STOCK BRANDS. While yoa a.eep jonr subscription paid op yon eankeep your brand in tree of charge. A-Uyn. T. J., lone. Or. Home GO on left hoalder; cattle same on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor row oonnty. Baird, D. W. and eon. Home branded T B on the Ifift hip; ca'tle the eame on left flank, crop off right ear, nnderorop in the left. Kange in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A.. G., Alpine. Or. Horset branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor row oountv Bannister, J. W Harflman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; eplit in eaoh ear. Brenner, Peter, (ioosoborry Oregon Horses branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on " Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop ind right ear npper slope. Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. n Iy . Brown. J. C. Heppner., clrole C with dot in oei ter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, w. j., iena, urouii. Horses W. bur over It, on the left shoulder, Cattle same on left Boyer, W. Q., Heppner, Or.-Horses, box brand on righi hip oattlo, same, with split in Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left shoulder; oattlo. same on left hit). Brownieo, W. J., Kox.Or-Oattle JB connected i. :,i. - r.n lBft ear and two splits and middle pieo'e out out on right ear; cm horses same brand on trie leii, mis", - i Grant county, n, RnrB. hr.nrl uarmier nanmi. w"m 4L u V od O on right stifle ; cattle (three bare) on riant ribs, crop and in each ear. itanice xn Ca n:;:aleb.()r.-Y 1) on horses on left stifle TJ with anarter oirole oyer it, on lert snoumer and on left stifle on allcolU mder 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over o years, I n-onf Annntv. r nil sen ft u u i a lav uwunu rT R Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. u M-.n. mi nmnt.llla nounties. Corrlgall, M M. Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop out of each ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle V on ion, num. ow and Umatilla oonnties. .7 m u tu nr. Double cross on eaoh hip on oattle, swallow fork and nndei b in right ear. split in left ear. """Ks ia "J oonnty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear markoii ewos crop on left ear punched npper bit in right. Wether. l crop , in rlaht nd nnder half orop m left ear. All rangs in Hrautoonntv. -t.ti.i nL. 1 .1 I-n.Or. Horses. fiOonnghtshonl der; OatOe, same on right hip; ear mark square orop off left and spin in Cnrrin. 11. Y Currineville, Or. -Horses, on ""r.:. VA. H.. Hanlman. Or.-Cartle, C with B in center; horses CK on left Mp. Cochran. H. E., Monument. Grant Co , Or. Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left shonlder: oattle same brand on both hips, mark . i I ltn. ( toplnTH, Herman: branded O on right hip. (battle brauded the same. Also brands CI on "horse, right thigh, brand on right .hoalder, and out oft end of riJr..,5!,..e w M,w.v.Or.-Cattle.Rl)on right side, .wai'low-fork in eaoh ear; horse., H D n'- branded KLY on left shoulder, oatUe sain, on laftliip. hole Emery?(l'H.,HardmBn. Or. Horse, branded 1 reversed C with taill on leu snoumer cau tlesam on right hip. Ilange in M"OW oonnty. right hip; horse. F with bar under on right ff.ln.. R. P. Heppner. Or Horses, K on right shonlder; oattle. t on right hip or thigh. li-.. Knho. Or. Horses branded H R. with a quarter circle oyer it, on left stifle. Itangeln Morrow ana uuiiiiv. ' u k..iu. ( e. round-too with quarter "oirol. under It on th. right hip. 1IWII m -'- r Hnghes. rtatnnel, Wagner. Or-J- (T F L connwu-n on nam wmiwirai...