Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 07, 1896, Image 1

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! 1
Advertising brought me all I
own, A. T. Stewart.
- Is owing to my liberality in ad-;
I vertis;ng. Robert Bonner. S
i i
U'liMl It llllllllJIIIMMlllllll IHItHtilllllllllllilll ilHU'lili
9 0
' " i
i iimi wiii-mwmI
WEEKLY rfO. 6721
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W.
. ... Editor
Business Manager
At $2.50 par year, $1.25 fur six months, 75 eta.
cor three moutns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price,
Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. InBiston
having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co. , a
million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
HOMER H. HALLOCK, Isdianapolis, Ind., D. B. A
Gen. Agent, for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
THIH PAPKH ie kept on file at E. C. Wake's
Advertising Agnnoy, H4 and 65 Merchants
Exchsngs, Ban Fraiioiaco, California, where cou
racta for advertising oan be made for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 10:30 p. m. daily, except
Sunday. Arrives 6:16 a. m. dally, except Mon
day. West bound passenger leaves Willows Junc
tion 1:W a. m. ; east bound 3:80 a. in.
Fretelit trains leave Willows Junction going
east at 7:2.1 p in. and 8:17 a. m.; going west, 4:30
p. m. and 5.50 a. m.
United Btates Officials.
President Qrover Cleveland
Vice-President Ada! Stevenson
Secretary of State Hichard S. Olney
Secretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
Secretary of War Daniel 8. Lamont
Secretary ot wavy nnsry nrunn
Postmaster-General William L. Wi son
Atturney-OsnerHl Jinlwin Harmon
Seoretaryot Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Oovernor ...W. P. Lord
Seoretaryot Btate H. K. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. MeUwhan
flnnt. Pulilie Instruction . M Irwin
Attorney General C. M. y'eman
J G, W. McBnde
nenators j. H. Mitchell
I Hineer Hermann
Congressmen y, k. Ellis
Printer : i; P nH- Ued'
( K. S. TIrbu,
Supreme Judges V. A. M""f.
f 0. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell
IViwuun Attorney John 11. Lawrey
Morrow County OfflciuK
loiut Henstor... . y-0o7S"
Beorewntative, J-. "'"'
onnty Jailge
' Commissioner ). K. Howard
dorij .I.W.Morrow
" Hherirt G. W. Harrington
" Tiwumrar Frank Oilhsra
Aswwor J. Willi.
" Snrreyor.- . ... G. Lord
Hnn't Anna Halsiiier
' Coroner T.W.Ayer.Jr
bpfxib town ornoaaa.
.Tlioe. Morgan
C mneiiineii., O. Fartieworth. M.
Llchtenthsl. Wia Patterson, T. W Aysrs.Jr.,
K. 8. Horner, E. i. Slocum. .
Kenonlet Jf;3-Jtanr
r-ewuret r.. I' f'r.
Marshal A. A. Huberts
I'reeuirt OHleen.
Jn.tle.nf th Peace K. I.. Frwland
i wihls N. 8. Wt.et.toue
fatted Htatea Land Ornrera.
J. F. Wnor H -rist-r
A. tt. Hi aw lleoer
tk iiBAsns, oa.
B. F. Wilson IWMr
J. II. lObtnos Hecelver
tzsiticr aosiTZE.
G. A. K.
rl-wts at liintm. Or., the Uat flaturday of
srl month. All veterans ar Inelled tn oin.
C. H.k. Oau. W. Hwith.
Adlataol. tf CwnmuiiW,
f) ...is... f5
To persons who served In the wars of the United States or to their
Utn Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension? Had You a g
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
(V on whom you depended for support f
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
v)V are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
2 time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
VCV (7-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
Kn Fp unlet MiL'fessful.
S The Press Claims Company f
C PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, f)
618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
f JT. S.Thl Company U controlled by nearly one thoutand leading netn-
papen in the Vnlted Slate; and u guaranuea uy mem.
Almost everybody takes some laxative
medicine to cleanse the system and keep the
blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS
i ivfr RFfiULATOR (liquid or powder)
eet all the benefits of a mild and pleasant
lavative ana lOIUC lliai uunncs uic uiuuu
and strengthens the whole system. And
more than this: S mmUlNS L1VCK KLUU'
LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active
and healthy, ana wnen me Liver is in
good condition you tina yourseir rree irom
Malaria. Biliousness. Indigestion, Sick-
Headache and constipation, ana na or
that worn out and debilitated feeling.
