OVERWORK - INDUCED - Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla " Some years ago, as a result of too closa attention to business, my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to improve at ouce, siiid Rrailuall vincronsed my weight from ono 'hundred and twenty-Hvo to two lmndred pounds. Since then, I and my family liavo used this medicine when needed, and wo are all in the best of liealth, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much." H. O. Hinson, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. ONLY Sarsaparilla HSCC.YIJJG MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Savo DoC -r's Bills. lf Here and There. Chas. Valentine was in Hermner Satur day. Geo. French visited HeoDner Friday last. Joe Woolerr was ud from lone Friday last. And Cook dropped in from Lena yesterday. Miss Lillian Bisbee bas gone below to attend Bcbool. Bob Wills weut down to Portland last Friday night Lee Matlook was In from the Hinton creek rancb yesterday. Assessor Willis and his son, Albert, were in Heppner Saturday. Aody Tillurd was on tbe sick list lstt week, but is recovering slowly. vv m. ueoii, latner ot Mrs. V. A. Koea, is very ill at bis borne near Cecil. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. . O. Smith, salesman, tLeopner John T. McMillan and Wm. Burnett were in tbe city from .Lexington yestei day. usury tteppoer is patting tip an awning in front of the old 'pioneer brick. Wm. Radio and Henry Blackwell are n from Grant oounty and guests of Tbe Palaoe. H. 8 MoCormick and W. G. Espey, true Knights of tbe Grip, wer.) in Hepp ner Saturday, Mrs. Taylor Dodson and daughter. Ava, departed for tbeir Fairbaven borne last Thursday. Miss Florence French left last even ing for Tbe Dalles where she will make ber future borne. Geo. Thornton, wife and little son, Raymond, are oooflned to their rooms with sore throats. 'JANUARY jiUNMONjTUETw"EPTHU If Rl SAT TjT gT JT 2 J 4 J Jj 7 fi 9 0 J n 13 j'4 js ja j7 jd JL V- 22 J3J4 2J "20' 2fT2sT29jdTJTT$i Take Notice. L The mm of fire rmti per Una will be 3hsrved for "rril nf thanks." "reeotutlons of reipwt." lists nf wetlillns. presents and tlonnrs, tnci obituary nutlet, (other than thoee the edits w "hull himself Rive a a, mutter nf news.) sad aotloe of spec Isl meetliiKsfor whatever purpose. 2. Notices of i hiirt h ami society and all other tnterUtnmenU from which revenue la to tie de rived, eh;i be rhsrjed for at the rate of five zonu a line. Theae rulea will be atrlctly adher ed u In every Inaunce. Adverttalrie. rate reasonable and made known Ipon application. TIME TABLE. Hta.y for Hardmart. Monument, ln Creek, lohn lv and I'anynn CUT. Imvm aa follows ; Every day at a. m . esrepl Hnndav. Artlveaeverydayetf n..efit Monday. The rheaneat, qulrkeat and beet line lo Of from the Interior rmtnt rv. WALT. TIIOMIHOif, Prop. rUllI CohD. AouL Citra Pal Star Brewery Beer In I!a:f Pint BnHlesran be bad OUly at In a a a a a a a Hotel Bar! City Whore high 's.l LbUr and Clari are alao kept by 14. Naw Fiio YD.