'STOCK BRANDS. Whila jroo up roar subscription paid op yea eankasp your brand in tree of charge. Ailyn. T. J.. Ions. Or. Horsoa GO on left suouiaer; caiua same on lert nip, under bit on right ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor row ooaaiy. Biird. D. W. and eon. Horse branded T on the left hip; on tie the sa ne 011 Isft flink crop off it ear. nndercrop in the left. Uange lit morrow vyiiuity. Bartholamew, K. ft., Alpine. Or. Horse branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor row oountv nanniBter, J. W Harrtman. Or. Cattle brand ed B on lert nip and churn; sunt in eaon ear. Brenner, Peter, iTooseherry Oreion Horses branded P B on left shouldnr. Cattle same on right side. Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded on right shoulder; cattle B on the left aide Left ear hair orop nd right ear unner slope. Barton, Win.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in eacn ear. Brown, J. 0., Heppner. Or. Horses, oirole U with dot in ee' teron lert hip; cattle, tame. Brown, W. J., Iena, Oregon. Homes W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left nip. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on righ nip cattle, same, with split in AAch ear. Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left hnnlrler cattle, same on left hin. Brnwnlee, W. J., Fox.Or Cattle, ,TH oonneoted on left side: crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece ont out on right oar; en horsoe same brand on the leic ttugn; uange in rox vauey, Grant oounty, f'arsner Warren. Wagner. Or. Horses brand ed O on right stifle; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, orop and split in each ear. Kange in Oram and Morrow counties. Caln.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle' U with quarter circle over it, on lert shoulder and on left stifle on all oolte n vler R years; on left shoulder only on all horses oyer 5 years. All range in Grant oounty. Cats, Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla nounties. Corrigall, M M, Oallnway, Or Cattle crop ont or each ear and onaermt, wame in roren sa horses halt circle 0 on left 8 title. Kange Mor. raw Ann ITmatilla nnnnties. Curl, T. H., John Uay, Or. Double oross on each hip on oattle, swallow fork and undei hit in right ear, split in left ear. Hangs in Grant oonniy. On sheep, inverted A anil spear noint on shoulder. Kar markoa ewes, crop on lert ear pnnohed upper bit in right. Wethers, iron in right and under half orop in loft ear. All ratigs In ftranf Aiinnt.v. fionk. A. J. .Lena. Or. Horses. 90nn right nhonl der. Cattle, sameon right hio: ear mark square nrim off left and split in right. Currin. B. Y Currlusrille, Or. -Horses, t on lafr.ai.iHav Cox Ed. H., Har.lms.ii, Or Ca'tle, C with a In nentan horses. CK on left UD. Coohran, H. K., Monument, lirsnt Co, Or. Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cattle same hrand on Docn nips, mark nnrlar alnrap. hoth ears and dewlaP. Chapin, H.. Hardman. Or. Horses branded n on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also hnndi rl on horses riirht thlght ca t'e S'taii brand on right nhouldor, and out off end of ' ?)fimr)ua. W. M .Galloway. Or, Cattle, K l)m right siile, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, R D on left hio. Ely, Bros., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on inftliip, hole In right ear. . . . Emery, 0. Ha Hardman. Or. Horses branded 8 reversed C with tail on left shoulder ; cat. 0 same on right hip. Range in Morrow nonnty. F orenoe. Li. A.. Heppner, ur. i.atxie, lar" right hi p horses F with bar nnder on right ahonlder. Florence, B. r. Hepnner, ur Morses, r on right shoulder 1 cattle, r on right hip or thigh. I4ntr Kltnar. Echo. Or. -Horwa brnn lel H fl. