LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CUBED BY TfSIKQ A VPP's Cherry r I 0 Pectoral A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry Here and There. Pectoral. The first bottle gave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot ties more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawley, IX D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AT THE WOBLD'S FAIR. Sum Steinberg called on our business men Friday last. Colombia river views 25 cents epieoe et rierrin's gallery. 2t. Miss Nellie hyooa departed Saturday for ner Walla Walla borne. Mat Mosgrove was interviewing oar OUNinees men here yesterday. O. D. Allison and wife were amoui! Eeppner's Saturday visitors. John Tnrley was in the oitv from Butter creek over last night. T. W. Ayers, Jr.. wan the $60 silver set last week on the number 14b. E. R. Bisbon and wife returned home from Portland last Sunday morning. Mrs. E. T. Perkins and daughter left Saturday for Salem, to visit relatives. La Grande Marble Works. Lu Grande Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman. Heotmer. Jaa. Tolbert won the Wells & Warren wbeel last Saturdav on the number 1,001. Ibi Jaoobs, a Portland oommeroial traveler, came up on tms morning's train. See the display of photos in Herrin's gallery window taken from Heppner models. at. Henry Blaokwell left Saturday nicht last for Laramie Gitv. Wyoming, on DUBiuess. miss Jennie Javne went down to Lexington Saturday to visit her mother, rare, n, rauberg. Fred Ashbaugh is in today from Eight Mile, tie reports some Dlowina in Dm. gress in that section. AYER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLAS. JANUARY SUN 1 MON TUTTWEDlTrlU TBI SAT Il jI J? 2 J 4 J y 7 JJ 9 J J4 JS Jt J7 Jd IQLJLJLJI J3J4 2T 26 27T28T2939TjTV' Take NoVce. L The sum of fire rent rr Una will be IharRrxt (or "rarils ot thanks." "revolution! ol rwtxvl," IUU of wr lilliK prtwentii slid donors, tnd ol)tur)r nntlrea. (other tliau IhoM thaatllt It shall himself iv as a matter ol news.) and ntli ol spertal meet i in. lor whatever piirnnaa. t. Notice nf rhnnh unl snrlety nd all other jntrrtalnmanls Irnm whlrh revenue ! to I da rt veil, shail b charge.) lor at tin rat of Hi jinu a Una. Him rule will be strictly edhar d to In vry lu.tanra. Adrtiln rata reasonable and ma4 known ipoa application. TIME TABLE. Plata for TlaMman. Monument, fane Creak, loha lar and anvnn CUT. Iwm aa lollowi : Every dar at a a. in . ascent Hun-lav. Arrtvrvry day K .n.. ascent Monday, Tha rht"-l. u,nli tl and bt Una la or Iron tin intarlor rnnniry. U ALT. THOMPSON, Trop. I'htll Cohn. Aleut. Est re Pale SUP Brewery Beer In Hall I'lnt IMtlc ran be . . . . bad only at tha .... City Hotel Bar! Whet Mh (tad Untmri and CUan are alao kpt by T-i. Nib- Fii Y. Wm. Oordoo hat opoJ op the f.4 i4 out dnr to lb Geite cflW, end now (1io te ft hereof font 'iMia. Gilt le rltfbl at bom ftl Ibi l,nle, and Jour hore ill l wall linked eflr. l'rieae MMotabl. llT end at'eie fr ! tf. H. V. Gates, father of the HeDDner l-iigntdc water uompany, arrived from Uillsboro this morniug. Hon. H Blaokmao, colleotor of in ternal revenue, leu Saturday evening tor uis nome in rortland. Rev. Potwine will hold servioes in the M E. cburoh next Friday evening the Jab. All are oordmUy iuvitej. L. 0. Connor, boot and shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra- banisick building, Heppner, Or. tf Mrs. C. 0. Sargent was called to Tbe Dulles Saturdny, owing to the tevere