-Vm. Oordoo has opeoed op tbe fe4 yard nit door to the (lai.tta ofllc. and oow eoticita hara of yonr ratronaae. Billy ia rlgbt at noma at Ibia boln, enl your Korea will be well Kinked after. Price yeaaoaabla. liar Bod grato Cor aal. it Mr. John E. Lathrop, of PeDdleton.the live city editor of tbe . O., is visiting friends in Heppner. L, O. Connor, boot and shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. May St., Abra bamsick building, Heppner. Or. tt Edward Holloway, of Douglas, accom panied by bis sister-in-law. Miss May rjuyer, were in town Saturday. W. G. McOarty and John Edwards both report prospeots for range and orops to be good in the spring. Best accommodation and oourteoos treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. John Carty and Frank Kilkenny were up from their sheep ranob on lower Sand Hollow Sunday and yesterday. Tbe Gazette will take last spring oalvea in lieu of cash. Any one owing wbo has oattle can easly liquidate, if so inclined. tf I T. R Lyons returned from Walla Wal la Saturday, socompauied by bis sister, Miss Nellie Lyons, wbo will visit here a few days. W. J. Leezr sells a one pound pack age of tea, "Crown" brand, at 60 oents and gives in addition one silver plated teaspoon, a Elmer Sloonm, the artist, will make cabinet photos for the next 30 days at i per doien. ' Uallery opposite opera bouse. tf. John (joiitiis and Unas. Austin were iver Irom Haystack Sunday. Mr. Austin is tbe proprietor ot tbe store at Wagner. T. R. Howard makes a specialty in supplying stockmen with all needed articles, besides carrying a general Una See bis new ad. tf Mrs. Wm. Dunn, wifa of our genial oonduotnr, did not return wltb her bus band but remained below that tbeir litt'a girl might receive medical treat meat. Frank Uoaabsa opened up a restaurant in the Minor building, next door to U M. Jones' barber shop. White labor throughout and rates by meal or week very reasonable. 00-tf, Hob Minor bas Invented ao egg ease which when empty occupies only email portion of tba original space. Bob baa applied for patent, sod It will doubtless prove a bonanxa for bim. Tba infant aon of Mr. and Mra. Harvey Pblppa wae laid to rest no Patur day afternoon, il bavins died early Ratnrdav tnornilig after being sick for a few djs with ama Infantile troobla. J . W. Kerna, the city painter, is pre pared to do all kind or painting and paper hanging and will do home clean inn and take op sod put down carpeta Ofllre on Mala street, oppoeit City hotel. Oeo. Conser, Andy Tillard and T. A Hhea bava eaob received aa a Cbrislmaa present an elegant, handsomely eograv ed. silver flk, Ir. Wilaon, of Wyoming who was lo lleppoer laat spring, being tbe dnjor. Tba Osteite "ill goto tba raeh ysttn no March 1, lMl Patrons of tba paper, bv enbaortpMoo or otherwise, will be ant'fled personally In the oear future After March 1, tbos wba do ool pay do oot ge any paper. Not a few who read what Mr. Robert Rowls, of Holland, Va., has to say below, ill remember tbeir own experience under like circumstances : "Last winter I bad la urippe wbiob left me in a low Btate ot health. I tried numerous remedies, none of wnioh did me- any good, until I was induced to try a bottle ot Chamberlain's Coagb Remedy. Tbe first bottle of it so far relieved me that I was enabled to attend to my work, and the seoond bottle effected a cure." For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Phill Cohn, druggist. . Tbe Antelope Herald very truthfully describes Dr. Bill's mode of prooeedure when it says that be stopped over there for about a month some two years since, representing himself to be a borse dootor, but before leaving distinguished himself as an all-round bilk. Bill established this sort of