Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 28, 1896, Image 4

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Wails you aaep 7 oar sabsoription paid up yen
eankeep your brand in tree of chargs.
Alljn. T. J., lone, Or. Hones 6(i on left
shoulder; cattle earns on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row oonnor.
Baird, D. W. and eon. Horse brandd D B
nn the Ifift hin: oaitle the same on left flank.
crop off light ear, undercrop in the left. Range
in morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horsss
branded 1 E on either shoulder. Bange in Mor
row oountv
Bannister, 3. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
i 6d B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
' Brenner, Peter, lioosebarry Oregon Horses
branded PB on let t shoaldor. Cattle same on
Brosman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horsss branded 7
on right shoulder; catiie a on me mix siue,
i r half nmn and riirht AAr nnner elotte.
Roriim Wm-. Hnnnnar. Or. -Horses. J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
6&ch OAT
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, eirole
C withdotin oei ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Drown. W. J.. Ijena. Oregon. Horses W. bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same 0:
Rmmr. W. Q.. Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; eaftle. same on leiiiiiu.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle, .TB connected
it aiAa nmnnn left ear and two SDlits and
middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Bange in Fox valley,
Grant county, , .
Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand
ed O on right stifle ; oattle (three oars; on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear.
OMnt anH Hnm, AnnntiaA.
Caln.E., Caleb.Or.-Y D on horses on left stifle
TJ with quarter circle over it, on lert snomaar
and on left stifle on all colts nnder 5 years; on
loft nhonlder only on all horses over 5 years. Ail
range in Grant oounty.
f..t f!ha. K.. Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
v.... Mn-nw nH Umatilla counties.
Corrigall, M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop out
of each ear and nnderbit. wattla in forehead;
horses half circle 0 on left stifle. Kange Mor-
ow and Umatilla oonnties.
Curl, T. H John Uay, Or.-Double cross on
each hip on oattle, swallow fork and nndei bit
In right ear, split in left ear. Range In Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shonlder. Ear markou ewes prop on left ear
pnnohed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
riant and nnder half orop in left ear. All rang
in Grant oonntv. .
n.b k T I .ana Or. Horses. 80on nghtshoul
dsr; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
orop on len, ana sum m n'"
Cnrrin.B. Y., CurrinsvUle, Or. -Horses, on
left stifle. -. , . ...
Cox Ed. B., Hsnlman, Or. Cattle, C with
E in oenter; horses. CE on left hip.
Cochran, II. E., Monument, Grant (,o , Or.
' Horses branded olrole with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman. Or.-Horses branded
O on right hip. Cattle brawled the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same
brand on right shouldor, and cut oft end of
r'5)!ra"ass. W. M . Oalloway. Or.-Cattle, B Don
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, H 1)
ElyBrwi.. Douglas, Or. Horse branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on leftlnp. hole
'"EmerVlc'Xnardman. Or.-Horses hranded
a (reversed C with tail on left shoulder; chU
esame on right bio. Ilange in Morrow connty.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.-lattle, LF on
right hip; horses, 7 with bar nnder on right
,hF?orce. B. P. Heppner. Or.-Horses. ,F on
right shonlder; oattle, Fon right hip or thigh.
Wry. Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horses branded K.
B with a quarter eircls over it, on left stills.
Kange in Morrow and Umatillaooonties.
Hiatt A.B., Kidge. Or.-tiattla , round-top K
with quarter oirole under It on the right hip.
Hang in Morrow and Umatilla oonnties.
Hnghes. Hamuel, Wagner. Or-F (T F L
connected) on right shoulder on homes; on oattle,
on right hip and on left side, swaHow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack
distriot. Mor-ow oonnty.
Howard J L, Galloway. Or.-Horses (orosa
with bar above It) on right shoulder; oattle same
on left side. Hangs in Morrow and Umatilla
''Hall'rKdwin, John Day. Or.-Cattle E Hon
right hip; hum saineon right shoulder. Range
In tlrant ooonty.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
heart on the left shonlder. Range Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, H A, Wagner. Or.-Horses, on left
shoulder; oattle, Son left hip.
Humphreys, J M Hardman, Or.-Horses, n on
Hnsion, Lnther. Right Mile, Or. Home H on
th left shonlderand heart on the left stifle Cat.
tie same on left hip. Range In Morrow county.
