Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 17, 1896, Image 2

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El-GOVEBNOB PoBAKEB has been Go" re-eppointed for the ensuing year, the selections and forward the report of
elected U. & senator from Ohio. I P0'' ' - w- Pearson, me t0 H- well. bec'y. Portlaod.
diet No. 8, considered and accepted ana it delegates cannot attend see that
hill 9n9 t'Kl ! IfiB ail T.qba VAIMaant AIW I rtf nT V H F oivan " IhnaA ernina wIia
n T t ' 3 A it I v1'' w.aviwww. Haw r I ' " ..M ava uuvo kwluK u
c kami i, cannon ana Anour pointed for the in ,ear will represent the clnbs.
Brown have received the republic- Report of 8. 0. Stone, road sap., diet. To this convention the olobs ot this
an caucus Domination for TJ, 8. No. 18, considered and accepted and connty are entitled to representation as
HRimtnr frnm TTtfth b-'- or $82 allowed. J. M Waddell follows: Morrow oonnty club, 4; Hepp
appointed for the Insaina; year. ner, &; Liberty, 2; Cecil. 2; Ln-.tngtoo,
Rannrt nf ftlwslw flulinn ennri aim . I 2: IoDB. 2- T.ena 9- Hitman P.. 'ullsv
AALiiUMA woman ass given dgt jjo. 12. considered and acoepted. way 2. and Gooseberry 2
birth to three sets of triplets nine W. Q. MoCarty appointed for the ensuing Blanks have already been ecnt oat to
in all. California is BUstainiDg her year. tbeeeoretary of each clnb and If aoy
reDutation for havine a verv nro- Report of B. F. Devore, road sap., have failed to receive them they can be
a. r r
lific clime.
diet. No. 28, considered and acoepted supplied by addressing A. W. Patterson
and bill for $44 allowed. B. F. Devore I OffioerB of each clob are requested to
Governor McKinley and wife
re appointed for the ensuing year,
lee that it is represented,
The caBe begun by Rev. Brown
of San Francisco, says the Salem
Journal, to send Mrs. Davidson to
San Quentin prison for extracting
$500 from him to silence a Mrs.
liaddin, is still dragging akmg.
From a scriptural standpoint Dr.
Crown should never have begun a
prosecution against Mrs. Davidson.
"If a man sue you for your coat,
give him your cloak also, and avoid
litigatioD," was Christ's motto. He
seemed to have lost all spiritual
resources and took vengeance in
his own hands.
Another curious feature is the
fact that Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Bad
din, Mrs. Tunnell, Mrs. Stockton
and Overman are all divorced
women. ..Brown as a materialist
and sensationalist has been a power
for evil rather than good. He
should have adopted Ben Butler's
rule never to be found alone with
a woman not his wife.
Rennrt nf A. H. Htamn. road SOD..
celebrated their silver wedding last dist. No. 34, accepted and bill for 812 !
week in the little cottage at Can- allowed John Byland appointed for
ton, Ohio, where they began their tbe ensuing year.
rrmrrifid Ufa and lmvo always livfirt. KePnrt 0 red isbbaugD, road enp.,
I j;. ni ok tnj ,i w.i! in
allowed, and soma bod. re-aDDointed.
ihe Muir-uume election contest R-mort nf p. m. oHffln. road bud..
Lively a a Cricket.
Although. in the first instance as
sluggish as a tortoise, the kidneys be
oome as lively as a cricket when a
healthful impulse is given to them with
Hostetter'a Btomaoo Bitters, a pro-
moter of aotivity in these organs which
counteracts a tendency to their lethargy
ana disease. Inaction of the kidneys,
in Portland ended, as was antlCl- diet. No. 15, acoepted and bill for 812 it should be remembered, Is the first
Dated in favor of Mr. Hume who allowed. J. B. Rbea appointed for the stage of those dangerous renal maladies
soieoce are too often exhausted in vain.
nuirwl tum.,fv-fi,7o Woo on iha ensuiog year
Ha. U k IF V J - U V V V VVU VU WU V
recount. The case is an outg
of the election two years ago.
recount. The case is an outgrowth 7" .Z, .-TV m "I . 'V
uioi. iw. iu, nunicu "v uiu w v-iv i ver 1.(1 Dnvni a aiBeaae. uiaoeies. a ropey.
