u IfYMjUlNKDNm' ajsb - . -r position of state senator from that county. Mr. Hume is well quali fied for the position. The Hunter's Story, lrl"; THE SENATE. A Washington correspondent to the Gazette, speaking of the situa tion in the senate, sums it np as follows: "With sixty senators voting, the eilyer men had a majority o twelve. The vote on the question of referring to committee Senator Allen's resolution directing the finance committee to inquire and report upon the expediency of the opening of the mints of the United States to the free acd unlimited coinage of gold and silver at a ratio of sixteen to one, and in addition thereto, issue an adequate volume of full legal tender notes, and in the interests of Natioual safety withdraw the issue power of nation al banks and retire all bank cur rency, was twenty-four for refer ence and thirty-Bix against. The resolution was then adopted with out a division. Whilo their majori ty would probably not be quite so large on a full vote of the senate, there isn't the slightest doubt that the silver men have a substantial majority of the senate, nor that this majority will insist upon con cessions being made to them before allowing any financial bill to go through the senate." Harvey Scott, editor of the Oregonian, is planning to make a tour through Mexico in the near future. The Roseburg Review and As toria Herald distinguished them selves in getting out excellent New Year's editions. AsTOKU and Oregon City are both anxious to entertain the Oregon Press Association next year. It is also reported that Baker City would not refuse the honor. A Milwaukee jury recently de cided that a bag-pipe was not a musical instrument. This decision will certainly meet with general favor, though it may lead to war with Scotland. As A matter of fact, the assess ments of Morrow and Curry coun ties were the only ones that went through the bands of the board of equalization without change. This is a good showing and Assessor Willis is justly proud of it. bat votei for it audience sang the closing hymo, "Nearer my God to Thee,' (From the Pent, Houiton, Texu.) toe thought came, yea tbat tbe One day latt autumn a reporter of thi I remedy for all ilia, living true livef paper and a popular drummer started nearer to Ood, not hypocritically, but from Orange, Texaa, for a drive acro truly Dearer to God. country; Ibe reporter on business for bia paper and tbe drummer to eell goods. On tbe return trip they beard tbe re port of a shot gun, and aoon Ezra Peet emerged from tbe wood with bis dogs The drummer knew him. "You are looking wonderfully spry," said tbe drummer, "bow came the change?" "That's all right and I am right glnd to tell you and that newspaper friend of yours what wrought all this change in me," said Mr. Peet as he took a seat on a fallen log alongside tbe buggy. "Sixty-two years ago Ioame to Texas, seven of which I have spent on yonder farm. One day while sitting in my E. M. Eiqht Mile, Or., Dec. 31, 1895. 0. A Natural Btautifirr. Karl's Clover Root Tea DuriQVs the blood nod gives a dear and beautiful oomplexion. For sale by Wells & Warren. FOREIGN TID-BITS. CAPTUBKD AT liAbT. Wag Taken in at Boise Idaho, and Boon be Returned to Portland. Will The population of France ia 38,095,-150. Chinese Immigration is being solicited by Mexico. The month of May, 1891, was tbe wettest May in Europe for nearly seven ty years. Thkke are nine medical men in Eng land upon whom the title of baronet baa been bestowed. The total amount of life insurance in Great Britain is nearly identical with the total national