VTOC& BRANDS. While yon aaep four subscription paid np yen eta keep Tourbrandin fraaof charge. allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horse GO on left shoulder, oattl Mine on left hip. under bit on rinht ear, and apper bit on the left; range, Uor ' row oonntr . f Baird, D. W. and eon. Homes brand yd D B on the left hip; oa'tle the same on left flank, crop off right ear, underorop in the left. Bange In Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine. Or. Horses branded T Eon either shoulder. Range in Mor- rJanTlster, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thiifh: split in each ear. Brenner. Peter, (rooneberry Oregon Horses branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on "ll?osman, Jerry, Lena, 0r;-Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop md right ear upper slope. . Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; oattle same on right hip; split in "8Bro. J. C Heppner. Or.-Horses. oirole "S?1,?: loft.V, n: cattle, same. wn W J Lena: Oregon. Horses W. bar r.rn the felt shoulde?. Cattle same on left Wren, A. A.. Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Vmin. J. H., ttooseoerry. Or. Horees branded TSoti the rtaht hmiM fc'oyer, W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses dot brand irW hip oattle, same, with spht in rikXt. O.. Heppner. O'.-Horsee. P B on left iSoSfein&a GCarsrDWarren, Wagner, Or.-Horses brand . ed Son right stifle; oattle (three bars) on GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisement and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that vou bay from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest andsquare dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage ana is Light Running There Is none in the world that can equal in mecnanicai con- nish, beauty struction, durability of working nn hi improvements as the arts, fineness of appearance, ox naa as uuuiy right ribs, crop and split in each ear. iirouVtt stifle all coiu under 5 years-on left shoulder only on all horses oyer 5 years. All W?VZrjmxZLm nr Lena. Or. Horse. H C on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip. RanM Morrow and Umatilla oounties. ConlgalUt M. Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop out o ! aauKai ! and nnderbit, wattle in forehead; borhaU I circle 0 on left stifle. Bange Mor. Our .T. n..ionux"y"S--dm bit New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike Knth aJHoa nf nr-pHle ( tatented,nct other has it ; New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWIBG MUCHIKE CO. Oaiims, Mass. Bostow, Mass. atTmonBorAnx.N.Y HiCA'IO, IT.IJ. rT. iAiinn, iu. vnj.uj.". tiAM FaAKCISOO, 'lh. ATLrUTTA, wa. - FOR SA'.E BY P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. nil v . ... i each hip on oattle, swallow fork and undej m irSaht nar SDlit in left ear. Range in Grant oonn?y. On inrerted A and wwM ou shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on U . ear in Grant county. rirhtshonl derrCate,aame on right hip; ear mark square orop ott leix auu ,iv .u ....... Currin. B. Y.. CurrinsTille, Or. "aS'M.B.. Hanlman Or-Cattle, Cwlth 'chMnument Co. Or.