Portland Library ji m i m ria rniinttini mn luirniim immnnMHM i.i 114 1 ei ri vm 1 mcm i i OFFICIAL MY SUCCESS I Is owing to my liberality in ad-j r. vertlft'nry RrtHort Rnnnar FREQUENT AND CONSTANT I Advertising; brought me all I I own, A. T. Stewart. i ' 9 i- i i iiM 11 m i in mi i hi i ii 1 1 1 I'm ii in aiii i iiin iimiiiii nuirii SillliliMlMllllllIIIJllltlliM Hill' 1111 THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY H, 1896. WEEKLY rlO. 6731 SEMI-WEEKLY NO, 405 J jT 0F 'SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY m PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, . . . Editor A. W. PATTERSON. Business Manager At $3.50 per year, $1.25 fur six months, 75 ots. or three monuia. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THI8 PAPKR is kept on tile at E. 0. Dake's Advertising Attenoy, fit and 65 Merchants Kxohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where cou racta for advertising can be mado for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. 40 (filGYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted fuperior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good ob gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., V. 8. A. fien. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. I ' , hi3 FUTUrtS (-.-iCJ RATION. Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 6.15 a. m. daily, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc tion 1:1:) a. m.; east bound 3:30 a. m. Freight trains leave Willows Junction going east at 7:2 1 p in. and 8:47 a. m. ; going west, 4:30 p. m. and 5.56 a. m. Dnitod States Officials. President Q rover Cleveland Vine-President Ad ai Bteveneon rinarAtArv of Htate Kichard 8. Olnev Hoc rotary of treasury J.hn H. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Heoratarv of War Daniel rl. Lamont Haoretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postmaater-Oeneral William L. Wi son Attorney-Oeneral J udson Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kincald Trarumrer Phil. Metschan Rapt. Pnhlio Instruction 11. M Irwin 1 Attornev General C. M. Mleman u ' J G. W. MoBride senators , J. H. Mitchell Hlnger Hermann I W. rl. Ellis Printer ....W. H. Leeds I ( K. a. Bean, Snnrem Judaea K. A. Moore. ( C. K. Wolverton Sixth Jndlrdal Olstrlrt. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell I Prosecuting Attorney John H. Lawrey Morrow County Official. I . u . ft w a n udi, mmmur,., ... n, . uowm, Keprasantative. J. 8- Bnithby ''oonty Judge Jnlins Keithlf ' Commissioners J. H. Howard J. M. Haker. " Clerk J. W. Morrow HherifT Q. W. Harnnirton " Treaaorar Frank Oilliam kmmmmnr J. S'. Willi Surveyor... Oen. Lord I " Hchool Bop't Anna Balsiger " Coroner T. W. Ayeni, J r iprma Town omous. nayoi Thne. Morgan n,uinliiu O. V. Farnswnrth. M. Liohtenthal. Mis PsrOwson, T. W Ayars.Jr., 8. 8. Horner. K. J. Blocum. ...,. . Haooeiter .F. J. Hal ock Vauiirar K. L Frelnd Marshal A. A. kob.ru I Free inrt Offleef. Jiurtinanf tha Peace E. l. Freeland ConsUhle N. 8. WbeUiuii Catted State hand Offlc-ra. TBI DALLES, oa. J. F. lonre K-eiei A. B. Hunt Heomv r LAOBsRDS. OB. R F Wilson R.t J. II. Kuhhine lurwlver ix:aii ocistizs. KAWUN8 POi', N . II. O. A. R. Meta at Uuntbia, Or, the hai Balardny of I art month, ill veterans ere Invited to Join. I" C. Honn. UBO. W. HHfTN. Adlniant. if CranmaniW. MONEY LOANED, Flrrt Mnrtgares on iMipriMmi "" rmiwity Nnroiml el. Weare prrnd to nrgntlalv first tnnrlgssrs ii ihiii liniinivr.1 Isrms In Oreenn. with rirn irllrs at a rateol Inlrmt no la irft t Hr rnt per annum ongaa I renewal that bare hn Ink en by older com. baulee. Adilrrss with stamp. MKHVIM aORT. Rsr City, tirreon. L U M B Ii It ! lift RAVI MM ALR A1X KISfM OF t'k If drm J Uumtxr It mtiaa o Hvppner. bat le keewa a Uie BOOTT MA.WMXXjU The U.S. GOVERNMENT I PAYING MILLIONS 1 A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars W on whom you depended for support ? 0) ; THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED ; UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new a ' law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it ) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present fg) your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the : time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. ex ' jrWrite for laws and complete Information. No Charge for advice. VCv ) No Fee unless successful. v5v The Press Claims Company f ) PHILIP W. AV1RETT, General Manager, f) 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. no new C$ .8 JV. B.TM$ Company U tontrolltd by nearly one thoutani Uading papert in the United State, and is gvaranteed by them. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicirle to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS 1 ivfr Regulator (liauid or powder) eet all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative ana ionic tnai purines uic uiuuu and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: simmuiNb uvtK iauu LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Headache and Constipation, ana na or that worn out and debilitated teellng. These are all caused by a sluggisti Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at worn, u irouDiea wun any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pills. fr-EVERY PACKAGE- Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Phila., V. ria low put stoiMiu, . mm m L'LIAK, IT I f MUVIMBIII HKPF!Ka, WILL ADD L sa ev p Loo imi aaiitouai. The above ijijoialloot are tirlrllf M Cash. FACTS A. MIS FACTS ! ! Y'U CAS IIL'Y IJ5.00 worth of dry goods and i-rocrl and then have enough left out of lluo 00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This Is a Hrst-ctaM machine. Why then pay 1100.00 for a bicycle that will give no better service? CRESCENT Scorrher," weight pounds, only I n. Ia lies' and Oents' roadster all the way from M to 175. 'B'iys' Ju tior," only ID with pneumatle lire good machine, "Our Hpectal," Meu'i 'i0; Ladles', I'd. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NtW YORK. THE FvnFRSON 111 fit, llrppner, thrgon. Hrppner. lregon. ttf ' MORROW AND GRAM h i ' L HAMILTON. Prop. latlOUl lit 01 Vm. VHE INTER OCEAN W. ft" LA XII. 10. klNNOF. TilNUCfS 1 6ENERIL BANKING BCSINBS -ttntK- oolm;ctions UsJe oo FavoreUe Tema. EXCHANGE BUUCHT i SOLD HETT!,r.fL tf ORF.O)?l Onlario-I'uritf Ste Line BDBKS-Cafin'siBSEUllE M. VS. P e. Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. I DAILY (without Sunday) t&.oopcryear TERMS DAILY wlth ndr 9.oo per year BV HAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean tci. 00 V rtn tear . J r At a rwtr Tff mrt ocr.a's kp dm m rMfwu H ser stHkH fatas sm la axwtag ALL THM M. M Ihk 1LT Of ClllKLT UTLMAlkHC The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. II II a, II s:; ll as BwawvtHae ml la svsiWf mt Ike ha I! vm in infaviwiii IM SMS as I LIU HaM Y I talt II I t mmm !. OXTAItlO-DUiiSS Lt m tli'ite Tuny i. . eo-1 Single Fnro S7 CO. Round Trip St 0.00 HH ITICalLV IT I rH W ICAw. i4 t Ha Nsstn flas wmmH l asl 4mmwm M all s-rfiihat !-. II als gl.M lkB Ink ht Of ln vOHLI. IT IS A TWELVt-PAOE PAPER. Tn mti ocrw ftniiarirn 11 cnio t wi?w nn (.1 M i v of ai l ta ? ! ml auiHsT mix mih, Atni-iio i tMii kiiuiui um Oi- ihai m.w1k a crvnirFCi'. ltl I m HI Istsaj IHAK Aft! fan awimi m tai. N M la M4 M SMtat ef h sl wait la wlKk aa4 IM l" Bnta. r.s.a)s 11 law a ml Is aBlf lM Urns l UM f C"W ImU Uirm THE INTER OCEAN. Chi'to. UUnSS-CAXTOS . 4.. . ta-.. '- I Tr X jr.. . M ft,lli:l l.les I-AM f flllil.MN a'ifM ts f etv vr't THE OWEN ELECTRIC DCIT U L L I Trd Mtrk-Dr. A. Owen FOR MEN AND WOMEN The latest and only scientific and practical Eiectrlo bolt made, for general use, producing a genuine curreut of Electricity, for the cure of disease, that can be readily felt and regu lated doiu in quantity ana power, ana applied to auy part of the body. It can be worn ai any time during working boura or sleep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE RIIEI'iriATISM LI VI II AGO UKN Kit A L DEBILITY LA.1IK HACK NERVOUS DISEASES VAHICOCKLK SKU A L WEAKNESS I. H POTENCY KIDNEY DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE the place of drugs for i One Bad Boy Thought He Would Drive Coach and Preach. Ex-Attorney General Miller was born and spent his early life in a small New York villa ge. At the little school house where he first learned to read and play "hookey," says the Indian apolis Sentinel, there was a fellow pupil who, although about the same age