a reputation every where, he weDt. He remained here for almost a year, consequently Hepp nerites have an excellent opportunity to beoome familiar with bis system. Dr. Bill bas oertaioly gotten his just deserts. A number of petitions have been sent from Wasco county to W. R. Ellis and other members ot Oregon's delegation praying that the order prohibiting sheep and other stook from grazing on tbe Cascade forest reserve be rescinded This is certainly a just request and should be granted. M. A. Moody. F, W. Wilson and A. M Kelsay, of The Dalles, and E. M. Suutt and H. C Rooper, ot Antelope, were especially active in circulating the petitions. At a board ot trade meeting last Fri day night, articles nf incorporation were adopted with oapitai stook at $1,0)0, snares 910 eaob. This will receive offioial notion in tbe near future. Hoa Thos. Morgau was sent over to Canyon to be present at tbe term of county court to represent the board nf trade. Of tbe amount subscribed $100 was collected Saturday to pay oarrent expenses. Art Minor, F. J. Hallock, Ike Ennis and John McCarty got in Friday from a big bunt on Wall creek. They had pleasant time, but report that the Indians have not fared so well, remain ing in so long that many of their horses have starved to death. On Saturday several came iato Heppner on foot. POLITICAL. Mr. John E. POINTERS. gonlan Lathrop. of the East Ore Talks of the Situation. II ae live f.tf la. Tbntisaad of f of Oinenmptma, Asthma. Cnai.e. M bJ Crnop ar tared every d? tv Mnl'di'e Cur. For Sal by Well A Warren, ( atarrh fare. health and wel batb aernred, by HMIoh' CeU"h H-wedy Prtoa hO pent. Nel Injector fre. Kof sat by Well A Warrea. f$?s! 5fHIS is a shecphcrri A : cr who has been out -.four months, hut lie, . loooks like a new manO ; r ' i now for he has been' I A , , O I Y : dressed up at 1 1 or Ni.u & Rhka's. Horner &. Rhea, a a .sl Nalfaal Caaa t Ring out the bells the hour grows hot, 'tis EiKhteen Ninety Six; Columbia's ions have surely got the Brltom in a tlx; Your starry banner proudly floati and Justice rulei on high, But 'on't forget to wet your throats with Sperry'i Linwood Rye, tf. At tbe Belvedere saloon. Canyon Oity News: Sheriff Combs arrested a couple ot men who oame in afoot over tba Long Creek' road last Monday, who suspected them of being es aped prisoners from tba Morrow oounty all. Beooming onnvinoed later on that they were not tbe men wanted be liber ated them. A January thaw Is always more pro ductive ot colds and oougbs than i January freeze. Then is the time Ayer's Cherry Peotoral ia needed and prove so extremely effioaoious. Ask your drug gist for it, and also for Ayer'a Almauao, which is free to all. The Esgle reports that John Masters and John Jenkina have been oaptured at Caoyon Oity. From lata accounts, they were wading through snow over in f ox valley and wishing thev were baok in jail where they could keep warm, sleep and get fed regularly. B. A. Hnnaaker left The Dalles last Thursday for Ban Francisco, and may go to Honolulu with a view ot locating there. If ba finds Honolulu a better business r oint than Tbe Dalles, be will send for bis family and become a citizen of tbe Hawaiian republic. Dr. Shields, ao eminent physioiso of Tennessee, says: "I regard Ayer Sarsaparil'a aa the best blood-mediolns on earth, and I know of many wonder (ul cures effected by its use." Physician