, L r 0 UNTOLD MISERY . . FR.OM Rheumatism O. H. Sing, Water Valley, MUs., cored by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For Ave years, 1 suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism.. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, spending lipoo there, besides doctors' bills; but could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles Here and There. Clearance sale at Minor ACo'e. op at Minor & being twisted up in knots. I was unable to dress myself, except with assistance, and could only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in potilllces; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Inside of two months, I was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was cured. My weight has Increased to 166 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day'a work as a railroad blacksmith." AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. AVER'S PILLS cure Headache. JANUARY SUN '26 MON "27 tug WtD It'll '2ST29 6 It 'll THU 2 JL I6 V0 FRI If SAT 7d 24 25 1LB Take Notice. Men's shoes from SI Oos. - Columbia river views 25 oeots apiece at Herrin's gallery. 2t. Call and see wha.t Minor & Co. can show yon in boots and shoes. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. F. J. Hallook is visiting relatives in Pendleton. He will reluru to-morrow night. See the display of photos in Herrin's gallery window taken from Heppner models. ' - 2t. Minor & Co. are selling all goods, ex cept grooetiee, at oost, these we require to pay ranDing expenses. William Rasmus, well known in Hepp ner, is arranaing to pat on Damon and Pytbias in McMiDville Jan. 24,tb. L. O. Connor, boot aod shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra- bameick building, Heppner, Or. tf J. E. Taylor, representing the Pacific Paper company, of Portland, was doing business in Heppner yesterday. . Best accommodation aod oonrteons treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. uonciuotor Dunn went to Portland a few days since, intending to return this mormog, but is snow-bound below. Rev. W. E. Potwine arrived from Pen dleton on this morning's train and will hold services this evening at the M. E. Church. t. if." uowara makes a speoialty in supplying stookmen with all needed articles, besides carrying a general line. dee his new ad. tf Fred Melohior olaims to be the best well digger in the county. Wella dug by the day or by the foot. Address him at Davidson, (Jr. - 400-lm, This special sale at Minor & Oo.'s will last but a Short time, as our expenses are 10 per day sod groceries do not net quite that amount. Frank King, R. B. May. G. A. Taylor. J. C Barrett, J. D. Dailey and J. E. Taylor all traveli lg men, were registered at the City hotel yesterday E.O.: Fred Hallook, deputy sheriff of Morrow oonnty, is in the city, a guet of his brother, Homer H. Hallook, of the bast Ureironiao business ottioe. lr the nnir has bpen made to grow a natural oolor on bald heads in thousands of cases, by using Hall's Hair Renewer why will it not in your oasef Frank Ross ha opened up a restaurant in the Minor building, next door to 0. M. Jones' barber shop. White labor throughout and rates by meal or week very reasonable. 99-tf. T. W. Ayers, Jr., went to last Tuesday night. Ha bas bonght an interest in one of the leading drugstores over there and expects soon to move to Pendleton where be will make bia future borne. