tjTOCK BRANDS. Wh!l yoa aep jroar labMription paid np joo an keep joor brand in trtot charge. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horse Qii on left honlder; cattle aame on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor row oountar. Buird, D. W. and eon. Home brandd D B on the left hip; en' tie the asm oh left flunk, crop off right ear, nnderorop in the left. Kange in Morrow County. " Bartholamow, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horse branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor- usnnister, J. W., Hanlman, Or. Cattle brand ed H on left hip and thUh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter. tooReherry Oretmn Horeee brendod P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horss branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half orop "nd right ear onper Blope. Barton, Wm.. Hsppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in eBrown, J. C, Heppnnr. Or. Horses, oirele C with dot in net ter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattie same on left blEoyer, W. Q.. Heppner, Or-Horses box brand on right hip oattlo, same, with split in Bor"?. 0 Heppner, Or.-Hnrsos, P B on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hio. Browniee, W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle. J B connected on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; ltanga in tox valley, aVftarrmt. Wagner, Oj.-Horse, brand . edOon right stifle; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and Bplit in each ear. Uange in "rainZ ( D on horses on left MM TJ W th nnarter circle ovur ii,uu v V ..: all , nii nr 5 years: on ana on imt '; , - . ,. i. .K..iHr r.nlv on all noraes over 5 years. All : 1 , nnnnfv. u Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. , , u -nA nmKt.lllA counties. Oorrigall.M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop out .nri nnderh t. wattle in foreh-ad; horses half oirele C on left stiHe. Uange Mor ow and Umatilla oonnties. Curl, TU.. John Day. Or.-Double cross on ViT .u11 fork and undti bit InriBhuS. wit it T left ear. Hange in Grant oonnty. On sheep, inverted Aad spear point no .honlder Kar markou ewes, crop on left oar punched upper bit in right Wethers crop ,n SilTA nmlnr half crop in left ear. All rangs ,n:rt,J,ni,;:na.Or.-HorseB, Won rwhtshonl j... f.tHo. sameon right. hip; ear mark square r,. nff loft, and solit in right. . " Zr.S- h v r:iirpinsille. Or. -llorsos, on MrK,. H.. Hardman. Or.-Oaitle, vuiriu. Cwlth I in oentar; horses. (!K on left 'no. u If Mitnnmniit. tirant M . Ur, HorVesb aVded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark unner s....- ." n" ii,,-.., branded O on right h'Jp. Cattle branded the same. Al., brands ' on horses, right thigh; ctle same brand on right snouiur, m . - rl9..??'. to M nllo-a.Or.-(Wtle.Ulon right side.s'wai'low-fork in each ear; horses, II I) Klo.. Douglas. Or.-Horse, branded KM on left shoulder, cattle same on leftlnp. hole 'Vmerr'T.'H.. Hardman, Or.-Horses brand i" 1J:..1T( -ith! on Mt shoulder; rat. t .ame on right hip. Kange in Morrow oonnty. Kloronoa. L. A.. Heppner. Or. Oit.tle, ,Y right hip; horses r with bar under on right Florence. 8. P. Heppner. Or -Horses. P on right shoulder; oattle. V on ngnt nip or mign. '"!".. if.,hn. Or.-Horses brsndel H .""uil': .rt. circle oter it, on left stifle. ?.' " ul.-.n,l tlmshllanounties iIS. A. H.. Uidge. (r.-!attle. round-top K with quarter circle under It on the right lap. Hange In Morrow and Umatilla (months. u..n.1 Warner. Or- I- (T F f. .Ui t shoulileron hors'is; on flattie, on right hip and on left side, swallow ' fork in , sod slit n left. Uange in Hay..ta.: ilistrlnt. Morrow oonntir. H.,.ri J li. Oalloway. Or.