II over tba land bava made aimiliar statement. Canyon Oity News: Hon. J. B. Hunt ington of Burn shaved off hi full beard and o ma over last Toeeday under an assumed name Mr. BpaulJing. B." fooled hi most intimate frienJs, hi disguise being so perfect. Charley Jone, the well-known "old timer" id tba tnosorial Una, baa again located lo Heppner, bavir.g purchased Green Mathews' shop, Minor boilding opposite tba rity botel Charley will appreciate a call beo lo town. " (i lacier: Frank McFarland and wife returned from an extended trip Kat, arriving at Ilond River tba day before Chrlatmas. They bev sine been visit ing Mrs. MeFarlaod's parent, Mr. and Mrs, M. B. I'otter. Newberg (irapbio: Nata D. Elliott and W. C. Woodard returned from tbeir trip to Heppner, Morrow oounty, the first of tba week. They y they did out encounter any cold weather cast of the Caecadra. IiOat Oo of I). A. llerreo's fine "Progressive" Foi hoaods. 1 while ia color, spot oa bead, oo oo side and una at root of tail. Kf r out alike In odor 13 reward will b paid fur bis return. It F-rbo stsge lea Heppner Monday. Wedoede end Fridays. Leave Kebo Tneedata. Tuesdays and rlatnrdaia. fare 1J eaob way. Omne. Walla A Warren, lleppoer. 1I. Driekelt, Prp Whleker that ara prematurely gray, or faded aboold be Colored to preveiil tba lo-'k of age, and Bueklagham's excels all other !a coloring browo or b.M k. The Khlgbt of lb Meale In tailed their offWt laat fnlJ ttlaftit. ! but lit Oaaett waa onal.le obiaia Id aam io ilma for llta Ua. If any patron of It. fiaiett cannot pay f r lb paper don't leave it to the f!e "nol Called for." but p I k tciOeet rr.en aad bava tt lopped. F.'dar J. W. Jenkla d'parted feeler day alteri' o fr Ieslftglno aadbrgaa a otwiibg ibr lt aiajbl ablcb will C"B linue f at least two week. i Fr Velehior elaim to lb Imm ' b .l .1. ja. ,n I,. M.nfil Wlld dne l,t lU day . r t'f lb f-t. Al !'abla I at llaii la b. Or 4 ) Im, ! ! Itertb Je an I la Mtbe 5 b rtarr.e4 t- et'l at tt.e ll ea, i 1ra I . II il tr I aio.taed anoag ' V.imm or tl,a eil I el ll.le e-k ! J.e . ke ft.in.e I Hf lay If aa ! et' . J I to It.e tl'.'.'t. j T. Aye.. Jr. Utt ! i t ft I I'enJMrm. Mr. John E. Lathrop, oity editor ot the East Oregouian, ot Pendleton, tbe leading democratic daily ot the state, sojourned a few days ot last week and this week in Heppner, tbe guest of friends. While here a reporter ot tbe Gazette sought to obtain an interview, knowing that his oalling plaoes bim in a position to fully appreciate and under stand the political situation. Mr. Lathrop was hard to oorral, but at last, though reluotantly, surrendered to the importunities of the scribe, seated him self comfortably in an easy ohair and then proceeded to talk earnestly about tbe political battles of next year. "Is it not rather early to put fuel under the politioal pot and start it a bilin'? There remaic yet several months before issues will be sharply defined and a man must assume to a bitfh degree of propbetio wisdom, indeed, who pretends to say what combinations have been made by the politicians for the campaign ot '96. It is generally conceded that John H. Mitchell will I return to his seat in tba U. S. senate. The powers that be have willed it, and the people generally are endorsing the deoision with great enthusiasm. This issue seemingly settled in advance, eliminates from the campaign that