Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 10, 1896, Image 2

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    THE DRAM&.
Gold, gold, ia all one can bear
from Washington.
The pirate takes what is not
his own. The Wall-streeter does
the same.
Licensed robbery is being per
petrated in Wall sheet, and the
people are the losers.
Germany and England are now
having a tilt. England has more
rows than she can take care of.
& Very Hncermfal Rendition at the Opera
House. Last Saturday Evenlag.
On last Saturday evening, a company
of Heppnar's favorite amateurs present
ed to a large audience, tbe drama,
"TcDy, tbe Conviot." The oaet was aa
Tony Warren, a many-Bided character
who has an boDeat heart beneath hie
ragged ooat, S. 8. Horner; Weary Way
side, hia henchman "too tired to work,"
James Hart: James Barolav. hard
hearted and vindictive, Clyde Saliug;
Philip Warburton, a sooial leader, Clay
Folsom; Judge Van Cruger, of the
Supreme Court, Harry Warren; Warden
Burrows, of Sing Siug prison, R p'.
Hynd; Jackson, the negro footman,
ilomer Harrington; Lena, the reputed
daughter of Judge Van Croger, Mabel
Herren; Mrs. Van Cruger, Cora Rhea;
Miss Sedley, who takes pleasure in being
disagreeable, Lena Bebme; Sally, with
a soul above hush, Floes Famsworth,
Tbe musio was very good and tbe
whole play muoh appreciated. Mies
Anna Brown and Mr. J. E. Lathrop
rendered vooal soloe which were well
Miss Elizabeth Matlook, who bad
charge of the entertainment, reports a
?60 bouse, netting $36 whioh will be
turned over to the Fpisoopal church,
All deserve muoh oredit for their efforts
to present this highly moral play so
The past administration should
appear in history as "the chrono
logical recapitulation of collossal
Any person who will support the
gold standard in the face of what
i now happening every clay, can
swallow an elephant at a single
gulp- mmmmm
Vest, of Missouri, went aftor
the administration in the senate
the other day. lie quoted Carlisle
against himself. This is not diffi
cult to do.
Major Post, the government
engineer, died in New York, this
week of appoplexy. He whs
prominently connected witli the
Cascade locks.
While thoro aro quito a num
ber of prominent republican with
congressional aspirations iu Ore
gon, yet it is hardly probable that
the opposition to Hermann and
Ellis will assume any great pro
portion!. Union Uopublicau.
THE gold reserve is down to
about 150,000,00a Just as well
Lave bad the rimorvfl intact, and if
the government had exercised its
prerogative and paid out silver for
silver obligntionH there would have
boon no trouble. And if the
Wilson-Gorman law had nt boon
passed the treasury would have
gotten in morn money than was
lloTdof Oregon' cotigroHHinon
voted Against the Ihiii 1 bill. This
will bo pleasing to their constitu
ency. This country Las had too
many Uicds already. What is
noedod is a protective mennurn
that will supply revenue mil1ioir-.it
to maintain the government ax wi ll
M furnish protoctiuu to Atimiifiiti
litlor and imliihtry. Tniiii K(.
Tilt freo and unlimited coinage
of silver U the only II, in that
will over break the combine which
holds neatly every nation mi earth
by tho throat If I ho diiT.-rciic
between gold and nilvcr canm I U
bridged over, an tho gold-bug
avor, then Id tin go to a eiUnr
banis, and then M the g.M lut
go t Nrdiliii, if thry hr iiot
alir-ficd with ihia rliiunte.
Lively as a Cricket.
11.1 l . . n .
aiiuougn in ine nre. instanoe as
sluggish as a tortoise, the kidneys be
come as lively as a cricket when i
healthful impulae is given to them with
EinBtetter's Stomaoh Bitters, a Dro'
moter of activity in these organs which
counteracts a tendency to their lethargy
and disease. Ionotion of tbe kidneys,
it should be remembered, is the first
stage of those dangerous renal maladies
against wbioh tbe resources of medical
soience are too often exhausted in vain
Peri! is forestalled by the Bitters, which
averts Jiright g disease, diabetes. droDsv,
gravel and the troubles arising from a
weak bladder. Equally efficacious is
it in checking and eradicating malarial
bilious and nervous ailments, dyspepsia
constipation ana rheumatism. Adds
tile and t-leep are improved and oonva-
lennenoe hastened by its benefloient
aoiion. Either when health is slightly
or seriously impaired, the value of this
restorative and preventive medicine
is speedily made manliest.