-.,.. on right hip and on tft .ids. swa low fork in right ear and .lit in left. Uange In HaysiAck district. Morrow oonnty. ir l i i. n.llnwav. Or. Hors T (nroa. with hir above It) on right shoulder; cattle same on left side. Uaug in Morrow and Umatilla ".ni"n"Vl.-l., J.An Dav. Or.-f'.ttl. K H on hi n: hnr. -s sain, ou right shou Ider. Ilange in Orant oonnty. Im.i.aa Mat. Hetinner, Or. rlore .haded heart on th. left shoulder, ' Morrow Co. llunsaker, H A. Wagner. Or. -Home.. on left i.....i.i-. ul . nn lft hin. Hnmphrars, 4 M Hardtnan, Or.-Horse., H on llo.ioo. 1 -other. Right Mile. Or -Horee H on th. left shoulder and heart on the le .titl. iM. n......i.Hliin. Hmn In Mittp nmntv. Jones, Harry, Hep.n-r. r -Horae.' branded H J on the left .h.mlderj rattl. bra hM J on riaht hio. also in left tr. lUng. in M'.rrow (M.iintr. . m M llsminer. Or Horeea. hoi shoe i on ' left shoulder. Cattle, th. aamt. i, VUhi Mil i... ... . IT..H. !... Itr. Horaea. eireleTo" Is ft stinV.'oallln. earns n right hip, O'lder half u M.k. llI.i.ner. Or I! ra. hf-inl' ivy i.o' U'l hio oatll.sam.anil imp off left r: nn.ler .lo on It :, , RlrU J.T.. Mecuner. Or.-ll'irse. mi left .h'.Ml l-ri oattle. an. m lfl hll. W.M. M.. mt Vern.Hi. Or.- I, on eui...n null! ant lft sid-e. allow ..rk in I ft r nd i-lr oi" I" ''"''I eer. H..r- as in brand n le't hoold"'. Ilaoge l"l nmnty. ,.rtn, Hiin. fi.r.-H I. irti l-fl hip m n.nia rn.D and si'li' "a rlhi -' asms liiati l l"ft Hang tnnt "l!;'!;il.n, i An W . !,..'. . Or -brnll'"-la tlx. sHl. aa o a lef' bin. Han.e. i.-ar '"uir.-y. J W Or - lir.nd't Land inlrt sti'-il l-n -tiU .hi Ml hl. wsiileov. I", !" alii, la f ghl Ik1. Or - H ra-s hrs-vM diml.le II V-.nmrtt 4.1'I S cajllel . II ne le" N.-lH ... No it M I'. lliHr. Ilr. - tl'U we-U em I. ..a -iM h.l-i h..- aaia. right Hengaln W fw "Wolf. M.n..r. . ni'.- "- ". rtt.i hip; a..- M n Ml wesl-Ur. M .v.. n. H..-r. "'-' - ea UM sh.-il.l-i a Uft h.p. M.lrh.11. - !. -H.ifsn.. II nsirigW klni ea""" H rt.M l Ssl -.!". U It" H'traa. h N m- (hi Ml h.-ild-r. Mil. """h Ml. OII-. farry. l-i"a. - ' Ml hW.,!l. J W . !' I ft-Hwe.ll -0 IM rel'l- hiM. tW-. M ..'. ', II -.-. fir w elfU h.-i.l a ll .H iH'd-r aa I II M In,,. I V i K I h la !' a mp L nUriHin. Hai. a KUM M'U. iMaM. Har lwae.l.- ! raaH,.a fl ' l-f. ...14. r- . lMt-.Hi.l H'-i Iwall a V It. R an-na-lvti Ml Wl l- I r. 1 1 . S m..t Hghl ail. IU r.o-r J. II , l-i-r-- IN M rmm,. I" Hi (,. , 11 .s,1 1, ea"-. Ml K.p a .m i V---a 4iw-m r ....i iM: rfiia. J M J --- I m IS ria i p. - ! Ml a I alls, la !. I la HI. H.-.I UM. Il-ta Or -II-- iaw r ."l- H -a Ml ia Ma H. , MeftHfS. " 'I '"' I M is. ..-l M, "."I" 1 1 "'- ..4Mt Ha M -t-w a4 a I-H-.I-.) I ii a it tm tt s . v-l m b., Mil a a.f SA.-.SH) W -., H-naa. ' 1-m-vUI. -.a at, ih " rM a. i 4,.--g i,-" a h-i ' Mi .11 t Vl tAar. . H.mrH 4. W . line MtuVMit'M. asiaa. il -a WM !. ml.l W . I1-vr- IV - M -a rf-.WI I n u -tia wi i m. uri air, a.., W , II M-t. H aa, I Ir" M W'i -" Ml . si,--. K J . IW-M'-aa, -" t,M l Ml " "' 1 1 --- - I ..-,. U H- m -- ' ,a II w.ili. H ' II 4 !, H. i l' m ;a..'Vri .1- Mi ' .u.. K. -a .. - . a, . ii ! a-'- " ... ''. a -.- ' - -V..-- w-a i ,M-- ' B. rv,w ., ...- I ,. U , M- " H k M a t l ll-- IN ' a.. - m ' I 4-" M r-v Tv-t- 4 a M.. f ft w rajataj f aw kt l I tWa-a, IW . M f 11 ill aaa a .aa' II f r tl aaawl aaa t 4 a raj.'. a k...4 I I aa r- t a V- l, - !. a-a I. aa. Ik" 1 aa.aa- m. wai faae lri a. . a aa aa - aa aa a. M a-a .. . -a - i. a ka aa .-. W --Iar4 0 , --, -. .. . ' w kr a m t ' 1 aj ...'AV la Ai - ki i mm Wan a- A. I a . 