Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 03, 1896, Image 4

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    -Horses. on
While yon auep vonr subscription paid up yen
eankeep your brand in frof oharge.
AUyn. T. J.. Ions, Or. Horse 6(J on left
shoulder; cattl same on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and npper bit on the left; range, Mor
row count.
Baird, D, W. and son. Horses branded D B
on the left hip; os'tle the same on left flank,
crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Kange
in Morrow County.
nirDinlnmaw. A. G.. Ainine. Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shonlder. Range in Mor-
Tow oountr
bannistor, J. W Hnrilroan, Or. attle brand,
aut H nn left hiD and thich: split in etch ear.
Brenner. Peter, tjooSKhwry Oreeron Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. ( atUe same on
vitrht. RldA. I
Hrosman. Jerry. Lena, Or. Horoes branded 7
on right shonlder; cattle B on the left side.
I .oft r half omn nd riaht ear miner slope.
Barton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in
Rmwn J. C. HeDDTier. Or. Horses, oirole
n int in tar i,n left, hin: Rattle, same.
Bromr, w I Tn. Oreion. Horses W. bar
over it. on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. Q., Heppnor, Or.-Horsee, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
Borg.'p. O., Heppner, Or.-Horaes, P B on left
-1 1.1 tf1A a..manr. lfift hin.
Brownlee, W.J., Kojt.Or-Oattle JB connected
on loft side; crop on left ear and two split and
middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; itauge in Box valley.
?i..Dw,o.on Warner. Or. Horse brand
BdOon right stifle; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop andsplit in each ear. liange in
Cain E . (lileb.Or. Y I) on homes on left stifle
V with quarter circle over it, on ion anouicw
-KniHi- nnl on all horsea oyer 5 years. All
tt.. m... R Vlnam or Lena. Or. Horses
H 6 on' right shonlder; cattle same on right hip.
a . .nri nmnillk nonntm.
!.n mm nllnwT. Or Cattle crop out
- ""iT ' A M.Morhit wattle in forohad
rahlf circle 0 on left stitio. liange Mor-
ow and Umatilla oonnties.
Carl, T. H.. John Day, Or.-Douhle crow on
. C -..i .mullo fork and nndoi bit
lnriahtear. split' in left ear. liange in (Irajit
oniintv. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
I .v, M F.r markou ewes, crop on urn, ear
pnnched upper bit in right. Wethers, cron in
FSTnri nnder half orop in left ear. All rangs
lZLZi 1 1 .Lna Or.-Horses.flOon rightshonl
Aal- '. mm on right hip: ear mark s.jiiare
orop off left and split in rntht.
Currin. U. Y., Currinsville, Or,
leriaurm. ,,,.. Or.-aitle. C with
? " Zi"L. r.V. nn left Sio.
("oohran R E"Monnment, (irant Co, Or.
HoSe. blinded oirole with bar beneath, on left
ihonlder: oattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
"... "f'l"1!! n..ln,.i, Dr. Horses branded
O on right h p. flattie branded the same. Also
brand. CI on horses right thigh; cat,le same
brand on right shoulder, and out off end of
right ear. n.ii,,-... Or.-Cattln. It Don
right side, s'wai'low'-fork in eaoh ear; horses, It U
"Ely'nVo.'.. Douglas, Or.-Horsee hrandeii FLY
on left shoulder, oattle same on leftlup. hole
iDEmerVe(:.'H.,narlman, Or.-Horses branded
r'Zvlltf -it htai linn loft shoulder; caU
Mr ' .:..i.t l.ln. It urine in Morrow oonnty,
vVT. "Z 'r i. V lUnmier. Or.-Ca'tla, LK on
right hiPrhoe. with bar under on right
,hF?onc.. 8. P. Heppner, Or -Horses. V 'on
right shoa dert oattle, r on ngm. nip or p,
r'S ' r" l-i . ifhn. dr. Horaes branded
B. with . qnartir eirjle over it. on left stifle.
Range in morrow ana uuiuii."u.....
"llfJVo llwW. r.-l!stt!e. round-top
with qnarter "circle under It on the right hip,
winiM , mntt rmttt.illRonntns.
nance m uunuw
Hughes. Hamnel, Wagner. Or- (T F L
Con iiwUmi ion rmni "'"'" " "' v
on right hip and on iri sio, .w....
right ear and slit ill left. Range in I
di.trint. Morrow oonnty.