illness ot Mr. Sargent's mother. Wilson E. Brock returned to Hills Doro Saturday, but will looate perma nently in Ueppner abont Feb. 1st. Best aooommodatlon and courteous treatmentat the Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wasb. Sts., rortlaud, Oregon. Canyon City News: Dr. E. A. Vangban took bis departure for his home in Ueppner last Mouday morning. Tbe Dalles Mountaineer: Mr. 0. D. Ward returned tbis moruiog from a visit to Long Creek and Heppner. Although it is quite early, vet spring flgbts are all the rag. A cold wave or a snow storm might prove a good preventative. T. R. Howard makes a specialty in supplying stookoieu with all ueeded m tides, besides carrying a generul line. See bis new ad. tf . A meeting of the Heppner Speed Association was called for last Saturday evening but waa postponed owiug to laok ot attendance. Bruoe Haines went down to tbe Wil lows Saturday to meet his wife who baa been confined in ona of Portland' hospitals tor some time. I. L. Van Winkle has Just completed a splendid baro for Marlatt I ms . 60x42 feet. It is one ot the best structures of tbe kind on Uiutou creek. Bob Wills got haok from Portland on Sunday morning's train. B ib bad been Visiting witb an old California friend wbo is seriously ill in Portland. Found on tbe streets of Heppner, a bed oomfori. Owner oao bae same by calling at tbie offloe and describing tbe property aod paying for tbie notioe, To restore gray bair to it natural color aa in jotitb, cause it to grow abnndant and strong, tbere Is no better preparation than II nil's Hair lUnewer. E. II. Clarke, repremotaiiv of Christy k Wiae, arrived from IVndlaton this roornTg. Mr. Clarke bae just returned from San Franctsoo where be iit the winter. Mai tlnghet cut hie left band badly last Hatnriiay w title) entiiog kindling witb a batcbet. Dr. SI oS words lukt after th Ininrad member Bad Mat ta getting along oioalv. Frank IlnMhaanpcned oparestanranl In the Minor building, next door to U. M. Jotirs' barber shop. White labor throughout and fats by meal or week very reaaooable. l0-tf. J. w. hrn. tti city painter, ta pre pared to do all kind f palotiog and paper hanginf and will do house clrso- m and uk op auJ pal dowa erpt OfTue oo Mala etrret, oppocite City bolrl. Tl Oai'tt will go lo lb rh ylem no Mareh 1. I"! I'atrtma df Ine papar, by atibaertptloo Of otnarwtaa, will I ftoi.flid peraooallv io the Dear Inlor Altar March 1, tboee wbo do Dot piy do ;tQt 11 any paper. So far this has been a very remark able winter f r Eastern Oregon. Tbe weather for the past few weeks has been exceptionally warm considering tbe time ot the year, aod at no time tbie winter baa the thermometer reached point lower tban 12 above zero. While it is quite early, yet plowing ba ready begun, and should this open weather oontiuue many will soon begin turoirw over the soil However, we will no doubt yet have some oold weather tbe latter part of this month, at least judging from indications. Not a few who rend what Mr. Robert Rowls, ot Holland, Va., has to say below, will remember their own experlenoe under like oironmstancee: "Lost winter bad la grippe which left me in a low fate ot health. I tried numerous remedies, none of wnich did me any good, nntil I was indaced to try a bottle ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Tbe first bottle of it so far relieved me that was enabled to attend to my work, and the seoond bottle effeoted a