Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 28, 1896, Image 2

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    ijA . . . Ti . . -
For years past there has
been a popular demand for the
election of U. S. senators by the di
rect vote of the people, though
such a measure has never received
a warm support from the senators
themselves. However, there are
exceptions, and among them is our
own Senator Mitchell who recently
introduced the following resolu
".Resolved by the senate and
house of representatives of the
. United States of America in con
gress assembled (two-thirds of the
house concurring therein), that
the following amendment to
the" constitution of the United
States be proposed to the legisla
tures of the several states, which,
when ratified by three-fourths of
said legislatures shall be known as
the sixteenth amendment;
"That the senate of the United
States shall be composod of two
senators from each state who shall
be chosen by a direct vote of the
several states for six years; and
the electors in each state shall have
the qualifications requisite for
electors of the most numorous
branch of the state legislature; aud
each senator shall have one voto and
a plurality shall elect:
"If vacancies happen by refjig-
' nation or otherwise, the executive
thereof may make temporary ap
pointments nntil the next genera
election in such state for members
of the house of representatives in
rnnirrCBH. wlion sncu vacancies
Arizona is making a strong ef
fort for admission into the union
Oveii 3000 bills havo already
boon lutroilucod in the Iiouho am
1300 in thosonato.
Utah' new senators Lave arriv
ed at Washington where they
recoivod a warm welcome from the
TtlK Salem Journal rlinllongos
the Oregontao to print the recotiU
ot the last legislature that the
public may decide who broke the
Bnici has gone, Dlackburn is
going, and, if Missouri will me up
and pull down her Wat, there
will be cause for gnunral rejuicing.
Cincinnati Cotnnn'rcUI-Oajtotte.
rnKHlPENT llAItntxns In KD.
Bounced that be is Kiting to marry
his wife's niece. On of our ei
changes says it would lk much
better if be would tuarry the mere
of some other man's wife,
AccohDlxa to the derision of
the supreme court I'ni.w pu the
branch m; I am. This is ribt. In
fart the puhlio bad sv ilin i Ul
long tints, and Helma almuM now
drop the fight that the witi of
the people may be carried out
Hon. J. A. Wmotir, of Hparta,
t'oion county, will rv-ire the
unanimous repuldiiiti ti..tniiinti.ti
for joint aouat.it if I'tii Mt and
Umatilla counties. Jott Wright
has made an able logjaUbtr in the
boss and is certainly very avail,
tie timber for promotion.
Tsji senatorial ilea 11. tk don
in Kentucky prorai-s to remair
unbrnken. The supporters if
Hunter say be is the only renuU
Itcao who can win, and the f lien Is
ef Senator Illarkbttru seear be is
the only democrat he name
will lie considt'fs-L Ooteittor
I'rs.!y U a stronu supporter if
1 AMVtfttoa irstlutioQ tRtfO.
ilWl by 8-t.ab.r Mit.hell, t
Orejj m, K-vretaiy Cailist com-
MUtiirl- b tl.e seul I eaa.it) S
f ir dels ia tb c Miatructia vt
rertaia piUU IraiUiega, Lw vlrdilaWt sw att by. Ik e .!
appropriations have been made by
former congressional legislation.
He etates that the force of archi
tects is inadequate to perform the
work necessary to prepare the
plans, specifications and accom
panying papers. That the con
gress at the last session failed to
act UDon his ' reaaest for an
increase of appropriation for that
purpose. A bill has passed the
house appropriating therefor.
Senator Mitchell is a tireless
worker for his Oregon constitu.
ents.and is constantly alive to their
best interests. He never leaves a
stone unturned to do some effect
ive work iu the interest of the
people whom he represents, and
his long experience in national
legislation aud high standing at
the capital of the nation, redound
to the advantage of the people of
Oregon. Oregon City Enterprise.
Theo. Runyon, United States
ambassador to Germany, died
yesterday morning. Mr. Runyon
bore an unblemished reputation
in his native state and was greatly
respected by all who new him.