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and ohesp est ronte to the interior. P. Oobn. agent The Dalles Chronicle: Mrs. I. N. Sargent, who is ill with pneumonia, is reported to be holding ber own and the last two days see do change in ber eon dition. Her friends are bopelul tbal ber recovery may be assured. Echo stage leaves Heppner Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Eoho Tuesdays, To'sdays and rjatnrdaya fare 91 each way. Ollloe, Wells A Warren, Ueppner. Ed. Driakell, Prop. All of Eastern Oregon has experienced a general snow storm wbioh began last Tuesday night, and which has continued with more or less vigor since that time. until this morning when a genuine Chi nook made its appearenoe and is play ing "sad havoc with the beactif nl". The snow here fell to the depth of eight inches but at The Dalles and below it was much deeper, and was also badly drifted by Wednesday's stiff east wind, oansing blockade on tba O. R & N between The Dalles and: Bonneville. This will prob ably be opened up to day when trains ill again make soeduled time. Telegraph ines in all directions are reported to be n working order. It is the same old story and vet con stantly recurring that Simmons Liver Regulator is the best family medicine. 'We have used it in our family for eight ears and nod it the best medicine we ever used. We think there is no . such medicine as Simmons Liver Regulator." Mrs. M. E. S. Adingtou. Franklin, N. O. "Each member of our family uses it as occasion requires." W. B. 8mith, Mt. Vernon, Ky. Since the Pendleton rjostoffi robberv. Joe wimams, Heppner a poat master, haa taken every precaution for safety. No one la admit ted hi me inner aoor until ne naa tuny identified himself, and the money, well its Bafely secreted in an old shoe In the yard back of the postothce. bo there la not much danger of Joe being held up. The sugar-coating, which makes Ayer's Pills so easy to take, dissolves immediately on reaobing the stomach, and so permits the full strength and benefit of the medicine to be promptly oommunioated. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Almanao, just out. C. S. VanDuvn haa disposed of the furniahlnsra in the Palace hotel to Clay Myers, of Blaylocka. nr. Myers was a resident of una county for a number of yeara, at which time he wag en gaged in the stock business. Mr. Myer'a fami ly, consisting of his wife, two daughters and three Bona, arrived yeaterday morning, and are now located at the alace. J. C. Gordon, a noatofhee liisrjector in the employ of the government, arrived on laat evening'a stage from the inner country. After an examination of Postmaster William's olllce he complimented Joe very highly, saying that everything waa In cxcelent shape. N. Brown went to EiKht Mile where he waa employed to defend lnga in the case of H. Cumiiigs vs. M. P. Meriting in luit Drougni to recover personal property. All dry goods, boots, in fact our entire line (excepting grooeries) will be sold at oost for a short time. Small man, about 5 feet 8 inches, weight tbout 150 or 169, dark oomplex- loned, dark mustaobe and dark beard about one iooh long, wearing dark chinohilla overooat with velvet oollar, and rather wide rimmed dark hat pretty well worn, and think be was riding a small slim built bay horse with short tail, locks like might be a raoe horse. Robber took about $500 m gold, about $150 in silver, and some bills, among the bills was one 82 bill and one $5 bill, one Canadian 50 oent piece, two Canadian 25 oent pieces, one Mexioan $1 and one mashed or battered 25 cent pieoe. Watch all suspicious characters, ariest and wire. Zoeth HotrsHB. Sheriff, Pendleton, Oregon. ORDER FOR PUBLICATION. I Am Glad To tell what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for tne. I had the grip and its ill effects settled au over me. I had cramps In my legs and frequently I bad to get np at night and walk to relax the mus cles. I also had stomach troub- I then took Vies r y Hood's Sarsapa rilla. One bottlk yesterday H. cum- T. A. Reld A. A. Yerex and L. H. Pnr.kman. all commercial travelera, were at the Palace yeateruay. ... Don't forget the cost sale at Minor & Co.'s the leading