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Cmatillaconnties. Hiatt A. B., Hidge, Or. tlattla. round-top 4. with qnartar oirole nnder It on tne right hip, Ranee in Morrow and Dinatillacoiint'es. Hnghes, Hatnoel. Wagner, Or- (T F I, connected) on right shoulder on hores: on cittlo, on right hip and on lert sine, swallow rorg in right ear and slit in left Range in Itayatan district, Momiw nonnty. Howard J la. Gllownf. Or.-H wn T Inr; wiih h ir shore ID on right sht il'liir: istfl s im on left side. Rang) in Morrow ami Utnatilli counties Hall. Klwin. John llav. nr. attis K Hon right hip; hors s sa ne on rl Ail hnuldar. Range In Omul ovinlr. Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses sha(l heart, on the left alWiMsr. 'tange M row Co. Huneaksr, H A, Wagier O'. -Morses M on m tho iM'W: nsitle, am left hip. Hnnnhravs, J 1 Har lman, Or H irsee, M m le' Hank Huston, linther, Kuhl Mile '.r.-Il'iraj H i the left ah'Hil teran I heart on the left elide I'-it tie se-ne on left hin, Hinge In M it iw eo'te'v Jones, Htrnr. II eppn r Or irais Srnlil H J on the left shonhler; ca'tle lraiM .1 in right hip. also nndiirliit iu loft amr. lUiige In norrow ooii'tty, Jankm, 4. VI., Hepnner, Or Mnrs. hira hoe J 011 left shoulder. CaHle. the sen Kange m fl.M Mile. Johns n. Celis. la'tia. Or. Horses, tairnla T o left stlrle; nettle, sa ne on rlrht hip, aider half oroo In rM' end ai,i n lert ear Rennr. Mik". Hennear. Ilr -! HmI. KNY on le't hip nattl same and crop off left aer; in ler l ine on the right Kirk J T , Heminer. Or. -l trees e en left hen l-wt es'l e. W on !-n hin Kn nerli id W.'t.. M'linl Vrnon. "r.-I I, on aattie n nht an I ! I ulow 'o'k "1 i ft ir . nil e-irtr et'in in ngnr ear. iirHinif bra'l I le't sh iel l. Ilvim ii',l ,i i-.(. I.iften, "tieiih'n. Pot. "r. -H la on left hip on nettle emu ani sum n rignt ear. itorsasi as'ne tiniiil on '"ft shml I . 'Ivige 'iranl o.iiir.- laienlUn, I A1 W., I, Mr -ti-.. bra-ill 'iii'.'liiUl,.iTiii'i.in I ,i ami der I'a'Me. a'n 'in I hin t1( .,r 'i Ing'on Uitif. I W .leii'in-!' Or -ilor-e H-anl I. ail o' I't s'i'i'lr n 1 mi I hip, WlMtiifarr ;lit e. I'i" ell', iti r (hi Mr la I. 'I " M 11 - ! re. ,-,!,' dn.l'iU l or nn'li 4inilinH JIi a "! IJ n ler" i'lMr Midi M O, Mnp'ier, Or .-'.l'le tir,-.. eln-la. nn aiiHit hip: K'nwiwi m rwlil siifli. Haega I) 4 4 nf II m i Mmw ' n.ia - a"H. 1 .1 fight hip, S are M lf Aril l, H wrvi, i N . Mwriw ' '! i 1 1 oe left Vanl I eftle a as -an le't hiit. MilcSll. Hunt l ie. 'r. I m m II .a ngt,i hint ea"ie TTn right si i 1 K-,r.m It ,. Itr -1 i-a ... faaaHaal am left shianl f : rvile aeei 1 11 hailh V-s tla. I'srry L'ting'wn. itr f O .ai . .11 eh i. i h..rn. I W , It a-tgtae Itr 1 h ara 'I in I ft ehl it taafl rall a a latt 4'at h l I f,,a,, I, I,', I I a-. ... (La ta - . .1. ., I a ' ." -S . T I - . I I 'I a I . 1 klia ', '.'. , ' a ' 1 , .. n ' a' , . I . ' JVk- I' a,, a I I t a . - I . . - ' -r .S all U 'ita, .a) I. ta4l 1 r a t la a. 'a' a 1 j I, w ... I ' ana . . ' 'H.. I . t'lia I I I ... r" a 1 I ' , I. I I ... M . ,1 fiale . if a r-,, ., 1 .... 1 ... 1 .-.a, I- . ' ' 1 ft tall! la. a' a! a,. m ' . 1 llgSI. H.l Itlm Uwll1 - la-sas a,,. tfaaea asr af-'U ll .an I al ajaSt HaaAHa! N'iS. " 'I ' . tat M t,e HajS" sVrtl l-a, tHa I ' v awiaj 1 lal aail 1 1 atn S 1lt. M.ama ..d si rf .l .gavaca'les Urceea, talW Unl, a a . three tal ! H -m . s '!. tnt i iirr lre lWa t ''le .a e - a lis -1 are Ma-a M..OM, M laar..,ia . . . I . , ..a. t aa. e at .Mt all U ..1 , ' a S. taa '.t raaa'.l arar S'a I att.l.l la I a1' 'I faa mm aWen l'aaa Ua1 sawa'r lteaa Ie t 4f.. Uae'al I -a lta M4.a I W H.,.... - aVefl H-a l ( V.i ' . . Hwla)SI W at , M ...a .... , 1 . $ a a W ettae aM'l Ma. Mt seaii fVaak te rv ear. e-iaaal Is a-ra aea.lt IVaaj, Hewaanaat. - M '. I a lata U It. fWiaw. fl-aaWt, ItaHtafiaae. I - fayile i va (.I kill S-l M f.M ,t , K a aw fatHI aaVaaa ". H a t M a.fa.e ra.. ImS It" ., Ii Itr It a'a. q la H at i at aa :. aaaetlra . I a.t- Jsaaes al.ae ,k at-aiei K'a ' a?ae tri eawwaa Km mv aal ! aae eieaa e aa He ae i 1 -a.. t ltl,aiaai ai.aja eA-a t,Mala , K -a) e fajM iS ' a .a-iaj l aaa ia .aaf.l a m kaaa4a. It a J II -a tt .taalll W) ,, ! .aaJl.