which, under different conditioner would have overshadowed all things else and brought on a struggle which would have absorbed tbe time of our legislators during tbe next session. Several weeks ago, tbe people of tbe first diatriot gaiued an impression that W. R. Ellis' chanoes were dwindliog and that he would probably emerge from the little and of tbe horn Doubt less this was caused by the springing of number of candidates for congress, Of late Mr. Ellis' position baa been strengthened and the conditions are radioally altered. No one believes that John Rand, ot Baker City, will rally any considerable support, and, as to tbe other candidates, I believe that people will be surprised to learn at the outcome bow many are really not candidates and also how many of them are warm sup porters and unfaltering friends of W. R Ellis. "Over in our ooun try, there is mani fested considerable interest in matters looal to that section. Judge S. A. Lowell's renomination is dependent only oo bis wishes. He will be named by tbe republicans, if he will accept, and by acclamation, and tbe demoorati will endorse bis nomination. When it conies to state senator, tha people generally regret that Col. J. H. IUley's term bas expired, and, against hi expressed wishes, his friends are pushing him along to make tba race again, Col Raley was always a foroe in tha legis lature and should ba there again. This, of oourse, ia from a democrat's stand point, but Is tns reeling among con servative business., men of all parties Tbe republicans ara conceding to Union county tba nomluation for joint senator, but should Umatilla county name th man, Tbomaa C. Taylor can probably bava tba nomination. Mr. Taylor served two terms aa mayor ot Peodletou and lands with tba highest as a clean energetio, oiear-neaiied cosiness man, a says ba does oot want lbs nQloe. Old 'Uncle John' Gnrdana may go back as a representative, lo all probability and lots of democrats will forget party obligation and vote for him, J oho Gurdana baa tbe ootifldenou of the peopla." Catarrh Has troubled ma tor 11 years. I bava taken four bottles ot Hood's Sarsaparilla and am perfectly cured. I think Hood's Barssparilla has no equal, and believe that many "who are in poor health and have become discouraged, would be restored to good health it they would only give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial." Wm. J. Bensch, Astorla.Ore. HrtrtH'c Dill e cure " llvor ln biUoue- DISSObUTlUN NOTICE. ATOTTuE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ll co-partner-hip heretofore existing between 8. W. Meadows and W. P. Scrlvner, under the nrm name of .Meadows scrlvner, doing busi ness as blacksmiths in the town of Heppner, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, 8. W. Meadows will continue the business, col lect all debts and pay ah bills for the siild firm. All accounts must be settled by cash or note Immediately. Mr. Pcrlvner desires to state to the public that he will continue his business as wagon maker and repairer at the sumo stand, and guarantees satisfaction as heretofore. 