-HrM . (nnw with h ir above l) on right sVmMnr; wl M.H'n on left side. Ilaugs in Morrow and Umatilla 0o.1"!.inw.ii- J,.n Dav. Or.-Catlla K H on rllit h'in:hors same on rUlit shoulder. Uange In Orsnt oonnty. .... . j u,,.!. Mat. Hennner. Or. Horwis shaded ii .1,., It A. Wagner. Or.-Horses, U on lof -1 I.I til. 0 ,.n Inft. hill. Humphrey, J M llardtnau, Or.-Horse. H on II !,..,. n Lather. Right Mil. Or.-Horse H on th left honlder and heart on ths i left stiHe at .i...,....,nlfl hio. Kane In Morrow nwinry Jons. Harrv. Heiipn r. Or-llors-s hrsn le' H J on the loft should.; cattle lira wlixl .1 on r,u,l loo also underliil ill loft ear. Kange iu Morrow county. J,ik.n. rt. M.. (l -iHier, Or -ll'iw hom shoe J on Ml shoulder, ( at tie. h i n gll. I .n. Or -Horses, eir..lTon .,,il.'ntt' ssTi-ipii right hip, under hall oron in rit nd "idit n left ear KSV ud le't Inn eaMIssmnd crop off left r: nu.ler sImimi on the right Kirk 1. T.. Msoinnr. Or.-llorss en -i , in u. .., Krt hln. loft K,.,i-rl.,l W. (.. Mo nit Vernon. Or.-I I, on esitlnon nail n l t si l, swallow .irk in Ii ... I.r i, In rlM eir. llormMin k..... l.'l li.iolilnr. Kange In llmnl wtntv, mihiimi. M Ii on left hi n i,r,u mil snlil on rlifhl r. ...... l.r.,.. I .in ln h nl l"r. 'tings liraut i '.n I, .S.. W . I. r I! .'- braii'l .. i i.. fir,.irt ji.cinns'Ti on dr. I l I", wn' on l'i tun. K 1'K nir I. lug' on l-.hy. J W ll-oo I. ...I 4 .. i let oh., il Or Hn b'Vnl . I- bin. wi( r.ghl ,. t- III' in r 4!i l,.f 1. ( r. M !" ' '' " '"''" diMilila H fi"i'"i HiiiMiii-m .Vlt It 'in l" . nl I"' M.... M ! II... .HI T. Or. -ISl'ln bfti-il eir,. ..i mhl : h.i-Mm rm'il HII". Ilf'tfeiu M rf.w r...iiii M.n.w, Itmnr. ni'n- nr.-J alUa, w II riM hip; h..r- M -hi left .hiHil ler. V..ran, H. N . H-ri.-r. Or. -II.-. i... .i..l.l Mitla aamene Un hill. M,i,i,.ll -o-r. !.. iif.-11 onriM 1.,... .... VI .. n.M all. aaxil on l-fl rfi.Hil.t-ri eaille .h hli-j. OIIr. i'am. UslMi.Mi. Or.- i' U n iT.'..rn. J W . tt-riiulu Ot,: h "- n I..i.Im; r"l ' n1'! P-.r.n..H.. ."J' M.I-. tar rtrvla l m l'l I. HI I w n I M .1 bin. aula. ' m ;'' " I I-' wnUfihin. IU--..i KuM M l'.,ka t liar I n.t.Mr. I N tm v .fi .i, .u'. Ir. , I K ll. V. I I -'' ' i l"l' nTa.'.n MM tun Uina r .!. 1' t. M . Isi-f Of II.. rta.1 .WI '"I " U ' ' ' ndar tl In aall aar I'atlia A I'.. Ima, : 4 V - alfail'Uf . rallle. J M J e-in- I "1 IK fl hip. wt- m,' '" ' lUtM. H...1. aaf-w. " ' V1" r.. w i" h .ma""' r"" ' K iah . M. ... -' V .1.1 rn, ..4 la1 aar aa-t .il B" IU U -mm a'i. an M"i'i IUm. ti-e" hf.,.t-t R M al,.ll-, rin-la tMat It "aHl II- II... fa.,1 I ' HI , .1 h- ka',a M'"w .-t "V. h-IiV l..Mtil..lw- ll H,,.... W,.h r.rrl. ...a. , - ' n. ' ' , -' h.aa I. - Urt.h-a.H- tU U.aataa).. !!' "" , ,,. K-t." I . H-..a-. I ' W Wi.t . t eitU. 0" thl hl w a? II . Or II ai .K !' I w ,llU,aalll.Jl"-fhltSWlt. .. ia r.M ... m f -'.. h-.. tv.a . llavM . O. tal h. raxi aa urn U h't . n Ihaula. - all . - -. . . .... J ... rt-t.l .h..ll 1 .,i.i ... ... .1 Ha- i M ...a m i " : " , M . ..ah.ll- -a-'.a "' ..'- M i.a J. t.l.M.'.a. ,h )'.'.- I J ..a . . '. !'. all,. Ha ..- I 'l.l " vVh ,.' O " ri.M ,.. aU h 'al L .a J II ". aal .M hi. I . ' h " l , ll. , ! I.aa, M a UN MV , M l-l hf ,a.f U-H O. .! . H K. . I - t-f ". 4..a... Ua-aa ) t i- "-. IWay... I A. t-1 Ha-. U. aH.-.ia- Ha I . W tk f .1 -l- II -a- avs Sao t..aa. H W Mal t ! al t al at..-, Uaa, a ia a . a .an l-'l h.f a.'S a,. I. la " ... . . II,.,!... N. W I - O. II . --l lit a.a,a .-I l." -.W - ... . ,..atHT l-o. II ... lit .! a fajl.l arabU ,a.l1 . kU.