Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 31, 1896, Image 3

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Tilt Sanger it Averted by TJaing
"Nearly forty years apo, after
some weeks of sickness, my Lair
turned gray and began falling out
so rapidly that I was threatened
wit.i immediate baldness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of.
, 1 commenced using this prepara-
Here And There.
"Man ft somewhat like a sausage,
Fair enough upon the skin,
But you never know exactly,
Bow much hog th ere U within ."
Burney Doberty iu in from Black
horse last evening.
The literary will bet' Dublio on
day night, all are invited.
A. Andrews was down from
over last Tuesday night ,
-John MoCarty and wife ftre visiting
with friend out on Bolter oreek. .
tioi. nnd was so well satisfied with
the result that I have never tried .
any other kind of dressing. It stop
P"d the hair from falling out, stimu-,
lnted a new growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my friends." Mrs. II. M. Haight,
Avoca, Neb. .
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Jiyer' Sartaparllla Ittmoves Pimple;
3 6 7 8 9J0 II
iriTlT IS 16 11 Id
26 I 17 I Id I 29 I 30 IJ t I
i -.
B. F. Hynd depart 3 last 'Wednesday
evening for a week's stay in Portland.
La Grnnde Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, stleiiman, Heopner.
The little ohild ot Staoy, Robarts, of
Eight Mile, is reported, to: be seriously
ill. 1
D. F. Ktchnra shipped a carload of
sheep to Portland on Wednesday night's
Nels Magnusen was no from LexiriK-
ton yesterday. He reports -Wm. fen
land bb slowing improvu.g.
L. 0. Connor, boot and shoemaker.
Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra-
liarouick banding, Heppner, (Jr. . t(
Best. ROCommodatloD and . oourteona
treutmeocat (be Imperial Hotel, Hevfinth
aDd Wash. 8ta., Portlaud, Oregon. '
L. Blumeotbal arrived' Wednesday
morning from a visit with home folks in
ortland. He reports everything quiet
I. a. uowsra mattes a specialty in
supplying stockmen with all needed
Articles, besides carrying a generitl , line
See bis new ad. tf.
Fred Melohior claims to be the best
well digger in the county.- Wells dug
by the day or by tue foot. .Address him
tt Davidson, Or. 400-lm.
Mrs. Wm. Sorivner. who has been
nonVriDg lor some time past lrom a
paiuful attack ot faoiat erysipelas, is
reported as improving.
To prevent the hardening of the sub
cutaneous tissues of the scalp aud the
obliteration of the bair follicles, wbioh
cause baldness, use Hall's Hair Benewer.
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who
desires the services ot an attorney in
Washington, D. 0 , will find it to his
advantage to call on or address this pa
per. , ; Btf
E. L. Freeland departed last Tuesday
evening for a brief business visit to
Portland. . He will attend the State
Republican Glub meeting before return'
A Company of .none players con
template producing "Tbe Deon" in a
few weeks. The obaractera are now
being cast. Watea lor runner an
Frank Rosshasopened up arestaurant
in tbe Minor building, next door to U,
M. Joufs' barber shop. White labor
throughout and rates by meal or week
very reasonable. 99-tf,
Geo. Ely and Ed. Holloway, two
staonob citiians of tbe Douglas country,
were with us Wednesday. George has
just recently returned from an extended
visit down In tbe valley.
Echo stage leaves Heppner Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Echo
Tuesdays, Tursdays and (jatordaya.
far 82 eaoh way. Office, Wells I
Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driskell, Prop.
Bpksd Association OaaANrzaD. Pur
suant to oall a number ot oUiejob met at
Ibe ooudcU cbaaabet Uaai Tuesday even
ing tor the purpose of oriranizifljr a
speed asipoialion in this City. E. G.
operry oalled tbe meetiBg to order, wben
Geo. Oonser and A. W. Patterson were
elected respectively as president and
secretary. Both were afterwards selec
ted as tbe permanent officers, for n
year, Mr. Oooser also bning. seleoted as
treasurer. Five direotors were then
seleoted as follows: E. G. Sperry, D. i.
McAtee. Geo. Harrington. E. L. Mat
lock and Henry Heppner. Heppner
Speed Association was then selected as
the name for theorganisation'aod A, W.
ratterson, ri O. Sperry and S. W. Bpeu-
oer were appointed by the president as a
oommittee of coustitutiou and bylaws.
Ibe matter of track and time for the
spring races was left with tbe direotors.
After a few geqeral remarks by - those
present the meeting adjourned to meet
subjeot to tbe oall ot tbe president. .