'VJ- aa. m ii-mm MMai. a- ka .a Ml ,m.g- 0aH mmm- aa- fatiM k aa.aa.aM Itaa ' aJraaTll - -' a)"1. aaa tf araa. ! - '' aa a a e-ea. .va aaaMI fc4 a aw..a kaal j Wren. A. A.. HecDner. Or. Horses runningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young. J. H.. Hoosoherrr. Or. Horses branrtec THon the right shonld GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, finest iimshed and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that you buy from reliable manu t'acturera that have gained a reputation by honestand square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it j New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on ad justable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum, WROTE FOn CIRCULARS. THE KSW HOME SEWIHG MACHIHE CO. Oeaviji, Mass. Boston, Mass. 8 TTmnii RorAnr, K. T kica(io, In. HT. Lous, Ho. Dallas. Tkias. Bah Kbanoihoo, (!ai. Atlanta, Oa. ron isup: dy P. C. THOMPSON CO., Aqenis, Heppner, Oregon. 7 Wtr.T,rMTnYJ Send 5 Cts. for Sample Packagi ifria Fninrisco Offlce, NAP II. D 0 li KK XS F ELDER it CO No. T!0 Sutter Street. JJVa AVirb Th. thumb Is aa anfalllng rnnei nf chsiKtar. Th. rqur Trpr In. dlr.tx. a llnini will, frrst currrt Slid RrmneM. i'liwrlv .lllrd Is ll.f Hiisiulsird 1 JI. Ih. thumb l lho or tv.i.rmt l.lrss .nd husinvw ahllltr. Itolh ct lliew l brine, lo lli. bii.j man or woman; and Hriiiiirr.l t h.ii.Hr Mmiuii. pr .sn-s ..inn-IhIIt ft.r Such prrBoh. S vi.luin. nf nr lilras. coa d.-iiM-d In . email simc., n. thai Ih r.r. nf th. hiU world'. ia Ii a lii'rt'lh mar Hr fail In half aa a.Hir. 'I h. i'nii .1 1 t lii.lir.trt rrn.M-mnit. rulturr, .nd a h.v. ol hi' mn tr, .n.i ft. li.. A prrwni in. Una t f,f thumb will cHik'hir rii).')r Ihr Mirrar) siirerUort. ttl lhn.t,tr.r. M.'aa.i... It.. Ar ll.lir 1l th.ll. air. a k... Ol lauif art. 1,1. h .ill In. ran U-nf In ilir ntaitiiftrrttl tjil.pirt. 1 urv of i.n.1, l.V I 14 IMhr., rjirl. .A dtrrd fn.m ll.(4igin.l Hlll.llna, by 1 UHa'I'.e. Ihr it..! tr.rlrfaL.4 ul v'l Ikiii. i.rf lnlra. .hl.h will frt l. 9rrrf mtwrribet t. I ni'vrf a aiaaiiM7 t.w i"o. im r.i itt ti.ta ..wfh wm. nl .rt aa fV.tltt! .td lh rF.f.alull.4l M b ill. i 'nrni.ht4 fr.4n I ha k'l.ial lu.i.l, a Ui a, en i iqaLlt. mi ir airr.i.7 i.iur. ..a li,l4 n .a. k au.iWr ul lb M aa riM. au4 IM axlr. tn an ua fulf t-i anjwiblf l.l.xrelra) IhM li tbuiM M. la rraoif, a ri. af uti nf Ika kick! t ha 'tll.i4li 1 ft" la lh li.nn.k frf I Ha Ihinkrr ae4 (avai til klr.a, Hn ami ha rtratitf lelat- a ...4 In th". 4m-.4 ammlbtf la rntnna' . Hec-es.fta. . Ma aVf4.tnkav.lft, h .k Ih. at. 1 1 f immm .aai ekM!ft trWI. tkavllf rr la. t. Ian. t, .nd lad a! ih. ., . k .iat't a wta1 t ktaajin.. t4 aa lm.ff aar. f.t.4 O'aa M lea Mua.ik.h.. r-. Ma t- aajwrtiallaa).: M via) c- m'r it KB, t'-4 fnm will ka. . lfae la . Al4raa. to Jaa.taw. i.a,wt Pb. i.ara, n I.I l.k ?l.aj laaa. 'i k'vk va . laahM 4 e!e it. s t, . ahw ara a4 ,a a.tte a. aa laai'f a 4 aal w m W .4 aMataa. Ikiaaj I ' ff la Fr.Ma TT !" a.M. MM.kadr.ta kaaaaa-l . aia4a.waa. a4t a ait, ek. rnaiaaaal lip III ma an ik k aaaa.llajil aa -a aaa a.rr. aa-a4 a-har't" aa r a V,.. If .r. .ea...l.el ''.a M . . a..aMaai .feel a4 . 1 a.1 at ikna. Till Mka ka. aaai , "v- a a. a -a.1 M ka aaa( i..mt4 ka aaan't Mat baaaaif aaaMA 1 a . (ajt.ff Tka aaf-afiiaal . ikaaa la.a I. eaaa ka lal araaaa. 1kr I' a.a. IM f.aaiaa .a.Mllr h) fa4 ala. aaaarl M ka) lamai . 