-l"r. H-l- M.a I I. aha-la.. .. aaae Ml .ml ktp . : aa. .-.t ,1 a,i U " ").), Ik . hr'aa - I W l Ut -a. I " , a H l al. o.-. h. ' II - l'-4 W - e-u .J ..-.I- ' I... .,. V ' ' . . M ... I . - a... laa " t a - ll ( - ti " a i .. - naa."a. - -r Ween, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A A on shoulder; (battle, aame on right hip. Young, J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Hone braiuW THnntha right shonlnV- THE BES1 When you are about to buy a Sewinir Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisement and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that vou buy trom reliable manu- acturers that nave gainea a utation by honest and square acai'.n, you win men ;ei. S.cwin.s' Machine that is noted ths world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage ana is t Light Running There Is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the ,0v New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (a),noothcrlias it ; New Stand (patented),6nwmv. wheel hmed on ad instable centers, thus reducing fnctiun to the minimum, write Fon csncuL&as. THE KEW HOME SEWIKG MACH1HE CO. OttAimS. MSS. BOSTOK, MASS. 38 UHIOK KCnt., . J IICAOO, II,Tj. nT. 1AH 1, JI'.. ll.i... .n bill FaUSOlW:'), f .AI.. ATIAN1A, GA. FOR Sl t BY P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon, Send 5 Cts. for Sample Package Sun Fruneineo Office, NAM. Ii O l E ESS F ELDER t CO. No. 2l0 Suiter Street.' Th thnmb I an nnfstllng Infln of chsiailer. Jf il. Illl The hipisn Tps lo dlisli'S sirong will, gnat ciirrvi ig will, gnat i l lowlv ailird iut nrmnrps. rly nurd is IU rislulsii d 1'ype, l lie thumb of thow of silvsiirrd Id. and bminrai aiilllir. Hah of ilim ii Im Iih. to lh bn.v man or wunisni I H-ninrpKt a Family Msvr.ln pr. Imrcs e.iierlHllr i"f tin a urrsiiiis wliule viiiuina of firw lilens, con rtriiK i In .mull spare, mi i tin t lh tvriilil nf III. wlmla wiirlll's Work fur room ll nisv he h ail In half an i loHir. 'I l' t'oiiii al Tw lnUiral r.-flnrniriil, rullnr, and love of ; tnuir, po. irv, anil Artlnft. A iM-rao a llli Una tiH of lliumli will I hot. 1 o.i.'M. rnloy ttir lllrrary alirarilon of lh rnorr.i a, The A ll.l.r 'life IlKIH.Ir lot ol h. auiv arid rt, will inrt rr ll, .nrr in thr marn.Dirni mi-rth-t. 11 lr nf Mora, P-ti s 'it tnrhr. rrn I rlni.-d fioni the original M.itiiiiiar by I l'ini tr, lh.- crwhtalrd if 1 1 mu floarr palnirra, ln. h will i ti.rii i,i .try .ultarfihcr h It n,..f, .r. .r in. l-'i Th ro.i i-f tiit. .'ii tli woik iM art aa i 1 4H.1' aid the rrir.iiirilai ia,,iiiit be il i.i nift.i.lirtl front lh . t'loai. Ii .i'i. lh1. an ri(ai.ll oil or wai. ..color fiMliire I. b li.hid In tar It aaaihrr of Ik. May, fin., and lh. artr ra an bra. fnaU n4 fHta.rhty tltelrlr4 thai th. Man.itM la, la ra uy. a r-wt. ,.iin uf ait w.aka nf lha tucbMl 1 1. Phihae-hlc Tf p. w lh thumb nf Ihc thitikr a4 lavaauw f hi., Vlhrt Will I rW.lf telaf- .irl In th.aaj d..M4 monthly la Ivtu.iai Uwasine, la rry .o. or ita fetirtw ..- d.iaMittMii.1! wiih ...w th ni ir. artiaiic alri.llflr trU. fhtmiflllif ! l. t l.nrv, and fail of lh k ,..,, ... I. '.' Irt I .ni H tl..'rit. a. A Ua.. aw r-,.aii. 4 IJ.Ha t-4 th. In MlHarflHIoa: H wlM y i.i,..iMHinr Inimf, AiMi IV- I M l i-f irjrfUt i ltM I ! , . 4 n. ,, ft fcaU-4 rVntJ tt'l i. tS w-f itsJif a UM . t .t. (.at ft .t-MifMH - fttWt, ft4 a . ,' I 11 V.t (K TH tlM u yaM t t-t t4fcf Hi t f flla f Ik.aa !( I same ara, Ih.r liiaaiiai K-al g ' .ailly W Mat !,.,. thaat t V a4. .. f h.aa ." Ik ala..l tU My f Rlpans Tabula taf-af4 wtifc ey t.rtr4 ilR .'. rM T.i '., lf '. y "-!. tflttCDI" il C9,ltlll,f. Tt t!f 'wfiHi tf" ( la WI Vt.k! I. (!! Ij.'sl .