V fw MnMmHffimunmn - v . . m ,4 llUflf l OFFICIAL PAPER eMeerassiieMftwMetrri'tM'i . MY SUCCESS I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I own. A. T. Stewart. Is owing to my liberality in ad-! vertis:ng. Robert Bonner. e 4 II III 1 1 1 1 1 U Mllll mil hiii .an i m w fflni!iiittiiiiropM"iiifittiiii'M OF v. I THIRTEENTH YEAR I1EPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1896. J WEEKLY rJO. 6751 - . - ... i JLmi-nn.K.Ki.r mil ntta SEMIWEEKLY GAZETTE. I I I BETTFR TKEATMi THAN CJULDIIEn! j ' I . ""'tMmowBi " - -- I J, 1:1 1 I v 77 r II I PUBL1BHBD Tuesdays and Fridays BT HE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. . . . Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At $.S0 per yoar. fl.25 for eix months, 75 ota. tor three mourns. , Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THI8 PAPKR is kept on tile at E. C. Dake'e Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 85 Merchants Exohangs, Ban Franoieoo, California, where oou raota for advertising oan be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leave Heppner 10:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 6:15 a. m. dally, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:JJ a. m.; east bound 8:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going; east at 7:25 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.j going west, 4:30 p. in. and D.56 a. m. iICYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., . HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., U. 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. The U.S. GOVERNMENT IS FEICXAJj EISEOTORT. United States Officials. President G rover Cleveland Vioe-Preaident Ad ai Htevenann Booretary of Htnte Itiohard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury J.hn Q. Carlisle Seoretary of Interior Hoke Smith Heoretary of War Daniel 8. Laruont Hoc rotary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William L. Wi!son Attorney-tteneral Judnon Harmon Beoretary ot Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. ' Governor .. W. P. Lord Beoretary of State H. K. Kincald Treaanrer Phil. Metanhan '. Pnpt. Publie Instruction R. M Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idlnman Hn.t. 10. W.MeUride (J. H. Mitchell CWeeemen j rEm,"0'1'' Printer W. H. Leeds ( R. S. Bean, Supreme Judges F. A. Moore. ( C. K. Wolverton Sixth Jodlcial District. Circuit Judge SteDhen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney John H. Lawrey I Morrow County Officials. 'Joint Senator A. W. Oowan KepreeenOitWe. J. 8. Boolhhy nnnty Judge Julius Kelihly ' Commlmionera J. li. Howard J. U. Baker. " Clerk J. W. Mrro " Sheriff G. W. Hnrnnirtnn " Treaanrer Frank Oilliam ' Aaaemor J. r Willi. " Hnrvevnr.- Geo. Lord M Hchno) Sup't Anna Halalger " Coroner T.W.Ayera,Jr muss tow omons, Mayor , Thoe. Morgan C HtnrilmeN .' O. K. Farnaworth. M. Llchtmthal, ttia Parnn, T. W. Ayara, Jr.. Bi-v.7.r.:......T.r....j. Hallo.. .... rru.nw E. L. rrolnno I Marshal A. A. BoberU Precise! Offleerf . . -r . - m V I.. FrMltnd ConeUble N. B.WheUloDe Pelted Bute Land Offleera. TBI DALLES. OB. J. F. Moor KHer A. H. Hina UeoeiTer LA OBABDB. OB. H.W. Wilson rWtrtee I J.H. Kubbina Receiver SBJD3JRXT sOCUCXI. KAWUNU POHT.NO.IL O. A. B. Meats at Uiintoa. Or tha bat Baranfer of wB month. All ntaraca art Invited In nia e-r tcxi. tiao. W. Hmitw. Adlntaat. tf (.oiaowiwlar. MONEY LOANED, n onlmprutvj lrui I'mrwrty Nntollet d. Hear prirrd to nrollie Brl