- mm E. WcNEILL, Receiver. TO THE GIVB8 TH OHOICK Of Two Transcontinental TURNING THE TABLES. The Cn fortunate I.nwjer and Bis Client, the Morse. The extent to which lawyers can ex ercise their imagination when pleading; in behalf of their clients is almost be yond belief; but sometimes the tables are turned in a very unexpected fash ion. On one occasion, savs the Florida Times-Union, Mr. Swan was engaged in presenting the case of a woman who petitioned the court to grant her a judicial separation from her husband, BEFORE from a most hof rible blood dis ease I had spent hundreds of dollars trying various remedies and physi cians, none of which did me any good. My finger nails came off and my hair came out, leaving me perfectly bald. I then went to HOT SPRINGS Hnnimr to tie rnrerl hv this celehrated a workingman, and urged that as she 'treatment but very soon became disgusted was in extreme poverty she was en-1 and decided to try S.S.S. The effect was titled to alimony according to her hus-i truly wonderful. I commenced to recover band's means. at once, and after I had taken twelve bot- With a voice broken in its pathos the' ties I was entirely cured cured by S.S.S. lawyer dilated on the imperative neces-j wnen tne woria Sity of the case, declaring that his renowned H ot client was utterly destitute, not having ?Pf?a!d a mattress to lie upon, and not possess- ShVewt La. KZS KZS ZS lngttie means to purcnase a crusi OI OutBoolieoaisPlMMetndltiTreMmeiiiiMlleaftMiosay GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS -AND UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA AND St. Paul Kansas City bread, When the evidence had been heard the judge, who well knew the counsel's unlimited powers of exaggeration, turned to the appellant and addressed to her a few questions. "Have you, then, no occupation?" "Yes. mv lord: I am a nurse," was the incautious reply. "And where are you employed?" "I am at Mr. Swan's," she unwitting' ly rejoined, pointing to her counsel. It was -with the greatest difficulty that the judge refrained from joining in the shout of laughter with which this admission was hailed. Addrw. -Horses, on Also I ca'tle sine out off end of sr; eKm. brand log .both hips, mark nnder slope oo,n - "or"K.rse. branded n nn Ttht hip. Cattle branded the same, hrands CI on horses right inmn hSnd on rUht shoulder, and eu riKhtear. cM.tiu. Rl) on onFl1,tBhr.- Dowlas, Or.-Horses branded ELY wftt should. o"tle . on lefthip. hole lPi!!!LT'H Hardman, Or.-Horses branded Ef7led flwtb taill onle(t shoulder ( eat. Q- irererseo ' i M(irrw Oonnty. ' Flore'ee" LTa Heppner. Or.-C-atUe, LV on ui',".,. a P. Hannner. Or Horses, IT on '""""""! ." " . ..i" 'if -i..V, kin nr t.h oh. If.nho. Or. -Homes brsnde.1 H. right shouldert oattle gUwUh . qS5 rsKli iryr It, on left stifle. B. Wlin M"" . n1.,illnnuilties. WnMor-O.tU,. round-top K .Ith tartar oirole nnder it on the riht hip. ?Lw and Umatilla oonntW. Hnahes, Bamnel, Wanner, Or-K (T F I eonneotedlon ri,ht shonlder on honws; on oattle, M riibt h Pand on left side, swa low fork in S-fl"-. .lit in left. Kan" in Uay.taoli rfi-i-int Miiitow oonnt. with WshoTe l) on ri.Kt.hoi.l.ler, m w i-f. .M.. Uanae in Morrow and Uinatille 0.n.n.t;,"i, ik D... Or.-CaMIe K H on right hipih..rsaameourl.htshoulder. Kange V"fi"N'PP". Or.-Hnpm shaded hrtto the leflshonl-ter. Itan-e Morrow Co. TlunJakw. H A. Wajpier . Or.-ll.irses. on inti th'i'ildws eattl. on I"" hip. Humphrey, i Har.lman, Or.