Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 24, 1896, Image 2

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, , Ihe extra session talk lias
died down and there is
Hot now even a possibility that
the governor will call the leg.
ielature together in extra session.
Such a dicision on his part mav
cast a gloom over a few politicians
and political ringsters who wanted
an opportuity to srengthen their
grip on the people, but beyond
this, there was very little demand
for such a move. The following
from the East Oregonian doubt
less gives the facts in the caBe:
"A gentleman who has been mingl
ing with the political managers
in Portland has some vigorous
things to say on the subject of an
extra session of the legislature,
fhe calling of which is being advo
cated by the Portland Oregonian
ana some of the state papers. The
Oregonian has oppnly made re
quest of Governor Lord that he
call the session, and, since it has
learned that the governor has made
up his mind not to call the session,
the paper has indulged in some
Bharp rebukes to his excellency,
the chief exeoutive of the state of
Oregon. It appears to be the ele
ment in Portland headed by Joe
Simon that is making the request
for a epeoial session. And it is
understood that the chief thing
desired i the passage of the Port
land charter bill, which Mr.
Bimbn brought into the legisla
ture last session and the legislators
turned down. This charter
was an absolute necessity, bo well
uiaiuiaiuiug ms supremacy id
Portland and Oregon and it in yet
a necessity. The Hume and Hall
factions in Portland have made
uch progross that Mr. Simon
must do something to check them.
The charter bill will do this.
Ordinarily, it would be imperti
nence for the poople in other cities
to take a hand in what appears to
be a local fight Hut, inasmuch as
lortlandw Oregon' mctrojMilis,
ana to inch a large extent dorni
nates the politics of the stnte and
now asks the peoplo to pur for au
extra session to handle its affairs,
Uie people at large are justified in
taking more than a passing interest
iu iug IMUW'IL
If Cuba is for aalo what's the
matter with Uncle Kara making a
Tut time is now ciMtaiuly rijxt
for the recognition at tha Cubans
as belligerent on the part of Uncle
Or CoubM Chlcag.i woul l much
prefer to have naml the next
rrealJeot, but she will treat the
mourners kindly.
Cioaoi WrtuxaroM has r..
ceivedtha republican caucus riomi.
nation ia Maryland to uvcj
BeuaW (lor man.
Tuf. Yeuf2o.rU cutsmiMioo las
Ugao 1U ioveeligati.io by Halting
tModc Lich io timet ii.aUiioc
is Wing submin.L
Yusi J. Caxmox iU Arthur
Urowo er. wlecUl as Utah's
enatora lo joint tMuo last Tors,
day. 1Mb favor free) ciiuajj of
IrTRk CuUo li.ur.Tt;t -frrb
rnurU rn-arey , Hatana
(ieerral Catcta il U (vml:oJ
to throw awsy his t1egrs( b itiro
meet aod 'draw Li sa-.-r
Tfll Moatrial mnWl d a ia
Krctarky ti.ls fair lo U a '..
oc, Iboa.b tbt do typulisla, bo
ItuKI the lUne of wer, tij
tt.lUt.ly erruiti4 it by uticg
with one of tU JJ f artiiNa,
Tbi aiU-oj ti.f J. W. WfcaJI--
. , ' , ,,' .
to lata nM 11. T.ua U.-,
larTt 1 bu Btf rrsclrJ lbfi -
preme court. Both are attorney, at
Hilleboro, and the case is usually
regarded as the outgrowth of hard
feelings, though no one believes
Mr. Tongue guiltly of any inten
tional error. 1
If it comes to war in Venezuela,
and any of the troops find it neces
sary to take to the woods, there
will be plenty of woods at hand.
That country contains 200,000,000
acres of unbroken forest '
The Gazette is in receipt of the
initial number of the Oregon
Senator, a Pythian magazine pub
lished in Portland by Jas. H.
McKibben with G. F. McConnell
as editor, assisted by a number of
prominent knights of this state.
The magazine is certainly very
creditable, both to the publishers
as well as to the Knight of Pythias
of Oregon.
The demand for a special cession
was urged principally by those
who desired to make a record to as
sist them in the matter of re-election.
Last winter was the time
for record making, and if the op
portunity was not taken advantage
of it is not the fault of the eover-
nor or of the state. Yes. Govern
or Lord was right in declining to
convene the legislature in extra
i i
Lively as a Cricket.