Allowed. C. N. Feck BDDointed for tbe gravel And tbe troubles ariflinif from a
wean oiaaaer. juqa&iiy emcaoious is
. w- w a, m . I " M VUVUDSUK HUVJ Ol II VJ 1U V 1 U K U1Q1UI ITii.
Keport 01 J. ju. JJ-ees. roaa sup., aiei. bilion(, ad nervong BimaDl. rlvsnansii.
ensuing year.
Sowebody asked Levi P. Morton
f No. 35, acoepted and bill for 88 allowed, oonstipatioo and rheumatism. Anpe
, , . ,1.1 .... . 0. T. Walker appointed for tbe ensuing tite and sleep are improved and oonva-
be before he lost his ambition for lenoenoe hastened by its benefioient
the presidency, and the old man R;port ot H. 0. Oorbin, road sup., "iR1?" .hh?"h. "'l8!'
, . 1,1 1 . , I I .UKUII.VUf VUW T ui v wina
repliPU mat nis interrogator would dist. No. 27 aooepted and B. tr. Uevlaod restorative and preventive medicine
hftvft tn nsk nomfihoflv oldflr thAn appointed for the ensuing year. ' speedily made manifest
jj6 , Report of Wm. Gilliam, road sap.,
diet Ho, 'Hi, aooepted and bill lor 5JS
A a wrt t. Iiq oaan a nnif allowed and same supervisor re
D. Brown, road sap ,
We are having floe weather this month
Rev. Swift Is oarryicg on a protracted
elsewhere in this issue the populist PP,D,e1
.... Report of J
state convention will be held in diati No, 30 a0Oepted and bill for $32 meeting at Eight Mile Center. He has
Salem, ieb. 22nd, at which time allowed and same supervisor re appoint- been pieaobiog very good sermons and
the party has declared its intention ed. ha been ably assisted by Prof. Gilstrap
of putting a straight ticket in the KePrt r L,atoer Kn. road sod., v. whv.b. ue win preset, every
uisi. no. it, Buuepieu inu uiu lor io Buuguuj huvumi
allowed. A. J. Stevenson appointed for Bnd Sunday night. On Monday evening
the ensuing year, a LiBtter Day Saint divine, will preaoh.
Report of J. M. Hager, road sap., dist. On Jan. 24th there will be a temper
No. 22, aooepted and bill for $24 allowed, lance meeting at Eight Mile Center,
Walter Brandage appointed for the The eabjeot to be disoussed is "When if
Morally Wrong om it be Politically
Many divorces have taken place
from a combination of bad cook
ing and worse piano playing. A
man may be able to stand bad ensuing year.
The ropalinU - Will - go it AIom la tbe
Canpaiga This Year.
The Oasette has been kindly requested
to publish tbe following for the 'benefit
of oar populist readers wbleh Oome
from W. H. Spaagb, chairman of tbe
atate central oommittee of tbe peoples
party-" of Oregon. This communication
explains itself: :
Harhmbubo, Or., Jan. 13, 1896.
To l&s EmroBl The following is tbe
result of the sitty letters of inquiry sent
out to county dbairmeo and other
prominent populists throughout tbe
state as to platform, time and plaoe ot
holding state convention. This report
includes tbe vote ot 24oonuiv chairmen:
In favor of single plank platform. . . ,
Opposed to single (.lank platform.... 48
In favor of holding atate convention
February 22 ' 36
In favor of holding state convention
in March.,., 8
In favor of holding state ooovettion
la April 10
Vote on place for holding state con
Portland , ..7
Oregon City i ....... ..... 10
Salem. ,,.20
The Dalles , ; ........
No ohoioe.. 11
In view of the above popular expres
sion, I feel justified in calling tbe con
vention for February 22, to meet al
Salem. I would urge populists in every
conuty to oppose fusion with any party,
and delegates should be pledged to re
present the popular sentiment. By a
strict adherence to piinoiple alone can
we hope to succeed. W. H. Spauqh,
Chairman State Central Committee.
It will be seen from the above ibat tbe
date of the populist state convention lias
been fixed at February 22, and tbe place
of meeting at Salem.
The single-plank platform mentioned
means this: That the people's party
should discard all other planks of tbe
Omaba platform and make tbe OBmpaign
with only one plank, that plank to be
either tbe initiative and referendum or
free ooinage of silver at tbe rate cf 16 to
Succeuor to C. S. Van Duyn. Next door to City Hotel.
Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty.
