Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 31, 1896, Image 2

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    Itioa was unanimously pass
ed: "Whereas, a small portion of
the people's party favored fusion
with other parties," it Bhoaldbe
resolved that the meeting repudiate
such an "unholy alliance," which
mieht be expected to "earn con
tempt and court defeat"
We desire to call the atten
tion of our readers to
our' weekly Washington letter
from the pen of Frank A. Feltret,
the humorous, forcible and logical
congressional writer. In the letter
in this issue Rep. Doolittle, of
Washington, certainly hits the nail
on the head in speaking of the
eood iudcment of Oregon, in fol
lowing the example of Maine,
Wasco county has increased
more in population in the past five
years than any other county in
Eastern Uregon. The increase
this county shows by the census of
1895 over that of 1890 . is 1,266,
Sherman county, which by eentl
ment and location seems still a part
of Wasco, is the next on the list,
its population having increased 689
in the same space of time.
It is decidedly unfair to charge
. I i L J -
any oi ine extravagant iwidb in
the laet appropriation bill
Secretary Kincaid. He had noth
ing whatever to do in getting up
that bill, and regrets many of its
items as much as the poorest tax
payer can. If it were not for the
secretary, there would be much
more waste than there really is
rom Multnomah county, are the
publishers. It is certainly an ex
cellent publication of its class.
The Gazette is in receipt of
New York and many other Eastern copy of the North Pacifio Farmer
states, oy retaining cer aeiegauon ftnd Stockman a paper recently
at Wasnington uty tor a numoer Portlad with w w
of years, which has resulted in her Baker afl editor Frank a Bakerf
receiving much better treatment formeriy Btat9 priQter, and 8. C.
in the matter of appropriations ana B h member of the Wislature
general recognition tnan many oi
her wealthier and more populous
sister states on this coast. Maine
has fouf congressmen. One is
speaker and the other three have
prominent chairmanships. As
Mr. Doolittle states, this is not be
cause of the superior ability of her
representatives, but because she
returns the same men term after
term, none haying served for a less
period than 14 years, while Senator
Hale has remained at his post of
duty for 25 years. As a result of
this long and continuous service
Maine's delegation bold the most
important chairmanships, though
comparatively a very small state
in area. This is a matter that
should be considered at the pres
et UU1UUU Burrouv iur ,.m
experience? Can we afford to
"swap horses in the middle ot the
stream?" No, by all meanu, no.
Let our delegation remain at the
post of duty. If the republicans of
the second district will give this
matter consideration Congressman
Ellis will be renominated practi
cally without opposition, and such
a selection would certainly be a
logical one.
The search for Sam Brown, the
Roseburg murderer, who escaped
from jail on Jan. 13th, has been
abandoned, as all are now satisfied
that he was drowned while attempt
ing to cross the Coquille river on a
log. This may be the case but it
doesn't sound very plausible. How
ever, an effort is already being
made to recover his body.
In this iseua the Gazette gives a
list of the possibilities for the dif
ferent municipal oflicos to be filled
at the annual elwtion to b held
next Tuesday. All are well known
to our citizens, being numbered
a t
among iieppnera Dullness men,
and sack selections should certain
ly be made from this class, as the
lift and wellfare of our little city
largely depends upon the good will,
interest and loyal support it re
ceives from the business element
of its population.
Hy mora than a two-thirds vote
of her taxpayers Heppner wss
bondl for a considerable sum of
money in the full of ".! A siuk
ing fund to meet this iuJtUvluM
must t provided for, as mutt also
a sufficient revenue with which to
coudact the city government IW
sequent! our municipal i .fliers
should be filled Ly representative
business tseo and Ui payers. Hum
oo whose) shoulders a portion o
the financial responsibility of our
city will rent However, all men
tionsd have tba necessary nullifi
cations, so the voters can tusks no
mistake io the selections.
A KVima c poMitulities are
dow being mentioned f,.r tli re
publirso congreiobtl nomination
la Ibis JiaUlcl This is tool ta-
cauM Kills lias but tnsJs a good,
faithful ana adits servant, bat
bocaoM many ars smlitious to
warm a congressional sett. Iti
Mm condition of affairs has eiUt
4 at lbs imi.uia conventions,
though ambiiioa las always faile.
to overrule fp ju lrun t, and
feel af to jiorf that lbs satus
ill Us tros tf tLis jrr's fxtiven.
lion. V. 11 Kilts is IbsKiraJ
man and will cetUiu! t r-tmU
M miox foody fpti!UU, is ses
sion at Palsta la. HaUrJa, deri 1.