-H..rse. H on UP Hank 'LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers leave Portland Every 5 Days For SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlnls.Ga. CHICAGO. He & St. Paul m SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on 0. R. & N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obeoon. . .. ' n. -i.. W:l fm TT.i-u IT ..n Ue earn, on left hio. Hume lo JI.wtow eonMt j"e. Harrr. Heppnf. Or -Horeee hran-M .L V i Jt. ..,...,l,lr' rati a bra idnd J on Send 5 Cts. for Sample Package San Francisco OJJlce, NAPII. B QllEENSFELDER & CO., No. 2i0 Suiter Street. QUICK TI3VU3 I TO Son. Kranolsoo &ad ell point in Calif ernia, via the lit. Bhaeta - rout of the Southern Pacific Co. fh rreet hiahwar thronsh California to all point Kast and South. Grand Hoenio Rout OI me rem no ixieai. ruuman oun Hleepers. Beoond-olaas Hleepere Attached to ex Dress trains, afiordina superior teenmuodations fur seound-elas passentere. Fur ratee, tiokete, eleepiua ear reservations. Ho, oall mxn or aildree a. KOKHLKR, Manstier, I. P. ROGERS. Asst. tun. P. A V. Ad. Portland. Oregon Uanew ' Johns T.thin alwiondorUit in left ear. Hangs la I U,r?ZlaS"Z- Rnnnner. Or Horses, hor. Iim J 01 left shoulder. Cattle, the saut. w.n. !. Hnroe. eirrlTon na'ni. rr.il. . , . . . . ,. I l.r. n.tl a. sameon nnr nip, on-inr imir UNY m lefthip oal tie seme and crop off left Kirk i T.. Heppner. Or.-ll irses W en left ihonl.leri eattle. "W on J"" h'g- , . . KumtK.rland.vV.it.. Mo..nt Vernpn. Or.-l L on i7 i.. -r. I lft M. swallow fork In lift ear and nn-ter ei"P in ;UM ear. HunMis same brand I . let sh-mhler. IUn. In .rant .nn!. Loften. HI..no. , Joj. r.-H I. o Irfl hip em eaiili. en.p and spin otj riht ear. I ..r-. na brsud on "" (r.-..r Seme uraou brmo.UI hflrcU Jl.eonnloo lefi .h il. 4w. Cattle, earn mi left lilu. Kaniie. near lt Uahes.J. W. Me.t.nf tr.-H..r brsnd1 Land ll ollrt ehiHild-wt "tll - " l't kip, wattle uw rmhl thie slue In r kM "uH nore. Heopner ().-H rM Hrsnl.t d'Hihl II e-ii.nru - iin eanei s mtnm It nn I h'nl W. 5 II l. Ct.U Kr.n.UI swa .n . - - - elrale in nh hipi ,m f,"t "" Uamr IB M rw owntf. Mio-w. tM.r. nt..o- Hr.-JaiU. D riant M pi a-" n ten nlilr. 0 l.ft shimldw oattla U kP. Mitrhall.r. "r.-lLne-ai. IJ imi fihl .... ... -hi at t Ci i -1 HoKkOr -Horaas 4 N eon- I MHalos lft shooMari oattle me."h.rlhMt. tlllar. rerr. U"Ii"n. - M..re'. i. W.. Tlas t k-t in left th.wiMwi ra'tla sa.n n r'sM hip. 'a.r-.n. !. k.M 'l-' tar alrrla .hi-. ..1 l-t ah ml l-r en I II i !' kip. ' aula. f'Wll la nranpivp.!. m nt.flMn. Ha-t Kli' M.'a. farkar k Ulaaauo. Met t ai,tr.-H .rasl,.' il Vina. KrrS L IjllHlvri.'". a . k II. It arwi.iajl.il a., l-'l ..tl I 1 e 'lar, J. It , tSllT'M. It rTl. J' pana4 u. laJI ah-ml Wl lllie, "e lf l nip rtlalCMld f IM IS h rat.,.. u i irr "'T'1 ' eft kip. " la Wl t" riM. R.t, k4rw. Mard e .-H ". ! ar, rwrtHf-la UM Mrnb Hrral NMlrtM, l . - M raat hrviUI I aa the . lm.Mri aaitlA I a Iki W Mi r.r. H la'l r an 4 Ual " IU alM-talt ., Aalraw. llii. ". l 4 b M nM arfnl l, !aar Ipta4i rattle m est fV -II aa I i'tn nHl k n l aalil la Uft. II " 'Mt !0 aw awl a-li Ba4 trMa a V?1." IT mTIU. w-MH mm. k -uw atfte a-at ! aa a,in.a nM k. al all iu aar a4 aaa k.aad aa W a.iat. raaaa4lil ""- . l, J. W , llapiMia. O - II "I Lafl atMaal rat. I'aMie, II Ml ft HI kl. a na l attHa. "Miia J II aa latl Mp, swail.. wk la rM 4-Wi la I". Ut Vipi -- i" HarM. IV -. !!. I -Ce.il I o r.i kip al ,,, K"U' i ". MM kil.M H- la Hf ft kaita ill. . II . 1 rraai. la, aa'l'a a - a 1-1 Hiniw H. a.m J.ar li -. l iHWaa. k.a4a 1 .( arwraklari aaula Ik. aM ' Wlta Ka-a la ' --a.'ia- l.-H a . Ma i k- K-MariAa aauU k " t " . l'-.