This is clearly indicated by the
fact that he knew nothing of the
application for his appointment
until he wa6 asked by letter if he
would accept.
Morrow county is willing to
concede national delgates.electors,
members of board of equilzation,
judge and prosecuting attorney to
our neighboring counties and
other sections of Eastern Oregon,
but give us Hon. W. R. Ellis for
congress. Morrow county stands
solid for Ellis.
Some of those who think V. It.
Ellis will have no following in
Eastern Oregon for renomination
would do well to wait the meeting
of the convention before arriving
at conclusions. Mr. Ellis is the
logical candidate, and will without
doubt be renominated.
The meeting of the congression
al committee of this district has
been called for Fob. 5th. Now
lot us have a separate congressiou
al convention.
Ayei a iinrnii'u ma v'.o .,v
dluary distinction of having been the only
blood puriUer allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair, Chiongo. Mnnn(noturers
of other s.'iranpnrilliis sought by every
means to ulitiiin a showing of their goods
nut they were Mil turned away under the
application of the rnle forbidding the
entry of patent medicines end nostrums,
The decision of the World's fair autho
rities in favor of Ayt-r'i Harssparilla wm
in effect! follow: "Ayer'e Harsspe-
rill. Is Dot patent medicine, It doe
not boiling to the lint of O'lHtruii't. It m
here on it. merit..
From our fiirlnl ( orrrtiiitvtil.
llisre Is practically no elmtiire as to
tbe status of the buns tariff bill whioh
is tied up In tbe senate Qneoce com
mille. hornet long may d-vrlop at
Ibis week's regular tn etu.g of the com
uiittee that ill result in getting the bill
remitted to the senate In true ebep,
although there la nothing certain slxiat
it. Rumors of an lulodw special
CoUn mrMsge from Mr. Cleveland to
enngreas bavs born Hosting around for
several d)s, but do deOuite Informa
tion on His snl'j.-ot ran b iditained
either at the whit lioute i.r lha stale
drisrtmebL MeanwInU there Is e o
alderlileadveraroutiaiit heard upuii Hie
sliwoes of rWrelary Oln.y In f iruili
lug ibs Cuban iiifiirraition olll fir by
a resolution a I 'pled by ths boa
several weeks ag i It U n at all evi
deal abet be Is walling for, iett to
delay favoratds aelioa ( eourre to
ward . Cubans, which tuUtit fallow
bis answer.
Vl freretsry N ibla, 0 presideut
lUirwiu's fsbloet, who Is In Washing
ton In e'nrieelioi with roinnill.n
ehsrgil ilhs.eiingt:.it sad de
sign far ths Mierruan tetria statue
that Is til MreUd ,Iim be n 111 tl
netgtieally by ibs niif mm (t
In form alio as It (trneral lUrrtaoa's
IntebltoS) Iftwards tl ildrMial Bnnt
lot l ion, bat if h knows anything be
k'l-t it t Liiuwlf. Tti f Honing r
ntarks tttals nns nisir tuaa t
In mUiitoM wht ti.s et serUry
saij U alt: l am cut f btie. I
bate so tilea alxnit lb tsiaiWrs,
Whoever t inilnal4 by tbe r.uhil
ran ronvvotton mil bs UH., Tt.a
d4iniais batea'l on rline m
willl" It win, II J (at MMr wl.
kis l f a I'Ul'ofM y otlgtt ct
wbn ltiy n-nl ! t
Ml, 4 t- gt iwi,. fc,s ,P.
ae eieM II.
has killrd o rnsay olher r,.niaieg Sil j (
i ftr.a)i.tle ..s ! rl J 'ii m i f
tl. t-arti la ". MJ eg Ms !.