. r w r . - 1 1 . (1. If ..mam X f 1. -i
with hr above 1') on right ah'i'ildnr; nattHaama
.id.. Rang in Morrow and Umatill
ooun -.. n.. or. Cattle K Hon
.lht h'in: hors samon right shoulder. Range
u..h Mt. Hennner, Or. Horsee shalnd
i . k. i.ft K.iiililnr. Uanv. Morrow (lo,
Hunaaker, H A, Wagner. Or.-Horses. on left
thouldr:oettie.nn left hip.
iinn,nHr.n. J M Hard'nan, Or.-H irsea, H on
l.a. u .. u
Huatou. lather. Right Mile Or.-llor. IT on
the left shoulder an'i ntan rain.mv.uii. .
Ue same on left hip. Hang, in Mo-r-.w ei.ii.Hf
lUrrv. Hnm.n-r. Or tlorww hranlw1
it i ..- .. iati iiiinldir: ra'tle lira "lil .1
nul.l hin. aim. underlut in loft r. lUngo I
I....L,,. i4 M.. Heni.nr. Or -Hor, hor
.1,, J n Inft ahoiildw. Caitls. Ill sa'n
liange flhl Mil.
i v..ii. I..n. Or.-1lorw.nlrY..T
left .titlei'oattl. snineon right hip, under half
on.ntnr(-,.ndiilit n lert ear
Kwnr. Mik., Heppner. Or.-ir.raas
KNY on left hip calll im and crop oft left
or: nn lor ..n on Hi right
Kirk J T.. Mi.t.tir. Or. -II ?. an left
lhonldr; "ttl. Mon J-rt hin
K.i.ntM.'ld.vV. 'l.. M'. nt Vernon. Or.-I l,..n
etlloii right an t lft "i I .wallow fork in I. ft
r and nodnr iitoi. in right fr. Ilonmaswn
brand on le't .ho.ild"' lln-.g in i)m..t '.'v.
U.fln. Hiepnen. Or.-H L on Mt hip
on cattle, crop and ."lit ;n right "nr. I ..r
am brand on left shoulliw. Hang tJnmt
ilmnnllen. John W.. Or t
brand! h .If ..r.d. 1 1. I on . il
d.r. i'ihI... on lfi hi... It ur !!
'"l.Ther J W H '' Or - H i.. Ii'.o I I
I. 'ld '. ho-l' l'T: c.tlN . i n I
Iiii, i.iilovr r,ilii y. Hi' " '
m,tr l.rg. Hnn.ir. Or. - t! r ..ri-id.. I
A la' II coi H.nti.i'W "
,n '' i ell I".
flr M. . HiM't". Or. 'il. hra-U
elrrl. on right hipt I.o-m Mine u right .iiil.
ing In M r.iw "i'Hr.
M,r,..r. K.'ar, n.i.nr Or.-VtK M l
right hip; h..r M m Ufl ah. ml -l-f.
M.mran. H. N . ll-Pln-r. "r -ll m-w. VI )
oa lft .I.wl.li railla mt y Urt hip.
Mtrhell.Oer.l'. "r.-thtnm. II on Hhl
llioi eaitl. IT on right "id.
Nwl An lr Ion H -k H - llo"-. N .n.
ar.. nn Ufl ahiHililari aitl 'nrth
OII"r. I'wrr, U. .'. Or -f
h"h!u.rn. J. W . I...ig'a Or i h t-- O on l. 't
.In. . il,l; r"l """ r'hl liip.
W.i..lw.KiitM Mil.''. M .. I r
r rlwl ho-id '. . ii I n I 'to. t.
n.i. iyikf t ml'' " cpi". I. '
Ufi l.n. ll,-.... K t M i.
I'rk"f k IIvm. liar I an.O.-'l ' I
.f lHl l. ... . .
I'irw, I. Iin''a ''. 'I "-l
K il.Kfii'n"!'"'. I"" li
IMMfll'il illl lUaf Hrrf iHl't
r.ir, J. 'I , !'' '!' I"
mml ... Ufl .h'".! ea.it. aa m l.'t ..p
- hidr: mill, I 'I J '' I ' '
ft hip, uirper ,,, " ' '"' ''
IU.i. admw. Hrf-lnaa ". - l ..
r.. nH ,l.n..r.'l' m I-''
Kh llr.a . Il....f. ' tl h . I. I '
fa. lhrl,. .H.wl rai'l l "i ".-
m.M ..1 l.fl f '. I l-ll n'k H p I I
Hr.rr.rn ..l Ift-lig " ""
It .. al "i. O.-II...