Although in the first instance m
Hlngginh as a tortoise, the kidneys be
come as HvelT as n nri,Vt when
healthful impulse is given to them with
Hostetter's Htnmnnh Rift ah b nrn.
moter of Bntivilv in tho.a np.,.na o.l.w.t.
counteracts a tendency to their lethargy
and disease. Inaotioo of the kidneys,
it should be remembered, is the first
stage of those dangerous renal maladies
airainst which the
soience are too often exhausted in vain.
reri: is forestalled by the Bitters, which
averts Briffht'a rliaenaa. Hiuhafoa Hrnrua
cravel and the troubles arising from
meaner. Equally emcaoious is
It in Oheokillir nrl ara.-tini.tino tn-U;ul
bilious and nervous ailments, dyspepsia!
u'lUBiiiitmun arm roeumausm. appe
tite and sleep are improved and conva
lenoenoe liasteoed by its benefioienl
action. Either when health is slightly
or seriously impaired, the value of this
restorative and preventive medicine
is speeauy made manifest.
T. W. Ay nn, Jr..Purchareaaa Interval In Tall-
mas a Company
from the K. O.
., T" ' AJ",,, ir,,of Uftppi1
T. W. Ayers. Jr.. of FJeDDner. on T Intra.
JoeV. Tall-
oo-nartners io
the drug business io Pendleton. Mr.
Ayera purchased that interest iu the
onsiueaa of Tullmen Company which
waeowened by I'rauk Frecier, and the
latter has now no connection with tbs
concern. The new firm of Tallmao A-
Ayers will, heyoud doubt.be snooeasful.
I.. . ...... ...
ms onsiness wiiicu bad been built ud
by Tallman k Company was first clsss
and eonstaully Inoreanina. Mr. Tall-
nun baa boeu a member of the mercantile
fraternity In rurnlloton for many years,
ad has woo a bi,-h 1U0 in the eon fi
ll. tioe of biabiiniiierao ioteinporarii'S and
the purchasing publie. He is known as
thoroughly reliable and rartl, ul.flv well
poslnl in bis line of twain..
Mr. Ayera bas been engaged in the
drug business 0 lieppner, and, although
doing a thriving trade in that town,
was attracted to Tandleton by the nam
it has won for being a live towo and so
eiarllpttt business poiiii. Hi standing
in lleppoer ia "A 1" and be will b so
addition .i Hi buslnees community of
I'endlrtoo. Mr. Arrs will reunite bis
family to IVn.llrloo from lieppner, on
Pebfuary where they have two living,
end this will benftfurto be their perms
tent home, lie wmt over to 11-m ner
Thursday evening.
Kmc tsl Ay.r al th WM s rar
Ayer'e Haraaparilla t j ys the ealranr-
dlnary dolinrtloa of having lieea t be oolt
blood punflar allowed on eibibit at Ihe
Worlds fair, Cbiog. alaoalseturere
of other sareaiiarillaa auoht l.t
- -
Beaastooldaio a showing of Ibrlr g mds,
but they were all turned owes nn.Ur the
applkattuo of I be role forbtddieg lb
entry of patent anedieioe and koairorae.
I be tIeeMtoa of tbt World's fair aotbe
rltire Io favr of Ayer'e HaraapMtllo was
In tftVet as f..l...; Ayer'e Hareepo
nila m o tnt medielne. It A.v
nn b.la' to Iba lial of Ooetroaie. M
here ua tie merite.
lVrat Misti4 -Coaoetl mM lo re.
gqr e.Hi al Ibe eootx-il ebeaUrs
Monday ft.1,-1,1 ,tb all aaemtwre preeeol
nailing r.it,...a and Farnswottb,
MiaotfWfl irevione tabling read ea.l
arprov.4. rMi...f llM L, AT.Cu
lo bate fflio sir. sel4. r4 and
rffreJ lo Ibe rMmli oa slreeto m4
poblie l.pty. 11,11 alldwed: Mrs
HelSry, ,Vtj llrppoer Trans!e CVc
llrSi Homer A l.bee, X11; A. A.
IW.btU. J. H K ,,.!. 0, U,4,
e A 4 &i; tjim a Ij.,
lal, r. J Hall I, 14 tA, A. A. Wren,'
II i0. 'Utm tn.it-s elwe4 lie
Mkiwlsi mUUim b.rJ wt.uk iu
r4l 1, i A tklne, I. W. rUeraws!
an4 l W. II wr. Ja!- ..J phtii
(Vba 4 r. (I Mlorwea. elerit I
rrt.ty eweerenw eaqlb side Met elreei
t4ee-a, Xtala so III'. reet a4 1 1
ootid a eiJ.walk. lUi-.rt f Mr.bUi
reUlite fc reeeee.r o4 odd
eto4wawdbiayslo My of Uri
ee4 e4 oeewfUj. IUm of T.
ft. t.yae, wb4 bl e MettaweJf as
(Male! to pr ee .a aoeeo wiik enae
tee as 4 lo eaefaliy riti itee, nl
' M Ibe el l,e rmnwiltee With
1 1, el Ibis ..sillM
i. j
From our Special Correspondent.
