw8 tliwaw JaaU, H S aw W1a1, flaw Naawaa sawi al If mm Mae la! St. an tat HwafS f -I.S a-a. la eaawe m m I aJaV I tkMIe , 4aVat ataaaa wawf H ! a. la a ntu aaa ft wa-W) aa k-a. mm kafl St- la. K-wa ,S lAaaf a)' Wala a1 Ha awf . H atwas ; 0 w a) eaa aw ' -.. A , I 1 , ,,a iaaw' aa i,iial ii lis, I ,.tw4 f - M a.. ww - M -waw, If I aa.w4a WV - I M Wk'W. lawwa aaf.ntaiaiwi Wl . a an aa 1 MS afl a a),.... a aa-. .-. us eaj 1 ata aM aw tai k w, svwe. savsie wm I Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses mnningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Home bnuiW T8 on the right ahon Ida- GET THE BEST When you are about to boy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by allunnjf advertisements and be led to think you can get tho best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square dc.-.ling, you will then get a Sowing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal in mechanicul con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it j New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on ad j ustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS, THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Oju.-kih, Mass. Bosroif, Mass. ' 88 Union Summi, N. T Ciuoaoo, Itx. Bt. Loi'h, Mo. Daltah, Tuxas. Has Fbamcwoo, Cal. AtlaotA, Qa. FOR SALE BY P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. Send 5 Crs. for Sample Package San Francitico Offl.ce, NAP1I. B OHEENSFELDER d: CO.. No. 220 Sutter Street. The thnmb Is tn unfailing Indra or chsrat ter. I ns rHjusre T pr In, sirau-s a lining win, grrsi energy and nrmnraa, C'IomIv silled Is the tiiitalstrd 1 yp. tlis thumb of ih of advanced Idrss and bimilirej lilllty. Holh of theas types brlons to ilia busy man or woman; end Demoreal's Ksailly Mavatliie lira- pans e'laM-lally for sm li rrsiins wiioie voiunia in new mraa. eon oVn d In e sRiall space, an thai Ihf record of tlis whole world's work for month msy be rrsd la half ee bfiur. The I'nnlral Type lmlicsl rrniiement, culture, anil a hive of sniiaic, pie trv, anil flrtlnn. A iierwie Willi tins ltai u( llninih will ihor. Oilfhly rn)oy llir lltrrary sllrarUonS of lliini.rr.n Miasms. 1 ha Ar tiatie T)w Iniliiairs a hive el brauty end srt, whkh will tnd rare ptrsMire le the nucniOrrnt oll-ptrl ere of roare, IH4 1 M Inrnrs, rrpro. du. rd flora the urlgliisl iwlnllng by la Uiin-pre, Ihe imwl crlrliralol of living Bowrr palntrrs, ahl. h will riven to v,ry mharnbrr le ! morrat'a Mavatins fof 1-VS. The rmi nf tlila auprib nk ul art was frails) eid Ilia rririiuriliai tannitl be 4iftrignUhHt fr,an ih oiKmal. Uratitva this, en aiqelalie nil or walar-cnlnr fihtare la eb luevd In tarh euaitar of ihs Macs sine, and Ihe srtiflae ere en ern. fowlr end eu pettily iMeatreud thai fit iw isrslaa Is, I muty. folia of art wks of I ha tnibea) nwlaf Tea Itillowa hlc Tvtw is Ihe nwlaf Tea tkittanf.kicTn Ihame M Ihe tkinkr end Invaetnt ef Idaas, who will he aWply iMeo aaud le those itrwlota-d etonlhly In ItamnrnM S MagaalBe. In VTfiy awe ttl lie eaeiafuM drtmei,ia whvk rovav Ihe snilra eMietta end k-niis IrM, fkruntrling evrff fa.t, taiwv, and fad of the ear. .m - e la eieipiy fwifart f amily Marajlna. end wa livng eg ri.aw-4 ly of iha MaeiLiaa. hn l In y.mt Mtarfi4l; M will t-a oir ft til, eiw ye will have iWra Warat ifaa le naa, ASnraae H Jaaiaaala.aav rHl.ka, It 11 14. k Mltat, flaw T"k. 1 kucii eig e favtiWHi e-af atria lie wf.Yi ta.t)m pagaa anal Itaerttriae e taaany tu d.avwaiM- anon, will tm .4 aarwtUliva Inlrnwt la Ik as -aa.ii f n r'Oiiaiaa THea aaf ikuwk wl.Wk la- k-aioa t haamail