4 nne.irBpmmSsiogty sgajost fas.
io, sad alt romrsen Ul their
tU central cjmrniUm f.f lbs
f.rta sUJ taken a-aioat fatUa ia
Toe populists of Jacksoo county,
Oregon, have issued a call for their
primaries and county . convention
to be held on the 9th and 16th of
February respectively. A peculiar
KMC lM w itAt-fwA tho eillfln.
of those days come on Sunday.
Gomez, the Cuban insurgent, is
reported to be dead, though the
report lacks confirmation. If the
telegraph lines have net worked
better in this instance than they
have io the past in reporting the
victories (?) by Campos, all would
do well to await confirmation.
Lloyd Montgomery is to be
hanged today. This fate is cer
ainly what he deserves, and if
Sheriff Qathcart will fish Murder
er Brown's body out of the Coquille
river and hang it anyway the wish
ot the people will have beea car
ried out
Tni population ot Oregon, ac
cording to the census just coin
pletod by the county assessors, is
162,762, au increase of about 13
er cent over the government cen
sus ot 1890.
Kx-SfiKiurr Smith, of CUtsop
county, who tnytorioun!y diitap.
peared tbreo months ago, has re
turned to Astoria, lie says si
ccsNiva driuk caused him to run
Viv, vigor and VMeline juli
a a a
Cioiuiy Usil wouKI giv Heppner
and surrouudiog country a spiing
IxHtrn. Yes let each greas np lis
joints and cipeuJ Lis energy.
From our Special Correspondent
"Oregon sets s sbining example other
western states woold do well to pattern
after" remarked Rep. Doolittle to me
daring a reoerjtcoo venation. "When ber
people send a mm to oongrega they
generally keep him here tor some time.
Senator Dolph served twelve years,
Senator Mitobell baa seen almost
eighteen veare of service, Mr. Hermann
is in bis sixth oonaeootive term and Mr.
Ellia in his aeoond. The oonseqoence is
that Oregon bas received maon better,
treatment in the matter of appropriation
than ber wealthier and more populous
lister, California. The value ot a con
gressman to bis state increases with aice
otservioe. Of course I want you to
understand" and Mr. Doolittle laugbed
as he said it, "that this conversation bas
no personal bearing, bnt as s general
proposition it ii bad polioy for the state
to play the pari of capacious bouse'
wife who tarns sway a partially drilled
servant one day to take a raw one the
Oregon in this, baa followed some.
what the example if Maine and other
Eastern states. Look at Maine, s email
atate that haa played s most conspicuous
part ia the affairs ot the nation. Wby?
Not because ot the superior natural
ability ot ber representatives, but be
cause she returns the same men election
after election. Senator Hale haa been
25 years in congress, Senator Frye 23
years, Speaker Reed 19 years nod ber
three other congressmen over 14 years
sod by reason of long aervioe have tbe
moat smportant chairmanships in tbe
bouse. As s result abe not only makes
a conspicuous national ngnrs nut sue
gets a larger share of the appropriations
than perhaps any other atate,''
Tbe following billa have been passed
by the senate on motion of Senator
Mitobell: Bill refund! Jg to William A.
Starkweather 82170, paid out of his
private pooket for neoeasary olerk hire
while register ot land office at Oregon
City; bill increasing the pension of Mrs.
Mollis Orandall, widow of Capt. Clark
P. Crandall to 120 per month; bill grant
ing tbe aged pioneer, Peter Orant Stew
art, 97,600 for property owned by him
near the mouth of the Columbia and
appropriated by the government aa a
reservation 41 years ago; bill to sp
propriate$461 02 for W. L. Adams, found
to be due htm sa oolleotor for port ot
Astoria, on settlement of bia aoconnts;
bill extendi ig time for construction of a
bridge aoroes tbs Columbia; bill allow
ing certain purchases of forfeited rail
road grants to aeon re title by paying tbe
difference between the pnos paid to the
rsilroad snd that asked by the govern
ment. Tbia ia In lios with tbs bill
passed s week sgo bjr the bonse snd
seo ate. Mr. Elba baa seen tbe chairman
bill on ths same matter sua nks uMi
promised sn early report. Ds will try
toanapend the rnlea snd pass it next
week. Ths secretary snd land com
missioner bare boib promised to reoom-
mend its paasage. ' Congressman Her
mann appeared before lbs Interior Dept.
this morning snd signed the right of tbs
Indian war veteraoa to pensions. He
expeots s favorable report. Hs slso
argoed before tbe treasury department
in favor ot tbs bill establishing- lisht
houses at Hinslaw and Tillamook Bay.
tie bopea for favorable action on tbia
matter. Tbs chairman ot ths house
commeros eommittee baa promised Mr,
uermann s favorable report on tbs bill
exteodiog tuna for construction of lbs
Colombia river bridge.
