iFVhn AhF I am. .wr. tm 1 1 uuptL m,...wiiwv LOUISIANA AND THE REPUB LICAN PARTY. THEjpolitical pot in every county of Oregon is beginning to boil. The "unterrified democracy" will hold their state convention in Fort land April 9th. The first Btate election of this year if that of Louisiana which occurs on the 20th of April. Tbe Louisiana sugar growers ought to send a vote of thanks to General Gomez. He is a bull on sugar. Gomez may hold the key to the situation down at Havana, but if so, he has evidently not yet been able to find the key hole. WASHINGTON LETT EH. From Our Regular Correspondent Tbe repnbliosn boats doei not pro pose watting any time while waiting for tbe tariff aod bond bills to be reported from tbe finanoe committee arjd acted upon by the senate. It is tbe polioy of tbe republican leaders in tbe boose to make tbe session a abort one, so far as tbe action of one branch of congress can do so, and in accordance witb that policy the regular appropriation bills are to be passed as rapidly as possible. The pension appropriation bill will be reported to tbe home this week. It carries an appropriation of 81 37,90 J.000 and three important amendments to the pension law. First, one providing that no pension shall be suspended on a charge of fraud nntil the oharge shall have been adjudicated in a U. S district court, exoept where the alleged fraud THE IUCINU C1.".CCIT. The latest political news from New Orleans is highly encouraging, and it may be added that such is the case now for the first time in a long while. To any one who ob served closely the drift of politics in that Btate it may well have seemed hitherto highly probable that the forces opposing the dem ocracy would go into the approach ing campaign divided into three factions, thus insuring defeat all along the line. Hut the latest ad vices give assurance that there is a fair prosnect that all, without shc riflcing their respective organiza tions, will unite on one ticket and in support of the two great dip tinctive doctriues of the republican paity, protection and honest elec tions. No other state in the union has so much reason, from an economic point of view, to support the re publican party as Louisiana. Of all our forty-five states it heads the list in dependence upon protection. Its great staple, sugar, would be absolutely and irretrievably des troyed by persistence in the dem ocratic policy of free trade. It lives today only on the hope of republican victory next fall. But a good many sugar planters have conceived the impracticable idea of boing republicans on the tariff but democrats on the negro vote. This will not do. Such an incongruity would not be countenanced by the republican party. It is fortunate that a state elec tion is to bo hold in Louisiana next spring, and that election the poo. pie will adopt or reject a cotintita tional propoHition to practically disfranchise tho negro in Lnuisi ana, as in Mississippi and South Carolina, and ono of the conditions of tho proposed coalition is that all Hliall opM)se that proixwml dis franchisement. No mutter what the state organization mav fill it- aelf, or be railed, loyalty to tho two fundamental principles of repub licanism is the test of tmrty fealty in Ixiuisiaua, m in every other atnlo to tho union. Inter Ocean A woman has been killed in In diana who was the mother of twenty-seven children. Possibly there was no other way of stopping it. Salem Post. As A result of the Brown scandal all the San Francisco clergymen have closed their study doors to women unless attended by some guardian angel in the form of a man. Tammany has offered $10,000 for tho democratic national convention. Why, that wouldn't pay for the whisky. Democratic honors can't be bought at this figure, even though they are empty. The Jacksonville Times