Pills do Not Care.
Pills do not cure CoDstiuation. Thev
only aggravate., Karl's Clover R .ol Tea
gives perfeot regularity of the biwels.
For sale by Wells & Warren.. . -
City Politics Our reoorter has
beard considerable talk on the streets
during the past few days of a politioal
nature in connection with tbe approach'
ing city election. A number of eitisuua
have been suggested as available timber
for the different offices,, but some have
uecuued, wbile new possibilities are
oroppiog out on every side. For mayor
tue names ot '1 boa Morgan and O. 0,
Sargent are mentioned For ooonoilmen
tbe following are talked of: Gao. Ooo
ser, Drank Gilliam. Al Binne. Walt
Kicbardson, W. P. Borivner, D. W
Uurnor, W. V. Crawford. . W. L. Baling
and Arthur Minor. For reoorder, F. J.
Hallock will have oo opposition as is
also apparently the oase witn E. L.
t reel and for treasu er. The above
mentioned in some instances have only
been suggested as possibilities and the
nonet will doubtless see some obange
A Great German's Prescription.
Diseased ' blood., constipation, and
kidney, liver and bowel troubles are
cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For
sale by Wells 4. Warren. .
A Great Blessing
JCy wife, and I have found In Rood's
Baraapari.Ua. Bhe lad" rtetrawrtrso vwy
severely, with
ankles and' tfs
badly swollen, and
hardly able to get
up and down
stairs wltheut
help. Many other
remedies failed,
but Hood's Baraa-
.parllla entirely
: cured her. It was
only shortly after
that I was taken
HU 4b. a a a
hips, 'so I Just-tried the same medicine
with the same result. My wife and chil
dren take .'Hood's Sarsaparllla whenever
they feel the need of a medicine and it Im
mediately makes them teel better.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Saves me doctor's bills. I am an engineer,
and well known in this locality." Q, W.
W yatt, White Bead Hill, Indian Ter.
Hood's Piiis asr.,fl,;cl4syas:tak'
Take Notice.
L The sura ol fire rente per line will be
Jharired for "carde ol thanks." "resolution! of
rwipoot'lUteotwertdlntproMinU and donors,
tnd obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself irlre as a matter ol usws.) and
aotioM ol special meetlnss lor whatever purpoaa.
X NotlcM ol church and society and allother
intertalnmenU Imm which revenue Is to be de
rived, shaU be charged lor at the rate ol Sve
nuallns. Thte rules will be strictly adber
Sd to In every in'Unce. . .
Advertlslns rates reasonable and mads now
ipon application. ,
aufe lor Bardman, Monument, Un Creek,
Inha lay and fanjon CitJ. leavas as follows :
Ivery day at a. ra., HCl'l Hundsv.
Arrtvseverydyatf eic.pt Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and boat line to or
lrom the InUrtor country.
Phlll Cohn. AsenU
Citra Pale SUf Brewery Beer
In Hall Hut ottls can be
bad only at the
Hotel Bar!
Whsre Men grade Uo,uors and Clfsrs are also
kept by Ted.
Rliif nut the b-lls the honr grows not, 'tis
KlhUn Musty His:
Columi.U s suns hae surwly got the Britons la
YoarftarrV banner proudly Boats and Juetwe
... 1 . .H klah
But 'on t lrsi m wet your throats wl'b tperry's
Uawoud Hye,
If. At Ibe Belt e.1re aalooe.
r,.rU Jnos. the Wrll-koown "old-
l.. In il,a Intianrial line, bes agato
WsUd Heppner. btr pe-obMed
nui Mathaws' shoo. Minor bmMIng
T. R. Lyons departs this evening (or
Portland where be goes to attend a
meeting of tbe congressional oommittee
of this district. He will also attend tbe
republican olub meeting.
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day exoept Monday and leaving every
day exoept Suodav. Uborlest and cheap
est route to tbe Interior. P. Oohn,
Born To tbe wifenf J. B Carmiobael,
of Lexington, Oregon, on last Sunday,
Jan. 26th, a nine pound boy. 'Ibe
mother and child are getting along
nioely, but J. B. is ooly touching bigb
Ben Matbews Is now sole proprietor of
the city meat market where be keeps a
fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, baooo and lard, wbtch be sells
for ibe lowest market price. Fred Bock.
tbe Portland butcber.testill wltb bim. tf
Dnt worry. Don't run la debt.
