Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 10, 1896, Image 3

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After Acute Bronchitis
CURED by Tsma
"Three months ago, I took a vio
lent cold which resulted in an attack
of acute bronchitis. I put myself
under medical treatment, and at the
end of two months was no better.
I found it very difficult to preach,
and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry
Here and There.
Minor & Oo.'s line of overcoats at cost.
J. W. Beckett was in Heppner Wednes
day last.
All dry goods at ooet at Minor & Co.
M. CorriffdU was ii; from Galloway
Minor & Oo.'a
line of dress goods at
Perry Ham was down from flardman
Ben SwuRgart was np from his Juniper
raDch this week.
passenger on last
boots and shoes
Pectoral. The first bottle gave me
great relief ; the second, which I am
now taking, 1ms relieved me almost
entirely of all unpleasant symptoms,
and I feel sure that one or two hot
ties more will effect a permanent
cure. To all ministers suffering from
throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Bkawley,
T. D., I)ist. Secretary, Am. Bapt.
Publication Society, Petersburg, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
J. E LathroD whs a
night's down traiu.
Minor &Co.'s line of
at cost.
Roy Niclrprsoo, of Gooseberry, was in
town Wednesday.
J. H, Piper oame in from the lower
omutry yesterday.
Gilbert D. Gnats was down from
Hardman yesterday.
Dr. Eugene Vsneban returned from
Canyon City Tuesday,
Ed. and Frank Holland were uo from
Lexington yesterday.
Alex Onrnett was io from Felix John
son's plaoe Thursday.
Frank Holmes, of Gooseberry, spent
Thuieday in Heppner.
Frank Minor left last night for Port-
lnnd, to remain a week.
Mine Auna Brown departed for her
Pendleton home Inst night.
Born To the wife of Geo. Aiken, in
Heppner, on Monday, Deo. 6, a girl.
Ben Oppnheimer was In Wednesday
and Thursday to visit oar merchants.
La Grnnde Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. S. C. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Collector Blaokraan name no from
below last night and will remain a few
Not a few who read what Mr. Robert
Rowls, of Holland. Va.. baa to say below.
will remember their own experienoe
nnder like circumstances : "Last winter
bad la grippe wbiob left me in a low
state of health. I tried numerous
remedies, none of wbiob did me any
good, until I was mdnced to try a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The
first bottle of it so far relieved me that
was enabled to attend to my work, and
the seeond bottle effeoted a onre." For
siile at 50 cents per bottle by Fh ill Cobn,
Dr. P. B. MeBwords and T. W. Ayers,
Jr., have sold the Mlnbum-Jobtieton
drug stand to Messrs. Wilson E. Brock
and Geo. Oonser. Mr. Brook has arriv
ed from Hillsboro and will take uharge
ot the bnsiness, BDd having had years of
experienoe io that line, tbe Gczftte pre
dicts that be will make a complete sue.
oessofit. Mr. Oonser will still retain
bis position as cashier in the bank.
Brook has pnrcbased tbe
residence. Consideration,
T ilson T.
P. Cohu
Now is the time to advertise. Tbe
harder tbe times the more the necessity
to rustle.
Ed. R. Bishop and wife departed for
Portland Wednesday of tbis week to
remain a few days.
Frnnk Deos and wife were in Tuesday
and Wednesday last, tbe guests of Mr,
and Mrs. W . W. Smead.
J J 2 J 4
J ? 7 6 ? J0
2 J'L JL JS. J1 3-
M J0 21 22 J3 J4 25
Take Notice.
1. The ium nt five cents p?t Una will ba
5harel (nr "mnli f thanks." "rtaoliillmis ol
ruarct." Until of wHiHna prwiiU and rtonom,
ma oliltiiary tintlci-a, (other thmi tlicw the wllt
tt shall hlmtplf lve matter of news.) and
antlmnf siiwial mo'tliiK. fur whatever purpoae.
2. Not Icon of rhurc h awl aorlely did allothur
tnterulninetita from hlrh revenue la to tw rla
rtvel, ahaU bt rharueil fur at the rat nf flv
tin a line. Thie rule will ba strictly adher
ed to In Terf Inatanre.
Arlrertlatni rati-t reaaouaule and madeknowo
Ipoo application.
Hint lor Hardman. Monument, !,nna Creel,
lohn laY and laiiyini ( lly. Invn aa lollowi ;
ft vera day at a m.. cc-iit Hundar.