debt. Mrs, John Lemp, on Monday, December 23, 1895, without any resistance on tbe Alfred E. Beach, who for fifty years has been editor of the Scien title American, died at his home in New York on New Year's day, of pneumonia. His death will be severely felt by the publishers of this well known magazine. None Bnt Ayer'i at tbe World's Fair Ayer's Sarsnparilla enjoys the extraor dinary distinction of having been tbe only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers of other saraaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, bnt they were all turned away under the application of the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and Dostromi. The deoision of the World's fair autho. rities in favor of Ayer's Harsaparilla was in eneot as follows: "Ayer's Barsapa rilla is not a patent medioine. It does not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is here ou its merits." V ord was reoeutly received at this office concerning one, A. Roderick Grant, substantiating tbe rumor of bis capture at Boise, Idaho. This was ao GOmnliahAfl fw IVfiaa A nr.nc.ta T.amn nt obair I grew dizzy, fell backward out of .. , , , ... . " tbe residenoe of her narenta. Mr. and it, yvriiy turn uiy puwor ui Bjjeeuu lur a time end, to be brief, I was taken with a - 1 I. n f I . I Duuan KJk yaioijDio. s ui luuuiuq duu a, f. . . . ., , .. . , ... . y" ul mr rauii woo quieuy goo- ,, u , . r u u mittedto tbe inevitable, and who has J HluDlnHil nia UMllinrvnoaa tn ininmnanw Kt ...11 T U.A ..: lt " uui u uu man buu i ui'i nra uVnhll ...... v.. t.i j hope of ever being relieved of my suffer. fQrther80ti0n ,B tbfl fl(jld Mf ingwnen i was requested io use ur. BnH Mp. . ... m . .... , TTTMl; . T- r,-,, r..L -r . . "-' mono moil UUUJB Z""T a , . Ben,I?r after Jan. 1, at 435 Yamhill St., Portland, I it. . l - i : u i . i in LaJ a VI, DIU VB 1UUIIII BK DJUDUiU VU 1 W TTUI L II AUKJEJ 1 . J. a a a " ivi r. itrnnt ia vara no innnn in physically and suffered a loss in weight 0rfiffnn WajlV,ifwjfm, , T, . . of about twenty pounds. To tell you L-nenmii,, in H.nnn -k k i... tbe truth I had no faith in them wben ,, ... ;. t . .. ... , . .T . . many rnends. He is at present a than Hiii nttMva fnr ha1 I wt Ar b nn r f mnnia I " . " . 7 member of tbe 0. W. R. Mauf. Co., of after money without receiving a particle Portsnd 8nd h(J9 reDre8ented th. ui oeueu.. ou. x cuangeu my mma ere interegt(1 o( tuis firm fof i naa tasen toe contents 01 tne nrst Dox tor I felt a decided and constant im provement all around and every member of my family noticed it also. I kept on improving every day, by and by I could walk as well as ever, just as you see me bere, and all tbia was aooomplished by taking the contents of about halt a dozen boxes of Dr. Williams' Fink Fills ac cording to direotionB. Now I keep baby bones are soft, so soft they scarce can be called bones in the earlier years ; gradually they harden, and furnish the frame which sup ports the growing body. The hardening comes from what chemists term " the min eral substances." When these are absent we have "Rickets" a lack of bone-tissue, which shows itself in delayed teething, profuse The French make paper umbrellas, 1 j A if nnr arrested, malformations and rendered wholly waterproof bv rela- "Cdu-bwcD, - - tined bichromite of potassium. deformities. Thk interior of Labrador is said to be the largest unexplored area on the con tinent, ana it nas a wateriaii witn a sheer descent of two thousand feet. taking active steps toward learning of lime and soda will give its UWe body the needed fat in an easy iorm. Bt turt ytu Scoff I EmuUitu mki ft wul it and nt tktmp luMituU. Scott & Bowne, New York. Ail Druggists. 