Don't trifle wlh your health Don't
trv experiments ws,th medioinra. Don t
waste time and money oo woudi
eomponnds. Don't be persuaded to take
a substt ote for Ayer a Hareapanlla. II
is the best of blood pnnOers.
An sxchaose says that lawyer sent
tbe following telegraphic condolence to
ibe widow of a friend: "I oaoaot tell
Vo how pained I was to bear that vonr
basband bed gone to he evee. We were
bosom Moods bat now we shall never
011 sgslu."
"Five year sgo," ssya Ante A. Lewis,
Ricard. N. X.. "I bad a cooetaot onogo
nigbl seeala. wae greatly rtdaoed to
flesh. snd bad been given op by my
ohyairians. I begsa to take Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and after using two
but lire was oompleiely eared.
Sohooij Mketiko; In accordance with
the oall of Chairman Morrow Sod
Secretary Roberts a number of ths
citizens of Heppner sobool distnot met
at tne oonrt bouse yesterday : afternoon
for the purpose .if voting a sobool tax.
Uiairmao Morrow oalled tbe meetinc to
order and after tbe ' reading of tbe
minutes, oall, etc, gave a concise state
ment of tbe noanoial ooodition of the
district, showing that at least a 10 mill
tax waa necessary for a six month's
sobool, to psy off tbe outstanding war .
rants to date, the indebtedness of tbe
district and tbe iaterest on the' bonded
indebtedness. After considerable dis-
oussion a 10 mill tax was proposed and
a vote on ssme was taken with E. U.
Bishop and R. 0. Wills as tellers and
A W. Patterson as assistant olerk
Fifty-five votes were cast. 42 tor and 18
against the above tax ' Consequently
tbe motion prevailed and a 15 mill tax
was voted.
Pobtland PosTorrioa Last Tuesday
there was a aaasalion in Portland politi
cal ctrolea, caused by tbe resignation of
oilvsy Stuart, auperiotendent of the
money order depanmeut in tbe noat
office, aud tbe removing of 0. C. Hughes,
deputy postmaster. Mr. Smart's letter
of resignation nods tsult with the salary,
i iuu a mooin, wnioo he says is not dim
mensurate wiln Ibe work and res poo
sibllity, but he Muds still greater fault
Ith the .depoty postmaster. Hushes.
wboba aays baa made life a burden for
niru ty Ooarse ungsntlemanly sotions
Htsurt'a resignation baa bean acoeptel
and Hughes, who is Said to be a repub
lican, nas Dean let out, and William A
Munly, for eight years Gov. Psnnoyer's
S rivals secretary, la to take bis plsoe.
Ir. Munly baa many friends tbrouiihoiit
tbe state wbo will be glad to bear of bis
selection for this position.
Pam!. Another of those oocssiooe.
Iiiob act aa a stimuloos after a seaaon
of drudgery, ooourred at tbe residence
of T. A. ltbea oo last evening. Tbe
party was gotten upon abort notice, but
was folly adequate to revive ons's soolel
nature. After speoding a few hoars in
triumphant social enjoyment, whion was
dae to Ibe hosoltalitv of tha hoataae.
Thanks, Tozibb. Alvab W. Patterson.
first vice president of tbe Oregon Press
Asscoiatiou, and manager ot ths Hepp
oerGnzette Publishing . Company.' was
a frequent visitor to this office during
bis sojourn to this city Alvab is als4
tbe grand orator ot this domain, and will
make an able Pythian address at the
Baker City session next year. Tozier's
Pythias. .
Noiiob To the' members of the
Epwortb League, of the M. E. oburob of
Heppner, Or.: Inasmuob as tbere is a
large number of our members absent
from the city, and also many in tbe oity
wbo do not attend our meetings uor
wish to- identify themselves with ths
Liesgne, and in order tbat we may
straighten up our roll, we request those
bo wisb to retain tbetr membership to
oome and re-pledge themselves within
tbej next 30 days. After Feb. 21 those
persons only will be considered as
members whose names appear on tbe
roil. :' Higned,
7-10 - The Epworth Liaque.
' ' For Bale.
Ten shares ot stock in the National
Bank of Heppner. Address Richard T.
Cox, Reoelver, Arlington, Oregon, 64tf.
I hereby announce myself as a csndidate for
Mayor, subjeot te the suffrage of ths voters at
the coming municipal election to beheld In this
city Tuesday, February 4, lb6.