Thb Black Butte Trouble. Word
cornea from Long Creek that John
Ongeu is having some trouble with the
lilaok Butte not particularly with the
mine, but with mme men who claim a
portion of it. Mr. Qagen bought tbe
Black Untie proper from Ed. C. Allen
now of Pendleton, wbioh was thought to
include all tho mining grouod np to the
Jordan claim. However, there proved
to be a itrip of ground between tl
Jordan and Black Bulto to which Mr,
Oagcn bad no title, or, at least, to which
it would have been diflloult to establis
ownership. Win, liurnbnm and Dick
Murphy filed on this atrip, and Mr
(iiigen gave them 81.0(h) as owners of
the same to settle the dispute, lie-
rently it transpired that Win. Radio,
W. H. Bobbin and W. F. Hilverlootb
had a olaim mi the No Man's strip, or
claimed to have, and hired men to work
out the BSHCKHiuenl, Mr (ingei) warned
theiunlThy threatening nrrtat, and the
following day iiitd stronger argument
and the hove not being hired to fltili'
l, ft without further ado. However, the
report that a lot nf mi I'd men having
driven them i.lf is boeh. Only iuih man
had a gun, mid we are reliably inform-!
t'nit he was not connected with Mr.
O.igen la the mot '"r but had been out
burning and wan arei, lent illy a by
Uudrr. The Black Unite b been in
litigation ever since it was first die-
nnvered, and if the truth was known has
' hosted" more than one roan. It
valuable property, and yet Mr. ()gn
will be bit ky if he can get through with
nut being lad out nf eiiateiire.
Wurs Atnericntin club t.gitlior
to tUltiage the credit i f mir country
for aordnl gain, it l.ilt time
that aomethitig el.oul I bo done.
It leMiM In high trcnaoii rum.
tuit UcU hU unpaliiotic M't, and
though wa dieliLc much the
method t f the cu f Ku.-ia, j. I
oh tauld of Lie mighty poerr
ouht to U Wt' uixn the
rrraturce h call IhrinaoUre
Sum Rat Acer's at Ike W ..il.lt r.ir
Ayer'e Harsaphrille eiij a the rttraor
dinar d;linetion of having been IheimlT
blood pnnller allowed an eihibit el the
World' fair, Cbioag.t, Manafeolnrere
of oilier eareaimrilla ennglil ljr evary
mean lnol.Uin a allowing of their good
not Ihi'T were 'l Inrnrd away under the
nplii-atlon nf the ml forbidding the
entry of palrnt medininea and noatrnma.
The deemnm nf the World's fair ant hu
nt n-a in fa,.r f Ayet'e Hareaparilla was
in i fleet filo: Ayer Harsana-
rill i not a patent medicine. It do
not tiflong in the liat of tnwtrunia. It i
her on It merit.
A I'aftl.- A parly wm given Mis
Nlhft l.ne, of Walla Wall, last even
ing the real lenee of Hon. J. N. Brown,
i'f tin pit Mim t.jnnt ta a iir nf
mr l-.wnamaii, T. It. I.ron. and baa
I -.11 l.ilng Iter ftif III pl Wreka
AH pir-n: leemr.l .i enjoy ttimUpe
in ry eoiiie nf Tie wor.l, and alter
l)in padof game ao tot tor tiaimU
muMtiieul, a IhmiiiIi'uI rrpatl
l y !! h.ie., Mr i, N. Ilrowo,
ill!) irrt.nl dil J'.ln .i ,a (.
(o'O Th-M 1 1 r. til ef a followa.
From our Regular Correspondent.
There was a time when many repub
licans wbooonld not agree with what he
did respeoted Mr. Cleveland because
tbey believed him to be oonecientioue
and straightforward. That time has
passed. Mr Cleveland baa shown bim
self to be a trickster. And in nothing
hag be shown it plainer than in that
hysterical message appealing to con
gress for finanoial aid. Although that
appeal was made when cuogress was
ready to adjourn fo tbe holiday recess
manv members baying started for
home the republican majority at onoe
gave np tbe idea of a reoees and worked
even on Christmas day to respond to
the appeal, by preparing a tariff bill,
not exclusively tor protection but to
increase the revenues nf the country to
the extent of $40 000,000, and a bill
authorizing the sale of 3 per cent coin
bonds to maintain the gold reserve and
of the issuing of 3 par cent treasury
certificates to meet any immediate deficit.