is twen ty-five years old, twenty-three of that time under the management of Charley Nickell. Charley has pushed this paper ahead until it is now one of the best in the state. The little handful of democrats injthe Ohio legislature will stand by the man who paid for the last democratic campaign in that state, and will vote for lirice for United States senator. It will be a dear compliment for Brice. The members of thocongresHinn al committee of the first district will meet early next month v.lnu Salem will probably be neleeted nn the place for tho convention, (in tho filli of 1YI iruary the Mute cen tral committee, will meet in Tort land for the purpone of deteriuin ing t'.io time and Uen of holding the atato convention. The concro. iouat comiuitte. of this district houKl also moot at that time and decide an to tho time and pla 'o of holding our coi-rottitiotinl rouveu tion. Hen tofot it lin I eeii In 1. 1 with tb aUtc convention, ,u tU(( U Wrong. It should l0 held pepn. rate!. Tin convention not only electa (tin rongreninn, but aU two delegates t the national eon Tfbtion. It would be imii li in,. re natistVtory t.i hold thi convni lion a day t revioiu to tho eUlo gathering. rtnl.tc ebttinotit in IV. C. O Brou' cni norm t- lfM under gon a croat chmi. At fift the paator thought t' lx tlm vw- tint if blackmail. The ttiomlwra of Lit church thought thin and no ttreoI tliCtui.pl tea. But li The report has been sent out that as a result of the war tbe sugar and tobacco crop down iu Cuba will be n, failure. Havana tobacco may fail, but we'll have 'Havana" cigars just the same. They can bo imported from any place, you know, even from Ken tuchy. It ih now quite certain that the Venezuelan dispute will bo settled by arbitration. Of couryfl England has said that she woulM not, but then sho says a great maoy things that she fails to back up. Iu fact, civilization now demands arbitra tion instead f war, aud England cannot rcfuso to ( bey. llAmtv L Wells, of Portland contributed nu article to the receu ixHtirt oi tiioiAiHiiioMiiitau magazine entitled "Coaxting Down Some Great Mountains" which is illus t rated with several interettiug views. The piece is descriptive oi the ascent of NIL Hood, and is in all very creditable to Mr. Wells. I ahtou Bkows'h trouble has created a great deal of rxcitomon in .snn I rancisco, and now Castor Wallace, Portland's sensations inininter, has stirred up .luitn a times there by scolding a youug woman int.i hysteria. Kither the scmtatiotml ininiNters are ton at' gresHive or tli uew woman la too excitable. Tiif. detmcratic ninth, " tari for revenue only," with tho issue of tlM.lHNt.niiO of bonds every ait months, will ou lave to have a pretty big revenue" or default on interest. Perhnttit their idea ia lo iHin more bonds to pay interrnt, aiid thus don the roblter tariff. What a pice of machinery it in! No cog seems to fit. . Mai A'er al U WwMt fair Ajer's Hriarilt tt j s the eitraor- dinar j tliMiiieliKB of !.? r.4 Wo tbe tmU liLt.nl .nflr e1l..ee. an etbitiil al lbs VVi.tl.l a fair, Cti -. Manefaclnrer f other .r..f nought t-y . nianal.tMaiaeti.ning nf Ibrir !, I II. e Wefa all lllfne. away nntef tha onstitntes a plain violation of statutes, as in the osse of tbe remarriage of a widow; second, one providing that soy claim granted under the aotof 1890 shall date fr m tbe date of application, instead of from tbe date of adjudication as at present; third; one repealing the Bection of the act of 1890 wbiob requires a widow to show that sbe is dependent for her support on ber daily labor. It is expected that the senate finance oommittee will report one or more bMls to the senate this week, but it is not certain that it will, aod tbe exact nature of tbe bill or bills which will be re ported is even more uncertain, although tbe impression