Arrtveaevervrlnya'f .n..iit Monday.
The rheatn-at. imIi ! and beat line to or
troro the liiunlnr ritMrr.
rtilll Cuhn, Agent.
Eatra Pal Star Brewery Bear
In Half lint Bottl. tcati be
had only at Hie
City Hotel Bar!
Whr tilth trad I .Inquire and Clgara are alao
krpt by Ted,
Niw Finn YHt.-Wm. Oordno has
oprtii-d op tbe frl yfl out lw to
tha(laitt ofT.c, and ti aoticta
Lara of onr pairiitiag. Billy la right
at homo at tbia titilnea, and jrmr
horaea will I II Irxike l aft. I'rlffaa
raaaocabU. Hay and grata for at. tf.
fapiala awr.ay. ('. a. A.
Am l.KO. Ckl.. aaye: -hhiloL'e ,
Catarrh ll-nulf la lh- fli mtiPltia t
bat fff f .ni I Ihil "oul ldo me any
mno-i." I'ftr .VI cola. Ftr ala by
Walla A W.rrco.
Minor & Oo.'s will commence Satur
day Jan. 11, and for a limited time will
sell all dry goods at exaot cost.
L. O. Connor, boot and shoeoiaker,
Repairing neatly done. May St.. Abra
bamsick building, Heppner, Or. tt
Best accommodation and courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Heventb
and Wash. 8ts Portland, Oregon.
lhe (iuzette will take last epnng
oalves in lieu of oasb. Any one owing
who bas oattle can easly liquidate, if ao
inclined. tf
Mrs. Mark P. Johns and baby left for
Pendleton Saturday last, after spending
a few dayt pleasantly with relatives in
W. J. Leezr Bella a one pound pack
age nf tea, "Crown" brand, at 60 rents
and gives io addition one silver plated
teuspoon. a
Elmer Sloonrn. the artist, will make
cabinet photos for the next 30 days at
$2 per dozen. Gallery opposite opera
bonne. tf,
T. 11. Howard makes a specialty in
supplying stookmen witb all Deeded
articles, beside carrying a geuernl line
Hoe bis new ad. tf
Wilson Brock came np from Hills
born Inst night and will take charge of
tba old P. Cobn drag stand as manager
and half owner.
To restore gray hair to Ha natural
color as iu on tli, cause it to grow
abundant and strong, there Is no better
preparation than Hall's Ualr IWnewer.
The item in last isaua In reference to
the Maooabeea wa wrong. Tbe election
nf ollVers ooenrred last Friday, not tbe
installation. Tbia event It let for FriJay
Jan. 17th.
Frank Hossba opened up a restaurant
in the Minor building, next door to u
M. Jones' harbor shop. White labor
throughout and rate by meal or week
very reaaooable. trD-tf,
J . W. hern, the city painter, It pre-
pared to do all kind nf paiutiog and
patier hanging and will do houae clean
in if and tuk np and put down carpta
Oflica on Mata street, opposite City
Alvin ilueeell, who was taken to
Oregon Citr recently on a charge of
Wirier. peMd tbrongb to wo last week
on hi war back to Grant county. Ue
urnved bta innocence beyond all
nratlin of donbt
The Gatett will goto tbe raab tystem
no March 1. l.W. I'atrooe of tba paprr,
by aalwonptloo or olherwtaa, will t
fir (I beraonallv io the near future
Alter March 1. tboea who do Dot par do
Dot g-l any paper.
A Orai tivraaa e riverrlpiloa.
Diavaae'l blon.1. fopat I nation, toi
ki.ln. liver and bnal trottble are
rnred br Karl'a Clover Hoot lea. for
at by Wells k Warrto.
A dose that is always seasonable is a
dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the
King of Liver Medicines." It keeps
the liver aolive; the bowels regular;
prevents biliousness; and promotes di
gestion. In fact helps keep you well.
I have watched it's effects in families
where I have practiced, and find it ad
mirable; both alterative and tonio in its,
action." Dr. T. W. Mason, Maoon, Ga.
Religious servioea and entertain
ments in Heppner are nearly always dis
turbed by a lot of rude boys who think
themselves men, but who, from the point
ot politeness and manliness, lack a great
deal of it. It is a burning shame that
this is allowed to go on uninterrupted
Anyone who goes out in public should
behave, and It is nothing to their oredit
when they tail to do so.