1ka.aaVaaafaaia.. hmi atJ a,. rf a A tafaar4 allk f yaaif aa tiatrt Ml Ul a ltkalM' fataa. H awa Of !. aa) f ava-l, tirti ti m M, t. rVt UV.Ii ttaf"ii to !:. akl I ha rtataf si M ll.a Wtt tWatf.nai toll tafl. A) atil ti t It )'. a. I ' l"f - lat alta.s. . t, (. l-'i. la i), ,iii ai I ,! f Ml.lUt W vsnU. atta .i ., m a la alia, adi I )M 1 ui VLssw - masse, warn mm m. m "a. ' r J -sk LEW (0s 3a ML E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THIS GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall detail oall on O. R. k N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Orkqon QUICK TI3VU3 t San rjrciixoisoo ind all point. In Cliforni, vi th. Mt. Hhuts rout, of th. Southern Pacific Co. Hi. vraat hl.hwsy thron.h California tn all point. Kwt and South. Grand Beanie Rout. Of th. PaalAo (kiast. Pullman Buffet Bleepera. Heoondilas. Hleepera Attached to aipres. trains, attordmc superior (ocommodatinne for seoondilasa pusena-ers, Kor rate., tiokeu, sleepiug oar roserf stions, tc. call npon or address it. KOKHI.KR, Manaiter, R. P. ROGERS, Aut len. t. tk P. AtU. Portland, Oregon rt. Slmplct,, j 5olld Top Kacrlvcr, Most Modern and progressiva Fur r.i.lo-u. or lnf.inn.tlua write to TMU MARL1N I IRP. ARMS CO., New Havrn. Conn. GIHCKEH EAISIMQFflYS If vo ue Ih reUI.ej P j i; aokatan . Hfaa4ara. I Ml Make m.mey avhiial ..1 V,wtm at. avrtalina' old prorear.. ka) I .. ' " I l'.lal.lcll..llalHHil iri 47 , 1 Il .ml.lrarrlWa everf IrarriWa everf yju i.iu..... a art. I. nrmlrtl l IUC puulUY buaUICSaV 1 Calnlcgu. 1 .aisiueua aJ TiicnRin" th. hral whrtl. rrrtllratnnlrl .V. ar. I'aribc L'.Mal Aaenla. Hi. vi I. cala kaiu,m.ilnl frcv j(ivr., ai'lr. ' , . WA. '1. FtTALCM A IRCCIATOI CO .rrt.laaa.Ctl. tiaaa. M II. e is, sun Mala M., I.oa Anir.r PM. P.T. L. TheAmeticaVt Protective Tv iff Ltagut t a national organization advocating "Piotection to Ameiican Labor and rndutt'y" at plained by its comt tu- t m at folio. : " Tk. (tie aa kl leefi .kaJI k. U .mlavk. Aaa lea" ka a ken tweaks. eh.h e4 ear.-!'. eeia'S kaafcaaaxall r4afcs VM earektua ev laker. The't a-t no pertonal or pnvato pfO'' ti m connect on with the ogani: to and itiituttained by rnembefihlpt. coMt'l-ut'O"! v4 the distribution of iti fvb'CAlOa, fiatT- c I. f . aawa4 " Urlh. '.-4 ' (I'Ml Caa.ea I "ra O We ajaal .-4 . e..a. ee-t kvV-ar aaaa lets aa aft, ka i.aea. letiaO' VV. ak lea - mt . aa . . ee a I a--" aaa. C aaKlri . kaj mt ' 1 1 W ey tllm K 1 0 ee-t. r.-'uaTM ; t4 .wal aa4 aaaa a a aa r a - " Ar.-aa .Mra.t tiaaa a I rea-a.a Oar a.rWv It Veat I H kM. he" tra. S1800.00 OITN AWAY TO INVXNTORS. fcftfflm Working. llUIJjMost aITl'3riatar AeCurat' 4uaP Compact, A7 F tejen l araaa earay e. ee eaa oka tm. An ajk a. k. kk. aaael eaaaaaeaeaaa eaaaaal 4ei a eaaA I . Waaaian. k Wa4 f alaas. Meat Itaaaaa. aeal av. aaaM at eaa aa eaii 1 ea -a aa kaayara.. sax kaka aaek Ai mm aanas aaaa) ax fraa?air' iaaf HfaVsTaaat) 4MMaa) ajs U00m tewlat fe44 TrHTttlOIORUNCS. ka, k aava W aaa. naal rft.aa4ji4 IT 1$ N)T SO MUO AS IT WXHS. feai ia kaaa.e.i.tal.aJka aal.aa.. Is) 4 n-i alaaa.aa. a. aa ki -k aaa mm ea . aa. a I I a at eVa a .aaa.. .a.1 .al aa . Aaa imatU area .A ka aaai a4 avr ,ma mm I mmmt mm a s A jiHf. rtM unt vn a co., tlilhalmS I aamaa ava4 la-S fats sal', ill' HreaM. N. ., fva Ja. V Sahlfljt". ft. C, it-m,mJtm m' mmwfimmm -.a fmfm. t t i. awatl SPS!)' arNS,BaiaJ VrAaaaaakat4t afra9 aTB1.! 0 Sia54 . II il i I aeke U. eaaa fa aaaa. ea ea) aeai k-4 . ml , eaalaWaa . 