Tho U; Institute
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast
Call at tbe Oazkttx office for particulars
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and iurs
cure. .
An EXTflA session of the Oregon
legislature for the purpose of re
trenchment is being talked of.
However, it is not likely that any
action will be taken. In order to
call an extra session there are sev
eral vacancies that would probabl)
have to be filled. George Shut
rum, a republican member of tbe
house from Umatilla county, is
dead; S. ,C. Beach, a republican
member from Multnomah county,
holds the office of superintendent
of the street cleaning department
in Portland and would likely te
sign the legislative honors in onler
to hold ou to the sack; Henry E.
McGinn, a republican senator from
Multnomah, is now circuit judge
and would of course retain tbe
place and resign tbe senators!) ip
But Gov. Lord will not call an ex
tra Hossion unless ho should re
ceive a pledge from a majority of
tho members.
Ir The people would for one year
only buy Orrgon flour.Oregou bak.
log powder, Oregon butter, Oreg.
on cliPt'Ke, brooms, hams, matches
and Orrgon male soap, Oreg
on made clothing and Oregon lum
ber, we would hardly know w hat to
do with this vast amount of tnouoy.
It Is outrageous to tbmk of tlie
many millions of dollars wo each
year seud out of tbe stato to pay
for what we ran just as well pro
duce at borne. t i,
cooking, but he cannot stand bad
musio and remain a christian.
Salem Journal. .
Senator Mitchell, in an inter
view on the Nicaragua canal, said:
"I am in favor of tbe construction Jbn to h amount of 111.55 allowed.
Miscellaneous bills allowed to the Right?" If Intemperance is wrong, can
amount ot 5169 95. Q. W. Harrington's high license make it rigbl? We ezpeot
salary as sheriff, 9400 allowed. an interesting, time. Mr. H. T. Bagley,
Report of J. T. MoAlister, road sup., a very fine speaker from Heppner, has
dist. No. 11, aooepted and same super- promised to speak on tbe snbjeot, also
visor re appointed. Mr. W. L. Baling. Both of these gentle-
Oost bill, State of Oregon vs. Wong meo are interesting speakers and oan
talk on tbe license and temperanoe
of the canal under American con
trol, whatever may be the cost and
however great the obstacles may
be that are in tbe way.
Cost bill, State ot Oregon vs. Wm question. We also ezpeot to bear from
Van Ardstrom to tbe amount of 39 05 gentlemen of Eight Mile as Rev. Swift
allowed. and others have promised to talk. Mr.
Oost bill, State of Oregon vs. 0. H. Bagley will make tbe opening speeob,
Dobbeo to the amount nf $4 30 allowed. Mr. Saling and others will follow. Ii is
free fur all to express their opinions on
tbeaubjeot. Hoar of meeting 7o'clook.
E. M. 0.
Eight Mils, Or., Jan. 14, 1896.
Oost bill, State of Oregon, vs. Wm
President Cleveland has at 0urrJ. ,h moont of 811.85 allowed
I yi Alai alt k
' I llnvaal tmnnnlinn a AlAfl UK 1 t-vA4 4A
1 f I ' 1 I w"s? - putwuHftuB w iiwuu wiiuwou u
iuo rt-ijuf bi. oi urn puopiu auu tbe amount of $93 65.
asked tor a popular loan. Ibis is I Miscellaneous bills to tbs amount of
certainly an American move, for if f 1279 54 allowed.
bonds munt bo sold. Americans c"8 biU. 8U, of Oregon vs. Free
should certainly have a chance at UB. wir . . . ' ' u. otKh" T iJLmjL
' , Cost bill, State of Oregon, vs. Wm. "ate of health. I tried numerous
buuiu. u.. .-i i t iu. i reiuoie, nuiio ui woioo uiu
Not a few who read wbat Mr. Robert
Rnwle, of Holland, Va., bas to say belo
ill remember their own experience
under like oironmstancea: "Last winter
The Oregon Railway and Navi
Hiion mj., is soon to ue reorgan- tDd W. D. Iogrnm re-appointed.
lod when tho property will pass Report of W. 0. Metier, road sup.,
from tho power of tho courts to tbe a,,i' No-10 ocpietl and asms super
mint ml i.f a u..n.ra! manarror. M r. v,sor " Ppomud.