- - 'l'". aa t.i kit I '- ' " u'' " a wVi II , Mmm. , - M-eaa. M m Ufl aw.i.1-(Ha'ila, M aa l-fl kip II It lll-a. - I Ca , a, a f '4 a- I 4-V la Wl Saw 4Wala, kaas ! i 11 "V-.-I W-a- i A M-- - l w i" Ul -a" 'a I -m U.H I, r.iri"i - II--- I .-el-1 ai.il t Th thnmb I an knfstlln IriAn I ef ehsrscur. 1'hs Husra T)p la 1 dlcsifs simni will, frrsl snrrgj I nd UnfinfM. Closelr sllltd It tin I i rHiaiulsi'd Type, th thumb of thosi yt of sdvanrrxt tiitss and butlnasi alillltjr. Hotn or tht types Prinnt I to lb bn.T msn or wunisni ano I Demumt's rsnill Manulii pre-1 psrrs stliei-liillr fur such prrsuos i I whute iuii nr new met, eoa di'tiix d In a amall tine, hi that lh rrviird f Hi whul wurlo t win for a month mtr h tvad la half hour. 1 tit CmirTrU In ludicalet rrnnetnciil, culture, snil a tot ot Biii-ir. po. trr, and flrtloa. A prrma with thit lip of thumb will Ihor. 01111I1I7 m)'r Hie lltrrarjellrsclroot of lHDHirr.lt Matultl. Hit Ar- tltlie 1'tl Imlrialr a Vote ot brsut sua trt, wlikh will ins ran plratul In tlir BirUniBcrnt OII.Mf I- HI of iiwr. Ihtl 1 S4 InrhM, lepra. dm ed from Uit urtginsl psinllhf ht l Umi'i'r, Ihe Bl cowlrfslrd of Imlnc HuarMMliiUn, whirk elll lw elrte In 'rr tnhambef ll mon-tl's Mtruln for IMA. Tb ml nf Uilt tuprrb eoik ot trt est llOiUl si'4 Uit rrprrmuciln 'tl ;l isiiimH b di.l'tnul.hrd fnrm lbs nr'iitnsl. IWalaVt Uiis. tli)ulll nil or wiirrnlr pklur It pk. li.lwrj In ml surntwr pi bm iacs I.. ..J !. a.,ul m sr. an to... Ium-It and Mpai bit IMnMrattd Ikel lit Murtdaa I, la rasiitf. a r"n f.'Un of art work of lh kiirktat tmlar Tli rni.ao.bl Tmkl tiinmk ef Ibe Ihtaket and iaiwelat of Mm, a km will t iUplr lain. mill In Ibot denlopra aioikif la iraaat Mtaaiaa, la twf not of It aurneriHit aVfrsittntiita. alrrh rotar th ta'lr smimw twi Orri.nSc) aUI. ihrtmkllrt mmf fxt. Uni-T. n IM o Ik rtn4, I (laiplf a wrfrr r milt lltrwin. ti.4 wtt Wn,f 1 ",. .d u.ma ot Ifca Mufttki hn4 la toar sabarnpUaa; H wiN r at aalt Id, t-4 flMI Will ktt fhvra llajMiliat I . aneraaj U J.m. ii...a.T Pabii-kar, II 4 I4lk Ptraat. K.a Tata. 1 knafk nt tsaklna I4U1M It a. tf-c ftakMr ptrja sa4 iitattlra a ftralif sari luanm atMirra, out Ira f tulraft.lita latrMaat I i nli Ik ProiiaiM Til a at 1 b..a,k. akkk la. bai'a la k iul I a. atca, trrMrlaa. ai4t SalL nlk, tnaarlarl Up, llwaw vail kok knw , ita. la Ik -a W a m aa nf MuaiKl aaharrlb la .. . . t M -, aln. If sr aarraal4olik . ariia MkJ f.rff tiavlaa rl't ifrati. a4 I a .1 alra I Ibai aralKf Ifcrat T'lt t1 kat la IM as, f ' airrM T 4 la aa .. i.ib aj i aitat la Ut waaaj at - .. I , FEMININE VANITY. It Crops Out Even Among Women Be hind the Bars. Vanity in a female prisoner would be merely laughable if it were not so sad to behold. It is, however, the one touch of nature which proves the hu man kinship, and there is perhaps some hope for even these poor, degraded creatures, if they are thus swayed by such harmless emotions. Prison ma trons, says the North American Review, would be perpetually busy if they checked every attempt made by their charges to adopt the last fashionable coiffure. "Fringes" are "going out," perhaps, in general society, but they are still amazingly popular in prison. Criminals will trim their hair as it pleases them, and the wisest disciplin arian affects to see nothing of the fringe. In the same way, once, when chignons were in vogue, the female felt happy whose locks escaped the prison scissors and