Jones, Harry, Heppner. Or Horses branded
H 1 on the left shoulder; cattle lira hied J on
right hip. also underbit in left ear. Range lu
Morrow county.
Jmiktn, H. !., Heppner, Or. -Horses, noma,
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the ea'ns.
Rang Klnhl Mile,
J..hn. n, Kelis, l.sna. Or. Horses. aimlnT oe
left atiHa: nail Is. same on right hip, under half
orop In n' end anht 'n left ear
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or.-Horses hran'l
KNY uo left hip oaitle earn and orop off left
ar: under slope nn the right
Kirk. J.T., Henpner. Or.-Horses H en left
hiMilder; eettls.nuon left hip.
kmuhnrlaml.W. U.. M.iint Vernon. Or.-I Lon
eattle 1.0 right and left sides, swallow fork in lft
asr and nnder aiop in rlaht ear. Horses sains
brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant fount?.
Lmften, Htephen, "01. tr. H I, on left hip
on oat He. prop and split on right ear. Hones
Seme brand on left shoulder. Range Grant
Lienallen, John W., ,Tln-.v, r.-lfrees
hmtil-l halflrcle JLeonnftdoa left shmil.
iter. Cattle, sains o lefthlo. Range, near lei.
Lnahey. J W He(iiner Or. Horses branded
Land A " I"11 thiHihlnr; nettle earns on left
bip, waltlaover nsht eye, three slue la rght
Uml, tlanrge. Heppner, Or. Horses brande1
donlile II coi.neyii Mometunae callal s
wing II. on left shonhler.
Herts. M. ft. Heppner, Of. Cstlle branded
etrt-la on right hips horses sains on right at 1 lie.
Range In M rmw txeinly.
Miner, Ihw, nepiHier nr. I at Us, M I) on
right hip; honx M m left ehiml'ler.
M.n-gn. . N , lle,poe, Or.-ll.rrses. M )
on left ahimldei eattle eatne on left hip.
Mitchell, iieear. I'Mia, Or. Horsea, II nn rigid
bip; oalile Hon right side.
Natl. Andrew. Isme hVe-k .Or.-Horme k H eon
aaMal on left sh'Hilderi rail tie same nn high tiil-a.
Oiler, ferry, LasingUM. tH-.-P O im left
thihnrt), J. W., Douglas. Or.; hones O on left
ahoaliler; eaills same nn r'ght hip.
I'earsoa. IHaa. KigM Mile. .-Hones, quar
ter elrvla shield in left eh.mld-r snd i on lei
hip. Cattle, f.ek In left ear. HahleroppeL M
tm left hip. Hangenn Kleiit Mile,
Parker A Gteesoa. Hanluwa.trr.-llisrees IPoa
left elunhlar.
Pliew. Kire, Islington, Crr, Hi brail.
K (1, K mtnneiHe.li am l"fl ehiral ler 1 eell le
sne na right hip. IUn. sjorrow s.miiiIi.
I'lpeg. J. M . lllMi. r. I.e-eea. i e.ei.
aeiad a l-fl stxetl iMt rattle, Sams HI left hip.
eder hi) In aeyh ear.
Pettra. AC, !", VH horses dlanond P nn
- .. etllei raula, J II J e.eia-i t. nej IKe
eft hip, upper sUeve la left sr sad slip In the
R-Nid. asdnw. Ileoliaaa. Or.-H.mea, e.(nars
nee) Vila (qrtef rfirele over it ia left ell'le.
Keeh Unei.. Mppae. .- lima hran let I
a Ut rtM shflaLlevi ee'ile, l the left aip
nd left ear aed .Uwlap 'Hi aerk. Hug u
hlre aud a.l)tiilng enanii.
Heaeey, ta-lraw. Lsini'", th? -M l
hraeiM til right stemllev, sent qewnet
Ireie nvar bntexli eaMla saeM tm right hip.
lU-ige rrnw "emir.
Il..ye, W. H IMryvilla, Or-HH ennnerfej
With gnarler eirvl ner l.e tm eaill osi risM air
ee.l e.e nn ngat ear an 1 tn in itu 11
sane btand "a Ufl a.ml'her.
litul ejul UittieA eansaliaa.
tiaage la M ri
Ileri. i, W . Heppaer, (V-II.eM. JO M
left efcwalder. I aJ Ue, ( oa right hip.