M-Y-5II !.. ...-n.. 1...J K"Port or le,er Bernfltd, road
biiowu nimH.'ii io no mn rigui man i2 allowed. Chrial Allieob appointed
U tun right place, and should, and tor the ensuing year,
no doubt will bo mlrcted as the Kenorl of Airs Youog. road sopt.,
dist Nn, II, accepted and bill allowed to
general manager. Otegouians are
all glad to bear of tbe successful
Bctllt'tnont of this company's busi-
dohs affairs.
and Senator ltliickburn have each
received the caucus nomination for
senator of tho republican and
letnocratic force,
lown in Kentucky
lature had been a tielxtern these
W. It. Allison has Ihoii unatui.
oualy renominaleil fr tbo U. H,
enlate by tbe republicius of
Iowa. Following the caucus tiotu
f . at aaa
inauon nnaior Ailiaoti was
brought in and intorduccd as our
next president, and was entbu-
iastiaally recoivivl. AHimiti's
chances are growing brighter every
I the sUte convention tlx chief
inUrrat will renter io tint nuiuiua-
tinnof coofitpasmon. Albany ller
Dut the cotigrenaiotial tiotnina.
lions are cot to In made at tbe
tale contention this year. I here
will te district nominating cotiTcn
tioUi. - SalvtU Mal.'euiat).
IMiTd ueorge W. tantmn, at.
hi eon, Frank J. Cannon, who
baa served u the territorial del
gate to eoogreaa, were atrorg
eibilitirs for aetiator from I 'tab.
Hut the father Jivliur.l bou the
eoa was Dominated in caucus by
Dlt WaI Lf r,vt FortUnd.maVce
a great rr lM-an lm aa lakeo
in on a Southern trega mioin
deaL 11 Ida way, tine u (40 same
minister bo ra.ling tb
Iorttan.l gaml tfts so bard a t
wek $oc.
t e
TitE cat too at iiem raiic cto
tniltee which ti iu a-ai o )rtrr
day at WMhii.gt.in, b l July
?th as lie dl for i.u .i.nl
me anv
rwtA nnlit T Mata I n 4 trti t I s am kntlU
Rep.MotW. D Ingrum. road sup , Lf Chamberlain's Conirh Remedv. The
dist No. 20. accepted, bill for $4 allowed first bottle of it so far relieved me that
I was enabled to attend to my work, and
the seonnd bottle effHotnd a cure." For
axle at 50 cents per bottle by I'hill Cobn,
the amount ot 150. John Stanley ap
pointed for the eosulng year.
Kepnrior w. n Hiiruot road sup.
dist. No. 4. excepted, bill for $18 allows),
and J W. Osborne appointed.
Report of Gyms Ley da, road sun.,
dut. No. 17. accepted, bill for 12(1
allowed and same supervisor re
Rrport ot K, Allen, road sop., diet.
respectively, Nik 84 accepted, bill for allowed and
The lecis- ,,m aprviaor re-appoluted.
jtrpori or J. L. tioymer, roa.1 sop.1
V At ....,J t.lll 111 .1
. '. .- lowed aodJoha Jrnkio. appoinUd for
wiiiio juio (Hipuilaia lieia me Dai- (he eosaing year,
auco ot tHiwer witu two totes. Miscellaneous Mils allowed to Ihe
However, tho death of Isaac amoantof 1204 83,
Wila.ui. - .l..m.u.i; fMn. ,0 ' iPPpr.
Mrs. Q. W. Vinoent is on tbe sick list.
There waa a light sdow fall here
Wedoesday night.
Mr. Ilailley Barker has just returned
from a visit to tbe valley.
Misa May Baker, of Echo, is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. J. T. tioskins.
Mr. Frank Hloao is feediog some hct
cattle at Ins ranch on Butter creek.
The ball at Echo Wedorsday night
waa well represented from Batter river.
The Mtbodits started protracted
mating here last week, but it died in
its infaooy.
Rv. J. T. Uoekins bss gone to the
I'ntts to bold a protracted meeting. V
wish bim socores.
Tbe 1'iue City literary and drbatiog
aoeiety is out of sight. Call la friends
and have a leuga with oa.
Tbe t'niird Brethren cburob at I'me
Tbe time of tbe convention being fixed
at Feburary 22 is regarded as a deoided
pronunciamento against any fusion as,
with tbe convention held at that date,
fusion will be Utterly impracticable.