were long enough to fold over a pad of oakum. The ingenuity, again, with which some prisoners will twist and turn their unbecoming uni form into some faint notion of the fashions of the day might have earned these artists good wages in a dress maker's atelier. I have seen panniers counterfeited and polonaises, skirts draped or tied back, dress improvers manufactured out of whalebones or horse hair; no doubt when the present "bell" skirt is fading out of fashion it will be largely patronized in Jail. The craze for personal adornment leads women to skim the crease off their canty allowance 01 soup, witn which they plaster their hair. I once knew an aged prisoner who was caught scraping the dust from the red brick cell wall to serve her aa rouge. fcSf. PAUL tc 0 MINN BSOTAAa. C v l I'' MILWAUK CsM$ That the RAMBLER nrniielsnn indisputable fact. It standi In the front rank with all hieh urade machines, and if iou buy one you will make no mistake. Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if vou wsnt to be happy, lor should your wneei net punctured, it can be mended by you in Ave minutes, as it Is equipped with the world j renowned G. & 1. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-platea steei rims. Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at (100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, flSO each. THE, RAMBLER is the fastest, liehtest and strongest wheel in the market. For style, finish and durability it Is unsurpassed, as It is constructed on strict mechan-1 ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals irnin.li woman Viva enrl rrtrlt. with !R. 2 and 24 Inch wheels, st ffili. 153. 145 respect ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge Clincner ares ana are luuy warranted. Before vou buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call i on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers w anted in every town In Oregon, ashing- ton ana jaano. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co'i "Rambler Bicycles." Main Store. 327 Washington bt., Portland, Or. OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. Glance at this Map Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail way and note Its connections with all transcon-1 tinental lines and St. Paul and Omaha, and remember that its trains are lighted with elec tricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is superb. Elegant Buffet, Library, Bmoktng and Sleeping cars, with free reclining chairs. Each nleeping car berth has an electric reading lamp, and its dining cars are the best in the world, Other lines are longer thau this, but none are I shorter, and no other otters the above luxurious I accommodations. These are sufficient reasons lor the popularity of "The Milwaukee." Coupon ticket agents In every railroad office will give you further information, or address . C. J. EDDY, General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent, Portland, Orcuom. Most Modern and progressiva For catalog" or Information writ to THE MARL1N FIRB ARMS CO., Mw Haven, Conn. 2 giwifFwitmrwrnrmTOK E JLV xtC AS Jb? 3 Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one. call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. ff fnOO wor.hof lnvrtv Music lor forty W- I M , , Cn!t. cimltln(r nf too p.kT 7 a. fi ful, ,(f, siieH Music ol Sin ra- ltal. Irrightrt, livrllnl unj mit popular 3 - sltrirn. Krth Vocsl nj