bouse in the oity. W. E. Newton, general agent for the Waverly cycle, waa In Hcppuer Wednesday. Jim Hager and wife were paaengers on Wedaeaday night'ay down train. Dr. E. R. Swinburne la making a . brief so journ lu Portland. Ladies' shoes 90 cepta and up at Minor (BUo. a. . L Ths itim of fir rents per tins will be Ihertrd for "oarda of trunks," "resolutions of resjwrt." IlsU nl wrd.llni prreenta and donore, inn obituary nut In, (other than thoa ths edit or shall himself give u a matUtr of news.) aod aotk-raofeperlai meetings for whsmrer purpose, t Notice, nl rhtirrh and eorlrty mid all other jntrrttUtimmu fmm which revenue I to be de rived, eheil be rharced fur at the rate of Bv ente a line. Three rulua will be strictly adher ed to In every ln.teiire. Advertising rate AeunsUt and Bad known ipott application. TIME TABLE. fttace lor llerdmen. Monument, tan Creek, loha 1T and Canyon I r. Urn as lollowa 1 (very day el a m , trtt fundoT. Arrlvenrdyaif M..rr.i Monday. the rhniml. quirt end beet line to Of Iron the lulerior rontiirv. WALT. THOMIKOX, Prop. Phlll CohO, AacnL Catra Pale Star Brewery Beer la Half ttnt Bottleerea te bad only at the City Hotel Bar! W hre hl(h $ re4e U iurs end t lrs ere also lfl by ir-i. hsw Fstp Tao. Wm. Oordoo haa opodaptbe fre.1 yard out door to tbeOatetia bfltt, anJ now solio.U a bar of oar pat roe eg. Billy la right at boms at ibte bnelneee, and your horeva will be well Iwiked after, rrteea teaeoaable. Ilav end grata for sala. tf. The fo'ly of prejudice is frequently sbowo bv people who perfer to suffer for yeara rather than try so advertised rem edy. The millions who have no socb notions, taka Ayer'a Sarsaparilla for blood-diseases, aod are eared. So much for common sense. Charley Jones, the well-known "old timer" in the tnneorial line, baa again liK-ated lo Heppner, hiving purchased Ureeo Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite the rity hotel. Charley will appreciate a call when io town. Ring out the holla the hour grows hot, tla F.lshteen Ninety Kit; Columt'le a eons have surely got the Brltoni la e ti: Youreierry henner proudly Boats and Justice mire n Mti. But .inn't inrspt i wet fourth rnaiswl'b "perry's unwoua nye. tf. At tba Belvedere saloon. It bas io soma manner beta circulated around that Mr. Trios. Uradley pro prietress of the City hotel, islanded to give op the hotel on tba 1st of Fsbraary at the repeat of Mrs, Bradley will slate thai Ibis is falsa. Mrs. Bradley will remain at the City hotel where, aa ia the past, abe will eptre do effort to properly rnierlaio ber goeets. For a pain la the rbeet a pieoe of fUnoel dampened with Cbamrlato's I'ato Halm and tioand on over the seal of the pain, and aoother oo tba bark heiweea lb stmnlJere, will aff.ird relief. This ia eepecially valuable to eas here I be tyain is caneed bv a aold and there Is a len.leney toward pnamooia. For sate bv lbtll Coba, droggist. Rhenmatlam Bans Klot When there ie 1 actio acid io tba blood Liniments and lotions will be of no per manent Denent. . Aoureoan be acOom- pliahed only by ueutralinion this acid aud fur this purpose Hood's Sarsaparilla is tbe best medioina because Hood's Harssparilla is the only true blood puri fier prominently in tne public eye. Hood's Pills sot easily, yet promotlv and effectively, on the liver and bowels. Zo cents. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County, The State of Oregon, Haintlfr, vs. T 1 A I . .. ...... ... tit " . HlllllMW VUlllib; i Clerk of said Morrow ;ounty. Oregon, ana the heirs of Charles Lind, deceased. Defendants. - Whereas, it haa been aatlafactorily made to appear to the Court that on the 13th day of Jan uary, 1890. In said Morrow County, Oregon, one Charles Und died intestate; that at the time of his death aaid Charlea L'.nd waa unmarried and left no children, or other helra at law, and that up to the time of the commencement of this proceeding no perBon or persons have appeared claiming to be an heir, or heirs, of aald deceas ed. That at the time of hia death aa aforesaid, aaid deceaaed waa seized of certain real estate in aaid Morrow County, besides a considerable amount of personal property. That afterward the County Court of Morrow County duly ap pointed administrators of tbe estate of the aaid deceased, who duly qualified and entered upor said trust, and proceeded to administer said estate, under the direction of aaid County Court. That on the 21th day of December, 1SII2 anch administration was completed, and Baid admin iatratorB filed In said County Court their supple mental Anal account, by which it waa shown tha' there remained in the hands of such ad mintatrators, after such administration waa fully completed, us the property of aaid estate. the Bum of f 1956 01, which said sum of money was, on sain dav, nnrter rne order and direction oi saia uonniy uourt, paia ny sncn no numerat ors to J. W. Morrow, Clerk of aaid County Court, the above named defendant, subject to the further order of the said County Court. That said sum of money has ever since aaid 24th day oi uecemner, mn, ncen, and now ia, in tne hands of J. W. Morrow, and that aald County Court haa not made any further order in relation thereto; and that by reason nl inch facta, aald Bum of t9.Mi.01 ahoiil i escheat to, and become the property of, the State, and the State of uregnn naa a ngnt ry law to aald sum oi money now In possession of said defendant J. W. Mor row, as aforesaid. And it further satisfactorily appearing to the Court that a summons haa issued in thiaprn eeedt"g. directed to aald defendant, i. W. Mor row, reaulrinar him. and the helra of the aald Charles l.lnd. deceased, to appear and answer the Information rVed herein, within the time limited by law In civil cases, and that aald summons haa been duly served upon aaid defendant, J. W. Mor:ow, personally, In aald Morrow County. Oregon, and that no heir, or helra. of the said harlea Und, deceaaed, can be founi;in aald County and Rttte. It ia therefore hereby ordered that all persons interested In the aald estate of Charles l.lnd. deceased, appear on or before the first day of the next regular term of this Court, which la the first Monday in March, 1896, tn.wlt. the second day thereof at Heppner, In aald Morrow County, and show cause, If any they have why the title of aald estate, now in the handa of aald J. W. Morrow, being the aum of tl'.KW 01, should not veat In the Plaintiff herein, the State of Oregon. Tt la further ordered that this notice be published once each week for six consecutive weeks in the Heppner Oasette, a newspaper of general circulation puiiiisnea at Heppner, in aald Morrow County, Oregon, witness my hand this nth day of January, ircm. Bir.rni.it a. umt,i,L, 406-18. Circuit Judge. bottle cured thecramp, 'jtNN and another has lnelPedmystom" S- II S-ch trouDic greatly. I have taken 8 bottles and use Hood's Pills which are the best I evet took." 11. A. Melvin, Sisters, Oregon. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the publlo eye today. Hnnfl'c Pills eas ,0 bu7 eaay t0 ,ak' UUUU Tills eair in effect. 250. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUN ty of Morrow, State of Oregon. J. H. Townaend, Plaintiff, vs. Thomaa Wnlden, W. G. Scott, Geo. W. HarrlB, Defendants. To Thomas Walden and G. V ants. if.