These bills have been passed by tbe
bouse, although not a few republican
members voted reluctantly for the bond
bill, rathe' than have it said that tbe
republican bouse bad refused to aid tbe
president, and forty-seven voted against
it anyway.
It is now clear that Mr. Cleveland did
not want tbe aid of congress. That was
plainly Bbnwn when he, through Heore-
tarv Carlisle, deolared that the bouse
bond bill would not help tbe adminis
tration unless "ooin" was struck out and
"gold" was substituted therefor. That
was asking an impossibility, for Mr.
Cleveland knew perfeotly well that the
house was atretobing things to agree to
a bond bill at all, and that a bill for gold
bonds oould not get one hundred votes,
let alone pass. But that isn't all. It is
now announced that Mr, Cleveland will
not wait to see whether the senate will
pass the bouse bills, bat will prooeed to
make another issue of bonds, and that it
will be made large enough to carry bim
through the remainder of hi adminis
tration, and they are going to that same
old syndicate, although a pretense is to
be made of giving the publio an oppor
tunity to subsoribe for tbem.
The five reasons which Representative
Anderson, of Iowa, gave for supporting
the bond bill that passed the house are
weighty. First, the bill does not require
bond issue; only authorizes it, if
neoes ary; second, the bonds if issued
would bear a lower rate of interest than
those issued by the administration, and
those it is now arranging to issue under
tbe old law; third, it oompels the ad
ministration to give to our own oitizens
a obance to buy any bonds issued before
offering them to foreign bankers; fourth
it doe not retire the greenbacks, but
empowers the secretary of the treasury
to keep them out of the possession nf
speculators when necessary; fifth, it
prevents the administration selling
bond to meet ddUulenoies in the reve
nues, as It has done. This b iud bill is
a long way from representing what
repubtioan believe iunght to b done,
but it doe represent what can become a
law, if Ihe senate will oonsent, and that
I the principal reason for it having
been pnt through the house. The a I
ministration already has authority to
Usne bonds and no secret is made nf its
intention to use that authority. If
tlioae bond oould be issued nndertbe
house bill many million of dollar in
interest would lie saved. That' tbe
long and (hort nf it; it isn't a question
of principal so much as of dollar and
The linns committee on foreign
affair will report a resolution asking
Ihe president for information concern
ing Ihe alleged otleranoe of Ambassa
dor Bayard la pnblio speeches. Wbeo
that ioformatien I forthcoming, if Mr.
Ilayard ha been correctly reported, be
will bear from the house, and will not lie
a com men I a tor y roeags, either. The
same committee will ask for all Ihe
paper in lbs Waller ce.
It sounds od J t heir men dieonnsmg
Ihe probability nf half of the electoral
vote of Teia being cast for the repnl..
Iioao preeident'sl ticket c-lt year, but
men who know the siin itioo in Ihe stale
are doing that very thing. Mr, Frank
Welch, Trian who le mi in Vti-ioa-ton,
said; "There t bardly aoy
douhl of a sudi-eeaful p tiuhine between
the Tela republic. and popnliata,
nd their Coinhiue I f JH'i uOght Id be
In This Inntance Tour Topics Are Chosen
for Von.
The latest fashionable fad is the con
versation luncheon, which Is not to be
despised as an up-to-date mode of en
tertaining. Small tables are used, and
at each guest's plate besides the name
card is pluced the menu, with atopic
of conversation written beside each
course. All conversation except that
pertaining to the special subject is for
bidden, and in many cases this restric
tion itself makes the luncheon a very
jolly affair. At a recent conversation
luncheon held at Newport the subjects
chosen for conversation were as fol
lows: With the iced bouillon the guests
discussed the question: "Is the mascu
line idea of humor a sort of horse
play?" The conversation with the fish
treated entirely of "the new woman
and the way in which she will clothe
herself." The entree was eaten while
bicycle tales were being told. With the
salad was discussed the college-bred
girl. Frozen fruits were eaten while
the conversation turned toward the
weather, and the coffee was sipped
during the intervals of a heated dis
cussion for and against woman suffrage.