-a I aa aa -1 aw aaama N' l aaaava, II at w ,, I - , a"). U '-! .,.. af t HawaM N. I I' a W1 a. a aa-a .I'l'l t e I . ke taw Waaa "1 t N -a t- IVaeae- I M --e - f H a aW aKajal aav-a t J Waal T-r f t .(. a. a l.a I i ' t n m llama !! e,., a,i a tyaaja. -. ! aaal T I aa.aa a.t-a ae m rVa H n l-a, It. . ft I-,, .. ta.--i. !' . a , I IflaaaJ II T I II- II -m HI -e talaa aat nVt SV. aa aaaylla. aaa aaa n.a. Iiika4ln Ma. ,a. I la tM-a V UlUlati aa.-aaj.4aa -a"aa aaa a-a aa I tla a r aa 1 an aaa . t-a aaa t-ataaat ae I a U ') a naaa IU llqaaaa W. l-l j aat tKa ev ha- a g .aaaaa a a f waaaaaa. m n I aiaaV O, ( 4,.M .lk , fin aaanaw f aa l ! ,!. la la lay paas Wawaai laani at.-aM la-a 4aaea aaaaataaaa, ala M ..t h)aaat Oa ft m . aaaa -4 -a t.' a It.t ( a " W-aa aai aaasaa aa taaT W a-t iat af II aal H --aa, M aaaa a. ' aaaea'a.t -a la'l i,a,' la ,afca M IW,. aaaaj -aavaW J" aaa -a-a a laaTa a i a.a V.V:Z?Z I ai twa aaa l ' Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A A On Shoulder: CattU auaraaa am aiahf Kaaa Jfoung, J. B., Gooajeoeiry. Or. Horae branda a ra aan hin ngnr annnifia ET THE BEST When yotiareabodttobnyaSewInt' Machine Jo not be deceived by allunnpr advertisement and be led to think you can get Uie best made, ncc.it fiuUhed and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have trained a reputation by honest arid sq uare dunlins;, you will then get a fscwing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal in mechanical con struetion, durability of workiiK parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many a New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alilie on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE KEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Oka-h, Maks. BoflToif, Mam. 28 TTjnr BoAnn, N. T ""ir.fiO. IU.. HT. Lot is, JJo. I)Ai,T,Af, TlX.fl. Ham b 'xaxcwiq. Cm,, AtlastX, t. a. FOr? A'.r BY P. C. TIIOMPS N CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. Se.nd 5 Cts. for Sample Packagi Sun t'rwicixco Olllce, V.IP i atiEKNSFELDF.H t n. No. 2o Sutter Street. The thumb la an (infilling Indri Cf chs.scler. The Pqusn- '! pa in. dlratre a siMng gnu eiing; and tlrninraa. i'loarty slllrd Is the ru.ii Misled 1 ypa, l lit thumb of Ihoai of silvaiirnl l.liti and businrat alilhty. It. .Ill of I heat lyprs brloni to His busy man or wouisn; and Ixmorsat's f amily Mausxlns pre psrrs .fi Islly fur siirli prrsi.iis Klu.ls volume nf lo w liH'ss. ci.n di iiw d In I mall l.ca, an i luil ilia rrnnl of ihe h.,lti world ' work for a ni.n.lh may Iw Mil In half aa hour. Tin ( nnusl 1 ) li.Uirsui ra ni.rmriil, culiurr, anil a kiva of Biu-.r, lr, ami Union. A prrsui a nil tin tvpa of tliumh will ihor. onxhly rnji.y tl.r lli. r.ry alirsrilimt of la n...rr.t a Mafsrine. IhaAr. Hal'C Tyi I airs a laive of IhsiiitsihI art, a hit h III and rsra) piraaur in Ilia mai'mtirrnt oll.plrl. lira" 1. 1 ll ni.ara.al'a llaaaaiata f.a ima Tk- I roai of I,, la siipa tb dork ill srt st fit'alul; and tli rrf.nvtinril! tsnniat be ilial niriilahraj fmrn ih or itlltej. Itralalra this, an aanulalia a 11 ...... . .-----a a .n a., i aw iirr.iu. aii.ai.aa a . ... a. I ' It ""re rsn aumiarr of in Mag a, i i alia ,,.! 1 1.- -.a . 