iinriatma, a. ft a ail, end aavak, ratMla4 li, llfwe Irene waakj vaA,w.g aaaalial'f la Ike " at. ivv nna ff Ww aail4 aahav.lkw ht wih M ra'M. If ywa are enaeaaaia4 wnk a r la a lw g aiwa ifaa t- ifrawi, ea4 4 a. I a..ml Iha) eralng Ikaaa flu take kae fax .1 In iw as a aaving etaawff kf ii4ag le awe . a v.v,k(Kg iw eanafy ike kiaieff awe el a ak-w laakiiy Th wfewtiaa(M ekaaa lwefeM Is Saw we le Oawa f iraaae. tker niawtreie test ffweier feeetlla ( fte elws.e kaaal la sw aauA, .f t kaae tefffe espnswe ike il ela Of el Rlp.mfTibutcs ewawt4 wilk say aaavlawali kw tJlafarfaeln p re T a Valve f ue, f aae tkee CM 4rw(e, as f f m, ftM em Ki Cwwii ! m, 1 1 . Tfcw fgi!et bwvipw frtrw tf IN r-wf.Wael, l..alta fifl M(f W faajwlef ftr a) k VTaea (V-rU to II wWul,i( M I be f1etie fwtiM f.f M (Ml ! fltrHil W lletelU j Waa.l. hg w,i,e I ff t Nl All rl4 U wVlfavw 4)l Mf weat.li.w fiat nwe f af t. eteaw will MltlWl fey IHi.. . -awjUIW' .wv J tM waw . Mc'NEILL, Receiver. T O THK e a?k:-aS'r aiVi S TUB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental 3E-3 HJ IES S GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. & N. At nt at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obuoon. QUICK TIIWIU : TO San Franolsoo And ell point in California, ria the Ht, Shasta route u: ui Southern Pacific Co. The great hluhway through California to all points ri ana south, lirand Hoenio Koate of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet Uleepers. Becond-olasa (Ueepere Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for seoond-olass passengere. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, eto, call npon or address E. KOKHLKH, Manager, X. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. P. Agt,. Portland, Oregon Most Modern and progrcsslvu Fur cstalogne or lafurmatloii write to .TIIU MARUN riRD ARM3 CO., New Heven. Conn. 9 C f n00;1"'" w,vMuit torferfy--S "T" jl U . Ctets. cunaltilng f too r,.,, a- aer w ... .. .,.., -f aa lei, brlghtrst. Ilvrllatt anj moal B-,pu'lr 3 aalall.a. fc. . . . 1 - - . , ' " a - - ai ana inatrumanial, J iluJirif .nif Urj-e alls Cwtralta, CAHUl c T. (,. 8paml,D Ooarw, S2 g7 AUtuitt r.triam e5 -"iva aiAuwaiy (,(lfT0. aaaaaae u eaaaaa aw S THE NEW ITORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. 3 - iboedway Theatre HUg -NawYoraUty. --w aW- CIMUiliraa ain... a-a! T Lel Tht American Piotect!y Tariff Ltsgut it national erginiiatiofi advocaltng " Piolection to Am e tic an Labor and Muttr" at esplainew by its comtitu. ta5i, at follow. : 'Tee aewM t,Se Iwague shell ke te , A-MKwaa lalaw ay e e.a aw laaawaae. wfc.tfc (k.S a4aaaay saaars A a ifiim avSwatr-ai arweMI4 eg a tee aawai,aa af pWefw teewa, Thr fit) perioral Of ptivt! ptof t in connection vith tf)ionifa. t oriaoJ it itiuita'mtd by iritrnbtnnipi, COfltbwtion mt4 th diitribution of its public a!io. !! Cl Is s-tavtaa) saanenaw enaeefca ee aw-a-te,-" reOwf Wa aaaa1 sa5 aal.a.a aaal.Ww.aa wtatawa ewa a bvra, te ea Male tHlHD We awwaaa e t-ae ta. ml g.,,,, a. . e'aaaa mj a I 'I tt'af FOWMTMS i ww te e MSreae ( wv aaa.. W ua. mf i a ' ' Sa.a-.aa 1 a.wat vt.wwe 9 Watiwta ti-ww taa-eiay s l.t WhI tlOWra lifa f aa ' $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INYLYTORS. I.wi- tvWtx 4 www w-JeA ItlwjwMI e IMtTUOIOtTtMS. ewlaa a) " ..!..-wta. aa W aaV eVI as) a4 Skww Waawaw t.a at a. a aV. 1 , ( ka a, ttwVeaWwfc frafAit w ffftawaaw1 -wawlleetisaw. f) aa" wJetfeTwf wavWavBjBW( Wwl ft MrSSwrJMMMl taTaViawaV Swlt Cwwaa )aM MbMBf a aw taw -4 S aaf 4 a-iw a a) , eaa) iSwa a. 