Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 28, 1896, Image 3

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La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs,
"Two years ago, I had the grippe,
and it left me with a cough which gave
aie no rest night or day. My family
physician prescribed for me, changing
the medicine as often as he found the
things I had taken were not helping
Ss L " 11
me, but, in spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, nty husband, read
ing one day of a gentleman who had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bottle of this medicino, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
have used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family, whenever we have
needed it, and have found it a specifio
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."
Emily Wood, North St., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer't Sarsaparilhu
Here and There.
F. J, Hallook rAturnerl hnmA frnm
Pendleton Sunday morning.
Call and aee what Minor & Go. can
do tor yon in boots and shoes. It
T. H. Biebeeis Attain able to be on
the street after a brief illuess.
Don't overlook Minor k Co.'e clear
ance aale. All goods at cost. It.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopuer.
Ueo. Fell arrived borne from a brief
visit to Pendleton on Sunday morning's
J. D Hioky has beeo making ar
rangements to dip bis baud of 2000 sheep
this week.
Call at Herrin's aallery for flash light
pictures of the Masnuio group taken the
night of installation.
So far verv little interest ia manifested
in the eity eleotioo. and candidates for
6 J5T I5l ., J J jT
J Jf7d?JQJ
Take Notice.
i Tha luin of five oenta iar line will ba
)taanrl for "mMi n( thanks," "rvanliittona ol
rearvit," liata ol we-Mlna presents and donors,
ton obttnary nntlriw, (other than thoae tht edit
or (halt hlraielf lve u a matte nf news.) and
aotlceanf sihk-IkI inwtlim lor whateverpurpoee.
1. Nottrea nf rhurrh anil society and all other
)nlertalnmant tmm whteh revenue is to bade
fired, ahaU be rharel lor at the rata ol Ira
ynu a Una. Thna rulea will ba strictly adher
ti to In arery Inetanra.
A,lertiiln ratca raannall and made known
Ipon application.
After Feb. 6, '96 nil Bonds at Minor &
Co.'s will be sold at the regular rate
Get a barguiu while you can . It.
J. P. Hayden, the well known com
mercial traveler of Portland, is inter
viewing our business men today.
L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker.
KepBiriug neatly done. May St., Abra
hamsick building, Heppner, Or. tf
best accommodation nod oourteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seveuth
ana Wash, bts., rortlaud, Oregon.
T. N. Crow made final proof on bis
Homestead last Saturday with Joiiu
Diess and George Pearson as witnesses.
Miaa Lzzie Matlook departed lust
Saturday evening for Pennletoo where
she will visit with friends and relatives.
D. P. Eetcbnm, the stock buyer of
The Dalles, came up on lust nigbt'h train
o receive a shipment of 8 took at this
The little son of Isaac Large, who was
reported as very ill in our last isauc, has
not improved and ia now in a danterous
J D. Slater, son of ex Senator Slater
and a prominent . attorney from La
UrHn.de, arrived on this morning's train
from that city.
t. it. uoward makes a specialty in
supplying stookmeo with all needed
articles, besides carrying a general line
See bis new ad. tf .
Fred Melohior claims to be the best
well digger in the county. Wells dug
by the day or by the foot. Address bim
at Davidson, Or. 400-ltn,
E. O.: Miss Elizabeth Matlock, of
Heppner, ia a guest of Mies Anna Bmwo
at the Pendleton academy. She will
remain in Pendleton about 10 days.
Baldness is often preceded or aooom-
pauied by krsynem of the hair. To pre
vent both baldness aud grayness, use
Hall's Hair Kenewer, an honest remedy.
An nnusaal amount of sickness is re
ported in this oitv, though from the
attending physicians the Gazette learns
that few oases are considered as serious.
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo
desires the services of an attorney in
Washington, D. O , will find it to bis
advantage to call ou or address this pa
per, 6tt
Frank Rosa has opened up a restaurant
in the Minor building, next door to O.
M. J on re' barber shop. White labor
throughout and rates by meal or week
very reasonable. 09-tf.
Geo. M. Weister, of Portland, arrived
(mm Arlington this morning and will
deliver bis lecture oo "Alaska and its
Wonders" at the opera boose this even
ing. All aboold hear bim. . - .
Dr. 3 A. Qeiaendoerfer, the genial
physician of Arlington, arrived this
rooming in oompeny witb Geo. M
Weister, of Portland, wbo will tell ut all
about Alaska this evening.