However, tbia is in reality Ihe decision
reaobed al tbe reoent gathering of tbe
prominent members of the party at
Oregon City. Tbe matter was disoussed
at that time and was dieoouraged by tbe
leaders. A promioent leader, from
Baker county, asserted that Ibe party
bad a strong following in Eastern Ore
gon, and should any fusion be attempted
in either county or state conventions tbe
party would not only lose a considerable
portioo of its origional strength, but
would ssorifioe both its organization
and principles.
Attorneys at Iaw,
AH business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Palace Hotel,
C. S. VAN DUYN, Proprietor.
I have taken full control of this
popular house, and will make it
strictly first class.
Free Bathi and Free 'Bui (or all Clients
F Mr.. Columbus were alive to
day aud called at Mat Lichten-
thal's he might make a new discov-.
ery quite as memorable as that of
1492. Chi is was a great discoverer
in his day. He would at this time'
dixcover the fiuPBt stock of Shoes
ever shown in Heppner, and the
cheapest as well vVhat more does
mortal man want ?
The Old, Original Shot Xerthant,
Main Street, Heppner, Orrgon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
. How's This)
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any oxee of Catarrh that can not be
cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
J) . J. OUENEY A CO. Props . To edo.
We tbe undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for tbe last 10 years, and
believe bim perfectly honorable in all
busioess transactions and nnanoiiillv
able to carry out any obligations made
by tbeir firm.
Wret A Trnax. Wholesale Droggieta.
Toledo, 0., Welding. Kinoan A Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Cbtarrb Curs is taken inter
Daily, aoting directly npou tbe blood and
mucous surraoea of tbe system. Pnoe,
75 cents per bottle. Hold by all drug
gists. Testimonials free.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . , .
A Baby's Ufa Barta.
"My baby bad croup and was saved
by HbiloL's Cure," writes Mrs. J. a
Martin, of Uonttville, Ala. For late by
Wells A Warren.
orricctui elected.
t hy Coaiply
Naliusal laalllatloM la Ihls
With the Us
tative, on last Saturday night, just
after the caucus, broke tbe tie, aud
as the populists will now snpiiort
lluuter he will probably be elected.
Uut the democrats have not yet
Kuou up hope and it possible will
preeeuta joint ballot until after
tbe vacancy has been filled.
City ia almost oompleled. II will add
el ton for Ibe I'arnah week road eon- cnsidrrable to the app.arauce of Ibis
idereJ and rrj-oled. b-auiifol city
Report ol J. A. Ilnghee, read sop., Mr. Lou Waltenbarger has beea
dist. No. 9, acre pled and David OraUII affected with brart trouble laUly but aa
ai pointed for lbs ensuing year. I Ibe eenee baa beO removed we eipecl
Bill of S fur drawing preciool J ory speedy recovery
Is tbe aatier of lai f r IV) aft.r due
oasi.lerallue it tn ordered Ibal a levy
of 13 2 10 mill be declared foe eonoly
porpswM ai.d & mills fr school par-
No fiir'fcer hnMe appeanng court
eJJ.mraeJ wilboal dale.
rms CtTT.O, Jao. 8, 1W.
He Hal A)r al Ike Watld fair
Ajrr'e Haraarilla sbjtys the eilrar
dlnary distinction if basing Imi Ibe oftlf
blood purifier allowed aa eiaibil al Ibe
World's fair, Cbieagt, Maaalaelnrere
of nlhrr earaaparilUe eoag-hl t.y ey
aesnelttlataashowit) of Ibrir S'HhU,
Mil Itiey were all Inrerd away ao.lef lb
CllM ! of the rule fofMddieg Ibe
entry nf patent ntxliemee and aoetrere.
1 be iUwN nf lli World's fair eqlho-
nliee la favor of Arrt's HarsaiHiiUla wee1 OSWra fe T t t 4 Piim !
In erTpei aa Mloas: "Ajer's larsapw- sil-U lae as be tinui ttmpmit
rilla M wl patent wlilrie. Il .t.we j Sm ieMliiaUaae.
l belong la Ibe ,l uf eetrsme. lite, -
here He merle " I 1 1 T "ing alms male ltepabiieaa
- !t'tibf 0r( . will hold us recalar
(VI MY I'MtKr rum IHMtua Mrnaial al IVrllaad, Tar.y,
faUM eaa to tar4
t v the e ol M)ll..b'e Care. This great
CVusbCoreis Ibe only lines rroly
for ibal Irrrtb'e dieeaea. For eale by
Welle A Warren.
rug Krt auran iui HrtriKii
Many marsheaia are well aware that
Ibrir eutmnrs are Ibelr bl fnrod
and lake plraeare In eaplln Ibem
Hh Ibe bit (node uhtaiaabl. As so
Inslsme we Carolina Prry A Cainrma,
prdmtnml drngtla f rluabing, Miehl-
gaa. Tbry ear: e naa no hml
in i ma In r"D)rotiiliri( Cbambrrlsio'e
t'onsb lUnrdy lo oar casltnera, aa It is
Ibe bl eiOrfb nirdtcina we bave ever
I.I. aad alwaye gure elifetii.s."