IKraWM W. It.. Ile' ar. Or - ll.maa ahedad
J N left milUn eel lie J H ne left hip, SWalkiW
f.k la rM ear, as-iettnl la left.
SM, lVej . Ilepimas , Il.enae, I A T urn
left kip. u! eeuae tm Uft kip.
rUrx. ReWt, IVesglaa. Or - faille M oa
n hip se. H rw'-t e.Llef 1 ! M ua
,M eitiiiitey Heege in steTr eitt f
h filk tt'.o HeMMeoll. ter, M.Meea. Ixafed
M L weee.eil.te, eeille. eune na left .Mil'tef
M.tree Jes 4ftia.e, iH .i h ileea aatie.
Jn "n Ml aeii.ie eniie IKs saea, alao e.e
v4.1ia lie g ta "J "iw ae l ililltaoen leuaa
SMe,kn. t I, Merfaa, Or 1 k.n-a II a M
! Miae, eiiUU'i'itl L lK 11,1.1
)uaM. Ma a t , tl.pef ail la,
a rieal kii 1 if" t in let na.
iNne II . Mii.e IH -ILenwa, H tm
W W..i-l- ; ee'lU M a l.f kip
e,,t H II. MeviMM. IK - 1 e Is W V am
Mi kin r.m el i.t.t a-l aWii ta left ynaf,
a-ee M ' .Hi left H.elVl
I k.. J A .. llefMer I r - M miea. I am
ef wl4- ieHU t rm Ul efc.nit.tev,
r,-MaaY f.fa'sfpfSsa.tlr.-.M.in . I', as) left
' ktef
t anew N W.Hetnar Of.-etewM aapiial 1
Uh .eutt h , eniue same aw left hip
Wh t Irt la enes
IVethe, M M I e (V - M -e Wne4e4
NT neleit a tefl elite, ill I ael "e I
H t.l.IS-NeMHIe
aai llaks Skeesl tess-Klka. aeeae rea rtM
'wathe. W, , Hn-r-e tw. V U
eei Un Mi ea.aii.k-t, eei 1 la sanes figM hlfv
) ef eat an4 i4m eat fcej reel
(ltM t .ea U . Melee "f H-l1-ne, Of
S nees ktneewi j tes tfeS m h.ester. Hangs
et.a .
atte W H l ete'.. "r C.llle W Sllh nafaf
net II a tel e. le, ta HI la t.eHi mt
nrees keweat Mt SSatkef, leange I
If tees tMe-eig,
le.l Half N al l-Oaf Af - H imeS ktejn taS
SV nl I an, U'l let e l-'l k,p
I ele knselen' aej lafl e' Ml ktp
gteltwa, (. II., eaf, Of, - ll'-esew. IT
avea-'tapi M iel t-eVat.
v i-. !,' 11 t ... ( w, - H e- ta hfa teal
fg faeenelet laf e,l
ninvata, laeea. U, --.. . afjaa-le -t
fa k nn Sal
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or, Horses runningA
on snouiuer; isul0. eauiv vu rutin uiv.
Young, J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horses brands!1
is on uie ngnc snonine'.
Wh en yon arc about to buy a Se winff Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think you can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to it that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and sq uare
dealing, you will then get a
Sewinsr Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Light Running
There Is none In the world that
can equal in mechanical con
struction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or has as many
improvements as the
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
it ; New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
Ob-vor, Mass. Bostow, Mam. 88T7kio Botaur, N.T
Oiuoaoo, III, Bt. Lomft. Mo. Dajxam.tex-vh.
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
Send 5 Cts. for Sample Package
San Francinco Office,
No. 220 Sutter Street.