( lb i rtilf i i t tl Wat" IHg I ) ' a.-!,! ip4 I lb. I M II VI, ,Ua. til af g t t Htm f t It -( H , ,t 'it ' l,t!!a . l. mV O ,t ' ml fl .V AIUIII ft1 l' t..f Bjti Inn! ! a l.a-.a ai'tU MtliltaJ tin.. . 1 t Mlt E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES THK CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul Kansas City LOW HATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details oall on 0. K. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pbbs. Agt. Pobtlakd. Oregon. qoioh: TI3VH3 : Scin Francisco And all point In California, via the Mt, Hhaata route of the Southern Pacific Co. rh great hlchway through California to all point Kaat and South. Urand Boenio Rout of the Paciflo Coast. Pullman Buffet Hleeper. Second-class tile per Attached to expree trains, affordinc anDerior accommodation for second-clans paaaenger. rur rate, tickot. Happing ear reservation, us. eau npon or address K. KOKHI.KK, Manager, K. P. ROOER8, Aist Qen. v. A r. Agt. Portland, Oregon Moat Modern and profrtsalva Kur raulngue or Informailuu wrlm to ,Tm MARLIN HUE ARMS CO. New H.v.n. Conn. RHICKERASSWQ PAYS Ifaui na. lh. IVtalnoia Inniaalara A Hraailrra. Moke utonry while mhrra ate wr.lin I liinebyoldrir.'craar"- fg)'" t'alatilelUall alx.ut I Tl 1 ' i til 4- ! I I It. and il.artli arti) I. nrilr tila-a every VJ . IMn.itaietJ m 1 drtl f. lutDi Clrlojua U aioca. hi aaa. tjoultty buainci The "ERIE rnrx-hanlratly lb beat wncci. Iiruir iniairi. A ate Parilic l,oat Agraia. Hirvle cal- logue.mailrd free.Kive I fi.tldrarrlrrllrwi tlr ir , Ofv waiiTfto. fET ALUM A IRCTBATOI CO..Prtli.Cal. ta H II.M ., nisMaia M., ja - -. A. P. T. L. The Amiican Protective Tariff League it a national organization advocating "Protection to American Labor and huluttfy" at explained by its comtitu t o at foUowi : ' Th mt W4 laf hB b to aavtav-t taaa. Wf taail M laaa, ahwl ft l.a aaM. aMM Wu.1.41 ar4 M (.. a aKaai,vi f faraa lata.. There a-e no peion! or private in covection with thecgamza. t on am) itiiluttained by membertrtipi. cont' bvt ona and the dutnbution cl iti publication. vintT : Ca.aa4ar la al-.a4 aaf... Ma '- " e4 C! C.a. tCOlO-. W aaa4 a4 walaaav aa..vW a. aa. mt avf. W M. a a. T'0' Wa N.I-.I. tat ha a 4atwaa. n. l f a) af ta li'-eail Caj. a. a i4 a .t MI'm ra B J ar. rOuaTH ; taa1 aal tm4 naail fW -a a a-.v a I' . ' lajA... .aa. .1 ' .-al W .wm. Wrahaaa Ua-a- a.av.. 1 J 9 ni mn, w m $1800.00 0IXN A WAV TO INVENTORS. t.aaanan .ai g.aa law a av aa at. aa. ah Ii fc aia,.il n a Hiiioin t. hmmi fa I , w a ww .lUwta, WW Awf Bl waf'. ) VAa m ' 4) erfWlr tBaaw) tT4y aV M-r a) ka ala. Sa) at that ITS THE MMrtr.Tl!lM4L IMDfTlOM THAT .UJD I 0RTVNLS, ia mwm" ahaS.aa Waa.Hatl mm aa. awaw i..aaf ah. an aw, i ha ft. P' am. a4 av aa. taa a wa. at , a ih U.f-a IT 1$ NOT M IUM AS IT HTM. f ail Hi tkmm --. V n Na mrm .! ala. I) W haa a) .1iaai as iai,..s l C ..Wt.Xaa.nllil'i I ii a ii . i . a t la.a.O aaj , a, mm mi . a tl i.i aaaal raal mM aaajaaa I. a. fawa, a ft aaaa af aa aaaa1 a,-.aa) - i n i . ana. a i. HM aa nlwWUl a, mm a I. a . t lW aW I aaa4 a a a Htavat aa a. ... in ma, .aa kajfv aW " i naaaauaat H ma aml taa4aMia Aa 1 m ms t nnrcm rn a co., jit. Uat mi aaa,aa m4 I "'i flia, HII'Mml.VttH Una all. aahlnrlraH. t. C. " - 0 - m- - JZJOU uo 5nr,. mSi Bhlrt. Simple.!. li4LKle Receiver. 