These are all caused by a sluggish Liver.
Hnnd rlitrestion and freedom from stomach
v ... i i i J ...l il. i:
troubles will only De naa wnen ine uver
is properly at work, it trouDiea witn any
of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR, ine King or Liver meui-
-i n . ii ri : 1 1
Cines, ana Better man rius.
Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Phlla., Pa.
rl.- ara prewrl la Brat
mnrt.urt nim m imrn irm in
Orevnn. ar tils trn prtlr ! a rto( lnl.rt I
ixit issiraH tr rnt w-ranniim Xortg
rorvl that b hr ! Ir othrf roin.
Haser ritf. iro.,n.
L U M 11 H llT
It ilr ml Lumtwf. MaHMaul Hppu, at
bal la kna the
rat l.OJO FRIT. Rul'uH.
- - - CUAH.
nr.mtn, wtu. At'Ol
JMi IM alitlaMU.
Tts aiwva lotalloM ara strtrlly f" Caab.
see wi
OU CAS BI V iVU0 woitli of drr oU ami grwctl-s ana men nava
vnniiKh li.ft out of ll tl to purt haw a No. 1 Crescent Blrrclo. Thla la
i tlrstls niM lilno. Wlir than pay 1100.00 for a bltrcla that will alva
no better sertrlce T
1 at
CREECH t Heorrher," weight pounds, only J0.
U lliV aiid !uts' nlstra all the way from I a to ITJ.
"B rs' Junior," only l with pneumatic lira -a good uachlna.
"()nr Xpeclal." ' U-Hra', ".
Trade Mirk Dr. A. Owtn
The latest and only scientific and vraotleal
Electric belt made, for general use, producing
a genuine current of Electrielty, for the cure
of disease, that can be readilv felt and resu
lted both In quantity and power, and applied
to any part of the body. It can be worn at any
time during woraing noura or aieep, ana
u f m: u a l nr.Bi lity
Electricity, nromrlr applied. Is fart taklnc
tlioplttoaor druxs for all Nerrous, Kl.euui'itlc,
tviiiney ana innai iroumes, ana win enoct
runs In eeamlngly hopeless rases where every
olliir known mean has failed.
Any altiKKlshi weak or diseased organ may
ljf tills mcuns be roused to beallhy autlvity
bnfure It la loo late.
IxtHiIlitar meillral men tisa and recommend the
Owen Uelt lu their practice.
Contalna fullest Information regarding Hie cure
or anim, rhmriln and nervous uiwiwcs, prires,
and how to nnlrr. In Lnallsh. German. Hwinllsh
and Norwrglnn Ungnsgca, will iMimnlled, Uin
(ipiu aUou, to any auuresa lor a cvnu ..ii;o.
Ik Ow:a Electric Belt and Appliance Co.
main orrira a oklt rarroar.
The Owea ElacUic Cell CM.. 231 to 211 lists street
Tlie Utful C:trlo Cell CilaWithmaalla th: rVetia
crs i.it
Driving; a horse is one of those siinpla
processes, HKe Bailing a oouv, wmuu
anyone can master wivnout, previous
experience. Jiiveryuoay Knows m
there is nothing dillicult about, it, ana
those that have never done i are per
fectly aware of therr ability to do it,
if they choose.
But "driving from the back seat, is
quite a different thing; that is a grave
and serious affair, an undertaking oi
tragic intensity. There is not one mo
ment of calm, peaceful enjoyment for
those so employed. ' Every circum
stance and incident to them is vital
and momentous; each turn in the road
bids fair to bo a certain pathway to
destruction; every signboard is a false,
deceitful snare set to mislead them,
while each movement of the horse is !
but an index of vicious propensities
about to be revealed. In fact, this
method of driving is not only physical
ly exhausting, but mentally depressing
and spiritually demoralizing, and not
alone does the driver suffer, but also
all who are unfortunate enough to
find themselves in the same vehicle
with such a one.
Perhaps a brief description of my
own will best serve to illustrate my
1 had run down to spend a couple of
days with my friends the Graziers,
who were occupying a charming coun
try place for the summer. On the
afternoon of my arrival my hostess
suggested that possibly I might enjoy
a drive over to I'ine Knoll, which they
deemed a most desirable point from
which to view the country round about
I, of course, expressed my delight with
the idea of a quiet country drive after
the rush and turmoil of the city, from
which I had just escaped.