. i " ' Respectfully,
Miss Oura Rhea, an eieellaol laoch was
served. All bad ao in. metis time. The
few present were. Misses Laara Mntr
Jeooia Noble. Latie Faros worth and
Maggie Uoronr: Me sere. C O. Helm. II
A. Emereon. Clay Knlaom. Jaa. Herland
Ihe (tasetta s "B- E.
rrves ea tf
I was nervnns. tlrd, irritable, sod
eriiea. riari e tover wn in nau
"-..n. .k- ,li. kni.l Charley will 1 me well aod happy . Msi. E. B. Won
f""" ' .T"- ar t- k. W.lla h Wu.
appreciate call woee in paw. '
S 5fHIS isi shecphcrd-
cr who has been out
; . y four months, hut hc.
loooks like a new manO
now for he has been
dressed up at
Horner & Rhea,
firel NaUeeel Beb teHeief
PimrOLKiws.-TbrUststta ia named
to anoonnes me death or Uomer. II
eta oi year oiq eon or air sod Mr a.
Isaao Large ol this oily, wbioh
sorred yesterday morning about tffl
a, m., as a result of an ettat of sp aa
frvsr, atler a saf llluees of more than
i ores weeaa. rooerai aervioee war
ndoeled ly IUv. Howard, at M. K
eborob. H-ioih. this afterntx.a at t p. m
alter wblen ibe remains were interred
toe cmsury la this city. Tbe parents
neve the sympathy of all lo Ibis lblr
boor of bereavement.
Imase-riea Larries 1 he lertura bt
Ueo. M. Welstef, of Portland, at Ibe
opera bnnse last Tuesday evening on
Aleaia and lie Hnnder ' was eerlainly
a very leiaraetmg nse, Kvafy part wae
p-.rtrsyetl by ISllen lHu'tratlooS
which clearly pirtore-1 to lb aa llene
Ibe many wnbdets of Alaska, its lee
bergs, gold mines, seal fields, aativea.
their habile, Sostoaiea, et Tble sobjaot
le certainly an lotereetmg one aa Alaek
la an Amerleea poeeesslon. Tbe leelnre
wae rre tadev Ibe onepteaw of lte
A O. C. W. lodge, nt Arlingtoo. The
rvoeipts were shonl 11.
riser Rsrrat ioan Ci.cn -The Leg
lrta Hepublteee club ssel
Me li.ee I ay alUrnoon al Leiio(ka
uevVcm, lor ibe perpuae of re-iMaaelsiB
Tbe Mlnati.gt(rWre werw eelarled fr
ii,erei-g i wo tea's: W. B. Me At .
ptmt ; M.der Hill, ee't. Tho. liar
nftaadJ. WHlie wfe aleHt as
! d-l-a-ales In t Hlate ( lt C-nvefiloa
' lhtl ets le I'ort 10-1 Sell Week. This
ni"B"t wtnn ib anrrw eoueiy to
tiigsn te for it eeaairg eanoaign.
ty ol Morrow, State of Oregon,
J. H. Townsend.
..Plaintifr, . .
Thomas Walden. W. O.
ran, ueo. w. Harris,
Defendants. J
To Thomas Walden and G. W. Harris, Defend
In the name Of the RtAta nf nnumn vnn are
hereby reauired to appear and answer the com
plaint Bled against you in the Above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court towit:
Monday, the 2d day of March. 1896:
and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof
mo uiaimni win apply to the e -urt for the
relief demanded In said complaint, b-wlt:
Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal-don,-for
the sum of Two Hundred Four and
Sixty One-Hundredths Dollars In U 8. Gold
Coin, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent, pernnnnm, irnm tlrsflrstdrtvof Febrdary,
18S9, until paid, ami fur titc fu'rthur sum of
Thirty-Five Dollars, attorney's fee. together
witn tne costs and disbursements of this ult to
be taxed.
And that the mortuaee described In nlalnt.IIT
complaint be foreclosed and that the premises
therein described, to-wlt: the SW'X ot 8ec. 24,
lpl N, R 25 K, W. M., be sold to satisfy said
And that the said Geo. W. Harris and all per
sons claiming by, through or under him be
rorcver barred of all right or equity of redemp
tion in said premises.
This summons Is published by order of Hon.
Stephen A. -Lowell, Judge of the sixth judicial
district of the State of Oregon, dated December
16th, 1895. 1 J, N. BROWN,
3U9-412. Attorney for Plaintlfl.
fa a
Chr.nc in Eu:ir.c:: ill W!
ED. R.
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are beiDg sold below
wholesale cost Great disoounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hate,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
SUMMONS. . - . . ,
of Morrow, State of Oregon.