, ' k h t
.Uksts) .sJ....s Pt tslf...is)'
i turn qtir-" ft
9 Y"tg'ea)-Ie tail. ,.,.,, ,t , W n 1 w-W Ih- snonUUre, will aff-.4 relsef. . iV:, , JVa- J ti-T.
.!.aa..fb.,i, a H... a aa- 1 . 4 ' Ike am te raal by a foil and 1 " -
rt! . , V t t ' . Itt Ca.a.a... O W. a.i U. I...,l el ia. I,.e, t,.4 1.. ? 'J'. T.?
IVssoer.i. r.p.t,ly a,k.,Utg, b.t ,h ,t, t. 1., r or sal br I'kul Cuba. dr.ast. I J "XZZ T n i rTT L'
e t b 1 " ate'al airaks ls(f
Mrs. Grinnell Credits Her Vig
orous Old Age to Paine's Cel
ery Compound.
It is an unoommou thing to learn of
persons reaohing the age of Mrs. Emjle
Hyde Grinnell, and years of good health
uoh as bers oome only to those who
make use of the very best means of
keeping well.
No one will wonder that the bright-
eyed old lady, whose mind today is as
alert and clever as ever, should be anx
ious for others to try Paine's oelery
Mrs.Emyle Hyde Grinnell was born in
Bennington, Vt , July 6, 1796, and is to-
dsy living with her grandd mgbter, ths
wife of Martin Fowler of Colohester, vt.,
a beautiful town near Fort Ethan Allen.
Her father was farmer and a bote1
keeper, and she lived upon the farm un
til ber marriage. Mrs. Grinnell baa
none of the iofirmites of old age. She
rises at daylight, works about tbe bouse,
and when the weather will premit walks
outdoors. Her eyeeigbt is so good
that she threads a needle and spends
many hours omoleting and doing fancy
work, She keeps abreast of the times,
.11 J-ff.v,.l nnnn
does not feel any older than ehe has for
years, and if people bait ber age enjoyed
eunb good health as she they wuuld
oousider themselves fortunate. She has
seven ohilren, four boys and three girls,
two of whom are living today
Mrs. Griuuell writes:
Cou'iiKHTKB, Vt., Oct. 11, 1895.
"Peiue's celery eompoaml hat been
my health preserver during tbe last few
years. Whenever I have an ache or a
pain few doses of this medicine gives
me relief and strength. Few womeu,
even though muob younger than I, en
joy as good health, for oiy appetite is
lbs desperste straits to which the poor
old Clevrlsnd-ndilen democratic party
Is reduced. Within lees than ail months
of the holding of their national conven
tion they have on idea what they intend
dnmg, Inrther Ibao to take advantage of
any loophole that may b left by the
republican plallorni.lo put furword soils
sort of a plea that may batnltootle the
Voters. Hut ths linpresei.in is widely
abroad that the ttamltoi'tling of volets
by a drni. xtrstio plalf rru will never
again be suen-f ul. It wm done ones
too often. Thm bi( ol cowardice Is
strikingly rhnrieiisi.de of the diu
ovrstie parly ss wed ns tu striking eon
Ifs t with the teeord of the republioan
pa ly tttxb-r in If riretntn0rs,
faring t's long e 'iitr l ) Ui gnvera
tnetit lit rrpuliiliua ptity tietsr felled
once bt bill Its natiitnat emTtolioa
Drt. Hal, the rrpubbeta fsrty has
alwsys knunu alu la II sttmd upon
very gre4 qiM'i t i, an I bS never
tlRipiJ In strsllU q lotions or lo
make llf irms wbieb cosy t ennlrttl
to iiimo nuMilng ne nnihing aeeor.llng
to iifiHiWii r. W.i.h tu.ksqutsa
Mvny nerehanta .rs w II aware that
Ibeir ealoUrs are Ih'ir ll (nn. U
and lk .lrf In snptlylng llitm
till tits Iwet H'li 'b'ainalit A an
to I a nee we mmtion lry A I'am n.
pr.otonM.t ilrngV.t , f I M'hleg, M..' . ,
nan. Ttiev "W hita tin l.r.i i
lation In te--nmM.lHg i'hamtirrUin's
t'-Mtsb llmrty I nnr r ui. ma, a it is
lh Im . qIi ni-.ll-'o. we nt etrf
t'r si al .Vi rats r t by til
t rrSHINa IS I
pii iwi ira aatiaiaeitne, -
Ik. U tt e4
Iw.Mti ia Ti .