as Mr. Miller, was noted through out the village for his pure cussed ness. That boy, according to Mr. Miller's statement, would sit up of a-night to con coct some scheme to make the people of the town miserable. lie would chase the cows, stone the dogs and pigs, put ropes across the path at night, set pins on the seats at church and scare tho wits out of all the old maids for a mile around. Whenever any devilment was done it was laid at the door of this one boy, and usually correctly. At school he was a terror to all. Stubborn and defiant, there was no restraining him, and the schoolmaster was in despair. One day he thought he would make a last effort to reform the boy by argu ment, and he called him up to tho desk. "Now, Tom," he began, "you are a bright fellow, but you are spoiling your future. Just think what yon can make of yourself if you only behave yourself. Now, have you ever thought of what you will do when you grow up to be a man?" The boy looked at him for a moment, and then, picking up a straw from the floor, he picked his teeth for a moment, as though iu deep thought. "Yes," said he, "I 'lowed I would drive a coach an' preach some." Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest V. S. Gov't Report siKin Mat PURE HIS CAP WON HIM THE RACE. Iloctrlclty, properly applied, Is fast taking le place of driiES for all Nervous. Hheiimmln. Kidney and Urinal Troubles, and will effect cures In seemingly hopeless cases where every BiHrimvRnMiii nsa lauou. - . Any iluKgish, weak or diseased orgi may by this moans be roused to healthy activity before It Is too late. Leading medical men use and recommend the Owen lklt In their practice. OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullest Information regsrdlng the cure of acute, chronlo and nervous dines, prices, and Iiotv lo order. In Euallrh. Gormen, Kwt-dlnh ana aorwpgian isnguaxes, will be msllrd, upon ppncaiion, 10 anyaauress lore cents pueiafc-e. ba Owen Electric Belt and Applianca Co. ai orrn a ahd oklt racronr, The Owes Electric Bell Cldij.. 201 le 211 SU!e Slrecl, OMICAJO. ILL. The Ureeit Electric Dell Ciishlnhm.nt In Iro TVotM wswviaw vhm .. Denver Jockey's Ingenious Hut Unsports manlike Trick. At a trotting race recently In Brigh ton, Col., all the neighboring towns had a candidate entered, and feeling run high. A Denver uport, who was iockey as well as owner, entered the test of his string, and bought up every ;uol on his steed. When the Denver man got off In the ad, says the New York World, he cut cross the truck and took tlie rail De ore the other Jockeys were fairly un der way. He held his advantage around the turn and along the backstretch, but :is ho made tho last turn and squared away for home, his two nearest com petitors began to gain on him. Down the long stretch the Denver n an was still in the load, but they .vere erowdinp, him fast, and the day light between tho three was growing less and less every Instuut. There was mly one chance left, and that a very .Urn one.' lie rcrnemtiercd that as ho was tuni ng into tho homc-atretclv a sudden 'iut of wind had nearly carried awaj lis cap, leaving it barely hanging on the buck of his head. Leaning back intil he almost fell out of the sulky, he nive his head a shake It seemed an age before the enp fell iff. The giiticly-eolnrcil bit of Milk fell directly iH'twecn the two liorws be hind. They shied slightly anil then broke, llefore their driver could bring them to their feet nguiu the Den ver man vtna under the wire. themselves together and prepared to go to the newly-found Eldorado. They built their wagon beds in the shape of tightly-caulked skiffs, so as to enable them to ford any stream without diffi culty. This occupied quite a considera ble while, but at last they were ready to start. The boat they had chartered to take them to St. Joe, Mo., was ready and they bade farewell. On the day of their departure New Albany, by com mon consent, made a grand holiday. Every factory, store and business house was closed, and cannon fired at sunrise to announce the event. Friends and acquaintances marched with the adventurers to the boat, and it was mora as if an army went to battle than anything else. But the strange thing was, that iu that crowd of