50c. and it. Such a baby needs lime for its weak bones and cod-liver oil for its fat-starved body. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites they would like to have their national capital. During the past year 22,017 persons visited the birthplace of Shakespeare, as compared with 12,300 in 1S80. The year shows a balance of over 81,500 to the credit of the birthplace. tome years in tbe Northwest. May their lives be as one as they float down the river of life, and may their onp of happiness and plenty always be full to overflowing. Piles! Pilcal Itching Piles. hymptoms Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynb s Ointment stops tbe itohing and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most oases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Sway ne& Son, Philadelphia, at Ia'W, HEPPNEK, Attorneys All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OREGON Utah is now a state, having been admitted by proclamation of the president on last Saturday. "Ed." Goodwin, of the Salt Lake Tribune, will probably be one of Utah's first U. S. senators. Toe Union is now by far the best newspaper that Walla Walla has ever had. Her uitizona should show their appreciation of this fact Senatoh Mitchell is favorably mentioned by tho l'atorn prows for vice proHidcut on the ropubli cau ticket Oregon cortaiuly has no caiiHrt to be SHhatuod of John II. Mitchell. Tue contractors who are con structiig the locks at tho Cnacmlos still maintain that they ill have an orwn river between The Dallas and l'ortland by March 1st, unless an unusually heavy fall of snow should interfere. Am EXCflASOE says wo cannot afford to have a war, as it would be a terrible calamity. 1'robably true. Hut then we had la tter lmvo calamity than sacrifice national honor. However, thcr is no groat prospect of eitbor fat i .maiss nas lour conpreanmpn One it speaker and the other three have prominent rhairnianKhips. Under the circuniHtaurcs the re maining small Krtiim of the Unit Ml States hould lx thankful that this statrf has no larger delegation in corgreaa. Heed's slate of committees has decided presidential flavor. A w lorn congressman who is serving Lis second term is given the chairmanship of the livers aiu harbor committee hieh rightful ly belonged ti Hermann, Utth be. cause of length of service and rank Hut then New Yotk has more vote la tbe natioual convention than Oregon, you koow, couxuetitly th shift CHKISTUAB REPASTS. 1 drop you a few lines tbat may be of interest to vour readers. After testing the roast turkey at my bouse on Christmas day, a few of the neighbors passed a very pleasant even. n g, entertained by toasts from 0. D nennette ard Oeo. Miller, our genial pontmaster, and crisp witticisms of "Scotch-Irish" oat, by Mr. and Mrs, O. T. Doutflns, and other pioneer Ore- gnniaus, iotersperaed with songs and manic that memory will recall as bright spot iu tbe sociul oircle many days beuoe. From tin us old-timf rs I learn that early iu the 70s wheu Tendleton and Tbe Dalles were their uearest points of trade and market and Umatilla and H'co counties embraced Monow and Gilliam, their cuttle and hnrioa roamed over a "thousand bills," from the John Diiy to Hotter creek, thriving ormn the natural gramies which abounded io diversity twelve months In tbe year, and without feed or attention snve to brand and kuow their wlierenlmuts, and llieo deliver fur the gold tbat made their times of plenty and nropixritir: one party delivered 73 bead