Tht thumb Is an nnfalllng Indti
of ehsrsctar. The Fqusre T) pe In.
dlraU-s s strong w ill, grest currgy
and Irmnras. Closely allied Is th,
tiiistulslrd Type, Ihs thumb of thost
of silvanrnl lilrss and butlnrst
ahlilty. Hnib of Ibese typrs btlons
to the busy msn or woman; and
Drinoresrs Family Matrar.lna pre
psn'S eswrlslly for smh prrsoiis t
whole volume of nrw liless. eon
di-nsrd In a small sines, so that the
rerord of ths whole world's work
for a Binmn may lie read In half an
hour. The Conical Type uidlcstm
rrflnsmfut, culture, and m love of
piii.m-, pieirv, and Rrtuin. Apersog
with this typs of thumb will Ibor.
mighty m)iy Hit llu-rsry sllracllons
of lltmorrats Magsims. 1 hs Ar
tiatie Type Imliolrs a hire of
beauty and srt, whlrh will ind rare
('Irani In the nm-mnrtnt oil plft.
urs of laws. Ihl4 84 Inrbrs, rt(iro.
flu rtd from the onginsl lisinlthg by
It UinirpiA, tht meat crirlifelrd of
llrlng Ituwrr-palnlen, whlrh will
le glren to every tslmrribrr is
liinmreM's Mararlns fia- l-Vs. The
rnt of mis suprrb work n( srt a as
VV)iO; aid the repnatuciliai
rannig be dl,l'ngiil.hrd fmm lbs
original. Ptaplre Ion. SB riqul,lts
nil of wslerihn' plrture Is pab
luhtd In ta. h pnaihtrof lbs Maga.
sins, and the arlwles an sn pro.
fuarlf and snpefply lilnxraltd las
ths Msi-siiae Is. la frailly, a pan
folia of art wiwks of Ihs kit ken)
order Ths I'klliwu'hlc Typs U Ihe
thnmk of Ihe thinker and (nteelar
of Mm, who will be deeply Inltf
t.ltd la th"ee devtlopag monthly
la In-mntrel s Magaslne, la evary
one of Its tnaniiiM otinrlnwiiU,
hrh rovff I lis railn snistia sad
f-e-nllnc itld. chmairllpg every
fart, fenrv, aud fad of lie gay.
rmrt e Is simply S perfect
r" raily si si-ulne. and was kxif age
rinnnnl Vera nf Ihe Mueiblma.
Kend la y.ntr ssherriink: H wig
rnt antr ton. and yn will hat
a dotra Maratines la nee. A r! it real
W. Jiaaiaua lf iBar, fhllar,
It ke. Hik Hi rem, tw fata.
1 hnurh am a taehnni aiayulne. Us
ptrtnti fathhel pagea.snd llfsrtlrles
n family sn.1 4ni.tlH- mallr-s a III
be i4 euptrltiite Iniftm in aaw
t-e- ".l.g lls P-sninine Tpe
1 heaib. auk k la..kain la It a sated
aire, eleedfneea. feet Kail, and
ae.rt.rf a, Maretad lip, tk.ne Itaiie
Skull hekn.g eenrMUIiy la Ua)
en' r-f . rter, nne nf ' stneikl enharttbe ta
!" tW.ra.iet, If yen an aaatasmitw with
ta etta, et,.. fie? S sprrlnara re.v ifnei, a4
a al l nli... I thai seeing iknns Till aha hat pat
4 la Ike eat of aetn.g fnnnet hy ging la sag
l in, tt.r.'kiag so sei isf j lha bMtarf a anas at
He aenie featilf
The safe pa rail vevslas ef these twasaeaa
Is taewa ta sat si pern as.
Thsf lllaetfeia thai grveisr anseiliy I
Net always saaet ta ha ii4,
Tktee setae t intent Iks ben, a t lei teal-
It yW
At saaspared with se y arssepaely haawna
l)VHTr?j ana
Rieane Taknlte I frtsa. aa teen baa.
Of eVaggiata, at hp taaO.
iPMI Cm siKU CO , I tafwta M.. f.
Tb fpgnlay atsMnrgp.B btmt enf Ibe
Hnrni Unt.!; list' tie ht J U) suj lbs
regular ffha t( tta Uerhl Otrgnplaa
l 11.60. Aapnaa jWrtblaf fwy lie
Osteila tii. I yirg M Ppa sear I
alf sara raa gel l lb I ha (laietla aat
We-kly OmatiUa f . 11 M. All oU
erilwfg 'e;le( ll.nif sitnvf ii.ttont
fmmj l air anew will bm twmln.1 he
SVw ennea
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers learn Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. R A N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Aft.