K. F. Hughes, PlaiuUtf,,
vs. y
Henry Kelly, Defendant)
To Henry Kelly, Defendant.
In the t ame of the Btate of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regular
term of said court, to-wlt:
The ad Da; of March, 1896.
And if yon fall so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in said complaint, to-wlt: Judgment
and decree agstnst you for the sum of to25.00,
with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
peranmun fiom the 12th dav of May, 1H92; for
the sum of 21.78, with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 20th
day of December, 1895, and $tiO 00 attorneys fee,
and the costs ot this suit. And that the mort
gage described in plaintiff's complaint be fore
closed and the premises therein, described to
wlt: theSU of NWU and nf NCUnl Hon
and of Sec. 23, fp. 2 8, of R 87 8, W. M., in
Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said
i n is summons Is published by order of Stcph in
. Lowell. J mine of tha Circuit Court m the
State of Oregon for Morrow County, made on
the 8th day of January, im.
4. n. BKUWN.
4-17. Attorney for Plaintiff.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
! Oregon for Morrow County,
M h Yn fat 1
of Oregon,, for tha County of Morrow,
Delia E. Weldbn, 1 .
Frank L. Weldon,
To Frank L. Weldon, Defendant.
in me name ot tne state q( Oregon
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
you are
and If j
Tha RtatA of Oreffnn S
W. Morrow County
Clerk of said Morrow
County, Oregon, and
the heirs ol Charles
Und, decessed. !
Defendants, j
Whereas, it has been satisfactorily made to
appear te the Court thatxin the Kith day of Jan-
, HUM In mmlA UmmA. OniMl. ...
Charles dud dtd InUistate-. that at tli,Um of
nis aeatn said Charles bind was unmarried and
left no children, or other heirs at law, and that
np to the time of the eomoisnrement of this
proceeding no person or persons have apr-earnd
claiming to be an heir, nf heirs, of said r
ei. That at tha time nf hta death as afo
said decrssed wss seised of certafn 'real estate
In said Morrow County, t-ealdes a considerable
amount ol personal prnperty. That altcrwarl
the County Court of Morrow Cnutty duly an-
twilnti-d administrators of the estste of ths said
riceaid. who duly qualffled and etiteretl upor
said trust, aud pmreeded to admlulatrr said
eatat, under the direction ol said (Tiunty Court
That on the Kth day- of f-emlier, l''l such
administration was compli-trd. and said a1mln-
IstraUirs riled In said County Court their atippb
mental final acroutit. bv which It waa shown
tha" there remained In the haris of such ad
ministrators, alter such administration was
fully enmple'vd. as thr proierty of said estate,
the sum ol V 01, which said suss ol money
wss, on said day. under the order and dlnu-tinn
ol said County Court, paid by such sdmlnlstraU
ors lo i. W, Morrow, t'lerk ot said County Court,
the above -named defendant. suMoct to the
further order of the said County Court That
sM mm of mnwjr has ever since Sf Id Itth dav
nf December. bwn, and now la. In the
hands of J. W. Morrow, and thai said Countv
Court has not made any further order In relation
thereto: and that by reason of auoh facta, said
sunt ot s"k 01 shoo I ewhftu lo, and become
the property ol. ibe fttata, and the Mute r-f
rsrn haa a right by law to aald sum of money
now in pniaraaion 01 Sam aetenasnt i. w. Mor
row, aa sfumatld. I
And It further aatUfarlnrtlr antwarlne la Ibe
roof, that a summona has laaued In this prn
eena. dim-led lo said dchndsl. J. W. Mor
row, nxiulrlna him. and the helra of the eald
Charlr Und dweaavd. to apprar and answer
ibe Information Bied huretn, wltliln the lime
limited by law In civil rears, and thai said
summons has been duly served ntein said
dcrrmlsnt. J. W. Murrnw, perwiually, In aald
Morrow (Vmnlv, Oreenn, sad lhal no betr. or
heirs, ol the aald barlea 1.1ml. dereaeed, al be
lu'Ki-IJIn aald County and etate '
II Is therefore hereby ordered lhal all persons
Interested In Ibe aald relate of Charles Und.