4jL3&Sr Cempoct, -Jwir-v CaX'. aSk' t.hM.a.W aarajaaj i A NArinO. nouot. A narrow house end lowly, but no sounds Of wrath or fear or grieving mar It peace; To him who rests within its quiet bounds There comes from all life bitter pangs, sur cease. The clinging Tine shall hide It. and the spring Fling down its scented blossom o'er and o'er. The summer birds, clearthroated. round It alng "And autumn brown-leave drift about Its door. The timldlwlldlings of the field and wood, Unchecked bv fear, its lowly lictels seek, Where, wrapped In silence and In solitude, A weary toiler rests, In dreamless sleep. Sweet sleep, to dream no more of heart grown cold. Of hopes long dead, of anguished prayer de nied, Of silent voices, so beloved of old, With whose dear tones, life's sweetest music died. 0 strange, sad mystery of love and life I O Death, at once the Judge ana faraciete After earth's walling discord, pain anu strife, The Master ' glveth Ills beloved sleep" Louise f . German. In Chicago Advance. MILES' OLD TIMES. His Wolf-Hunting Steer and Bear- Killing Wife. Wolves Prowled Around the Cabin Till the Steer Found His Mission How 8nsan Showed the Kind of Woman She Was. "It does me sort o' trood to git holt o' some un that likes to hear 'bout ol' times," said Octogenarian Cuthbert Miles in his snug1 cabin near the head of Indian Run, Pa., where for forty years he has busied himself with fash ioninp willows into baskets of various shapes and kinds during; the winter to Deddle them amontf the backwoods towns during1 the summer. 'Fore I trot to be a wi lilerer, forty five years ago an' better," the old bas ket-makinir recluse went on, me an my or woman lived down the creek yender, a couple o' miled, on a nice clearin', but it got lonesome down there when she died, an' so I come up here an' put up this cabin, an' here I ben ever sence. When we lived on the clearin' it kep' us busy a good deal o' the time flirhtin' off bears an' wolves an painters. t naa a iwo-year-oi brindle steer that was the greatest wolf fighter anybody ever heerd on in this country. We didn't think nothin' o' seein' wolves prowlin' around the clcrrin', an' they killed every dog we"d irit, iist as rcg lar as we got 'em. But they found out by an by that they better let that steer alone. He was nice an' fat, that steer was, an' I know'd the wolves had their eyes on him, for it was a cold winter, an' the snow was deep, an the wolves was powerful hungry. One mornin' I got un about sun-uu. as usual, an' went out to feed the steer an' tne cow an the oien an' the pigs. A I was goin to the barn 1 heerd a tremendous hellabaloo In the loir shed where I kep' that steer. The steer was beller n' as if he had a liellV lull n t ne mosi irrlnin' ache that ever griped, an mixed un with his bellerin I could hear a snappiu' an' a snarlin' an' rrrowlin' that I know d didn t come lrom no belly ache. 'Wolves!' ays I. 'A passel o' blame hungry wolvea a tryin' to chaw up that ateer!' That was enoutrh fer me, an I struck a gallon an' started to give the hteer a lift ag'in 'em. I slung the door open, an' there I we one big wolf witn its fangs socked plumb inter me htecr noho. while another un. bigger yet, was trniihliin' nway at one o' his flunks. The nicer was rushin around the shed, bellerin' an' Huirlin' an try in to whang the wolf ng'in the In;,' sides o' the pen. He did whung it, too. but the wolf had irnt a few dose o' the steer'a IiIimmI. an' ho hung on liko a leech onto swelled leg. There was little yard to the shed. with a l'tr fenee 'round it, air when the hteer ee the dour open an' me tamlin' tiy it. he iniide a hpring fer it and rnmi' iMiiinein' out Inter the yard, fetohin' IkiIIi wolvea nflyin' with him, the one linntrin' to his noae and t'othet one fast ' hi flunk, an' htii-kiu' htraight out tn the air aw Hie hteer funis out. I grahU'd the wolf that had holt o' the steer's nnso an' ahrt