San IT'jronolsoo
And all points in California, via the Mb Bhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
Hie great highway through California to all
injiuie unei uu wuui, unina rjosnio noata
of the Pacifio (kwist. Pullman Bnffet
Hleepera. Beoond-olaas Hloepers
Attached to express trains, affording superior
toonmaiodations for seoond-olass passengers.
Piar rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
ito.. oall npon or address
tC KOEHLKK, Manager, K. P. R00EK8, Asst.
Ten. F. P. Agt, Portland. Oregon
Strongest, I
Most Modern and progressiva
For catalogue or Information write ta
New Haven. Conn.
S T inOOwttliof lovely Music torr-Sfty-n?
n J) I N . . Csalt. ciHuiitlng of 100 psgrt ?
-;. u'l " Shret Muilc of ii n
nn- Utl. t-rl(;hl,-.l, UvrlltM ,nJ moat popular
jn selnrtlont. both votal an J Instrumental,
gottrn ur In the moat (truant suumcf, as-' j
Jf tluJtng four Urgs slit I'oilisltt. a
an- C4f NC.I1, th, pae,t Oamrtr, 3
it: fADt HI (, tt,t Or tat PlwltL
F AUIUXA PttTI eeg 5
j ' sane tee 1.1. eeetea va
an- tkuaJway Theatre Hldg., Nrw Ymk City.
n ; tuarmisi wamTgO.
A. P. T. L.
The American Protective Tariff League
11 national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor and
Induttry M at plained by itt constitu
tion, at followt :
"Tee shjent ev tn! league shall he is ansteet
Aaetwa Inonf St a taeiff ea veneris, whwa snag
enenuelelf assure An IF lie InakMttna aengtnjta
against tae sompaWWen sf faesga laser.
There a'e no penonal or private
piofiti in connection with the organiza
tion arxj it itiuttalned by memberships,
contributiont and the distribution of its
'mart c
1 la aeneited 1
M anient' an " QfVlSwH C Ki ll ite."
II CO NO. We nans an is sanV.hnt.tna,
Heine tma er hvga, ta aor saeia.
TNIRO; Ws aanVfc a t Imrf fimnii.ta
ee.etieg a pnnane nf tne I et.tV gunttn. Can
fete tel n,S as envies' le en segtmai fnt CO sents.
fOUrtTH; Seng peetal aang rngunat ran f-
aaatnej e-ef at ". tea I
Anevnea W Ht f Wakemen u
let Waal 4 Vtv Dew Vet.
tui imt nt awteiM nttea, Al int 1 1 una anM ag
snah at (im npaa las p,,i,m ghs Isat gnat
Sanh tt a " fnrlintew - whn h see ha sanftf a
m nil. ang s I
ne aae sea tng a net al ami ig , ana
tneeaanM ate tin) enat Sam n- W-r-ta
HI 1. Ifrtean-hstl I Steam
tai'iiii tahnt eat m thsa I hi nganaaah
t C. wan wine a 1 an 1 an p Imliagaa s
ta SW at s ai In 1 1 Mi 1 a w s tnnti it , aat t naW
WWnHfl In'hSG anaflhaanflV wV fleV tftnTafJat weW L 4s"aas9 mm9tttmS
ntn.a y enn-nn.an.g l.iag a mi
aana al al.ni,en s ana -a nf Wn 1 1 a.
al at aiai I mm ..aim am t nnns I nam 1.
jtntNrnnrRWPi a co..
I aft It m s4 A an) ang tonjl fatssAV,
ill' Hr-. N. W .,
tn . h eshlaiffna, n. C
jxrntTTTra working.
Inaaasisi aisrH punaii as eat aae whe sa.
has nmaaja as nn Mm awat saannwanat snaaaS tain g
me wiiiait senttug
ts a ant nee innnet patewtsnr awratlewta.
Sag laa tnl a Una nana n as sin ie.a in 1. nj
seinmi aa4 tawa, tag tann t ta M
AS 1 1 ng-ain aanita asnaaVaaial
BRAN IS NUjmiiuua.
A Michigan Han Tells V.'hr He Consider
It the Cheapest Feed.