Immediately after luncheon a light
two-seated wagon drawn by a pair of
spirited bays appeared at the door.
Mrs. Crazier and I took our seats be
hind and Mr. tlrazier. springing into
the seat in front, took the reins and
we were whirled away down the long,
smooth driveway, beneath rows of tine
old elms. 1 trlanced admiringly at
them as we passed along and turned
to my hostess enthusiastically: "What
magnificent trees these are," I ejacu
lated. ISho, however, failed to respond, and
I noticed that her lips were tightly
compressed. "He careful, Willard,
when you turn into the rotid." she
said, warnin(ly, and I perceived that
we were approaching the picturesque
stone gateway, over which much su-
lvVJJ(UA tTh
eliciting any response from the occu
pant of the front seat, who continued
to point out to me special features in
the surrounding landscape, despite her
We shortly began to descend the
hill, which process I foresaw would
permit my hostess ample opportunity
to lend her ever ready assistance from
the back seat, and I was quite right in
my surmises.
"it was, "Willard, what a loose rein
vou have! Can't vou realize that
they're likely to stumble at any mo
ment?" Or, "Willard, we're coming to
one of those dangerous 'thank-you-ma'ams;'
do be careful."
I sat by wondering at Mr. Grazier's !
unruffled composure under the contin
ual fire, but reflected that doubtless
he was used to it
Next we reached the crossroad, and
Mr. Grazier turned the horses t the
right, remarking: "Here we leave the
main road for & drive through the
"Oh, no, Willard, I'm sure you're
mistaken," his wife declared, "we
ought to keep to the main road for at
least a mile more. I remember perfect
ly just how every inch of the road
looked the last time I drove over it"
"My dear, I am absolutely sure that
this is the road," he replied, whipping
up the horses.
Mrs. Grazier leaned back In her seat
with an expression of intense resigna
tion depicted upon her face. "Very
well; take us anywhere you please,
provided that you get us home finally.
I shall not say another word; I have
offered all the advice that I Intend to
this afternoon."
I heard this statement with much
satisfaction, feeling that advice was
not, after all, the necessary accom
paniment of a thoroughly charming
country drive.
"This woody road Is lovely, at all
events, and so shady and cool," I put
In timidly.
"Yes, it is very pretty here," Mrs.
gregate for work or for amusement,
some are present who ever stand one
side, their mission being to advise, di
rect and criticise. They make them
selves generally useful by telling oth
ers what they ought to do and how to
do it
And as often as it is my misfortune
to run across them (and their name is
legion, I .regret to say) my painful
country drivo rises before me and I
murmur: "I know you well, my
friends; therefore I shun you, as I do
all of your kind, who, like you, are
rt-i'irbi r-din the haelr nest ."TtnuUn.
iwrtlH POLE.
Grazier assented; then she added:
perb English ivy was gracefully twin- j "Willard, I see a farmer coming and 1
want you juat to ask him II thla is the
right road."
"Hut 1 know it is the road."
"su' matter. I ahouUl think ynu
might ask him, if only to set my mind
at rest.
"I suppose it would rest it very much
If he said it was the wrong road."
"There, that's why you won't In
auire: you kiio he'll say it' the
wrong road."
Juat then the furmr. came alongside,
and Mr. Gra.ior, who was apparently
di-U riiiiiicd not to atop, audduiily drew
rein, uioro abruptly, I fancied, than
was h'tlly necessary, and my coinpan-
so that it might reach ln-r ears alone, 1 l,,n on the ba.'k aeat, after exclaiming:
"We're very proud of that ivy." Mr.
Grazier remarked, eyeing it with satis
faction, as the bays turned smoothly
out into the road.
"It is beautiful," I murmured, trans
ferring my attention to his wifii, who
was holding her brouth and firmly
grasping her aide of the wagon.
"Are you timid about driving?" I
asked, sympathetically.
"Oil, no," she returned, "only my
husband absolutely disregards every
augesliou of Uiine," ami aim sighed
. . ...... i ' I bni.l Inat.rlnif mv titin
- ...... '"Jf
llrppner, irregon.