of cattle off lbs range io March for beef; another party brought four hundred ealves from tbe valley, and they lived on the rang (our years Willi only a lone of eight. Our squirrel rsl bus been her as iohb: as ma oiiirti seiner, Mil some years worse thnu el hers. Tbe gras hopper is an old timer, too. bo I did damage about two years sod nut io SiioeMino, but worse Dearer the mountains. One suow was about twenty-one iuebes deep sod another suteeo Indies. A few winters tbe llier. tnoroetor was several degrees below sro. t Judge wheo wo pea two lowecblps anutb toward the Itloe mountains wiiiUre are colder on J thrre it more snow, Farmers are jubiUot with Ibe preaent iirwet f o shhI wheal erp. Range hurwe are in fair condition but ibe sheep are prii,iii tie. Now as ibe old year leaves ns sod Hie or w rmee. It ta a I'wJ lime f.r os o leave behind all nr laen!nee of the ImI, much as wtlhio oa lire, aed deeide on reeulnlione for the future whereby we nay help ethere as we help outwit to Ihe buttle i.f life; Ibal we have o eooeetenee told of offebee sod (lorifv oof r'ther in Lran. A bai'pf New Year Io lb e.litor SoJ reader. J. W.O. Iv.i ot 4e, t)r , J to J, tai Mny merchants are well aware tbat their customers are their beet friends and take pleasure in supplying tbem wiin tne best goods obtainable. As an them in our medioine chest all tbe time instance we mention Perry & Camerou, and would not be without them under l'f&f" 0'- l?An. I uftV SAV! "WA nnva nn ha.1. any oircumstances. My wife bas been tution in reoommending Chamberlain's taking tbe pills lately owing to the Cough Remedy to our customers, as it ia weak onndition of her system and she tDf .De8' ugh medicine we bave ever too, claim, that they sr. benefiting be, p", '.aU.t mrr Hut Biuug, in air, u MJr, miunuiB I UODO, urUgglSt. Pink Pills I certainly attributi the obange for Ibe better you see in me today Patbnt List. Tbe following Paoiflc and I am ready to commend tbem as a coast people bave been granted patents great remedy in oases for wbioh they are recently : H P. Holland, San Franoisoo, intended. Yes air, for tbe benefit of the Cal., ore smelting fornaoe; M. Jensen, siok I cannot help but say something oo Astoria, Or., soldering maobine; 0. E. every ocoasion about those wonderful Larrabee, Berkley, Cal., station indicator; pills and I do ao gladly, loo." H. Liefer, Los Angeles, Cal., stepladder Dr. Williams' Pink Pills oontain all or other supporting devioe; H. A. Mar ine elements necessary to give new life riman, Los Gatos, Cal,, evaporator; R. ana rionness io ine oiooa ana restore r. Minor, neppner, ur., railway car shattered neryes. They are for sale by truck; E. I. Nichols, Sao Francisoo Cel., all druggists, or may be bad by mail steam vaouum pump; H. Orrock, San from Dr. Williams' Medioine Co., Franoisoo, Cal., pulley block ; J. R. Sobeneotady, N. Y for BOo. per box, or Phelps, Marysville, Cel., Andrew G. B. Hatt, tbe tonsorial artiet, can be found at his parlors, Matlock oorner, where be will dispense at popular prices, shaves, snampoos, naironta. etc. Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo desires the services of an attorney in Washington, D. O , will find it to his advantage to call on or address this pa per, 5tf For 822.50 I will sell a first class, bigb grade, high arm sewing machine guaran teed for 10 years. For further particu lars oall on or address, N. A. laob, .Lexington, Uregon. 