Ring out the bells the hour grows hot, 'tis
Eighteen Ninety Six;
Columbia's boiis have surely got the Britons in
a tlx:
Your starry banner proudly floats and Justice
rules on hit'h.
But .lon't forget to wet your throats with Sporrj's
unwoua itye,
tf. At tbe Belvedere saloon
It is a common ooourrenoe in Henp-1
ner for young boys almost young men,
in faot and who ought to be gentlemen.
to use vulgar language in the preseuoe
of young girls. The Gazette is always a
friend to yonng people, when they be
have and do what is right, but it propos
es to unmercifully soore the next perpe
trator of this dirty work. Parents ought
Dot and will not stand it.
"Old, yet ever new, and simple and
beautiful ever," sings the poet, in words
wbiob might well apply to Ayer s oarsa
parilla tbe most efficient and scientific
blond-purifier ever ofiered to suffering
humanity. Nothing but superior merit
keeps it so long at tbe front.
8chool Exerches. Oa last Saturday
evening, tbe pupils of the Roid distriot,
assisted by their teaoher, Miss Delia
Reed, gave a very oreditable entertain
ment, tbe oooasion being in honor of tbe
olose ot a very snooessful term of school.
Tbe school house was orowded to its
utmost capaoity. Tbe entertainment
was a Complete sucoess and was enjoyed
alike by pupils, parents and friends.
Mr. G. D. Coats informs us that Miss
ReeoV gave exoellent satisfaction as a
teaoher, and is appreciated by tbe entire
Are you Made
Miserable by Indigestion, Constipation,
Dizziness. Loss ot Appetite, Yellow
Skio? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive
cure. Fur sale by Wells & Warren.
A. O. TJ. W. Installation. On Jan.
8th, the following officers were installed
by Whitman Lodge, A. O. TJ. W.:
M. W., F. J. Hallook; foreman, J. N.
Brown; overseer, D. B. Stalter; recorder,
W. I'. Sorivuer; fluancier, J, J. Roberts;
receiver, ueo. uonser; guide. J. i,
Kirk; I. W., 8. 8. Horner; O. W., J. L
ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
Is Your
Blood Pure
If It Is, you will be strong, vigotottt,
full ot life and ambition; you will have
good appetite and good digestion;
strong nerves, sweet sleep.
But how few can say that their blood
Is purel How many people are suffering
daily from the consequences of Impure
blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism,
catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and
That Tired Feeling.
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes
and enriches ltd blood. Therefore, it Is
tho urw.';.;o fjr 5 ou.
It will give you pure, rich, red blood
and strong nerves.
It will overcome that tired feeling,
create an appetite, give refreshing sleep
ana maKe you strong.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye today.
Hood's Pills
the after-dtiinrr p"l and
family cathartic 2:x.
Scott Stone dropped over from Little
Butter oreek Wednesday. He will
leave about the 15tb iust. for the Nez
Perce reservation, having Ukeo an
interest in tbe new town ot Nez Ferce
City. Tbe government has douated 320
acres for this the site.
The best anodyne and expeotoraot for
tbe enre otoolds, ooughs.aod all throat,
lung, and bronobial troubles, is un
doubtedly, Aver's Cherry 1'eotoral, tbe
only specina for colds aud coughs ad
mitted 00 exhibition ut the Chicago
World's Fair.
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old-
timer" in tbe tonsorial line, has again
located in Heppner, having purchased
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building
opposite tbe city hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call when in town.
Died Near Lone Rock, on Nev)
Tr . 1. ..I
xeur 1 morning, rare, jane crown, mom
r of Hil tiro wo and grandmother of
Eli Keeney, of Heppner. Deceased whs
aged 83 years, and died from old Age fnd
Echo stage leaves Heppner Monday
Wednesdays and Fridajt. Leaves Echo
Tuesdays, Tursdayt and tiatnrd i)s.
rare 82 eaoh way. Othoe. Wei's A
Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driskell, I'rop
Waldron Rbea and wife moved this
week into the cottage, next door to
Frank McFarlatid'a residence, while l! 'b
Gilmore and lamily take op thtr rn.
iJctioe anrons the street in U. C. rnr
gi ut's place.
Dr. E. R. Uunlock, of Lone Rock, was
a visitor to Heppner Jnesdny and
Wednesday of tbia week. Tba Dr. is one
of the most eotbiiNiato Kbighls of
Fylbiat in Oregon.
Fred Melcbior claim to be the beat
well digger in tbe count y. Welle dug
tiy the day r by tbe font. Address him
at Davidtuo, Or. 400 lui,
The Northern Counties')
investment irust.