E. G. Hperry returned b"tn from
Brownsville last Sands? morning wbera
be has beeo visiting witb friends and
relative and also looking after some of
bis property to that locality.
the various offices are exceDtionally
scarce. Different citizens have been
mentioned as possibilities for mayor or
oounoilmen but all rush forward witb
information that they are absolutely oot
of the race. However, it is but natural
to presume that there w!ll be a number
wbo are willing to offer themselves as a
sacrifice on the alter, and the Gazette
ill cive a list of the candidates in
Friday's " paper, even if we have to
minufaoture or nominate them.
A tramp was given a dinner la the
basemeut of the university at Eugene
Wednesday, and, while eating It bad to
stand a severe cross fire of questions
from the oook. After finishing the meal,
the tramp quietly pulled a 44oaliber
revolver and chased the cook upstairs.
The RagiBter does not say whether it
was beoause of the questions or cooking.
O 8. Van Duyn and family bid adieu
to Heppner last Saturday evening and j
departed for The Dalles where tbey
expect to stop for a short time, though
win probably looate permanently in the
Willamette vxlley. Mr. Van Duyo and
family have ben residents of Heppner
for a long time and their many friends
regret their leaving.
Voters in this sohool distrust should re-
m -ruber that the meeting called for Mon
day,, Ian. 20, was adjourned tn mt at the
courthouse next Thursday at 1:30 p. m..
when a tax is to be voted (or school
purposes. This is au important meeting
ana every tax payer should make it a
p nnt to be present.
Bead Aver's Almanao, which your drug-
1st will gladly hand you, and note the
wonderful cures of reunmatism, oatarrb,
scrofnla, dyspedsia, eczema, debility,
humors, and sores, by the use Ayer's
8nrsaprailla, the only Sarsaparilla ad
mitted at the World's Fair.
Ben Mathews is now sole proprietor of
the oitv meat market where be keeps a
fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, baoon and lard, which he sella
for the lowest market price. Fred Bock.
the Portland butcher, ie still with him. tf
- Pure Blood
la the secret of the restoration to health
which Hood's Sarsaparilla gives.
"It gives me
pleasure to recom
mend Hood's Sarta
parilla. It has cared
me of many com
plaints, and puri
fied toy blood. I
was troubled with
my liver, had hip
disease and ' other
troubles.with swell
ing of my ankles.
For a long time I
had to walk with a
case. For several
years I was gradual-
breaking down. I had the grip in a
severe form. I procured six bottles of
Hood's Barsaparilla aud it built me up.
My recovery I owe to Hood's Sarsaparilla.
All my ills have gone and I feel like a
new person. I sleep well and eat heartily."
Mrs. Charlottb Kelly, Hay wards, Cat
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It the only true blood purifier prominent
ly ia the public eye today Try it.
cure habitual constipa
tion, trice 25c per box.
Hood's Pills
ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
J. H. Townsend,
Thomaa Wal'den, W. G. f
tscott, ueo. w. Harris,
To Thomas Walden aud G. W. Harris, Defend
ants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
aim on or Deiore the ttrst day or the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court towlt:
Monday, the 2d day of March, 1896;
and if you fail o to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the c urt for the
relief demanded in said complaint, tn-wtt:
Judgment against defendant, Thomaa Wal-
aon, lor the sum of Two Hundrtd Four and
Sixty One-Hundredth Dol'nn In U 8. Gold
Coin, with inter; st iheieon at the rate of 10 per
cent, pprannnn, "roin ine first nnynl Kebrdary,
l.viD, until paiil. ai.u fur I tie fur her sum of
inirty-nve Dollars, attorney s fee, together
with the costs aud disbursements of this suit to
be taxed .
At'd that the mortgage described in plaintiffs
complaint be foreclosed and that the premises
therein described, to-wit: the SW of See. 24.
TplN, R 25 E, W. M be sold to satisfy said
And that the said Geo. W. Harris and all per
sons claiming by, through or under htm be
forever barred of all right or equity of redemp
tion in said premises.
This summons is mihllnheri hv nrW nf Hon
Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the sixh judicial
district of the State of Oregon, dated December
ibin, inno. . J. H. BKOWM, .
1199-412. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Abscess in the Stomach.
Arlington, Ore, Jan. 8, 189S. M
husband bad an absoess in bis stomnob
caused by lifting heavy saoks of grain.
He oould not sleep and was nervous and
weak. He began taking Hood's Sarsa
parilla and be improved after tbe first
few doses and was soon all right again.
Mrs. Lizzie Grant.