I 'ia l a SI lib s
it r ti.1 4 rM
i'r 1-4
at a, rr
...,..?,... .. .t-biHMr - I
f,w(M f,.u, j .,, I.il . ,l
llng lie
tie ft) .f
f a-t
wa X H U'!.ttt a.
,s,i,.s. J. i n. i, ,.f ,u 4.,,'
W ite...ii I- I HU.j-,'
at. ..I. II II.
i.tlsliaitoa (
W ' .. saaj-s.
O H. (W.,l, H .art.r ,
t, n UaMkby. J.. Mtil,wbb.,
natural, my sleep refreshing, and I can
walk quite a distance without feeling
tired. People Bre snprised at my vigor
ous appearenoe and HOtivity, whioh I
believe is tbe result of my using Paine's
oelery oompound. It has cured me of
oonstipation. and is of great help to me
when over-tired.
Gratefully yours,
Mrs. Emyle Hyde Grinnell,"
Paine's oelery compound is especially
valuable for recruiting the strength and
spent enegries of men and women ad
vanoed in years. It is the one prepare'
tion oonsidered worthy the name of
true nerve food and blood remedy by
pbysicans tbrougoot tbe oouotry. It is
prescribed by them in every state in the
Union to tone up the system, regulate
the nerves and restore health and
Nothing in the past has ever approach
ed it Id power of building up weakened
nerve tissues and giving strength to
tbe tired body. In severe oases of per
sintent headache, dyspepsia, neuralgl
d.f Uaniaunena. due to.oervous feeble-
cord of rapid and lasting cures that em'
braoea every oity and town in the wid
sweep of tbe Uoitied States.
Its remsrkuble power ovordiseases lies
lu its active replacing of worn out parts
by new, healthy ones, and la its healing
and purifyiug aotioo among ths most
mloute tissues of ths body. It searches
out ths weak parts at ouoe, and sets to
work to bnild them up, Ths tired body
fels ths strengthening etrcts of f nine's
oelery compound forthwith.
(live the nerves a chance to recover,
and the entire body will regain its
ti.-t.ltb and strength. Take Paine's
celery compound.
teen selected as quarter master, was
nntbls to bs present owing to illness,
tbongb he will be Installed later.
The lodge room was then turned over
to the W. R. C, when lbs installing
officer, Cbriatiue Hill, installed tbe fol
lowing as the olHners for the coming
year: i'reldeni, F.milee Kelly; senior
viee, Crblatius Hill; junior vice, tlanoab
Hleveoson; treaaurer, Msry Smith;
srelary; Mallie Mmead; ohaplaio,
Margaret Ball; conductor, Auie Hill;
guard. Ellis Willie; asai eoi.d.ietnr,
Aim Olaascock; aaat. guard, Emma
This emola.led the work nf lostal
hii ion anj after a few appropriate re
mark by the installing offlaer. O. W.
Htaiib, and a brief eddrews by ths presi
dent of lbs W. It. O, Mrs. Kelly, who
bad been usanimnly re-eleetsd to Ibis
poaitton. nil repaired to the veeeal
room lrlow wherw lablre, loaded with
f'k thugs, bad ben previooaly spread.