The ponderous wheels of the national
legislative machine are beginning to
move, and from this time on to the close
of the session their revolutions will con
tinually grow more rapid.
Senator Mitobell is now well settled
in hie new committee room. It ie on
the gallery floor and is one of the finest
io the oapitol. Here be works in the
morning until be is called, to committee
meetings. After the committee adjourns
be goes to the senate ohamber where he
remains until the set speeobes begin;
then be returns to his room and remains
there until be disposes of bis mail
This frequently keeps him engaged until
late at night as its volume bas been
enormous this session, sometimes run
ning as high as 100 letters in a single
day. Senator MoBride bas a very
pleasant room in the terraoe and is fast
making himself acquainted with the
detail of bis senatorial duties. He
made hie debut lo the senate by report
ing favorably from the oommittee on
publio lands, Senator Mitchell's bill to
oorreot the injustice done to several
hundred purchasers of forfeited railroad
grants under a ruling of the present
seoretary of the interior. This ruling
Was contrary to the construction plsoed
upon the forfeiture act by bis prede
oessor Seoretary Noble and by the
present land commissioner, and deprives
men who in good faith improved and
cultivated railroad lands tbey pur
onasea ot an title. After tne bill was
reported by Senator MoBride, Senator
Mitchell pat it npon its final passage,
it then went to the house and within 48
hours Mr. Ellis suooeeded in getting a
favorable report from the committee,
reported the bill to the house and
securing unanimous oonseot passed it.
Today the Oregon delegation in full
foroe visited Seo. Smith to impress npon
him its justioe. It will probably be
approved by tbe president. Tbe aotion
on this bill is one of tbe quiokest
pieces of legislative work on reoord.
Mr, Hermann bas oioe quarters in tbe
terrace of the oapitol and is, as nsnal,
busily engaged npon matters wbioh
oonoern the welfare ot Oregon. Mr.
Ellis also hta a room io tbe terraoe.
Tbe first formal meeting of tbe
Oregon delegation wss called a few days
go by tbe senior senator. Tarious im
portant matters oonneoted with the
state's interests were dlsonssed, views
exchanged and policy determined npon.
It was a very harmonious meeting and
revealed tbe f aot that tbe first thought
of the members of the delegation is for
tbe state and eaob one of ihem is ready
to saorifloe bis individual views it
neoessary to tbe eod that ber Intereeta
rosy be advanoed. Tbe Casosde forest
reserve was one of the matters con
sidered. The delegation agreed to con
form olosely in their aotion to tbe wishes
of tbe state as expressed io tbe memoriul
adopted by tbe legislature. They will
endeavor to 'secure a division ot tbe
reserve into two one around Crater
Lake and the other around ML Hood
and thereby segregate from tbe present
reservalioo valuable tnioeral and agri
oultnral lands now inoloded in It. and
also to relieve a number of settlers who
nodsr tbe present oonditioos of ths
reeervation are isolated aod ont off from
all possible neighbors. Senator Mitobell
is oow collecting data on the subject,
and io my next letter I will possibly be
able to report tbe ebsngM of Ihe reservs
to be urged o poo the president.
Faaw A. Fpltrrt.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 10, 'l)6.
Not a few who red what Mr. Robert
Howls, f li'ilUnd, Vs., baa losay below,
will remember their owe etperleooe
nndar like eirenmstanrea: "Lest wlnttr
I bad la grippe whloh left me in a low
elate of baltb. I tried nomerotis
reroadiee. none of wbirh did me anv
good, ootil I waa tndored to try a b"ttl
of Ctiamberlsin's Cough IUmody, Tbe
first bottle of tt so far rfllavt-d me Ibat
I was eoablrtl to attend lo my work, and
Ibe eeennd bottle efT-eM a euro." For
Mo al 60 oeols per bottle by t'blll Cobo,
Oh, aoo'l jmi ramamtwr the mill. Ba Bolt-
xiii wnn iia riauar soa mile,
Wbe Twopenny Plea Ulkr4 doa rtrile-
rr4 Mlkr
An, that an ol twttls!