8s-tf. Ben Mathews is now sole proprietor of the oity meat market where be keeps a fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal, sausage, baoon and lard, which he sells for the lowest market price. Fred Bock, tbe Portland butcher, is still with bim. tf Take a Peep at GEO. A. BROWN'S AD. In This Space Next Issue. HARDMAN, OR. Now is tbe time to get tbe Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of tbe West. With tho Gazette, both striot- ly in advance, one year, $3 60. No better combination of newspapers can be made io tbe state. Besides we will give as a premium an additional journal, the Web- root Planter, an agricultural paper. Come in now and subscribe. 6 boxes for $2.50. For Dyspepsia and Liver complaiot yon bave a printed guarantee en every bottle of Shilob's VitaMxer. It never fails to cure. For sale by Wells & Warren. . KIUUT MILK NOTES. Prader, Spokane, Wash., ener; A. II. Sobierholz, Cul., ore crusher. pencil sharp ban Francisoo A Eaot Worth Knowing. Consumption, La Grippe. Pneumonia. and all Throat and Lung diseases are on red by Shilob's Cure. For sale by Wens & warren. K. C. Ashbaugb bas moved into the Doolittle bouse. a ixeasant ukoiption. The r oeptioo tendered to Rev. Howard and wife on Friday evening last waa a very A Christmas ires si Liberty was a pleasant affair. Tbe oonareffatioo of very eDjoaoie anair. the M. E church. South, aod a few of Spelling sohnol every Wednesday their invited frieods, gathered at the evening onnduoted by E. U. Stanton. cbnrob at 6 :30. Ao Impromptu program Prayer meetina everv Hnndav mornina carried out, whic h consisted of After Deo. 1, 1895, tbe Gazette will make a discount of 10 per cent, from list on all staple job work. Tbia re. d notion is made on the supposition that cash will be paid for all work as soon as oompleted. " 7ANTEO: Severs! trustworthy gentlemen t y Fa - " - - - - - - Do You Want a Rig ? . Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? I ... I .-...-I I I .. f. II U I "K steady position. Kncime reference smi self i-1 All these can be procured at Ihompson & liinns, Lower Main, street, urcRii Rvmiiiiicii ciitcii(i.. i u. iMiiiiiuiii un UAnnnav I Irannn any. Third Floor. Omaha Building, Chicago, ,,c1'1'u"p marl. 8UMMON9. TN Jl'STTCE COURT FOR THE SIXTH DI8- 1 t at eleven o'olock, oooduoted by Andrew Ashbiugh. All are invited. The first entertainment of tbe New Year at tight Mile Center will be a spelliog sotiool oooducted by Mr. E. B Stanton. several beautiful anthems sod appro priate soogs by Iheoboir, aod address of welcome by A. G. Bartholomew, re sponded to by Rev. Howard and mem hers of tbe ohorcb present. This all followed by s oios lunch of cake, landwli-hpa ami rnfTna. It ia avl.lanl This Is th last day of tk year. Tbs ,,. ,h. ..,,,., .nlUn , IK.i. -.uu U.O..D. .. DongD me oia year 0aW DMto, lD,, lb- u v euuroh ... was drlermioed logo oat with a tussle delefminej ,0 gi bim good (Upporli - uu. .u u- i..rBen, .DU ii i. rain- ,nJ ,BO ,e0otnpli.b mooh g0oJ work . ver, u.,u ,agD ii was aneaaing by bi MiiiUo09 theoomlog year. May it H-ailuti'lUHII uau IU Biep DBTB Hill bl g glv plac to yonng 1) Oo Zbristmaa day a family reunion I '" tio io lb cheat a piece of was held al lodrew Aalibaugb't. Eight noel dampened with Cbamlwrlaiu's oliil.lreo aod aevenleeu Erandobildreo ''" alm and boond on over the eeat were prmMI hesld tbre daughters io- ""D Pio and another on lb bark law snd Ihreo sons in law. Three 2T , ID snnjira, wui an,ira roller .... . .. . ., , . Tin i especially valuable in eaei . u.,.,r,,K, .r.puroii.iren. ami io ,lrrt j,,m ta ci0d b- , e,,ij ,na duvwiaw ere living wk) rar sway io (her la temleoey toward pn.'oinonia. be Itier. George Asbbangb, a opbsw, tot sale by A bill Uobo, druggist. sod