Her fully 73 p-npU aaltafled I heir
ttnngee, and alao envinc the Uli
that a banqiet eoeb ss only they sen
prepare la a veritable "Thing of beauty
and a J-y forever." and a fet fit far a
king Daring this part of tbe pn.gram
A. W. falters was called nnt and re
ponJe.1 brb-Hy wnb a few rsnibling re
marks. The entire ftograw was earn J
nut In a very aeeeplabie manner,
eapeelally the wsrb id lb la tiea. thatr
j loetellatin being ra.liata.i
em.Kilhly and wiiUmt a bileb. F.vm
ik a.l.,.. iunnu .-i 1
that Ibay bad brew "eat gatterajed."
la a: I tbe itoraaion on a mat will at
U f Kg'.ttm If Iboaw i"rwt A 1 a
Strafing of Ibe r held pietto to II,
iMte'deitoo, tl'ppnrf a ) tJ m lha
jtle flaee I- tbe f.lwew, la hH
woMa Realise '.a tae bew n,..-d Ut
I r a rata la that rb4 iee t4
flan sal ilrur-erd Witb Charla'n's
I'aia lulns aid boand ea ever Ibe et
nftltefeaia, ad at. tk oa the th
s Tud Ttarx-Wm, ().w4, bae
elaPlke fr4 a,4 Mil - t.
tt.at I t-ffi W, anj kow B(,!,.t a
star if t,,ty tirv., I ;t le fbt
.1 b,. 4l fmit
b .r. .11 W wl k.H aU
sbi ll.v 1.4 g.sa f s.t tt
Potratts of Lincoln.
MoClure's Magazine for February will
oontaio eight irnportaut portraits of
Lincoln, end will present matirel never
before published. Daring this period
Lmooln suffered fioanoial wreck as a
country rnerohaut ; made bis first ac
quaintance, in a very romantic way,
with Shakespeare and Blaokstnne; mast
ered surveying in six weeks, and became
deputy onnoty surveyor; was eleoted to
the General - Assembly, and began bis
acquaintance with Douglas; and fell in
love with a sweet and beautiful young
girl, Ann Rutledge, and suffered the
halt-crazing affliction of ber death on
the eve of their marriage. In illustrat
ion of the paper there will be, inoluding
the eight portraits of Lincoln, twenty-
eight piotures many of tbem, also,
never before published.
All Recommend it.
Ask your physician, your druggist and
your friends about Shiloh's Cure for
Consumption. They will recommend
it. For sale by Wells & Warren
A meeting of the republican cn-g-essional
or mmittee of the second con
gressional district has been called by tbe
ohairman, Charles H. Carey, aud tbe
seorf try, E. M. Van Slyok, to be held
at Portland, Or., Wednesday, February
5, at 2 p m., on tbe same day and at tVia
same place as the state oeutrul oomra it
tee. The following is a list of tbe member
of the committee: Charlei H. Carey,
E. M, Van Slyok, W. J. Kice, Dr. V
Gesner, J. W. Hume, T. R Lyons, N.
R. Moxey, J. M. Vauwhn, C. E. Boswell,
F. Pike, Lot Liverinore, M. Bhker,
E. W. Rumble, M. T. Nolan. ,
Catarrh Cared,
health and sweet breath secured, by
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50
cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by
Wells & Warren.
Thk Distillery at Obanm. Mr. Hen
ry Blaokman, oollector of internal reve
nue, returned yesterday from Grants,
Wasco oounty, where be went to make
the neoeseary arrangmeata to allow the
Portland Disilling & Cattle-Feeding
Company to start up its distillery, savs
the Oregoniao of the 23rd. Be found
everything in ship shape oooditiou aud
issued tbe necessary premission, sod the
distillery will start up today, aud will
ruo at its full capacity, consuming 150
busbels of wheat and producing about
C00 gallons of aloohol and high wine per
day. To eonsume tbe offal, the comp-
pany has on bauds 200 bead of cattle
and C50 bogs. Tbe proprietors of this
distillery have met with a great deal of
bad look.baving been burned out and
then washed out by the flod in '03
It is said that tbe distillery, when ruo
tnnni h.'.nlTrrT ffniT.Vj J?.th wnVe
A Natural Beaatlnrr.