Facta About Ivory.
Antwerp is the principal market in
the world for ivory. In 1894 583,117
pounds were imported. Prior to 1890
ivory markets were held annually at
Antwerp, since that date, however,
they are held every month. Merchants
come from Germany, France and Eng
land. Of the three principal markets
for ivory, Antwerp, in 1894, took 410,000
pounds; London, 153,220 pounds, and
IiiTOmwl IS1.174 pounds.
An Ancient Town.
Eempen, in Germany, will soon cele
brate the six hundredth anniversary of
its existence with a festival procession
representing the history of Germany
from the German warriors ol cresar s
time to the soldiers who fought against
Napoleon. In the procession will be
represented Thomas a Kempis, the
writer of the "Imitation of Christ,"
who was a native of the town.
a Change in Business ill Arouni ?
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Prices !
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
of Morrow, Btte ol Oregon. !
K. F. Hughes, Plaintllt,)
Henry Kelly, Defendant)
To Henry Kelly, Defendant.
In the i ame of the Ktate of OreRon, yov are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled
ult on or before the Brut day of the next regular
term of said court, to-wit: ,
The 2d Day of March, 1896.
And If you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
demanded In said complaint, to-wit: Judgment
and decree ag Inst you for the sum of J.VJ5.00,
with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent
per annum fiom the V2th day of May, lhtK; for
the sum of 121.78, with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 20th
day of December, IKH5, and JtiO 00 attorneys fee,
and the posts ol this suit. And that the mort
gage described in plalntitrs complaint be fore
cloaed and the premises therein, described to
wit: the 8V, ol NW(4 and 8!4 of KV.V of See. 2-2.
and of Sec. 23, Tp. 2 8, of R 27 E, W. M., in
morrow uoumy, uregon, De sow to satisfy said
i ins summons is published by order of 8teph
. Lowell. Judge of the circuit Court oi the
State of Oregon for Morrow County, made on
the 8th day of January, 18U0.
j. N. BROWN,
404-17. Attorney for Plaintiff.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Ptair for Bardman. Momimant. lnnt Cravk,
lohn I y and ait) on City, rmrrm aa fullowa ;
Every day al a. in., axf'tri Munday.
ArrtTarTdayai a..trft Monday,
The fha. tUtrMt and baat line to Of
Irom lb luleriur ronmry .
fbUl Coon, Aunt.
Extra Pele Sup Brewery Beep
In Hall nut IMItca can b
had only at the
City Hotel Bar!
Wbn Men ftada M-iura and Cigars are alas
krpi by Tt4.
f -
ftltif eut tha Wltt lh hour groat hot, 'lit
KifhtMii Hiy Ms;
Columbia t suns hat suraly t ll nrllolis la
a n;
Yoaf alatry tinr totdly d'-aUand Justice
rttit ati blah.
B'll mh iinfviirt ynq?lhmtfl'hp'rrf'a
UdsomI Hp.
If. Al tba IWfe.lera aalooa.
- CberWjr Jom, ia JII konsrn "oM
Umt" ia lb tteorlkl line, bae aia
nratt la llrplcwr, b"lrt p'ChTj
()rf MalheaV eHr. Mm"r ba'Mlnf
tt)tnii H Hi bot-l CUailry mil
epptn iaia rail bra la toa.
Echo stage learaa Orppner Moodayi,
Wedoeedaye aod Fridata. Leape Eolio
Tueailaye, Tu'sdaye and rJalnrdayt.
far- f'2 eaob way. Orfloe. Welle A
Warm), Heppner. Ed. Drlakell, Prop.
Harry Ragtey aod W. L. Haling went
mil to Eight Mile lam Friday wbera
fbey partioipated in a temperaooa die
cuaaluo al Eirfbl Mile oenter that even
ing. Tbey report an enjoyable tine.
Watt. Tbompann runa ataga between
Ileppner and Mnnnnaent, arriving every
day eioept Monday and leaving every
day eioepl Monday. Hborteet and chrap
et matt la the Interior. I'. Cuba,
Frank IWr, wbo for aims lime paat
ba beeo ona nf Ibe Crro nf Minor k Co ,
dUpoaed f bia Intereal yaaterday to Ibe
otber membara of Ibe firm, wbo will eon
linqeln baeiaeae al the eana location,
and onder tba eama firm same of Minor
A Go. tim ootioe of dwaelotioo to
anotber eoloaa.
