Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 24, 1896, Image 3

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La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs
. Two years ago, I had the grippe,
and it left me with a cough which gave
me no rest night or day. My family
physician prescribed for me, changing
the medicine as often as he found the ,
things I had taken were not helping
me, but, In spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, my husband, read
ing one day of a gentleman who had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
have used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family, whenever we havo
needed it, and have found it a specific
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles'."
Emily Wood, North St., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's SarsaparilhL
Here and There.
is over at Pendleton on
T. A. Rhea
W. O. Allison was in from Eight Mile
0. K. Cranston, ot Portland, was
at the Palaoe yesterday.
Bargains in everything can be bad at
tbe Boston Cash Store. 2t.
F J. Hallock went over to Pendleton
on Weduesday night's train.
Geo. Fell departed on Wednesday
evening's train for Pendleton.
W. J. Leezer snd Wm. Kirk are both
reported to be on tbe sick list.
La Grnde Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Henpner.
T. H. Bisbee is reDorted to be Quite
seriously ill at bis residence in this city.
A little son of Isaac Large is very dan
gerously siok and grave fears ot his re
covery are entertained.
For tbe next four weeks tbe entire
stock of the Boston Gasb Store will be
marked down at cost price. 2t.
L. O. Connor, boot and shoemaker.
Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra-
bamsick building, Heppner, Or. t(
Best accommodation aod oonrteons
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wasb. 8ts., Portland, Oregon.
. O. : It is expected that soon Mr.
and Mrs. George Fell of Heppner will
remove to Pendleton to make tbeir home
Jungle : A band or antelope were seen
last Saturday near Bitter. This is pos
sibly tbe only abtelopein this part of tbe
W. F. Matlock oame np on yesterday
morning's train on bis return borne from
Portland, for a brief visit with Heppner
2l JtE SL JL ? J 4
5 6 1 b 9 10 II
12 J I is IS 11 Hi
2d27 1 ZQ 1 2PTFrj7T?
Take Notice.
L Th nin of Br rents per line will be
Jhanred (or "rani of thanks." "resolutions ol
import," lists ot weilftlnf prpaenta and donors,
tod olilttiary notice, (other lhti thou lh xltt
)r shall blmanlf (tra as a mttr of newt.) and
oth nt pectftl maiitlii. tur whatever purpoa.
1. Nnttraa ot rhiin h and society and allothar
MitortalnmotiU (mm which rvciiua I to b d
fired, shall ba rhanrod lor t th r of flv
nu I In. Th rule will ba strictly adbsr
fl to In rry lnUno.
AdTrtalti( rum reuotutlil sod madakaowa
Ipoo apillttlotu
tat for Hardman, Maimnwnt. Un Creak,
lob ly and latiyno City. Ipstm a lollowi ;
gvry day at a. m aicpt Kiinday.
ArrlTary dayatf n..irpt Monday.
Tba rhil, quIrkMl and beat tin to or
from lb lutorlor rmuitry,
ruil Cuba. Aut
Catrs Pals Star Brawary Btsr
la l!tf ttn Bottle ran b . . . . .
bad enly at th . .
City Hotel Bar!
Whn Mb f rwt IJquor tnd Ctars ar alto
kpt by 14.
giaf not lh bll th hour growl hot, 'Us
F.!Ntn Mily Kill
Columi.i ton bav turly tnt lh Briton la
Your starry lnnr ploudly Boat aod Jutttc
rut on blah.
B'tl 'on ifrfftintrotrthrit(l,ha(rr'i
If. At lb !ol lf Mlontt.
Dr. E. R. Hunlook and Henry Neel
arrived in Heppner from Loue Rook
Wednesday evening. They returned
T. R. Howard makes a specialty in
supplying stookmen with all needed
articles, besides carrying a general line.
see bis new ad. tf .
Fred Melchior olaims to be the best
well digger in the county. Wells dug
by the day or by tbe foot. Address bim
at Davidson, Ur. 4UU-lm,
Tbe Antelope Dramatic olub that re
cently made a great hit with "Old Home
stead , have decided to present "East
Lynn" in tbe near fntnre. '
H. Y. Blaokwell arrived from tbe
npper oountry on last Wednesday
night's train and departed ot. yesterday
morning's stage for Grant county..
Baldness is often preceded or aooom-
panied by uraynesa of tbe bair. To pre
vent Dotn baldness ana grayness, use
Hall's Hair Renewer, an bonest remedy.