tnaniun uimhi lmrovi lerms In Amm. wllh rMlrrn irtte al a ralaol InUreat not to esmd per rent pot annum. Mnrt(ta I renwl that have tMa uttn uy ouier ooin- Main. AdarvM n .tamp. MKHVIN aORTH. Baser t:itjr, Untotk. lumber!" tlTB RATI FOE iUC A IX KIKfW OF VH V T dnased LamtMr. is Biuaa os Mrpor, what Is knows as Ua BOOTT 0AWMIIit).l PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH &S To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their VJfcr i;m.... -u:u n r r iuuwi, viiiiuicii, or rarcms. ua i uu receive a pension r naa Toil a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED Jg UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new JJ law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it '(J) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the f a time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. y2 '() t7Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, gj ) 618 P Street, WASH1NQT0N, D. C JT. B.Thi Company U controlled by nearly one thoutand leading tie- f () j pfrjri in tht VnileH Slate, and it yvarantetd by Ihetn. f GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laaative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all trie benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is in good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at work- If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. Sff-EVEBY PACKAGE- Has the Z Stamp in rod on wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., I'hlla., Pa. THE OWEN ELECTRIC While it is unfortunately true that child life is infinitely happier in the semi-barbaric orient and even in the wilds of Africa than in the most highly civilized portions of Europe and Ameri ca, writes "Ex-Attache" in the New York Tribune, yet the enlightenment and progress of the west, while they seem to carry in their train fresh in genuity of infant torture, lead on the other hand to a very marked improve ment in the treatment of animals. These are subjected by orientals to much the same horrible cruelty as the children of the white races so often sutler at the hands of their parents, relatives and seniors in general. But in Europe and America domestic ani mals are gradually acquiring an im portance and a consideration undream ed of save in those olden times when they were worshiped as gods or adored as saints. On some future occasion I hope to be permitted to draw a contrast in these columns between child life in orient and child life in the Occident, and to demonstrate from personal experience the superiority of barbarism to civili zation in that one particular But for the present I will content myself in dealing with the vast improvement in the treatment of our dumb friends, whom strangers' might often be tempted to believe enjoy the prefer ence over our children. No one has ever heard of man be ing imprisoned for apostrophizing a child with some coarse, contemptuous or insulting epithet, yet only a short time ago the Berlin press contained the record of a sentence of three weeks' imprisonment imposed on a stableman employed In the imperial mews of l'ots dam, for having addressee pn insulting epithet to a favorite mare belonging to tbe kaiser. Although this Is the first instance known of a man being actual ly sentenced In a regular judicial way tmnwtUAMn.nn 1. . 