Kf eale al W eole per buttle by 1'blU
Ivbo. drugsiet.
Io compliance with tbe oatioaal bank
log law ot Ibe United Flairs, stock-
bnd'ers of the baoks in Heppner held
tb ir annual elrcliooa lal Turaday for
direolora, aod ibe seleetioa ot officers
for tbe ensuing year. However, I here
was bat few changes, tbe election being
simply a matter of form.
Tbe following is Ibe reeoll of lbs
election at Ibe Firet Natiooal Bank:
C. A. Kbea,ire.; T, A. libra, vice-pres.;
Geo. Oooeer, ts.bier; 8. W. Hpeocer,
asst. cssbiers aad C. A. Rhea, T. A.
Rbea, J. P. Rhea, Hugo Fields and
Jobo Nailer, directors
Tbe Natiooal back election rtiolUd
aa follows: Wm. 1'eolaod, pres.; O. K.
Farosworth, vlce-pree Ed. II Dwbop,
CMbwr; Wm. Tealand, O. F. Faroe
w or lb, F.I. lUwd. A R-J, P. C. Tboap.
eon and Ld. It Uitbop, dlreelora.
Tbe following were eUrlrd by tbe
flrppoer Hiiltdtag and Loan Aeeilatinfl,
wbieb ala bald aa elelloo last Tare-
day: O. E. Faraswortb. pree K. D
RkJ,vW-pre : E4. R Rtabop, a'y;
Wra. rolead,0. K. Faraew .nb, E 1)
IV..'; T. C Th-mpeoo and A. RkkI.
tjr ot Morrow, (title ol Orrgon.
The Northern Countlit
lnvrttmcnt Trim,
Limited, 1'Ulntlir,
O. W. Stewtrt, hmn n.
Hamilton, (1. W. Hr
rlnsto , Addle I'trvln
and i. N. Hrown,
To O. W. btart and Jamrs D. Hamilton,
In thr name nf the Stale of Orrcon, you are
hrrrbjr miulriNl to apprar and iniati tlx mm
plaint Bled asalnat jron In tha ahntUId
nil on or brlore the tint daf ol lha nrit rrfu
lar terra ol the above tnUtird court, lo-wlt:
Hoaday. Ike U Say or aan-h, I8IM.
and If yon fall ao tn aniwar, Inr want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to lha court lor tbe
relict demanded In aald complaint, to lt-
A derrrc lor the aum of Oi. 1 houaand Ixilla l
told coin w Hh Intereal thereon at thr rata of
rlsht per cant per annum Irotn lha Snt day nf
Julr. Wi, until paid, for tha sum of ait and
rilty two Hundretthl Hollars lth Intereal
thereon at the rat ol tight per rent per annum
from Ihe vth dar of Janua y, l. and tha aum
of Una Hundred llollare. adorner a (era, aud
Ctiata and dUburaemetita of thlaault.
Alio Inr lha tore. iKnre nf lha moriaat-
eeuled bj deteudaiil U W. Htexart Ui aerure
tha parmeut l lha aam and conveying f a u
ot ibarWta Hec. SI. Tha M U of lha KV, lha
Caputs Swevay, r. A.
Hro Ihrect, Cel., eata: rbtl..b's
Catartb lUne,ly la Ibe firal RMdieioe I
bate rr foaad. Ibal w sold da ae eey
IVtre 50 ereie. for eale f
Welle A Warrea.
A IL ItTo - An op a earetief ol
lt.e W C T. I .of Eight M.le. will U
bel l al Kltfbt M.le CrttWr, pa Jan. SUb.
Tbe aabjrel fur dweaMioa la, -W a if
1 Morally Wror- rao II U
llebl?" Mr T. Iuley and Mr,
tt, lm Haling, .f lleppaer, (lata
pmmia. .i tale f..f m. also Iwef Ho if I
and obre of Eibl Mile. Aa edilrtag
en. r-leaeanl lime la eonlw)lata. .