(Han I.I IH flghl l, - .'
Vln-M "" M l. ri(l '' '
k.-iM H"" . '
Ik. f, H !.' OH. Ir ll'la .
Wi'k a"" mf U " ' M
a.. f.TW ! ri.M ' ' "
tmn-t M Ika.f." 1
Krw,l aMl Oillian. -m-K-M.
H. J. W . Il.viw. Or II K
um.a. t VtU O HHI hlH.
IMfmlgM W. t. Il-ii--. H-...l.
J M M Ufi r.ll. J a .-i l.fl kl.. l,,
I k. . . ...1-.I.U la
Mm..M,M. - It '. r
(ft kip, .I- "
Il-H-I. I..U. H -r.'il.
k.lhSna ..... Il II '
tfl IbalUi al.to II.. . .to.
a. I lia IU- m4 Mil.
m .b ! i .ali-. f'k tri ant
auMr II f . Itt - H-aav. m
Uh ...4. mm M urn l-fl l.
I..., g II lOTM. It. f
Ufi a a- ' -' Mi -"
t --- a T k.iaua.111. M ,M I ..M t
t.n m.'xi i ---.. .
II M I - ! M
lit M..teM.t u. I
t . i il t I - il H - a
pawZmt m ft' 14 "
Wren. A. A.. HeDDner. Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right bip.
Young. J. H.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses branoXf
TBontha right shon Id v
When vou are about to buy a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisement
and be led to think you can get the best made,
finest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to it that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have Rained a
reputation by honestand sq uare
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that ia noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and ia
Light Running
New Home
It haa Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle patented), no other ha:)
it ; New Stand ( patenlea), anvmK wm;ei iiiiikcu
on adjustable centers, thus reducing tnctioa to
the minimum.
Ocai!'ir. Mass. Boston, Mass. K TTkwk (KijCAna, N. I
" 1 JICAOO, H'lf HI. IA). ir. atw. .
Ij'aAltOlaliO, ( :al. ATLANTA, 04.
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
Heppner, Oregon.
O liuO
McNEILL, Receiver.
There is none in the world that
can equal in mechanical con
struction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or has as many
improvements as the
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
f (hew tA
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For (all details call on 0. B.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
k N.
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pobtlano. Oregon,
Send 5 Cts. for Sample Package
San Francisco Ofilce,
No. 220 Sutler Street.
QrjIOI TX1VX33 :
Stin Franolsoo
And til point in California, via the Mt. Hhast
rout or to
Southern Pacific Co.
rh great hiahwar through California to all
uint Kaat and South, (irand noanio Ronl
Of the Pacific txiaat. Pullman Hnffot
UlMDera. Seoond-claa Uleeper
Attached to eiDraas train, art ordina snDenoi
accomaodatinna tor noond-olaa Daasenfera.
For rat, ticket, aleepina car reservations
ate,, call npon or addresa
K, 1C0KH1.KK, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asat
Qen. F. r. Agt., Portland, uregon
CVPxnfj 5art. Lightest.
. : " fnA .Moat
Receiver. .ifiX Compact,
Th thumb U an nnfalllnf Inrln
of rhaiaciar. The Pquara 'I )p In.
dlratr in,ng alll. mi enrrn
ml nrn.nri., inwriv aiilrd Is thf
maiulaird 1 ror. ilia iluinibof thoM
f silvsiirrd lilis and busimai
alilllir. ItolQ or llirm I ! brl.ait
to th busy msn of woman; anu
lrnn, rent's Fsmllr Msnaxln cr.
n rrrlallr for (1Kb rrsli
hiii, I. volume or nrw uiaas. ron
ri iik d In a mall snare, n. i hat th
rrrord of lh win,!, norld's stork
for a month may lie frail In half aa
hour. 'Ih ( oniral 1 ) Iniliratrt
rrnnrmriii, culiun-, and a lot. ot
niu.ir. im trv, sntl Anion. A prrao
llh Una t.i of thumb will thipf.
lHik'l,l rnjor II,' lllrrary stlraritonl
of Ih lliorrat s Mavaaiu. 1 h At-
li.lir Till liuncalrs k at
hiauif and art, lil h lll (nd ran
il, ann In thr msi'mflrrnt .al-plct.