1 1 . mtkmrnM BBSS i. iv imjHiauuuicu, 1UI bile una VIA HlBUlb- nLI T rnmliS inS language to a horse belonging to U L L I Trad. Mark-Dr. A. Ow.r, the ,Btato' y,et 1 ha n oop- viniv t.Y.u(T H-uiR-uisui Eu ropean armies taken severely to task and threatened with punishment for talking roughly to their mounts, the Sfg-c.l!l?uAS,v5roctrJMltTl1!ot h.8curo welfare of which is a subject of infl or aiseaaa, that can bs readily felt and rem- .1 . , latad both In quantity and power, and applied nlte'y greater solicitude to the oflleers uiun mat 01 ine men. r or tnc nor so is Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report PURE AGtUCULTCRAL COLLEGE NOTES. Tbe total flnrollment baa now reaohed 383, while last year the largest number was only 261. This shows qnite an inorease. President Apperson and Treasurer Weatherford, of the O. A. 0. board, have been looking over the aoooaota of tbe ooliege. They went home last week bnt will aoon return for further work. A motion is now on foot to have the time ot drill just before noon instead of before ohspel. It is thought that the drill could be beat did at that time. It will be settled at neii faoulty meeting. Tbe ladies' boarding hall has most of its rooms occupied. The new system whioh Miss Snell has adopted makes tbe board verp oheap for them. Tbe new race traok hat been staked out. It is a quarter ot a mile in lenoth . Student. Corvalms, Jan. 20, 1896. FOR MEN AND WOMEN Tha latent and onlf flnlAndflA mnA ns.i ' Ueulrio lie It made, fur general use, producing FACTS ! ! ' FACTS AHU 5 ri nrr. aouou, mm CLIAB, - MOB - 17 a I t mmvkmp rtrrrnitt, will d L su dm I BS ImsC a'aiUouU. Tha abcrta qaolatloos srs atilrllf for Caab. L HAMILTON, frop. YOU CAN BCY tSiM woith uf dry foods and grocciiea and than hart cnotiRD left out of 1100 00 to purchaw No. I Crcarant Blrrcla. Tbls Is Srat-claas machine. Whj than pajr 1100.00 for s bicycle that will iS no batter scnrlcs ? CRE'H.'tUT "fcorrher," walht pounds, only lao. Ladles' and 0nU' Medstora all lbs way from 1'4 to 173, "B iya' Junior," only 1 10 with pnaumatlc tlra-a good machine. "Our Special," Meu't I ; Udloa', 1.V0. ifc hi but pan 01 inooouy. it can bs worn at any llm.l1llrin.A.I.I. l.Ai.u. t J WILL.POSITIVELY CURB RIIElTia.TIS.TI LlltlKAUO O KN K H A 1, DEBILITT L A 11 K HACK MKHVOId II9EASES SHK)UCBLK RKXl'AL WEAKNESS inrui KNt'if K.IUNBV U1SEASE9 WITHOUT MEDICINE Kidney and Urinal Troublee, and will effect currs In seemingly bopelcsa cases where every oilier known mo&na has failed. Any aluKKUh. weak or diseased organ may by tlila means be rousoa to neauny acuvuy hAfrwM It la twt latil Leaullna: meillral men ne ana rscommena uts Owen Uclt In llielr pracuos. OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contalna fullest Information regnrdlni; tbe rurs or acme. nnit.iD ana nervona aiaosat-a. iirii'xs, 1 and bow 10 ordrr. In Knallsb. German, Swedish and Norwegian langtiacce, will be mallei, upon application, to soy addreas for cents poaUiga. Tki Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. aim ornra aid oslt racToar, The Owes Electric Belt Did. 201 ta 211 lists Street, OHICAUO. ILL. TIN Largest .wctrto Belt establishment la tht Wefts Not a few who read what Mr. Robert Rowla, of Holland, Vs., has tosay below, ill remember their own ezperlenoe nnder like circumstances : "Last wlnur I had la icrippe whioh left me in a low tate ot health. I tried numerous remands, none or wntob did mi any good, until I was induced to try a bottle r unamberlain'i Consb Remndv. The first bottle of it so far relieved me that I whi enabled to attend to my work, and the second bottle