oure." For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Pbill Cobn, druggist. W. L. Soling received a telegram from Milt Morgan at Walla Walla, this morn ing, announcing tbe deatn of bis aunt, Mrs. Sarab Ann WattermBn. Mr. Snling, accompanied by bis motber, wbo is a sister of Mrs. Watterman's will depart for Walla Walla tbis evening to attend the funeral. Ring out the bells the hour grows hot, 'tis Eighteen Ninety Six; Columbia'! ions have surely got the Britons in a fix: Your starry banner proudly floats and Justice rules on high, But don't forget to wet your throats with Sperry's unwooa Kye, tf. At tbe Belvedere saloon. Baker City Demoorat: W. C. Hoseas on met with a painful aocident last Munday evening. He had just milked bis oow and after feeding her bay jumped off the manger and somehow sprained bis ankle, tin expects to go on orutohes for two or three weeks. "Old, yet ever new, and simple and beautiful ever," Binge the poet, in words wbiob might well apply to Ayer s Saras. parilla tbe most effloient and scientific blood-purifier ever offered lo suffering humanity. Nothing but superior merit keeps it so long at the front. BOLD ROBBERY AT PENDLETON. Postofflce Robbed of $600 and Postmaster Johnson Painfully Wounded In the Hand A Daring Tblet Meets Bis Equal In a Bold Postmaster.' Bv a runaway horse attached to a oarl, Miss Bessie Estes was thrown out Friday last, sustaining a sprained ankle. The acoident oconrred down on Dan Hornor street, in Heppner, aod at first it was feared that Miss Estes was severely injured. Tboe, Morgan returned Saturday even ing from Canyon city wbere be appeared before the county court in the interest ot tbe Parrisb creek road. Tbe report of the viewers, who bad assessed tbe damages at 9200 as previously reported, was accepted. Tbe best anodyoe and expeotorant for the cure otoolds, ooughs.aod all throat, lung, and bronchial troubles, is uo doubtedly, Aver's Cherry Peotoral, the only specitb for colds and oongbs ad mitted on exhibition at the Ohloago worid'a rair. Pendleton, Jan. 13. Tonight at 7:10, the pontoffice in this city was robbed by a masked man. Postmaster J. F. John son, who was deputy sheriff under W. J. Furnish, was inside ot tbe office at the time. The robber came to the outside door of tbe inside arrangements (boxes), and said "Johnson, I want my mail." Johnson opened tbe door, and the man, with a pistol in bis hand, dropped a white cloth mask from nnder his bat, covering black whiskers and .mustache, presumably false, and demanded all the money in tbe offioe, with pistol present ed. Johnson gave bim over $600, and then tbe robber asked to be let out at tbe back door. Johnson is a one-legged man and, though the odds were against him.be grappled with the robber and oaugbt the gun in his right band. The fellow then fired, shooting Johnson through the band, ioflioting a very pain ful wound, though not serious. John son was considerably stuuned by tbe shot, and letting go, the robber esoaped. Officers are after bim, and though mask ed it is thonght that be is known, as Johnson thinks that he knew tbe voioe. Pendleton is much excited over tbe rob bery end will make every effort to cap ture tbe thief. It caught, the robber will no doubt be given a life senteuoe, as government laws are very severe, In fuot he will find that monkeying with Uncle Sam is no child's play. Postmaster Johnson, though a cripple, is an exceptionally strong man, and as 'brave as a lion.' Hia nervy aotion is commended by all. At this late hour oo favorable report is beard from tbe offioera. What Do k hi ? Tired Women Must have strength or they will be in the suffering despair of nervous prostration. The true way to win vigorous health is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla which will build up strength by making pure, rich blood; thus it will alao feed the nerves upon their proper nourishment, create an appetite, tone the stomach invigorate every organ. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is what tired women need the one True Blood Purifier prominent in the public eye. Hood's Pills harmoniously Hood'i SarnapiuiUa. with 260. (ala'rk fr. health ol I rrA. ', Hhilob' Cath R-m-dy I'fKw M wit. h'al Ii.Jrl'r fr. For aie by Well A Wf.a. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTIUE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE co-pnrtner-hip heretofore existing between 8. W. Meadows and V. P. Herlvner, under the firm nmne of Meadows & Se.rivner, doing busi ness ns blacksmiths in the town of Heppner, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, S. W. Meadows will continue the business, col lect all debts and pay all bills for the said firm. All accounts must be settled by cash or note immediately. Mr. fcrivner desires to state to tbe public, that he will continue hU business as wagon maker and repairer at the same stand, and guarantees sausiacuon as ncretoiore. 8. W. MEADOWS, W. P. BORIVNKR. Dated at Heppner, Or., Dec. 3, Was. 93-03 SUMMONS. It Saves lives Every Day. Thousands of oaees of Consumotion. Asthma, Coughs, Colds and Croup are cured every day by Shiloh'a Cure. For sale by Wells & Warren. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heopner and Monument, arriving everv day exoept Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route . to tbe . Interior, f. Uobn. agent. Useful Books Given Sway. T III af . (Vnai.tf.o. eaaa more theo ball the HI of men. Karl'e Clover Taa t plaaaaM rnr for Onaaitpaii'sn. F.if laby Wall A Warrae. l e.TT VI I t Every lady reader ot the QazUe bould take advantage ot tbe free capon offer in this issue end get this popular book oo fancy work and art decoration. Instruction for making dnlie. scarf, tray cloths, eto. Read tbe offer. Charley Jones. Ibe well-known "old- timer" in tbe tnusorial line, baa again located in Heppner, having purchased Green Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite tbe city bote). Charley will aoDreciate a call when in town. Tbe past week has been very proliflo in the matter of spriog fights. Hardly a dsy passes without turns reoord being smashed, to use turf language, and as a result tbe balance in the oity treasury has been considerably inoreased. Tbe Rural Spirit has offered a eulen- did two-year-old etake, to be run on the track offering the most added money, iu Oregon or Washington. Our render should notioe the Rural Spirit clipping in tbie issue. Arlington' elty election whloh waa held last Tneaday resulted a follow: L. C. Edward, mayor; Dal Reed, C. H. Weoner, A. 0. HawRin and O. W. Sbnrle, oounoilmen. Only 104 vote were east 0. E Farnawnrtb and wife returned no Sunday morning train flora their brief visit to Kan Franriaoo. Mi Lnti Faroaworth, who ha been visiting there for some time aince, also returned with them. E bo l age leave Heppner Mondavi. Wadneadaysand Frid). Leave Koho Tneaday, Tueedaye and rUlnrdaj. far- ti eeoh way. Offioe, Well A Warren, Ueppner. Ed. lrlakell, I'rnp