8. V. MEU10W8, W. P. KCRIVNER. Dated at Heppner, Or., Dec. 3, ISM. t)3 0ll The World has the Money, We Have the Goods ! They are not Second Hand or Junk Shop goods either, but goods of today, bought for cash and will be sold for the same. Sold on their merits and at prices that will have you to call again. We Select Our Stock, After careful examination, we then have the best at correct prices. Boots, Shoes, Hats, We mate a specialty, and by giving us a call you will greatly please us. We twe determined to please and excel. Handling all lines in the quantity we do, en ables us to excel all competition. MINOR St CO., Leading Merchants, Heppner, Or. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT fOR THE COl'N ty of Morrow, Btate of Oregon. J. II. Townsend, l'laintiir, vs. Thomas Walden, W. O. Bcott, Geo. W, Harris, Defendants. To Thomas Walden and Q. W. Harris, Defend ants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the co plaint tiled aealnst you In the nbove entitled suit on or before the nrst day nf tbe next rciiu lar terra of the above entitled court towlt: Monday, the 2d day of March, 18110; and tf yon fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the c urt for the relief demanded In laid complaint, to-wlt: Judgment against defendant, Thomas Wal don, for the sum of Two Hundrt d Knur and Sixty One-Hundredths Dollars In V. 8. (told Coin, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, Irom the nrstdsyol Keltrdnrr iwv, until paid, ana lor tne further sum or Thirty-Five Dollars, attorney's fee. together with the costs ami disbursements of this ult to be tax And that the mortgage described In plaintiffs complaint tie foreclosed and that the premises therein described, to-wlt: tbe 8VU of Bee. , Tpl N, Klit,, M., 1)0 sold to satisfy said juugmeni. And that the said Uen. vt . Harris and all per sons claiming by, through or under him lie forever barred ol all right or equity of rmlcmp tlon In aald premises. This summons Is published bv order nf Hon Stephen A. Uiwell. lodge nf the sixth ludtclal district of the Btate of Oregon, dated December Mil, im J. N. BKunn, Wi tli. Attorney lor I'lalutlft, Karl's (lover I loot Tea ia a si' re oura fur Headache and nemma lieessea Nnililnf relieve ao quickly, for taia by Walla warreo. Selling Out Our Entire Stock of Millinery, Underwear, Hosiery, Dry Goods, Yarns, Etc. If you want txirgains now is the time. are going out of business. FELL BROS. We NOTICK. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A MEET lug nf the sttirkliolders of tbe Heppner Building ft Iisii Aaa viallon will he held at their otlice la Heppner. Oregon, on the eeennd Tuesday nf January, lsoa, ttelween the hours nf 10 a. in sad 4 it, in. nl a a day. lor the uurixiM of electing dlrvcbm inr the running venr. imi. ii. tiiNinir. Heppner, Or., Dec. A, Ih:i.V mil Bee y. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BORCHKRS, Prop. H MJfcMfcJaM-eM.. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. MTOCKHOMIKKH' MKKT1NU. VTOTICK IH IIEHERV HIVES THAT A MEET- ll lug nf the atnrk holders nf The National Hank of Heppner will tie held at Its linking hiiiiae. In lleiuiiier. on the eectitl Ttieadav of January. Iielween tha hnnra n( I" a m. end 4 p. m m aapi nay, mr the purpose ol electing uirec tors fur Ihe enau.ng rear. r.li K. RIMIKif, a. liter. Heppner, Or., In. 4, IKtt. f'ljlu. TINRtlt rt'LTIKK SUMMONS. IM THE rtlKTIT COt'RT foil THE COVH tf of Morrow, Mat uf On (on. The Sort barn Conn flea I ureal merit Trust, Limited. l lallillfT. ve 0. W. etea.rl, Jam" D. Hamilton, ti. v liar rlngtoM, Addle l a n III and 1. N hma n, Ih-frlidanta. Tn O W. ateaarl snt Jam D