Many merchants are well aware that
tbeir oustomers are their best friends
and take pleasure in supplying tbem
with tbe best goods obtainable. As an
instance we mention Perry & Cameron,
prominent druggists of Flushing, Michi
gan. Tbey say: "We bave no hesi
tation in reoommending Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to onr customers, as it is
tbe best cough medicine we bave ever
sold, and always gives satisfaction."
For sale at 50 cents per bottlo by Pbill
Conn, druggist.
A Cable Detour Around a Range Seventy-
Five Miles Long.
There exists in the great ocean be
tween Australia and New Caledonia a
range of mighty submarine mountains,
whose limestone tops rise within three
hundred fathoms of the surface. The
discovery of these peaks, rising sheer
seventy-five hundred feet from the bot
tom of the deep sea, was made by the
men who have just finished laying the
first section of the trans-Pacific cable
Sir Audley Coote, says the San Fran
cisco Chronicle, who was at the head of
the cable expedition, arrived here re-
cently on the steamer Alameda from
Sydney, New South Wales. He said:
"The sea from Australia to New Cale
donia has been surveyed by a British
and by an American vessel. Your Al
batross went there and did some very
good work, but, as it happened, both
this expedition and the other missed
the strange feature of the ocean that I
can describe. We had anticipated no
great difficulty in laying the cable se&
tion, and did not find any until sud
denly the bottom of the ocean began to
rise. We were forced to cut the cable
there in midocean and to buoy up the
ends. It was then found that what
had hindered us was a range of sub
marine mountains.
"There is nothing else like this in
the world that I know of.
Mild, very mild, for January.
Stick to your resolutions and don't
permit them to blow away.
Tbe lone school closed this last wetk
after a successful session of ibret
montbs. Prof. Gilstrap has been out looking
for another school. He still resides in
our midst.
Another year at baud and the bi) s are
waiting patiently for a ch .nge of tactics
Who's first?
The people ot this vicinity show re
newed interest in our Sabbath sobnol.
It is well attended.
The lone literary and deba1i,ig society
whs well attended and an interesting
time was had. The following officers
were elected: Paul Baier, Pres ;
Mat Halverson, Vioe Pres.; Edward
Keller, Treas.
Wedding bells. Oa Christmas the
matrimonial ship agaiu launched in onr
neigooornooa, Having aboard to we
known and respected young people who
start out od life's voyage with tbe best
wishes from all. They are Mr. George
Allyn and Miss Cora Rus.-ell. We also
learn that Mr. Albert Allyn started on
the same journey on that day,
The Lexiugtoo publio sohool is pre
paring for another entertainment. It
will be of tbe nature ot a lecture de
livered by tbe advanced pupils, illns
trated by mHgto lantern aoenes, wi!h
additional literary exeroises and music
by the Lexington Cornet Bund. A
small admittance will be charged for the
benefit of the school library. This is
booked for Satnrduy, Fer. 1st.
January 6, 189G.
whole oil
You look at cod-liver oil. It is so much oil or fat.
But the chemists come along and tell us that in that
oil are united, in almost invisible form, most valuable
medicinal agents, that the fat of cod-liver oil is only
one of its merits, and that no process of medical skill
or chemical science can unite these peculiar properties
with oil as they exist in nature. This is why there
can he no substitute for cod-liver oil. When you get
mtt'c; Fmu! ;Son vou ?et the whole oil divi"
lUUiaiUll ded ntQ tjny little parti
cles, digested, and ready to be taken up into the system.
The hypophosphites which are combined with it are
valuable "tonics, increasing the appetite, strengthening
the nex-ves, and restoring vitality in the weakened
When you ask for Scott's Emulsion and your druggist give
yon a salmon-colored package with the picture of a man and
fish on it you can trust that man with your prescriptions I
so cents and $i.c9 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
3 cSsC
rttojrrsLoys ot Law,
All business attended to ir, a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Id The Kfglnnini;
Of a new year, when the winter ce'son
of close confinement is only half gone,
many find that their health begina to
break down; that the least exposure
threatens sickness. It is then as well as
at all other times, and with people even
in good health, that the following faots
should be remembered, namelv: ti nt
Hood's Sarsaparilla leads everything in
the way of medicines; that it aconm
plished tho greatest oures in the world ;
has tho largest rale in tbe world, n'id
requires the largest building iu the
world devoted exclusively to tbe prepa
ration of tbe proprietary medioine.
Does not this conclusively prove, if ynu
are sick, that Hood's Sarsaparilla is ihe
medicine for you to take?