Mr. J. J. Roberta and Wall. Rirhanieno bae enrnpleUd Ueory llepp Dar' awoifif, and t one of the mot nbatabtUI la lipnr. being composed of iron and wood in doe porportinn W. F. Mga, formerly proprietor of the Mi'eball Monitor. Frank Chamber lain, a blankamUb al that plana, and Charley Wilnv.l. nf Frltjaville, are lo Heppner no bnsioea. Olog lo a failure of more o attend tbe frierd of Tra U did red rn-el lat evening, but will rol tin evening ai Ibe recorder's iffiee when all mtbbra are orga-l lo atucd. Tbe la-liea nf the leap tear parly re qoral tbal all boldln luvl'aU' ea prnwtit llem al the diKir. Alao rattiatwf Ibal ibe grant manb will begin at 0 Jl prnfnpl. Fred Mrtcbl'ir elalm to be Ibe beat ell difaaf IB Ibe fi'lbtr. Welle dug .y ll.a day r by tbe foot, AJdraa bits at Iav, Lo. Ot. f W-loi, ART AND FANCY WORK. Mrs. Nella Dajgett, of Boston, has recently written a book, "Fancy Work and Art Decora Hons," that gives practical iiistiuctlnns for making dollies, tabic rovers, scarfs, tray cloths, pin cushions, etc., etc., wltl' fifty tlltistiatlona. This book together with "Huccets.'ul Home Dyeing," will be COUPON NO. 85 77ll' mitlfl any rrarttr 0 7V GautU to one copy aj "Fancy Work and A.i Pfro ration" and "Suereuuf ffom Dyring." 1 sent free to any reader who for wards the attach cd coupon and i cant stamp to Wells, Klchardsnn 4 Co , Hurllniton Vermont. The aliora ll'ieral nfl'nr Is made to advertise the reliable Diamond Dyes, snit to get their book upon home Oyelng Into the hands of women who want lo f'ress well by making their old clnihlu look Ilka new. Tha fact that ' lainnml Dies have h-n Ih Itandnrii hnuia nyca for nvarly twenty yeara, ami that itirir sale incn-aara Inim year in year Is priHil MMltlva that tlicy hava never hail an equal. get a Some Deoole want the earth: vou can 1 L 'J goodly portion of it at GEO. A. BROWN'S HARDMAN STORE, With very little money. He keeps a full line of general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN, H ARDMAN, OR. T. R. HOWARD -DEALS IN- Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade ! N THE CIRCUIT COURT )R THE COUN- ty of Morrow, State of Oregon. H. Townsend, Walntlir, vs. Thomas Walden, W. 0. Scott, Geo. W. Harris, Defendants. To Thomas Walden and Q. W. Harris, Defend ants. Ill the nAme of thA Rtutn of Oregon, vrui am erehy required to appear and answer the com- mint men asalnst you In t ie i liove entitled nit on or before the first dav of the next regu lar term of the above entitled court towit: Monday, the 'id day of March, 1K1III; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the c urt tor the relief demanded In said complaint, fi-wlt: Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal- (iii, for the sum of Two Hundred Four and Hixty One-Hundreiitha Dollars In U H. (iold Coin, with interest thereon at the rate of 1(1 per cent, per annum, Iroin the flratdaynf Felirdary, iwi. until nHirt. and for the further sum of Thirty-Klve Dollars, attorney's fee. together with the costs and disbursements of this -ult to be taxed. And that the mortgage described In nlaintitrs complaint be foreclosed and that the premises therein described, to-wlt: the of Hec. 21, IP IN. K fc. VY. M.. be sold to satisfy said jiuigment. And that tne said Ueo. W. Harris and all per sons claiming by, through or under him tie lorever liarred nf all right or equity of redemp tion in said premises. 