Most Modern and progressive
for catalogu or luformatlnu wrlls to
New Haven. Conn.
i urr or int a, M 1 n . iim n-a, rrtim-
ilii.nl fioin Ilia nfigmai panillng bt
lr l.l,:'i.p, lhAMl Cl.hfUtll4
V '"" flrf 1'aliiirra, ahlfh lll
I lvan lo rry nrwrilarr I
. .norrai'a Macarina fof l-tift. Th
n.i.4a m ii. v i,
.. l ai.na to mama m
p 1 mat av4 ' ''
m.ia t.a 11 (taUM aJ a la.
li.Ma t.a"i J Jf U- W1 s m
Il ..raw) ...
am H l IA at- Mil w Silt lal
il am imtt -. ' I "
aa. tam-oA -. I '
lja. a- .
Il t. fiamt
.4 - ' ' '
I .! km - aa-a m krfl . ' I U.
Mvt. f .1 .
aai a. I Ma !. I
Wvia.aav lk 11 . "
t a...w -( .
ta kaw - k.v -
Ua If ' r
. I
ri of In. aiiirfh viak 01 rta
f.jii.i; Mi th fririBciloa
larnol h itl.l nnt.hrd f.(4n th
or k'liil. IWaiilra this. n rlqulatl
ll of alrf-f olrtr ,lflnr I iB
li.ru in ram uitr of in H
fill, and llrf killr f SO t.rta
fiiwlr and ati.Mf liln.ltaird lhl
ma KituiH i. ia mint, a ran.
folio vf art ma of th kltkaH
rmlrf Th. I'hlloanl'klC 1 f t i lb
1 1, iimb ut Ih thiakar 4 lamia)
of Maa, ho Villi h "raolf ta.ar
eaird la Iboa 4rfrhtir4 aHmlkif
In llrnn't.al Maaain, la naif
. of .1. an.nro..a atairfmnls,
th t h r..ar th aaiir a.itaiw and
Iri nnr ftrld. rltniairllnf lrrj
(t. lan'V, nd fad of lh dat.
kiii-r. I imi.if a rwrfaH
I mill Va.'Sfln. si-l aa lH,a
f. !,. .1 Uimt vf lha Muih,
h. M la f saWfiimoa: H vul
..l a jilt. i4 ) will kv
a. irn waa'afnaa in oa. an.
U J, lu. i, a.. aaat. rbilb.
l fl Ifi btraal, naar 1 ma.
1 h .f a ant t fakk a aguiao. la
I if..' 'a-tiii-f! r H.4 naftftarla
am I .til 'f a l 4tic aaaiin am
aw off atilwfialft lrfa4 la II
r..'. lh f.iv,ii,in Tlr af
li.un.h. ahwh lB-.aai.at H aaaall
a.nx'h, rHiita4 ll, Ibna trail
I, , k b". aat.llHf la
' . r.at v m rf sr.-oaa h.wi4 suhaarlb at
f a ' ra if in at aasquM4 tib
, miJ f, a a..aa a rot ifaao
.. 1 ,1. 1 il-. 1 a. ..J it.M till kSl ba fmt
of a1 aowaf l' a.-a'af aa aaai
If you ua the tMalaai f Kl ' 0
Inrabaur Uraadfra. r '1 11 1.
Make money hll I iaMVtr?5v'f
other are wealing LZ ;--- t
llmebyoldpna-raa. r 1 " y - I
Catalog tella all aut I fa 9 i,,'"".!
It .nd5e.rr..--. every VI J J.'" ''""'? 1
.rl.rlr nrvdrd for tUtQA. tli"u a
buultry buaiuca. aa.
The4 ERIE"
aaaytA Tfa. mrrhanlrally th best
A'A'lU' al.el. I'irtllral modal.
jbavV I l ar Pci"C Coast
; JV V VAgeola. Hirvrl cat
ainii aitma uguc,mailrUlfec.(ivc
r.dldar-HoHoa lflfa tr oaT WATn.
riTALtTM A IHCOlATOt CO.,rrtalm.CaL
liaant H llM'aa, in H Main M , I.o Anuria.
Th DlTTera, for Example. May Uj Vera
le Tare la UUguI.