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo
desires tbe services of an attorney in
Washington, D. 0 , will find it to bis
advantage to call on or sddress tbis pa
per. , 6tf
Tbe esospe of 8am Brown tbe murder
er from tbe Rosebnrg juil is oow thought
to be due to eoospiraoy. However, it is
the general opinion that bs will bs re
Tbe only exclusive clothing store in
Heppner is the Boston Cash Htore. Gall
and pick four cbo'oe in custom made
suits, pants, (urnnbing goods, eto, st
your own pnoe.
Frank Ross bsi opened npsrestanrant
in the Minor building, next door to O.
M. Jones' barber shop. Whits labor
throughout snd rates by meal or week
very reasonabls. 09-tf.
Chtooicls: Mrs. I. N. 8 argent, wbo
bss been ill with pneumonia for ove
week. i reported to bs imnruviog, snd
il is believed Ibat s few mors dais will
see ber restored to bealib.
Tbs Canyon City News oorrectly slates
that Heppner proposes to bavs the Par
ieh crak rnd open in tiros for tbs nol
elip of Rock creek snd Wattermao Flat
st-otion to bs freighted to Ibis ile.
Wslt. Thompson runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day sioept Sunday. Shortest and Oheep-
est roots to tbs iotonor. P, Oohn,
Tbs Cecil repnbliosn club of Dnt'glaa
ba aalaoted T. i. Leagas sod W. U
Wilmit as delegate to tbs stats club
For s pain in tbs cbeet s pier nf
flsoofil dampened witb Cbamborlain'
Palo Malta snd bonnd on over tbs
of the pain, and another oo tbs bark
heiwVo tbs shoulder, will ff rd relief,
This Is sepecUlly valuable In eases
ber tbs pain taranard br s sold snd
trier Is s tendency toward DfiJOmoDtS.
Fur sals bv rnill Uobs, drogguit.
The Ralem Htalssmaa says lbs follow
ing of tbs entertainment by Oeo. II
Ueiaier, who Is to speak hers oo sell
Taday seninf : lbs tlkao Mter-
lalntnent fiveo IS lh Prbteria
ehsrch Friday nltbl by Oeo. M. WewUr
w icelloi, Tbs views ar pmsnsns-
4 br ill prfetiy grsod. Tbs boss
was erowdsd sad many tamed sway,
Tbere are some people wbo srs never
positive in anything. It is always,"!
don't know or "I guess so." Tbere is a
world of snob people,and it is refreshing
sometimes to hear a person epeak as one
bavins convictions, like Mr. Cbas F.Sny
der, of Bangor, Pa., wbo wrote; "I oan
heartily recommead Simmon Liver Reg
ulator to all wbo are troubled witb Dys
pepsia or Liver Com pi aiut."
Jouroftl: Mr. W.-OV Brown and wife
(nee Miss Lillian Rbea)arrived in FoBsil
on Monday's stage to visit ber mother,
Mrs. Donaldson. Mr. Brown reoently
sold his hop farm at Anthony, Or , and
is at present ncdeoided wbere be will
locate. He will leave for Portland in a
few days, but bis wife will remain bere
during ber mother's illness.
Now is the time to get the Weekly
Oregonian.'the greatest newspaper of
the West. Witb tbe Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, one year, $3 60. No better
combination of newspapers oan be made
in tbe state. Besides we will give as a
premium an additional journal, tbe Web
foot Planter,, an agricultural paper.
Come in now and subscribe. '
' E. O. : , Magnolia Lodge, Degree of
Honor has presented Mrs. O. J. Smith,
past chief of honor, an elegaut gold
badge, the emblematic heart of tbe
order, properly inscribed. ' It was given
at the last meeting, the presentation
speeob being made by Jtmes F. John
son. It was designed by Mark P. John,
tbe jewler.
Sam P. Stnrgis, cashier of the First
National Bank, of Pendleton, and well
known in Morrow coaoty, has been
very seriously ill at his borne in Pndle
ton, but is now reported as slowly im
proving. Although he is not yet out of
danger, there is now great hope that he
will recover. .
Ayer's Hsir Vigor Is certainly a re
markable preparation and nothing like
it has ever been produced. No matter
how wiry aod unmanageable the hair
may be,. under tbe influence of this in
comparable dressing, it becomes soft.
silky and pliable to the brush and oomb.