A Vrat UraiM's rrrwrlslloa.
lhrasi IiIimhI, roiiatlrst ton, aod
kltnv, liver arl bnl trouble am
cored br Ksrl's Clovr Kout lea. tat
sale by Wells A .rro.
Ytnvi tros LArapsr I t SKitx Tb(
wboealM f.r Ibrir laoodry al C. M,
Jones' brber sb p tUuJsy ssoroiog were
gives lb loformalioi Ibat tbe laadory,
together witb all He O-mleote, bod been
dealmyed by fire Ibe prvvtoo frklay
Igtil, Hi J I Del eonee tentlf ao laoorlry
bed beefl recited tbi( IM O0)lblng
but tbeeiful lofurmalio, Ibon.b Ibe
eileattnsi brlgbloe4 op wbeo Charley tj
ffe4 bntrelUs thai Mr. (I. lea. ibe
proptltlor be-l pmaid U roakt
goe4 all lo. Tbe navbioery one
only slightly H'treJ. oti4 to alieejy -lag
pot ia fyt t it ue agt o. Mr.
title pfoesplly bet th erttk 4 a
lrss.0 boildiog wbien will be orrangrj
e a ssorli m t e-stre snaeoer It sa
It, ,4 1 ooe, a l be utrlesi th
eflbinf will tie roily M i -ri aln a
hll week.
Neva tul
Uei Cm Oh II 1 l.l'r reat,
lm f . ft ( !! II M M be
(.,-. I br II et'e t .l.i.h I a..
f J CUI.M.V A IO I r-r. r. bdo.
lb Wo lefe.. !, koowo
r J. ft ; f r n. iet IS . a4
b tie tint .tt. l-,h0 m all
t t.mee lrenit.M.s ! Biennillr
iWuiMitMi ay i,ri,(u,a aa4
l-r tr
re A TSI. W,.
I 4r.l-.tl,, Wei lie. A l ,
W .ole tre ..l.i. Ilkkv
llali e ( UmO t' ke blew tele
0 If, oet.ag di'etdr ! Ibe l4-el 04
M ii'm 4t eto II ww,
IS ie tew h..n.. t44 by oil 4rg-
(to t'tial freex
M. ! tt'O'y b,rfeltUb..
! ..! Mttatav llae)i,ef , skvi
keag, 4e, wreWtiAsU
I'sXm N W r s . e
The following unique letter was receiv
ed by the East Oregonian, bearing on
Judge Bellioger'e reoent deeision affect
ing Indian oitizenehip:
"Mr. newspaper man Me a poor old
klooobman and no much nnderstaod
what good make Injun sittyson. One
time my bnsband, be very good man,
fetob plenty dear meet, oatch plenty fish,
papoose all fat Now, Judge Belly
ginger he appertise in papers all ingins
sittysoa. My busdaod he go to town,
no get sugar, no get coffee, no get meat,
no get auything only whikey, come home
throw blaoket in fire, hit papoose on
bead, kick klooobman in stumacke add
say: 'Whoop! me sittyson, ml Ood, hoo
rah for Judge Bellyginger., Klooobman
no muob like iojua sittyson and wants
oatoh deforse anJ marry injqn sittyson.
You good noosepaper man, me want you
tell big iojun father in Washington be
make iojun oitizan no more or be kill
kloochmao and papoose to.
Many merobants nre well aware that
their oiiRtomers ere their beet friends
and take pleasure in supplying tbem
with tbe best goods obtainable. As an
instance we mention Perry & Cameron,
prominent druggists of Flushing, Miohi
gan. They say: "We have no hesi
tation in reoommending Cbamberlain'e
In nnr Aliolnmitra no if in
the best oough medioine we have ever
i eno. always gives satisfaction."
For aale at 50 cents per bottle by Phill
Conn, druggist.
Ghosts, Etc On Tuesday evening
tbe Ladies' Aid Sooiety of the Christian
cburoh gave what tbsy designated as a
' Ghoft SooiHl", at the reaidenoe of Vawter
Craw ford, aod it proved to be a very nleaa-
ant and amusiug, as well bb profitable
affair. A large Dumberof the members and
friends of tbe oburoh were in attendance,
in faot as many asoould be accommodat
ed at a private resideooe. Tbe women
had prepared an exoellent lunch for the
occasion, and when tbe time arrived for
supper, the ladies in attendance were dia
guised in sheets aod auctioned off to the
highest bidders, Geo. Cooser actiniz in
the oapacily ot auctioneer and proving
a oomplete soocess, as the oash returoa
showed. A very pleasant sooial time was
bad by all, aod tbe wish is expressed tbat
the aid sooiety will oontioue these ssth-
erings wbioh was so well beguu iu this,
tbo initial number.