1 . . ' w u fu la anal annaal.la litaiaf vai.l ak.a Ihs Marsfina Is, la raaitiy, a (aaari. f.l.i of art v.atks nf I ha fciikeal canler 1 l.a 'l.ll.avi'l.lr 1 ypa ia Ihe H.i.e.b of tl s u.miiar and lnanl of ale, a he ajk 1 1 1 las itraply Inter, tairrl In lh aj davrlaifaitl monlhlf an ..mr, a aaeraaitie, la awry a atf lis aiiltaaaaaaa ta.iau.,1. t. rh r..ia-r n. amlra s'lialie ana a.. i,IV (rid. rhn.nullnr wary (.. I, tanrT, and fad nf I lis ar. Ihna. raa. la a'a.' a rrfaat I e.'H Ma , a.,,1 aaa Umt aga ' ' am, tnaa-B Ol Iha M,a.lli,ir 'l In y.Mir aaba-r.glaaa; l ajalU rM.lj a fill. S. al yaaaj H kst a "a. a a aaaraa.nr la naa. Anataaaj ti J. i..a i. .,,, T i-anli-aar. IS .l K.k Kllaa. H Tal I la .-h (aaa a faanaaa af Mlfaa It ia.na paarra Slag HaartH ae al taaally aaa. at.aaaalM Basilars. ll a ,4 aarllallta tnlaaaal lat Inaaa -a. al. , l.a B.nali.ia Ta raf 1 -.aila i.k la. hsiaa IB NsaMil a. aaatadaaa, a4t alL aaal "' ' S. IHaalad lip. iKaas tniia a. e aaaa llsi f ike aa aa.aa . .a r4 ms elad aaHaaHa a . H are sesfqaa aiaalel la ..,1 I. g a.wa'aaaB r..-a itaaaa. aa4 a.1 . I II al a.a . lhaaa fill Una aaa) aa4 aa. aaa a-( aaa ig anal av tad.af la) aaa) a h W Mal U iaWV Skai s) Te KafsrellaavsUa efikaM taaeaai( Is le sjaaaal finaat, Tksy lllaalfals (Nat (aaslaf aasallly kj aloayt taot le H CtairaA. a 'a I kaae isa sapaaas ! aaaaaalal aaa irr RlpxnxTabu!cs 4 laaaeaaal aailk say fSvMaaaly kaa-arv) liltllPMi uti re TaVataei r.iaa, a ! Ivaa, It I 4(f lata, f Mat. aa Itf t CtiCU tOa II larva f. Tle e-fVar iW . ftaaa 4 !. fUai. We. lasi il. u I.".! . lb. t4 aUf fla t. 1 1, Meakly (V.faBt II MV Art p m a, nl.laal (.at Ik (U s at I t 4 I t . )Mf i ..faa-a .an t'l - U.r.tle ae.l -Ht 0' f. It & I A!lolle,l. R..af5 ( ft ERSMf 4 aira . .!.., ,i 1 j nr. rr.ro. A flii.val fiatm tin iiriginal (isinilhg by ' lea Uili;'ilil, Ihr Blil crlrtirslrd of . V llinig Aua rr pa II. Iris, lila h alll A I L'lrail lia aa, r auhaa-rifaaar In arn - payiajj l,,f a a.-' I , . Iraa f4 I.H, ,IUlrl Is E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO TH1C 0IVE8 THB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full dotnils oall on 0. R. & N. Artd, at Heppner, t r address W. H. HURLBURT, Geu. Pans. Aft. Portland Okeqon CJCTIOIX TI2VU3 t TO San. Franolsoo Ind all points In California, via the Mt, Hhasta rout of the Southern Pacific Co. fha areat hiahway throngh California to all le.iua ammi ami nouin. I j ran h Boenlo Konte of the Paoiflo tmst. Pullman Buffet BleeDers. Beoond-olass rjleepera Attached to eiprnss trains, attordinc snpenor ooomaiodations for aeoond-elaaa passengers. r..r rates, tioketa aleeping oar reservations, tto. call upon or address li. Kt)KHl.KR, MaiiaRer, B. t. R0GKR8, Aut 'ten. F. P. AKt.. Portland, Oregon Most Modern and progressive For rsulogue or Infonnallun write to THI1 MARUN Vim ARMS CO.. New Haven, Conn. GIIIGKEFI BfilSIfiQ PAYS If vou use the PrtalasiS leraketars braadarb Make nmnry valnlf othrra are wasting otnrra are wasting ir- 1 time byoldpmcrsars. jar. ' Calslti(lellsall alamt If I i ll sndilretTiiara every li lllusti rttrle nrrilfd f.T lUIVla Calslo laaaullrv Luaiuraa. a The "ERIE" mechanically h tvrat wnaTtl. 'rntlratmnalcl. U'e at rnfic Coast Agrnla. Klrvrla rata Laa. nailed free i' larva rilidrarHtatlon rarlras air , eOewra TranTrn. riTALUM A IlldlTBATOl CO..Ptalsais,Cal. Ilaaam ll.wsa, til H Mala M., Lai Annrlra. PI A. P.T. La TheAmetican Protectiv Tariff League it a national organization advocating "Ptotcction to American Labor and Muttry" a p!ained by its conttitu t on, ai followt : Tee ekes ef tat leafua slvall as te saatert " leaaa ky Vaa." a. a aria, akak .s.s aaauataty a.wS l' laaaSataaJ a)! Ss r.tl tae aaaieavlaaa tt faraae akee, Thrr a' ro pertonal or ptivato ptofiti in connection with tht Ofgnija. t on and itiiimtained by membrhir; , contr but.oni and th dittfbution of its pub'icatiom. riKIT ; Caumto i le aa.Wai eatea) e ,4 1'vKaa Ca.ra.aaaaa, .,. atfOklO: We a. sa etaeas eea.kf.kaa.aea, - saa a kvfe. ka ea aM. TMiaO' VVe aaak4k a le aa)aaat aaa aa.aaa af !