Ayer'a Hlr Vigor ia eartainty a r
markabla proparatma and ootbing like
it baa ever baa Drodoood. No Baiter
huw wiry and aamanagwabta Ibe bair
may ba, under Ibe Inflnanaa of tbia In
OumparaUla dfMaing, It bcoina aft,
ilky aud pliable to Ibebrnab aod aotab.
Hood's Pills are easy tc take, oaoy to
A monument to Thomas a Kempis,
author of the "Imitation of Christ," is
to be erected in the Church of St.
Michele, Zwolle, Holland.
A subscription is being raised in
Maryland to erect a monument on Long
Island to mark the place where the
"Maryland Four Hundred" by their
bravery saved the American army un
der Washington at a critical moment.
The site has not yet been determined,
but it will probably be somewhere near
Prospect park TtrooltTVTt,
Liter art Notes, Literary met in
regular lesxioa on last Saturday eveninv
with vioe president, Bruce Kelly in tb
chair. The debute waa decided in favor
of the negative by Jodu'e Fieeland, Mis
Crittenden and Mrs. J. N. Brown, Ibe
judges obosen. Tbe nolo by Misa Este
waa eioelleot and waa well reoeived.
Tbe literary paper baa again been taken
np with Mr. Clay Folsnm aud Miss
Floas Farosworth aa editors, tbe name
beiog changed to "Tbe Literary Job
Lor." The paper affords considerable
amusement. Tba aabjnot "Resolved,
That Brutes have Reaaoo," will ba dia
onused on uetl 8atnrday evening, with
M. B. Oalloway and Bruce Kelly for Ibe
affirmative, O. E. Freeland and H. T.
Bngley for Ibe negative. Tbe door
will be open to Ibe lqoIio again on oi
Bttarday and all are invited. Tbe
interest In Iba society is again being
revived and another good lima an)
program is anlioipaled at the di
tat lltaaf VtBH.
i Cmiatlpalioa. eot mora lhaa ball
the lilt ol w..mn. Kar'a Clovet Il-til
Ta a a fiteaaatil rnr f r Ooosttpatta.
f.rfl.Ut.y Walls Warrea.
; 8 I
i l ; A -
1 1 IS is a shecpherd
cr who has been out
four months, but hc
lcx)oks like a new man O
now for he has
dressed up at . . .
I Iorni'r iK:
Horner & Rhea,
a a fit! htitl Baok BvUfiof
Having ordered a large lot of molding
from Iba Eatt to arrive early io Ibe
spring and lo make room for my naw
molding. I will lr tba neil slity days
make (fames oat of my present stock at
Mar. 17. J. L. Ybaoib,
T.I IMtfa"! AM Ll'M CAHK.
Coart tf Orvgaa
prf at Drrlalaa. Ta
Will at Mailt.
Ks4ar aa las
I'alua Aaylai
of Oregon for Morrow County,
The State of Oregon,
J. W. Morrow County
Clerk of said Morrow
County, Oregon, and
the heirs of Charles
Lind, deceased.
Whereas, it has been satisfactorily made to
appear to the Court that on the l:ith day of Jan
nary, 1890, In said Morrow County, Oregon, one
Charles Lind died Intestate; that at the time of
his death said Charles Lind was unmarried and
left no children, or other heirs at law, and that
up to the time nf the commencement of this
proceeding no person or persons have appeared
claiming to be an heir, or heirs, nf said deeeas
e-. i nai at tne time oi nis oeatn as aioresam
said deceased waa seised of certain real estate
In said Morrow County, besides a considerable
amount of personal property. That afterwart
tha l:oiintv ( !onrt nf Mtirniw rvinnrv nnlv an.
pointed administrators of the estnte of the said
deceased, who duly qualified and entered upor
said trust, and proceeded to administer ssld
estate, under the direction nf said Count? Court
That on the 21th day nf December, lx2 auch
an ministration wss completed, and said admin,
tstralora filed In aald Countv Court thrtrsupplx.
memai nnai account, dv wnicn 11 waa shown
tha' there remained In the hands nf auch ad
ministratnra. alter such administration waa
fully completed, as tbe property nf said estate,
tne sum oi i'iui. wnirn said sum ol money
waa. on said day. under the order and direction
of said County Court, paid bv such admlnlstrat.
ors to 1. W. Morrow, Clerk ol said County Court,
tha above named defendant, subject to the
further order of the said County Court. That
said sum nf money has ever since said 21th day
of Pecemlier, 1hv2, been, and now Is, In tha
hands nfJ.W. Morrow, and that said Cnuntr
Court has not made any further order In relation
therein; and that liy reason nf auch facta, said
sura of IlitWl 01 shoiil l escheat to. and become
the property of. the Mate, and tha State nf
Oregon has a rl u lit by law to said sum of money
now in piHHu-saion of aald dolaudaiit I. W. Mor
row, as aforesaid.