Limited, Plaintiff,
G. W. Stewart, James n,
Hamilton, (J. W. Har- I
riiiKto i, Artdie Parvin
and J. N. Brown, I
Defendants, J
To G. V. Stewart and James D.Hamilton
In the name of the state or Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the ab.ive entitled
suit on or before the first day of the nextregu
lar term 01 tne above entitled court, to-wit
Monday, the 2d day of Miiroli, IK'Jfi,
and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiir will apply to the court for the
renei aemannen in sain complaint, to-wit:
A decree for the sum of One Thousand Dolla'S
poid coin with interest thereon at the rate of
eiKht per cent per annum from the first day of
July, IK',12, until paid. For the sum of Hix and
Fifty-two hundredths Dollars with Interest
thereon at the rate of eiKht per cent per annum
from the 9th day of Jumuvy, 18!5, aud the sum
of One Hundred Dallars, attorney's fees, aud
costs and disbursements of this suit.
Also for tho foreclosure of the mortgage ex
ecuted by defendant G. W. Stewart to secure
the payment of the same and conveying tl e W'4
of theSWHec. J. The WU of the NVt'H, the
K of the 8K'4, and the Ntt'k of the HK! 8cc.
ill, and theSVV!4 of the 8W14 of Sec. Hi, all in
Tp 5 South of KanRo '25 E. W M., for the sale of
said premises aud for judgment and execution
against the defendant U. W. Stewart fur any de
liciency which may remain after applying the
proceeds of the sale of said premises in payment
of the above named sums, and for such further
relief as Is demanded in plalutllrs complaint.
1 nis summons is puDiisneii oy orncr 01 Hon
Stephen A. Ixiwell, judge of the sixth judicial
district 01 me suite 01 urcgon, oaten December
is, i. J. . UKOHK,
i'M-ill. Attorney for l'laliitltr.
Li co-partner-hlp heretofore existing between
8. W. McadowB and W. P. Scrivner, under the
nrm name of Meadows x Scrivner, doing bust
ness as blacksmiths in the town of Hcppnei,
nan tins nay neen dissolved by mutual consent
S. W. Menilows will continue the business, col
lect all debts and pay all bills for the said firm.
All accounts must be settled by cash or note
Mr. Scrivner desires to state to the public that
he will continue his business as wagon maker
and repairer at the same stand, and guarantees
satisfaction as heretofore.
R. W. MEnoV8,
Dated at Heppner, Or., Dec. 3, IS113. Ui) 03
Do h fat ?
Some people want the earth; you can get a
goodly portion of it at
With very little money. He keeps a full line
of general merchandise, including dry
goods, groceries, boots, shoes.
Selling Out
L of Oregon, for the County of Morrow,
Delia . neidon,
Frank U Wcldon. I
Defendant. I
To Frank L. Wcldon, Defondant
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer U the
complaint tiled agalnt you lu tho above entlted
suit 011 or before the Drat day nf the next
regular term of the above entitled court tow It:
Mnaday, March 2il, 1H;
and If you fall to answer nrothcrwlae plead for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for a decree dlnanlvlng tbe
mirrtuge iHin.la now lll:;f betwron you aim
heralf, and also fur a itveree awarding the care
and cuatiMlT of the six minor children towlt
Delia K.lllh Wcldon. Ully honl.w Weldon,
Inland Stanford Wcldon, Frank U'onurd VVtddnu,
(icorga Irving Wcldon and IVarl Weldon, the
irons 01 said mnrriagc to iiihiiiiiii.
Thli summons la iMilillnhed by order nf Hon
Stephen A. liuwell, Judge of the circuit court of
the State ot Oregon, for the sixth Judicial
district, uatva January uui,
m-17 Attorneys for plaintiff.
Our Entire Stock of Millinery,
Underwear, Hosiery, Dry
Goods, Yarns, Etc.
A ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
II. Townsend,
Thomas Walden, W. O.
scott, ueo. w. Harris,
To Thomas Walden and G. W. Harris, Defend
In the name of the State of Oregon, von are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the i bo',e entitled
suit on or before tne tlrst day of the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court towlt:
Monday, the 2d day of March, 1H1I6;
and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the c urt for the
relief demanded In sulci complaint, to-wit:
Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal
don, for the sum of Two lluudnd Four and
Sixty One-Hundredtlis Dollars in II S. Gold
Coin, with Interest thereon at the rate of 1(1 per
cent, per annum, Irom the flrstdavof Febrdary,
until paid, and lor tne lurnier sum or
lhlrty-Flve Dollars, attorney's fee. together
with the costs and disbursements of this -lilt to
be taxed.