Hen. Meliride yesterday mads s favor
able report of Ihs most Impnrtsnt of all
lbs land bills oooneoled with foifeited
grants before coogreea. Tbs bill is to
rofond to parobaae rs of ths government
land tbe $1 28 per acre they paid with Iba
understanding that s railroad was to be
eonairacted by tbeir land. Tbs govern
O3oi afterward lor relied tbe grants t
tbe rellosls sad redaaed ths prloe to
tbs original 11.23 per sere, bnt It reUine
the sdditmeel II 23 per acrs it enaoM
from tbe Brat partbaaers notwithstand
ing it b tio bark tbe grants sod
prevented tbs fooulf oo:l n of Iba roada.
Has. tJitebetl Ijlrmtanej tbe bill early
ia Ibe eloa sod Ho. MeBrlde bee
bees sealou io bia effutts to have lardy
jiielks done Io thee people from boin
tbs gnwrnmii obtained mnoty noder
fals prrlnsfs. Hni qVu. lUrry,
A a a .
urmucrsi, uim Aistfctaa. or so tut
raD no one prrUn.U to noJtrataad,
Diorieti me e'titi,irrini aod paeseg
of Ibtbi'l.
Fains A. TsLTSsr
Wismius. l. C., Js. 23, 1H".
Fftcu aid Fixarf fur fatare
Tbe census relnros are abpot all. , in
from tbs different' eonnties and will
show a total ot abbot 362,762 according
to tbe enumeration of 1895. If such are
the figures it will be interesting . to
asoertain what . s reapportionment of
senatorial and legislative districts io
atrict acoordanos with constitutional
prescriptions would briog forth, v" . ' '
At the population given for. ths whole
state, a dietriot would require
population tor one senator, while a
representative would' require half of
that number, or 6,047. From the nature
of Oregon's population, scattered in
plaoee in small numbers over the .wide
areas, it will be found impossible to
sdliere atriotly to, the foregoing ratios,
and tbe tendency would be of coarse to
give the counties large in ares and
email in population tbe benefit of the
tractiona. Thia tendency would inevi
tably result io shortening the represen
tation of the more populous sections.
Following are tbe figures of total popu
lation tor tbe counties so far returned at
the state bouse:?
svD. VauJJrini.xa-i.Ma
Successor to C. a Van Duyn. Hext door to City Hotel. -
Has everything in the line of Fresh groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Editob Qaziitb:
It has been some time since I bave ,
seen anvthinff from Black Horse canyon,
and perbapa you thought we were all
rone to narte unknown. Bat no, we I
still live and are doing th best we oan.
urA luBiiiltnl wMthAP anri IhA
beaJthiegood here. Only two sot h Ui- L rimrloTO NninnC a SnecialtV.
good health are eo far koown: urnaujiuor io uuijJiviu . . ... . . i -
ma uonerty ana uranama ixenirj.
Well aioce oar eabool has closed, time
seems Jo drag. We bad a good school
and we oan't irive Mr. John lloraor too
much praise for bia untiring efforts to
have bis scholars advanoe. The last
day's exercises were good and entertain
ing, and I think Mr. Hornor is inclined
to visit Blaok Horae since bis school
has expired.
January 22nd was Grandma Gentry's
81st birthday.. Her children, grand
children and a few of her neighbors
ffdlhered at the home of ber son. F. M.
Gentry, snd spent a pleasant day with
ber and bad a fine dinner. After dinner
we bad a few songs, and then bidding
each other good bye, all departed for
home, thinking It waa gooa to oe tnere.
Black Hobsh, Or., Jan. 29, '96.
Colombia. .
Oooa.... ...
Carry.... .
Grant ..
For the Cure cu
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It it located at Balem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast
Call at the Gaibttk office lor particulars
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and iur
:.. 6.061
....... 2r,253
..... . .1,916
A Baby's Life Eaved.
"My baby bad croup and waa saved
by Sbiloh'a Cure," writes Mrs. J. B.