Pills do Not Gore.
Pills do not cure Constipation. They
only aggravate. Karl's Clover Rio! Tea
gives perfect regularity of the bowels.
For sale by Wells & Wsrren.
Republican Clubs Mbkt. The Mor
row county and the Heppner republican
clubs met together last evening at the
oouooil chambers for tbe purpose of
seleotiog delegates to the state olub con
vention to be held in Portlaod the 4th of
February. Tbe following were selected
to represent tbe Morrow county club:
J.N. Brown, A. W. Patterson, E. L.
Freeland and R. F. Hynd. After this
meeting tbe Heppner club selected the
following delegates: W. W. Hmead and
J. W. Sb;pley. No further business
appearing tbe meeting sjonroed. Both
of the above clubs will be reorganised
later on when new oflloeri will be
Are ya Made
Miserable by Iudigration, Constipation,
Dizziness. Lous of Appetite, Yellow
Skiu? Mtillob'a Vitaliser is o positive
cure. For sale by Wells A Warren.
f-TABBiD to DbaTB. Theadore Lne-
beoke aod Wo. Holumoo bad a onarral al
tbe formers boms to Portlaod Wednes
day bigbt wbioh resultrd io Loetwoke
slabbing Salomon io lbs heart wlnob
oaueed bis deetu almost Instantly. Lue-
becko im arrested shortly afterwards
wbeo be olnimed that the deed wasentn
milled io self-defense, thoogb Ihe atort
if thuee at home does not eonfirm ibis
sod it is safe lo predict tbat ths Coroner
jury which was io sesiuo yesUrday aftor
nooo will find Luebex ks guilty of mor
Con.twplle taa be l artd
bv Iheo.eol Kiilb'a Care. Thi .i
C'vu.bOoreis Ibe only konwo remedy
for tuet terrible dieeae. For sale bi
Wells A Warren.
KoTlfO To Iba tnamhare !.-
Kpw.xta lJeaga of lb M. E. eborob of
llrlt0ef. Dr.: laaamoetl aa I aera la a
larg norober of oar raerobert abnenl
irons ibe city, and also oiaoy to tba eily
who do nH ttod oor me4iege nor
h to identify Ibernaelve ub tbe
Lgoe. and la order Ibat w ma
ttraigbteo Op our r)l, wo reoetl tbee
woo wmq m retain ibeir Mmnrsbii to
e-'tneand re- pled ire Ibemeelve wilhio
lb.Oetl day. AfUf Feb. 21 Ibt
pereoti only will b a.ins4ed a
aeoatr wbe nenseo appear oa tbo
rn. nii.
7 -U Taa Fwokrw Laaoca
Titul Itorb Reer4 bee bees oov4 from
Pilot brk to renJIet.wi aod baa luaad
oaarler Ibe L1jw bloek. Tbe
pre aoj Itrul waa drawn In o
wagoo Fridsy. Tbe first lu will so.
pear 4r Ibe Peed let on Injprtal In
nbont two w., Tbo lUmrd will bo
sands a tana and stork ert, edited
l.g In line fallowed dunes lb Utf
p.rl of lb time tt oa nbl,t4 ia 14 4
ll- k.-t. O.
rtit rtt-st iwaiag rue
h o.4.Ma - llroetqre; iotetM lUbmg
n l eMta-.r-f ; imI nl ai(M; e ,t
fc-Vl.ir.. If sl)..we. a tl,n
t f ., often l.'e. nn4
ntrveat. lr..O) te eore. rtTSS
thrrne.r 4"pe lb Itohmg sa t blee.
to. fcU ietH, nnd I nwwl en)
lb Unww. Al drtet. t
tt t. f.W V) !. hJtltullk.
f l.llatetM.
Afwr L lA lb UtleltO
n 4i of la t tt
lt ni Ufie ) w,j. tbt r. j
!- to 4 pm lien tf wjOosi IbM !
I e4l t M eons) !
--a b tt
r eta.
Ten . f tkt in lea K-,4..I
nk f II. !. A t lea llu ku l T
J Crt, Uv4vne, Attisgw, Urrn, C4lf!