Dr. E. A. Vaughn departed last Moo
dav evening for Pendleton wbere be in
tends to permanently loonte. 'Uene is
oertainly an ezoellent deutist and while
we regret to lose bim, yet trust that be
may meet witb the suooess be deserves.
Read Aver's Almanao, wbicb your drug-
1st will gladly hand you, and note tbe
wonderful cures ot rehumatism.oatarrb,
scrofula, dyspedsia, eozema, debility,
humors, and sores, by tbe nse Ayer's
Sarsaspraills, the only Sarsaparilla ad
mitted at tbe World's Fair.
Good Impbsssioh. A certain doctor,
wishing to make s good impression upon
a German farmer, near Portland, men
tioned tbe faot that he hsd reoeived a
double ednoation, as it were. He bad
studied homoeopathy and was a graduate
ot a "regular" mediotl college. "O, dot
vas nodding," said tbe farmer. "I vonce
had a oalf dot suoked two oows, Bod be
made nodding bnt a common sohteer
after all."
Lost. A. pair of gold rimmed eye
glasses with chain attached, somewhere
on road between Wm. Dutton's home
and O. E. Ferns worth's residence in this
oity. Fiuder will please return same to
this office and receive a liberal reward.
A ot Oregon for Morrow County,
The State of Oregon, 1
vs. '
J. W. Morrow County
Clerk of said Morrow
Oountv. Oregon, and
the heirs of Charles
Lind, deceased.
Whereas, it has been satisfactorily made to
appear to the Court that on the 13th day of Jan
uary, 1890 In ald Morrow County, Orenon, one
Charles Und died Intestate: that at the time of
his death said Charles Ltnd was unmarried and
left no children, or other heirs at law, and that
npto the time of the commencement of this
proceeding no person or persons have appeared
claiming to be an heir, or heirs, of said deceas
ed. That at the time of his death ri aforesaid.
said deceased was seized of certain real estate
in said Morrow County, besides a considerable
amount of personal property. That afterward
the County Court of Morrow County duly ap
pointed administrators of the estate of the said
deceased. .who duly qualified and entered upoc
said trust, and proceeded to administer said
estate, under the direction of said Countv Court.
That on the 24th day of December, 1892 such
administration was completed, and said admin
istrators filed in said County Court their supple
mental final account, bv which it was shown
tha' there remained In the hands of such ad
ministrators, after such administration was
fully completed, as the property of said estate,
the sum of 14956 01, which said sum of money
was. on said day. under the order and direction
of said County Court, paid. by such administrat
ors to .f. W. Morrow, Clerk of said County Court,
the above named defendant, subject to the
further order of the said County Court. That
said sum of money hss ever since said 24th day
of December, 1892, been, and now is, In the
hands of J. W. Morrow, and that said County
Court has not made any further order in relation
thereto; and that by reason of such facts, said
sum of 14950.01 shout I escheat to, and become
the propertv of, the State, and the State of
Oregon has a right by law to said sum of money
now in possession of said defendant J. W. Mor
row, as aforesaid.
And It further satisfactorily appearing to the
Court that a summons hss issued in this pro
ceeding, directed to said defendant, J. W. Mor
row, renulrinar him. and the heirs nf the said
Ben Mathews is now sole proprietor of Charles Und, deceased, to appear and answer
Cannot be permsnently cured by the nse
of opiates snd sedative compounds. It is
too deeply seated. It is cansed by an
Impoverished condition ot the blood,
upon which the nerves depend for suste
nance. Tbis is the true and omy natural
explanation for nervousness. Purify, en
rich and vitalize the blood with
and nervousness vr !U di ar-pear. Ilood'i
Sarsaparilla will give vitality to the blood
and will send it coursing through the
veins and arteries charged with the life
giving, strength building qualities which
make strong nerves. It you are nervous,
try Hood's Sarsaparilla and find the same
relief of which hundreds of people are tel
ling in their published testimonials. Get
Hood's onfy Hood's
Because Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only
True Blood Purifier prominently in the
publio eye today. Sold by all druggists.
Hnnd'a DSflc cnr habitual comtlpa
liuuua fills yon. price 2Sc per box.
X ty ot
J. H.
f Morrow, State of Oregon.
Thomas Walden, W. G.