- T a- avaaa,a. Caa sat .J aa avs aa te eey sa)aVa aa 0 j ie-s .1 J T M : taat .vsUI aa4 raaaal a aV, M aaa a "laaaa .aa , S a. -a. W f Malaga Oaaaa, taa,ya JS Waal llaaav Ka Vara '' S1800.00 OntN AWAY TO I.NMMORS. .saM ra aa.. ajs a aaa aaal a i aim aaM aak a aa , .aa l.a ' laaai s Ka kaat n alas as ka aa at aaaaaav al aa aaaaal aa eVea aaa. aa sa aalfl a. m as a aaaaal4aMba,MaaH Al aVa aaa) aaa) ae sraak a, iifiass afas a raaa laikUaat rTlTJ1CSlHITF,TlaimLlMTNTl0S TH4T YlttD r0RTlNt5, 1 aka k aaa ka aaaSa d-l aa I Va raaa.aaa aat. aaa," "Mlaf - " I ry a saak at aaaaaaf a a..a IT IS NOT $0 It KtS AS IT SJXXS. raaaialasaraaaWaaaiasaaal a - saaaj -!. f .11 aa.4 w 17 ..talaa.ta.iani, m r liilaala A, at aaaaas at eeaaaa, w a aaa S Saw aa ' " " aalatan af aaa. a aJ aa ataaa kiaaaal'Saa hajtw.aiaaaaaaaalaa. Saaaa aaa) aa . a eaae, al fc aai a a. af ai.l Bl aJ .. . aat aa i . i a al kejaea a aataiataM, - T r" - i in a. a aa awaaa) Saaa, laal laa I a a. aaaa I j Saaaaaa al sua. ..aaa, aaa kraaa a as afcM I a, aaaW avaaa. at tskdL Sa'rat. jftfffitfflfoK Lifc-l.tesi Simplest. ijLrPi Easiest Mronccst.rqt'ijtra Working. Solid IwBwJI TP NflliTslHj Accurate, Receiver. Hie.flir Compact, li a.rdl 1 gu LaTi ajk afav94 wlkw'Saa pkMMaMl aajpa" ..a.w aa aaa raa aat s aat el a. a a aa , MMts wrnnr umtfN A cn., tatiaMar al Aaa a.. saal ISaaiO. iJI'Hrref.N.W.. Xkashln.fia,, H. C. t" -ea kaawlat trVf a-- BETTY'8 ViilESE. BT SAB AH B. KENTOK. Mr. Rogers ' was thinking;. His thoughts went back twenty years, and he saw himself a young man doing a prosperous business, and, although not in partnership, still intimately assc ciated with one who had been his play mate, neighbor and close friend for thirty years. And then Mr. Rocrers saw the financial trouble that had come upon him, and he thought bitter ly that, if the friend had played the part of a friend, it might have been averted. He saw the twenty years of estrange ment; he felt again the bitterness of that hour of failure. Mr. Rogers rose from his chair, and, going to his safe, drew from it three notes for five thousand dollars each, due on the following Monday. "Twenty years is a long time to wait for justice," said he to himself; "but now, and without my lifting a finger, these notes have come into my posses sion, and I know, Robert French, that it will be hard for you to pay them. I knew justice would be done at last.'' And Mr. Rogers replaced the notes in his safe and closing his office went home to eat. Many a man will cry out for justice when it is revenge he de sires. On Monday morning Mr. Rogers went to the station to take the eight o'clock train for Boston. lie had just taken his seat in the ear when he heard . , i.., . M Palmer, his neighbor, standing by nis seat. "Are you going to town?" asked Mr. Palmer. "Yes," was the reply. "Anything I can do for you?" "I wisn you would take charge of my little erirl as far as M TTaa grandmother will meet her there. I have promised her this visit for a week, and intended to take her down myself, but just at the last minute I have re ceived a dispatch that I must be here to meet some men who are coming out on the next train." "Why, of course I will," said Mr. Rogers, heartily. "Where is she?" At these words a tiny figure clam bered on the seat, and a cheerful voice announced: "Here I is!" "Thank you," said Mr. Palmer. "Good-by, Betty; be a good girl and papa will come for you to-morrow." "Good-by, papa; give my love to the baa-lammie, and all the west of the fam'ly," replied Betty. People looked around and laughed at Betty's putting the lamb at the head of the family. They saw a very little girl under an immerse hat, and with a pair of big blue eyes and rosy cheeks. Mr. Rogers put her next to the win dow, and