'aiwi an law aae ml tata waavee e Bal weaak Iff as mmt a wau.lait a. wans it ts not w nm as rr som W'a'ewww' wS&Ael wwwal frafTaaJ b waT-wWw " mfi eaTew9 mmS WW iwaal ..eO a. t. mmm at aaaa It C ,attaaawiifaiJ.ia. Saawe am mini ml Ilia w a laa.it s aaa I waV ts a awa l I . llata aaaa. a.ai-.ala flf w'wewjaTe) efartfaV swi vawVeTswaf iaaaewaaajajp ' 4 aaw ettJwiiiaV E. Simplest. i4wMillipr",lr-''t itrongest. sH'tiS wr".. olld WlrPlv Most Top yfSpaP' Accural, Receiver. Mjjfy Compect. nei 11 awaaa awwe ta ewe eaeweea pawa an1 iie ae aw atas ewss eimia. inil Saw 4 a. aTewaVjiVwaW G0mf9A'f WnwaiuM Met f alawaa law wwe vftwle, eaa) HW avawa mi eW aata w aa Sail IWUMl ea ana iii aa aa a-t, tw aA-a At cb. .awe saw e "41 wAwV ftsfawaaafft ftsIsS faif tiaTiTate) j..'i'"'s""1' "" tahaWiari ml (w-aaa ewa) lavage S7eSsse. flrrwl. H.M,, P ). V. Mwlnitwa). fl. C. jf v''i"'f '! 0mjm EVERYDAY TRAGEDIES. aTlit. Ordinary Life Furnishes More Trwg. dlee Thao War or Festlleece. "The tragic and the metaphysical are m reality inseparable. Let OS take a Familiar illustration,'! writes Walter Blackburn Ilarte in the New England Magazine. "The tragedy of a Bala clava charge is not .in the roar of artil lery, the confused mass of wildly gal loping1 horses, thundering madly along. unbridled or riderless, the cries and ilash of arms, the forms upright or swaying in the saddle, the blare and iin, sjoty clouds and the fire and smeh Jf gunpowder. All this makes a fine pcture; but the tragedy lies in the mind of each individual rider, who has risked his divinity in this hideous insanity of war. " " "Too many writers seem to think thai tragedy consists solely of murders, acci dents, suicide, ilood, fire, slaughter, and the rattle of musketry. These things may be either the accompaniments, ot the causes of tragedy, it is true, but the tragedy itself is invariably in the mindf of the actors or onlookers. And thert are the tragedies of quiet, ordinary life There is the tragedy of noble purposef defeated. Tragedies are taking , plact every day between actors who do uol move out of their chairs. Every doctor' office, every lawyer's sanctum, ever court of law every house in a large city has been at some time the scene 01 a tragedy. 'All houses wherein mer have lived and died are haunted houses "A man may live a life filled witl tragedy and never go to the wars or gei shipwrecked; indeed, he may nevei leave his study, his house, or his garden All this is, of course, obvious; but on' would not imagine it to be so fiom t constant reading of the criticisms 01 the fiction which goes behind action and discovers souls." . IN MEMORY OF A CHILD. Its Parents Commemorate Its Death an Annual flinch and Judy Show. , bj The parents of a child that died some few years back in the Great Ormonc Street Hospital for Children have hii upon a quaint and in many respects ad mirable method of perpetuating hit memory. On each anniversary of tht' child's death a performance of Punct and Judy takes place in every ward ir the hospital. This great festival for, remarkf London Truth, I need not say that it it a great festival to everybody concernec has been duly celebrated again. .The only blot upon it was that one poor lit tie fellow had to be taken away just before the performance commenced tc undergo an operation; but it will be 1 satisfaction to every reader to hear that he was more than consoled by subse quently having "Toby" brought to hii bed by a kind nurse for a private inter view, and, thus fortified under hit troubles, the little patient progressec most favorably. People who lose children are oftot desirous of commemorating the littlt