bis two eoos, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Roberta, Mia floy June. Mr. atd Mra Tbs PaiNTta DsiD. A Keotuoky ed Hleutoo aod oo sod, were preaoul. beiog oballeogad by a coooty tree Token nt alT-ctliri wr eiehanged I oalliog bim "lb red teaded between parents and ehildreo. Kab mallgnaol male wbo diaaipales tb gueat eoniriboled Io lb dinner sod lh wuoly's mooey," pr(dored hi maos- trlet, Morrow County. Bute ot OreKou. yv . t. Kanier, Flaintlft", vs. W. E. Dennis. Defenilant. To the Conaialile of the (tlxth District, Morrow county, mate ot oreiron: In the name ot the etate of Orreon. weccim- msnd ynu to summons W. E. Heiinls tn appear tiefnie the undersigned, a Justiee of the Wire in Ulstrlrt No. H. in in Id County and Htate. on or belore the 11th day of Januarv, 1HM, at the I ncuirol liio rinraa. m., at my otnee in Hepp ner, in said Olstrlet, County and Htate. to answer the complaint nl W. K. Kahler. founded on an rspreuroutraetand wherein the (ntd plaintlfl demands Judirmeiit for the sum of Fifty-one and 3.11ml il . I :ui luillsra and rosla of this action: and in ease he falls so to answer for w t thera- of, the plalutllt will take judnmrnl analnst him for the sum of Kfty-oneand .Udou Ioilan and costs 01 tins aeium, This summons Is pnhltshrd by order of K. I. Freeland, Justiee of the I'osee for the Sixth IUstrlrt, Morrow ounty, Oregon. Iiated November 21st, I'M. E. U FRF.ELASD. 311( 07. Justice ol the I'eace, These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook, flllllam and other counties, and can save money and time iu making these sections with traveling men. Prices In keeping with tha times. Thompson & Biisrisrs, XiX'VSXt'X'JvXXSiT. BIPFXTXIl, Your Face reeoll we o floe enread enjoyed by all. Oo Jaonsry '.ttb.la.Kt, ihrra aill b S lemperaoce tueottog al Kight M.I Center school b.iuae. This ijaeaitioo will bedieeaseed; "Wbat t M irally Wron can lib rohllcally Kghf" W hou to be alii Io aonoaeo tb Dams of atu re wh willta willing ! open op lb ubjeou Stm may Ibiuk tbrr la oo dia,ossio or oo groood to talk Bpn Io Ihi 0.aewloo, Well, show if Utem er aoee la morally wrB it rao t rlgbWol j by high lieenae, aej yoq will bave .roe .... . . MbltgU talk btit sol .mtbmg to thee, ta ..netl.ii.g wf,i.g. Th waala M hti,n m ""'U,J greater lhao lliaoi ly ead It is only a Oeiag to Ibe tnrUoy i f lh ,.ieal.,.. t,f tin. ! lb eoJ .t.Mlb.f ,0n,p.,or m,,t,o was "'ST e. cut of iro'lb. Iroobl I ! " "M ' Unt M ,o1" llrt the digeatita prgaoa. If ysa so!,"l,a' lb nJM M f thai rrr-tting r..rihrniM beailhy dilKt( yen ws It "AlvatUgMi i4 ll, Uut HI ....p th. :i,.l. oo ew DMb an I T,.(!j.-; II,, a I.i.n and On.og tb ra.iae II. m l.i frl Iwtlof Io ey wa ' . , , . Tl,.f.heval will U digeated OMs.f . " H' ; Trimer- at f.i 'lal l t . ti e e.ls f tt. ,ism. "' "' A I by no "Jeaa aa l s normal aiile will apfear. j if my H.al" was sung, II I rsoi-t.. fi.'at!y f-lk.ws a it.iat, m., )M JMn. i. iu. ati el si-fipt so I showed that b ta I "tb big beartavl, valiant soul wbo dispeosee Iheeonoty'o tBooey." Tbo jtioter wbo oaasej oil Ibe trouble oow bold case oo lb Heavenly CalL AIIKeeaaiBeaa II Ask your pbyaiciao. your droggiat and ynur frtead arol Hhil.-b's Cor for l'nsatn('lin. They will reenoioatad il. For tal by Wells k Warreo Ctuius or llraixtaa. tbo sod Jopoy bave parrhaal tbo lotereet of Oenrge la the wash boo aod fcsv moved same ta XI a In etrawt oeil door to Ibe oporo bonae, wbr Ibey "ill soa dael s ttrtrtly Brat elaee laoodry. 