effnoted a onre." For hIb at 03 cents per bottle by I'bill Cobn, ruggiat. MWMvaaAe3 WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. Or esse THE PITTERSOS Ttl C, Iteppner, Oregon, Aft far . MORROW MHO GRANT Counlkt. l J J l A. RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painle3f CURE EFFECTED From Thrco to Six Weeks. WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Orrirte: t'.onm '.06 707, Manitura rm.liltng PORTLAND, OREGON Ml 1TTT fltl infa WkoraatMak WHIa I tU-fAH lUUtnl mH,.,mt llZtZ ariu JOHN w tiiiir.it- JiVaTl , (X, lue tbr iM ptim uar Mil BanK ol Mr. THE INTER ocean wi. rit4p. to. k. tmnor. rVestaWt. Ceoklee. WiWl A 6ENES.iL BAM1NS ECSINESS COMjKOTIONS MsJs m favorabls Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD BRITS U ORtUM)N Oatario-Uurns Slue line BnaSS-G3SY0K STflSEUHE -Mm it- MOSt Popular Pcpufcllcan NewsT-pr of tne West And Has the largest Circulation. DAILY ( without Syeday) tft 0 per ysar DAILY (with Sunday) 1 8.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean l ci. 00 , fXR TIAR..M .. 1 i A KrwrTt tflN fTtt tXAl h n.H at te ass ta as) Mexti N rr aNMS mm m HiwUl AiX t HBJ a Mu AHU tHt. L1 or akaiT UtlMAHKt. BY MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS ISOT EXCELLED BY ANY. osTAitionunss ksee Barns I.ly . m. MW rt al Uo!rt m M tnmrm. Sinalo Fore S7.DO. Round Trip $10,001 II It kes si mimt ml tmtmmt Is esvBi awWe a ike IM.SI II ltisiHtHsiiiiaiM awe, al Ms II lUUIimit IMIIH I see mhiiIiI KfTWAUV IT l rnl . sa4 t WsH rM mmn ss si! fc aisas fHa. M saee flees llseea 1HII Ml Kt IT 13 A TWELVfc-PAOE PAPER. iMneilMU mt Umif Mar. Ml1y S'ark not only ll ti-H ll a 1.iw h sow ( tbe tal'iroua twills' f IWntiinrVia, t'Ul alia ll l t-i Ii.iim- nol.li) nWhi-T of I ran. At im-lime ihiny out of f'irly of ti rl.Uilrm at tj-n-liruf ths ilioirl- t ali.4 InwlmtU (llrxl thu "Mark ilU'rt X" of N llatniitthlre mvr natint Merit. Tlny acre til iln Tbilaal of tlie rmri liil rt n M'Jlr lwo Ui Iks lru of lti tiliiiM.m. N'w. ! err. tJi ftaiim la aliWMt eiln I In Nar 1 1 n ri, t.l. in Mm ),. u r. Ih i ni r if i : ! iU'rl ". l I tlir tr " rw left t, ifj,r t'a' riamc. Mi.'lr i'Urh has ti.iio .iif lintf la Aia.tM 4a t al . mile irlrl f tli.nn )-r, lw Is U aJsth etrre) In lineal 'U ai'til In mo tba hrt"iu of lntii ttxn. tfcef Hee T TKe W"thrf of fainilT hiee1 tha llr krt aillet'f oil the railway eol of fcalf fare tiraeta f .r !" b.l 4rN. 1h lH. f, after I ej InsT at thvns fully, eH ILrw oi'l ere th7" sr only ata. er4 they are Iwina." "Ahr lb.it flr al worth no much to the national treasury in cold catih, which the trooper ia not, at any rate in the countries where mil itary service Is obligatory; and, more over, the advancement and promotion of the commanding oflicer depends, as a rule, far more upon the physical con dition of the horses of his rvgiinen Uian of Its men. This boinff the case, no one need be Fcktctlcs. brinirlnir leirul proceedintft ntrainst a Viennese aportlnif paper for hnvlnfr referred in a hUk litinpr manner to his raco-horse Thalany, the insult .HiKlsiinir In a remark to the effect thut thoutrb the mare had won certain takes she did not leorve to take them, owlnir to the fact that her com' netitors had run ao bailly aa to deprive the victory of every atom 01 Riory or merit. This la hanil v a grave Insult, '.utthe count thought otherwise ana demanded a printed ap"''''? on behalf of his mare, falling which, he has inatl- tuted the legal nnx-eeilinga refrrrert