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
A AiTuniiT
W Hill w w
Knifo or Operation
Treatment Absolutely Paialeu
cure: effected
From Thrco to Six Wccke
rl f
national BaaK oi flsppus..
k manor.
t tub r r ' "f
Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
M oa rairatte Tarn
DAILY (without Sunday) td.oo ptt year
DAILY (with Sunday) 8.o jwr year
The Weekly Inter Ocean l $1.00
rtn ykar ) V 1 -
is a. - I , .. - ,
fc.ll , M t4 i.
s.a i tn cvrnkQ, :
t: THlHrr0r?a1lAi:LICM0C0.;-
s- Im tfcMW li t N.vvxaCPf.
casivaaaiaa wasiTco.
r?!MI!l 1,1 i:i i.i i: !.i :t i I ! f!
Geologists Contend That the Garden of
Eden Was Located There.
In an interesting and highly instruc
tive article Edward S. Martin, In the
Ladies' Home Journal, reviews the
numerous theories advanced by sci
entists in the endeavor to solve the per
plexing problem as to the exact .locali
ty of the Garden of Eden. After sift
ing the theories the writer concludes
that the question is no nearer answered
than.it was two thousand years ago,
and that there are no present indica
tions that the matter will ever be defi
nitely settled by any man. To one of
the latest and most ingenious theories
Mr. Martin thus refers: The north pole
will seem at. first thought to the av
erage investigator the most unlikely
site on earth for paradise to have occu
pied. Nevertheless several sobe and
thoughtful books and pamphlets have
been written in support of the north
pole's pretensions. The north pole
nowadays is bitter cold, but it has not
always been so. Geologists tell-us that
the eurth was excessively hot when it
first began its course much too hot to
admit of the presence of any living;
creatures, except, perhaps, a salaman
der. As It grew cooler vegetation be
gan on it, and then it began to De
peopled, first with fishes, and then
with birds and beasts, finally with man.
The first spot on earth to get cool
enough to use was the north pole. In
the process of time it got too cold, but
there must have been a long period
when the north pole was the moat
comfortable pnrt of the world. During
. thia period, many eminent geologist
believe, there existed around the north
pole a continent now submerged, and
on that continent our progenitor
were comfortable In their first home.
It is known with entire certainty that
the iMilur region wusonce warm enough
for tropleul vegetation to grow there.
There wns light enough alao for such
vt'gi'tntioti nlitindunt light. Indeed, for
all uses, nnd plenty for primeval man.
(ienloy tells us that man might have
lived ut the north pole.
Oahrio-llonis Stue line
A. T4 l
mm mmi
M . A-.-.'aVl. P ep.
tsetse tU'fia alf al f.
tit 0eti la 1 koajra.
Sinalo Fnro S7 GO.
Round Trip 310.00
M-Wa4H TNR IMrt IXr.AI at IS laaa la aN
H srr !! !"- tn eaawsaa su ins
Mls A1 till. H.l W CLbatXT UT I al A I tab.
I ti aiTrn a j inrA!-'"!'1'
Tinia I nil lUbrinf
thin w ti.i r -f, fw,f
In hSsoi, i im ahotmis Wi.,kgU'al
The Weekly Inter Ocean
It fl .Mf M M1H SW ! . II
tg-T II l H in a II KHIIM sstha stM a Ma kMsa. IjCj
l muitaiaaf iuum,isnss.ssii II
XrimCAIlV If IS rMMIC.. - l Ha nasK IW a-H W kj
aM 4m9mt M all M.a ptMel I H aasai gia tawaa IHIi M Of
I Mk tsuvlli.
tiir rvr r r Httiro m tinnn tw t cfll'Wacial,
l .ti w .r i I lt tnr aiil',iv aso uia. ar r I Mi
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ran it i asimi . in.
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TllF. LwCAMHl:!. Inmi.AW. Co.
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while I eved the bays uneasily, "and
lan't Mr. Grazier nwil t dnvingr'
"He ought to Ibp." she resKinded. J
"for he liasdriveiiainre lie was a luiy."
I felt relieved, though atill puizled.
Hut you are a great horsewoman
yotiraelf, then," 1 rrrisl,il.
Mie alirugged Iter aiiouuiera. .oi
In the lat. I never touch the tcina
If I can help it," ahe concluded.