Scott, Geo. W. Harris,
To Thomas Walden and G. W,
Harris, Defend
hereby required to appear and anmver th
in the name of the State of Oregon, you are
plaint tiled against you in the bove entitled
Charley iooe. th wt-kefl "old
titner" in lb lnrril lin. bs is
l-ld Is Heppner, btf pa cbed
the oity meat market wbere be keeps a
fresh supply ot beef, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, bacon and lard, which be sella
tor the lowest market price. Fred Bock.
tbe Portland botcher, is still witb bim. tt
Con Eelliber.Mike O'Brien and Frank
Zaods, tbe three prisoners who escaped
from tbe Multnomah county jail last Fri
day, were captnred last Tuesday ont near
Scsppoose, in that county, snd are again
safely behind the bars.
Frank Minor retnrned yesterday morn.
ing from a two week's visit in Portland.
Frank brought home with bim s brass
model of tbs oar trooks oo which bs re
cently received a patent. It is a fine
pieoe of workmanship.
Eldsr J. W Jsckics will nreaob both
morning and evening oo Sunday at the
opera house. Rooday school at 10 s. m.,
Endesvor 4: 15 p. m.. at the earns place.
You are oordially invited to attend all of
these services.
Harry Jones was in from his Butter
creek ranob over last night. Harry bas
bad soms troobls of ) witb a swelling
in bis face, Apparently neuralgia, tbongb
bis facs bas again assamsd normal
Ecbo stags leaves Heppner Mondays.
Wednesdays aod Fridays. Leaves Eoho
Tuesdays, Tursdsys and Saturdays.
fare 82 eaob way. Omce. Wells
Wsrren, Heppner. Ed. Driakell, Prop.
the information filed herein, within the time
limited by law In civil cases, and that said
summons has been duly served upon said
defendant, i W. Morrow, personally. In said
Morrow Countv. Oregon, and that no heir, or
heirs, of the said harles Und, deceased, can be
Ioundln said Countv and State.
It Is therefore hereby ordered that sll persons
interested in the said estate of Charles und
deceased, appear on or before the first day of
the next regular term ot this Court, which is
the first Monday in March, 189A, to.wlt. the
second dav thereof at Heppner. In said Morrow
County, and show cause, if any they have why
the title of said estate, now in the hands of said
J. W. Morrow, being the sum of I19MI 01. should
not vest In th Plaintiff herein, the Stats nf
Oregon. It is further ordered that this notice
be published once each week for six consecutive
weeks in the Henpner Gacette, a newspaper of
general circulation published at Heppner, In
sain Morrow county, wrcgon.
witness my hand this iwhdayof January
mm. Bltl'lica A. LAr. i.L,,
406-18. Circuit Judge.
A. of Morrow, Stat of Oregon.
Henry Heppner.
riaintin, i
Clark R. Adktns. -
Uelendani. J
To Clark R Adkini, defendant.
In th nam nf th Mat of Oregon, you art
herebr reuulred t ' per and answer
plaint filed against you In th above entitled
Mver Troabl aid Debility.
Lesbnrg, Or, Deo. 'ML 1893. I bav
always been stmng before I was takes
with liver trouble. I was all run down
so Ibat I oonld bardly eat or do my
work. I wonld bs obliged to lie down
after I bad worked a while. Before I
hail finished tbs first bottle of Hood's
8arsprills I a feeling well again and
I believe It saved me 1mm a long sick
oess. Mrs. floss Wiokbam.
suit on or bt-lor the Brat day of th next regular
term ol said court, m-wit:
The Hod Pay of March. 1N8S.
And If Toil fall so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to tha court lor Ui
relief demanded In aald complaint, to wn
tot Judgment aselnal you for the sum ol On
Thousand Dollar with Inlerrat thereon at th
rat of ten per rent per annum front th '(
day of November, lnwi, and such sumasth
court may adjudge reaannabl aa an It'irner
le and enaia and nlsiiuraemeiii, and lor th
forerloauraof certain mortgage executed by
Tou to aecur the Payment "I lb sum lox
pacified, and recorded In th mortgag records
ol aald county on lh 27tu day ol Novemlier,
lwi. In 11 k ," Page 2M. am
following described pretnli
nf tS and gr la of Hm and NW'j el r.u
are. si. and ol aw 14 and rr, ol w an
.VV of i-1", 01 -. Vi. I P 4 H. H. Ti K W. M
and lor lb sal ol said premier to satisfy aald
This sumitions Is published by order nf Hon
Stephen A. Isiwell, Judge ol aald court, toad
OB U lata day ul Jauuary, l"
j. n. sson s,
401. AtUirner lot Plaintiff.
Hood's pills ours sick headache, indi
Been a Changin jusiness All Arsimi?