lives in some way, and too often tlijir efforts in that direction are not over- happy. Here is a hint for guidance id all such cases. It may be varied almost indefinitely CHARACTER IN HANDSHAKES. reraoaad Peculiarities as Indicated by the 1 Blemrier, The other evening at dinner, says m 1 writer in Woman, we ware much in- ' wrested In talking; over the Impres- aia sue always noticed the teeth, and drew many conchiHions from the color, hape, alze, trannparency, etc. We were all mmiewhttt atruck with her really clever portrayal of the charac ter of sums friend known to u intl- ntalnlM !... .UU 1 t . j , ...v.. niiuiunuo uau ulit OTUl ? "eeome acquainteu. Sly uia- """inTariauiyjuoffea i.y tne I a"" iitKl KarvciY evtT IM'WD mi- Ukcn. A friend ataylriff with uaal- wav Carried awev a llkt!nt mrtnli ... , --j - .".. v..,. . c.r, aimpe ami cxpreanion of mi- rye. i uoci.ircii for ine liamUliake, and no far liatrf not had reanon to clianjre my opinion that thia ia the un.t tnt, rapfi-iaHy taken ia connec tion with the laugh. To b-jfin with, there is the animal maffnetiara which muat pas from one to the other. To take a few rxamplea: The firm, honrat, hearty hnmUhake of a aluccre man, perhap jather ronjfh, o that one fcU cuirtiliant of one'a fingers for some time afterward. poinU to ciiaractcr pot-Mlily somewhat wanting in tact and refinement, but gennln- and true. Then how well I know the soft, silky, insinuating hand, vthlch as one shakes it slips out of one'a finger. An Irishman, someone will say! KxacUy. Who so clcer aa ht to iret out of awkward corners, netrer at (4 loan fur the rljjht word, or the laughable story to All an awkward gap, or eocr an annoying rontrv tempe. Then thcfw la the flabby band be longing to pcnple wha nevrr put thrmes-lvra out, Again, we have the quick, nervous handhak of an Citable, nervous tctnpertiment, or its oppiwilt, the nerve lea, pauive one of a prrwon out of health. Then there ts the band that a you shake It a-ems to rvillapaaa. Hunt I mat Hie raaMceaor of eurh m hand aa that. My prt aruwnlnstlnn, though, la th flahy handaliake !,, leaves on one the Imprreeliia .f Kavtng t.rhcl a toad snske. Iieviarw of trw hands and their owner. Ily. therw I th fashionable, ptimp-handl sht.r, tvtnkenlng too oft- thsi kle slier, who fillows tha whim r( I lie hour. vVAttTtFUL MININQ M1THCO. ' . ' rae law a. ml ISe fawl te Ike twwV) tae4aww aev.ueelw. While otHs wlartenf coal Mining have bvwn prrw,. wr.law It, M Chan. In an art WW t "The Anlhra. It twi ta duatry in tb l.ttglewwrmg Mste.ne the old tae-ta-aj if vorkirg by pwraUrl larewate, awparaleai f tiaiar pi.talw .f wwjii. to stU a!ivwa, nnlverwally ar. Ihsl gvwat su rwilta frrn thia wetrwwt ts a-tmilir.1 by all In w.w slur thin bwis the pr.'.are ran bw reuvet. t eat a larr awrtWa nf thw eiw.1 they tain ran be uk-n imt sftrr the stne hare bwrn wrlieI t ttw I mit. Nil this ran be 4m M vwrv !itn,tl rt leal In thW-k Searne. iy t,ktmwg tn.a InrslaaM In thw km mmA esatem. -nwt,twta4 !. si all aM fn ilB(f laens, mnrh larfwr twvvvtiteje of r-l in lit U.w kef Sfwitia c..4 Iw rw,rrvwl, bwt aexh Sv-aawwaa Wix.i.1 tfwf Uf In '" ssa tb fvl faaf m. and thy Uffw awvllejiinary onltay In rfaaalwvk lat.fw anlaaf on larr ,tfl ,wre4 raAwrvw.ivS ewlrwslea fe' the ejeestilT tm 1 1 Wing t In the fe.4 aa p.. e at f t fwf . ff tta ejwaati' iwg;tii,y wl. Ifew mrm rJ mm'mg kw4 M r. A. H. Cransby, of Ho. 168 Kerr fit, Memphis, lean-, writes that bis wife had can cer wnich had eatea two large holes In her breast, and which the best physicians ot the surrounding country treated, and prononnced