At thla point I iKTttiun ronvlnreil
that Mr. liratirr had very sharp ears,
for, aa I continued to regard her iita
llmilngly, he remarked, lightly: "Mrs.
liriirr drive from the back arat"
WllUnl. here comr una of thoae
dreadful c-Mirhea," hia liiulr la-gan
alui'nt Inline. liatdy. "lie sure that you
turn cuit more than you did the other
afternoon. I never saw a man taka
surd rioUv j
In a few mintilra one of the hrar
whikel hia Uil ovrr one of the reins
which a promptly freed by Mr. i.ra
tier; Ihia gave In letirr half a rhsnee j
v augge inai a uifiiwr rem wnum .
have prevented the eataatfiplia. '
"Solist n taa telling tnm the other
day. W lllar l," ah went on, "tln.1
alisnt sre rrts hi tail uver the
rein no nne know what ha may 1;
In fa--l. ha la jiat a llarly to run away
a a not" i
A little later WH rer)ie ,c thorei.f '
a lirautiful lake and I en-lalmed taltli
rapture over lUm flimtno ( Un ver
dant bills rtaing majeti atiy u(.n tli
Other aile,
"Ih4 I ln lre. an ,.. S,l.- I
Ixirat f'trih, but Mr iiraiir bad ao
yea fuf tit beatjtiea of the laulv a
Juol tlirn j
"Willard. what la Ida mailer with
the b re i.q tins a.e? lie l.e.k rry .
"lie a all rU'ht, tnv dear: only II, a '
l.llier Inm a little," and Mr. Gra-
gr stavel !. tl,p l.i'lilly user tl.a
cfTrii I i.0 arum! a bea I
i "U illar 'I. bnw run da thai, hn
f'im hi be I nr'.u. oi.lits."
1 aha ad-led. iaGlr. "y"l
' anl biia l ra aay and au,ab a
'That my blea. rt,ialf," hm an
s. r.d l.,tly. a Uft tba Uhe
''hi Us 11 e'"- '
lef b.il lurin mr aarent Mr Itr.
Ir Cse-l b-f attenlfta ; Ilia rl-W
l eeiti to me, S 'illard. that k'
b'XM if(,if nierwuiil I gl.l;
It is n'.ll i- b,t ll.st, I . -ire, ll.al
snake t,M ' I ao "
llil I Mr Ne laela-tavs," b.rbu
t. I r u w l
"Weil, th.f ai,l- a ffet!y !.
t,. hf at ,,l -k brt ll,f e.t t ft
$'a l.. s I.i !. eal.ll I f tba
a? U.t lU'r .i f k t I heir ear-
Al Ibe in f(n s .! rei 'Xt
a Ut-" mr b t n-n. I.
e..i,l i'U I. w . . ,e ft xrv
,. -, I -.,1 i i, B
N, t 't ( , Ibe
, aaf 'at j a lt i it. -." Mr lera-
IIw could you. Willard?" eagerly
addreaaed the farmer:
"la thla the road to I'ine Knoll?"
"To I'ine what?" he queattoned.
"I'ine Knoll, a hill with trees on It.
she explained.
"Wall, I ean't say," ha responded.
"I ain't much acquainted up thia way,
but I reckon you II Cud plnea all about
"Thank you," his Interlocutor aald
briefly, and we drove on.
".N..W, we muat atop and aak at the
nest farmhouse, Willard," my hoateaa
announced; "they certainly are ac
quainted with the neighborhood."
"Hut how absurd, when I know that
the Knoll la not half a mile from thla
very farmhouse."
"Ho yu Imagine, Willard, but I
think differently. Here eomes an
other man, and I am going to apeak to
Man numW two, however, did not
wait to be apoktn to, bat see oa ted ua
with a broad smile.
"Good day, Mr. Grasler, join' up to
the Knoll etfaln?"
Hiipemlllrm Connected with Such Game
lla No Pmindaltoa.
"The hUM-rtUion which eauaes peo
ple to regurd opals with awe aa the
cause of 111 luck and even death," said a
Jeweler, according to the Washington
I'lHit, the other day,' is due toa pec-u'.iar
ohM-rvittliiii made year ago. Opal
were considerably In use In Venice dur
ing the plague, and It was noticed there
In the hotpilula that before death the
atone would aomewhat brighten upon
the victim's linger. It never seemed to
, occur to the K-opIa mat the nineaa
emilj pnlii-e a glow of color. They
I took it for granted that the atone occa
sioned Ibe nines. A a matter of fact,
opula sre affected by heat, evi n by thai
id the hiind, and the fever, Wing at
Its height Just lxf're death, rauaed the
rotor to nh'.ne with unwonted clear
nesa. Till confirmed Ihe aiipcratition,
I and to this ilnv there are sane and able
IhkIioI people wlto believe that aehlp of
the stone In Ihe In tune ran rauae ralaml
i lie. I'rulm'.ly another reason for tba
distrust rscitel In oals I the fact that
I they rlmiifn and lo their color. That
Mr. tirailer nn.Mvl "la this the. " '"' " aoitn. aim p..rtmanr.