Mm UmtNiU tusiMl, Free. W. C
Tbe Sret rk fere
Is Hbllob's Care. A BegWUd froth te
dantrrnae. Ml-p il al o with
Hbilon't Core.
KUollheeK'.. and the ot Ihe HKWftec
11. and thr hW ol the S V of Km. 14. all In
Tpaitoiith ot Hanae 2K W M . for tha aalaot
aald premleeeand lor ludtment and terullon
aaahial lha defendant O. M. Mew art for an d
Sf-lenry vhlrh mar remain after apblrlnt lha
pmr-arda of lha aaie ol aald premleea In (armtnl
ol theahov named in ma. and for aura further
relief aa la demanded In plaintiff complaint.
I hit aumtnoue la puhllabed l.v order of Hon
Stephen A Lowell. Judge of the aitib (ndlrlal
dlairv-t of Ihe HUM of urefon. dated t-emlf
tm 411 Altoritrr lot llalnllg.
Through Pullman Palace S lee pert.
Ton riit Slrepera and Pree Recltnlnf Chair
Cars DAILY to Chicago.
Many hoars saved via this lias le Easter
tamo m anin.
labruart . m Tbis oawiieg will be
The f .ll.wng are Ibe e-mplale pro- le axwl lrufUM la Ihe l.iel.oy of Ibe
leltga le rlef l,nm of Ibe leal eeeei.m elab M l tily will Ihe fffl.rs bei
bflbeoonaty e.nil aleelrl ebo Will manage Ihe eUb
Cimrl we lo regnUr smi.iq ot tbw cfgaaiialioo di'irg Ibe rtnatng earn.
I court Iioiim Mr lnra lay Jaa , a, 4, itn, vae le which Orrt will bave
Iw.lh Ja.la Keiibtey, (Veamiaaioerro bnr ol r ta I bo graf atate la ewet a
llakef on I ll .wsr.1, Clerk M -f row aad . ie wtiru will ! proi helie t-f Ihe over.
Nberif llariagl preeenl, ' wt.eling repl.lieao vntory la Novrej.
After dee ppeeleg Ibe fatlewlog pro- but 0 oew coalilett.-o wilt be pee
ialiee wove bed io oil aeil f.r ol tu. plaeing ibe leaoe
MiaeeJIaaeoM bil'e elloer l o Ike . e O'Sbh flig. ssd l-r.. ..! , ee-
ern .tial if 9'iti. oe f..r He aapp..l, aa I JeU-l lo Ibe
t Va lull. Ml ale f Oregnaj e. ArtUar Nalloeal league roevrofloo will be
reotrewl, al)nwe. to fall. Asaaonl eUriel llle daire4 Ibal every dab la
! 4 ?T I'i'a eal b repef,le. ol Ik'O teet.
Il ff A. J C k, h-e4 Sep , dl loa. oad.U II. to e I Ike .liele eltowl l
i V. . II A . I.e. I Mi M a.. I.I . m -I S.l . A U kAta t Am ' . - a
CoBVOwU-.O I'Ul lallH bi.ia 11 ,,,,, .m,,llfl ,, t1 4 .t,,, M vr. ..t.nteolleoall omaolmg Mf Ibe elab m.o Mai. eue.1, ..rr..re C-y
LuUf (U PoSvvt t!' ll rVrVal he lis 0t0l let 1.' OS J A, J tlb (rwUettl Ol S-erWy f a-aloJkeM.
One pio row efeted owar leal itf
net b'ai.Je t w om llg-hl el je. il
reward e offered to any one deiit.rcg
bet ot Feel .taii-.a! Haal, llp ',
InliUce!!; e.rr lo wr. I mtaa Web. b, ol M
aaaai. OftH
arvae no
I wee aertnoe, irl, Imtahle, aad
e" Karl e Clover R4 T ke wade
well and happy alaa Y.. K Wo
tit. For eale by Welle A Metreo,
i W, Kerea. 1,e eily MlBlef, le pro.
a'e.ld a:i k'4a rf paiailag aa I
llr nang rt an I w,i do rxi clean.
t r
v a
In THtciarriTiot rt roaTHi cocstt
of Wormw. euta ol Oreeon.
obb r. vroauj.