Martin, of Hnntsville, Ala. For sale by
Wells A Warren.
IONK nms.
Jackson .13.017
Josephine. ..
Lake. . . .-. . .
Linoolo.'. , . .
Lion. ,
Sherman . . . ,
Ir 1 troMeil to unseat (our
tlemorratio utmbrrs t( Iba Ken
allB. S a
lursjr legislature, wuo art claimeu
U U insligitlt to ofur. aul thus
adlls tbs scsttial contest
The slats club convention to ts
Let J iu l'iirtlaul neit week tom
ie Ui ( a very interesting meet
log. anJ ft Isrgs atteu.laocw u ao
tioi) atvL
111 t
Cult r' IUiD has ilivUeJ Dti
to rail ao ettra setoa c-f ths leis
Isturs as j.uMie sebtiment it etrnr,
If against such artino.
Tni Caealiao editors ars full of
fk'hL However, it is litl list
they will wait until llrgUoJ ksa
ilrxlarcl war.
Beautiful spring weather, tbia.
Many farmera are active iu turning
over tbe soil.
Tbe squirrels have appeared npoo tbe
scene and are enjoying themselves as
well aa ever.
Ed. Keller visited Heppner recently
and filed on a claim north of lone on the
billa. '
Born To tbe wife of Fred Baleiger a
12 pound eon. Mother sod babe doing
Prof. Gilstrap, of this plaoe favors ne
with a good aermon. every two weeks
daring bia atay. He ia a good speaker.
Private telephone linea bave been in
Attorneys at ivaw,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public snd Collectors.
F Mr. Columbus were alive to
day and called at Mat Lichten-
thal's he might make a new discov
ery quite 88 memorable aa that of
1492. Chris was a great discoverer
in his day. He would at this time
discover the finest stock of Shoes
and the
ever shown in Heppner,
snoceasfnl operation for sometime in our cheaDeBt a8 well. What more does
mortal man want r
Umatilla !. .12,561
Wallowa ...3.671
Wasco.......;.; 10,854
Waabington. . .'. .14,562
The oounties ot Douglas, Klsmatb,
Lane, Union snd Yamhill are not given.
The reader can easily determine from
the loregoing figures of population and
the districts -as at present apportioned
were tbs loaa snd gain won'd be by s
new apportionment. Crook and Gilliam
ooaotiee, which now bsvs ons represen
tative eaoh, might be thrown together
for one; Grant would loss ber represen
tation but would retain ber joint repre
sentative with Harney; J&ckton wbiob
baa three, would probably loss one
Morrow, 'wbiob bas one, would be mads
nart of s Joint district; Umatilla
woold beoome part of 's joint 'district;
Polk, whiob has. wo, would probably be
given one snd a joint interest in soother;
Washington would bsvs one of ber three
made a part t s joint distriot; Clatsop
would almost bold ber two; Claokamaa
would gain is half interest In sn ad
ditional ons,' Douglas would likely loss
one and perbapa asaiat Coos snd Curry
in electing two, for which tbey bsvs not
snongh people between them: Linn
would bold ' ber tbres sod Marion ber
five by s oloae shave, while Mnltnomsb
would gain six on tbs faoe of tba returns.
In senatorial distriot wonld oocor the
greatest revolution. Several sounties
now eleotiug a senator for each wonld be
compelled to join foroes snd very fe
weald bold tbeir ova, Tbs snbjeot will
make at interesting study for Ibe speoo-
lalivs. II will take bat s abort lima in
diaoover that tbe re will be great reins
lance to make a reapportionment nntil
tbe thinly settted portions of lbs- state
mi op wiin people.
roManpllo ke CarH
bv Ibe ne of ehilnb'e Care. This great
uuirn unreis ins only knows remedy
f-r Hint terrible dieeae. For sals by
It It a n. '
rue m w erren.
towo. Ons from Haney's drug store io
hia home and another from tbe Sams
plaoe to tbe auloon.
Mensra. Ed Keller and Ed Glock bave
formed s partnership snd have sent for
s car load of lumber in order to build a
nsw blacksmith shop at Ions. Xbs new
blacksmiths will bs ready tor work early
in tbe season.
Our new Coogregstional minister will
soon be hare to preach for ua snd sleo
hold revival meetiugs In our town, (o
last for some time. Tbia ia something
we have long needed snd hope tbe
meetioga will be maob encouraged by
oood attendance. All are cordially
invited to bear tbs gospel preached.
i ACS.
Jan. 27, 1896. :
The Old, Original Shoe Merchant.