-i THAT THERE'. Been a Itage in edTr. HAVE YOU HEARD KE'MMlllaaeBaB7' Elite ill iwk BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarlanrJ Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slaughter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF OOST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. FRANK M'FARLAND, Managar and Salesman. The National ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. flat Do Ion ffant? Harris, Defend- In thO name of the State of Oregon, vnn nro hereby required to appear and answer the com- pmininien agamsi you in tne bove entitled Biilt on or before the first day of the next regu lar verm oi me aoove eniuiea couri town: Monday, the 2d day of March, 18!)6; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the c urt for the relief demanded in said complaint, t'l-wtt: Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal don, for the sum of Two Hundred Four aud Sixty One-Hundredths Dollars In U H. Gold Coin, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, lrom the first dayof Febrdary, iw, until paid, and for the further anm or Thirty-Five Dollara. attornev'a fee, together with the costs and disbursements of thia -ult to he taxed. A"d that the mortirKe d esc r bed In ulaln tiffs complaint be foreclosed and that the premises iiierem oesennen, io-wii: me siK ot Hcc. l, Till N. K ''.' K. W. M ha mill I.. nutUfu ulil judgment. Aim mat tne sain Geo. w. Harris and all per sona chaining hy, through or under him be forever barred of all right or equity of redemp tion In an Id premises. This summons is published bv order of Hon Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the sixth Judicial owner oi me state ol Oregon, dated December 3W-412. Attorney for 1'lalntlft. Anotbbb Leap Ycab Pasty. Miss Cora Rhea iovited a camber of ber many friends to participate in a lesp year festival at her homo io this city oo Inst Tuesday evening. A Urge crowd was present, aud all were seemingly io tba proper spirits, and spent a very pleasant time. Tba ladies taking Iba place of tbe gentlemen, began filing io witb tbeir company, at 8 o'clock ami many parlor amusements were participated io until a lata honr, when bounteous refresh ments were served, to which all did justice. Hire Kbea mskee an eicellrot hostess, aod all departed declaring Ibey bad enjoyed lbemlvee immroselyt Tboee present vera aa follows: Messrs. Clyde and Ed. Haling, Jaa. Uert, O. E. Freeland, J. W. Unrnor, T. R. Lyons. Jaa. Thomson, Frank Borg, John Hpenoer, Robt. flyod, Uarry Warren. Clay Folsom, Misses Afsggie Hornor, Cora Hart. Lnoia and Flora fernswortb, Florence Crittenden. Mead Rush, Mabel Letter, Mabel klerren, Laura Moir, r the! 8p"y. Ada Ilbea, Jennie Nobla, air. and Mrs. J. N. Urowo aod tha Tisielte'a 8. E." A (ireei 0ree s I iwrletlos. Heeaee A, rt'tiellfellna, Itdoev. Htf an4 boael ironHlee ere by KeM'eC'tfr Knt Tea. Sal by W'lle k Warrea. t Mils 4e o rare. ! Ttll do Bol core Cooetlpalloe. They 1 WSJ ' '' e w vi'ri v I glvra paffeet regularity of tba btwela For aale by U'ells k Werreo. are for ' t It i r -'x Horner f firt ssiiei eKN1 I IIS is.i shccphcnl cr who has been out 0 four months, hut hc loooks like a new man 0 now for he dressed up at has lecn O IIoRsr.R & Km as. & Rhea, Ne'ieael 0ea 0'K' rileel I'lleel licktsg I'lles. by mptoma Moist are; intense itching and stinging; most at sight; wore by scralrbtog. If allowed to continue tumors form, ableb often lire! and Qlrerata, beromlog very en re, Hwaraa a Oi rraiixT stops tbe Itohmg and blel ton, beala olceralMio, and la noat Caere removea tba tomors. Al draggteta. or by mail, for SOeeola. lr.HeyoeA rVm. fliiladelphle. Are y Ms4e Miserable by !odigstlin, Coostinatlna, lUineee. Ixiee of Aptietlis. Tello HkiB? Hbilob'a Vilallser Is a poeitive Core. For sala by Welle k Warrea. 