And It further aatisfactnrllr arrwarlnt to tha
Court thai a summons has laaued In this pro-
ceedea directed lo aald di-'eiidant. 1. W. Mnr
, mmlrlna bim. and lha heirs nf tha said
Charles l.lnd. deceased, to appear and answer
tha Information H ad herein, within Iba time
limited by law In civil raaea, and that aald
summons has been duly served upon aald
defendant. I W. Morrnw, personally. In aald
Morrow County. Orevnn. and that no hair, or
heirs, of the aald harlea Mod. deceased, can ba
lonndrin SaM Cnnnlv and Hlate
It Is Iherelnre hereby orderad lhat alt persons
thtereated In lha aald ratal of Charlea l.lnd.
dereaaet. appear on or before the flrst da? of
Ilia neii reiuiar term of this Court, which
tha Aral Monday In March. Imft. to wlt. tha
aeennd day tberanf at Heppner, In aald Morrow
nunty, and show rause. II any they havawh
the title nf aald eatale. now In the bands of aald
i. Vi. Morrow, belnt the sum of lite (II, ahnnld
not vest Mi lha HlalnlirT herein, the Hlalo ol
Irrecon. It la further ordered that Ihla tinllce
I published mica each week for si I consecutive
weeks In the Heppner ftaaett, a neasMir nf
enteral circulation ttnhllahad al llenutwr. In
said Morrow l iiiinly. Iireaon
wltueaa mr hand lhl I oh day of January,
1 1" SI KI'll KM A. l;H.I.
-K tin ult Juilaa.
What Do ta Vat ?
aVAfl&a&Sa&r' .
X of
Oreaon. for the Countv of Morrow.
Dena t. vteuion,
Frank L. Weldon, I
ielenaatit. I
To Frank L. Weldon, Defendant.
in tne name of the Mate ol Oregon, you are
hereby reoulred to auuear and answer to the
complaint tiled attaint you In the above eutlt'ed
suit on or before the first day of tbe next
regular term of the above entitled oourt towlt:
Monday, March lid, 1H96;
and If you fail to answer or otherwise plead for
want thereof the nlaintilt will ai.nlv to the
above entitled court for a decree dissolving the
immune nouas now e isting netween you and
herself, and also for a decree awarding the care
and custody ol the six minor children towlt:
Delia Kdllh Wei, Ion, Lilly Louise Wei, loll.
Leiaua Stanford weldon. Frank l.eonsrd we don,
(Jeorge Irving Weldon and Heart Weldon, the
irons ni tain marrisge in planum.
This summons Is published bv order of Ilirti
Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the circuit court of
me nuiie oi urenoit, tor tne iixtli judicial
aisirii'i, aaioa January Bin, iw.
EI.1.1M it LYtlMH,
404 17 Attorneys for plaintiff.
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full tine
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
of Morrow, State of Oregon.
ttenry neeler,
William Bremer,
, wile ol aald
Wll'lam Bremer, and
Frank llagerman. as
KeceWer ol tha l-ora-bard
Investment Com
pany, a corporation,
To William Bremer, Defendant,
In the name of the Mate of Oregon, you ar
nereny reuinred to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the alxive entitled
suit on or haiore the first day of the next regular
uirin oi sani conn, io-wii:
Tht ttd day of March, IHUft.
And If you fall an to answer, for want thereof
tne planum win apply lo lha court lor lha re
lief demanded In said rompleliit, lo It
For Judgment ami decree airalnst William
Bremer for the sum of toi in, with Interest on
'tl6 tsi thereof at the rate of S tier cent er an
num from the first day of June. W; with Inter-
eat on I .i thereof at the rate nf a per rent per
annum irom tne nrat iay ol iieceintier. IMM;
with interest on II lhere.il at lha rata of S per
cent per annum from the first day of June, lK;
with Interest on f l.i thereof at the r"a of s fier
ceiii per annum ir"m tne nrsi lay ol t eemtMr,
Iwt, and for a lurttier sum lo be determined by
the court aa an attorney's fee, and for coals ol
this sun.