HitrumrnUI, W giittrn up In lh ao alrrrAtil mauoer. In cluJinf fnur Urrrr) sit Cirrtralt. -2 CAHHt MCirt, lh BimkUD Daoctr, PADMt tfAtf f.. Uwmmt i..i. Allium ent 3 - siuuAn amino. r3 aca kk aaaaa 1 THE NEW VORK MUSICAL ECHO C0. --. ikoaaasv Trwstr IllJa .Ntw York City. 3 2 eNVl WANTID. JUllUllllUIIJUiUiiX'inuuR A. P.T. L. The American Protectivt Tariff Ltagu it a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and Industry" at plained by itl conttitu t on, as follow! : TMki 1sm awta- AaarMa raatr a . aa tiaii m. war. aha acvaa Sn knrtaaanai rauM f.a t whIjIus f kiii at. TKer are no personal of private profits in connection with the oganiia- t on and it is sustained by memberships; contributions and dittibution of its ptrblicationt. riMTt Caa riaaa I Slil'lsl I 't " Kaarat " a " 0aaal C mam at. r f CO a t. W aa s ajVavW. ajfcaSa sawVI mt SVf. W aaaaa. tNiMO! W mvh a f "' Kr ! af a Tar- aa. ... Carar (aa m i s iis.iii rw 60 ssasa, r?UHTM! aaaJ ml mm4 . W Va a " san I .- w - Wat i. a. Oi Ija IrVsa 4 SvaaV ha Va.. ARMOR IN MODERN USE. English Officers la Foreign Service to Pro tect Thanuel. In dlacuiwlnir the modern use , of armor by oflicer and men In the for eign "llttlo wars" of to-day, an English accoutrement tnuker, a rrportcd by London Tid-ItiU, says: "I give you ray amturonce that an Itnrncnae number of the oCicera of our army and navy who go on foreign service, i-ftpvclully when one of our 'little war' ia expected, pro viilo thcniKclvea with certain eoally recognized protectlona. "Tliene, mind you, are well-known articles of trade to the service. The commonciitand moat uaual type of these protection conhints of fine but beauti fully tempered sinirle chains, inclined In in soft leather, which rin along- the ahoulders. down the outer side of the arms and over certain parts of the body. Three can either be sewn into a particular tunic or they can be adjusted separately and put on like harness. The moat valuable of all chains, in con nection with accoutrements, are thoac wuicu guard the head, and In caaea where the regulation rap or helmet la not sumcientiy protected in this way specially made chains are sewn inside the same and covered by the lining, asoklne la ( rrart. Commenting on the fact that Dot long ago a psator of a church in the Whlte- chspel dlalrli't In London announced from the pulpit that in future his hear er might stuoke their pipe during service if they chnae, rindependsnce llclge say there Is nothing so very strange about that. In the Mr Iran courts of law. It save, the atnoklng of cigars la sanctioned by boatry cualom; there one may often aoo a prisoner pu fling away at the fragrant weed while answering the qucatloa put to him ty the judge, and th latter serene ly add 14 the general atrwike. Mexican teacher reward their diligent pupils by giving tltrm permiaalon to smoke cigar or ela'srette during erhool hours, and lifneve- the worthy po! gttrtir I In gmal htim rr the schunlrnoai Uthl. k with smoke. Hmoklng begets thirst; hence on the teacher's deak aland a huge Jar (Lied with"pulaae,' the national beverage, to refresh the tutor end I u lured. W Hani l.e-tH m laft S'r ta'aa N .n M i l la . II fet l a IV - H St aaaatal i ! "I, Waj. aaa fc-a-wi. T.. v-r- l M f l- H I arlal a M llralWrwiH aaa a n feW!hn r I. mm la U'l SaM aa-ila aaa a llrjM I.I a,-. ) larrt arw a4 n.vl aaf J-- u. e a M . SanM ktaxM it mm r at-anOa. tiai JH)i mm9 am M falaK