both hand around hi throat, rhokin' him all I knowed how I urryrd him so bait that he let l.Hise o' the lrer. wrii'k'leJ an' kicked an' aeratfhrd tiimwlf lotrwe from my clutch, and then turned on tne. He pnmg straight frf my throat. Now, 1 tell you. I had a time a flghlin' that wolf off! A won as the hirer found hewaafrea from the wolf that hud him by the none he Jlat turned an' tprrad hiuiarW ag'in t'other wolf. He hliui k it Iimimi of hi flanli. an' a he done it he k etc hod the tarnal varmint on hi horn. He chu. Ued it up In the air. 1 11 1-rt ye, twenty fool, an' a It turned a auinmeraet up there- an' come down ag in the aterr was ready fer It an' UrU'hed It aiuar on hi horn ag'in. I herd aumpin" rip an tear. Thro I he the wolf un In the air ag'in an' a ho r o' eome a pour In' down from him. The nicer had RaedtUe wolf ao it wan t no use fer iioihin'any mure Vent for (odder for hiya. I aren a!l thi, a goto' on apite o' me hat In' my band more n full flghtin Ihewolf that wa tryin' f make me worry I had mised In ith the fl.-lit an' p'ilr.l hlw chanee o makln hi break (! on the ateer My rloihravt a all tore ti tattrra, an' I a bhl from head t f U an' all my own blood, that the wolf had drawrd imlrit lit by hi rtawta an' hi teeth, which he want tineiti hy In uin', lull). Hut I kep' c!i .kin' t'f him. an t y an' bv I p"t him w.1 1 roti 1.1 fle him a "d ,' ..unliu' t-. an' tia )it aa the tlerr hetetied t'othrf wolf an rlrprd It from A tolirard. I put all tut alrm th In the fiint? I give my o!f. ' aianitiir l ll atf'iu lb bif (ne n lie at.le the )ard I'-ut I t.ll j ll.M w.-'.f w.i.-h II fid rt,-M up hi I. a f. I a If iH'lhiit' ha.',n I hf priird. an t eoti.e frr i a in a fl.rrw t wrtrf I J a Un a if-iir mr If it ' hadrt t brn frr that tr .11 knuw'4 b bad it. t fer t'uiber wwlf, aa' he Ul.lB t li t aa. a.... . ... lurn.-l an' went fee the wolf that a fntin' frr tt.. Mn a :t-r ronU hwr.l frr a riii!r.l t' al 'rr m l a r'.flUa II lit l4 Ihtt .if. a m.nt M, Jia llaml "ml Ulilp. IU k't.HH II with hm h'ftia. ij.' o' I'i ..;f l.4 rjej .. b.iI rtl a aUrrirl-m. Iit'.f 0 11 I lht !! Ut a ltwii ftrf lSl. Vol i!i (Aaf .li.ln I am M m t IV .-.;;.:-, I ,i II rft-l ! j bim m ! tn 1 1.- ISt .f hl mti' i In I' Hi hm.fti i a !! I t -rm Mr .... in I '..! II ! t- lit nf !. a'.r-l. I U'n I l t I. fl la IW J I'I I Ul b.ia) B It -a mt 1.iu I rji a.aJ Mr. iu H, Cransby, of Ho, 158 Kerr SU, Memphis, Tenn writes that hi wife had can cer wmch had eaten two large bole In her breast, and which the best physician Of the surrounding country treated, and pronounced In curable. Her grandmother and aunt naa aiea 01 Cancer and when told this, the most eminent specialist of New York, nnder whose treat ..,,i7 .ha iilaced. de clared her case was hopeless. All treatment having failed, she was given np to aie 8. S. 8. was recommended, and astonishing a it may seem, a few bottle cured her sound and well. Our treatise on tnIB dis ease will be Bent tree to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. G the fence. 'Mother mornin' I found nine, an' they was ripped an' stomped oncommon awful! Arter that, wolves give that clearin' o' mine the go-by, I tell ye, an I was sorry, fer the steer jist pined an' pined, an' one night jumped the fence an' went away. I couldn't find him to git him back, but I heerd on him now an' then. He was spendin' his time in the woods huntin wolves, an' when the last wolf that was left in the Injin creek deestric' got lonesome an' dug out to'ards the set- tin' sun, I think that steer follered his trail, 'cause 1 never heerd o' him nor the wolf ag'in. One night I woke up, down yonder on the clearin, an' heered my two pigs a squealin', an' my cow an' the oxen bellerin' an' thumpin'in the barn like as if they'd kick it down. " 'Susan,' I savs to the old woman, tha's a most onheerd of rumpus goin on out there among the critters,' I says. " 'Seems so, Job,' says she. 