in curable. Her grandmother and aunt bad died of ancer and when told this, the most eminent specialists of New York, nnder whose treat ment she wai placed, de clared ber case was hopeless. A 11 treatment having failed, she was given np to die 8. S. 8. was recommended, and astonishing as it may seem, a few bottles cured ber sound and well. Onr treatise on this dis ease will be sent free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ca CHICAGO. Iwaiite & i Paul B'y Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Tanl Rail way and note its connections with all transcon tinental lines and 8t. Paul and maha, and remember that its trains are lighted with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smokin- and 81eeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, and its dining cars are the best in the world. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above luxurious accommodations. These are sufficient reasons tor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon ticket agents in every railroad office will give you further information, or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, . J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Ouegon. '0 ,toutnnfr of to Yean fa haiintu. A r I-.- C , ,) l aaa g llinllke tigiueBaae 'Ball I'lavur, Koot Hall I'laVMr lll.tf IMuV,.r a L.lu.,... Qmi m . : a .mi niuyUlU IVlllLT. Will IIU BHI1L III fUlV address upon receipt of 10 cents, to pay chargi. Tin-so figures are absolutely perfect, beaiitilully colored and mounted, ami arraitiM.I ti alati.1 iinftultf u.i avuun 9 Ceiieilt Slllivailf rof lllir Jll vaara ua liuit..ra "2 i'f the athletic supply world. Suitable 'M S lor club, reading room, office or home. A i A.G.SPALDING & BROS.,' 1 Aew lurk Chicayo I'hHaitrhihia M twecn different collieries. When the cool is wet and contaitiH much bonyeoul or itlate, the coht of preparation in lurrt- ly inerenseU. lVrhaps one dollar ami ? Inrtv poiita tn nna dollar and ninety fairly be taUon u. c-ntu pir ton muy u,0 avt-mge runfre In cost of average runge in cost of pnnln I n ami nmtiamllna Tt.t. I of royalty, wbkh avprurrr. from t!.it. . . . ccnia wj inny cenu ptr ton. hnormm quantitU. of water are quantities of water are pumped fr.itn ome of tho mincn, aotne of them ra!;. intr Utwecn one million ami twi million (rnlliins daily. In addition to the coal lost In pillar left to support the rtjof, cor.hiilemi portion I lost by becoming miranl tvi , the "jfob" or rcfuMi left in the tuliie: iome is reduced to duat by blasting and liitnillitig, still more wnstc l rtiu lo h jruahitig, screening and handling iti t!u linwli. .n,llh. aM.l.u.t...l 1. ....... has more or I.- coul ailhering to I: .vhl. h I. 1,-1 in 11.. .1,.-... t than forty-live per cent of the col con Utlnnl in the thicker beds Is sent to aiarket, the balance being wasted. BURR HAD TO ODEY. rae TVe rraat.trnl W as Klntw4 Sanda mj 111a nningMiaii. A relative of Ihacon Hlgbv, the ok tlthlngman of Milfunl, Ulla ihe sU.rj of an eiiiiiimi.-r with Aaron Ilurr whet the latter won traveling front U.t.n It New" York n hilo he was vUr pnwjilrnl of the United Mjl.-a. It ha lwin tuli often, but kuldntn aivuraieiy until now says a Milfitnl (iVnu ) nirn--iii..'iit tr the Xew York Sun. Itrsvm lll.-l.y. at tlthlngman, u a vit.i. .m.a to Mt b twn sunrise and sunart every Mimk) In Uie front gnUery of the old flymoutl rhurcb on the turnpike In this place lrom U wind. he could eitnmsnd t flew i.f the is.! f,.r Several miles eaal and weat, and f mnf im.,,1,.. r1a , pleaaure or buainews Wot he visa tmlici and amnprtle.! t.t et.p i.v.r until !H aun had ert. Mr. llarr arrival ai Mil tW4 hubilay b letting. Ikuva ll ;.. saw the- Intra etlnf epilpjw cuuitiif U h 'r rsa .hi., .t. p n TH' f ""I . ui f st ha ol t U. ..t ... Sl. l Mr. II 1IT aake.1. " Kai l jthe msu.r?' Ihm Ulby t.UI bin lliat he wM br.