to. !t remains to Imi aeen wliellier he will otitaln a decision In hU favor, and no one need tie astonished if during the court of the proeeeilinpn the mare tier- M-lf la suliiKi iiKetl aa a wltnesa. In Ikdgluin the government, which own am1 controls the entire railroad ayatrtn of the country, lias Just Issued a decree which, aa far aa railroad trav el la concerned, ploeea the do on e aHly the name level aa a grown up man or woman, ana inuniu-iy nignrr than a child. For whereas the laltrr Is entitled to half a plaee It under twelve years of age. a dog ha now a right to full seat, providing lie lias in ursrv. That la to eay in compnruiienu ri nsed to hold ten travi lem, If there are right adult human beings and two dogs in the compartment, the latter Is rriranli-d aa eomiilete," ami nootho MM-nirers are admit led, and II III" train liapoetie to on full partly wit dg and Mirtly with hum an Uetnga, any aildllimial pcnger win nave to Imi lift behind rather than that the dogs liould be ( .n i -l t'l yield up their aeaU. The government di-eree, however, eon- talus no Intimation a to the manner In whlrlt the ranlne travelers are n-pr- tel to ronfonn to th regulation wlileb prohibit .aenBerfrom putting their ferton the eubluni and it nut Imi admit Ud that the wat of rallrol ramages aa at prewtit rontnn t'd are Wit uitel to the dog's at) l of repo. Ina.nimh. hoaerr, a lm govern ment ha already given Mm the prefi r-enee- over children by aee.if.IUig Ui lilm an entire erst. Init l ol men ly half of one. It la rout within the Umrula of puMlbilily that It may In couri of lime be brought to tnoilify the rare In rh a msnni r a H aM ttli eiiufirt of the ranlne eengrf at the es-n of tbe human traveler. A Suiitri Obituaby. It wasn't Missouri editor, bnt a Missouri printer'! devil who was going through bis first experience making . op forms.; Tbe paper was late aid the boy got his galleys mixed. Tbe first part of an obituary ot an impecunious citizen had been dumped in the forms and tbe next handful of type came from a galley desoribiog a reoent fire. It read like this: "The pall bearers lowered tbe body to tbe grave, and as it was eon signed to the flames there were few, if any, regretu, for the old wreok bad been an eyesore to tbe town for years. Of oourse there was individual loss, bat that was fully oovered by insurance." The widow thinks tbe editor wrote tbe obituary that way because tbe lata lamented partner of ber joya and sor rows owed him five years subscription. It Saves lives Every Day. Thousands of oases ot Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Colds and Croup are oared every day by Bhiloh's Cure. For sale by Wells & Warreo. HIS BTAKC HAD MELTED. Talk about hard-look stories," said a Western gambler, "I think I oan dis- count anything you bave ever heard II was In tbe early days ot Leadville. nsl about tbia time of the year, and I tall yon It does gel cold up in tbe bills il...l...l . . rwi i nto a kamoling bonse to get warm. There were several games going on, and when I had thawed oat a little, I walked over lo the faro layout, where I weol bmke the night before. I said, it was a very oold night. The snow bad sifted through the cracks, and I could feel tbe wind blow ng in on my feel, I h pened to glance down at the floor, wbere, by the side ol my fool, was lying what I thought was a quarter. 1 bad been watching Ibe game olosely, making imaginary plays. 