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. .
Custom Work a Specialty. ...
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office.. .. . .
i How's Tali!
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for anv oese of Catarrb that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Oars. '
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO. Props . Toledo,
Ws tbs undersigned, hevs known
F. J. Cheney tor the last 15 years, snd
believe bim perfeotly honorable in all
business trsnsaotioos and financially
labia to oarry out loy obligations made
West m Truai, Wholesale UrCOiisia.
Toledo, OV Welding. Kinoan k Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists Toledo, Ohio.
Hall s Cwtarrb Curs is takeo Inter
nelly, soting directly noon tbe blood snd
muonua aurraoee of tbe system. Prios.
75 cents per bottle. Hold by sll drug
gists. Testimonials free.
ty ol Morrow, State oi Oregon.
The Northern Counties
Investment Trust,
Limited, Plaintiff,
O. W. Stewsrt, James n.
Hamilton, O. W. Har
rington. Addle Parvln
and J. N. Brown,
To O. W. Btewart and James D. Hamilton,
ruu rv
In the ab.ive entitled
m mm
In the name of the State of Oregon, toi
vo'i in tne ao.iv
ult on or belore the tint day of the next regU'
hereby required to appear and antwer I
plaint niea auxin"
Uvly as S I'liettl.
Altbosgb la lbs first inaUnes m
singgib M a l-rtolae, tbe kidneys be
come as lively a s erkket when
healthful Impales is gives to Ibeea witb
iineteiiiKe niomaea uitiere, a prv
molef of aetivily In ibees organs wblrb
eonolerMM s leedenry to I heir lethargy
and diseaee. Ieaelloa of Ibe kidneys,
il bool4 bs remembered, is tbs Bret
alase of Ibnee dangerous renal matatiee
anainst which the reareof medieel
aien s are loo ones tihaoatwl ra vaio.
I'er,: la foreatailed by Ibe HtiWfe, wbleb
averts Urtghl'S dieeaee, d label, dropay,
gravel ana in iraabiee artxog tf m s
ek Madder, taially eftWexilnns t
tl In rheeklag sod eradioalieg aaalarial,
biiiosa and sarvnos ai'macU, dyspepeis.
oneiipaims srni rnenaausm. Appw-
itie ab.i sleep are lesproveil sod eoata
leeeeoM iaeteed by lie beneneieet
aeilus. Ciiberwbes heal lb Is elisMiy
or acrioasiy impeirea, lbs veins of I his
feal-r alive snd preventive enedielse
la speedily made SiMtfeat.
' Are yos Made
Miserable by Indigestion, Constipation,
Dimness. Loss ot Appetite, Yellow
HkinT Hbilob'a Vitaliser ia a positive
ours. For sals by Wells k Warren.
PsccLUi Cass Tbs Und office at
Tbe Dalle bas just received s decision
from Ihs Interior department is raiber
s peculiar oase. It la one In wblrb
Lew a O. Baker, oo Angnst 21. 1891
filed a eooteat against John Hperry
Shortly afu-rwerd Baker became Insane,
and waa eoofined in Ihs aaylnm. VY. T.
Weeka Ibeo appeared snd filed s ens
teal for Ibe la'id in enntroverey. The
department bolds thai Baker's laaanity
wa oot s bar to bta prosecuting bis
elalm, snd dismissed Weeks' oass.
lar term ol the above entitled court, to- It;
Moaday, the Sd day of Barf h. 189",
the plaintiff will apirtir-iA"i m t&f rfi?i
relief demanded In aald complaint, to-wlt:
A decree for the aum of One Thousand Dolla I
sold coin with Interest thereon at the rale of
eight per cent per annum ,f rom the fln, day of
July, low, until wld. For the sum of alx and
Fifty-two Hundredths Dollars with Intereit
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the nth day of Janna y. iwii. and the sum
of One Hundred IXtllart, attntney's fee, and
coma aim aiRDiiniemeiiia oi inn suit.
AIo for the fonx'luaure of tha mortxanei
eon ted by defendant O. W. Stewait to secure
the peyment ol the same and conveying liWu
of theHWi Hec. ). TheWUof th NWi,, the
Ks of the K' and the N' of t is HK( Kec.
;ll,and lhaHVit4 of therlW of Hee. r.i, all In
Tp mth of Range 2 E. W M., for the sale of
aalil premlaea ana for Judgment ana execution
aaalnst the defendant O. W, Htewait for any de
Aclency whlrb may lemaln a.'.er applying the
proceeds of the aale ol aald prei.ilae In tayment
of the aliova named mm, anu for alien litrther
relief aa la demanded In plalntlTa n,inllnt.