-sUmr lew i f the suu by travrMiirf wuu.Vr. Sid that h rnnal pail P hie Iwiraw an I w t Utitt! ennaci. Ilnrr at., e,..i. i-,;t e.t. ni,e.l tlaf e.wti.en-1 ai 1 s'l, e. l.a.Ulhg st ti e tall sivl liivi, 1 . , f ,a t.tiinrti hi al -a at the rvweV b-w-'.s he r '''.' 1. as If rtprvtlo-f Ui mr-i: thf HN-ti.,ji lint I am Aar :rr. i.f prrwi IrM f r,w I nit-vl Mei.A" TM itr.,f w f,,, fv.- trr f.f Offaw. Whh tn t i e, h,t rv;,i u j I""1''' - .tiff.-jwtisi If r m arw irte j prv i I nt f IMI.-4 .ti, In the j '" t t I. I arna tn thw cwtn- tT I I1! r I f flaj-l y -U 1 1 pma tHeiiaif h i a ( .. -! 1 I he ann a a Nrf, j 1 al . I ,.f ,, f ri.f :w tiiaj, ..f. tr. )t0 ' r.wwf-n,i er.i i.t Me n-re tl wt. i S- I tv I 1 a r itr.wai i,a.' tl.nnwf t '-rt, el i uif wnlil afta the I iir-t, .a a tUftf , fiwn I ! t t" M f i4 sod t. Iielr. -.fwaaea ;- ' e, msn t. St Il t tl IV ., ; aiia't-aa fw t t t v I- :,. aaaf jt5,tV aia r ' !. !- f W T f x- i I in t -aaa.. w MINNEAPOLIS ' 1 "'eMsj, PAUL. .Vto 47 i-i ,nupaww--wnsa V i;.w (a 't ra . f I a il .wr. g-gegs:Ea3-.ci Tfeittte RAMBLER IS One Of the 'rVIBf wVlOwlfl A!' rvi..,ln front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. H Eide a KAMBLER BICYCLE if jou want to bo happy, for shbuld your wheel be H punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the world renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. f Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at ?100 each. H Tandems for two men or man and woman, 150 each. , M THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market. For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. ' Chicago Ideals 33 m rurmeii, women, Moys ana gins, with 28. t, nlnr.vm.l,n.l,ln..l. iw ' J wine inr ci,aiogue, circulars, terms and disnounta nrcoii 1 KTS0' aKe"t8 Ktobler Ru8tle" Wailte,1 1,1 eviry to " OregoS"w;.uiCngl j FRED T. MERRILL Northwest representatives Gormullv & W Store, 327 Washington bt., Portland, 'Or. W OTIS PATTE Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you heed exercise----need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you. do not own one, call at Ike bnnis Hirvr e .ivctv Power King- LIQHT, STRONQ, SPEEDY, HANDSOna .Four Models EVERY MAClliNE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office: Lake and Halstcd Sts., CHICAOO. ILL. ItlUNCimSi-New York. Sao Frsnclsco. 5slt Uks City. Deavtr. Memphis, Detroit, Tercnta. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, rORTLAND, OKEQON. A. U'. VATTEimX, Agent for Morrow County, Hrppnn; Oregon. ( ' fl ,V .aJ-aw; It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri ficc. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. Tin: Patterson Publishing Co. ' 1 PB !ii ill WITH Itm : MHIPII : fffi Votu n IJOUXD to Tnko Km. Lnves Ho Conti potion. ! I, ee " "It t'l-v-ewens. -f r"-. : -e tws ut -te, n., ln4Dnnl-nl,U Tt l s 26 and 24 inch wheels, at 165. 55 146 resnect- ... . . CYCLE COMPANY. Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner. Oregon. av-ea. T WX- T ' 1 House. ' of Bicycles. -X FINEST MATERIAL, S85 and 8100. OUR STOCK . VOF.... .'I SPACE IS j TOO HEAVY I AND WE" A ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD ANSHlP' i i rt,a,tt i I it m , ,!Z t . " "f m. ill T IW V I VMM fai .T v aver e.1. mtm mh,v I, i 4rSMf ai te eh. iw t.., .wa. "e.el