( It 18 l
Jews i
more than 240 years since tbe
ews were first admitted, by special
license as it were, to the New Ntl. r-
lande, on the express condition that
j'tbe poor among them should not be-
,'come a burden to tbe company or to the
toommunity, but be enpuorted by their
The rooun-.0WD Datj0 BB( moBt loyally have
. , l I , . 1 , J 1
a.ns rise in a. ruplp"s-tbey kept the oompact that long since
measurement we found that the peaky
wore more than seven thousand feet h
the average, and the highest of them
seven thousand five hundred feet rom
the bot pin of the ocean. Xess r'm
three hundrM fathoma fro'n th('.'jr
face of the iter we found the tos of
the hlgl.ust mountains. The ranir'o ex
tends for nearly seventy-five miles
that ia, measuring from the extreme
northerly to the extreme son fill
eriy point. To lay the cable around
Una range took lorty-eignt nine
more of cable thun we had counted
on. We hail to go around the peaks
um a railroad would go around a moun
tain on laud."
CiMMin or nraixRHi. Echo and
Jnpoy have purchased tbe interest of
George in Ihe wash houe and have
uinved same lo Main street neit door lo
the opera house, where they will oon
duot a strictly first class laundry. 'Ihe
patmnage of all is solicited and satis
f aoiion guaranteed. 2 D.
The RfM ruoh Tare
is Hhilob'e Core. A neglected cough it
dangerous, Ht'ip
Hliiloli's Care.
it at once with
I s Titr. riKPt'iT t'ot'RT roR Tin roi sty
ui Hiimw, ftle ul crrgnn
HtMirv w liwlrf .
Wllllum Hrrmi-r,
. . a llr i,( Mhl
Wll lm llrrmrr. anl
trunk llatrrman. u
Krrftvcr "I II l'm
lrt! iir(nienl I tun
a i"I,rll"ii,
To Wlllmm ttrvmrr. IMen.Unl
.1 L I, Ln.ul nnl ll. .J. I .all.! I it 1 tie nam ttt In Nlate ol Hfrf.ttt
I fill sn i.f in.rv ih flr iWj ol In neat rrg uiar
,-ri riilril lo mrr sn.1 ? Ilir.ti
preeenl governor was only elected by ' l,lii nnl aiit ynu in ih i. iiiiu
plurality. It has xn agreml thai the
ppuliaie shall nam Ihe entire elate
tickrt ami that the pfrai.linlul rlictie
end reprrtenUihee io Con ! shall be
equally diet l l with the republicans."
The Ihiiico bating dm entarkeM
Week'e work "ill p'l-'-wd I J lake ite
roa. tt bung Oii.ler.t.i I Iti at It wiil
oo'jr tiierl ntiee tuoie, Jual l.i comi l
lib tbe law which ) that brill.rr
ti l in ol Ml. I r.iult. to II
The it tf nf tUrrfc. INI
n I K .m lall an m a'ir. ,.f aant llr.C
the ii .iiiiil alll ai'i'iy in lha fmirl ,.f ii, r.
Ilrl t.mal! In aal-l nm,ltil, all
r"'f J.rfmM aii't trr.- acalnal Mll'tam
r Ittrr t.,r the allrt ..I l !, allh i'lfl on
r 11 npv. alts fair l i tvr rf nl tt in
uiim lrit ili '1 lat til Jnn, I-. aMh ttitrr
ri ,.M fi . ihrr.1 al ili al ii a wr rnt wf
iiiii'ii'i Ifi.m in f rt ilt Itrartnlvr, lM.
a llh nl.rl nnlll Ihr-t. al Ih lal ol a -wt
prtl lf iihiiiih r.m Ih Aral ilaf ul Jtift. w I
a III, l"lr.frl on ! . Iltfftr,. al o tat a f.r
r'. (l anmin if- m ih n rat .laf ol lp-nitwr
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can bo procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, urpgon.
Tii,.n m.,,n,.n ur.il bp.i mi I ill ml with Grant. Harney. Crook. Gilliam anil other counties,
and can nin e money a it time in making tliuee sections with traveling men.