The feeding of coarsely ground
wheat, bran and all, is in some meas
ure an advance on the yalue of bran
feeding;, mixed with other foods. But
there cannot be too much insistence
on the value of bran mixed with other
foods. Mr. W. C. Rockwood, in a re.
cent contribution to the Michigan
J armer, refers to the subject:
Bran is one of the very best of the
grain foods for all kinds of live stock.
In fact, its value is not half realized.
Too many farmers and stock breeders
think of it only in connection with
bran mashes, more as a medicine than
anything else. ' They consider it be
useful as a laxative, and cooling to the
system; but there its value ends. In
reality it is of more value to the stock
raiser than any other single food for
all classes and conditions of animals
upon the farm. It holds no rank per
haps as fat producer; that is, not
strictly speaking. In actual sound,
healthy bone and muscle growing ele
ments it is rich; and animals in thrifty,
growing condition will always be fat
to a certain extent, yet to an -animal
for the shambles something besides
bran would be necessary without
After years of feeding all kinds of
grain feeds, both home grown and
purchased, to all kinds of stock which
are usually kept on a farm, I have
come to regard bran as a necessity, and
consider it cheap at almost any figure.
Without doubt it commands a higher
price in market than it should, in view
of the present low price of wheat, but
in my estimation it is still the choicest
feed a man can buy. I have made it
one of the principal parts of the food
for my pigs from weaning time until
they are sold with the nxesption of a
few weeks finishing off on corn. 1
feed it to all breeding hos, being espe
cially good for sows suckling pigs.
For young stock it is the standby.
mixed partly with something else per-
naps, such as ground barley or oats.
cor tne norses it is excellent as a
part of their rations at any time, and
while not sufficiently heavy of itself
for hard work, is good when fed with
other grain. It keeps the bowels in
good condition and there will be no
trouble with colic.
Some farmers feed straw to their
horses in winter with corn meal as a
grain food. Such horses get colic
frequently, but if bran is given in con
nection with it there is no trouble, as
the bran acts as a preventive of im
paction in the stomach and bowels.
Pralria Farmer.
Remarkable Changes Produced by Manip
Every one knows the danger of mis
takes in attempting to select colored
articles in artificial light. Only the
white light of the sun, containing all
the elements of color known to us, can
be trusted in such cases to reveal the
actual hues possessed by the objects
under examination. Some interesting
scientific experiments on the effect of
light in revealing or concealing color
were lately made by Dr. H. V. Vogel,
;he distinguished physicist and astron
omer in Berlin.
Starting with the fact that in a pho
tographic "dark room," filled with ruby
lolored light, bright scarlet cloth ap
pears white, it was shown that when
no white light whatever is admitted to
t dark room, the power of the eye to
Jistlnguihh colors is temporarily lost,
and all objects appear of various
shades of white and black.
By mingling blue or green with red
light, the colors of objects can be made
to undergo remarkable changes. 1'he
quantity of light alone also affects the
appearance of color, particularly cer
tain tlnU of blue and violet, for which
reason, even in the absence of artificial
lights, a person purchasing colored
goods in a dark store must carry them
o the door or window, where a strong
Illumination can be obtained. In order
to make certain of the prrHae shade.
How a Dark (lasula TaronU the Laagh
ea a Storekeeper.
A little negro gamin panning alone
Bay street the other morning saw the
stump of a cigar fall on the sidewalk In
front of a store. He made a second
tiaae alide for it. MVS tha Fliirl.U
I inira union, and when he had tt safe
ly corslled beneath hint he rolled his
eyes arouud the points of the compaaa
to see II another gamin bad also mtd
the stump falL
"Pat war In Cuba is making Uavanas
akace, an' you can't take no rhanr."
he remarkiM, aa he brushed off the aah
and blrw away the sand from the cov
eted suites, tilling Into the store he
aald to Charley Kills:
"Ihmm, gimme a match, plcaae, sh."
"Matches are not here to rive away.
but to aril." aald Mr. Ellis, aaaunilng a
look of Intent severity.
"Oct la. ehr
That's what they are."