8UMMON3. TN TIIR OtRCt'lT COl'RT FOR THE COUNTY J. of Morrow, state el Oregon. Henry Heppner, 1 . . , 1 riainun, , ' ve. .. V : ' Clark R. Adklns. I ' ' Defendant. J To Clai k R. Adklns, defendant. ' In the name of the HUte of Oregon, van are hereby required t - ai-r and answer the rom nlalut fllKl aaetnst von In the above entitle.) suit on or In-fore the Oral day of the neat regular lurm oi sain court, lo-wu: The Had Day of Marrh. INV6. And If you tall an to answer, for want thereof the plaliitlft will apply lo the rourt tor the rrllel drmandiM in Mid romplelnt, to It: For ludirment acalnst ton lur the sum of One Thousand Ddlarallh liifemit thereon at the rate of tn per rent tier annum from the XMh day ol November. Iwil. and eurh antn as the rourt may adjudge leeeniiable aa an attorneys lee ati rmi. end nisburaemrnia, end lor the li.rerloaure nl a certain mortgage eterutrd t vou lo erf lire the payment ( the aum almve Birrinr., end rrronlr.1 In the mortpatfe rw-ords nf aald county on the 77th dar of Novrinlr. I'M. in n a -r: I .if f anl ronvering me lolloe lug drerrilied premiere, to wit; t.U nl Nl end Sr V of ni and NVW nt N !;, of w m. a1 ol s u aiwl er.V ol MW i. end BO of eh. oi nn: VI, i p 4 a. K X K W. M and lor the sale of aald premiere to satisfy aald Jilignieiu I hle aummona I Published bv order of Hon Stephen A. Ill. Judge of aald court, mads on me loin day ol January, l" J H ttftoeVrt n la. Attorney f..r ri.lnliff. Some people want the earth ; you can get a goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HARDMAN STORH!, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, HARDMAN, OR. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY of Morrow, Htate of Oreiron, K. K. Hughes, Flaiutill'.i vs. Henry Kellv. Defendant) To Henry Kelly. Defundant. mine name oi ine NtaUj ol Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the eom plalnt fi'ed asaluat you In the alKive entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular Menu ui aem conn, u)-wu; The Xd Day of Marrh. 1H98. And if you bill so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the rourt for the relief demanded in aald eoiiiplaint, to-wlt: Juilnment and decree Kint you for the aum of fJoiVOO, wnn niieresi ineri-on ai tne rale ol ten Percent prraiinuin fiom the l.'th day ol May, wti; for the sum of U1.7H, with Interest thereon at the rale ol ten per cent per annum from the'AUh day of Dm-rmlier, INM, aud e'UUD altorneya fee, ami the coals ol this suit. And that the mort (aaedoarrllird in Dial ntlfTa com nlalnt be lore. closed and the premiere therein, dRsrrllied to- wit: the HS of SWV and M of NK.'i of H.-.-. Z2. and Wv, ot Sre. St. Tp.J H, of R 27 , W. M , In Morrow Couuty, Oregon, be sold lo aatlafy Said iuditment. . ... This summons ln-publlshed by order of Hteph Mi A. Umell. JuilKe of the Clreolt t'oiirtni the Hinte of un ion lor Morrow County, inai'.e on mn uajr u. a:iuary. inw, J. N. BROWN. ". Attorney for I'laliitllT. T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN Grockries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will make it an object for you to trade witb hint aa bia prices are right, and all goods tbat be bandies are ot tbe very bout. BUM MON. xmct or iuhmimtium. "t. Tilt? fXl.r.KM'lHICt), FAMTNttHa ! tf the boslnev knoa Hiw1r the firm nemrenf rraprttely, Mirsls 4hlielon !' to, I'hlli I ohn, Crt.p. and T. W A-era, Jr. (Ive hoi ire (rial we have Ihle day dlwulte-l hy ninloal roaernl. Ir V R, Mnoofds aod 1 . W A, ere. Jr . 111 n-teln the trreent boslorea el the old eicom Johnston lrnf o a stai d, III pay alt d'l.ie of bulb Br ma and ruile.1 ail ao. con ma due same. llnneouf banda and erala this sVk day ot January. A. I T W krtPA.U, fill 1.1. (oiiv 9 II f. II M)iHIM. TISMKIt rt'LTlKK. mat. moor. UNITED rTM Ine I ih r ronr. Ilaeiast "f JrreJ r( 4 of esolJlt (rota tba Eat to rrl eail la tb prlef aml Io tsak ro (of lty Lev trnl4ib. I will for lb Beit tin deft Diak (raanea out o( taf ptreeat (lock at rei. Mar. 17. J.L Yiia. 14 StllX aT UKliI TWe re4ki- r-a KbWr Ike liera Ie4ea Tbe aetrKti f ry ib (M'bev be p tte.lr Jhenl aa1 loolekl tr.et tHa M Jay eteklee at I'ek4' Um ! i (ar rl faille. Nitlae bateter tae teo J,r.ee. AH OQt g dtitf t'a ae aer v' lr watrbet, kkd k- M,iiue rbealr ae a ta tr. ax f of lba l'l-m tbe Uret (IkH It appear lo tee .'