is growing among re publicans tbat the tariff bill will be reported without amendment, just as it was passed by the bouse, and that it will be pushed to a vote at an early date. It is for tbe fioanoe oommittee to decide whether the tariff on bond bill will be first reported. It is now regard ed as probable tbat it Mr. Cleveland succeeds in making a big bond issue he will feel independent of the revenue provided by tbe tariff bill and will veto tbat measure, it tbe senate passes it, wbioh it will almost certainly do. Representative Clark, of Iowa, bi.s introduced a bill providing tbat green backs shall be paid out by the treasury only in exohange for gold, aod that nooe of tbe gold now in tbe treasury shall be paid out until tbe total amount on baud exceeds $100,000,000. Tbe difference between this bill and the joint reso lution offered b) Senator Sherman is tbat this bill would stop the redemption of greenbacks and treasury notes until tbe gold reserve exoeeds tbe sum named. hile Mr. Sherman's resolution pro videi for tbe continued redemption of those notes with gold but prohibits tbe reissue of notes so redeemed exoept for gold Senator Elkins, of W. Va , gave out some very interssting figures while be was speaking iu favor of his resolution against the disposal of bonds by private oontraot or in any other way tban by publio advertising. He bad searched the treasury record and showed by the offlolal figures that the D. 8. govern men! bad only paiJ about 85,500.000 in commissions to tbe bankers who assisted in selling tbe 82.500,000.000 of bonds which represented tbe debt inourred during the late oivil war, his than one halt tbe amount made by tbe syndicate wblob took tbe last 802,000,000 of bonds issued by tbe Cleveland ailminiotralioe It is not surprising that congress should be opposed to Mr. Cleveland's reported deal for another issne of bonds through the same syndicate. The only thing that prevents oongress depriving Mr Cleveland of the authority to issue wore bonds uc der the o'd law is the fear that such act ion might be used by tbe Kurope so money gongers to cause a fioaooia panic. No aarprise was caused in congress by tbe publication of Ambassador Usyard'i alleged intention to remain in KcigUnJ after be retires front office, an about tbe only comment beard ia (bat it we haj tbe right sort of administrate tie would oot have to wait long for Lis retirement. The report that lUyard bn been reprimanded by Seoretary.U.nry i not believed here. Utah having bvoma a toll uY1g' stale is now represented in the boose by its first repirsentative, in the person Uoo C. E. Allen, and IHrgate Cannon Mir from (lis bouse Id go ble friend believe to the senate. It present at ivt Allen says of Utah: "I ibiok tbe slat ill remeio repuMtaiti for a long period because our people are decidedly I favor of the ptntretive esleta." It declined to !pr an npmlun as lo II personality of lbs lu senators t-t tie elected t.y (tie LUh leialaliire, further than that Ihry wnl. tth b gtt r. palilieana aud that one would be e!ortsin. The VenrtteUa tmnMary enmroiulon me-le an tivll.o.l eUM by electing JilMtee llreaer, of the It, H. S ie'ein com. ri itttt, ii will bold its nnl meeting on ll.e 1 1 lb lnl. A resolution fur the invrsHtfatinn of Comptroller tLinler'a ectl.tn In boldit np tle enr Umntiee bee been intro duced m tbe house. A !ifl lirsanstr herre ( lr lbtot lea purifies Ih Mn. aod rler and beanMu .,l..f of il.. f,,;. f.i..je the -t r-rs.ie ny eus vt.r From the Lural Fpirlt. In response to u call of tbe chairman of the committee heretofore appointed to arrange dates for a raoing oirouit iu the North Paoifio, there was a large and enthusiastic attendance of horsemen from nearly every racing point through out the North Paoifio. Mr. DrLasbmuit stated tbe object of the