Aletandef oraham .
ttraham, of aald
AletatMlef i,rahani,
Tka haikxnal hank at
Hpner. a eo-v
t Ion .aod Prank llwr
man, aa k -l . r nf
Ihe l.mlt. tnteel.
nent ( omi-anf , a r.r
bntat.rt. lMen4anla I
To Aletandef l.rvhaa. fwfendant
In tha (tame of lha uu of (ffna, fn ar
hefhv fvu.ilrwd laappr and aneeef theenw
plaint Iie4 atal- el . In Ihe a Una enutled
eaue. an of tl..re lha Srt da of tha neil
resular term el the etxt tniuwd tvnrt. tan it
Bln4ay. Ibe 14 ay (4 Warea. at,
AM If fn rail an lo aneoef. M nant lhen(
Ihe plaintiff alii applf In theewurl fut lha re.lef
deeaan-ted In aald epielnt. W ell
A e-lel a-d dern awlna fa tMt I he
in n tmm nun Inletael lhe4l at tha rate
"I el. hi pee cet.1 per waaa Ifnea Uie trel !
ol i.ilv. I-V a4 toe a inmmM mat In W de-
iia4 kt tne eiri aa an uWmi t tee, a4
fnt mala ef IkM aalt
Ai M a t tee f.Mr tlfte a aoenM mmAm
t om the Mkiatnt drarnd Mwa.
,w m"rr'w fnnit k all
'I.. M pf ri.. a, t.. ...! kina. nl
ha I 11 f e W l.l.M Meridian aA lm.
-td lo the rarw.u.4 M..rM ol aa 4
la t'4 -I . ' hm aa at al aa V. all
IM eitoaUMt tNti m4 a4 inaaa e
"4 aud U. aai.d, a. 1 1 ...r., (K4
erra. mum ea ' 4 atl.rti.ef a lee
Ihia mmn te p.h,'K-t . , 4e i
fMa lell J.l(e M Ike I wall
ww w -.w . i ,y m
t . Saona ,m O rt fill
I Atwer M ri-ti
R, II. BAXTER, Gr Agmt,
I'ortlamt, Ortgttn,
J. C. HART, Agrnt, Iltppner, Orrgon.
Your Face
aa c w
i ei rxw an X
rf4,iaM,MM n-- ?
- . tae, m rtw w V
Pe a w, aw. tw.ee eaa) 1
wa ewniHa, r.w a- 1"
ww iw, pww., af , kaa
a " lwaw.-wja--. twaewMa-wwa
" k wH w I .ww mt ww. Jf"
.V - t- a ta. j
kx Bet an. Oh,. jTm"
ai'imistsaiai. nonra.
IaTn rf it "It iiustv e Itatft
1 ".-w W wetewf gtven, that 14 .w a M
alHIalau. WW the .! w Jwe'.a
' eau.M fc the nw4eat(M4 ww
lk,e Ih.M Af mi iaa'v. v It talwwve
4 -' 4 W eaM, , Atmm ieta
eettn.wBMeni. eww.taw aa aa
"' w aw M a i-'twe at hwwae la
Par Maaana taawaat. wilhl t OVw. Of awa
ta. aaa 4 Utia axve Uaet aw4 I faee-ree
n4 4rnllaaW'r '
lUtl ItlSIt
" A 4J alr' l
Xl'a'lfr. wwia,! t.-.w ww-aw.w
V V 4 wHa b. ta' i .w Iw awk t h
M tw.t-w ha a.., W
alh-ael wHO taaal egefaf
eenUo, OfW fWtj Uenet lo o
se-ineweo onrw re osw
Tbe OwM eexnpSrat ae.4 a,r. I dVrk, mmj
e 4.14 i any ettg OHnbtao.
Tt.4) MrillTH Is
CeraWy sail MiagMsie'i I silt,
Cf flss ristsk sol NrfKl Asntas,
lew! AU ItwakNi Artlctta,
AM Q 4-rwe o4 pWa- yr ep to toe M
hmm of yewr -.taUa.
ACTtS Clatsti WanTtO lo oayitawa
p-e4 territory. tval tofnto, Aaiatreae,
I e.wawae
If ta.-.w a, h.w-,,M ta.l
Iwtea, r
(t 8 Hall, Ibe laeaxr.ai o'ttal, on
w f -oal al fc'a pnrlowe. Uallwk amta.
l .w, We be wi.l d.penaw . Mf prVaw,
awtwi. naee. ttvmn, batrtsa. s