Prices in keepiiij; with tha times.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
oeaaed to bave force to bind. Tbeir
poor are not, and never were, a burden
upon the community. The Jewiab
inmatei ot the workhoim and alma
house can be counted on tbe flutters ol
one band aov day. They are not
pauperi. Of tbt thousand who reoeivec
help through the dreadful winter of two
yeare ogn, toaroe a half dozen rumained
to be aided wbeu work wae again to be
bad for wage. Tbe Jewihb cbaritie
are eupported with cetierneitv and
managed with a lucceee wbichCbrintiime
have good cauae to envy. They are not
ma by boar. Is nf director who at retch
llieir lege under the table in Ihe board
Mom while they leave the actual
management nf affaire lo paid eiipenn-
lendeota anJ offioiaU. The .Tew aa a
obaiity director direct. And uj bringa
to Ilia management of hi trust Ihe aame
qilaliiiee of buiuea aagacitv, of ni.irr-
lug judgment and praetiod ctiinuiou
enae with which be run bn etore nn
Hroadway. Naturally Ihe reull ia llie
arae From "The Jew nf Siw York,"
by Jacob A. ltiii, in Ihe Jauniiry U view
nf lUvirwe.
Palace Hotel,
C. i VAN DUYX, Proprietor.
J have taken full control of this
popuhir house, and mil vmkc it
strictly first class.
BEDS, 25 CTS.-
gtf Fri-e Itatln mid Free 'Uui for all Gueiu
mm IT LEST !
IF Mr. 'uluiisl.u;! u in nlivo
liny nml rull, , j.t Mat Licht
tlllll'H lil' In';
fry quit n t
ll'.li Ch.is w ,
in liis il'iy. II,
in:,!,i' 11 liriv tli.K'oV-
!;, .1 il.li' ,'iH Mint of
i u it ilir.ciV('ror
I !. v.i ulil nt tliis time
I, III ,t J-1 H'li llf hlllll'S
i'vr t-liunii in Ht iiii"r, nml tin
dli'llpi-nt ll-i Well. llht Mori! llMS
nini lnl in in t ii t '
T', !, II , il l! -I .' " rch iii,
m. i.u 'i 1 1 r.N'niAU
Mi, ii ,;'., i ifi ,i ut k''ii.
r tli
Mi.aea !i,e l.j.'i.a, MiWI .wr, I ml ng ee a'll,ing la 1.1 twi d n
Matd llf-q. I I r'an.a),.flh, C-ra ! wiiilt I M been Ukle" Ibla.e eeay, t nl
Mait, Mgi II. .ia, if. Cre llha. 1 1 ran l .ieo t.i wnik ll.ia eek. if li
Jennie Noble, Mail Utah, f jorene ! ei deeirre, ai ihe oraniii.a .f e.i.u
2itlie.ln, an I (Iteee itall. MeMie ( aaiiuea t.ae twen riiiplri4
T II I . . . . il a ft i-l i ... . m.. ..
, . , , , i "i". r. irrr.aai, lay i i.it.ir-', l'i , . I".' i.
Ameficail ill. .vii., nn. wli.i l-t , u-m. II ...I W. Helm..) --- -
(MitM.t witli t. li iJ wiallli witli-J J. W. Il.it, r. M,i f.a'l. It A
lUt ft -r f lll.-li. Il tl, 4 J.-nl ! I ", J II l, It.bl, l;al, Jaa
' 1 1 . . ... I li r it.., i..
I .,..1 . I., .,!. ii. 1.. .!. .... k.
blanch ot etingrra l iall a'jium f r . ,taaaatl..tii. , ai. l l..f i.ant.l
mre Ibaii Ure de willi mt the - I a .tr iniwi.-i , i-,.
-nl of Ibe llif. Lef.ne iitt M.iu.Uy. ! 'V'"""1 r'".inf ar.....an.i i aim.
' ! Ii. -Iata h'trl". namr-l a"-l Ih un nl aa1
an J nil"Miiu ill e neeJi-J al that i ...m.i i.mma n aaii.if aa)4 jultt,itit
a i 1 m. tmrrvai a, r
The Munnt Lebanon hhaker recnlly
petf"rmed a gnat deed nf chantv. al
Ibongb It wee not ib-eigned una rlmi'y,
being liiilhllig Rinre Dor lea than an
advertising a he me. 1 1 hnwver, re
anlted q great gmul j .( anin.
meygave away I .OKI hoitie. of f ilr
Ihgeaiive O'lr lial In Ulnae iufleritiii frum
lomach drraiigenienU.
It enlMi IT.i llf io curing Ihoae ho
nol the remedy thai Ihoy wrrn hmd
in tbeir nrale nf it and In rnnaiii,pe
a large demand f r the eonlinl wm at
onee create. I.