A imI that the mortgage described In plalutllrs
complaint be foreclosed and that the premises
tnerein nesermcci, to-wit: tne nw4 01 nee. n,
Tpl N , R Z K, W. M., be sold to satisfy said
And that tne said lien. w. Harris and an per
sons claiming by, through or under him be
forever barred of all right or equity ot redemp.
linn 111 in id premises.
This summons la published by order of Hon
Stephen A. Ixiwell. judge of the sixth judicial
district of the State of Oregon, dated December
ihin, ism. j. n. BKtiw w.
arj 412. Attorney for I'lalntlfl
If you want bargains now is the time. We
are going out of business.
lug nf tba alncklintdcra of tli 'Heppner
building At 1oKil Aaa elation will lia held at
their olllce la Heppner. Oregon, nil tbe second
Tuesday of January, IN'.M, In'twcco the hours of
III a. in and 4 p in. of a'd day, for tba pin pose
01 ciccuiik directors lor me ensuing vear,
Kll. It. HI.-ll'iP,
Heppner, Or., Dec. 5, IW. S'JI Kce'y
Make Voaraelf Htruae;
If you would resist imeuniooia, bron
chitis. Uphold frfr, and prtaiatent
ontitfhs and ool .a. The ilia a'Uck the
weak and ran dowo system. They co
tlnd on foot bold whara tha blood la kepi
pnra, ricb and full of vitality. Ilia appe
tite good and digeatloti vitfroiia, ilb
IIixmI's Sarsaparilla, tba ooa tf ua blood
Hood's t'llla cora llrer ilia, cont.
pat.ou, billnuanrsa, jaObdlO, tltk liiad-acbt.
'N SiHIS is a shecnhcnl-
': 1 A cr uJ,r ias )ccn 0111
l h :$p (bur months, but hel
t' V'. 1 loooks like a new mnnO
X f now for he has been -
w ;.i
i I
dressed up at
IIoKNI.K iV! Km. AS.
orner & Rhea,
a a fia Naaaal Ba Btii-
Hi t IIRD Oro llaywiKid. natite of
Kntflaud. shot hlniaf laat rr play, pro
duoinrf llialaut dH'h. l)-aaaed vat a
pocatiaf sort of a fnrj, but was ala)s
OfiniiJervd sa'ia. Itai peara that a toy
as stopplhsf ltb blin, and on Iba day
of Ida anloi U siit Lin away 00 a- ma
pretatita. Ua ralurtilntf, tba Imijjt found
II ratlin I.K-ked. and baratitig tba d'Xif
jopao loanJ that uayaooa dm iiusd
biruse'f iib a b -tgaa, blowing tba lop
of bit beat i'S. l).TaaJ was alraal
4.1 jjMrs t.f a and learra if aoJ
fami J Id lli nl and.
1 as ttia saa U I ar4
: t. lhn i.l Millob'a Cura. Tbia gral
I'. iiIi Cur ia tUm titity ki"n rtu1y
' r thai l.ffit.U iieae, For Sa'a b
) ilia 4 Warrafi.
1 nf Morinw, State of Oregon,
John V. Crosby,
Alexander iiraham,
(irnhaui, wife of anld
Alesauder lira ha in.
1 be National lliiuk of
Heppner, a roruira
tloii.aud Flank llauer
loan, as Kinelver of
the I'Mithard Invest
tueut roiuttany, a cor
tKira'loii, lielrn.lanla
To Alexander (.raliam. Defendant.
Io Hit name of I ha Htata of Itregoii. (nuirt
herely required toaptear nnd auwrr tbeeom-
piaini nid airai' si ,,n in the aiiovt entitled
caiiae. 1111 or In-lore the ft rat da ol the nest
regular term ol the alaiva riilllled murt. Io II
Mnaday, I ha H Hay ol Marrh. IS'.fU.
And If you fall so to answer, lor waul Iheieof
the plalolld will Hpl.lv to thecourt for Hit rcllel
demanded u aald citniplalnl. Ut all
A Judxmeiil ai d dwree afallil you fof Iba
loin ( n willi Interest thereon at Hie fate
ol cL-hl M-r reid -f atitiutii frotn the Aral da
of July, vil, and l"f a maoi able toin to lar de
termined by the court as ail attorneys ler, and
for rtta ill llita anil.