1 his summons is published by order nf linn Htcphen A. Uiwvll, Judge of the sixth Judicial nmtrlcr 01 the rotate ol Oregon, dated December IMh, IH'i). J. N. HltOWN. M Attorney for I'lalutlfl He will make it an object for you to trade with bim as bis prices are right, and all goods that he handles are of the very bent. Store on Main Street, Next to City Drug Store, Door EEeppnor, Oregon. TIIUMDKU LIQIITNINC "There is a tide in the affairs oj men Thai, if taken at Us flood, leads on to fortune." Tbe flood is here and so is GILLIAuM & 13ISBKE With a full line of Hardware. Tinware. Glassware, Ox'oekery, Wood and Willowware, Cedar Tubs at Bedrock Prices. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING GANG FLOWS! They run so light They run off lu the night. KOTICK. VOTICF. ! IIKRKRV GIVEN THAT A MEET i lug ol tha tiM-lthiililera nf Ilia Heimtirr Hiilldiug it lan Asa clallou will lie held at their ottlca la Heppner, Oregon, 011 the aeeoiKI Tnesdav of January, lieM. Ix-tween the hours nf in a. in and 4 l m. nl d dnv. for the iiuriiox! ni riei'iiug uirecuira mr ine ensuing vear. r.u. it. itirtiior, Heppner, Or , Dec. 4, lWi. ail he-'y The only Exclusive Hardware Store between Tbe Dalles and rendleton Heppner, ... Orocon. RAIN IIAIN SUMMONS. f N THE CIRt't'tT rot'RT PORTHK COt'NTY 1 nl Morrow, elate nl Urrgiitl. K. t. lliighra. I'lallitltr.i a. I Henry Kelly. Defendant) To Henry Kelly. Iivtetidant. in tha Pama nl tha Mat ol Oregon, you ara nerenjr re.iiire.i in aiiirar aim al .er the rum plntnl fl'e.1 araliist tn lii the almva antltlnl fill mi or l-lnf I he hr.l day ol Ibe Itcst rgiila who 01 earn conn, lu wit : Tee U bay of Marrfc. Nt. And If you tall an tn answer, fur ant there.i Ilia plalntlfl will apply In Hi rnutl li.f the relief detnaiull In said eninplalnt. In all: Ju.lirmeiil and rterrr aa-ln.l ynu pir tli sum uf .i'.ii, alth lnlere.l thereon at lb ra'e nf ten per rem peraiiiium finm h l.ih dav nl May. I'A', lor lliesumnl t 'l . with lulereal Iheimn at the rat nl ten per rnl if ammm frmn Ih Hb d.fnl lie.etT.her, 1'iV i il aitnrneya lee. ahd tha nmlm nl this .oil And that III inofl . '!' rile . I In pul'ilirf romplaiiil Im lor, ei.aed and in imle Iberehi, lwiia m It lh a', id w v and nl l",nl frr.1l, and t nl w, .. f p. 1 a. ul H r k. w It . In Morrow I ounty. tirrg I suld In satisfy aald Jii'lrmenl 1 hi. .nirmntis U piilill.be.) by ot ter nf Ktrph -H A Inaelt J'ldge nl Ih I l" 'it I ourt m II, Mat nl itregon lor Morrow I mmly, inal un Ui ttt day ul Jaimary, a. i. HMOW . s VI. Altnrwy M iMaliitilt. HTOt'KHOI.IIKKf MKETINO. VOTK K lit HKItKIIYCIVKN TIHT A MEET 1' lug nf the t-khnldera nf 1 he Satinual Hank nf Heppner will Ih. held at Its hanking hiiuse. lu Heppnvr. mi the aeennd Tuesday nl Januaty. between the hours nf In a In and I p m nl said day. lor I lie pnrKe nl electing dlnx' tors lor tlie Fii.u.iig i-r Ml R. IllSlfilf. I'asbler. Heppner, Or., tier. v.t. ! Jlu TIHB CIt I'I'l.TI KK NITrD HTATM Sf) OKKH'K rande. Hregnti, Nov. .tli. IJt TH 1 m loll fc KlUMoNa K I IRi l it rut HT nr THE STATE tH'in tor ih I "in if ul Mortna. l-lon. 1 l l.l lit I , 1 frank I. Mon AT I. A rum pUhtl tint tnK lrM imhiIk mi IU iltn-i hy thr Itilv vtrtHtil nlffUt II nl rmtnnrl Mi Htl l. , mU liitf Hint W 111. II VmihlMs, Mini ma HimUt i iill'irp rntf t N. 1.1,;, ai itm Ijiii.) Hitup at I j tmiMlp. nrrif.Mi, on Itir I'etn iUr ill hrMiilr r 1M. Inr IIip N't ! NS . 