Well, how much are dejr er boT"
"One cent," j
The gamin tilted the stump In one
corurr of Ms imiuth. held to the baud j
f hla patitaliams with tine hand, ran
the other hand In hla putket, and
ptillnl finrth a copper.
t iltnine a box," and the lal laid
down the crnt.
lie gut the bog, struck a match, lit
the stump so wrll that It rnrorr-d finrth
volume of amok, and then handed the
tw.a I....L 1.. VI . fill. - . 11. '
M'e .wa . a a ,., tt eiettn
of Inleoaa severity, and aald:
rut oat mil on u a. ten. au tne nri
Mine a remmm ruine In hjar an' ai yon
for a match, yrni gin him one outen my
my boa."
. -Ur fev a.
I l"aa ta 1 " e'.nnnr
lie t a f aai ag fua elf ,
fi-i I La niat a athaga.
Isal n n-n.. I rnr k hiraaaif1
-tfanin Quel Kwhala
hlna s Itent Tna.
sVmnLnJ lan In a an.1 taan4l.a atlk
IKalhim-aa, This la ma4e tltinf
aamine or never trtnaaairas tan a
tha tea Let tlr four h"ra, after
whka It le ai fn. a4 ta.paraln.1. and
than reaehaH. The siraajef In rhina
II aiaa-nit irarenin.i.ia U, lny
t teav s.i iiMieif ihg in ! tjaTin
nrat rn. airif is et ii Sfil thai Ihe
(Mrwn. hrrji f t tLetn-ei i-ere. le
' Wri I I
VI )-
U the result of the nsaal treatment of blood
disorders. The system is tilled with Mercury and
Potash remedies more to be dreaded than the
disease and in s abort while Is in a far worse
condition than before. The common result la
for which SAS. Is the most reliable cure. A few
bottlee will afford relief where all else has failed.
I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial
Knenmatism, my arms and legs being swollen
to twice their natural size, causing the most
excrnciating pains. I spent hundreds of dollors
without relief, but after taking s few bottles of
I improved rapidly and am
now a well man- complete
ly cored. I can heartily
recommend it to any one
suffering from this painful
disease. W. F. DALEY.
Brooklyn Elevated B. B.
Our Trearlie on Blood and Skin Disease, mailed Ires t say
mi.... B.iri arnuirH. waianB,ln.
KwaoKee k St. Paul R'y
Glance at this Map
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul Rail
way and note itt connections with all trantcon
tinental lines and Bt. Paul and ( mails, and
remember that its trains are lighted with elec
trlcityand heated by tteam. Its equipment Is
superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Smoking and
Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each
sleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp,
and Its dining can are the best in the world.
Other lines are longer thau this, but none are
shorter, and no other offert the above luxurious
accommodations. These are sufficient reasons
lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon
ticket agents In every railroad office will give
you further information, or address '
C. J. EDDY, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Trav. Past. Agent,
1 .Souvfnfr 0 to Yean In Vutinet:
,, A Complete Set, consisting of live
' lifelike hguiea Bane Ball Player, Foot I
' Ball Player, Oolf Player, Tennis Player I
ami Bicycle tuner, win ne sent to any
1 address upon receipt of 10 cents, to pay I
T h fl 1T1 ! ro. --a .V..nll, Inl M.lul
beautifully colored and mounted, and
' arranged to stand upriKht,and are an ex- 1
cellent souvenlrol our 20 years as leaders 1
of the athletic supply world. Hultaule
; tor club, reading room, oftice or home,
I fiev York Vkkaga Philadelphia
Tn science of geometry la ascribed
to the Kfryptians.
Tub first magazine for the blind was
printed by Kev. W. Taylor in London
in 18.'.1.
rniNTixo In raised character for the
use of the blind was first done at Tar
is In 1780.
The Israelites learned surveying'
from the Egyptian, who had practiced
it for age.
Tub first school for the training of
the blind waa established at Paris by
Hauy In 1784.
Tug first regular effort to n.t
the deaf and dumb was by Pedro de
l once, a puikH monk, In 1370.
TttCRK la dnnger of a rabbit plague
In Kansas similar to that of Australia.
II1.00D travels from the heart through
the arteries at the rate of a mile In
seven and one-third minute twelve
feet In one aeeond.
Soiiti.ami Is going to maUe a special
exhibit at the OiU-agu fair of a hundred
stalwart II ;hiumlent in full national
coatiime. Tin y will te picked fur alxe
and strength, and not fur good liMika.