A story in one of the magazines
about a woman named Divyer, who
haunted genealogists and experts in
heraldry until she satisfied herself that
her family name was De Vere, and im
mediately adopted that patriotic patro
nymic, affords no end of amusement to
paragraphers as illustrating the height
of absurdity in the quest of ancestry,
says the Boston Transcript. But may
not the worthy Mrs. Divver have been
justified in her action? It is very prob
able that Diwer is a plebeian deform
ity of De Vere, which time, custom,
carelessness and indifference to de
scent brought about. Names suffer
just such mutilations and attrition in
the course of time, and are ground
down to an indistinct sound, losing
edge and accent in the process. We
once heard of a man who signed his
name Simmer without the slightest
suspicion that genealogy would have
justified him in writing it Seymour.
This very beautiful and euphonius
name is treated with barbarity by
many who bear it, who pronounce it
Seemore, utterly oblivious that it comes
from St. Maur, in which form it is now
written by the duke of Somerset, whose
heir is Lord Seymour. This family of
beymours, by writing the name in its
ancient and authentic form, and con
serving its concentration as Seymour
in one of their titles, undoubtedly are
moved by the purpose of letting the
world know how they would have it
pronounced. Tey are a very old
race, associated with St. Maur in Nor
mandy before the Conqueror invaded
England. They are as proud as the
proudest. When Sir Edward Seymour
joined William of Orange at Exeter,
the latter said: "I think, Sir Edward,
that you a"re of the family of the duke
of Somerset." "Pardon me, sir," said
the aristocrat of aristocrats, speaking
as the head of the elder branch, "the
duke of Somerset is of my family."
If a man or woman in America thinks
it worth the time and trouble to trace
descent in search of an ancestor it is
quite possible that he or she may make
a discovery gratifying to family pride.
Social lines have been milch more close
ly drawn in Great Britain in the last
two centuries than they were in the
times of the Plantagenets and the
Tudors. It was no uncommon thing
four hundred years ago for the sons of
nobles to go into trade in association
with, men who had made their way
from very humble beginnings. The
sons of country knights were often
glad to be taken into the counting
houses and households of the rich Lon
don merchants. Marriages often fol
lowed that united the tradesman's fam
ily with old, historic lines. Very kind
ly relations sprang up between the pal
aces and "the city," Even monarchs
did not disdain to mate with ladies of
no higher rank than simple gentry.
Edward IV. married Elizabeth Wood
ville, who, though the daughter of a
baron, was the widow of a simple
kniirht when the kinsr, who was always
taken by a pretty face, met her. The
mighty Queen Elizabeth had among her
near kinsfolk on her mother's side some
good-natured everyday country people
who bore the name of Brown, and who,
when she came to the throne, visited
London in the expectation of nepotism.
The great queen was more Tudor
than Brown by the way, Owen Tudor
I himself was but a plain Welsh knight
I ... n. n .1 . l,,.,l,n ,.,,....! r... n,l mi. a
sent her country relatives back with an
Intimation that court life was not their
sphere, and with no sinecure to console
them. Dr. Doran conjectured that the
slung phrase: "Astonishing the
Browns, long In vogue in Lng lurid
may have had its origin in thin Inci
dent. The Browns were types, for
there was many a pluin coun
try gentleman who might wfch genea
logical juatifleation "call the king
hi cousin.'' All this lias changed;
casta has hedged itself In within the
last, two centuries; classes do not min
gle so much as they did in tho time of
the Tudors, which is the Wat period for
Americans to study when in search of
ancestors. If a lady or gentleman with
a taste for ancestors wants to gratify
It, it is only an embittered enemy of
tho heraldry officii who will seek to
thwart tho endeavor.
b the remit of the naual treatment of blood
disorders, The system Is filled with Mercury and
Potash remedies more to b dreaded than tho
disease and In s short while is In a far worst
condition than before. The common result is
for which BSS. is the most reltsble cure. A few
bottles will afford relief where all else has failed.
I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial
Rheumatism, my anna and legs being swollen
to twice their natural size, causing the most
excruciating pains. I spent hundreds of dollors
without relief, but after taking a few bottles of
I improved rspidly and am
now a well mancomplete
ly cured. I can heartily
recommend it to any ono
suffering from this painful
disease. W. F. DALEY.
Brooklyn Elevated B.B.
Our Tret Hi on Blood and Skin Disease! mailed free to aay
onirt 3ru.irib w,,aiaaii,ua,
;A. P.T. L.