1 1. l C , ea.k a) eke aaa. a. a ejaaia. m .nki.ilal A a,. i . I mt Ve aMiiiims at m " e I." . aaa. a area aaj i.a) aa at .n. ka. aa aaaa. a. m aiaiiik IF WE ONLY COULD. If a man could be horn when he's old. And gradually erow young. The wisdom he'd gain and the lore he'd at tain Are not easily said or sung. If I knew as much as my boy. Who la six times younger than I, I'd have a sufflclonce of general omnisci ence 'Be finished and ready to die. So a man might drink deeper, I hold. Yes, force out truth's obstinate bung, If he could be born when he's old And gradually grow young. For the groping and ignorant man In his darkness would count It a joy If he had the light to enlighten his night Of the wise, luminiferous boy. If he could grow younger and wise. And develop from age Into youth. We'd be able to hold when we're thirteen years old, The substance and sum of all truth. And the oceans of wisdom we'd hold Cannot be Imagined or sung, If a man could be born when he's old And gradually grow young. But a man Is now born very young, And he gradually grows very old, And as his youth finishes, his wisdom di minishes, And his ignorance grows manifold. And so every year doth his wisdom decrease And his ti:(ht knowledge web Is unstrung, And no man can be sure that he li not Im mature Unless he's exceedingly young What sages the world might behold. What giants of brain and of tongue, If a man could be born when he's old And gradually grow young. St Louis Post-Dispatch. THE MIDDLE-AGED MAN. ne Bnys Two Cents' Worth of Coeoannt Cake, and Renews HI. Youth. "When I was a boy," said a middle- aged New Yorker the other day, ac cording to the Sun, "I used to be very fond of cocoanut cakes, as they were called, small disks of candied cocoanut, which cost one cent each. They were colored white and red, and nally they got some chocolate colored, and it seems to me they had some other colors. If I had only one cent I bought usually a white one, though some times I took a red one; if I had two cents I bought a red and white, to hare a variety. I have seen the time when I had three cents, and bought all three colors at once. "I had not bought any cocoanut cakes for I don't know how many years, though I had seen them along year after year, particularly in sum mer, when" the dust blows and the white ones get all covered with dirt; but the other day I bought two of the new-fashioned kind, that seems just now to be having a run; you see them on all the push carts. The new cocoa nut cakes are all one color, a sort of molasses color; and they are not round and flat like the old ones, but thick and bunchier, like little broken-off masses of the prepared cocoanut. I found them very good. They differ somewhat from the old-fashioned cocoanut cake in taste and texture, as well as in build and color; the old cocoanut cake, while not brittle, ex actly, was what you might call crumbly and sugary; it dissolved quick ly in the mouth; while the contem poraneous cocoanut cake, after you get below the light frostwork of its exte- rior, has decidedly more consistence; it is what the modern child calls chewy; but the cocoanut taste is there all right, and as I eat them they carry me back to the days of my youth. A MILLIONAIRE'S WORK. The Mammoth Hatha Con.trnrtaHl b Adolph Nutria. The most wonderful baths in the world are those built by Adolph Sutro, in Sun Francisco. The great cliffs have betMi tunneled, that the water of the 1'uellic may flow through a succession of cunuls into the reservoir where it is wanni'd; and I hence into the enormous tanks. The baths are more than twice as large as the lnrgest of the famous ol.l K itnn n Imtlis, and Mr. Sutro lias tried to make them as beautiful. Twenty thinisuricl eople can sit, stand, or protnenuile about the tanks, which art arranged for every possible set of bat hem. There ar