IV-al aa a M. aa) mm K I ' ' It aa tv4 M - -. I-" tl - tewfeU ! afi S twaeaeAi l avrWWrSv J TPsJB SjStsJMSssV tr llitfat Ul (raataf aaaaltla la . ! Bases la Vs ali. t a ta as IM kmsiul Hf a 4a4 whs aaf fmily liysrt r4S Clt .. B a TsWlasi f'Um, a t a hae CM ensfl-. ir mU. Iirsal C"l "if U t ! It, f $1800.00 0IVD, AWAV TO INtNT0RS. I.aiaiaartsil fa a S aaa aa 9U SM aa i i' Siaial ta- Sral f alaaS rtt jS. aa4 sir aftaws ml Bar. ra m sa faamif awam aj IrraMlSMlniMIM l Mr aaa SM a aai a ll I IM aarrai m fmlmm V BaS BVa n t mc anrtcTtnui inxntioxs THAT tiLLD IXNtRMS Asaaeliae StsteaagaaB. It Is u wonder that foevlgner scoff at the whim of rl.-h Aiert ans when i hear of suthapleee of itra gsace a la here rlat4: Lady Iterea f.ird. f.irmerly the ducheaaof Marlbur ourfh. wli.i w as Ura her la the t ailed Mrie and whit MiarrvsKl a rk-h Nw Yiwker, h. aflerwarxt dlt. haa Just rtm-4 fnwn a trie nh her hatan I, 14 U-rrf.i. They tr..H away i M- au .i..,. i.,t ! ItiUi .N.rrwar. f.eP thrtt- . i , .i.,.,i w I's B) 1 ;-;rT t... w.-. c;:r-rr;- n.-2 r. The r t!f Wfi.i.i i-'k-w ol the rUest-'.! iUiU ts 12 So a4 the rlf ftm)t4 ihe Wliy Oresraia kll W. Ail M aWfil.iaa M IU Oat ie a4 rsMa '"f rle s-lvsaee ra g4 b4h 0 0He a 4 t -a!r t) g - a It 1 5tV A!l all ! miWi rtig i iitite ff t is slraaa will he eeWliot the . Bas Wmt-tmrn a . " WI saa as an mJ BkraaSt raVrarrrrrrBBi brrrrrJrrarrrrar, aBrrtkaVrSBa mmm a-aBMrrrrBhrarrrrrrS 1. rrrrrtrrrrfe . mammy BrBWJl swrl Bsvaaa ipsa ai'BW'waBsa rw W 'at a aa -. taraia. MtoCW sand dollar Imj a (Uhing atresia and eaf M w fth. A It t L!t Ore. tfouwntr oj wo reart in umne$t. tfi , A Complete Set, consisting of five S Ball I'layer. Oolf Flayer. Tennis Haver and Bicycle Kirter. will De sent 10 any address upon receipt of 10 cents, to pay chsrxcs. These figures are absolutely perfect, beautifully colored and mounted, and arranged to stand upright, and are an ex cellent souvenlrof our 20 years as leaders of the athletic supply world. Unliable lor club, reading room, office or bonie. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., .NVit fork Lhica.o i'kittutrliihia who Uvea at Tunbridge Wells: "I thought perhaps you would allow a schoolboy to tell you how very tamo and fcarlu the cold and hunger have made the wild birds around our Iioumc. "Of courao we feed thorn with bread and all sorts of odds and end, and the ground Is simply black with our hunfrry visitors. Even the sunplclous rooks come quite cloae to the house for their share. A little blue-tit passes its day In our baaeuient, heedless of sleepy pussy baking herself before the stove. Moat of all 1 Winn to tell yon about my strange bedroom companion, a little robin, which has taken np Its residence in my bedroom; and though I leave the window open, he never goes out except to take a short fly. We psas the night together, and he makes his bed In one of my football boots. "The other morning he woke me up by singing on a chair at the side ot my bed. 1 suppose he thought I ought to be at my lessons." ENGLISH DIFFICULT TO LEARN. tmw FraMliniaa C aa ffaaaar tb Lraa gaag With aa Saaaai. The Frenchman, past or present. who speak KnglUh especially well and doe not pronounce Mirlish names I with an eccrnt that is peculiarly French U very rare Indeed. President Felii Faure mw hold the honors throughout all France for hi eiccllent F.ngliah, and CuglUhmen resident in Paris, as well as the public men of London, who