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
lofak Stater Pre !
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment, (Jail ana see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
suit on or before the first day of the next regu
lar verm ui me aDove entitled court town:
Monday, the lid day of March, 1896;
and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the 0 urt for the
relief demanded In said complaint, to.wlt:
Judgment agsinst defendant. Thomas Wal
don, for the sum of Two Hundrt d Four and
Sixty One-Hundredths Dollars in U B. Gold
Coin, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent, per annum, Irom the nrstdayof February
irro, unm paia, ana lor tne turner sum or
Thirty-Five Dollars, attorney's fee, together
1th the costs and disbursements of thi; uit to
be taxed.
A"d that the mortgaee described In plaintiffs
complaint be foreclosed and thst the premises
tnerein nescrmea, 10-wii: tne B 54 01 Hec. as,
Tpl N, R 25 E, W. M., be sold to satisfy said
Ana mat tne said ueo. w. Harris and an per
sons claiming by, through or under him be
forever barred of all right or equity of redemp
tion in said premises.
This summons la ouhllshed hv order of Hon
Stephen A. Unwell, Judge of the sixth Judicial
district nf the State of Oregon, dated December
lhth, m. J. N. bPOWN,
m m. Attorney for Plaintlft.
L of Morrow, nlate of Oregou.
K. K. Hughes, Flalntlfl'.i
Henry Kelly, Defendant)
To Henry Kelly. Defendant.
in tne name ot tne mate of Oregon, you ar
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regular
terra 01 saia court, to wn:
The ii Day of March. 1896.
And if yon fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will snnlv to the court for the relief
demanded in said complaint, to-wit: Judgment
anu oecree against you lor tne sum 01 svayuu,
witn interest thereon at the rale 01 ten per cei't
f er annum fmm the 1'Jth dav of May, lh2; for
he sum of I21.7X, with Interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 20th
day of December, m and tOOUO attorneys lee,
nd the costs ol this suit And that the mort
gage described In plaintiff's complaint he fors
cloaed and the premises therein, described to-
wit: tbs 't ol SWU and S'4 ol NK'i ol tkw. 21.
and W14 ol Hec. 73, f p. 1 8, ol R 17 ft, W. M . In
Morrow County, Oregou, be sold U satisfy said
This summons Is published by order ol Rtenh n
A. l.owell. Judge ol tbe limit Court o the
xtste ol Oregon for Morrow County, mail 011
ma em uay 01 jauuary, iiws,
404 17. Attorney lor I'lalntirr.
flat Do You Want?
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
A ol I
Lbctciio Alaaka. 0o. M. Wl-
ter, of Portland, will drlifer let! org to
this city no tint Tuesday Tnmg, Jan.
28; b. on "Alaska lb Wonodarlatid ol
Iba World; tbo Elomo of Moatlpf Io
Bergs, Oolil Mi Of tad Heal Fields; tbt
Natitae, Tbtlr UnusMi aod Coal arses,"
Tbia leotura ia alao Illustrate br mora
Ibao 100 graad lllnstraliopa mhUb
clMsrlf pietora It Iba aodirnea Iba
oadrs of tba laod ot tnl loigbt ana.
Tbia di-vpnptiva latura will m blgbl)
otartsioiBf and loalraoliea aod lo all
taa tbal Bona ran afTwd to tsnta
Ttokata or aala at iba a I or of B locum
Joboaon drag Co.
notics or inoi,n mix.
If the bualnm known tinder lb Arm
nam-enf , h-trtlvrly, Klorutn Johnston Urug
Co., I'hlll I'nlin, I'n.p , and T. W. A-ers. Jr.
give nrtlr thai hst this day dlamlml by
mntoal ronwnl. Iir. f, B. X. saof.it and 1. ft .
A,ra. Jr . III riain lb peraatit bualnaaaal
Ibe old Hlfvum Jobnalnn Itruf I o 's Mai d. will
pay all dMs ol both Rrma and evlleri ail ao
cOMOta due aani-
Him nnr hands and teals Mils tin day ul
January, A. l. !.
T W AVfKt. Jt ,
iini.i. oiix.
roil f. b. m. swuKtm.
rr(on. for the County of Morrow.