young men there was an old man, named William Benton, aged sixty-five, whom every body had tried to dissuade from going, and whom, everybody believed, would leave his bones withering upon the plains. A couple of years rolled around and the survivors who could get back, or were Btill alive, began to return. Among them was Benton, and, strange ly enough, he was pie only one of all that crovi d who had amassed a fortune. lie did It by teaming. THE FUTURE OF CHINA. RUNG IN A COLD UtCK. now m Gambler In Mexico Swindled a Na tive Monte Dealer. "The coolest gamblers on earth are the Mexicans," said a traveler from the land of the tamala to a writer for the John Will Now BaplUly Fall In with the , Latest Industrial Method. The Chinese have a grand old litera ture and philosophic books by the side of which Plato and the Memora bilia of Socrates seem mere bro chures. The Chinese are essentially . a literary and aesthetic people, although they, too, can boast of many campaigns " and architectural monuments. ' Their public buildings in brick are few, but i those in mud still fill us with admiraV tion. Their traditions are wholly :op ! posed to ours. Their traditions, are 7 very old, very theoretical. Barbarous traditions, grown up ; in -the rough practice of life, are more 'i easily displaced than those : which j have their roots imbedded in an ancient but ever green philosophical literature. '' But when the public examinations, ; on ' which succesr in life depends, shall cease, no matter by what blow, to con-': fine themselves to Chinese classics : alone, then gentleman John will be come as laborious, docile and enterpris ing in modern war and finance and policy, and military and Indu&triiA , methods and training, as humble coolie John already Is In sliopkecplnj In Ban' Francisco and Australia , and the Straits, Then wo shall hare to look .; out. HOW HISTORY IS MADE. A Curious Story of Ravens Iasportaal , International Episode, The following interesting little story - RUPTURl Instantly Reliorou and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knifo or Operal'm Treatment Absolutely Painl CURE EFFECTED om Thrco to Six Woe' WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Orr r- i : I'.imt-s tr.tftT, Msn)iiaiit PORTLAND, OREGO?' g JL llZ 15 15 s vlhn k.l, M...K t.l S.rH 'ull tit. S'ot M ,t .A !' u aunt rfcr mi aa, av ca' rr a. f. ZZ fAirtlmfl.tfitmi,u,isf- Avlimt Pttti '. - t3 i fi4 ClTOf. ' ... THC)lT0RKUSICllCHOCO.; - tanvear svawrti. ' jujUiajuju.ii4Ui,,,,,,,,u Take It i A French dx'tor'a cuiirlusion is that no one should ride a bicycle who lias a tendency to excchMvo tension of the ar- teriul system, for this tendency in a great cause of henrt diM-as. 'i'liere- fore, no one aliouhl take up the use of the wheel without Hie rxpre authnrl ration of a phvairiun; and the iiM'tor uliould make an examination not only before the patient Ix-gina to uwt the wheel, but after lie lias ridili-n it for s time. Moreover, the umutetir should never ride at high spt-nl. Ifmie'i riding la regular and dully, one mny go faster and further with aafrty; but If ridinif la Interrupted even for a few (Says, one must Uku it up agnin with caution and deliberation. 1 lie t-mpu. tion t go fast should be atcadily re sisted. A PRACTICAL COOP. Cm hm Mad to a lw Mlaslss frasa a liry tiuoat llvs. The rhirki'ti cii lllustrat'd here with I U.l'i piartii-al and easily made. It is a liry Ixig. hirh ran lw purtl.us. il aii)lure fur a (- rr-nta. fltll roof of hfc'lit brds, llir gable Huts of the runt being aiuily slattrd Washington Tost. "Win or lose, they i appears in a London weekly paper never display tho slightest chagrin or joy. They won't raise a row, as our American gamblers do when they are beaten. I was sitting one evening at the monte table in the great gambling resort of Mexico, situated in a suburb of the City of Mexico. There were two Americans whom I had seen around the table on several occasions. One was a railroad man and the other was the most expert short-card manipula tor I ever saw. They played for very small stakes for several days. Then one day the railroad man came In, sat down and began to play. The short card man followed him in about half an hour ana took a seat nve or six obalra away. , I