'Git up. she says, 'an' go see what's a-stirriu' of em up. "Sol got up an' slid my clothes on, an' hustled out to see what the fuss was all about. The moon was shinin' most like day, an' as I trotted over to'ard the pig pen I see what the trouble was. Two big bears was in the pen workin' their very pootiest to hist one o' my pigs out over the side o' the pen, which was only a sort of a square concern, laid up with logs four foot high. " 'Pork is pork!' I says. 'I hain't ben a-feedin' them pigs up to this notch o' heft for bears to come in an lug off,' I says. ' "So I run back to the cabin an' got my gun. If the gun had had sumpin' in it with more business to it than pi geon shot, the hull touble would a ben settled consarned quick. Pigeon shot was all it had in, though, an' if Susan herself hadn't been loaded fer bear, I dunno know how things would a come out. When I run back fer the gun. I says: " 'Susan,' says I, 'bears! They'm takin' away our pork!" " 'lie they?' says Susan, gittin' up an' grittin' her teeth. Most astoundin' woman, Susan was. "He they?' aaya she. 'We'll see about that!' "Susan didn't even stop to put her stockin's on. She grabbed a double bitted ax, an' hollerin' fer me to come on with the gun rushed out to hev a little argymcnt wvth them bears. "The bears was still strugglin' to git the squealin' pig over the fence, an' the cattle whs thuinpin' an' kiukin' an' bel lerin', hympathizin' with the pigs, an' trj i'i" to skecr the hears uway . Me an' Susan got to the pen, on' 1 rested my gun on the top log o' the fence an' blazed uwuy. The eud o' the gun ImrT wa n t two feet away from one o' the bears, but mv nerves must a ben a tie upsot, for instead o' borin' a hole Clear, through the W'urs iiend I only jist sin it away his fore paw That wai siiinpin' the Wnr wouldn't at and with out lindin' fault. If I'd a-hort-d a hole through his head he wouldn't a said a word. 1'ut to hev his usefulness knocked Inter a cocked iiat hy the blow in' off o' one o' his paw whs too much, an' he lifted up hia voice an' made the wood ring and my hair raise at the haine time. An' be come fer me. So tlid t'other bear. "Hood by. Susan.' say I. Til aee yon ag'in when liabriel blow.' "( ause I thought my time bad come. '"Veil aee me at break flint!' aaya Susan, an' ahe rix her ax an' sunk It rlean to the hnnd'e in the well War's brain. Th Iwar dropped back Into the pen an' never awid another word, but the ax was not i deep In It head that mi sun couldn't yank it out. an' a the bear fell back it wrenched the han dle outfit her hand. The wounded bear ram rldt on. My gun didn't he no h;vd in it. an' Susan wee pun brln' atuck in t'other bear' head lnide the pen. we. wa In rot.V ticklish quar ter, an' 1 wa i dumfiiilillcd that I giieaa I'd a squatted right down an' let the bear chaw hie up, but Suaan waa ther. "Job.' aaya she. 'aeontr "An' I aoooted an' ahe scooted. V arootrd fer the house, the darn ugtr twar limpln' arter u on thrr feet te got In th house Jlat In time to ahrt the door In th War fare, (irrat Jem ima! how he did howl an' rwr an' arrape! lie wa bound to pit In an' he It out with u. 1 Jist wilted don an' hrllrrr.1. I way It now. Hint what I done. Hut luan! I had ken' holt o' th gun. an' ahe (rabtard It ' loaded It. The bear wa lantin' an liomliu' at the door. When ahe had loaded the f ub Nusao fiutif the du open. " Von In" mv ahe, "Thi U a roUt lii.