deeeaard. appear on of hefnrs the am day of
the nest rrsular Una M this fwirt. which Is
Ihs tret Mnnday In Marrh, I, to. wit. Hie
mil nay Ihereol al Het-pnev. In eald Morrow
County, and show reuse. If an they have why
the title nf aald eelale. ins In Ibe hands nf said
i, W. Mnrenw. ben( lbs sum ol t"V. 01, ahnuld
nol teal In the ftalnttfT Herein. Ihe Male ol
Hrewoo tl Is further nrdaiwd lhal th Is oolite
be piibll'bed rniranrS weeS Inrelanioeviitlve
Weesa In Ihe Hel-pner ItaMtte, a rIMef nf
feneral rlrrulatlon puhlUhed al Heppner, le
eei-i nrmw I imioiv. tragi in
wiliieas my band tMa iwhdsyef January
I aTKI'HKX . liri.l.
l- tlotult Judsa.
hereby required to appear and answer to the
complaint tiled agalnt you In the above eutlt'ed
suit on or before the first day of the next
regular term of the above eutltled court towit:
Monday, March Hd, 1890;
you fall to answer or otherwise plead tor
want thereof the olalntilt will annlv to tha
above entitled court for a decree dissolving the
uirrinKB uuiiiia now e taiing between you ana
herself, and also for a decree awarding the rare
anu custody ol the six minor children towit:
Delia ctitin weldon, Lilly boulse Weldon,
Inland Man lord Weldon.Frank Leonard Weldon.
George Irving Weldon and Pearl Weldon, the
una oi ram marriage to piaintin.
This summons Is mihlished bv order of Hon
Stephen A. Lowell, Judge nf the circuit court of
tne bis is oi . uragun, lor. tne sixth judicial
uiainci, aatea January sin, iwn.
I.U1.1N St LIUMt,
f04-17 Attorneys for plaintiff.
of Morrow. Hlate of Oregon.
neury nneeier,
WiUIsm Bremer,
, wife of said
WH'lam Bremer, and
Frank - llatiertuan, as
Receiver of the Lom
bard Investment Com
pany, a corporation,
To William Bremer, Defendant,
In the name of Ihe Mute ot Orreon. vou are
hereby reoulred to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In ihe above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regular
term oi saiu court, u-wit:
The ltd day of March, 1HI.
And If you fall so to answer, for want Ihereol
the plaluilfl will apply to the court for the re
llrf demanded In said complaint, to-wlt:
For Judgment and decree against William
Bremer for lb sum of t).l), with Interest on
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade
lilft flu thereof at the rate nf per rent per an
mi in irom tne not nay oi June, I
eat on f r thereof si ths rate ot S per rent per
annum iroin me nrat oay ot iieremuer. ims
with interest on f la thereof at Ihe rate of n per
rem per annum 'rum tne nrai nay at June, imt;
witn iniereei on (!.' there"! at the rate of a per
rem per annum ir-m me nrai nay oi iNvemtiee,
la-H, and lor a further sum to be detrrmlned br
the court as an attorney's fee, and for costs of
this suit.
Also lor a decree foreclosing tha nortnn
drarrllied In plalutlfTs coniplsliit, as lo all ths
defendants hen-la named and Ilia ssle of said
Mortgaged premiers In satisfy aald Judgment
. . .- - "
and out res
led by
Ihe flri nit Court
of the elate of Oregon lor Morrow County, dated
sanuary ata, ifr.et.
u. if. elm" end i. pkiiw is,
aM 17. - .. . Atuirnrya lor I'lalnliff.
kt rvmr.
Ilav e "(-e-1 a lrt Ui of avJMlata
fr-ein ihsi f.H a"ttaj early a ,s
Sptl. a ) I ! mk urn f. any r
nvW l.i.g Will I if Ihe peft eity day
Ineke Ile4 al af ay avi.aai.l a-ofk at
War. IT i I. Yisoaa.
F-eH t. Ms'l-. tits aefc't'd'eU U tl.
' e,i.ml- I b fflse .l ril s rwsmrdwf
I f re.1 1. as Ska-le t4 eTl".eM eo'fawf, a4
: i4 M Will be le e4eetd at e wttbnal
'asiM-a. aa a Lee as i--tis a I t tba
Oil., f.lenla. lb !-, arriresl
fr ea oiia4 leei A..iii.i ssKfa
lag. a4 aa sX'Sed latnlM ursa tielr
lb tt,in)s-iias) -l f lawaa eat h
old ef ai-d. tin ekef ail t
TJt THt nttrftTrofHT rod Till COIHTY
a m narrow, stale U'eguu.
Heery Hrppeer.
(Talk R. Adslna.