-li,b e bel IM ,Mr le etill Ik I he le r-r in ma. 1iell k'ler tbe 4-e 1, he f-kla taa f ikweJei)t ta I be roe .fry, i'uetaeeftle J .l.ae- eea at Li ( Ore tteleee lay tikl.Ml.fl i ik a ltg. He k k-l np hm Mk mm ftlf aa be nil, kel tail I be M4 em i U avaer a! aaa ab a1 Ti if Ke4eMll rlr- afc. f i ,n.r a i.Kr t.rri'r. t 0 m t.. , rttnw le brl.y glten thai Krei-ie J Wir. nf M-i e eer Of , bae tied nmlre of liten'loo lo snake knal ptw if.. Hioly rlrrh. of el'trn i , ei aisr'tnretn ni..nef, ntrf .hi, as weiMelay Ibe le:b lar o r.narf, t.n ijmtM r,iiu. ep(.ll'eiln fan. sll.lo tbe oi aelle I In r..eihlsa I ..uh. y.aor S f He mw" ee wliri.n s en.ua, Jantee f kl."a. iwn Melt ee4M lloleloo. ! ul tllualuai, ut.goe, J f W'eikK. a II. KiMr IJI THE C'lltf'I'IT t'Ot'KT OK TIIR HTATS of urreon. lor Ihe t'ouuir of Morrow. iiiiia e. neioon, rialittlfr, a. Kratik I.. Weldon. iH-frmlaiit To Frank I. Mrldon, lirfrndaiit III the oainr of Ihe auie ol irron. you ere brii'tiy rtiiMlrr to appear etui answer lo the rotnplaliil lllr-l airalnl you In Ihe alaxe enlll'rd anil on or t Ibe Drat day ol the nrt n-ijiilar trim of lit alHira eotllb-l rourt loa It: Mnedav, Marrh t4, I MM. and If ynu fall to answer or other lev plrad for eant llirrrol the plalntlrl will apply to Ihe e,illllrl rourt lor a dnrrre dIMoirliif Ibe msrtlaer liinla no e ll I . -at belv reo you and hrrerll, and alao for a dn tne aeardloa Ihe . are and rnstoly of Ibe ala miner rblbtren town Ih-lla t lllh Wr.l Illy Umlae Wfl l.oi, Inland Mlalilord Mel.lnn.t radk Imuard Meldori. I.nee Ir.liig Wrl.lon end I'ran Heldon, Ibe trulla cileabl inartlaee to plalollff 1 his eillitmoiia Is pnMtabri b fllrr of Hon Klrplmn A lx.wrll, pelgr ol tli no oil rourt of Ihe eiale nl orrg lor tbe alltli judla lal dlalib t, datod Jeuuaty aih. !- H.I 14 A LVOV. 17 Atloions f.,r plaluilff. TIIUNDKit LIQIITNINO "There id a lute, in the ojfairn of men Thai, iflnkrn nl its JIimhI, lemh on to fortune." Tbe flood is bore and so is Witb a full line of Ilnnlwuit'. Tinwaii. OliiMHwru-o. C?i-o,'lci,v. Wood mill VVillowwniu. C'tliirTtlH at lUtlrook l'Hccfi. TIIK LIGHTI5T KU MM', GANG 1L0WSI til Mailt I ji n k. riii Kr riH thr turn Ma 1 trt-t Mo a l .Li.. s-lait.li (T. W. t in. I Morrow (ohiiI. eiale ul Orreon. Kablrr, Notici of final Setttrmint. N1TH t rttarer .tv. triaT Till n.t.f e1wtlttatral... n lt. 99mm .4 (erbt a Ma. lm... 4ept wi o&aae flinal Ballwnl ol In. smraiiU w lie, W11 eetele ae IK. etlntare' at ! - withe Imklflnllol W 't.W ImMl. e II iri,'. M h'.i Ua el II er'- unrfl, la eai t xtblt. wej Ibe Jo4 4ej nl wa ! a la, iKfit Kotkt of Mixtion. tUek Oreo tat t Oa.at.a . i.He.f is law rtlrl t Krrr f.la Ht ill luiilie na t .'. bee ? -ml l4.. kie II.MUH. wkeae (ael f l e- e.H nbaiw t4 1.1 wl e Ml lk.vt. i at al..nw i . i te e4Ntte-e. Iwws. we) eeterf ,M t( KIKJIMia Mn". "t (WH. I ik a H a . m n a t w jneM rre i't is a ; i ta tt mm tea I.. ...a i 4 w ii.i a . 4. ate ..mw wlv tfmm a4 ewMoa'bHk n4 e1 iM i mIi- )-.t tt Ba-f P te(, ktos J tMena lwl stewtwe a r aiiea a '. k. Ieni.ia. Itrlrndant To the r.ai.ie n the eutb Inalrlrt. V or row I (rtint,. Male nl iir.etn to tbe name iff tba tl nf f Or,. t. eer.m aei'd ,oi In imno.oa W kL tw-nnto to a twr tl..te tbe w'Mlriei,ml a Itiaio M lite I iw. In tlrt fin a In aald ( ...n.lj end !! n lli.re Iba .lh 4ar of Janna'T k at Ihe bontwf I k l ta , al ... In net lna.l l lo.m. l,i ..,,,., a.1 i..ai... l.e .