eold baths and hot baths, swimming and diving baths, baths for children and beginners. The largest tank is two hundred and seventy-five feet lung and one hundred and fifty feet wiili. There is even a frrsh-waUr tauk, supplied from the waterworks above. The plai-e Is full of beauty and color, a ith tropical plmtU and rows of grow ing iHtlina; while through the glass aiile-MBlls. the ocean view atrrtrhrs. The I. ml. ling L of ateel and glass, and it. glared rt.if spans more than two acre. Tier after tier of room fur the bather rise, until they are nuuibrrvd by many hundred. A great alage. fifty feet broad, is pla.-r.l at the oeran end of the tank room for an urvheatro. The building la furnia.lie.1 with elect rie light, and el rvat.r throughout. Thrve rvfctauranta provide rrfrealunrnt. and an aquarium and coriM-rvatorr add to the beauty and lnler.-l. The l lilt r-x U. unlaid are rnvemi with keata, aunninif themselves, and the finest baths In the world have parhape. the ml beautiful setting. FEMININE INGENUITIES. Th jeMr I lk. Mama, of I .re Hake f fca ail l-lwa, Of thmuHif.rlma tiara of the Wf Bin. al li ail. am at. II L.,. TI are kiiffeajed by ft I'rrn. h travel rr dew ripiion of a pinwhl. h the In dan women of I'rm wear a a fasten leg f. their .haw la. Its head la In the , . . - hat of a eta.. In fa. t. Hill .,...0 an. a .bawl pla In on, II Lal aasl.l I h ft rrtth rttaM s- ... Maiii 'u. i'ui tiiv pnt iniiiaff her ahawl drop frotn her bare ahouStl era. and prwt touaa- It f.r rating hrr evmp if rkarrMlge, After the rrpaat ahe i pakac h t.iw I of the a..n carefully i t-rtatra-n her lipa two tit three tlmea, 1 gathrra p her ahawt, and f.atect it la r''1' Tt.ekan.e women their ajipper tnali .. i.f a artl.a. a fa.lrit lit W h Ihrv tn.v t-e ka)i. .t ht the S,-e .f their N.r1h A't.rfl.-.n ai. tr w !mi, having no a'.rl.. ay t. within r.iif.t.t.: tr'h. are rw pa-;;. u rarry their pur la their hat.,!, , 1 he Bvtiev of I.lma eran.ikta ef whi. h grt wry we'l into tS. Ia4 tM of a k! itf. A l the effeet ) the bi'la, prrhapa thai Ira.t aaid the bet' let There la an old aat ir.g thai axmry a!s;t ti;:i twewt. j III r Al O I'll I haa jMat l--.ifl.t S ,. tl faai laerailn N.wtH I",at'. .H , v r. f t. ap.-l Kara h k :'! hi. J Prat te l. an. ant thrr he letmle u rt4 tl rat .. l.i J,' I li ti. t Kla. f t.. f r .tlrawt.ey nf t) I r .lr. M.te. g ai'Mv,-J kitrvry, ',J U a a t rxa. of tv and nf tttra Sad e.n.p -. a ha a aal sat ! I.f.of ,w Va iM aawv taa t-" iaa.a. saJ as Waal MA o aa ittliM mm. Scrofula Miss Den. Stevens, of Boston, Haas, writes: I have always suffered from hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried various remedies, and many reliable physicians, but none relieved me. After taking ts bottles of I am now well. I am very gratefnl to you, as I feel that it saved me feil from a life of un 5l11 told sgonv. and &i shall take pleasure in speaking only "..1. nf n..iu.n.,UwM(L,.lnlmJ. lcine, and in recommending it to all, .U.V.O Ul U, BJ I'll VI 1.1 T..J11VI... It.I .1U. ommending it to all. CURED Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any ad' dress. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Oa. CHECKING LABOR AGITATORS, The Flan Followed During the Building of a Mexican Railroad. "They had an original and effective way of preventing strikes on the Sono ra railroad while it was building," said its first superintendent, according to the New York Sun. "The Mexican peons were queer laborers to deal with. and there were habitual kickers and agitators among them to stir up discon tent, like those we find in other more enlightened regions where great works are carried on. The Mexican govern ment, standing as a backer of the road, was of course interested that nothing should interfere with its progress, and so when it was discovered that a man was stirring up trouble among his fel low laborers he was disposed of in a way peculinr to "Some men were detailed to get him drunk no difficult task when liquor was furnished free and he would wake up in the morning to find himself in military barracks and to be informed that he was an enlisted soldier in the army. All the formalities had duly been gone through with, and he was kept in seclusion in the barracks until he was transferred to some remote part of the republic. He was enlisted under an assumed name, so that when his friends came to the barracks to inquire after him by name they were informed that there was no such man there. If thev doubted the statement there were the rolls, which they might inspect. As the Mexican soldier is virtually a pris oner, and the army is made up to a con siderable extent of criminals pardoned undcyr condition of enlisting, no com ment would be excited by the keeping of a) new recruit in confinement, and, offn Yucatan -or Tabasco, his friends would not hear of him again, at least during the building of the road." HORSEPLAY IN ENGLISH SOCIETY Coarse) Jokes and Risky Dancing Being la- dulg.d In by Smart tilrU. SUirt dancing, high olay and the per petration of practical jokes seem to be the leading amusements of country hotlse parties in England, according to a receut chronicler quoted by the San Fl'ancisco Argonaut. He says: "No vember is preeminently the month for big shoots, and the country houses are full to overflowing at that time of the year. In quiet houses mod erate hours are kept, gambling for heavy stakes is at a discount and a certain sobriety prevails from sunrine to sundown. In other houses. however, the fun waxes fast and fu rious. No dancing Is considered 'sport' unless it he of a nature iinixirtcd from the (iaiety, such as the unforgettable pus de qnatrv. A few smart girls go ki far as to take unto thetuiA-lves the voluminous skirts of the serin'titine fmck and try to imitate Miss l.ettiu Mud a dexterities." After explaining tl.nt the seriM-ntine skirts are made of "no less tliiin a hundred jurds of the very finest Chinese silk or crepe cut in triangulur pieces to give the uptieui ancc of an infinity of jtnN." our au thority resumes: 'H is regrettable to add that under some roofs pielty heavy gambling is Indulged In. and haeeurat and nap with high stakes have as many women as men votaries, to say nothing of practical Joking of a suh pleiously rowdy sort, sneh as apple-pie bed-niaUIng trappiiig. A certain most distinguished lady amued her self one whole rveniti'by alandlng in a gallery and throwing pillows on the men's head, aa thry passed in and out of the amoklng-room." To larlisve a French writer, there are n fewer than four thousand women caught every year In stealing during their shopping expedition, a habit eu phoniously .lyleit kleptomania. The nuruWr of tl'h .1 ladle. aeire with the atrange nml.idy while eiaminlng the fashion, of I'arU. he tella u. la almost Incredible. Among the tnmt recent rulprlt. wrre a l!ulan prince, a Kreneh rotinlee, an Knglish due he, and the daughter of a reigning auver elgn. Aa a rule, theae room dl.tln gulahed offender, are let off on the navment of a round sum for the relief of the poor, and when the shoplifter La knwn to be rich the sum exacted rie. to a. much aa ten thouoand franca. ' Th Hl authorities ermaenl to this , "T of CoOilonatlon. Tk. t.rae mi faav. It la aaut that the .uprated grave of Rv I. vUiled by over forty thousand - 1 1 i V. . - 1 I- I .. 