1 M M . . M hfillt I.t-tml ihf smI'I Irm l . hi rlahiiAttt hmm Utiil I tOant any Irrra iiienti at irarifitu ! at atif time Iim- Ih ritliy n tha Mtw adfl lhal Ihrr i nr nut ah trr ro iiitf ini rrflii a itr ia rvfiinrrn I hirtiir. with a tit Hi rafirUfillHti uf Ihr kmo, tin all (fftn mtm ras h lirirhy r tlfr.l mu aiiiiiififiil lei mtfi arer t-Ut Orfg'iti, at hi ii(fifl In M'iltMr. iitrfoii. n I -Hi 'lAf tI Jtiuf y. I" a., al Ihi h"",r i.f III urlm k, A M, a till .riHltn an U linmiit Ihry mar hate rw rrnlnff tha aal ati-att JU Anal hrtit Ut Ma i -lre ih r-riicr fwrhpf al la Ufaii'li. lirttfuit, on Janar l in, ivMi iiiiiii a a m r' J If );li.Ht l-eilwf SOW (ir MLH Nutuy. h nunrMV nvrs ajtfl'-r r-l Isf -e off is-e ira h Eeoley Ulul. or OEUES GrOKT For tlio Cure o Liquor. Ojiium and Tobacco Habits It Is located et Halrtn, Oreion, The Mt llrautiul Town on tht Coatt Call at tha OttiTTe offlea for particulars Htrh tly confidential. 1 rratment f riTalaaod sure cur. eurreaanr Ul C. R. Van lnn. Rest (timr to City llolel. Has everything in the lino of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, ond also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty, Cummings & Fall, frl.,U-t I eMrH. l-wfai CylllS is .1 shccphcnl cr who has Ix cn out four months, but hc loooks like a new man 0 now for he lias been up at dressed Hoks. u & Km 0 0 's. Horner & Rhea, e e r.et Net e-el Bsk 0"t Imisi rW,f J The e.im...eila (abllhl lo Ubatf of Mim-I'e He.arlle, tbf ere riiUo tt lionel tr(la, ebd ts eelqallr , folh-l n Ih.lf (tB fner it.al I ll'el"e Mf.spaflll puriflae the l.l.w.l. eaa en epiiiv erbeijiie the i.tni en4 etwitqlrlf and prentl)r ri"a a l dca'S rati. I ,j (mt.ar " ! 6"rl.t M.rnl. . I'.l f or IU lir an I !, ' a. I ft.. Vf, aeilf ee4 ITlllf . I kla IMif te ' a e ei I l't-li etl free 4 a a S 'l tiif f'ia e-i I It, .. I y Well A -a. Tnr'ank I. Mel lon. tlelan.Ui.l la IN nam nl ih tat nl iire-in. yni ar Merel y mioierd In r a-l a er lo li.e ea.mpialnl Sle.1 alnl 'l III lb III el oil nil nf uef..rv ll, Bf.i Amf ul Ih lw. regVlaf terns ..I tlx i,IMie to II M.lay. M.rrk 14. IM. and II ymi lM In anf nf Mh.r ai. le ul ih ..i,,ua n aio.i. i., it, I aier. vnlllUel rwmti Inf derre dtM..itl'. Ih mrft le.n-t rw.a a l't -g uLmspihI .. I, aod an lot de. m aar lt tt.rr and rt-1y nl Ih alf .l-..rf iklUm loan i a r-ilisi ts.iion, ii, r te,M ta.. i,.n, lind Manfd ISMI ttlai.k let.r ia.)..., Ir.log .H.o, e.M S,iM, lt Iron, at t' nrfige i.t s..ii,ft? Il.l iNm..t4 I ,l..ih1 t.f e.ef uf ll'rfi M.l.ef 4 eil '.dge .J It- ler Mil enntf .4 H.e ! 4 II.mi 1-4 ail lit J.lllal ditk t. dai4 ia.a'y aiii l- r I 1 1 A I V'ii MIT A'l-'oe't ( p lot." HUT d oi l M ' dlly h.e le and et.lelrd on Ho. lr . In llie msttr nl lite evl.te .f l IS II Hlii 1r r .1 l,v the I i.only f nor1. nf II. e el. I ol tuerolt i. Morn. t'oooly .MIg In i-f. !. II. aeleloe-l tn...ltretor id lit Mil ei.te. lu ..lt r l.r le t Ittil.iie an. lion lt Ih I I 1. 1, i l.t I I. r I. r ..,. I iaot.af. t . 1 1 n w I. S tn tl ofeitn.l, nl I 11 .1 U al tt.e It-.iil d'-.r nl the M hipiv In j Hi ..tHr M.rtr., i o.i'.if iite.n an th lo,i. . Ing iii. ml i i-.H I. l II, i.t n-net e.1.1 H ,ie In M-rtlo I ..iinty lirre-li I". II It.. e.'ll, rl '.lef ,. t . I ton lel. fit, In T ill. Il.rr ' l ..tlh. Of- ..lf IP it. I .l Wiii.mrlle .1 llrl.. II.. M l fl pn.rii . it- ,-e I It, Ih f 'i.f.in.'eti nl ail l.t It u.t l.y Ih iltf aitlinetd I Ut,,. I ,u Avm-r H'-t a t.....i.u.i..r uf ll ! ul w, II kjttan.. I. m. ll.-d Ihl Ih dal tj (ill. t. l I llfl Jtan l 1 le I fn.U ..tt.. I I. ' and tt .