Delia a. vteiuon, 1
rrank I. W, Mon, 1
II'Miilanl I
To frank I. Weldoii, Defendant.
In (be name ol Ibe HUte ol nrefou, you are
hftrhy riuirrd to aa-ar and anawer U lit
nMiii.lslnl II led ajralul roil III the above enllt'ed
suit on or brfor tha Aral day ol the nest
n solar term 01 ui uni i eiituivd court low it
Mofclay. Marrb I'd. 1MM;
snd II you lall In answer orotherwla ilnd lor
want lhirHil th nlalntltl will apply to the
sIkiv eullllKd Fourt lor a derrvw diaaolrlm lh
msrrla lamda now tall:. bvlwmn you and
herarlf. and aim lor a dn-m awanllna the rare
sod riinolr ol th all minor rhllorwn low II
Iwlla K.lllh ftrbloii. Lilly l.o.ilaa Waldon,
leland elanlorn v el'liin.Frani lonaM x don.
Irr Irrlnf Wrllon and I 'pari ftcldon. til
iroiia 01 rani marriage in itiatniirr
1 hla auminona la inibllahfMl by nriler ol Hon
Htrphnn A. Uiwall, )idK nl lh rln-ult ronrt ol
h HtaUt ol tin-a-fiu. lor IN slslli ludli 11
aiairH'i, aaiQ jauuary am,
r.i.i.m a i.Tr,
MM 17 Atlcinir)t lor plalmln,
"Tlure in a Me in ihe ajfain cj men
Thai, if taken at il$ flood, kads on to fortune."
Tbe flood i here and so ia
With a fall line ot
11 lb (all.
faauia awswajr, C
R iHrao. Cal., aata:
Calarrb lUmadf la tlta Drl
snsxlielo I
Or a Maihav' ahoo, Mmor haildlna ' BsVa foood tbal onld da tna aay
oproiia tba rliy boil Cbatlrj -ill I'rka W aata. For ala t
appraclata a rail bo la loo. " WU A Warraa.
V' HIS is.i shecphcnl-
' i cr who has been out
I j; . y four months, hut hc0
I I loooks like a new mnnO
11 1 now for he has been
I 1 O
1 V J dressed up at
IIorni.k iS: Riika's.
Horner & Rhea,
f 0 a firal Nataal 8aa iitfiof
nfi x-.nti'linraTai sisii 1 a..aa .aa.a a.au
(kx.-Ub (iTBBBii -lap yar par(ia
ara still la toyoa dI Miaa Ada Uiaor,
bio ap itb tba liua, ( a party at
bar bocM oa Wadaaadar ataaiag laal.
lffrlraatl aad atJ n saaal raijaad
prama. Tba ladiaa pral latd Iba
part of tba eiUia la blgbli aatia
fr tor 7 fttoaar. Aa aicallattt loach,
pflard by Mia Mloor, aa arva4.
Takiitf all la all it a ooa of Iba txiabl
aala In odiaar lifa Ibat ralvaaa as
fMrn oat buloa rasa aad affird aa
etypnrlnaltiM to anbo I and aslafta la
abarfal iwrstlin tiib our aiqa4
fr.aada. Ania fa ara playad
aad Oiu h r) J bs,a!l. Tb a praaaail
M Ediih r..tlr, MsUI Ho
t.a, Fbs aad Laaia r rar id, UsUI
aad Aliaa f) aaeak. F.tla J , Mai
llala aad (ra Hart. M ra, aa. Ifatt.
(9yd HtUni. y Ui r, Ja Tba'
an. K.'.t Myad. II. . U 100, Clay
f ,,"m, hut hg aai H. iuin'a
it I,. ,
tatm orrii-g. at
OfTii. iaq. T. ! follr
la hrby t1n Ibal 1 'MM. I bt ilf of M-.p
M llf . tta Rld )lr 14 InUHiUM, it, tnat
Rnal if I tml:t rminly rirk, ul Motma
al bl oitlr n H!.fnf, In., nn wrdoa,1at
lh iwh day ol r'rfuiy. "i Uinirruilor
.(.l. ll..n h". al, l" lb r.a aimni
la lMnhl aa. I iih. ru a b. 4 .
II bt M wllmai 1. ImlM Stnllk.
Jaaua f Kl.. (.,r U ulr aad I'KS tiollo.
ail ul tstn(Waa ur.a.
iA r M'Kag.
om-II. -r
ofc of final Settlrmtnt.