Ali for a de. fee furerliialtitf a morlgare mad
by you 011 the folloa lug diwrlld .ieinia.4.
Itnaled In Morrow rouiily, niegoii. towlt
1 beef 1, i,f h.Tti"ii a, loi,aliii I North, of
I'.an VI Kot Wlllaiuelie M.flll.n, and re
fiifdetl In Ibe reeordsof inoftrafea o aa deaiutity
In lti "I ," f-ar l Ai, ixiaiel ,; aa In ail
lb fefeli, tenia herein liame.1. add for the aale
of aald premta.a Io aattly aald )l.1nilit and
de-re. lotereal eiata and attorney a tr
Ibia auuitnoiia la publlthed l.v ufder nf
atei ben A I oaeil, Jndfe .if ill 1 in nil I ftiirt
I id Iba atale nf iire(r..B ,,r M ,r., 1 oiiulj. sua I
1 utl the Stto day ill lanoarr. a..
I i. N. till' I A S and O ! rt I 14
I I I? Attorneys lor I'lalnlltT
t' lug of the stockholders nf lhe National
Hank of Heppner a III be held at Ha banking
hmiae, III Heppner, on the sei-ond I ucailay of
January, tH'tweeu the hotira of lu a m and 4 p
111 of said day. for the purMiae of electing dlrec
tors lor the cum.iig tear
f it R. IIIHIlnt', f'aahler.
Heppner, Or,, Itvv. 4, '. a 'l J In.
TlMK'.ll ri'l.TtUK.
I TMTKI) KTATFi l.sNfl fiFr-HK
t 1 tirande, uregoii, Nov. p.tli, I
plallll lia lug le-ell made at tliia oltlee by tin
duly verlll-l aitnlavll of Hauiuel M. lirlde, I leg-
lug that t in. II Vauhite. whn made 'Ilmlier
Cultiile entry No. I.l.;, at the lnd llltlee at l
iirande. iireg.iu. on the Ian day of l-euiber,
l-l. Inr the N'4 ol N1 Hee, II. 1 u. IS.lt R, M
M . baa w holly aliand -d Ibe aabl trai l; Ibat
claimant bas lulled In plant any I tees mem ald
tract ol la d al any lime aiui-e tba entry of the
same and thai there is not no any Ire. s grow
log thereon aa l.v la reuutrel
ibetelnre. Willi a I lew of lhe ca nrellatloll of
tbe tame, the aald larllea are rai h hereby re-
iiur.-f and an in tunnel to lie and apiear la lora
j M. Moffo. i'omuiv cler nt Morrow rounty,
llfeaiili, at lilt olliee 10 llepltlier. I reiol. fill I hr
,ii,Uyo January, I-"., al the hour of lu
oiiie k.A M , and produ, am Ii l.ilinony aa
Ihey tnai hat e i'om-.rni,g Iba aald allegatbtna
1 he final IlivrH g In le- had le-lore the regkkter
and reieie al la iiraude, Hreg..u, on Jaunary
I.lli, I" "., al l'i o 1 1. k A M
H K W II ""V. It.fl.lef.
ri'.lirl i II. llUlllllSl. Ile.eer
I.'itTair ir jt ti a ar am ir ka ii
I Sollr ta l.elel.y gl.eu, that 1. Iter of ad
Milniatratl-m ifti tl.a riaia of Jnatoa rlrainaii.
rlw eae. w mtw gfatll.-d tntti Uleflgi, nn
lb thud day id January, 1 . b ll.a I ..01. 1.
I onl of ..ri'i immtr Ail l-iaona i,a.iig
r'alo.a agalmt aald eaUte are r.'.titr. ii at.
I ltl't them in n, f..r aiiowaiee at my home In
' hla. k llorae lirey.n, wlil.lu at 1 tni.t.tl.a altel
the rial of Ibis liolba of Ihrt altall U lolaief
1 hit Ifd day ( January e
. ii a rvv.
U. A lo.M.lalialfll.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Suitlies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
lie will make it so object fur you to trade with
him as Lis prices are right, and all goods that he
hnndlcs are of the very bout.
Street, Next
Drug Store,
"There i a tide in the affmri of mm
Thai, if tdken nt il JUhhI, l-wis on to fortune."