Ihla lummona la pul.ll.lid by older of Hon,
Stephen A. Iwell. )ndga of the alith Judicial
dlatrlrt of ths State of Uregon, daterf December
la IwA I nj kUitiLii
?J-4ia. Attorney for Maln'tiir.
Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. :
Touriat 81eepers and Free Reclining Cbair
Cars DAILY to Chicago.
Many hours saved via this line to Eaitera
c. a. a.
eays: 'Hbilob'a
raptala Sweeay
flea Piego, Cel..
Calarrb Itemedy ia Ibe firal medicine I
bave ever fonod. Ibal would do me eoy
gond." Pries 30 eeols. For aale by
Wei's A Warren.
O le roan row strayed sway last sum
mer branded II W oo light aide. $3
reward la offered to seven delivering
her l First National Baak, UepTtier.
Or, or lo Mr. Kmms Welch, si Mon
meot. 40611.
Nsw Fssd Tabd Wra. Qordoo has
opened np lb feed yard Belt done la
lbOas4ie ffllie, and sew soiioile s
snare of yonr patronage. Duly la rlgbl
Sl bom SI Ibt boaleeaa, and your
hurae will b well nk4 aflee. I'rlOe
raoBbl. Ilav and g'ais fif al. f.
alaey merehatila are well war thai
Ibeir SMlnitief are Ib'tr bal frlekj
Sd take plraaare in ep.l)lo Ibeiu
Hh lb be I (als fhiatuabU. Aa an
Instant w dIi 'ry A Cameruo,
proaamrnl drggila .4 tlnablog, Miehi
gas. Tbey say: MWe bave so hesi
tation la raoea1ihg Chamberlain's
ragb lUmedy ht ear eaetneaer, a II la
lb bMl ngs toediei bav aver
"ld, s Sd always give Saltafall.!."
re sal sl fiO seals per buitts by 1'bill
Uoba, draggiel.
raianaso wits Hrsviaaus -A lei.
t'am in re4tel Wednesday morales
by Ti.onias J. Mesas fmra I'natilla
;lg Ibal Slell l ialey bad bees .-i
- - --- c awn, vairn aa mi
died Ibis alag Mull 116 ley waa V lt Id Ibal lb e late I are
the daughter f Mr as I Mr. J. r, I th" mt "'! aJ.d" V. UkS
r.nS.t Ths ibt la a. I M. HI-S.
f.a'ey U sow la M .'. Mb
W'AITFD -eral truelaanlir tee
? e U lle a Ira.el la oren. ! eXabitok.
d. reliable Iwim eatary m n4 : Ir-"'
Mea-lv rliia CnrM r'eer d if ad
Jr. hi I Mampd eaM'i Ik knanloioat'
,-mf, Iblr4 lou(, lMai SuUdiag. t bb-aaok
I.L av.il.
Ts Lata-r -The -eg aladlM I
Ibe Uhaal eeb againsl lb tferula
farmer. A man representing biasaelt as
S siamaj fuf s wbaleaai ban I
doe tbe farmer to boy a bill t4
refiM fuf wblrb b agrees lal
( pyk. "T keep lb mailer
Ira iM" b tarsset s gee agreeeaeat
ab. q order fat lb 'nr-w. Tt
eaieem st4s a agraeaaael that he
ill ! lb est. Tb grveertaw fail
n but lb frv order U p
r I a n
Wniji pn Uk aa leteresl in
four town joa riraQii lilts is.