meeting, aod after a general disoussion of matters pertaining to racing tbe matter of adopt ing the oommittee's report on dates claimed was first taken np. This bronght np quite a discussion, for there were two other places besides Portland that wanted the date including tbe 4tb f July. Spokane, however, soon gave p the fight and went over to Hillsboro, and defeated Portland for these dates. The following are tbe dates as adopted by this meeting: Centri Point, Oregon May 13 to 16 ugene, Oregon , May 21 to 23 Albany. Oregon May 27 to 30 ndependence, Oregon June 3 to 6 Salem, Oregon June 9 to 13 Portland, Orejon June 18 to 27 Hillsboro, Oregon July 2 to 4 Spokane, Wash July 11 to 18 Victoria, B.C July 27 to Aug. 1 Vancouver, B. C Aug. 5 to 8 Tacoma, Wash Sept. i4 to 19 North Yakima, Wash Sept. 28 to 3 La Grande, Oregon .Sept. 28 to Oct. 3 Salem, Oregon, (State Fair) Oct. 7 to 13 The Dalles, Oregon Oct. 19. to 21 Heppner, Oregon Oct, 28 to 31 Entries to olose at Central Point, Eugene, Albany and Independence May 1st. Salem, Portland and Hills boro June 1st. Spokane, Victoria and Vancouver June 20th. The executive committee were authorized to fix 'other dates iD case other associations joined ne ciromt. lhe oDairman was in structed to appoint a oommittee of three on transportation, whose duty it shall be o get better railroad rutes on shipping horses throughout the cirouit. A nni form rate of entraooe was adopted, charging harness horses 5 per cent to nominate and five per cent additional from winners of each division. Runners 5 per oent straight, over-night events, The matter of substituting tbe r-ibley plan for tbe 3 in 5 was dieoussed, and it as thought best to leave this matter with tbe associations. As it now stands an association can give 2 in 3, 8 in 5, 4 beats.no more, no less, or the Sibley pian ot nve neats. mere was no definite aotion taken on employing i starting judge, though it was discussed In order to proteot small aasociotions, who are not members of either tbe Amerioan or National, it was ordered that no horse be allowed to start in any race on tbe oirouit until subsequent entrance money due any association on this oirouit bad been paid. G. A. R. Mattebs.- On tbe 25th of Jan., in Heppoer, Rawlins Post and tbe W. R. ('.. ot Lexington, will install tte officers elect in tbe Odd Fellows ball. A banquet is one of the featurea of the oooasioo, aod no one will be invited exoept veteruns and their families and members of the W. R. O , and their husbands and their families, notwith standing tbe annonncement of the Ga zette some time ago that Bona ot Vete rans aud their families would be in vited. The former announoement was tbe result of a misuLderstacditig. How ever, ay veteran without a wife can bring a lady and any member of tbe oorps, who has not tbat ueoessary aux iliary, a husband, can bring some gentleman. The members of both orders are requested to meet at tbe Odd Fellows' ball on tbe afternoon of tbe 25th to perfeot arrangements. Tbe in stallation will oocnr in tbe evening, followed by a banquet in tbe lower ball. & Fact Worth Knowing. Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia. and all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by Sbilob's Cure. For sale by Wells a Warren. The Mount Lebanon Shakers recently performed a great deed of chnritv. al tUough it was not designed as a charity, Deing notbing more nor less than nn advertising sobeme. It however, re sulted in great good 111st tbe same, They gave away 1,000 bottles of ti-pir Digestive Cordial to those suffering from stomach derangements. It was so fffective in curing those who used tbe remedy that they were loud in their praises of it aod in ennsequeuoe a large demand for tbe oordial was at onoe created. The druggists of this town bsve little books tbat tell