Cocbtksy Extbdid. Io the reoent is
oe of tbe Oregoo Suoday Sohool Tidings
tbe following appears : The state aecre
tary of tbe S. S. association takes tbe
means of acknow:dging tbe courtesy of
tbe publishers of tbe following papers in
the state who have furnished him free
subscriptions, by means of wbioh ho has
able been to keep ia moon closer touch
with tbe field than he could otherwise:
Silverton Appeal, Cottage Grove
and Lemati Echo- Leader, Ger
vais " Star, Oregon State 'Journal.
Polk County Observer, Dayton Herald,
McMinnvillo Valley Transoript, Gold
Beach Gszette, Trontdale Champion,
Heppner Gazette, Roseburg Review, For
est Grove Times, Hill-boro lodependent
Coquille City Herald, Newburg Graphic,
Florence West, Portland Nachrichten,
and North Yamhill Reoord.
A Baby's Ufe Saved.
"My baby had oroup and was saved
by 8hilob's Cure," writes Mrs. J. B.
Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. For sale by
Wells & Warren. . . '
A Good Book. Frauk A. Peltret the
well known Washington correspondent
is engaged on a work of o mgressional
wit, humor aod satire. It will oontain
several hundred anecdotes and the points
they were need to illustrate, thereby
making it an invaluable referenoe book
forleoturers, ministers, lawyers, political
speakers and debaters. It will also con
tain oboioe selections trom all the great
congressional humorists, Mr. Peitret's
familiarity with the great men of the
nation renders bira peculiarly fitted to
prepare a useful and entertainion book
of this character.
A Dbntist Locatbs Hbrb. Dr. E. A.
Vaughn, son of Tom Vaughn, has arriv
ed from Heppner, where be bas been lo
cated for several months in the nratinn
of his profession dentistry. Dr. Vaughn
nas decided to locate nermanentlv m
Pendleton and bas opened oflSoes in
Despain blook. He is a eradaatn of the
American Dental College of Cbioago,
ana oomes with exoellent reoomojenda-
HonS as to hi efltnianxe in t.;.
ion. East Oregonian.
ChanqboThb Moon. A Calif nrma
man named Moon was presented with a
aaaguter by bis wife reoently. That
was a new moon. The old man n
overcome witb joy that ha Went riff nnA
got drunk. That was a full moon. And
wnen no go I sober he bad bnt 25 left
That was tbe last quarter. But when
toe old lady met him with a rolling r,ln.
there was a total eoliose. with nnd.
of stars in the distsnoe.
Maud Muller oo a summer's dav. stuff.
ed tbe manger fall ot bay; her hat was
there but not the rake, for tbat waa but a
poet's fake: slapping tbe old oow on the
side, she laughed no till she nearly cried;
just thiok, old bossy, cried the maid, I'm
going to bsve some bloomers made.
Nbw Fbbd Yabd. Wrn. Gordon haa
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
theOsEette office, and now solioit a
share of your patronage. Billy ia right
at bomo at this business,, end your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Hay and grain for sale, tt
A Chlaneaaa' Adventure.
There are a large number of Chinese
engaged in mining in northern Califor
nia, and two of these Ccleatiala had a
queer adventure during tbo cloning
daya of laat winter. Three Chinamen
in camp were taken 111, and two of their
companiona volunteered to go to the
nearest town, alxleen mile away, for
medicine. Tbo weather was clear, and
the town was reached In safety. Hot
on tho return trip a anowatorm cams
op, and tho Chloeno became bortelesaly
bewildered In tho rough, mountainous
country. To add to their troubles, they
each had different idea aa to which
direction to take, and finally quarreled
and ao pa rated. One of thern bad not
gone far be for ho found a hollow treo,
into which he crawled. He had matches
with him aod boilt a small fire, nod
there ho sUyed until rescued, tea days
I leaner UUuw4 W4Uta.
Thin remarkable item comes from
Kr-nnvbunkport, Me. Tb Manuel dia
mond wading vraa celebrated tbero
rvccnilr. nu l u a a nrtbl affair. Mr.
Manuel U nearly one hundred and ten
t ears old. and bia wife la nearly a old.
The wedding march citui.lrU of a pro
crnaioa of ivuleonrUiia, there Wing a
number of Ke one bunk port peopUwho
wer over one buudn d year old. Tbe
chlldrrn. grandohlldrep, nod great
rrnndohiUlrvo, Julaed In tbe march.
The cerrmooy was followed by aa old
faahlooed da tic epoq th (re.