Teftark R A 4 tin defendant.
la the mim M ibe Mate art nreana. taw ere
bere.v ewutred I appear sod a Uie r-.m
4ainl tied acainel In Ihe ene rnlliiel
euli am nf Wfc.ee ll.e ana 4sy of Ibe aesl rrsjoasr
sana as mua snmrv w w It
The fad last Maeek. !
A ad It fnat fall ea as anew!. In went lbsn
Ihe s-talntlS? w appif I Ihn ennrt e
rvitef demanded In aabt mat.ialnl. W ell
S ).Me.e.,l leilMt raw I" le enm e4 OM
Tkaweand laMlare aMb Ineeteei ihee.m al th
rate "I lea w) eel ef a-a-m l-.,ni ibe s-a
daf nl Kmentbes, e, and sell sua aa Ihe
emtrt nay svt.vdge r..i,,e as ea ettet s
lew aS eoax an4 a ieh wnMU an4 l4 t'-S
brfe. n a4 a rertatn awlrw. eaeee4 t f
f-nn Sa aarnea Ike -r -.,.t , f iKe eon) a
aeeele-l a4 nwl4 la Ibe avoare rar-Ms
eats -.ii, tm Ibe r'lb ear nf Imewi,
tant la a n P ree M ad r-i.il-. the
Ml-"l-n 4Hri1la4 M-a See eSt T e ft
WWSMea, and e4 al
nee si 1 stiSk4 eg w a4 iSs a -4
aa magi, ,.), fp ti a as y s it
a4 luS (be aa-e ad said premtans Va SaUafy Said
this e-taaauei Is snb)tek,e4 b nrdef nf a)
mepKen s i. 4 eat4 enwrl, svs
am ta pva 4ay trf January. I
i m M'iSI
I Allnrnet M rielnUf
lulerrst aud mate
uminons Is publish
Htephen A. lwel, Judge ol
Notice of Dissolution.
lv ro t-ariurtalilp hareudcre eilstlng
tneen Invar Minor, Arthur Minor and rrank
Hngera, under Ihe arm pains of Minor A I n
dulug a general men-handles bualnee In the
Inwonf rppner, baa this rlay le-rn dlslvet
ht mutual roner-nt. rrana augers tisvlng nls
pnvd "I hi. Inlereet In the biielueas Uitlie oilier
mem tiers of Ihe U'm who a III mnttnue la
bislaeee at Ihe eame lee-atl-.n. rnllerl all debts
and Settle all accountant the aald n'm
. A Ht II I'M MIMiR,
raASK KtMiras
fmted at Heppner, Or , Jaa. , !".. 't 17.
Notice of Assignment.
NOTfrr, 14 tlRHTMr Ol VK THAT '1RO
rril and W p lell.perlnem doing buaim
al Heppner. Ilregfin. under the arm ttataeel
fell Pine . lists made aa alignment P.r Ins
beneni nf Ihi-lr rred -.
All t-ei'tea having claims sgali.et asld trm ot
fell H"-s era beret,, re.uied to pri-aenl Ihe
aame ! Ihe undmlgned aaalgnee. al Ihe I ml
katb.nal Pa-k of lt-t-pner. In M'rn.w I ounty.
lHn, nlibla tares) manias Imm lbs dais
Imied. Jaaeary J. Im
lr,l. ( iH, Amtgnew
I, ,,
Atbrtney fa Asetgnea. tt.
Notice of final Settlement.
Not ten t4 itrmeynivrt that thk
niMleraigne.1 adinlnleiratnf d Ibe ee'ate irf
lie-id b, Hat.lw.an li aae4 a III rtiaSe yinal
SaSliemenl rrf hts e"'Ml it ( e II h aald eetate as
s-a admlnleita . al Ibe nei term td Ibe
I n,nly I onri nf M . .f r mmt,, al Mi-fnrtr
iaregH, be am ten el llt--t. ite--n. I
eat-l I -iaiy, ea lbs l4 day ! Mat. b l
H II AMikKW aKitl
iMmri or tlamUU TIU.
ssmsnssa sSaSmmmSSrVtaaaS
paaled a Ike l b !. el Milfiea bear
ll.e Cef a a-ae ,
rMsst-iiD. rskTsiisia
a-iai in iwta aie tbe tm
ewaaea at. (. Meely, SU-e-nm S-bnaSl I tra
irai ltaaa, r , aS T w s era. it
ele MW. tbel WS be tbs net 4
i santa aae-e. t r a
leant '4 by
iatd t w
Notice of Intention.