The drtigit nf Una Inwn h liltla
IwM.lta lha tll all ah nl it. ligaiv
Cordial ereati-e an aipiiie, aid d --
lion an. I hrlnga ah ml rapid liicia
in llrah and atrrtigUi j
I. I i. t Ihe nam nf a ul l ;
('lur Od Jnal Ihe thing t t rinMtan. 1
IVI' Plenty of them at the
j;liMi Gazdte Office. . . .
N'iw ' In
lIll' Milltll, t .. I
the Me.l. V. , ! .!
ly In fcil vp.l i-.., i.i.
ennliin'i ..f i ..
in li e al: l. 1', .
Iiri'iiii'nu h'l a I
font I'i tl. t nn
I 11(1,0 f,..a t,i i
1 1 -he WM-kly
le'apaper of
' i f i '.U.i einrt,
! ."i. N i ltir
r. prtti be made
!.-.' ,i gitit a e
!i .1 j .nriml.ll p "eh
i, . i',f f,i pH-or,
I ,,!.
Vour Face
rl f
I i
f I
. I
. I
i ll h-
I ' . I-
I I.
A Haby a I.lf. Iar4.
"My bal y bal cruip ki,. m 1
bf HbiloL'e Cure." wrilra Mn J I!
Mariin. nf lltiniftilie, Ala. rofe.Ubyii ,' V
ll-ll- a. If ' " . I
ii rua x n arren.
HI" ti i !
Ihla t'H'iini'iil la Mit,, aH.
alrthn a a',. Jii.l .4
tula . .i f are
IMU ,l.i ,,,( eii C..i,aiii,,ie Tl t
aa' Ki'lil.nifi llallii
luai la
ti t,.rt n futtln r ll.i ir !iily, isio
leiii il le ,!,.-iiie I i rt li Ihe
Chlfjr. II, ilia'teCi' laltl
Otx'tt the I ii it"-1 Slat ilutiii,; Ihe ;,,). ttt,
i iiirM jnata i tirtt-r I ! M-ir,. fgilai tf if in
I hiltrl fr.itn Ih't ! if Aturtl. eale I Will A W aMi.
Ceo L.at-'fy. ! " "-' ' '
... , , j rfi taw hn -d. w.
rinm t- fb-l a .eee nf ! fcM ' "
naoa.l rfamp-eel H..K..U .-e " ml" Mh H,e.. a 6..
1-alalU'ma.ilU.m.l . n .t il,. et . '
ty I , lla l.t g l 1 i
M-a a tkw!
V , (t t On II in I -l It.lUr raear
f-'f a f "I Caah M ai ani,.. t
fiM I hf llail'a i'alai'li ('
wl tl
Ih I Itr'ltl I milf 1
4 ih ! i.l i' ,a .. M.rrva t ..u.ilt. 4a
auuait in. im
u ii. ftlal J known
I. AU.iia lf -ialtiir
TMV Hi t tTliM HT r Tilt Mtr
,.i u .!.. ia ni.a.iu
a r ii .!-. i ai. ii t
I'r $U SO I will ell a IW.l rla-. Iuth "
ftade, bigh arm (eelng inw lilna guaft). T.
I i -r II iaia. Kof fuftl.r pa-lu-tl. j
l. n ii a.lli.a N A iirli :
laigioO, OfrguD. HH-f,
ll-n Mathaa l (, d f .ipf t..r i f
the etlr tneal makl ba be a
freah aur-i.ljr ,,f w, .f a, nit'l4i. ral.
auaaga. .ea Kr I, wl.h'11 alU
ff ihe l.ilRia'lt ,r-e Kf I ft i k
It I'.'Mian I bnt. i.tal a ub tint, if
!! ' Iri1a
; .i i .if a.t, .i..!ani
I i vlllr,l M t I (, -a , li.lel.i, a.i.f .il I.. aetr a I tt .