After the fair, or Ik-fore it clone If the
arnaalkin of their appearance grow
weak, they will make a tour of this
Kasas am It'ty made an intereatlng
Innovatbm In anniversary relebratkina
at lluUblnaon nvently by elelrllng
a diamond wedding, from whUh the
briilegraim waa aWnt lanranae of aa
untimely death. Tha bride waa atill
alive, however, and capable ef enjoying
agoud thlag. so the anniversary was
duly and bnevwrilnrte eeletrratad.
Tfcnlr raelltaa KaalataatV
The late Nichols d tilers, Betaiaa
minister of foreign affairs, was an low
est, aerWiut-mln led aUleamao, with a
eonactenew and good, clear sense, ne
was alwata ready U aay to the etari
"Not my will, hat yoore," and to bend
to It In every direction eicept where
bending would Imply dishonor. The
he ewil 1 revrr I gl to receive Kat
ie f, . r'i when the latter was author
If.! by the rar to demand aa Inter
view, lie also had the In.l.lnraa. ttbre
he e 1 peeled once a eall from Ale lan
der 111 , to place the bwataof twa dl
ho heat mini. lert one no each aide of a
larse sculptured tennlrti erect fit
huh be had (naught at Hlrt
avrgaa. ' If then men are all yosj
aay,- akfd the etar. "why d- ym
placa them tm a tine with oar 147
"llevaune Christ rrwcloed tmght to
hangtwtsteeaa pair of thir,"
the isaem ..v-.f. t'lel T hlngto.
nAkne-na-lan) ta tha Hea4a.
Th nvtherln law of the mikado of
'epaa ha recently Seen I1L nhew
t tended .y f .r hundr4 and twenif
hree phyatein, pt In spile of that
he pUl lhrna-h. In eonnent
ilh the llinen ,,f this i;i..lrwta la-ly
he i.lhte prieatt have oea elaint
g IHat It was rested hy the latrntte.
cf railrrnvi lau tha binr-i
fhelr irrtlnftl trae Vr,. rn.aaef ful
m l f"tiicitig oca, la thir ow
eti,H,., tlrl-a It SbOenrl e..r!a..a.
f that wKen there wereaori)rla m
tha klrtfilonji tl.n .ir.wr mtmm In gfnnj
hea.lh a IV I ft,f h Inlr.-tti, f
railnntla aSa Hnrt-an U They Were
aatn.;i4 thai at roe aj'4 d
Ue'.'aJ rtv.tt.
""ir PAUL
Ve""" a v I
M ' H m
lh' -JI tat. o Cjolt HAJnuB r.v . U
S?at the RAMBLER
Is one of the very best wheels ever made
front rank with all high grade machines,
punctured, it can be mended by you in
renowned G. fi J. clincher tiret with wood
Sold In all tlzet for ladles or gentlemen
Tandems for two men or man and woman, 150 each.
THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability it It unsurpassed, at It it constructed on ttrict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
rur uieu, women, ooya ana gins, wun zs, zo ana zt men wneeis, at f5, 55, f45 respect
ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. hlgh-grMe double locking edge
clincher tires and are fully warranted. . s '
Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call
on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlert Wanted In every town In Oregon. Washing
ton and Idaho. 0
Northwest representatives Gormully &
Store. 327 Washington St.. Portland. Or.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Four Models -
Factory and Main Office; Lake
aBANCHUS t-Nrv York, Saa FraocUoa, 5alt Ukt City. IXavtf, Mstnphlt. Datrolt. Tarrata.
A. IP. F ATTERSON, Agent for
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
Thf. Patterson Publishing Co.
Youro BOTJXJ) to Tixho I
Leaves No Contlpntlon,
O ..rata till t M n.M
Cl Vml.UmmH
is an indisputable fact. It stands in the!
nnd If you buy one you will make no mistake.
want to be lmppy, for should your wheel bef
five minutes, us it is equipped with the world
rims or copper-plated steel rimt.
at S 100 each.
Jeffery Manf. Co't "Rambler Bicycles " Main
OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. I
of Bicycles.
885 and 8100.
Cycle Co.
and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO. ILL.
Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon.
OF . . .
' I a
W,J , I J,. , 7 ,tf
iMJUliMi VtincALtu.
PIS ! 1