yra ei.f, Mr Mean will go ds tu
t'il a I .ia aveeu.g -K O. M a
f lulry IMI beiea at . A. 11 U'la,
f tbi .tf, b-r b Viil f. erl
.K,lt4 Ibw fall sad )- all M lb
lief; 6er ab.l lief relaltre sad
sm yesag Me.U
I ae-l I leers vl ber
m Sal Sy M tbe aM tut
Iyer's H-pwi!lasiJ -ys the itrre
dy 4 alU,o Mv.telbeif
NUhmI r.iSe Hnx klhi lb
Weld's la'r, Vh0gx Maasfaelarer
4 Wber eaapiil agM tjr ,m.
eto,U , oflbelr (onj,
ImI lsv war all tr4 ss e lb
Mar-l ner Wet j SPile ml b rl MH I Iieg lb
SPsiaisiSAToas buiiri
I nl M..rm,MataIOr..a la lax aeliet
evf I he eaiaM e4 TkeaMa Br,li. derwanl
ytola M Ifcnia Beaataaa raait. nir
la rteeet, gieeej ay ike a4emt n4 a4ailnt
I'.li4 4 IS ! nf Tkona SennianK, 4e
r. 1. fci lha eradiiae M, ani ail fwam
kaiM-g. eil aevlit. IK M Swe.. k
e.kli.ll lbw Ilk Ik ' i ify rkrt
H'-ln ' e"'k e Ik rm aahlk-allM. mt
l tn lie el4 4ailal.ab4 M kl
e.ra.illMmM, l MIV Mb
t r . kM aii.rti.ey el kte laietlng
ton, Mimim ewnif, urr-n
HiakV rttBt
A4lMeaaV mi t mi tbaJ.a Beaut-
tS: 4 aw1 sMswt
iiau4 Mei-. n.;. r. tA. ) It.
In th ciarriT coirt forthe coc.itt
of Morrow, MUt of Orecon.
ioaa w. i,roDy,
rial nun-,
Alexander uraham,
Oraham, wife of aald
Aleiander lira ham,
Th Nailonal Rank of
Heppner, a eorpora
tion.and Frank Haaer
man, a Herelver of
th lmlard inveat.
ment I nmpany, arnr
tmratlun. Ilefwrnlanta
To Aletander liraham. fiefendant.
In the name nf th MtaU of llregnn, yo srs
hereby miiilred tnappear ved anr lha mm.
plaint filed ! t v.mi In lh alMira entitled
ran, on or nefnr th (M dy of the neil
regular term oi in above iiillle4 court. Io-ell:
MaeSay, Ibe U Say 1 Marrk, ISM.
And It ton fall ao lo aner. for want theienf
Ihe plalmlg alii apply In the court for the relief
demanded In aald mmplalnt. In-ll:
n.i(meni ai-H flerree avalnH to lor lh
nm nl Ikii os oiik InletMl there., al lh rale
of el. hi percent per annum lha tharMti
of Julr. i-Mt and for a reaarxiaMe inn to be de.
termlnmt ty lh enurl a an alloror s tee, and
hit nwt m inie .u II.
Aun Ut a derree forwtialng a morlgate mad
by you on th f.ui( 4r-rih premte-a.
ettaiatMt In at"fen coiinlv. Oregufl, l-l
the of ertlM a, T'-an.hlp (orth of
Ban ?t KM Vtlliamelb. M.rl.ll.n i..
I corded la Ihe NmMi of amrt ol 4rMinty
in fc t . pace . im. a an. at . a In ail
Ik dolerxteat kereia baiaed. and In la aai
ol al4 peernle- to milit eald Jndgmcal sod
dernm, InlereM vtmtt (nd aibrfney a fen,
Iki eiamnn. p.ibll.hed by Her of
Mephen A tawell. Jo ft o ih Intuit t ouit
at lh llot llrvf,, ,K Mto iUDlr,
U n day of iannerv. av
J. n, Suoen a4 O O. tt.U
Altorneva M Fuinllg.
spsixurnurau Hour g,
1,"TTS Or Jt art a BgAMAV. Mrgtn
I t . beiel.r flten, Ibat Wlleea ol ,.
tlnlMrallon a lb eviat e4 JimM.i Beaa.
,'e-l. "ere graated In lh avl-rl( .t on
lklhiHdy mi Jcauarv. I"", bv Ih I onl
i.nlrt..i eonniv. All aeann hartng
eiiaM alr4 aald ! are ril.ed bs .
biMI Iheoi ba a br aib.ane. at tmf kaM la
pie. a Hot nr, ithia at atomha mu
ih.4.it Ibla aMb a tbey aba, I b toreT.f
Iki r4 4y mi Jaaoa'y l
m e- A4aiaiMfint.
Ttachtr$' iamnaton.
Noin t i mmr uivfs vf ra
ba mm. immmmim ' ..imimaal
e'l fmnmm k e.-e le-ee'. -a aa .tt
fim mm 'mm m t ml ,-e mr . I . pm.i
. i.ltiilil i irwra .( -.-
.m inicu.l m erf ko 4 a-ab.1
i.i m i " el t wuH k ! Mm F'.
efl g r.k t;.k. ,
immd be J I1
J Batst-.t.
-p r. au. bri.a..i.,i.