I.sea Osrtra st It t.a.sbs riasn
J.-.-ia't II fa
K'oTi'f l ttratar i.ivis hist im
i V ..!i.,a.,f bme4 aett er baa (led nnlvw
n bl ,.lmu... b ne anal btd la StSpnrt
at Nianaix a4 Ibal aail at a am be w-e.li
beSo-e J s st rft-.e .i-iij I it al Mitpiet
lteg-M na raMnalf b. a. fit
ayajiwin m'. H4,
l Ibe '. n 1im Jan4
SSegae iftp I' K I H M
Me na.-e Ibe ...,..el-.g a teeaes b. pmee hie
aw,ia,Ke, reavlenea aia aa4 saitlrste-m al
seii land la
ahatimkl't J'sra T H'S Hai-r t long.
IWbewJ a-1 nf Hepf-iet li-.g.,
r. wliaMl
sta 4 keetews.
lie will make it an object for you to trade with
him aa his prices are right, and all goods that he
handles are of the very best.
on Main Street. Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Xnier, ----- Oregon.
"There is a tide in the affaire of men
That, if taken at He flood, leads on to fortune."
The flood is here and so is
' With a fall line of
Ilnrtlwnro. Tinware. GluHHwaro. Orookerv. Wood
r.rul WiUowwaro. CedftrTnbrt at Hedrock Pricen.
They run so light
1 bey rua off la the night.
Tbr only Eiclusire Hardware Ktore between Tbe Dalles and Fctidleton
Heppner, ... Oregon.
Cummings & Fall,
(tl tha Old Reliable
Gault House,
Helf blnrk west of Ibe t'nlna b-4 of C. B. a
U . ' . M 4 nt f . C A , ! ft w 4 I! ,
and UiSC at. t A f. Hallrmvla.
Cot . W. Medians) and Llltiloa St ,
CJSX3.ee.90. ZXeZa.
4 tolintlflfl AwarlcM
IV -jr f .
I U i T
TSadb aaaaa.
Claioai ssaraava.
f' b,bwalb end ree Hiellw.l a Mi. te
Ml k a III. ml be...ee.v, lis
fiUlM, bnteat f-W ae artag gaJeaat m AatertSb
S.erf t.u.i laSa net ! a. la be-M,bl bl-m
lee pairfte by a aw a) gl.ea frea W caarws la aba
f rirnlific werirau
ten al Hn-alelbm nf aa? a naUAe paeee Sa as
W.mI et.le4t.l r I'lataW ' P. latellif'ai
Snaa it be allbal It. We.. it, Sl SS.
iwtl t-aiaiM t ilim I Vn i ul,
rveuaaaaa, SSI Sevan a a, paw lata CUT,
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
mar rixrt iK. riu rmmf.
ft. Ttlf
l tbe bnaiaeae lawt aaSee iba Sim I Ttattrfi srTS l,t0 firrUS AT
1 I Ta Imiiea. I a Jav ! Mm
le beeeby gt.ea ibal gtaete i M4ir.nl Mi e
nee (a . baa a ia naia as it,ba b-a ba a-a I S
I -ml I bei.-.e ewels t l.'t nf stxmain.
I a .em It . a-til eee'a 114 aal b-Mlaeas al , al bis la Met. ..net. aa. nn Marief
f Ibe a- 1 J.ae-.m t- tH . I a S ea 4 wl't 5 fr,e lib 4ar M r '-- f ea, Iai t - i, e
I (at 1 l."t b areas S4 sajlaaiS si a el i-e'l -l Ibe M e-n.-l.
l-rlal ariiela tlnt'Waliiat1. efcaSn a 1 lssf . A, li, i l..e r e 1. . u. .K a-.-l 1 -. M - aw..
aWl-aeii', sW. dme aasealitaaJif. t-T.t.Vu! !"" s
I HU aft Aft aM . a 1 atl saTlA
All llear, cio tat J rorurrd at Tloro(iayin A liirjba, Ixiwrr Min 8trMt,
lllintr, Or'g'itt.
Tb se gei.llrnien are well e'nnelMed with ftranl. tlareey, f. Ol'llam a4 Maxf rnvbOas,
tmt ran ears iaey a--4 lima la call- f Ibeee sea lions alttj ttaoin g saen,
t-rtree la l lm wlia lbs limes
Li7xkTMr.r, t arnra m.
J. C. UOItCl J 10UH, Prop.
1 1 a 1 1 aaaaaataaaaaass
Keeps the Finest Wines Liquors and Cigars.
t " t""-- a, ew. waw
II SI aw a4 ewala bsaw.
SM j
V ww