1b palrooage of alt Io aollelied aod salts faeiloo tuaraaleo.1. J, Tea Ilia ef W wea. Coet.ii,.o. eaoe or Ihao ball the ilia i.f women. Karl rioter ll-M ta t o piraaatit rnr for Ctsiipati.ti. F.4 ! by Wells A Warrsa. Ix ilia ircrct tarifT sjorli Sina lor Mitchell dvrlsrol that t o in Justrj Lal rt'ceitnl sucli starr intt l a.lly It iaUtiic Mowa as that Itfln lr l uix.u tl.r wai iinliia. try by tho WiUn tatifT act. it draititHl from tta t'nitcl States nitbio tU U.t jrar. fM.PtO.fkH) io ' InZlu VoToToi .i. Tr.' -J 4 MJ " -' roll to t ar fr f. reign Mr , ! i'-'i win re-i.ty n ' t i,i io ft a t tl ( a ft al a C 1 ' vm " "i WW r"VUIIMfJ IH Ul l It W WSJ ll)tl lM I UI ' m9ma IH.!aoft te..lh M It .an he.. at . al . Mllfhsll twt tatl that UbtrM vaal m.),my ,.f ea-. M pp. rflb.tr ,Ulf..,,g ,au Jf f.a tt.v Ull T Hrp. Ba this ircilati..n waa t.t.c tha " - - ' J i l i , ?, ' , ' l,Uh f "- lb rgiiati..n a rb-ecM. lbs ( w ti )0 f i fl- , tu, tb. ,rt. rffcA IUfM ( M 9M a 1 . a . a . t a, ff a. i aw . il A 1 & . I .a&.l a.. a. I 1 L f . - a lis . a..t. a. . fl I UW' iUdUMr VI llir ffl UU" It'll)' tf nsio ' lUW ni'lg II H lOttwtlioftwIt I 1 uull I antilhllatl. t W I tM eMI U.o o, ra.t..r ,!, I"! n aroeaoM sua.) ittnertt , , f ' H.m I a !.. - It paUUMe. I'm km Inns f , t tb 1'aakard- ,. ,, .-....- Mh- .i;isa T If I. (, te ttn ll,a( X T. Ilmr. I ri-rrti!r4 M.lirw. It-..ftt. b. te!beib.rMHs mi, i,mii.ii.u.I is.lif T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN Grockries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supflies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will make it an object for you to trade with him as his prices are right, and all goods that he handles are of the very best Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, LEIeppner, Oregon. Will ao wrMtaeat with a mast etaiag smile, after yew Invest la) a WMteSewingMacMnB SQkMPWtO WITH ITS MIW PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, Tb most complete aad aaeful devtcas ever added to any sewing BiaituM, The YIUTi: Is Dirably t4 Hudieatly Isllt, Of Fist rialis n Pirfsct Adjsittt, tret ALL Stwsbls Artist, Ai wul serve sad plea yow op to la fall baM of your n jruuuaa. Aetna Iiaisn WaartD la oaootw Sled Wftitwry. Librral terms. Addms, I aaana oaaoaaaaV B lis, mm-. THE'"" Palace Hotel, C. i YiX tilTX, lritlor. Antts taken full control of thi$ popular houtr, (,n,l viU nle , $trictly Jlr$t chi$$. MKALS, 2: CTS. BEDS, 2: CTS. tW Tree bail s aa4 fr , uut AT LBST! T F Mr. Colttmbus f re alive to. 1 bta Ptsiw rs Mais -(I W D nan baa f. f a.le oat im bis ran.U, iiu.ri.rj t f Mui.u u.ah cum,. i a. c:;:;!(;r.r, . "M lp?D fav-orabl lurutiiUeJ fvT tLs 'ktiatb at E rt.t .l U-e. W'a!t. TVmpa'n Me staa tto lUi t ncr a l M.'nnmetil. a' riir r day i..t M 'o.lay an. I av every i .1 . si I ki.B U. i.. . . I a ... i . i . It. irf..a Ct.it.a, u ,b; ,tl(lfu,. i. kr jWU' lH ," neil, fity aa a.Jagaw. day and callcil at Mat Lichto- that's h might mako a new diecor. ery qoiu a mrmot a!.!e as that t f li'.M Chtis Waa a rrrat .t!u.Trr WHITE SEWIN3 MACHINE CO., ibi.da7. h, .,;u, Ut . rn, CLKVtLANO, O. uiocwrr tut nnear. stXk of Mirta fvpr snowo io lirrirj'r. ati.l IL cheatvat a well hat moro chwa mortal man ant ? yvti.4, iv.?.: w wi. M. I.ICIITKNTHAU Val Ntaal, .rif. rl.i Cutra Work a Spr-cialtj, mm 5 caa. a4 lraJaMaaaaMw1 aa4 a4 faa mhamaMMil4 ej.eea lta. OvaOsvtl 0aa. V, O. . 0' I t (- fmttm m sms sum laaai I Sm4 ." Wa. : aW4l w a-liaa. if - a4, I--a i Mra h w t i. - mww t O fsateait. ,'. rm" i mm t W. a4 ta m 4 tnw A-a, C.A.SNOVd.CO. . aa.aa O O m iiuis. Plenty of them at tho Gazette Office. . . . .:. I 'lllf-Kfiti N0TAW PUBLIC iHUIM '..CONVEYANCER OA 1. 1. AT OaWaWfCal