saw him take a large silk handkcrtV.lcf from his pocket and nprcad It over his knees. In Mexican monte the dealer allows each player to cut tho cards when he makes a bet. The short-curd mnn brought with him a deck of cards exactly similar to those UM'd in the game. Fact la, the backs of these cards are all alike. When he was given the card a to cut he sulistl tilled another pack on the top of which was a card, a king, which would make him win. lie had put down eighteen hundred dollars on the king on the hoard. lie cut, the dealer turned and of course ho won. The pack that the dealer had handed him to cut lny in the silk handkerchief spread over his knees. He gathered the handkerchief together, put it in his pocket, took his thlrty-MX hundred dollars and lert. His eoiifi'derstii played on for a few iiiinuti's, making small bets, ami then rashi-d in. As lie turned to go the (lcali-r. who knew he had been robbed but cm Id not quite comprehend how it hsd been done, said very quietly: "'Very well done, slgnor.' "An American gstubli-r would have raised a row and pulled hlsgun and de manded lib money They watch Amer icans very cloavly In that gstue now." THt TOWERS OF SILENCE. lit- WANTED -AN IDEAS tT"! l,lng la paint Vrri-i fwit l-l-m. il.., .r lrli.g y.Mt stmIIIi. fll J'HI SIIMH.IU Ill KX (VI. rtM Annrfwts, WeLil.gtue, it. C. ! tkmtl II.MI flu ti9f . w.lTLC CtMS. TltSK Is a great difTrreh' ltwren having Ui say anv-thing " l having vmrtiitng ttaay - Dr. A T, IVrrn. Wl know not bow mu-h we b-ve the world, till flnl r.ln and lift'1ruij In fining with It good thing SS II. -0. Wugtj ryiio ha enough l.g hi to r reive thai one 1 imiisiirn. and to hxkH vstiitjt to own ii. and Irxtral f lurtiir.f ba k on f s;i ! tr Into one err-ffa. It I the pr-n r and the "Aiatin lit jifide - hat'il.riar4. IM wl.sl fnm T t'tt' yotir an 1 d nl np,ra ym wilh high end obi foeSifi. di h"l k t if Shy r'b f rnm by hih l )u'!?e I ho r.,mpf aliliti: ll r f -A. fr ! by lh rnn-1 nf aetpffrfhvd .fif,n - l a l'ri)f. rrtf Aort.t 'f TVt Hemr arw'y m , ht I'fif Lwit AgayM.I. iUm rrl s;-,ut f bavt on th Acvr'e A 'oo'.a'at trm U-t 't n Ji, Is l' give i ni;!ti -n. mi l, h I vrry wurl. ii lr hi a rlii'-i n e-p In wanti weitthrr 1 ! of the lavard nil one si le of the f s f Sr arrsfk'"l a a l'--r l give ! t- th liiri-f. Tin r. , ran l rhaifd I ) arraMiig ll lil'rr oti t ,e f eciit llimg!i the bi ll d-r irt iUm e.inr, n r.j are es ft mail" .i, sy t- k.p Iran, and sff -rl l.aHhy iarlers 1-t the Chirk Ulb h,ii,rll. in tounlry lealleuBn COLD.FtViR DAYS. A4vfM mt tm 4rfv4MHI WkS (Hi timm ailvsat, l4. A ewfWru bit if III g-.ld fr tim- of ' I r;;-.l by tl. tinrrald tib IUm F'V. b-t l '! kn.n a'J 'r lb '' an itUl time irr. Mr. T"tt ll" 'brk i.t hm si !- .i, it! ut of NW AI" Xmtkf. t il.t 'v was then a grrt Stvajtnbrt ! i I. i f' l fiir - n' r. SS4 lO-i.l. I. . I l '.r,r :t own.i g sotn -f ll.e f a 1 ! a."t. Mvi the l6dt''fH.s Nw Ai-"r l.1iv r 1 f'"f bad ly. aa4 It ro sri h cH nit;f tl.st Kevalllag Mr-Ik nil nf tha l'ar mt Bsislag nt Ihrlr led. The Parwe will not burn or bury tti-ir dead, Ix-caiiM- they consldi-r a drsd ImhIv Impure, and they will hot Buffer tlii-mwIvt-B to di-tile any of the element. They then-fore expo; their rorpsf a to vulturea, a method re volting, iH-rhap, to the linsgirstlon, but one which commend ItM-lf to all lhie who are acquainted therewith. And, afu-r all. one area nothing but the quirt, w hltc n.U'd irm i si,n (nhilo I rnourning among the Far bt following the lli-r lo the lower iifailefire. At the eiitranca they look llirlr la.t on the dead, and the rorpve lrrr i east, of audi carry It it I in the precinct and lay It down, to lie finally dlprwt of by Hie u. turr which crowd I he tower. Mean while and fr tbne day after the ,rlrsl e ii)iIiii irir fi-r ! lcHrU'.i. ..r ma uiiil I aupfMMsrd hot ti Irave the wot Id till the fourth dy after death. fn the fnirth day there I the I'tlianna ceremony, when large sum of moiipy are given away in mem ory of the departed, the liturgy In use a a srrie .f funeral sermon by yoroier. of it rstlti.iri the 'r are have had more than Ihry retain, tonne ted w it Is l.orial I the popular ei(irrilli,n lo the efli'ary of a d.g gae after lUailt log are r. and ,i.r. t, gni.tr the wmls of I he d-.! lo Hvrn and to ward off evil .p rit-. bene II i etilmarr lo lead a d"g In Ui Ihe rhrti'er of Heath, tht be my ' look at lh rorp before It I rarrieil to the tow.r. TMlDlViL. Tat davit br mua trim a ipii.g MiSt Ths devil wilt l aur tosuy awhlie if be tU oo yon wbea yon are Hie. titvt lit di il j'rur ri nd It wont m aa l.'