Karl's Olnyer Root Tea purifies tli
blood aud gives a clear and beautiful
oompleiion. tor sale by Wells A War
Fob JoivtSshitob. There seems to
be a universal demand Iu Uuioo oouty
for the election of Ilou. ). A. Wrigbt for
j iiot senator for Uioo and Dmitills.
Tbe people who pay tbe tsxss know a
gobd thing when tbey have it, and will
take no notice of tb few b'etaut poplu
lists but will render their verdict of
approval at the polle lo June by electing
Hon. J. A. Wright by a good large
majority. Blade.
Tor lyprpia
and Liver complaint you bavs a printed
guaraotoo every bottle of Hbilob's
Vitaitser. It never fails to cure. Fur
sale by Wells A Warro.
Ojo Man row strayed away last sum
mer hrendd II W on light l le. J
reward ia offered to anyone dalivering
beratKirat National liank, Heppner,
Or , or to Mrs. Kmma W ebb, at M-nq-tnetit.
U'ASlTMi -a .rl tru.twonhf antlmn
V or la-lir In lra l la (irr-nn. lo tl.ll.h.
e. rl!M. rioow eir mi n, ia.ii
"'1y piolilon Cih , rrirniu and ri .
drd U.u.. i,rai., lha fc.itili,..n com.
fan, lhlr.1 H.a,, c...ha ault llirg, li.ir.-o.
,,L sarU
AUMiMHrHAtoHd Munrs.
IU T mriTY ti nr nrTMRroi'NTY
I of M..rmw.ai.i. ollr.',a in lha roalirf
nf lha aauta n lrima ItoiiMaon, ilarMa-d
SMata b4 ihnmaa pvi..n i1v1 .Hir
la barvhy titan by lea mlrai( H -ll. la
tri.4 i4 tha aaUia ol tlti tb-ni'lM. d.
' I. to ha arllifo al, i til awanaa
kaalng rUlm .I,M ) ft.l. rioMM.1 tn
aihii.ll lhta a lik lha a -. ry tawhaia
Mhia alt auxiiht fu, iha art m
Ihla MM In aal4 a.mln.,,l.. t hl
M IMShain t aal I (,,,(, nf tn
a I !. hit ai.n al kit etlr In ltii(
t". Mwrrvw teuuli,
NrtRY r.fnrsit
A4lnlalralrltha(atesf t .. IkMml
Son AfmmX
li4 lto pnoe. tn . Jan r. la, J.
t-grtatt i.ur.
I r r t.vhtitru at Rrrrnta
t , a ,
ninina, r4 j oh ... c
tkm ealltng fnf thi tMtof kImm
i t. w luim, t H,
Ttachert' tamnaton.
Noti. s I nrttrsT i.n rs TntTr a
,U rt'falrMlH ItKVilatUatM
a-i h . a., ,, 1 -m 1,
ik.w .1,, , ..-.
I " ' ' ' --r. Ill imm H rMf ,
I tfmminf r.h I I, m
i l-tw-l it. 4i - Ja m
1 I r !!'. a
j er is r. s,h . ( ,
AjmiitUatot'$ Koffs.
! - at awtM -
' a rtaik t'Wtsy
1 1 , u b ... . . . . .
A 4 .
I - I.J ? I a-t a ! t!at, t,b
' .- ' eg sa-tin. ......
" 1 f J N"J !
, " l?K
Succeuor to C. 8. Van Duyn. Hext door to Cfty Hotel.
Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and
Stock is Complete.
fie Keehy
Attorneys at Law,
All business attended to it. a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
IF Mr. Columbus were alive to
day aud called at Mat Lichten
thal's he might make a new discov
ery quite as memorable as that of
1492. Chris was a great discoverer
in his day. He would at this time
discover the fiuest stock of Shoes
ever showD iu Heppner, and the
cheapest as well. Vhat more does
mortal man want ?
The Old, Original Shoe Merchant.