The American Protective Tariff League
11 a national organization advocating
Protection to American Labor and
Induttry" ti explained by its contttu
t on, at follows :
" Tk k e !' taagv aN k a ernurt
amtnra iaotat y a,ff ) aaaHa, ahtl aa
aet Manar men. aawMI m
afa ta ttMi f rf !,
There rvo pencil or pivte
rttofitt m connection With the 0'sni
ion and it ii luttained by memberships,
contribution and the distribution ol itl
llSST : Caad I JiW' ffa4.ag
Me"-. t ' CfTa-1 Cs'ff aaaan.
SffOXO: Wtwa 4e ar,wW.
! aaJI 90 kvg, W w aiiaaa.
tHlMOt W aai-k W-y SaswaiaaW
aa.aa.af ea aaaa i-a la" aei., caaa.
pays aa. a '- lana 60 e"V.
rouS TH : SWf ) 4 e4 faa
am- maff at as we e I an "
tHwlw Vaf Wk Ua Isaaatyy,
)S Waal ! VaV Va.
TfXFflltaf iktwSs eakf
I kiaaaaa l Saul ra .
Tkay IIImo. Ikl a.af M.lly k
Xai lay svawl M la) .
Tkaa . IS .4 eia
li y el
ff will, say fisi W
lii rM Cttl
IrlM Ta-la ffla, H tt 0 kk
I f . f y SM4.
firsts C"l U II ! M-fel.
If a a ay ataorti anaa aay
m mI a aw Mat aaaa anaaaa pwal laaig
aaa 1 at ifca a fsisswaw rnaia.
M a -taa. ai aaai aaa a aa aa
ka wa m4 Saa m M fcaaaa A
its the siMrtr, rauL mentions
aaSa aks-aaa a . , I " k k a k aT aVI al
a) am a'ia1 laiaka V l.wnat I kaas.
a-aM' I .- "satak,- -tl.i.
avl . a a. I ai m mm aarl tW
aaa aa a f a 1 1 ami 1 1 m
try a Wk al anaaailin aalswaaS
fatnaai ka aailiwaksai atui a. al s am a ki
t f .lVaa-al aawa. I lulaltainaa
a aw , of ,... .a. Wilm 1 a T t -
fORK Wllhuui PAY.
Tl rMlf 'f fll-v fH f I,
rWB -Wl'y II. f II t I.' ' S.. I III
rHtf !'! ! lh Wrli tf. .(,.
la ft VI 11. .a. s'lliil ,t f f..f t
lt-il an I 1 ay . 4 I t ta
lfr.. 1 aa g. I ' a II liatall.
ttk 1 Pr.g ,. t t I' Uy Allot I a
ilf t-aiii g H.aif tWI.lafiS !..
oao ft It Jta will las talillot .
Via aiaa alien .
aa. a li
a a-a (Mas ! ma ' . s 1 1
mi fii.a .4 1 M laial S ' 1 aa
aa- lav. aaA a -m N -J l-
aa . aaaa a la
WeU-Kaawa Aalhor Wks Itollaa ta A
pt Moovy for Tbalr Mark.
This la true of Count l.yof Mkol
aleIUh Tolatol. the famous Uuaalaa
autaor, wno, wuiie in the army aa a
member of the staff of Irirsr Onrta
ehakoff, was preacnt at the storrtilrur
of rWhastopol In IsSS, lainff tlvr
army, and alrrady a famoua poet and
l.oyeliat, he devutpd himself to liter
ature, aod a taunt a short tlma In the
inuat brilliant literary and aortal
circle of PL relrrahurr. Mlnoe bli
marriage be baa Uvrd more or lraa la
rvttrrmcnt. and duriiur the Ruaalao
famines of Isvl an J lvt null gVrat
rfTurt oa behalf of the peaaavnu on
an.l in the Tlrlulty of his late. In
the latter Tar CvUDt Tolatol rralirned
all aiiclal Un liti ami prlrllrjrrs of hi
rank, and be now lrtr ttut of tils
titaa so 4 nv""" wtrks, whll
lirinr aalwmrlr a aay f th pn
try. He Inal.t that the literal InWr
jTeUlii'n.'f the rvrmn in the Mount
la the only rule of ChrUttan life, and
be ha vsi.rraj.ly ileeline.1 to avail hint'
self f any copy ri hi la bl works or la
tranalstlons of them InUt other
latufuarfr. tr. John Charles. Kyle,
I'lali-ip of l.lrpl, baa written aUrvt
two bunilrej trsa-ta on rrtigknM sub
jeeta, many af whk-b have Veen trana
Iate4 an.l reprinted In Trench. (r
man, iKilch. I'ortuiraeaa.. Italian,
liilaaian. N.arvref Ian, Iwe4ijt. Iniah,
lhn.liatanl. an.l thliteae, end It tsaatj
.at he vaill take n.riblnr from the
tmldiabrr f.r tl.cia aoJ wiil make no
prvBt f rnn thrtn.