all ab ut it. Digestive uordiul creates an appetite, aids dices. tion aod brings about a rapid increase in nest) and strength. Laxol is the name of a Dalatnhle Uastor Oil. Just tbe thing for ohildren t ran not take it J Cod-llver oil helps and cures. Many believe they could be benefited L aav .... ... .1 i-j ii . i. j I isr u a.iIH itA it Mir aTTpr Trvina arrnnw eaPG nicv uaiuiui uu il. i 11 lUCJT vUUlU -j-0t O - - Iw They might as well say they cannot eat bread, after having taken of W a few pieces which wsre heavy and sour. Physllogists tell us j that cod-liver oil is more easily digested than cream, butter or other sJ fats. The difficulty Is with the preparation which has been used. of cod-liver oil with hypophosphltes is borne by the most delicate Invalid because it is not disagreeable in taste ; contains the purest oil; the oil is emulsified (or digested), avoiding the rising of gas from the stomach ; and the oil is combined with the hypophosphltes which are known for their power to strengthen digestion and give tone and vigor to the whole system. V soc and ti.oo SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York 9 9 HEPPNER, Attorneys at Icrw All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OREGON Installation at Hardman.-LhsI Friday evening, D. H. Jenkins, dist. dep. grnnd masttr installed tbe following officers at the I. O. O. F. lodge at Hard man: J. F. Ward. N. G.: Jas. H- Wyland, V. G., Geo. A. Brown, Seo'y; Job. A. Hardmnn, Treas. Following this officers of tbe Rebeokaha were in stalled by Mrs. D. W. Hornor, dist. dep. grand master, as follows: L. J. Sbaner, N. G. ; Miss Sylvia Sbaner. V. G.: Miss Wren, Seo'y; Mrs.. Leora Wyland, Tresis. After installation all adjourned to supper where mirth and jollity reigned supreme Tbe following Heppnerites were driven out io tbe 'bus by Pole Thompson: D. W. Hornor and wife, N. 8. Whetstone, Cbrie Borchers, Sum Meadows, A. Emerson, Al Binns, R. F Hynd, Mrs. Andy Stevenson, and Misses Florence Crittenden, Jennie Noble and Msggie Hornor. Tbe party returned Saturday evening and report an excep tionally good time. THE Palace Hotel, C. S. YAN Dl'YN, Proprietor. I have taken full control of this popular house, and will make it strictly first class. MEALS, 25 GTS. BEDS, 25 CTS. Free Bathi sua Free 'Bui or all Oueiti BT UBIl For 822.60 I will sell a first class, higb grade, high arm sewing machine guaran teed for 10 years. For further particu lars oall on or address, N. A. faob, Lexington, Oregon. 88-tf . Iokino dp a Missing Son. John A, Jacobs, of Lewistou, Trinity ooooty California, has written to Postmaster Protzmao to see if anything is known bere of tbe whereabouts ot Tbomss Bradley, a former resident of Trinity county, bo is said lo bave been at one time in tbe employ of the Coast Steam ship Company, miming between Port land and San Franomoo, and wbo if mive is now a man about 50 years of aire. I!rndley' mother recently died, and it la a request of hers which Mr. Jxcob is anxious to communicate to him Any one knowing anything about Hradley will please com m no irate witb Mr Jaoohs. Oregouiao, The following item recently appeared in the Oregonian and refers tn Thomas Bradley who formerly lived in Heppoer and who died lie-e atxint eiglitn tnontha ago. Ilia widow. Mrs. J tills Bradley, has oom munirated with Mr. Jaoobe in reference to ber busband. Ben Mathews Is now sole proprietor of the city meat market where be keeps a fresh supnly of beef, pork, mutton, veal, sausage, baoon and lard, wbicb be sells for the lowest market once. Fred Bock, tbe Portland butcher, is still witb bim. tf After Deo. 1, 1895, tbe Gszette will make a discount of 10 Der oent. from list on all staple lob work. This re auction is mane on tne supposition tbat oash will be paid for all work as soon as completed. Chtptnan, A