Mala Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
L ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
The Northern lounueii
Inveitment Trmt,
limited, I'lalntitr,
O. W. Stewart, Jamei D.
Hamilton. O. w. Har
rliiKto , Addle Harvln
aud i. N. Brown,
To O. W. btewnrt and James D. Hamilton,
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby reoulred to appear and anawer the com
plaint filed AKRlnut yon tn the ab.ive entitled
uit on or oelore the Brat day of the next regu
lar term ol the alxiva entitled court, to-wit:
Monday, tbe Vd day of March. 1HU6,
and if von fall aotoemwer. for want thereof
the plaintllT wtli apply to the court for the
relief demanded iu aald complicliit, to-wit:
A riprrM for tha lum of One Thouaand Dolla-S
euidAP.'.lr'.4,rvi.t..the;e!p attlie rate of
July, iwj, until paid. For the sum oi'siVand
rilty-two Hiindreilthi Dollar with Intvreat
nereon at me rate 01 eight per eent per annum
from the Vth day of Janua y, W, and the mm
ui ifiib nunoreo I'nnara, atiorney s Ices, and
coats and d lahiiraementa of thla iuft.
Ainu for the fom-loaure of the niortiaire
eruuil t.y defendant (1 W. Htewart to awtire
the paympnt of Hit tains Slid conveying t' e Wu
of the HWt, dm, au. The W'i of the Nv the
t ".-4, no ina n n or ins t4 ere.
HI. and tha U of lh HVtA. nl H .11 l
Tp South of Ranira ZSK W M., for the sale of
am prrmiH-a aim tor jtiiliment aim elocution
aealuat the drlemlant U. VV. dniwart for an Am.
Si-lpiiry whli-h may remain afu-r applying the
prtnwli of the aale of aald premier in payment
nf the alxiva nainnl um. aud for aurh lurthar
rrni-i aa lananiaiKleu in plalutirr romplalnL
'I III IlimmniH ( BllhlUh-,1 i,t nr.1- nl II r.n
Staiphi-n A. Ixiwell, in. Ira of tha amh l,i.1 l.-l.i
dlirli-t ol ths state of Oregon, daU-d Dti-ember
1. . BROWN,
M X Attorney for riatnlllT.
Ii TnirirMTirrofRT roams cofjfTt
of Morrow, Hut of Orrgon.
tinn r. iraur. i
Atetander oraham,
tiraham, wil of aald
Alaiandrr lira ha in.
The National Hank ol
llrppnrr. a corpora.
tion.aad frank IUcr
man, aa Hrritr nf
the l4mhard Inrrat
ttirnt Company, iriif
tHiralliin. tfrnUhta
To Al"antrr liraham. ftrtandant.
in the nam nf tha aula of rr-on. you tr
hrrrl.r ronlr1 mapprar nd ant war tha mm
plaint nitNi atali.at ,. In lha aha rntitlrd
on of hrlnr ih Srat day ol tha aatl
rrgular tarn of Iba tlr ntitle-l court, to-w
McNiday. Ih U day al MarrS, laaa.
And If ton fall an la antr. for want thriaof
lha plalnlllt a III apply In ihernurl for Ih rallet
demandaj In aald minplalnt. n all ;
A ii'tr mrnl ai-d drrw erainat yon M the
fim f lav 10 allh Inivrrat ll.-ra-a at tha raia
of el. ht P" rant far annum from lharldf
nf July, tM, nd for a rraaonahl ton, In b A
lrminrd i. lha emit a an atlurnay fee, aud
lutraitaaf I hit toll.
Al fore drrw lrwl(tn nw.rt(a made
hy yoq on lha I..II. !,, 4rarHI4 brvnilaM.