VirtU t U Mfmsn.lHI. TIUT Tift
l wlMilrH Mxll'Mllsl"' i lb.Ml.1. i
IkiM H. H.ntxa. 4umI will linal
aiitwftt, o4 hi sftnM.u Ha a I-1 mUI.
fa a a l-"lnli t. al lh ( t"a ul
1 n.lt I Mf1 ol alrrfW it,iy. al llf-au
lr.. tm bold al l.i r-. !, .q,
tal l uy, Ik Iu4 4a, rfi" "
a it Al'K KMiD
w. g.
1 Irlrt. Morrow luunly, SUIa ol urua
uv lr L -1. 1 (
To lb Cnliaial.l ol lb hlllll IllSlrirt, Morrow
I mi 1,1 y, Mai nl fir ,ii -
In lb nam id lb aiai nf nnwm. w 1x1m
mad ,04 lo sottitnftiia ft . g livoma b, apiwar
Wbo Iba itMlralitrd a inatlr of lb I'va
In lu.lrlrl So . In aald I oiiniy and ial. nn
o I-.I..I II, I .IN day of January. I, at lb
root r of inn rbak m , al my lrll III lr -
nr. In aald IH.trirt.rmioty and alal loanawal
lb fomtoaliil ol ft . 9t lialilor. Ii.iitdl on an
Bbtaaa rtoilrar, and h.r' lb .aid blalnll
ditiania lodynaol .,r lh atim of r Mty oo. aid
U oM il, i-.llait a..d ii4 Ibia artlon
aod la r b fal .i In mtmmf ,,r w I II,
H. lh 1 l.lnlllt I I w ).,.! Tx-e.l araloal blai
!.. lhaa.in, si fill unaud -i ti Imhmis a4
)ta of ,ata afiinn.
Hill iwwct mi t.tid by ntdrr of I.
Fi.,.. i.t,ol lh I-mtu ht Ida s'tb
Hrtot, M.m I iiily, irrtL
1114 Muwlt J) at, l
g I, rant. .111.
HC, J ! ul Ik !,
I w a
a.r aa 4
..,q, ,a, Irrtitbl. aad
arui. kul.Ciiiitr l.iiT !
tillaal l.a,.i K. Il UmI
l-a. I li.: In li-lit Hia.
Af !
Itaviag -4.l s I f. W I as- 'diaa
from Iba I', - n suns l lb
tMa4it ik rtmas tstf at aw
kwJti ,lfrfh- aft all's day
Bal ff a aa ! of Uf ymtl ril f
Notlct of Intuition.
Ul firrirs ay M t)aaa ..
it t
Nntii g t ttmrav m.ra mu ink
.4u. mI an - a a 4 Mn
rfata iuu.mi m ImI l -,--.i
liliaH IM lk4 al4 III t o4
btr, f ktt I ,( I Mt tl N.rM,
t aa rMy la. 1, i
giantita Mrr'". w.
ii. a a't n, a t'j r 4
IIMa,. ft, li at
Ha a ia b.....i ll nau i-" KM
ir-.iif,.. ni ) awt aiuail wl
aid 14 !
MOmIki MJ gl't NaM r um$,
fwuioii I (Mwwt, M a4 ktrrui, "
a f. ftiiia
aa ta sm,
lie will make it an object for you to trade with
him as his prices are right, and all goods that he
handles are of the very best.
Main Street, Next Door
City Drug Store,
----- Oregon.
Ilaixlwnro. Tinwnro. OlanHwaif, Crockery. Wood
nnd VVillovvwnro. CotlnrTubM tit Iknlrock Pricon.
Tbry ran llflil
1 br y rua vfl la lbs albl.
I ho only Eicluaiva Hardware Htore bt-tween Tbe Dalles god PeudleloQ
Heppner, ... Origon.
Cummings &t Fall,
Ol lb Old R-llal.l
Gault House,
, a.
ofc of IntinVon.
I t.ri'a AtlAoaiktt i.st-n.a
I a I m ia a .rf . a. aa. mt.m O-!
ia. L . U m i a u-A Mk a.a4.'. 4
a m 4l a.4 I a 1 4 j 4 f- "'r
at M ....... al k.Mi i as a4'
unn, mm Jt w ! ;
Tii'iMta g ran.