'I II play 25 cents open on Iba ace,' I said to the dealer, and In a moment more It woo. Tbe dealer banded ma two white ebipa, I played again and won, and before tbe end ot the deal I bad a nioe stack ot chips. It seemed lo me I eonldn't lose a bet, and io bait ao hour I bJ a ooople ot buodrsd dollars' worth ot cblps before me. I oonoluded to oaab lu, and staoked .. i . my etiips, planing mem inwsra toe dealer. Lie ooonted tbem, and, looking at roe, said: Where's that quarter yon made your first bet ooT' I bad for otlea all shout It I looked no Ihe Qttor. Tbe quarter was gone. 1 III a match and saw that wnat I bad sap posed to be a silver quarter was simply a wet spoL It was orlaioally a bit el lo, but tbe beat from my boot melteJ it Of mart Iba dealer pro perly refused to cash my cblps. Judor Bennett Bomb. Judge A. 8. Bonuett returned home this morning from Washington, D. 0., where be bad gone to srgoe two cases before tha United States supreme court, bat the ooart was not ready to Sear tbe argu ment, beuce tbe judge will submit bia argument in writing. The judge spent a week in tbe national oapital : and bad oaoagion to visit tbe oaoitol building daring tbe session ot oongress, and saya the Oregon delegation is no discredit lo tbe state, being fully op to tha average standard ot intelligence. Mountaineer. A Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lang diseases are An red hv Rhilnh'a flnra Wnr mm K Modisty FiRsoNiriiD. A modest young lady, wbo desired to purobaas a pair of garters, addressed tha young man behind tbe counter thus: "It is my desire to obtain a pair of elroular laatio appendage, oaoable ot being contracted and eipanded by means ot oscillating burnished still applianoea that sparkle like particles ot , gold leaf set with Alsaka diamond and wblob are utilised for retaining in proper position tbe habiliments ot Ibe lower extremities, whioh iooale delieaoy (orbids ma to mention. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a sura cure for Headache aod nervous diseases N"tbiog relieve ao quickly. For sala by Walls A Warreo. THE NOBIUTY. Irrf) ft CHtCant, VeiW srvw am Comraciat tnr ati oeiaiv atot -tl al. oiiiii iwr Ma t'lus-ua of I da I M&itu inaa r rtmst r-ft r, easts r fi.t unit or mi wist e an.eiiu To tne tt ru ( r-Aftai raeiriiet s,i. N Is ta oee t semej of le Wee a4 Is aMems s4 tSHea., fMM M.eS Ikes ike se Ike WeMty laeas Oeaaa to OM V uti LmU U rta k a. TE 1NTKR OCEAN. Cblr0. When a di.tlr.guUl.e.1 awa I W W Orevy refuses Wi Ull bla age. etirrly dinary wnrn may I eseuvl f.ir nt purely feuilhine wraarw. llytbUeuli lrflge Ibe prreidrtit Bilfd htaetnibl rj two) irili U Ur iiig I, I in lot ail )ars yTTi.grf than be etas "'rdiiig bi an aoe't'.U. f .ll.. "M lirevywsaal waya very rl tahl to tell bia age and rpen!y alniiitl thai relurlanr. Ala dinner My given by one of hi friends la t?l, tbe future president of Iba republic) it. wlta a wo lie: W .I.mI. BAM.... km. II. l.U. tn.-n.nl tM Ibe man rle4. , ' ' . M , ' . RCRSS-CASYOS li'H t- tfaO a4 fl sa,k- r ff r'W W are--- ATk Lancashire IsfkA'-cr. G. MANCMKMIKM, liMOI.ANII I I felTfW, 4r VT ? tflaoJtst ft JW.rrt AH'I tilr were) Ibey l-ttir" lb mother (eMbiokfnff)yr-"TbUe s t"ra la York and tm ntUr I" iarl.- j A rrat " wtostanvat ha Wei pit Bp la Mii .i't b;nl p!eo tbe mem ney of I sU.ef lmi . lies r-rit f tbe el-r Tat e,e -pis iHt.