began to talk with her. "How old are you, Betty?" he asked. "I'm half-past four; how old are you?" promptly returned Betty. "Not quite a hundred," laughed Mr. Rogers, "but pretty old, for all that" "Is that what made the fur all come off the top of your head?" she asked, looking thoughtfully at his bald head, for the heat had caused him to take off his hat Mr. Rogers said he guessed so. Betty pointed out various object of interest and made original comments upon them, not at all abashed by her companion's age and gravity. Suddenly she looked up and said: "I go to Bun day school!" "Do you? and what do you do there?" la. IT II f a a a en. i sing and I learn a verse. My teacher gived me a new one 'bout bears, but I don't know it yet; but I know the Drat one I had; want me to tell it to you?" and the big blue eyes looked con fidingly up at Mr. Rogers. "Why, of course I do, Betty," he ra plied. Betty folded her hands, and. with her eyes fixed on her listener's face, said: " 'Love your innymunts.' " Mr. Rogers flushed, and involuntarily put his hand to his pocketbook; but ItHty, all unconscious of his thought, aaiil: "Do you want me to 'aplain it?" The listener nodded and the child went on: "Do you know what an 'inny munf la?" but receiving no answer, aha said: "When anybody does naughty thing and bweaka yonr playthings, he'a a 'innymunt' Wobble Fwenchwaa my 'innymunt;' he bweaked my dolly'i no, and ho atleked burrs in my baav tammic's fur. and he aald it un't a boa-lammle, noma but Just a lamrnlc;r and tha big eyes grew bigger aa they ' re.-allcd this last Indignity. Mr. Rotrers looked d.-rniv InUrektan. ami. in lact, who could nava helped it, lia.king at the earnest Utile face? Bet. ty continued to " Aplain:" "It docau't mean," aha aald, "that jrou must lat him bweak all your dolla' noaes nor call yonr baa-laiutmo u, 'cause that's wicked; but last wci-W Wobble bweaked his 'iifl;arde, and the ay an the noya wera going to have a waif, and wh-n 1 said my imavrr I told the Lord I was glad Wobble had bweaked hi 'lociprde. 1 waa, but wlim I wanted to go to aleep I feeled bad hert," and Hetty placed a tiny hand on her clival, and drew a long breath. "Hut by and by. after touch a a hour. I guraa, I thlnkcd how aau.-hly that waa. and then I Wiled the L.r. I waa anrwy Wobbta had bwcakrd his 'Lwipmle and I would lend him mine part of tha timet and then I ferle.l guud, aud I wa asleep U, k i I no to." "And what about Hobble? asked Mr. II. vera. "Well." rrpM tha ehtl.l. "I -ta If I keep on loving- htm, ha woo t be a 'InnytnuHf n,ur0 ,oer I rucsa Bait, eUhpr." aald Mr IW'-ra. Kilng hi hand to help brr d.in from ihe arat a the car alack enr.l ,t M . and at.mtaj at the klation He Ir I the rhlM from the ', car. ana v brr Wi her grandinulber a Cr. "I hot kha hat ait lr.iut.la.1 - aid the lavjy, looking fondly at tha ehlM ' j 1lhe contrary, a a. tern, aha has done in a v,.f 14 ,.f r..l."ai, h. ,in. rly, aa . rata-1 bishat aa4, bM4nf IWtiy e"-l' y, strriJ l- UUt tha ear. Mr R'M-rr raa al. aaa, 1 KU al .-.I ' , . - - aa aaa.a. liaiatr.I I'llt i.f t l,a ttin.l.aaa ImI k. ...I lsa Uae tiwr, tha (m i flr4s a.-J" 11 a-i a,-rf.i river, wl-.h Ita tk. aan Is ,.f Kit .aur lilir t.k stars la iiii.!v,i akr i lis I h .'