O I I a-. I ,i. t l, at,, a antt
H i Ina in la , l, I an.ian
r J ( f r I' I..I .a an I
ImIi I. iti if.M'f ,.ti.ialo ,i ai
( AMf te. I, 1 U lUi'fe wt l
mka d enol nf Ji -r ,ri tftt,
iia i. l Cai-l ) ti .k. Tl x
, durii.-e ,a mad t ni -i.t n It .i
tara eaalt i pal I f .f ail W 'k -n a
e- m 11 1. e
... 1, ...a It,, f ,vl ih. u t . .
mv i.t aai.l r.,i'V I., ait
I Ik 4 Pa f War. a aaa
. kit II fail . li. I... .. . . .. . . t
I nan, Itaiiaaeii.ii an. I fl iai.eiaUf ' t , .i, i, a . i.i , w i-.. ....t i..i is. . ,,.
all l-i tan ell n ihliiluiKl iai w H mm i.n -ni tai J . i,
I,, il ,,. ft,,., a- I at' at i.. I f a H . a
,. ' . t . i , ti . I "o ,' at fc ' . r...
Wtal A Te. tai.i.laal a, 1 a.. iu ,.s i., ..( w,,
T i.i, O. Wai lifi K'tiaaa a'tia, I i " I I " ! ! ik.. .1 ! a
tt h... - Dm...... Ii.l-l i in m II.I..1 ..m. w.i ni
lllhl CaU'th C'I'e I lak flrt
vflbea a, it I ,,...t n ( .e
wlea ll.e "t ai l I i-l,. f.
Tbie te i. ) ta na', u in ra
kwre Ike .ia ii .! I v r 1 1 a, I
iiieee ie e ie-iav i .aai.i r"'-"'-
d i ar .i IntMl tla
3 I
a elif f i -.fa i(. B II.. II . I an
ti i in t'iivi if It atiiti lit,
t.1 .'.al t l-l'l tir a, .lug.
jii'a 1 . .liif i. .la f.a
Maltxet lna.,Cii ! Iitr al v
I a tial n.'a llai'mlnag . at avirg.
Fh tale by I ki I U.f. 4fg.t i,,, ,i fUt.te WtaM. '
It II Hall, tl.e Imi'i al lil, fan
Sa f ni I l I, a a 'ma. M-U k '-.
i ha Wl l dii,,a al eaUr ne,
, tkavve. fci'e. baieeeie. ek.
4f i-t ip.i i a,! a iia tmm
i ti'i .. it. a a I it i1, .a -t
(, la. I l , ,1 l f r . , , ...
i I a I I r a l, '.m 4 I.,
an t - a .-'Vwa i.l t, j,
a- w a 'i M if i . .4 a r I M l-i
a.... , u . i, a"a'i a.i I
j.i, t
I - I .1 : '...I rfl.Mi.,,1 a
a i i.i?. ..i - i ... ..I i ,M ,i,
4 " - I aa nf. Mil n
I. -a a In 4 ihiii i
i r r.i. I
iiki'"iiin4.i i.rt. , S
..l i i al nf a a ,v L . .
. ,t i.i ,,..,. i , .v
i.mi a .f I , e""
K li I a .J fe
, a i .,
j la a.ial 4(. f X
Ftrri'i Slid Inrtusl
Firry i lui i
! I rrfi'a n. i
ia f-
i - , l In I ... . . ft. I p
4 tl., m a , I. ate r
r' "t " k H .J Lia . "J
a ia.t ia. aaiaaai aa O .
t. !.
. I . . i. v ... .
t . a a . .
' ' i 1 ' i - I ,
! ' I i . i . . ., t ..... ....
"'"''-'' !. , -.IK..
'"' Mr- f
1 ' ' ... .....
- ,!,, t !
' 1 ' I I . .. i
' t ... . -1
4 1 . , , '
, . ..... Ij
, ' .. . . ..,.,,,(
' ' ' - . 1 1 'I
I I . . I
( : !!..
I ' '
I -
Pi iff
wjny ! !jJjVtjjj
J. a... a. .- , . , ,4 .-4 , . I
" " rut J
ii '.'n - i' -' - r,ii.i -,.. i
' . i . . i-
...... i .. ,
t - . t
a '
'','W .
Will ae weiv tfiiH s m9tt tagagteg
iie, eOar Te laaa la a
wee wiw iva
Tt mi rwf Vte a, aatr.l 4v:ai teat
ti. HIIITK u
Duritl- ml Ha.iott (
! Cf rial riaUk tag ftrfKi Atttatit,
i f l ALL ttib! Articlti,
A. 4 1 v ,.4 ru.- y -a ?uiU M
til . f;,utv.
I'4 ,4""7' ti.-lal UtmK Alrs
It.. I . .. a
11 5 " ' UtM
m"t- irt,(,i