.....it vi.. i:...u. ln....l,..l the materUI and It raiMielty both
promptly. I l,""r,"' Pr,insT
"I rwbon ll'a about the only one."
he re)olneL grinning-. a If be found
the idea of a pmlbl aeootid road huge
ly amusiiiif.
I'ine Knoll proved to be a truly love
ly apot. but my memory of the way
thither and bei la eluuiled by my too
vivid reeollectbm of my bialsu' par
tlition In tba Biaoagamant of tba
If rred a br l-ttra Willard waa
renonded of the Sign whirb direrted u
ti "alh the borae" If we pas-e-l a
wsjT'.i.er In a narrow art of Ihe rd
be s a conjured not to tip a dwa tlx
aleepernoandment I (Hie bf ar qtikk-1
ened tbelr ('. It ta cruel to drive to,
fast, an t If tl.y slowed up bey were
neerhealed, tit bad. doubtla, to tie
in fi.tr feet
ll.e n.'-t trylrif time of all ait
',bly wban e luraed arwand In a
very I. noted on Ibe b p of I'ine
Knoll, but ap-a that I will Out an
larfe t ben we rarhe-l bnma I fett tired
an I ihUd, ll nigh aik, while
ny boat airbed deeply a aba
alihu-1. deetarmf that aha rvwildn t
Nu-lefsUad ashy drlvibjr falifuel
bef ao.
r.vea Mr Orai'.er. de.plu ad
aftantiae a.f. appeared "iti hst
weary, aa b pi,a. ' It a M'H drlvinaf
that t.rea ya. but drivinf fr-.ra Ibe
W aeaL Mr ri ."
a,n, e n,y vemni'f drive I baee tfte
i.U o.l f "t 5 enl e sih IHn
, l,-,i 'f. ',' ' (, ,nr til In Mr
( r I ss'ry lib. a - . ly i f
c.si a'-'- ' ' a' I bar ( , ! ti.eio r
, In lM. )rV(f baavsa b,ts
' a'ri'e 'T ekefever thay eMi-
what It baa. one of Hlil.h tend a to
tims- it dull and Ihe other chalky and
opu jiir. They bare teen known to be
ran fully rut and laid away, and tpn
i.h ding Hie px-r bad rrumllel lota
ilusl nil bin a few werka. A erif if
opal known u the bydrophane, fouol
In iiall iiantiti a lately In i idoraylis
bua Morob r fisi iiwcrf abMirptlon. In
II il-iial llr ,1 Is i f a lr'il.h, waiy
lint, but when wai.r I .In-pped upon
It the lint w alooty away, and
fr-'in In ii.g Iranslut.t It bHotsra
lr i,-.r lit I'n e".iire to the air
the water evapfatra In an hour, leav
ing' the atone a It before."
TiiR mayor f heala. Mo., I Wee hia
salary vJ lo Ibe ir Ibla year.
Tlta lale Henry f. lluUblna. Ibe well
known lawyer id li.tin. ha left a axe
than I i f -r pulxlo tharltira.
J.Mir-n In nni. of t'.ay cmnty. Mo.,
waswntto Jil l Oemlh t whip
ping I.i lie. and every day in bia
In. ar-. rli..n hi ife baa tirmgbt him
a lit ar'ii itmiirr
Ma W II lists I. II HI. of iValtyviila,
Ky , r ia h i la.m f"f fame 0'O tba
fa- 'a that b I forty five year dd sad
ev f Wore an irer-sl. a pa-f of avf
) or a t r f $ love.
Ma loa.atii Vi'aeitT la ma
nif n in l. r i.arli.. and anGrlnsT
liar p-l '., but ahe al'w 0t sfo
nt-.ii ti.e I.. mix 'of la a-lertie what
she is . f t !' t-r
aui ! I-sr, of N tlimjHlO,
' - . , ' f :",e ) of , I aefV-
Ir l.as U'.'j SH )"r as a Jui.ti.isi uf
lb ta II ihmtil'1 has "" a
t,rin''-JM"l tT- !' b'f "fi'ief
(4 lmiZ U f.nrr-1
t hTTTTV'V (,,T fi" HMti.v.rin
a ) e '
. it Vl