B Many merohaute ore well aware that their eiistoniere are tbelr best friends and take pleasure in supplying them ith the bst good obtainable. As an ioalance we mention Perry A Cameron, prominent druggists t Flushing, Michi gan. They say: "We have no hesi tation In reo'immouding Chamberlain's Cough Itetnerty to nnr customer, aa tt Is lhe lt cngti medicine w bave ever "Id, aa.l always gives alifotton." For sale at 50 enls pr boltlo by l'bill Colin, druggist. ItrnoH EirnnuMca -L C. Teaee, aa Oreg.inian reporter nd sketch arliet. bad a rough vacation in Lower Call (ornia reoenlly. In attempting to go frro Tia Jams tt Knsena.), be lost tbe trail, an I finally was forced lo kill bis borse, cutting bis throat and drinking Lis blmi.1 to slake bis thirst He Ibea pushed nn alnot, reaching the honseot i le)ira, a rancher, having, by iliut ot imiun.g arnod pttiuie aud climbing over ro.k, a4Vmpiishd en-at twenty mile or esi wbien le anraily o-n i. It-red elxolntely teapaMiHIa bad tiern nearly forty eubt boqre without f-Mh! or water and bis ttntb and throat ere In a frightful e-a.lilioe t'rn bv Ing elioeed tti pnlp of eaetoe lare to laa bi I hirst Vmm will no d "lU le Ud l (l b k t l Portland where b cn at Ireat qaenctt bis thi'st wilt) an oerastoeel glaes of "Hall Han's best." All It LETTER U8T. I ETTERS ADVEKTIHED AT I J Or., Jan. 1.1, lh'jd. HEPPNEK Hull., wra Parker, Frank When ralllnc tor thea letters nleiu sat WTITUKII, I. r. ILLIAMK. I". M. SUMMONS. IN THE rtRBflTrOfRTFOR THE COl'STY i.t Morrow. Hialt of umon. li en r j n nevier. riaintirr, vs. William Bmner. . lle nl MM tttt'lum Bremer, ami ) rrana iiagrrman, at Rerrtrer ol ll lnin bant Invralmei.t i.m tii)r, a corporation. Ih-leiulai.ia To William Hremer. IN-teiulant In Ilia nam n( Hi Ktalo ot Orefon, yon are herel.T reaiilrmt to appear ami anr the enm plaint A aaalnat ii In l lie almv enllllnt tt n or ll..relh Bral dajrul thel.et regular utiii in mm roan, lo an. Ta 14 day of Marrh. It A ml If Ton fall an In anawer. for want thereof the plalullit will apply lo Ih ronrt l"f III ra il.! Irman.le.l In aalil mmplelnt. lo an for ).i.loit.t and derrM. alnM William Hr"M-r tor lhe turn of l Oul. llh Intrreal nn 0'oMai ihmf allnraiof S per rnl per an M.im lnm (ha Ml .. ..I Inn. I ... . a. 1 1 t on l v Ihvreof al ih rata of per cent pf annum Iroin Ih Srat tr ol fivrvmbrr, ml llh Inl. rrat on tS there.! al lha rale of i per rent per annum In.m ih Arm d ol iun. !. lih imrmi on Sr. theroH al the rat ol a pr eet. i per annum fr-m Ih Real ir nf iertnner, l4. ami lor a further aura lo u ftelerminxl hf the n.nrt aa an attornejr lr, ami fur cUof ll.it a.ilt Ala., for a 4eef- fnreelnalnf Iht ajinrlra 4evriivl In pialntllTa eompali.l. aa fa all Ih ortendania hfl named and ma ! a4 aoraed prenla to MHaty aald Jnd(innl an i uerrw. mwn ana etia IMa 4rhn nl il. iai ..I (..(,, a or Morroa Couuty. 4al4 januair am. ia- il. i. Ft.1.1 a"d J X M'it. t IT. Altxtn) I of KlaliillfT itn.tn.M la pi.t,liahed t.f ae.te tf n A l-noell. J ilia of Ih I Iff. ill onrl I Ii ileeii..n rf t:, Wtirhl sfaif eoUio-fili-a In fat .r . f Aet's Haraatnrtlla e In rffriH aa f..lla: " r's ha'aapa tula la n.d a l atetit me.lifi,,. Ii , , . h..i Iu!... . .. i i - r - t. . aciitituetit 1.M rharij:!, an I tlir t,te on lis tn.ia - trout.! is e'.rn ft ae aoati lal in- Wl f Ma.ktnil. t I , tn . t I t.tt.. -t bv and ,i . . - .i .Jl"fcve nt,t.asl the laiereet i4 -ii"i iinr hi ma mm wtj ii.ni (j St WON IX IfsTti K rrtVHT fua TMI IXttt lU 1 iru-i y.irro tounl;. UI of lrun. w. a aatir rialntllf. s W, K Vanta. klndanl To Ih o int oi ih aitia pidrM. M.-rro I .-Mt.f ot OlvtfnH 1 1 ih nam of ih nf f.m aaeota e l i Nl iniHi.'4ll I thinul loaier l. I h -re hf . Inaald l.if-t.ro,tt od mml lahai ll.fOMR.ainlH t k...-- MMe! ea R . I. .ana. u 1 ..J I a. at . a . , a . trivtnM or F.n- Last week a train i ""- j-.