Hamilton, Drlrtvlanla In th ha ma nf lh Male nf liron, ami ere tierel., re.. ,,ted lo eppaaf ll'l stiaeer tf, roll, plaint filed aaali.al Jo i In lh ab e tlllt nil nn ar tmu,r lh anil day of ll toll rru lar term uf lt beieenlltl4 roufl, W all Ma4sy, Ike 14 r ef Metvb. IMM, and If Jon ai anlnanaaer. h-t veil lhaienf Hi plaintiff will epplr In lh roorl t..f lh taltel deaaatell In aald rfltfn,alel. lo ell A err lor lh aute of io T noua.4 Iotle fol.l ns aa It la miret Iharvnai el th rai i4 iMtrraalaaf inaam Imea II, S1 .lar ol J'Hr, l"J, unill t-at I r-f lh nl 4t eed filly lea Hot.-lre.llh filiate atlth IntafMl thataon el lh rat of i(i,t ef rent t aun.ira Note lh Mat day of Jain f. anJ h auie of Httm H'MidnM !.. al'orn, lave, ei,4 toata m'A atattoeavanant of Ihla auil AlM.l.if tfc lofa l,a.if o la, la.onea t ft-i by refatw1o f, m 4rt .. I ha pm tonl tt$ th earn t,t r.tkaf l.f I a miutNw. m io of ih pia. lh 't lh ar- j, aoi th. w ml II. ar w il. and lh iltii the a ,-f m ;. a. I In Irk StHilkj t4 Mang Jb R M M , l.rf , ,4 aald fttatnta t.'t )i'tfmti,t e'l aiaxilloe aeaioal lh 4in4ant it ', a-r l.rf..,a B law y M h anar raaie aitet at li.a li.e .rw4aol lh 4aa4 'o. . tt. p , ,ti '4 lh ai'va taa-1 aom 4 f. -MS,,tuf I,IH aa I 4mnta4 In r-iai-.u t .,i.-i I hla naiM I a-t I-, .at. I t.t otl. 4 M-.n etMt,nA l.,aa I, -.l -4 Ihe ett.lt .,4,l l ,a" t-1 ul III Stat ttf tr-t 4UH aitlf a li JJ Si .. tt L AHfhy l'4 1 1. mi UNITED HTATEs I.SNII (tEEIrK AT I.A Itrantte. Oregon. Nov. I'.ih. ltV I'tttn- plaflit hat log oen mad el ttia nttie by the duly verified nidat It nl Rainnel MrHttde. alleg IttglhalMm. It Vaiitllae, whti made 1tnlMr f'tiltnr entry No. I.i .'. at the Ijtnd lirliee el le itiaitd. Iiregoti. mi tlte Ian 'lay ol Iteremtier kI. lor lh S'a nl N1, "Ve. l.lu I K jf f., a M , rtaa holly aiaindiiiieil the aal ltt. l. thai elalltiatil haa fallri to ptattl any tree main atild Irael nl la d el anv lima altie the entry of Ihe earn and lhal liter I nut now any Ire. grow log thereon aa nt law miiirt iherelore. with a tic ol Ihe raneellatlnn nf lh aatne. Hi aald Httil.-a ere eat h beiel.y r united and aiinitittiited to It and apfiear Itefur . Mmwiar. rtoiitly riera nl Mormat rotitily. Oregon, el hla otfit in lleppnrr. Oregon. nn lh I'tthdayof January, I -a. at lh hour nf 10 n t ha a. A M.eitd priattire aorh leaiimotty m trie ntay hate ronternliig lit at ailegatlot.a 1 h final hearing lo l had before the reglaler aod rev-eiter et Ita itrattde. Orrgoii, an Jenuer t in, l-"a., i hi o i n-a a m R E Vtll.aol, I'.eglaler. ft I'll J II rSOHHINa, K-.el.ef TIIUNDKU LIQIITNINO "Tlure i a tide in the ajfatrt oj men That, if taken at it Jlwxl, lead on to fortune." Tbe flood it here ami so ia GILLIAM & BISBISIO With a full lice of Ilimlwufo. Tinwam QlnHHwaif. Ciwkorv. Wood niitl WilIowwaro.CHlnrTubM at 1 Jot 1 rock 1'ricon. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING GANG .'LOWS! They run an light 1 hey run off in the night. Tbe only Etcluaive Hardware Htore liotwctm Tlio Dallra and FcDdleton GILLTAM & I3ISB31!:, Iieppnfr, ... Orogon. H A IN ItAIN ,m Be Kcelev I V"T1 K M II H M f M V UtKfH TIHT Uf (tiff If I In Use fnailit"f faf lh !( ! IA W. II HflaslsS 4r. hr lh iMttil-f I 4ntt, fil INe Mt n OtMHtl ff Sl'.fi. C'MititV tellb f t..ta I wtmim til s.nf tttt Mi at iMir uvINiOi ! tl. hiaftir! fh in tSan I on aslitMf laiMitAtr l I- ! 