The flood in hero and ao is
With a full line of
I Iimlwnf'. Tinwuif. flliiHftwniv, C?i-fH'Ufi,v. WockI
and ViUwvait. CtMlarTntirt at Hclffxlc i'l ioen.
They run an llht
Ihry ma nit lu Iht blglil.
Tho only Kicluaivo Hardware KUire lictweuii The lall ami IViidlfton
iiMlf tr' l.jr i'ltir !( iIm tifl i.r-lf
tf MV il'll Ifia l Ali'l flila fr'l (til Htit i ti
It. Hi ntt-r f( lh atttjata of i H' II Mrtaii
(frgiii tr V-fMi C'ttlr f Oitti In ti,tmm
liiv Uf.trwif;tir1 ft Jintiiltrl'f ! Iha Ml )
t( m (it "'tt f fof Mi ! .il.iir n tat l I
I.lgtii ! M-I'tsnf l'f fh In liit' iM ttt'm1,
j.rniort 1 I 0. f ft In I ho to'r !,.,. 11 i,
tt.l fUf III Ut If'Hil 'l-a-.f if II. m ii iM hiMr. i
i -1 r M'rfnt I l 1 g .ti ll .n
ng ! filr fa-al .f'.t-"r1f U ,ntg Ut thm
mf I. 'ft "I la (! itrl III Mtfru I 'Hll
I i tf'.ti II It. ( Is -t i4iMff .f
t .Ii 1 1 , lit T'a Itti' ' 1 1 -'MI,
Pmt.fm ti.lf ttifn t ' I Wliftrtt
Mrt ltM r-t l -'! I..--U .'; I t( lf
Hi I (ii m us um i(t ii-n thm m
fi l.f'.t-frlf, jh I t si.flt.t,..n
1 mil m'fi' Im Hi (r t,jf , 9 (iltt.
I tttHljr I uiri.
1.n..1f.f .1 tli u (i H,
lf li. Ita --l
l-attst Hit .Hi 'lav ! at 1 t . 4
Villi R or iaul.i Tint.
AI'IIMa1N1"ll a Mllli I.
W'K, utr tMiM.-t.Nrii, rhTMNti
If h leiain lie. a 11 MO'leS tl.a fiftn
Null' r
r .,01 4..r,i,i.,n iiic
III Ji .
! ill) 1l.,. .y
M ..i. la alt
1.1 el t. ,ina aff
..T I'll'a! Il'klag I'ltea.
hr ifiia-M"'t'H; M.laai Hnt.tr. j
an I ai.i gii.gi n..-t nt .tl.l ; ar I,; (
1 ar-f all Ii ig II in-el .l p-miinri-i
filill 'M foftf. aliieh ift de. abl I
! n'. ra. Ni nltilbg irtt 11.1a faT
i 0f sf fsi lb Hfl. i t ari l lil. !
tj, l.aala nlrral'ft, .! ! Im4
jf.ru' lt timi' ilraggiala, or
h) ttiil, lt '.. i iwf.ia )f HvaruaA Hon,
j tl Had-li ...
i raa i
aa .. ta l 1
na Ka('a ('lul. f ),
1 m a'l n1 l.fi '
I Ma l l sa' l.
t.an.ea of re ti.eiy, a,.,
t . I'hlil I ..1.11, I l... . at.
all iiotlr that wa !,. It
noil l rue. ..I H f h
lo Jr . li rvla'n II
ll.a i.M a;,e 'im J.,1. .ii.ei III , I .. t a'at d
ly a l ov,a M l.i ftrn.a and rml a. I a
I'M' '1 A aait.a
a M.iiii I1.1.I1 ad a
Jan ,.11. A l !-
I MH I 1 mm a
! I a K A'.ele.
a llfl-riiT hlMI tllst INK
itia a'l l.a i-n it.oy ariieii i.y
i.a ro.inif l tl'.ii., r.'ti.i iif,.n
a'l f.le-llia. .A ll.a eaiale of Aiiia.t.f
ii. i.i t I a .d an iia a i.a-le
1 ! al m liii.i. aia l.n.i t l ii,. t
. -t. '.I ll.e M'K. fi t. I lflf... t, I. a l
e...iiian.i at II. el .e i.f J n fio an l
li.-l,ii iie., aiMtnsia mm.tba Ifoa tl.a
ilau .A 11. ;a i.'.i,'
1 at a' ' t-. ia
I ll. I n. I" I- I
HslHIR M I.l I UT. MMl, IHiHir
1jnTrn rtra i.im
I lb Iwi.a ii.n Jan
firri. I T
1 I a. s..i. i
la .! y (I.e., I' al .. t W '' II. (. ,
I fl , i. .A r.len .. I.i hi.ii ,
ft. a f - I '!.. .....-., . ra. .J ,
ai 1 II ii. t nn . i,
II. I al, Ami "1 I' ' iaf " tin. 1.1 t . I ua
at 1 fn l.-i ll.a l -t a-n..T 1
r. I . I.l,. r. i .,!!, a' 4 $4 I '
Ma i..a aa w li. 1 ,.. a:'fc '
J..!1 en. 1, .9m m .,ra I w.a II e
a. 1 '.f I , - ji"'.. iim f ....