. I Iha tvrl that ka a.. flat hi "Ianvmtiat" ha.l la.a.a k;. trl.!;,te, 4 ,j lj-i. rrw fa wealttt aa.t faasiiL ltk..l ha ratw 1 1 put IK quastio trtl.kt lo hi ..ii. M a Maitilv .1,4 ,..4 ltl, V It w aa sf rt a a. (,a j,ir to a,. Se "'ift bnt!y .!. Hektiew that U t, ull aT-r l. wnt f artl.4 -r. an I l'.t if li rt ra, k. f trav l l.i par m at reaa, Um w.aaUl pr..Uii la tame 4. kul he lwr I tlaa k--vM -. ,f ta Mr1-. -itm, j From early child hood until I grown mv famil ', I pent a fortune IraHr, aA . l t of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i and was treated by the best medical i I '"f". uui was not Denented. When' i , www aiviiwM it mm ' entirely cured. The terribb eczema i ' Was STOne. not a aim nf it lofa u- 1 general health built up, and I have i i "ttu a7 return ot the disease, i any return of the disease, i CHILDHOOD I recommend- ed 8 J.S. and I have flflvar , yet known a failure tea ana. ULU. W . HW V. Train Ta I ever ians to cure, even when all other rAmarllaaa haara ana treatise on blood and , Bkin diseases mailed free tn ana adrla.ja.a arntint to , Atlanu, Ca. your 'innymunts,' " and he said ia his heart, using the old familiar name of his boyhood days: "Lord, I'm sorry Rob has broken his velocipede; I'll lend mm mine uniu lie gets Ins mended." Had the sun suddenly come out from behind a dark cloud? Mr. Rogers uiougni so; Dut it had really been shining its brightest all the morning. A boy came through the train with em uunca oi water lilies, calling: "Liliescentapiecesixforfl." "Here,, by!" called Mr. Rogers. "Where did those come from?" "White Pond Lilv boy, eying Mr. Rogers with some per- nlnlin TT- . 1 . , . . yicaiuy. xie naa Deen train boy for five years, and never had known him to buy anything but the Journal. "What'U you take for that bunch?" "Fifty cents," replied the boy, promptly. Mr. Rogers handed him tri. r.oU.i. lar, ana took tne iragrant lilies. "How do you get into the cove now? " he asked, as the boy pocketed the money and was moving on. "Git out'n' shove her over the bar," replied the boy as he went on. Mr. Rogers looked down at the flow ers with streaks of pink on the outer petals, at the smooth, pinkish-brown stems, and thought of the time, forty years before, when he and Rob, two barefooted urchins, had rowed across White pond in a leaky boat, and by great exertion dragged and pushed it over the bar, and been back home at seven o'clock in the morning with such a load of lilies as had never been seen in the village before. Yes, he remem bered it; and Rob'a mother was frying doughnuts when they got back,' and she had given them six apiece. Oh, sho knew what boys appe tites werel She had been dead for thirty years, he thought. Just then the ears glided into the station. Everybody rushed out of tho train, Mr. Rogers following in a kind of dream. He walked along until he came to Sudbury street, and stopped at a place where he read: "Robert French, Manufacturer of Steam and Gas Fittings." He entered -the building and, going up one flight of atairs, opened a door and entered a room fitted up as an of fice. A man sat at a desk, anxiously examining a pile of papers. Be looked up as Mr. Rogers entered, stared at him as if he could not believe his eyes, and, without speaking, rose from his cuair anu oncreu a scat to his visitor. Mr. Rogers broke the silence. "Rob," he said, holdiug out hi hand, "these came lrom tho covo whero we used to go, and ar.d I'vo come around to say that if you want to renew thoae notea that are due to-day, 1 am ready to do u, uuu anu But .Mr. French had sunk into his chair, and, with his head buried In his hands, was sobbing as if his heart would break. Mr. Roger awkwardly laid tha lilies on tho duak and aat down. "Don't, Rob," he Mild, at length. "You wouldn't wonder at It, Tom," was the reply, "If you knew what I had endured for the past forty-eight hour. I can pay every penny, if I have time, but to pay them today meant absolute ruin." "Well, I guoa wa can fix all that," aald .Mr. Rogers, looking Intently into the crown of hi hat "Have you any more papers out?" "Lea than two hundred dollars," wa the reply. Tha twenty years of estrangement were forgotten, like a troubled dream. Vn Wethers and when they flnallr r.rh7c,lt'l;T'ih escfi felt a down year younger. "Ah!" said Mr. Rogi M . . won t d JZ 'UT yUr 'nn-"t. b. FOR AN UNSPOKEN 8PECCH. Tka Irtek rairta JaUaa) fae Wsrai Be IMala'l Bar A member of tha Land league waa sent from Dublin to a certain district to grtup a meeting and maks a pexh, aart a foreign exchange. n reaching tha town where tha meeting waa to b held, the arwach maker met a friend, and. With being genial fellow, they retire! to a publie house and had something. Then they began talking over old time rem InUcenrew, and tha Brat thing the land leaguer knew waa that tha attendant had com In to light tha lamp. "tireat g.""'"