-ein la f-t I" ra. ! ae. I 'iwl a lif iee l hf u.e A lU Kig of eirVwa la farl, when M. Iler4d. bo was oe 1 1 roe a ilnitr of tbe third republic), ea4eev4 to obuia lUf.niW partiew j M,t, iksaa," tars of M revy safe fif a aew s-litb-a i , rilest rilesl llrhlag I'lle. hyundoma Moisture; lalena lUhing and slinging; most at eight; woraa b) crate Ling. It allowed lo continue I um nre form, a bleb oftoa tleed aod nlrerate. tseromlng very sor e, hastaa s OiaTMaar slops Iba ileblng and bleed ing, beals ulrwraluia, aod la mnai ease remufe lb temore. Al droggiete. nr b mail, for Ui e-o is. Ir. Hwaya noa, rbiladelpbl. Hl'tlt l-NK KU lf KKA Now, aal I lha Jadg. lb elerk will read tb Hem of eipeoe In the Hooib (. feik-'fart fe-e, VX. Jaig--All.,wed. Cletk-Wrvlee ef 2apeieere, ,t" Jalgs-AIbiwoH " Clefi-'l'ay of alttiloiatfaW. " Ja1fs--Allowd." t'leik-'Finenae of almloUliab-r, 1170." Jedgs --Allowed." A u-reey' fee, I m" J,dg--Allowed." CUik-' A leflielngel otiee. I?) " Jrt,rf.-WbalT What1 Ikatr t II e-ibl I bat a aweakt dale to tl la sueb aa ei-nbdanl toll aa Ibat? lesa't allow any eb tall a Ibal ll'ieiil. I aaa kere It aroleet sslale of 'Vatwrea. M t.revy pristntly r fet to aapflf tbem. Tbe arriiis of M')ierN, Vaavlrey ere burnt la 111.' He ali. eA yr me dt the l.il tmon ql get Wt Ifif-wm-le-a ffisn ae ' Aaa eie(ii, ail M l.revy bt'rpl,er gave lb year t;i a ibat -f Lis biith. wfcUa ia rel J Itk was W a la l " Now U Iba lima In ge lb Weekly feaiaa. lb el eesi.L r.f lbWel. WitH I be 1 1 -- . t.e If in adeee,o. e, H fl le I,imiv. ..f e ! ! e ea lee made i tbe et. IW-t I- Will give e S letulnw aa l IHlae ..rt.al.l ee f,H, li.sur, as kfriollgr fi. ( 4r? ta eM ti -! rHi)rr.a F.rLAi.iahas been for week past sojourning quietly In London, ac companied by her two llttl aona. Tint, ijueen consort of 81am owna a wonderfully iiesutiful thlmbl. It la shaped like a lotu and mad of solid gold, studded with diamonds. T only ornament worn by the wid owed Archduchess Stephanie of Aaa- trla la a locket containing on one aide the portrait of her little daughter and on the other that of her mother, lb iiueen of lU-lgium. Wins tha prince of Wale was married, the king of th Ilelglan gave ber le of tb value of ten thousand pound. Sine that 11 in ths prineea baa gon on collecting and now bar laee la worth something Ilk fifty thou sand hound elea eteilee, How ta yimr wife getting oaT" "Mis' Ininrovlng aloiely. hb U not well enough to stletid l bee bowaehold dutle yet, but yealerday aba wo OS I shopping." I'uik. A LITTLE AVRIITY. Tlt IHtle to la said to b dlappar Ing from th human t""t A 1'ttU.Aun ritu mlieal paper aay that City Itoioea pnelue dtarea. Tilt Value of I suede's Babert yield lal yesr I annonnred a fll.w4l.17l- la Ulai ksUme a tun 1M offense wer punlshsbl In Lngland by deaia. It I usually considered that aa adult slwiuUl drink about Uir plaUof li.pi.ladsy. Tna rtne ol Wale bs eWn brother In law, alla nrira, aiaty seven cousins sad Bfly en nephew and biecea TbS aeeMtd son of lb arrbblabop af raatsrbaty ha akieveil eonatderabla ueeewitri a novel entitled !mV desliog with fssMonsbl s-irlet. kkr iMlet la Merei They do a urr Iml very eenelM Ibing bi the ear b- in New Yorll la b-.t Meailor 11 b-ee ar kepl.Hit Me, n. In Hie bested atel tes, ami ar put In a i". f-x 1 1 ib aelewalb. (m of ',i ul..in-a be a h whk-h b ti fii.i.n Ihe b'-f,iry ,ttV blle. II, nim of t.r l sent flrt cti t m ir t . it, tiifi on I e bead, and a It t n f n 'b rw the b-t" t'isl j, hp i t t- ii 1 1 l k f t bn ,r ltin l i 'ti'g "Ib' f j-ir Ut 1 i. a. l n-t ii, ?T, T"'bly many l.y i-r y'ti. w,ktivg astif la h W, W IfW . SmVt. 1- 5 I.