Alan for a decree foreclosing Iba mnrtvsaa
dcaerihfd In plaintiffs complaint, aa lo all lb
Oeietiiiania hen-la named aud Ilia aslenl aald
motfrared Preinlaea to aailatv aald luditmaiil
and di-rree. Inter eat and null
this aiiiniiioiis la nuhilahed hr order nf
gtenhen A liaell. judve of lha I Irriill l our!
of Ihe Male of Oregon lor Morrow County, dated
January nut, ia
O. O. r.l I.ISand J. K .ftROWN.
H 17. AtUrua lor I lalHtlrT.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
Baien, Urt , Jin. av.Tht lapraiat
coort loly traesmilM a rlaeislira in
tha Eastern Orsgoo aaytota easa, rters-
In tba lo a ooort aoJ iarDitiag it.
fXitnpUioL Tba toloU dmJw art as
First, tbt att It not bronglt la Ibt
Dana at tba ptipt io1il.luals. II
onght lo t brtiugbt la tha a a rot of tht
attorney gtaersl or district altoratt r
Iba proper dialrki
rWnad, rqoily deals ot.ly mi b pro ptrty
ai Ibt yf"fty rlgh't of Individuals
aa.l iba ai-Bpla4ois beraio d aol snow
Ibat aacb rights bavt ban ta-la1
TLIrd. tqnlly la any tol waM aol
tliiq Iba eiaoolira d at saw tA tba tlal-
b .ar,; it a. II only reatraia abaea iba
dq'l't to ba pffurrol art mlolatarlal la
Itatr rtiarsclar
1 h I'pinlne It volaenitoaa, ootartnf
tblriy la.i x(M at yja arllUa Blw
by Jaaliaa Wotvaitna sml ararr la
l. Iba full tsentb. lbra ia ao rif
on tbt eut jeoi ia Halam All art
Ibofo0t,l; satffied.
"There i a tide in the affmn of men
That, if taken ut H flxxl, lemh on to fortune."
Tbe flood U here aod ao ia
With a full line of
Ilardwnro. Tinwnro. QIunHwntx', Ciwkery, Wtxxl
nni VViUowwiiin. Coihir TubH ut Dot rook I'Hcoh.
Notice of Dissolution.
votuic ta imtrtiy ntvr.n that
11 e partiier.hlu herelofore etlatlna
NiejPt To tba Baanstra of Iba
! r'i amta Ignav of iba H. K. rbartb 4
j llei f.tier. (f i Uaarntieb aa I bar la a
i lasa aarsbwr of ear ra) W aUeat
' fmts) lb rtty, so. I ali aaaay la Ibt ttty
jabadt not aiMaeid aar Btawiiaa't a, ay
tali l 4lify llrnwla enb Ibt
la( i. an 1 ta o' l-f ibat t ay
a'raia-b'aa In mf i"H, a rit.al lbw
f.i, W.S f- felaia (heir entilfhii n
a"! !! at '!. TiH aiil.ta)
tb-a-llll rl.,.. Af K't. il
rara .i.a imty am ba ' ai.fa aa
fttrra b'wt la sir (a lha
t t' Hisjwl,
?! Tat Krwoara Laara
I! TltH rituTIT fiM'HT rott the rnrxTY
of Morrow, suta af Orrfon.
Usury Heppner.
Dark R. AdSlna.
TtCls'kR Adhlna d'endanl.
In Ui nam a4 lha Mala uf Oraann. ton are
heeabv rwiutred I - appear and ansaaf lbaem.
blalnl ftlad aaaloel In Iba a'aiva enllllal
soil on ut I ..r ll.a Sral day ut Ui Halt rriular
lerra oi said twin. ! w u
lee lad y f Marrb. INV4.
S nd H yon fall an la a sr, lor want there..!
Ilia pialiMd wt'l atflr la Ibe rooil of lha
rallal 4ewanld la aald e....lalol l w
tt )i.lrnef,i aaatoal tti lor lha son of I Ina
Th'mMi.J ,i,ara iih Inleeeal Iheixxi al M.e
ftt af lea im eml p1 annual feom Iba f h
tar al aovatnNaf, aw, a'd aiea aoaa aa Ilia
e-ir May adiflf rarHiii,l aa aa ail..oa s
lea, iM r.i and 4iarameaa, aad fr I Sa
awnrtoaueaat a rarlain a.'Kie.ta aierul'd by
V'Hi tn aerara lha tirmahi ll.a a-iat ata
w-iee-l. a ad wM-t a lha aaotlaaaa rr.tU
a salt emmty nai lha In tay nf
1. In a .S -T ' I'ara l.. ai entli. ll.a
fnllnalnf 4rr1la4 .e-Mr In all; l m I .