Aimiiti$trator'i Motta.
4 fmm 4 baa tea l
Tfe !! r a sr to
-e 1 1, f i a .. ttef
. I rilw I Uenf ml ay f'S StrNMtUlt waa
r-gjia :ta .0- u ljl.., .-.-...
- e;w i ea'..pa
m4m4 4alftW
MM mt lb iil) It Ml 4wl
( 4. I be rt mi Ummm l m-mim ml
aa m M
lll -r. !
fill as Se4 S Pll IK-dieta,.
" "a-- Ki.. .... i,j j .
If n !, at regyia. ' ' "T. - "
ft a Mrs Is tb eb4 a Pea
fiaakl daBred ilb I1ialalli'i
-at ll ) nj r4 eve lb ! r '- r-ggia ( ... -..
(lb m.. aj aaHrfbet M lb barb I le"b M f 1. but if 'gg..r ! "
Ulaeeai Ih alxwl tara. will fT.r4 rle diM lb lb. kt Mnl llil
Tkuj as Mrl:!r Valval 4 I --, l4b. Il4be, ed ail lb
bar lb at re4 by a 44 aa l J "I " - !.! bear
. , . I . . . ... I mi if BisajA, ia. Lavtf tLMm.lm mm!
gae ew trv fkUl U be, rtr Hwla lte s 0e.
TV Sm4
lafliinVa Cue.
4are.aa. fit"
raaeb far
A St4J enajgb as
-lr4 - mail mmm be
aeelli.- I B Boab la 1 1
4. ta4. Ul'bl t ae..ks leva Seat
k -
1-mmM Iki Umt Sag ml J.a taaa
ruin a i-p i tt
1 ev mmmm
Any mmt 4.
1 M
b st tmm
rf l;i BaJ I will e , $,m rbaaa. W
grata. bH Bra ajarkiM Sua.aav
lee-t Id , F" fartkeay f.e
ter ca t SlJ'aa V A laa.
leStA) tJraayaS.
W'AVtrtl -aeeeeal .
f ef 1 to b.'l U
e4 leiaV be
mAmmtf ewlila.
, t ei.
y. Iklrg
iartky tvaiteiaea
u.eia l" eeleb.l.k.
aaiere I m mmA m .
t r i,mm uleeve a4 ail mA.
fd eel.xi 1 he IM.I.MI i oe..
thvmt, tMaab SwU4lb t klnrt,
R. H". BAXTER, Gen. Agtnt.
Portland, Ortgon,
J. C. HART, Agtnt, Htppner, Oregon.
Your Face
rni b etb1 wHhj a eaMl aagagiag
aaU. Sitae vwai lavaat I) a
Tbs Baaat caaplrt and fal oVvka gajag
444 t aa- brwieg saatkia .
Cartily si HtsdMaiily Isflt,
8f risi rislib as6 fsrtsel Atfgitsss1,
laws AU ttwakls Arlislst,
Aa4 ia sere sad pteaa jo p u lbs full
kaut of yteag ipeUUoeA.
Acms DsAissa Wawtso la aoor
4 kemiory. LiUrsJ Ursa. Addrtaa,
II begaa bi baxf
veil bf fUihg tmtrj -
IM I ba .fc.wi ve.a.iM
rnr mrmf. mmt aaaol I e .
kMa a4 a4
a. a vbeeav
Paai-wa yW pbaa sS
rirrv i Ini iaiail
B lai fauiiaiu kei n
a--- - aaft a .
I V I ewe mm a,... bb,
I I I ' ba Mai.Jeraa,
1 1 1 ksrenma. aran. aaa S
II tt Mavl, Iba) tSekvelal ,
b f ad sl bta farUea, M a' U I ,
bar ba 1U dipae pm u
Vbwfaara, birta.
(-. aa I aaa-Ma-v at.a.a.4 aa an Fee.
" Bw aj.e.M r. .a
vmm ,e oeaaateg w, . eev
' B'lea U(feaj
S -, 4b aUeet.
W J a. M rMta a-a. ai
' fa a-4 b.l i.nel --i
a ee
mm mi a
eg, " H- a Wa r. ..-
a. M
U. S aaS I
aea )m.
aaeaa t
i. W. Kara, il nia mBU, bt
Kt sll ki.d .f pa.tli- 4
Prr bb,rg a. 4 w,l 4 .mM .1,,.
4 b4 4 earpet.
tMM ill ba) emi S
W, - -. U b, a . 'mmmrnm