Iu1 In Morrow eo-inlj. Orrgnn. Inwi
IhaSKV f n-ll.n , Inwnthlp hank, at
kan Jl K-M Wlllamnta MrrMlan. an. I e.
r..rtd la tharamr.lt.il mntaal a demililf
In 1 ." p-a tva, km, k and I . aa lo .
th d-lattan hrrrla nan4. and In lha aala
" aaH fwiai to atiuif a.14 )v4aaen a4
d-e-a. niMt eta 4 nimMi m.
Tt.lt manwnt It tubM.Sr-l kf wfday a4
Mrphn a lsa.ll. in ' r4 Ih I inmii ( wqn
at ihm aci al oit u M-rfw icmnty, n.a.ia
a Ih fc day o l-,,T .
i. a. tun a ad O O, rt I is
St U Alturwvy M lia4nUf
At'BtaiirtaAtan oricc.
psTATI of Jt ayi r,,i r-rf,tgfi
I t h"-a a) kaiahy !.. Ihl WltM M
aim lair una on awata 4 i.al,i S-mn.
. " l'H k lha tilWM4 mm
th.ih.M t.ro ia.narv, lav, hr lha ( nal
lxi-taM.rtnw mnir At! poranoa kIM
o.iMaaiMai4aai.i ... roulra4 ka
ho-tl ih.a a at a...ar ti at Im la
p. art Horoa i. out. la ail o.,.HH-a ali.r
flhiaaMt.! or ur aaa.l
ki srd 4 al Jaaaary toat
CI44 a f -.
" A4anaklrtnt
l,Atrft - ao-r, triwonka gooftoawa
' at mt b U...I I. ,... . !
to. lot fc
a. art I m a4
if r-o.ii.MM
Fa- .-oo niMm o4 aril a4
iiooHMt.iolM,.... yl-alfcj
paif. tklrd too. tNaao p.Ui. vra,
PLft IITItIG ill
a 1 too t. h.r rm
'I r (olila Hi l f L 1
l-o I tot a aa.M I
arofA tl p-au.1 ar
a -ro a .
rWAoa ro) (. ao
fim'l laal IsbbiI
ne t( rVoiaia tao-o aoa1
-aw ox i.nt.ot 0 .ar
av aroa.. to..
I I r' " ' 'S . 4 la 1
I j - ' swtaoit, aa S
(I It Halt, tbe le -! .uA, e
W f-wad al km raUra, M .
bawe be W..1 dt-aae al a. .... a.ao
win fii
m aawoamo a.. tt--v- ?&nr
Notions a Specialty,
For the Cure cu
Liquor, Opium aud Tobacco Habits
It is located at Salem, Oregon,
The. Most Beuutiful Town on the Coast
Call at the Gazhtte office tor particulars
Strictly conUdcntlal. Treatment private and sure
ICj Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
east and mm
Through Pullman Palace Sleepers,
iwiu, i..,.it tmi av a iinl Chair
Cars DAILY to Chicago.
Many hour saved via this lins to Eastern
R. W. BAXTER, Cea Agent.
l'orttand, Oregon.
J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon.
Your Face
Will It weales1 wlia saeal .agaglag
ntlta, ne yaw lnra( n a
euiewta mi rrs
TVs Saoat enaapVrta S4 mite Wvt(e
add) to any sewing stackis).
Dtrtkly ail Hsadutsi!" Isllf,
Cf Haa rialib ftrftl Ai!sitfMst,
ttw AU llwskla ArtieUa.
A4 w:U see) and pa yo p 4 law fall
aatai 4 yews pa.ttlMr,
Arrna tUAiist WattTto la .
kenitury. Lttanal latn. A44nm,
CUVtUkKO, 0.
r rti w
W a-o. ao at . 11 '
a fHwaxo, M-o taiM ro-o."
. wrto.o) n c
1 ,(en it.M. M'.t la a,.
VTLYZ" 1 : "'
-T 'Nw--4-lt4f(,
ot ooaooa4oo4 l" ttaat.tv tt
r4?! TL '- bS kaae a aha.
o " t ) a, t ,.aa
j ., eUssiwww, lirra, ea. e