Oj rnnn mw el' ay4 awar let torn
mer branded II W on ligtt ntl. $i
reward la effaced lo aav ne d.llvrnii
ber al First aHmal hank. Il-ir.
(rr , or to Mm Kenan Welrh, a Mn-
Bk ll.
Lrrrta i.iitr.
Apvenruxn at mrma
1 r
I .; !,
Allen lame M
lh..iea fee I t
When Mm L
Wnen reJHng M Mtert ftiaaM eji
4wtae4 S f, WIU4.0. r, M.
Uachtn' ttamnaton.
Norngls Mtstnr ntvx TWaT ton
IHe Htl 11 wtlM M nl.H-
ait ileati iheite a rni
aaie -e lea-e el lae a, a--. l Ibi r
I a4 mi . M e-M.f in4
-tlaW-.4e4 ltl el l e.-t K
- al Ike Mtrt k m el tntmi.
efia e. Inn im
i-iej ie-n4.r ni ; i
A I S4lI'.ta
S"! W Ce artoaa nwet . ttetej. I , l.
idminittrator't of;cw.
M.wrMMMninliM erfn,ri
I'.M .' .4 M li. ., -t .-. t
l Ik, I aitl i nA tw InMl M.k 4
m el te aw j m. ia in,
1.1.4 Ik ntet ar e i.a taa
1 n -e. rtlSHS tn)t?T
" M A4a SI at 4MtW
F-r 121 80 I w:l eetl . b b
-. liH mtm ; . Kli.e nin.
te M t ), ft faHke a'r.
1 al oa M 4 Iff-, V. A lwk,
UfoOrw. ifVtf.
Buccetaor to C. 8. Van Duyn. Kzt door to City Hotel.
Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty,
Attorneys at lytiw,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Pnbhc and Collectors.
IF Mr. Columbus were alive to
day and called at Mat Licbten-
thal's he might make a new discov
ery quite as memorable as that of
liaz. unris was a great discoverer
in his day. He would at this time
discover the finest stock of Shoes
ever shown in Heppner, and the
cheapest as well. What more does
mortal man want ?
The Old, Original Shoe Merchant,
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
inveitraent Trint,
Unilted, Plaintiff,
O. W. Stewart. Jame D.
rlnjrton. Addle Parrln
namuion, u. w. Har-
aim J.
Tlttt .nil tm
Tn a W .a T n t ...
In th. nam. fit .V. a Q -f r
- .......... ...u .nm v, vrvKUH, TOU are
tifehyequlred to appear and anawer tbe com-
i""'""" aa.iu.t yon in me aD.iye entitled
mlt on or before the flnt day of th next regu
lar term ol the above entitled court, to-wlt:
Monday, the Ud day of Harrh, I8US,
and If you fall o to nniwer, for want thereof
the plalutlfT will apply to the court lor ths
relief demanded In aald complaint, to-wlt:
A decree lor the aum ol On 1 houaand Dolls'
gold coin with tutereat thereon at th rare of
eluht per cent per annum from the flnt Oar of
July, liwi, until paid, ror the sum ol nix and
rlfty-two Hundredth Dollar with Intereat
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum
frimthe th dayolJanua y, t&. and the mm
of On Hundred Dollar, attorney's fee, and
coat and d labnraemenu of thii ult.
Alio for the foreclixur of the mortgage ex
ecuted by defendant O W. Stewart to aw'i.re
the payment of th Mine and conveying t' Wu
of th. hWHec. u. TheWUot th NWV, the
K4 of thjKK, and th wt of th HE Brc.
SI. nd th W H of the ttWV of See. ti, ll In
Tp Hiuth of Range ttK W M for th sale of
aid premlieaand for Judgment and execullna
avalnat Ihe delendant li. W. Slewart forany de
tti'lenry whlrh may remain alter applying the
proceed! ol th sale ol aald premier In payment
of the lmv named auma. and for aurh further
relief la demanded In plalntirr complaint.
1 hi ummnna la pnhltihed l,y order of Hon
Stephen A. Uwi. Judg of th tilth Judlrlal
dlatrh t of th Slat of Oregon, dated IWmber
J. N. BKuW.S,
'M-i. Attorney lor I'lalmirT.
m v, m,,rraw, Biai Ol Vregon.
John F. Crotby, t
Alexander ttraham,
Uraham. wife ol aald
Alexander lira (lam.