(tnll. no lal,t. ,tti AiHlaTKTniie hUlt , Nkti r i n,.'1.tf l rnottli i ltnl.t.1,.1. I' tit fc t tie f i.ilt. gl PHOPRitTOHJ III II, Old Krll.1,1. Gault House, f III! Ai.'l. II I.. ,!t I.I.. k t..t ttl II I 1,1 .11 b.t nf I l.l S l I'.l It.l' II A I a ttd i,i M, I. C lui.r-t U A MAT ice SIU.imi IMCW IIAV l ot M Ma1ioa an I I ilnlne ata , cit:;A33. x 4 Colintmo AmirlCM Agency fofe h r TOI esABB. i .'uY Dieioat eATikirk, COPTeiONTe. anaJ a. ir .ii.m a4 fo h -it- a ei a a . ...e.f. aa lta. Iilol U-l eit l.ll iMfll'S, I ot, ,.l. t.1 l.r I w. M M-.fl.1 a.f tw ti tk by (! Iitlaaa la l sritnHfie tuttUatt f -4 Merilkfl-a msf an? toJlf fafa hi i..j .iter l twreel a lov f a ii m hhim,II le-J . , laasiuy. ynu k nr iiiii.i Tin ' In I n. , Tiir t i.iii.hii, rsTtest . M,.t-t StM- t,t.tf to Si. ltr.i-r It .i m,Hm $' hn4it r-t( In I i.l.l. .In. at-4 1 Mr .).. I II.. M'n lo l lit t I Miii ... ' 4te 4 titt h.ltt iimrnr idtri Til T Tit tt i i. i-.n d-t y at i.it.itt 1., n.l I tf.tff" f.'.nt. in .n I A It, !! Uti... 11 I m-A .-! I fe..t. I,!,. tl ndni.ip I.!. ..i.' l I. t, i , lifl. t. lo Mi I . I J pro. a, I monlM !.,.. I. I 1 t-4 Alt l.rf Sdntf 11 ' A A I eil t , t l.tll.f ai Mit. mi ht tt.. 4y d'tit.i : .,l- i o f a I. et I. a-d 1 ts I s,.t. I. ..in eM... ii.. .... i.-..i.-n,.l rVOtltr, nr ! MM Ml a MtrilMf l Ml .t.H .Ahn. In. i m A il . ' t anH.Ma.4 UHh ( a-l HH,t i i . Vtl' t tr I a ? .,n i 1 1I T T H t t t, 4-t.MW I "l'l II,. . .-.; l.t ,1 ' tha k e-lanMtei'kl. f-i,l Ii 1 6- , Mr.ia i. T-4'',ea et-"l :"t e tti . in1, lltaf I fiitn .(f IL e a'terntee 1. 1 In e B sll" iief lo l Uiiff'e fai'e It et ti l lb eteUtJ lim rt'e' fii-' e V' rrr.tia - M- a i. i ltl,it e I r ; ID ot al M.I.I. It arra I t If el!-- I -. , an"te f . sltfk l ... eel a I. ., iaanari. 1 II t !.-' an4 aa M M h Att uf l. I H't I l "it r e M .ai. Mi ll, tf.i u. t, t.M I' i, I I. . . "tlf e t . , 4k.i. eh t il t I .... e.- !! ri-. I t . . 'O t.l ...., ,x I. ..I i m , a a. at.4 I I a l i l -f .1 1 iier tfutN. riAt. rtiMir. B ! Itf , hw I f n .. .t. i nit.' r !! i ttff I if i fTf Mti . IWm I . - I , f , ,.- I .1 S'W J ! h. ie iv tH wif f -. , S.i ,e . .. ,i, I I. . . ' I lll.,tl tf ST 'rrt t Jt tv M,.f f M-. I-t- 1'-- It. tllh. .4 H e . . , et m rVof'-f Of htriVo. Ia.turntr it iimimi ! w l ft.. .--!. eltrW. I. r-r. i , r (1 . . l I OiTT e" ti -) lki ee ee l Ml. ! ' A f.tf ., M . tlf ,,. H.'t h - 0H airf ih tf aeftt. 1 1 i ..! as a... ii, ,-. m ft ,mi j le. l flff1e, d (ft IB I Sae I i,. f n,i,a) i-u.. rf.. ll It, v"f 41 4teii. . li' f. i- K. -..'...!. f , a ...... A ta, .a ' ' ' '.; i I 1 . I - - . , , Utl l lt..-.lf ...l . . . tlbttt...: I. tf..- I- .ah fe . i It. I'- tt'ttl-, tt. t I - ".l Ii. t .. ft , A it .i Mt i.it i e M.,tt. I n. a I' j ft s i r i ' f h t , . . t - . i iitf'.t.i f . I I I ( .... 1 I ll'l . tf I e'i t , h ut ii.. i i.. . I . . ..tl .-A I t t . Do You Want a KiK ? Don't Vou Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle 1 lorsc ? All lliee feo Im f risfttrl l Tli.m,svn A Itmn, !xrr Min Htrmt, If iitirr, Ofr(tm. Tkm .nrnt.n ". .'! tyr,.l-lel tH . l." I ! I S 1 thl ri.unlt, ..4 aa ... a 4 11... It. ! g lb it. irfi l"h !. n a tt" la k I '' th lltne TMOsMHSOX MINKS, uiKTUiir, itsmtsn lii.. l - --r 1 . r ft is I . a-4 TIIK PA LACK IIOTKL HAK, pop. Si 1 a 1 1 11 is soe Finest Wines Liquors and Cigars. .). C. MOMCI 1 KMS, I .1 eeps II ic K ., . -?"-.?xzrA-zr-.?. -,-.:vv..... .-- !IHJ, I) NOTARY PUBLIC wu. IXKip-'ir''" "" rlN ltlUUNIJ11 '. CONVEYANCER ; VuT-iq--LJ'J un Ji-nj-iivsiii-i - "u ea'