ol SSt and aateiefstaanlNaurSlKnl
l a4 HhMIS.i, ssa ! aw w a"d
a w afar 'a J aar t ( p I a. H. f R M .
and brf lha aala 4 said traaileaa W aallafy aal.l
1H1 tomaions IS t,,l.llhe bf Maf nf Finn
'I'.ea a laaail, iwiaw al aal4 touti. Sa4
aw ll.a Mk day iaaaavry, la
j a s'i"i
t It. AU-waay ef I lain! if
Til It
HI le-
laeeo larar Minor, Arthur Minor and rrank
K'Wera, uiular u.a firm nam ol Minor A la
duliiia seoeial nerrhandiee bualueaa la lha
loan of applies, haa litis day tx-en illaaolieil
ny niaioal eotiaetii, rraoa Hoaera hsliitdla
im of hi. Iniareal In Ihelriiilneaalolha alher
memliera of lha S'ra who alii ramilnna la
koaiar-aa at the same ! silon, nolle. I all rlaUa
aodaatlisall aooiiniaol lha aald I'm
111 K SIMlH
t'ated al lle,.nar, or , Jan. , I'm. t' IT.
O.a W.,ai.e at
MIsaoLi fioyj.
Vo(c of Assignment.
Norv r. is iim rnv i,i km thatiko
l.ll mt.A m I. . II .1 I ,.
i al ll'ifoaf. ire.,n, under lha aria tieoie t
rail Una . hata load a aa aeiiajimeiit ! Iba
lianrfll i,l lltelr rle-l I..CS
All satltea havioa rial -as aaaloal aald Ins of
f.ll llo era hf.l,f la-ule U) pieMnl lha
aatna la U a a.H-raia,,a aa.(oe. al tba Ileal
ait.nal Hi a ul II. . oer. in W'.'r. r.en
(". aliMa Uraa Htualua li-oa tha dale
lalad, iaaualt I. I"
i.l ii I fiHs R lal.u.
I n da-iwa.
AiU.raey !- Aa!(aa tt i,
Notice of final Sttthmtnt.
vjti it iiimav nivrx. hut titr
I a t.t''f , a.taliUI'atiil of ta aalale
laM a ll.i ...an 4"aa-l at mala I loal
ait. am. .. r i,ia ,. o'a alia sai l aalaia aa
Ml a l I'.UKa- f al lha Kail lalnt v II.
I mf,l I M J M ,lf..a HWnlf al ll..rt.M
IWtf'rti a ha aidea al Me-l.-t, l.....,l( la
aald i .flr,lf. aa lha 4 day M ... . l-a.
ft II AM'HI W HKil
W$, Tlli
,ii, rara it
a a aide lha S4
... a. M. J.J... I ....
la. lu ll ..I... r-e . a -4 T Mr
fl.a k4ix li al aa ha. a thie Mas 4 iaa-l d .
alwa4 r a M-aaulda a- d 1
4 an J. ail Mill lha aahl fc-.alaaaal
lha Ml aua-aia I .!,'.. et .a a s d. il l
sat an 4mi ml tmtlt Srsaa a4 euMl a. I a
fcta 4- aaa
a iim m haads aa-4 aaaia II. la 4ar al
laaaary, A I l
T w (irri im.
f M H I !,
It r. M.eai.M.
Aflat Hat f. I Ibt riaaallt all)
itt e s 4 aKa), . to) reel fraaa
ll m a atrf J wik. Tt.t r.
Ar!i.tm la ehedarm la" a thai
taah wit! tm 1 at-l f 4 all a ak at SO" at
rc.t.la. t
yf awla.
Tn aaa af a-.k la Ha ?aar.a
ttaak 4 l,-psa. td raa lUrLs'l T.
O t, t.a. A'lii l-a. Ii I. M'f.
Notice of Intention.
t lar.r.ert. a il Ur.titM iiiiiun
It l U ! W h..K. a'... Ik.j
l-a iMiaiM aiaa.s aaiia haa S e4 ki.. 4
I S laMba ta Mil Sal la et-i ml
I ate atatai H that aatd a n ha a.
j habva ana - 'f , al Haryaa.
oet it, aa aaa'y W mm
I TROW4S a f ao.