KiAUtaUlHe g-am areUe of em
nerve eomea tntn the great Hahara
l aasi 11. Ma. , t r.it4 iteen
. t . e a . .
si at r ran t-ft. n iut.w.ittej a rw
rart, ahowirtf ! In the wheat trade.
tutiih e.mjtwt,u..o ,f the Arfeotlne
I iii oiat t 11 a.., who lire nr
Vaoo I Mjr, Muav, w.wk. alae mule
the la at yar and ma.! m bales f etrv
t'-ti Afiet d,p.i;n' of h,a ctp al an
arif of Br rent a (-wn. and ry
Orlgln of Story Attrlbutd to Twentj
Handsome Women.
Lady Harriet D'Orsay was really, ac
cruing to Mr. baia, m his remims
sences published recently, the heroine
of a story which has been told in at
least twenty forms of twenty different
ladies of fashion. She was presiding
at a stall at a rente de charite, 01
bazaar, held in aid of the fund of somt
asylum or another, when there camt
up the duke of Orleans, son and heir oi
Kinfr Louis Philippe. The duke, aftei
some polite small talk, began to extol
the beauty of her hair, and, indeed,
her Henrietta Marie coiffure had nevei
looked glossier and softer than it did
this day.
"Oh!" said his royal highness, "if 1
could only possess one of those en'
chanting ringlets!"
"How much would monseigneur give
for one? asked Lady Harriet, gravely
'nve thousand francs?"
"Five thousand francs!" repeated the
duke; "a mere bagatelle."
Six thousand francs?
Anything so charming a lady chose
to ask."
"I will not be extortionate," pursued
Lady Harriet; "we will say five tho
And then she very composedly pro
duced a dainty little pair of scissors,
snipped off the adorable Henrietta
Maria ringlet, wrapped it in silver
paper and handed it with dignity to
the duke. His royal highness looked
very straight down his nose, and, re'
turning Lady Harriet's salute, stalked
somewhat gloomily away. But his
privy purse duly forwarded the money
next day. f hiladelphia Press.
They War Fat to American Travelers by
th Viceroy of China.
When Mr. Allen and Mr. Sachtleben
reached Tien Tsin, after their long bicy
cle ride from Constantinople across
Asia, they had a protracted Interview
with the viceroy Li Hung Chang the
man whom Gen. Grant included umong
the three greatest statesmen of hin day.
He asked the young American travelers
a multitude of questions about the
countries they had ridden through, and
at last came down to personalities. The
following were a few of his inquiries:
"About how much did the trip coat
"Do you expect to get back all or
more than you spent?"
"Will you write a book?"
"Did you find any gold or silver de
posits on your route?"
"IX. you like tho Chinese diet?"
"How much did one meal cost you?"
"How old Bre you?"
"Are you married?"
"Wlint is tho trade or profession of
your parents?"
"Do they own much land?"
"Are you democrats or republicans?"
"Will you run for any political office
in America?"
"Do you expect ever to get Into con
"Do you have to buy offices In Amer
The young men hesitated a little over
this lost question, and the viceroy was
good enough to say that they would be
come so well known as the result of
their long Journey that they might get
Into ofllce without paying for It. "Yon
are both young," he added, "and may
hope for anything.
That the
Is one of the very best wheels ever made is nn indisputable fact. It stands in the?
front rank with all high grade machines, und if you buy one you will make no mistake.
Ride a RAMBLER BICYfLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel beS
punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as It is equipped with the world j
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-platca stem rims.
Sold In all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at J100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, $160 each. ,
THE RAMBLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market, j
For style, finish and durability It is unsurpassed, as It is constructed on strict niccnan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
For men. women, hovs and irlrls. with 28. 26 and 24 inch wheels, at $05. (55, (45 respect
ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge!
clincher tires ana are tuny warranted,
Before you buy a bicycle, write for ctalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call j
on our numerous agents. Rammer Kusiiers naiueu in every town in uregon, iasmug
ton and Idaho.
Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main j
tore, 621 wasuiiigton ot., rortiana, nr.
OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power 'House.
King of Bicycles,
Vail It Hat.
The fair girl sat In her boudoir at her
ebony earretolre writing a letter. Me
showed every sign of suppreaaert emo
tion, ami her pen rajetl over the paper
a If Itwoul lwln by a down length.
hhe iituUerv'l to hi-raelf at timet as If
her anjer wt.. to much for eilrnre,
suit her fa.'? wa HuOieJ.a If she were
burning with fever. At laat the
letter wa CnUhi'd, and when she
had aeale.1 It she ..lapped It down on
the dealt wli'i audi f rc that the maif
nlileeut lu'-a.-.n.l of I.Mnte and silver
fell to the 11 -r with a rraah, shivered
Into a hundred fragments.
The k-U I's mother In the mom below
beard llienolae and ran frightened Into
th hall.
"Oh. Im v"." h ealled. In breath
lea earernea, "what was thsl?"
"Notninf. mamma," replied the flrU
foil.' to the d.xr.
"Hut I heard a terrlae crash," the
mother inflated. "Utdal you break
"Ye, mamma. It was only mr en
f afrii.rtii wli'i Mr. Itackenberry." and
the fair liu"w'te returned to her eer
toire and stuck a stamp oa Ike fatal
letter -Detroit t ree Pre.
Me "I yon think I look aa old ae
U.rtf aa I d..r lie-" If .m mean the
frnilrmen. aay y; but If ytm
aa old s tour I ly frtrtid aay. I aay
Bo. l.vui..;iy, iotn TrsaT'rH-
Mc n n.ot Taainia -"VhH
Ut tt .!.rtt1 father frae
fcita f-af rtillinsr dB Ih rharry Irr.
whsl laand.d It teavrbr Utile John
ale "Thai he had bailed the baUhV
Tne Tom a Msetarast (etemlvV
Voar.it thwa.an.did '? Ill fin ymj
OH dollar and That alpvit lrt
lrnf--"Yrme honne.hfSai.nl me If I
r.t r.t 'Trtlb- "Voi are 4as-
rl.S'd 4"hl.-s" Rvs
I'.sajra 0rrf-' br ye went
1 l( art I a'.. r yj,r a,e-Ma (Mra.
II m What ilrs 4S i ' of
a p an s i
aa.-ta aai mat --. -a tawa.e t SB) :
A aNaaaaaaaa ?;-4 a.t e" 1
wrnnrERt its A en..
jatlaaawe aal -' taat.
floe ahletne), D. C.
jy 0U wal aa0ai-
fff f .
ft Metanthaseetfrvt Saaovuted I ll.m llare., .!, ' I ..a'litt
M'istssa la year n4 frt pn-g.
ra In th llr 3iifi of h.r firm
Si Irt'ereat. Sm a,V r.. Srt wU
111 hrf r:1 ee a i j.S u. mU fc.f
frii lnf i.an ! , ), r a- n ,f
.J,t. .. rm I'r.. , n,..l I.. .,,4
in that ,". if; . fn,i an. Uff,
t'r t -rm ) a at, aal .tl tfV
r,keeen Vvi at. bt taa
Four Mode1s885 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sis., CHICAGO, ILL.
BfiANCrieSi-Naw York, 8aa Francisco, 5alt Uks City, Denver, HUvphli, Detroit, 7 roato.
WtBB bAHt & LOOK CO, Agtnl's,
A. H'. PATTERSON, A yrnt for Morrow County, Jlrjpnrr, Oregon
OF a a a
It to Advertisers at a great finpncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
Tun Patterson Puhlishing Co.
fiv". rVT7--Al T-
!? If tl e. tr Xt ae, I ,a t
I iriv i.n rey srtn s'l I He ti a I
rl Isl t .ier f ., f,:.- e
r if
tMsait a otma, ru!at
1.r.1ar frnrl tf th .V'.att'e ' t
io .'i.a. I iN b.
" f I tr an II t th was,
"fee areata ttavr tM rena
lea;y tr.ije4 -,'di Ike Vixt
eia,w ia iMf
PRBHTISS . -:- 1IIPIII : fffi
Youro nO'UND lo rj ko 9 Km.
Leaves No Conttipntiorv
M. a .U '! A llaa. aari ft.4.,i, ,fc 1 ,
r. at .sse ti i ih. ii. n..,M. ti4 H a-1 a..., " T