-u i.-t ih . .-m tint d I i , .,i,a, i. .1 . .l-"iiM Ih.na a-l r.na of ll. ia a. ti.m load r I.Iks nenl fn.m Iti'llaaJ to ...,i ,,.-....,...,,,...,..,.,, IK. lt,t.qg in aaa.st I. Ipainniing the aw 1 ''' "' I .i- i th a .-a a-l f tl, u au at P t-ui-a-a a "4 I -I ft at ,laee. la the eHo a .-' . . a-4i lake ntf nf IL-awbn.g gau nl.o r.-...i i ...... J i... i.- .M ha I l.arp.J Iliat a raf lal .is naa ;'"'."! f.l in .a ai .1 M . Ian. I.i hm fno In It.e a.i i.,ft7, (all. re I at the " "'"' t. fstft n Mli-C l". nn ti. tr.fk ff u Ibe ilai-t 1 1 eiin. It. nal.ek.r. r.f thai ' r-a, Ak your pbyaiciaa. onr drnjiiat and J ".";,'!". "."' . ... . .. I. ' , . J, , . , ." ( . I Ii l'l"l-1 In aald I onni and " .nr fiira.U ah-'ol Moil .t, a t ore for h...... ,,., of ;...-. i. .i (Vatianmption. They will refniaead i f'--n a . iaori h. til UU. lllilT ntakr r.- . th fcutai ) UU lU'al h nil atakea, fits Indneg daali f t 1 )eai i jili tired and fki-d In O't.n, W Ml.lig'.n, lal., tnl.h it IVr sale by Vvelle A War fen I F Mr. Columbus were alive to day aud called at Mat Lichten- tbal's be might make a new discov ery quite as memorable as tbat (if 14UJ. (.bus was a great discoverer in bis day. He would at tbis time discover tbe fiuest stock of Sboes ever shown in Heppner, and the cheapest as well. vVbat more does mortal man want ? The Old, Original Shot Merchant, M. L1CHTENTHAL, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. Qyft UE AI. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . SUMMONS. N THE ClRCriT COt'RT FOR THE COVN tjf of Morrow, Mtate ol Oregon. The Northern Counties Inveatment Trnit, Limited, I'laliitltr, va. O. W. Stewart, James Tl. Hamilton, tl. w. liar rlnato , Addle I'arvln and I. K. Hrown, mwm m tickets Oefendanta. I To O. W. Bteaart and Jatnea D. Ilamlllon Delendanta. In the name nt tha Stat of (ireenn. Ton ar hereto minlre.1 toap-rarand anaaer the eom plaint filed aiialuat yo'i In tha ah ivt entitled ult on or helnre the Aral day of the nent regu lar .erin ui in aiwv (iiiiiirn conn, to-all: Moaday, the ltd day of Marrh, lHa, and If ynii fall o to anawer, for waul thereof the plaintirT will apple to tha rnurt lr the relief demanded Iu aald complaint, to wlf A derre fur the sum of (In I hmiaand IMIa-a (old roln villi li.tereat thereon at th ralai.f rifht per rent per annum Imm th Arl da ol nlT. I"W. null paid. Fr tha aum nl en and llly twi. tl uti.lre-llha Ih.llam with li.l.r.l thereon al th rate of eight per rent per annum from themh day nf Janua . wi. and Ih an m of una Hundred (liara. aimrnet fa, and C-aia and d lalxirarmenia of Ihla ault. Al-aiforth fom-l.-anr of th mnrleaa t. ruled hf delemlanl W Stewart Iu aiwnr th .ymeut ol th aam and ront yti( t of th S Ore. ai lhHi,ol Ih Nl. th aHnflheK',. aiidlh. S't nf tha SK Her. i, .,, -o - oi m. e oi je 3i. all In Tp h "..ulh of Han & R V. M , for Ih aal nf aald prmle and lor )uda-men and eiavullnn aa-alnat th delemlanl . M , r'c art for any dx a-. ,-.. v -..it' n ma, P"n,ia auer appittns tha pmrr.a of th aal of aald pemla in ymu ol th a leu named auma. and l"f anrh further relief aa le demanded In p'aliitlfl minplalnt, 1 hla anmmone la p.ii.ltai.e.1 i.)r ord-r nf Hon Slephea A Uwi. )il of It, al a I Ii )udlrlal dl.irl. I of Ui atat uf tirrgon. dalc-l te. emUr le. J BKnW -. Altfltner fuf 1'iali.tlrT. -TO THE- W AND SOUTHEAST VIA TI1E UMON TiCIFlC SYSTEM. Throiifh Pullman I'alars Sleetra. Tourl.t Hli-epera and Free Kei lining Chair Can DAlLV toChlrago. Many hnars sare4 via this llns te Eastara Polnta. Hl'MMOSS. STtAM HEAT. LOWICHT PiSTSCH LIGHTS. HATICM. In Tin nart ir t oi kt rot tiik cot'UTt ol vi stat of urefn. iohn f. iruahf halotllT. lexrua In ll.a ah l,..nx ..I ! the rat.,r ia at Ira.l xc.uLA L..... , v.7 "7.". . " m. .1 le, m.