have opportanlilve of knowing, say thst he quite equal Na pi ilmn III. in hi fluency a 1'AnglaLse. M. Faure, in fart, la the first of tin preai'lrtit who has been able to pro noun re i.ngltah well. Thiers, MacMa hon. tirevy and famot had very Im perfect knowledge of that language and Orevy ws earierialiy weak, 0"l only In his peiwianriaiioai but la hi handling of F.ngliah eetba. Th! I a eurUius frt, and a rather Instructive one. when It eome to he recalled that nearly alt the last king of France were gol F.ngliah scholar. Atrnmg French staleamea llama de Coueret, the prwnt atabasaadof of the Irvn h repni.'ie at the eoert wf Ht. Jar t., 4. 1 1 1:0 grasp of the language of Ihe eounlrf t which h la ecrrl- lied. 1 hla .li(.l.imt ahnwed lit la la a I rnmt markel mraiinrT during the sneel- Ingaof Ihe IWhriag are Bshery rtilra- IWm, la whU ti he t-4 a rrniaeit fr- (Trmenrr, the e-litne and dt a!y. ha th rrjitt-rn if araking the tt F.ngUaH France, and sorer at I ,! t he pqtall.tn ef iril.h King: of Bicycles. FINEST MATERIAL, LIGHT, 5TR0N0. jfnsS. rCy vxv scientific Four Hodelse85 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND Z-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office t Lake and Malstcd Sts., CH1CAQO. ILL, RfiANCHIiSi-riaw York. Saa PraacUoa, 5alt Uk CMy, OMver, Meanphta, LWtrett. Tcresia, WEBB SAFE 8c LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. V. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon OUR STOCK YOF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD great financial sacri- in your business, and as a j ! i I i I I I 1 i ri V a It to Advertisers at Am mm m lice, l ou need it matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterson Puulishing Co. wnrkaa la their M to snake hli If as-f aa m a-4 f aJ mfmmm i mm m iiiisWaiMiiMP mm - mm rt m rr ts not so raeo as it stxhi S mum IM a a1 s is C .aaaaajta ii m i 1 1 1 1 1 1 nlal mum a) . ll.Hl t"r, la'Sf l-r.'l' i v t.. hy th. smt Igaoraat taa pre. ht siJe f the h"i. COY ANO RODIN. f. 3 3 : WITH r Si SaVas athmS aaaa .r. r,r. a4 I mm - es S. mm mm, a mt s a iias m4 . 1 ikma I I a ka irrr 1 1 m BaspaaaiViarrtra ftBBh TajsBB aaajpsaPaj MssMft MMMMar ttM aft U$t .. !. aa-raatW4A at taariM mm4 raa) l-aisa.. llF4reH.N.VV H t. ahlatp. H. C taT aita -" I la T M-a-S aM V ( 44 W aalSae. ISiHag th slrtw! jr aeeeee etht rif FrWvsry, a. sat flat nf hints wftahnl fraa 44 sb. I starvatWra. ta-h I F-l't sn4 Ihe l'nitrl tiat. le ' t ar arut this 4eatnarti.fi ta th er armfal. pethep. a the enuatrt where th hnla wiolr U cwtre IhUklj Mit;l lhaa with . r4 Ure wee l,feoatireffr1ag. Hatoera amt'.'l lh lk,tUh hinta f xia4 frW4 y mhm.ll Th tnl Tiaw pV!hr4. isHng th 14 wiae. t fmca ' Wi va:h, a t 4 t;-e yr. Aa latervsling lf t toot gtefa'l hT la rarl l lh t plxnaii smtp la that a lwmf ef II at ifnmi hiiy rsatv-l. n.lr r th wiir r-f nJ. eial rtritt'i ae4 lar r t-f r-s'l. apptsr at a lay hall la th si-al eft t Ti la frt aa rl p4 sSssr.esj pl wiew ha lar- f.-T lt' i ri al i th piB htTns H sum ) I Ing a th ft..',.! rwpU' t t I 4-litisi rp 1hl !" r , '.. 1 Mlarh atU r 1 1 .! 11. t lV. , evbii-.f r ";. , 4 l fcr.t il f Ids cart tnUaiHti r-iU.t sw Is'j.rv rm the part ri.ira fn4 at; 4 ti t-aaxs) t! i'i PBISS : BIFJI : PIEIS Youro BOUND to Tnko 'Km. Lenves ?o Conillpnt'.on, C . a e.! a 'l 1 Ili- atrrM. a- ft.a.al J uj . t ivf S'.lM It M f;4 hi all m. 7VT'' H aHUH h J. rtHU. D.ui at Ft Tel t IyT4