1 M TM naitt it en ay fog rug ml!
I ) aial of 1
llvuiy t..l.
ttllllaai gtmt,
- . lla of SlH
ft it lata tifwaaar, iwt
rraita iivkn
Sw'1,.1 i.l 1 1. I
bard l,ln.nl 1 .mi.
ttkf, a 'S nll'in,
Ta ftl''ii h.wf rdafl
I lh fta.o. nt II. Mat nf II,.., IMt
b,.t liui..d l.H.' ,4 ll
'al.l Sd t't ! I.. .'.-. .Iltiad
o rf l'.lh ft4 4mf o ls , I (vg.af
aaia of aall (, b II
fa 14 a.y f .r.k. I'a
Sa.4 If f-m lall In , l t,M kn4
i .Um iii ai-i t in is, .nn t m
l ,,,4l In aa I t.il.il In all
T'- J 1, -- I a4 " a.t" ftftitaaa
g.n.. t4 lha nn 4 I Ma I l.l
0. m iv4 a l '4 S an. .! mm
i.mw. tfm IK S4 lat M I 'in albltilr
s nn f 1 IMiw4 al ih nt. of s f r l an
n.,Hi Inn la t r4 A. r of nniil. I.
Ilk nbat h'I 11.4 al IK l of S
-. oa ..n.m lo a 4t of I n. I .
ta I no f 1 IKoj4 al taia nf ana
an. ... I. 01 1 1. Amf of I wo o,Kotf
104 ,ol kn1 I mi,, na an an 4.ofoo4 oy
! a aa ia.o, s Sao, ao4 tvaf of
II. . a
.nn a 4 n. tm. t., lia aanaf"
4.O. il4 In p tnl 4 a oel.t a a l
Irf.a a !
aad (odsaaaal
Hallbbnk uorlnf IK I n.. fwo-al nl I',
14 , 1: m a in r.t'f .r ri at'.,
and lbs C m, U m T lUHnatda.
for. W. Madlsna ami t llnlaaai,
OHI3A90. ZZ.Z.
toltRUtla Agrtegg
Agtney for
Tl 1 V " J T
I ft . ar '-
TSaoa aaaaag.
tiaicaj raTiaro.
COsyasOMra. a
fat b,f'nanall' M f Haodaaa.S onwaa
at s a 1 u. aal !'.. . r. a .
f Knnnan f nna a la aa Aaow
S HnMi iaa n,i iiwa a.nnjaf a..n
an ani-.ni by Mmm fna4oM a
Scientific SVweiitan
so. s
InnTI tomlll) nf an. o-o-US aa la aX
.n,4 WI 7 i.nM. Sa laoilifnS
soa aKnnl l In ak IV !?, 9 f W
, .O.mnao Xlon. WT A Co
innuu, 41 awoaatoay, laskWUf,
1 K Ci cf:
Do You Want si Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
1 Iorse ?
All tliftm can U procuro! at Timrripfaiiti Hiuna, Iiwrr Main rHr4t,
11 ptirr, Orr't,.
VKm ranli.n. , .ll ,,Halalo4 lik fl.aol Nanf f fil'lla s4 lbf nnajallna,
a4 bmw, a -4 Uaa la iokln tbaa mii..o ik traiaitmj .
rib la knit alia U Ua
LiriMTMrif. aarr.fi.
ar. IT.
la HaiV4't Ca
laf'a, f
ffkik.b'l C.
It. If
.f.n a ..t I.l, .4 in f .ttiort
m ik ol .4 U'Mtm t4i,,4o4
iaaoa'y MS. I
11 rt 1 1 4 I '
4 If al,, ... 1 .i-.ii
oawft laa
A atM44 v.al
II at tig
as a4 in ik atau rj l i 4
r , .at , fc- ,i y, , m 1 t a at
fia K. K "''n o aMannK n 4-.n
'. .,.N now. an ,.m,,ip. I tl' Sfi li-i.wli,, !,
4 a.4 o 4 ... , ( ft U o l.a" I . aaa
, l-Uoa. ' oj - 4 n I o. aa'wt.. K I
mon Ikoinn, If n Mm, of a.,1
aitl i.o. f tmm , I 4
.J. C. IJOHCI llOHy.Prop.
1 r ' "' - -
Kt rps the Finest Vinc, Liquors nnd Cigars.
Ahvy mini i r
a iii i 1 1 vi 1 1 i 1 w r- I I 1 I II a
-r -f , s.4