-hl' I v. hi I. In t hev ) May out there an' aufT.-r. not fer a doubt geared aavtmlil aa) she "Th tTreome a buncln' In on thr fer I. an' h mouth M tpen. fiuaaQ -s I the murU o' th gun f io the tr upjwr Jaw an' han.-ed aay The t"P o' hi heat flrw off like a. Ii in' cff a hiaat tn a quarry II tumbled on th fi a.r, an' husan yanked h m out In th yard 'tor he ha t time 1. 1 tn isa up t! tt.aur with a 4rf ' t l,.. bf a a iinc' " An" tht th way It urty g. d B on tst rlirin'. 'fr I a a widd.rer! That aa f.,tf n. t.iriif ian' mirt . lhl u ,.,,., ,i, .w., a m a iny 1.ub. rt . tl.lar I tnr avii4 U.U In !! ;illJi rMte) Irtf f t!f Ut it AUi. rt.,"l la. I ! I Th ht. ;l ii.t r nm ii ic iii ' tHl ' " ! ItwlraU IS f- I I II.,' r. trt-l C .!i-r' r. j r-H'-tt ;i4 ft. V ml l. o .- . . I' rtt 1Srr ri.','T . i! t f .- t(i )r . f a . f i;f n- i" . i I.. I . . . u ' 1 1 ' . Ir. ia I.e. ll Oi... I' i i t i i tli t. I il! fHal (! I.uj II l a'a'ttv ll i - ritmt v it fan Ci That the -R ii nn. nf ih. w vpr minlii li 1 front rank with all high grade machines, and Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want M punctured, it can be mended by you in five p renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims H Sold in all sizes foT ladies or gentlemen at Si Tandems for two men or man and woman, 1 TH F RAMRI F R is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market. tj For Btyle, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it 1b constructed on strict mechan- j 5H ical and scientific principles. I Chicago rs Fnrmon wnmen hiw ond irfrla with 9S. IR jg Ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with H cllncner tires and are tuny warraniea. H nfnr unn hnv a hlrvplo write for ratiiinene. eirculars. terms and discounts, or call ! W on our numerous 'agents. Rambler Rustlers w ton and Idaho. S FRED T. MERRILL ? Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main , M Store, 327 Washington St., Portland, Or. m OTIS PATTERSON, How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. WT ana lklIlg, FINEST MATERIAL. LIGHT, 5TR0N0. yOTSX $ VVl scientific Four Mode1sS85 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office! Lake and Halsted Sts CHICAGO. ILL. ISRANCtms i-Nw York, 6a Kroctco, 5lt Uk City, Denver, Minr.bU. Cftrclt, T .Ton to. WEBB SAFt & LOCK CO, Agents, rOItTLAXD, OIIFGON. A. W. VATTEUSOX. Anrnf fur It to Advertisers at ficc. Vou need it matter of business in vc a nr. a if imp ; 1 I f vrj-ji P1BS : RECTIFYING Youiv BOUND to TnUo i?uu Lcnvc No Contipntion,- r H. M I' Hl--.ra. r r .t.! 1 11 ' ' r' I fw r-f- i4 rr. tii Un. Ill laJ.fWfii) tr- 1 A M J 1 MR iin iurllanutublc fact. It Btands in theS if you buy one you will make no mistake. i to be hnppy, for should your wheel bejjj minutes, as it is equipped with the world g5 or copper-plated steel rims. 100 each. $150 each. Ideals snd 24 Inch wheels, at R5. $55. 145 respect- G. & J. high-grade doubln locking edge , Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- CYCLE COMPANY, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. oi mcycles. a, am . a Morrow Count u. llritmrr. Or man - s t - - w - - & - OUR STOCK OF a . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ; ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD great financial sacri- a your business, and as a must sell it. N mY M ATTF.KSON 1 UHUSHING Lo. P1LIS ta f1al. ,t ) y 4 I m l r. . Tl.f,!. V. a,... -1 '""no -jii icaLoi. W , ik. aa -a -s Pmmm Itrmm " mmm 1 .aa aaaa 7 ' 4a vrryHi I'"" tr 4 la l!. r 1 aa' tt W i rt aat rttl a at-'pr" -