-ir !( h wtil ui U Ii afur hnt vt enlloil Rfu.itv "ialkiug of the present ministry, let : me give the true story of Sir B. Orey's making the grave statement in the house of commons. A friend at mine, a rather brilliant man, was called upon , : by the editor of a weekly paper to write the leader for him. The editor had not yet got thoroughly over his Influenza, ; and the friend agreed to it. ue wrote . the leader on the French aggressive ness in Africa, sent it to the printer, ' where It was set up and forwarded to the editor. Tho latter, not approving . , of the subject, transmitted the proof, ' and said; 'My dear boy, you agreed to write on Armcnhv, not Africa. This la of no interest to the general public The wires about the French on the Niger and tho reported march on the Soudan are. probably pure inventions. Iu any case, tho attack on Sir K. Orey for his vague generalities la hardly the ' thing,' and so on. "My friend simply took the proof, and writing on it: 'This is going Into an Importuiit paper, and is the true feeling of tho English people,' popped it into an envelope, and sent It down to Sir E. Urey at the house of commons. It was posted in the Strand at 4:13 p. in., and would be delivered at West minster probably about 0:30 p. m. At H p. m. the meeting of tho cabinet was hastily convened by Sir E. (Irey, and at 10 p. m. ho made the statement which has shnken all the bourses of Europe. Tho following morning came the edit orial wire to my frieud: 'I see the im portance of your article now and shall uae It.' " "I once witnessed an Interesting but peculiar sm- Im le In animal life, but one which I have never been able to account for," remarked Abraham 1. tiiveiia. of llrenham, Tex., according lo the St. I .on I tiloUvDemorraL "I wssgoing home just at nightfall over a sandy road, when I noticed directly In front of me what appeared to lie a long line of green rihtron about one half an Inch thick. 1 stooped to ex amine It, and to my astonishment, found that it was a prtx'eaalon nf ants, inarching three or four abreast, lo very clie order, each one carrying a little piece of a green leaf. The effect was a rontluuou linn of green with out any break. I went back to find the lieglnning, but aa It Isaued from the grasa st the roadside, I was unable to trace it further In that direction. I then ful lowed It fur several rod, until It entered tliegrss on the other side of the rsd and wsa tt to sight Whether ll ii 1'alin Sunday or hi. Patrick day w ith the aula, or some political jubilee they were celebrat ing, ha always rut.alned a mystery tome lk Ih.g thai Vt.al lha fwnlnn All lncid.nl which would seem to trove thiil a ih-if I" arn lo understand he liieifiinue of his country WB re sted by one willing lo tins b for It ruth. A il had roltic to l Vrry old .n a f inilv In s ronnlrr village. On f the family remarked on a certain day. a the ! Isy In tha room: ' I think Samhooughl lo ! pat (ml of the way He I only a oule how," That ftrrii-e.n Sanchi JJippar4, sod a the iIm pavM-d did not return. Ill the course- of a week a neighbor Mid - see that ur that I t the rw.whotts irn inquiry, ii was laarnen that ho. having called at Ih p""" h'tise and l-efl kindly reeeived. had root tuned on a guest, And ever after. aHhough be a..irrtime made a brief rail al hi own h'une. he livei st the twa farm, end there peacefully ended hlad'tf life t'tiir a mouth ago, and for period of twebty-oa tear, hot trtkl ef KtHticine he been el I o lb family .f Mr and Mr Weather, of "helby, N. r. They are the parent of twelve) rhildrva. Fu.nrvi j .Vi'.urtsuAi g h just te! bruJ her evet it third birthday. AW i . , , i.j ' ., . t i thowgh far than yssr wante4 to Wef YttiisMaa the Jevtl It feJ vy b.a , . ' ... ..... . . r'ght ii.". In l.ur'h sow ma r tr.t siihi ftipAt a feevUvT jr h'hiH by ron.ti,t ', Iset'.tb. tb Is e',!y at ct' f . ta ', ff irf br . mi"if i .IMsVl. i y YStmf