1 w.m at niik-rinia . . . . ,-,-.-.- , . . . . ..,.. and 1 . ' . W.'.rf lat Y" tai!ra4 wonta WC '. ACROSS TMC $, J.rrtt rruvnrai ii. ripu to iit Amrrt. a tfaia Ihl. Ull rmari I. a ill mo arU( that ha I unaM to Ua KikAjrik'a'tl. M ( nt vi. th rarlrr t.f th Tha tr rranr-al. ha. Iwti tln-lnl to th I rvtoch aaaa-tut. Iy hy a ri.aae .).., yi t. Vt. f..u i. aaii i.iw U hftiiur. an l ..rlik at it In f?l!jf. Mt ha. hnilll. with hrr la di. m.nv qvilta ff lh a r,f ih in h.-pita', Jq-;Pt. tmm. rain. i.f th Isnli.h f,rer. Ma. lit it..f.. a....r,,l f hi. aa l.t-ar. in tha h.i cf inmnn. thatXhrr ttlarht h? Vain .. fliI1r.l." yt aho nni wmp'f rrr-t,v.a':v. h nrh ft h Inm'Mf ht . O M mmwi hlraa',f lf tr I A"i f "' In ta IV. ai.ia f m.n at ';. . '.hir4 ar f. t . ai"1.f.o fr ..a-rtr-t'a tl. Tt r."1 ! I t i' ff. a '. i '. -i r ' '- r f aka Nl'Tklto '. ir of ant Til.the RAMBLER Is one of the very best wheels ever made front rank with all high grade machines, mirl Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want punctured, It can be meuded by you In live renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rliriB or copper-plated steel rims. Sold In all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, J1B0 each. THE RAMBLER i the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market. For style, finish and durability It Is unsurpassed, aB it is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago For men, women, boys and elrls. with 28. '20 ES lvely. are splendid medium grade wheels, fa ciincner ures ana are iuiiy warraniea, H Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and dlBcounts, or rail (S jg on our numerous agents. Hammer itusuers antea in every town in Oregon, nasning H ton and Idaho. i FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, fjjf Northwest representatives Gormnlly & Jeffery Manf. Co'j "Rambler Bicycles." Main W Store. 327 Washington St., Portland, Or. i m OTIS PATTERSON. Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise---need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. Kingr Four Models - EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. Monarch Factory and Main Office: Lake - FINEST MATERIAL. LIOHT, STRONG, yrOTScv A)Z VXV SCIENTIFIC SPEEDY, HANDSOnE. WORKMANSHIP. RRANCrltiSi-New York, San PrancUoo, Salt Laka City, Dtavar. Mmtphlt. Detroit. Tronta, WEbb bAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, rOKTLANP, OREOON. A. W. PATTERSON, A yrnl for It to Advertisers at a great flnnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tin: Pattkrson Publishing Co. it u : WITH mm : ism : m Voutv DO L'XJ) to Ttxko EIU. Leaves No Comtipnttcn,- - -.-. - . taa It. a. ...! a. .! Mt.t,. . , , y , V a.rta.nn ii f.44 t, .1 ,,..,. ..Ills k, lftWI.MIIHC.t(Y,i rkaa-iMa, Cai. is an Indisputable fact. It stands In the If you buy one you will make no mistake. to be happy, for Btaould your wheel bef minutes, as It 1b equipped with the world i Ideals and 24 Inch wheels, at 168. I!i5. J45 reepect- with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge Act. for Morrow Co.. HeoDner. Oreoron. "di of Bicycles. 885 and 8100. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUL Cycle Co. and Hatsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL, Morrow County, llrymcr, Oregon OUR STOCK . OF . a . : SPACE IS : TOO HEAVY ! AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD J li I