Ihe National Rank ol
Heppner, a rrrara
Ihm.and Frank llaaer
Sian. a Heretrer of
the ltraherd Inveet
tnenl Company, a cr
To lUi.Mta, f..k.M ft
In th. name ol the eiai ol Oregon, yo ar
hereby required kiappear and anawer the mm.
plaint Sled .rah-.t y,.u n ihe abov entllled
catie.. on or before Ihe Rrat dayol Ihe next
fesuUr Una of In abov entltleU court. I wit
stenday. Ik 14 .y el Marrk. NM.
And If yon fall m lo nwr, fne want th.-enf
the plalnllS will apply in Iheenurl for Ui relief
o.eiaivled In ald eomplalnl, bv It
A tu.t.man, .i - . i . . . . .
' , - - - 1 ti mini
wllh Inlereet lh.rean at Ihe rale
nil i I '""If" annum ir in Br iiat
... , -, a rvarnerl eoni lo be le
erwilnrd by ihe eourt aa n auutnei I, and
n. v . - - - . -. i.i i v ainnfif. eia.ie
M yow on b Inllooln rtnrribed aremlaM
A ta.m 1... a A - .
, , " -w -"in,7, iiregen. town
TbeM el eetlon a, 1wn.hla Xortk. l
naa e 9 a. 1 1 . a . . . .
------- - . !--.. aivq r-
" lb. repmejl.nl Mwleaee o4 a 4 rmiatf
' . pa m. u-i m; aateai
,h. i. i .......
.... rtm,. anq vneiaeaaie
o aaM p" "!- ta aaitety ett u.aienl and
Aerer. let, f i t ...... . . .
".phew A ljte.ll. J r. la I irrull I earl
a4 Ihe et.le t4 Onma Mnteuw lewnif . a4
en the Hk day a4 iannary. eav
j. a. nxit iimoii fi.i is.
't AltMney M FtalaliaT
AUk-murTBATau nonci.
t'tTSTt riF Jt en sBgw M gAatti
- '--. ,na man M a4
nlnlraitw ew Ike eetate e4 4Mm Ibawa,
en i- IK. . . .
th. t,t.ft lv J J...i. ic i.. L - . . . .
i"aia ai mm a.M eetate era eMviraS ae e
" a.i"waeav al nay l,ai la
n.ert Neat lmrw, e nbla at aab arwt
' J1'" e lb i a-ti. uiey aba.) a earev
Tin M 4f a iaaaary lew
" A'aaai.tet'alnx.
elibVtelMr ttmt
' r eewia imn '"
I I tea Mkm deWauM
bl taeii a m, a
"I a4 b4
aae r-w mmi. fi
T- tFI -ewe.e.1 lewetaeeibe awwttenw
If V.H- La Ur . i,a eM.1,1 a
e4 e.iiM. a-ae e.,e , .H..
ewSt e l'-a eefeeew l a-.l a4
llewleaapln,,,, l)4lala.wlMai
paf. tbt. J-, aM (Hle. I Meaw,
'' MM
m l ... .Mew ten
U-l - a
,Wf I
M I '. aa a.n-
fIU,ht NhM
I 1 1 r
ll II Halt, Ik lae.r.al alit. e
t- n.4 .1 !., eLt M.tl-k
, kalrtest, ,1. ' V
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It U located at Salem, Oregon,
77te Must Beautiful Town on the Coast
Call at the Gazrtte office for particulars
Strictly confidential. Treatment private aod sure
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
Through Pullman Palace Rlecpers.
Tonrttt Sleepers and Fre Reclining Chair
Cars DAILY to Chicago.
Many hours saved via this line te Eastern
R. V. BAXTER, Gen Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
J. C. HART, Agent, lieppner, Oregon.
Your Face
WIM fc terU4 wllk ! a((lef
". at ! In a
owe itm tre as
TW ssast roaapWt a4 awef! Arkm tea
4J4 I aa; ewi aaexlua.
Caraty ts. Mia.iia,i.
Cf Haa riaSah ui t affect Asntamf,
t All tniV Artltlsa,
A4 ia swrre aa4 W m sp k the rH
d e4 yowr tutMMa.
Arrt itatsil WattTIB la maa
r4imrMj. LiUrai Urxna. A44m,
r- e Urn baa baa?
' " m pk'STk ia) . ,-ai
e-k j .'J
m e-twagv, ew at t-a-a r i i ia." w
"2 r .'.' W. a. ml Mwj mm
. a-eew. fc
f ( p"-,a aa 1 -a . , n Ba 4 aa aa w
J W. Km a. Ke e.t. U. aa
CtT m M ifwemt Of