-' he saUI. "I waa sent down front Dublin to get up a meeting here, and now tt la loo lata." r el', U dv-n1 matUr," aald tha otler. 'Yea, but It d.n-a matter." said tha orgaler. "I bare to report to my sa prior that the meeting waa helrl" th. that all right." a id hi friend. 'Here, yirtj writ out a streh and I w 111 send It to the ).! papers, hrt will print It Just aa If the meaning waa held, then the folk In Dubila wmi know the dlffrrenow " This waa qakVy do, and tha peach that waa never deliver! ap pearaal the I'll day la Ihe pepera. Tha fun tf th thing la over tha favl that the leaguer we arretted a4 a krntenev to f mrnvonth In )ail f trasrwarh that ha neeerde'ilverwl. at a mawttag that wa never held. j (run U fret In heep and fl. aee- I l4 la pelrotettm and ee. f.rtirth a what. aheep evaal i. tl- -, fth la eowe, ry at.J ..l.a-f rsit4i I Crt ia rva, Im. tel. pa'trvlrom and . I. acva4 in boa-kw u st aaa l r-'Ui., frta) la oat, tha la ai.a and ,.,l, ;iia B salt and eft-ef Yaa Is grat la toafr, pvttt eg. Ipx hay, t"t,t.a, hn-. wheat aa4 rows, a-na I I aalt ! or ajal r.lavx k, w J ra Iro. al Eczema liMliihe Is one of the very best wheeli ever made Ik an indisputable fact. It stands in the i front rank with all hlRh grade machine, and if yon buy one you will make no mistake. Ridea RAMBLER BICYCLE 1 you want to be happy, for should your wheel be) punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equi pe. with the world l renowned t.. & j. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rlmi. -Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $W0 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, 11B0 each. THE RAMBLER is the fastest, ror style, nmeh and durability it is unsurpassed, ai it is constructed ou strict mechan ical ana scientific principles. Chicago Ideals YrtT TYIPn WAtTlOn a.11 nlala i.lll. All iunehSr. i'rST AT, X''- an our'SZliSlaT.7C,&. ton and Idaho. """"'" " every rown m uregon, atilii. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY 1 BM oris r ATTE Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one. call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power FTouse. Kinsr LIOHT, STRONG, Four Models SPEEDY, HANDSOnE. fJT. SCIENT1FIC EVEHY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Of flee .Lake and Halsted Sta., CHICAQO, ILL. RftANCMHSi New York. Saa FrancUco, sit Uka City, Deavtr. Mstrphls. tUoTf7lreat. WEBB SAFh & LOCK CO, Agenis, 1 0RTLASD, 0l;E00N. A. V. PATTEHSOX, A rjml for Morrow County, n,Tper, Orryon. It to Advertisers at a great finpncial sacri ficc. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Thk ITTKkso. Publishing Co. o nninr - i 0111! I :Avrn i PUS : IIIF?I : flm Vouro 330UX.D to Take ji:In. Leaves No Contipnfont Cm -.-..'(.. -I Mi. ... a. aai 4 Ha. ; a,l. M bal RAMBLER i lightest and strongest wheel in the market. ft. I . . 1 a . . .. i with G' J' h-rl. double 'hiking edge dl.ro.int,. or call JWaf. Co'. "Rambler Bicycles." Main! RSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. of Bicycles. FINEST MATERIAL. 885 and 3100. OUR STOCK V OF . . . SPACE IS TOO 1 1 HA VY ! AND WI- , ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD 4. M - LK PI- aK ll...,,,,,. u , a, .. la, aya.l V ay aV aaj w W a. f Nna la aa