i4 r n ,f
l It ! .!
,ailllr-. r aim wM'U i lia airilMl
r i in 1 nr i.r, 11 1 in t im r
i 1-. a -n. i ..I i-. ,. 1. .
s. u ...a. f. t ..I If. 11 . ..i. ai u
... ... I I ,. y ..1 ......a-f
11 . r.ii'
I n.a I.
.. . ... 1
.... 1. ,
t .- I. ..ii
- ..1
1 ..I i
M l
I .
a. I I
I !...
H 1 e t 'n I
'I P
1 1
HnVit (if Inttn'.on
Tho Key mm
I-'or tin Chid o.
I.i'junr.():um ni Tobacco Habits
It M l'al4 al aalani, (trtfna,
i 7ir il I t'Kiulifut Tovn on IKi CVuaf
I Tall al IN (litafta tfHr Inr rrtlanlar
aim lly n.i.t lai.lial lriu,ai.l tfliala sua tar
n .( I C a Vaa l itn nl il-il In I Hf IMI.
Hns evcrylhlny in tho lino of Fresh Groceries,
Cnndics, Nuts, unci nlso keeps Crockery,
Lnmps and Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty.
Cummings & Fall,
II 01 1 :
Gaiilt House,
It I II.MV I ' I '
I I .. tl
.A a .1 r . 4 i-.i.
.ka ae.4 I '. a 1 ..I
I Mil ''!. II t
A 1 4
I M I M IL t l ! --
(, 1 t r a I a .
ai.in ii I, I r li l
II ATI'.M sIM.imi I'ltM lAV
a Wat a a -4 I iiiIm ' ,
eit:;a).. ttt
I aa .. ta l I . , . -, anl
I a ti.a. la
I- tl U...
,v ' lirtllt llaf ii. 1
. ., . . I-1. . II. -. I
1 ,i., I iiiF'i M'wiiii-iii if iiriff 1 ... . 1 . 1 1 . 1
l in ' a 1.1..11 w .,,.... ai tl. 1 1 r j ( l-t
, J,n ' lid rt I N.'i'.a -m SHn'iii 1 .. 1 .a r 'Nim . !.., , . a . . j
1 r.i I f I'M ''' A'l Il T '- '" '" 1 -. tar,
(" I I.' if . 4 ' Mi , g . H'f 1 r ..... r 11 ---' 's
, w , 1 . a a . t 4 't a a saaaa 1 mmmmmm
s " " J ' " II.. .a I.. I. -. . m a a a ,
.-.. r.-i .. ,. . . .,..,. , .
... , -...-...,,.... ...... . i-..-, .4... III.; I'aflAri'An
1::,;,::.-'v;ri;-.:tr. ,st -iUUS lUKlSuO
... . im..i . .. .a ,. 4 f i -.. ' 1 a f . VI1 I unvinvii
l ' ail , !.('. if I
rt m & T a l
Toa aa a a a
tlaicai rataajTi,
CoctasoHTa. aaa.
a.-a wt it a4 r ai.a i.... ffi
a. a a an l- ... lit -,
1. f a a-.-'"
... iui...iiiiia . aa "
a, a m a' liaaal.aait aa Saay
Scientific tnetican
I .a a.iwMia.1. mi . .tja.i aaa. 1
a- - a a, - . 1 - .-aa. I a. .-f
I m:. m,t tal l Ht
1 .... i.toa a a 1
aa. a. aa. I la4aw, ! UWi
Ai.r li.wnl f In ,a'n I n a' l
' 1 iai ItKva i t an alt .iu; la
, Ms B..ii,,fi.. . C, a,li r4 il lis
1 aHanlaga In rail a Of a I I. i fa.
Utr. '
ajijxrvr'ii- '