M Urn tt lha) w a t t 4 atw aal
, a n t.lni'l ft al
Notice of Inttnjlon.
talk f if fi af .s lisina fia.,.a
fa.,aT II lS
nw9 ia nrarnv nra nut in
I.. .l,: M'M-I alaf haa S.l kMua
wl hla lltitl.l l. hill al H'erf a-ihlo-el
afheiKa." a-4 lhal aa'4 r.4 all. ma-la
win j m w.rfr..a ? left al II' tffi
ln.f n aa ttu.tll IHh 111 i
MJM!S MttT-i. M4
trv, aaa m4
lla aa.a lha litieat,.f ail-ma a in fwe a
rM.iin.a ra.aait afam a"a4 ii Mtaltwattf
aa 1 la .- il
iM'Miid mi y ana. iie-r r if
flaahaa I Ml-iat ad al l.."M. !.
a r ii-t
aa it aaae,
Mlki S ( t'i e yi ay,
ar , .ra - l' t . a t I
tiar ni.ttas, rini. ra-mr
lie will make it an object for you to trade witb
him as his prices are right, aod all goods that he
handles are of the very beet.
Store on Main
to City
Street, Next
Drug Store,
They run an tight
Tbty run off lu tht alibi.
The only Kicluaivn Hardware Htore liotwoun The Dalles aud Pendleton
Heppner, a Oregon.
Cummings & Fall,
Of lha Old Rallalila
Gau It House,
niK Aon. ti t..
Half U-1
aod Iba 1
eat lil Iba I'MiMI lef-4 of I
AM r.l a A , r CI W AC.
at, L. A r Kali mad a.
HATKM aiaJ.oit ICt HAY
I'ur, W. Madlana and t'llnlaa tia ,
CItZSJL9 0. It la.
I Ti T t J aaaa
I Hi
toltntlOo AarlcM
Agenoy Tor
Ttaoa as a a i
OlSIOaJ aaTaTaV,
COfyatOMTa. aatv
fne ttf-eaiail' set feaa rlaaaaaa anwa
Ml II a l O . avl fia-iiieaaf. aaa
f.lt haraaa f'W aeeaeiaa aaleala la laartt,
.arf raleal tatea rail I t a. la he-M aahiea
lha aatUia hf a axa laaa free al akaiaa la aaa
rienlific American
larswat etoailaii'ai ef aaa eaist- aaaaa fa aV
u.m4 hfaflhli 1 1 H I aa laiellia.aS
Sat a(n.U ha aim-Ma IV W..I1. llSt
Ktfi I' ,aiiaiM A-ldraaa B' Vi i cut,
aaaaaa l WvaJaaf , aaw I -a Ul.
Do You Want .1 Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
1 Iorse ?
All ItVatran be prihrurrd at 1 limnp-aon N ISinna, l-owtr Main Ktreet,
tlrjiptifr, Orrgm.
thaa -raaltaaaaa asa wall a-"aalola4 alia fteanl llaroay f . fit lla a tad Mas! fttaallaa.
aid aaa aaia a-Miaay a- 4 ll-aa la stallnf lhaaa a-" l-e4) aik tm.ili-i aaa
fl.aa a l-r. aik Ifca tlaiaa
ZatVatat-r4iatf'. jta-rrifaiM,
'8"c J
" I S a-aaa-aaaaa a" i m
rfattffj sf
i f.a I , a
i., fl.a-. ha l-aai.a I ,i f tf., a I
I . fas ' a-a w I .', I -a In tv-ate !
a a aafca taa a
w.h.. .. a . .a t-a.,a. I h.
.... .. a. ..... . . . ah'l "t H
WIIMSI na,.ll'l f-f rsllalfluif.i j , . , . r.a
' ar. rial ar'iala II atrea.li .t alaai'a
i atiaw un a. at. 4 a aa-u.a..flar i , ,- "a.
a4 a.iai..
tTM t.tifi iiififf
i.f , jaa ia a Jha
If ha-
S- r - I ' a.-.li .! a4 kf . .a I m
llli.nliNit ft.( -n a...aHi I
l 1 44iW 1. . ..if aa .ha. . . .....
ait al a- ? i 1 I--1 . -t . f..,..,.
). O. 13QIICI I KHB, Prop.
Keeis the
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
( .. .a f a,. ..h aa- a I .rf . t
.J fi, a,t j l aa a..,. Ill II 11
aa .-.i. i . .. r .. i.. a . a- i . . II . ai ... 1 1 I a. I "IINil'v
r 4t latr-. U L hi II
a-'- at it Hr4 J
It tat at Ti