11 t-s In Mt t,nmtt t lil ilar ihm If. til 'I. i.l lh r'lt tWia. n a ! f .'fffP-t ti "-f1f -e..a4.ri-ltJ la h lat ha) '' I (I Malawi IH lfaffr I tHtfttf I f ?.( la.at that ., 1 h m n'ftimt A 4M !. I Ti t1 Ti htt (- f l vteta.lh, I m 0 nmuf tlj ! i. i.aH ( MWlatwaa i4 . Bta K Mir) ' nl.( m l Is IU t-f lit vnlil1 I atMOft I fi 4 ffror.lytrl,.f M. ! e U . It mm For tho Cuiv Oa Luuor.Oiium ud Tobacco Habits It la hireled at ffelern, Orefna, Tht il .it lUnutiful Tovn on th CoaM l all el lh (Uiarts nffr It.r rtletilrs eitb I roitlrleiilial. Treeteteut rlien4 aura cur) J m jrat- mtmjcjm 9 K.,aaao lo r. Vae Irnya. Hast 4'-4 to Hlf ll Hel. Has everything in tho lino of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, ond olso keeps Crockery, Lefimns nnd Tinware. AHimtaT'iM a miiii r c . . V'i' wraratf uvri iimtthr StocK is Complcto. Notions a Specialty, 4 ttta1ft9't' . ! 4u-t I ' IT" Ttji , a a.eal lr-.t .'ti, y tna.e la-lir In tr.al In ttaeMt Mti.i.i.iti ' ta4 .t t .... $ u. t-te. r'e.. . 1 .t -1 4tta 1 ri.a.l aat.i-aa ft. ..tt,t,,l .m f, 1tti4 turn., inh H j! H't. il t-tri, evail. aitaiairraaf an aofiiaf"""" I,TTt tf Jl f iMlSIV f ..!.. I btat-t eaan lt.l ta-t 4 a4 tt.lr.fatat.M. ..ta o.. il ml J-a . tVaw, I 4i aaaa 'I, . ta a r W1 Sti lh , i I..!, 4 I the It, r-Mat M it- t'l . (ae ba I h I -.! I ' . 1 m4 M m e. I r Ail ,a rai .. t- ! ala aevtaa aM t.la eea a y .ta4 n . . h,t i ih.M la M l-rf (.....(. ai af Iwtla S aa M tw-.n. eith-t. ah., tt a'ta tb ( eaaejaej ta-al " j " ' mf t,a, il i.l ba t-.t I l.e4 A a il,Kbaa tlB '!! I.ra. 4 "l . In M 4y .t ear n i ii l ai n' U t.l ilxa il II lie.t. t, )! e-l ff,i.tf iH.a ta 11 ha.l- t .1 tear.. ea V.et y Ift. d -a I, ! iil e-l I ,. n la anwiiia rv lb IU tJta A4alti.MllS ha i.M to! .4 a ttmtt.ialra' .4 ft aa av baa taa1 a-l a.i al- al s. ea'at b i-t.. I t eaw -. ty a i tattaw al lh e ail l.t.f lntf n itl.lai Sal. t tht r-.i-a A "" T A !e li..tia'- 1 J ta- ' ''4 auftrk ii f ettM hi iifim airfiM V'f I' a llt i .. ta lllt till . . I . I. .e.l - a 4 lh . list la a .4 II flm - (ta-t .1 l. n . .. .1 It.. it tt.a r-4 T.ltt 4 tv,ar I it bo , i aa I t- S e 4 aa-1 Hat It I5 a I - r- tkm I-- A--.. 4 lha lta-' .4 a m b wtt. b .taa a e. aet-.i t.t .t i .. i e i mUii M.t raf , w b ofr of nfeafo. I IHii III' y 1 1 I a I t . a J. Leezer's Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. fRISH BUI AD. CtHS AH0 PUS ALWAYS OH HA HO. Cummings & Fall, mom iron lit l i,4 '.:.iUa Agttvej far .aa.li. in I U a.m. ... i elei- , JmiIH f .f llU tlua. . .... . , a.. - a T ..' .. lh. I lll. .l..l,l, ,..b ,.,.-..,-a b., a . I 4- 1 I A. ipn .tftA. nt'." i t-' " ii'i tut i 1 1 y t imumi k ' - - ' - I -.III II "I I 1 1 I VI j r,-.iiM':w.,. rrr.',-'. r VTt.'"."!'- - - , MlI ... fc-'lS .a,al r.gaH-r, e) !fl.. I at , ... I. a at-.eaaa t ,a ... - a r M fl '- a) r 4 I.....I a - .... I t - ... a , i,...-.,.... . , , a . .. 'a ' T (, ,.1. . t ji,. .,i i. ,i ;(,, , , t-, , i a- be I. a r p-a a fP (ilH e) faf Xse1' ft nn a) it. MM iv-t.a ft M.ei . A. . aAksaak el vf 4ai I) bI M ! (itnti(ic tnttienn a, ...4-i . t aaa.t - e - " a m a ta -! tlt.M'H tf ' I ia l.e N tV bl ,r ICeay aau.tao !: IIAV ftaal t f II. .. A4 les ba"l T. i rv tta4 a4 la V.t. ytevee, AMUf", iMf. Utf i'r" OasrrSavV. I tat. a' i' - i .. a-, a 's -tay -4 i I ' I .-. ..r -. j M 0fl J' jr....... t b 'i.-re it - .-! , T 1ll.l. iH..,... in ii H. i a r t St Mt i