-oniptal..! .a W r bahl. bvoo'tml on an lXMa cnnl.w, t aod a I..I..B Ihe ! I pUM.Iilt dnai -i'tmt u,..mail klo, wm and til. ii I ti, b.iiiu.. 1 irf this ein. end In re K fai . e t a...r b.r we I in.e M the i laii.n-t ani us. ,o,.,, aealnat blw I... tha nl rm .14 end u I l..ia en I -'. ii.it a. ti'm. Pi II .i I lll.-l I t 1.H1I ij f I rm a I loathe nt H. rww l.rf the 'lltl Inat.nt al "a I ..inf I nw ,n la'"l ftm.niUf i-at , I. rarn,n. J .athe nl Iha l'ae. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, I-Ioppiier, Oregon. They run en tlbt 1 in y run off lu ihe nlhl. 1 li only Eirluaive Hardware Store Iu Iwoiti Tlie Dalles and I'ecdlctoD GILLIAM & IMSBE35, llrppner, ... Oregon. KAIN liAIN Cummings & Fall, PROPBilTORS Ot Ibf fit I ftellable MaVc e fatttitiQ. f,tn.rrt' a IVll T laukaktt eee le a.v .! that tfce brfw if . a l hit kae A miw, 4 feael f , a taawta a laaier 4 W eeeer, I ae . a-4 eae . wi 1 v. m I. . . - .a - ww J .Mka at Mf r-t Ul,.-a ee.yH.ew. tellkf bit wal of J..er, . "'r-"- ta Ifel ftai'el.e. It aee, tTone) j T CaV. ! '" ..wi. m' V,, :i , M J l' a a fa. e t it wmi aa iua aay ! , e . ... .. a.. -a j tSe. trf Ibe f4.W. a t . 4 ... 1 rtxerin iimiib..!.. at 11. . ew.11. - - - - ' rereita1 lie f tri,i. teibkl fS Ij titt rtkki it t.i at fun tun t ..t mf nf I'al, uf ... Ilanty SMil'l I I telaMt. I ' I a mum an.f I - , win. .4 eaM i tail tarn a' I ) raa Mtf.1m.11 ae ktt '4 th. In. baM 1 1 1 n..l 4 ru awa, a fii .O'.n I. I. ia te Ta a Maw k - ...wiat tw I t- w.. nf tha mat nf f n.... fin at. bfft f .t .t tn a n.. a '.4 e-.ti . Ih n -as.l i 4 aeai-t f-a la .he ee .l.t.n4 t 1 n 1. le, M.IM ti4 th. i-.l t .taf t..w nf . t it. In wit Tee 14 aaf saf a.r-k l4 kn4 Itt-vi tail en an 14 a I iik.4 th. I a . 4 i art f . It.. tt he tha te t 4at1 I. ' f ,n-.. l,.t tnwM f t .i-.-t e4 4... a'tt stl' ianti k.. t.j th e .4 I : HfM w 11. I- I t mw I . Vatth.4 at 1. ..i 4 a, n I wi .h I Ii. .1. .i i.t ,J i.m el'lilu. ? wt m . . tt.4 at h tat .4 a. ..at t a. I. th. t4 4 t .4 ln m. t. .t W I'h I -'. n. I !, 4 at lk rt. nf t e-. -. h. 4t " I ftm l.t With ( t..- n. I t .he 4 t HI ta .'-4 e I WI. I t le t ee aa a" t I., a -4 ee.e nf hie e-..t 1 t o.. e 4hn t the ehw-ew' 4ne- i t t I ae . I th. ' nn.i. i..t Mjt e-'4 t.. ea e nt ea-4 ' w"r.-n4 t - t ', ee-4 J .4( t ! e-4 4niae t..njaa en4 .-a f I . ie e."n-a le '.. 4 he e e.,ta u.pi ;'r -4 tc 1 in -t 1 t.ih.e.rfi.tfeM kri.iii 4an4 u u (I !! .-.4 I k It iat Gault House, iiiui,ii, in,. Ila I lib. k .null'.. 4 ht.4 nf 4 14 . 1 m a at y 1 a a . I" rt a at , at.4 Ibe I, H, L a f Mlitneda MATICM aU.s 1'ieia lA V t .4 W. Ma tleiB and tlllAeia, AT I rial tewt. fTT - 1 efja ColintlflO AsMCkU Agincy for e- a I eavtar. TBaoa ea a e e a. Cliioa rartaiTa. CoavaaoHTa. m. r.. tt rall a.t fa ttan4 e wHieln Bat au ..-.i.... as. .-.. f 44 la... f atw.W M aei.rtna, I .... t.n -! ta.w t t t .. ta hnnjht wh.e th. ia'-Mai kf e i-.le Ine wt Matel le ska) f (icniific wcricau levntomiWharf,.. a-h-wu. eeea ta the nlhl I uatMH . Iatnif.t km 1 a. with.t 11 tamsif a I tea a i..i 1 .1.1.., la.Vi 1 I . nit.iM, JW I sewfaaii aw Itetavttf, IJitjrjoniTVV;; Dt, Vou Want a RiK' ? Don't Ynu Want a Plarc to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Ncal of a Saddle II orsc All tlir ran l-a 1 risrurcil at lli'iniievm A liiiiiii, xarf Mala Mfft, llrpjiiirr, Orr.f-i. that rnnis in t.i M I'll 'iwtil M,.t . ftrtieaa a4 at bat twajatiea, at4 h. a... aw a 4 ll-ne In am. i'-k lh a it-t-e ana Itai. u mm , ftl-.e In tli ela lb Itaaee TMOMPHON Sr. HINNS, LtaaTMiif, it xrr' km THE PA EACH HOTEL AR, .1. C. UOltCI l lOItH, Ptoj). I i i aawavaawaw mutt Keeps the Finest Wines Liquors a ml Ci liars. tjvf la rUrkart f a tt aeee 1 1 ' t ' I I' e ..... t. ........ eeaaaaaaaaaeeaaaaawaaaawwaeaaw.aa.aawi . . . . t.. . t , .t.... t, i, l a. , a . r, l4. Ithl, HktMe,!, ilk.!,! U 111 I UltlltJvil !U kaee.. 1 I NOIARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER a'Al.te AT i $. Ji i i v i I : ! !