-,,,. .al. .n , .W.H ? . . . . ' r-r lue ear i t B.lie . sat a M ft M I ha SB. . . I ak 1 1 aa a. Sramr t awk eat t ti 1,'M.na- Kul.a. e f-e Li U lf. .,. tH,a r. t-eibi ,.. pa) all aa f .!)..: .. Ma. eh I, lat I ,( (r , J ..pes, (. a np -th a fM.- , ..n roll nmal t-a n'tuilaie.l, il Via, a-'! "! aie. safiag: "WaP. if fi.e ' I. I -.at. afJ t M..reia.l.t . Ui.aa.a 'V " "7. , ., . . J-i.ee anil gt i-na) cf Ibraa t-f h . .. t J..r oil ra.-e t-. rarj ,, IbU ,. ,,,... M i m . I same la Main ! ail ..m. i.i liftt rturt", a Ii 1 1 e.itni atrt-n -i-a b-u, mhrt ibey i ..n N'l I en itla-li t r all It ifi.liarteli.ii,. ' ',,,, etn.iiy It .t riaaa laiin lry. 1be t. I tMui.nt,tf up the e.ilutt.. lliy i .' ' ' -'I'-i -. .n l ..lie - rautt,.ak atllnlaf. Iu I 3 &. f.i it .i i i i ii. ifi i ui in j rrarurr sihmh i rti;n j bit tMl. iat- nr ilemati l aflmrrhj rra !nl. If Dr. !no it inrnvetit t.ier r. rlsiel yoa lists a r't4 U U . ...timcl Ui a. !,,.,,. ?!? atl'l rai ft i.f i itjf .i jjirt .i l l;i Hams arnsau nanain ti at it i t. iy .-!., . f an all. net u u. p. i; , dat VMtg pi he, fita - un t l al'M naili.s sl-n. , l r's a a al t.l " fjt..ui !, Tt..-r. ..al.l ' !.!. .-.. I Im i i'. Vw aa.'- ti t male I it r n in t .. ,f fta'.hel .l.nlwAt.l atlllk I'kaMU.t.:. . nn VI ! . ..nt. Il.ttii't n l''U 4-! ... H.!anlMan. am rt.e tt. t l. rrllr.l. 0' -p. fh. taa, an I . n lla l a. I - - I.Ue., il ,,j i ,.( ,,;( al,.wa l'i -a .(Nl) t. .1 I ! r .1 ., , 1 . r-) - 'ni , a a HJ II tt t.l , I"- llal att' ll.l .illM'J.ll.ll' , , al.l. Ik. , n M.ia. .i a v,.l and , l -w.taa 1 1 iil rf ira U. ahii ia- f, W , 0.-ae e, t t.0.'i'. f I e l ! tt ft, 'nn -i 'f jl kea fintfv. r-.ef rnilOH,a, Ji,ge. I a a . . .a ... t . . - I (T . Ii I a I . , " " " " '"'' I "i yi J n m P ui..i ma t i.hh I line I., it i!.. I. . .oa l n a etoiiffa I.i II a i.i ,.f I , ... . I . . . i V a a. II Si i -a. aa4 I w--a 'a. a a4 a fat Hhl4NntMM. tilt Mt)ilOaMiuli I . O.'-ai .-a, a ap. ar t---4 al a laaat )) law. iw-.a . .-a Si aS.f -. aaaat , - -4 aV-aa, a., We aa -a. at pa--- tea. a. nl. Vake.f-iv fawltaeH a . H-a. r-.-.- . . . a- M k. S. -a wan -a. C..SNOV&aCO. ..are mi -.-- a e. Aleianderunihaffi. I. fa I, am. ail. of ttd Alan-1r i,raaaa, Th SH"lial Ka-it ..f M'tpner. a e.-t-..a I lot. 4 1. I franl Haaef man. a k-ri of th l..fnl-ai. Io.mI iM.nl 1 ..or".t. a c.-e a.r!t-n. la.leiMai,la To Aitodt l.rahan, lolantaM m ii, n nf ih iaia of ikoii, taj tea trl.t l,-ired b..ai anda.xe.r he..-a. p.ali.t SimI al a th, r,i,i,4 ra.. on of be(.,r in Seal da of Ih. M, Malar tr nl Ik ab.,, .,ui.. (aun b mii Maadat. Ik f4 a.y . av4. Aid If ..... I.; ar. lo aM.,t a.niii,.,. Ih p.alnllS al.l .p . I., I h. ,4 ll(4 , 4an.M in a.d ..np".io l,. alt A li..lM a- d dnrl a.al. ai I... ,v. iiinlM iiMiNi 11 .0.. allh.ea,. 1 "1 T' k' t" " th a.t 4.. i o, ...it. . a-w, a in,!.., k k 4m t.rmi.d If Ih. j-rt aa aa I'lwu. a l ...j M e-a ot I hi a .11 Aim Milan. I..e-a.if ( mrrf aaal .a ih 1... . .h la r- , ,.,, .,.. i...,, th. aH o a,.!.., a t....P t M 1 .. M.i , ,M , r-rflM Inf.roj... 4 j,,, ..., 4,ta,,. ! t.-.e aw ada; aaloa l lkUHe.l.mn.1,,,1,, 1, (-.., a. I ('"" i aal,' aa, .'.a,..,, ,M t- ' -t . a I ..... , ! Ik a .- a I 1 ii ., .4., .,.. ,A m IK a,a 4f "f 'a .-a.t ! a-l a. J e-1 rt ti ft I it ' llo.-T (-.. f 4 . It. tl. BAXTER, Om Agmt, I'ortlnnil, Ortgon. J. C. IIAHT, Agmt, llr pner, Ortgon. Your Face rttl ae reatha-a Ma aaaat egaag "". aflae laa la a WMte Se wins MacliiiiB (awaeana la ITS asJ PINCH TENSION, TENSION IN01CAT0R AUTC1IAT1C TM!I RELEASER. Taa. Shoal fV f,) rm a4lH i sy aawtnf a,.., PI-- - a a aa a at .ti , r .777i.',Ti.- t . t...,, ,ffc,, M fatir Istrt, t I-I 41 ol 1,. ,.T l. At.. I.. '1 - . a --- a a , .,., t T'a f- ... a... , " a a. Ia) I awaan "wr. UUatai Utava, WHITE SEWIK3 kJACH' (I tt llaf f aa al a. aaeee ae m.l 4a, sasea-n. s.aa.ta. V.V'